Jack : 01 - Summer Vacation: Before the mall (m/f)

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Jack : 01 - Summer Vacation: Before the mall (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jack's stories
01 - Summer Vacation: Before the mall
Story index at the bottom

By Jack

Unlike the other TUG stories, my childhood games aren’t much about me getting tied up, but rather my younger sister and best friend. My sister doesn’t mind me telling these stories, and she even helped me in recollecting some of the stuff we used to do when we were younger so I could write this. She even offered to write some of our other experiences from her perspective in the future if you enjoyed this one. With that said, here is one of the TUG stories of us as kids.

Growing up in the suburbs, my sister Ashley and I often found ourselves either outside shopping with our parents or at home bored depending on the day. My family was fairly normal, albeit my sister was hyperactive, meaning she often found it hard to sit still and constantly wandered, and my parents were always worried about her because of this. I’d like to think I knew Ashley better than my parents however. We grew up together, played together, and went to school together. In the end we were definitely the best of friends. She was incredibly intelligent too, smarter than me and often got better grades, but regardless of this my parents were very protective of her because of her hyperactivity.

I was a few months shy of turning 11 at the time of the story, and Ashley had just turned 8. It was early summer and we had just started our summer break from school, and as we did every year, we were preparing to head out on our yearly vacation to Virginia to spend time with distant relatives and to relax on the beach. We were at home at this time, our parents were planning to drive to the big mall downtown in the next hour and pick up some new beach equipment before the next day’s trip. My sister and I were in our room with best childhood friend, James, who had been dropped off at our house early that morning and was going to come along with us to the mall.

To describe the 3 of us, I was pretty normal in height for my age, skinny, and had short black hair. I was wearing just a white T-shirt and some jeans. Ashley was small for her age, and was sometimes mistaken (and annoyed) for being younger, and had light brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. She was wearing brown shorts and a red T-shirt. James was the oldest of us, but he and I were in the same grade at school. He was tall and skinny, and had messy black hair which he grew out a bit. He was wearing khaki pants and a sleeveless shirt; he was a sports guy and usually shot for that kind of look. We were all ready to go, but we still had to wait for our Dad to get home from work and we decided to play a TUG to pass the time.

The game we were playing was a variant of the “good guy, bad guy, person in distress” scenario. We played scenario TUG games like this throughout our childhood and had started playing them since I was 7. Our parents didn’t mind our games, as they were usually inspired from some part of a TV show or movie scene we had recently watched or were into at the time, and we always loved to act out our according roles, We try to make it look like the same scenario we had just watched on TV, but with a few of our own twists added into them, among which always included having at least one person tied up. I was playing the bad guy this time around, Ashley wanted to be the person in distress, and James was playing the good guy. We usually switched roles around every other game, but Ashley was usually the person in distress because she wanted to be. There were other times when we played our games and included more friends, as we often had sleepovers at our house, but those stories are for another time.

We had just finished watching an animated version of Rapunzel on TV, a story where a woman is held captive atop a tower and needs to be rescued. We decided to mimic Rapunzel by having Ashley sit on the top bunk of our bunk bed, like the tower, while I was at the base of the bed preventing James from climbing up to rescue her. As the person in distress always was in our games, we needed the captive person to be tied up in some way like any captor treats their guest (maybe not in Rapunzel but in other stories!). In this case, we actually decided to use a combination of some rope that our parents allow us to use in addition to a bed restraint our parents got that Ashley uses when she goes to sleep at night because they were worried about her psychological tendencies and wanted her to be safe.

To describe the bed restraint, it was a webbing of connected straps that wrapped around the bed twice in different places, and lay out as a harness on top in the middle of the upper strap that wrapped around. It is meant to keep its occupant in the middle of the bed, and although they can turn onto their side, they can’t away from the center. We got it two years earlier, when we first got our bunk bed. Ashley said she really wanted the top bunk, and I pretty much refused to sleep on the top anyway because I was extremely nervous about heights. So my parents agreed, but got her a safety harness for the bed so that she didn’t wander or fall out during bed time. It came from some medical company, and looking back I sometimes found it to be overkill for hyperactivity if the entire harness was used. But, we had received it for free from my father’s workplace however (he worked at a hospital), and wearing it was more or less a compromise Ashley made with my parent. More often than not my parents just used the straps on the harness that wrapped around her waist and buckle in the center of the stomach, but it had additional straps that made it kind of similar to a car seat.

It also had wrists restraints that were attached to the strap that wrapped around at the waist level along with the harness, and ankle restraints on the lower strap that wrapped around. These came as part of the harness and could not be removed because it was all interconnected. Our parents never used these extra restraints, but ever since this latest game, we sometimes decided to utilize them for some of our future games with our parents’ permission.

We were all very competitive in any game that we played, so in order to determine who ‘won’ our games, we made some general rules for these types of games. For most of our scenario TUGs, the bad guy wins if he manages to get the good guy backed up into a ‘prison’, either the same one the captive person is in or a designated separate one. In this case, the bottom bunk bed was the prison. If the good guy reaches the captive person, then the good guy wins, but if the captive person gets free on their own, then that person wins. It’s because of these rules that we decided to use rope instead of the wrist restraints so Ashley had a fair chance at winning the game. The wrist restraints would have made it extremely difficult for her to escape, not to mention would have pinned her down to the bed, making it impossible for her to sit up far enough to watch the fight.

So after spending a few minutes laying out the ground rules for our game, we started getting ourselves situated for the game. James was making himself a cape out of a blanket, I was searching for some suitable ‘weapons’ to use in our upcoming battle, and Ashley was pulling out some rope from our dresser. When she found enough rope, she handed it to me and walked over to the base of the ‘ladder’ of the bunk bed and climbed into her bed. I had just found some plastic weapons me and James could use when Ashley popped her head over the edge of the bed, holding up a bunch of straps from the harness “I think I need help Jack, I don’t know how to do this” she explained. It occurred to me then that even though she has used the harness for two years, Ashley didn’t know how to work it. Our parents were almost always the ones to buckle her in at night, and I was the only other person who’s done it, but that was only on a few rare occasions. I shrugged, climbed up into her bed, and crawled next to her.

Ashley was lying on her back atop of the unbuckled harness as she normally does every night before bed. I looked over her, trying to remember what my parents did when they showed me how to work the entire thing a while back. She shrugged at me and held up 2 straps that she was holding, one of which had a buckle on it, “This is what Mom uses at night” she said. I tried starting by pulling the two straps around her waist and buckled them in the center of her stomach with success. I noticed that the center buckle had 3 additional slots on it, and remembered that it was almost exactly like a car seat. I reached behind her back and found the 2 shoulder straps she was lying on, and then pulled them down over her chest in a V shape and plugged them into the top slots. I then found the last strap, lying to the side of her legs, and pulled this strap up between her legs and plugged it into the bottom slot of the buckle.

The harness was pretty snug on her to begin with, no doubt because the last time it was used was for safety purposes. I left the waist and crotch straps as they were, but I adjusted the shoulder straps so they didn’t pull her to the bed, and she could sit up and watch our ‘battle’ over the safety railing of the top bunk. “Comfy?” I sarcastically asked while I piled up some pillows behind her. “It’s a little too tight” she shrugged, adjusting her clothing so they didn’t get wrinkled. “Can you change them a little?” she asked “Well I don’t want to mess with any of the settings Mom and Dad put them at” I argued. She let out of an annoyed huff, but when I grabbed the coils of rope at the edge of the bed, she gleefully put the problem aside and stuck her hands out. I wrapped the rope around her wrists using an overhand knot I learned in the scouts with lashings in the center that’s simple, but effective. After tying it off and receiving Ashley’s approval, I crawled down to her legs and moved her ankles into the ankle cuffs, then fastened them together using velcro.

I climbed down the bed, where James tossed me a plastic sword. We moved ourselves to the side of the bed so Ashley could see us, and checked to make sure if she was ready. After a minute of battling with the harness to get herself in a good position, she gave us a double thumbs up from her bound hands, and our ‘fight’ began. The fight pretty much consisted of me trying get James backed up into the ‘prison’, all the while preventing him from climbing up and reaching Ashley. Since we were always role-playing we were shouting various old English phrases that we heard on television to each other, while Ashley was following suite by saying things like “Save me brave knight!” even though she had to free herself without help to win.

Several minutes later, our ‘fight’ began to reach its peak, with our battle moving closer to the bunk bed ‘prison’. I looked up to see Ashley struggling to lean over the rail guard of the bunk bed to get a better view, her attention clearly on the climax of the fight and not on freeing herself from her bonds, but the shoulder straps of the harness were holding her in. Frustrated by this, I watched her shift her attention back to the ropes that had bound her hands, which I had noticed were close to being unraveled when she leaned over. My own attention quickly shifted to James, whom I had cornered at the edge of the prison. I was about to ram him into it when he narrowly dodged me, making me run into the bed and giving him enough time to run to the bunk bed ladder and start climbing. Before he had a chance to claim victory however, our mother popped into the room and told us that our father just pulled up into the driveway and that we should be ready to leave in a minute. A conjoined sigh came from the 3 of us as our game abruptly ended.

James hopped down and we started putting the stuff we used for the game away. A few moments later I wondered why Ashley didn’t come down yet, and climbed back up to see her that her hands were untied, but she was fumbling with the harness buckle, clearly frustrated with it. I climbed in and released her ankles, but I was having difficulty unbuckling the harness. It was clearly designed to be childproof and I couldn’t quite remember what my parents showed me to do. Fortunately, our Dad came into our room a second later, “You kids dressed and ready to go? Remember, we’re going out to dinner too!” he reminded us, noticing my worn, sweaty shirt. I nodded but beckoned him over, and he climbed the side of the bunk bed.

He demonstrated to me that you had to push two sides of the central buckle in and then pull it apart. Ashley was pulling the crotch strap off her and pushing the shoulder straps away when my Dad interrupted. “Sit tight for a second Ashley, I’d like your brother to try it out on his own” he asked, then plugged the shoulder straps back down into buckle on the waist strap, which hadn’t been undone yet, then pulled the crotch strap back up between her legs and fastened it. Ashley, clearly annoyed because she was stuck there while our Dad was teaching me, crossed her arms and her legs and waited. After a few minutes I managed to unbuckle the harness on my own. “Good job, come downstairs when you’re all set and ready” my Dad said, then headed back downstairs.

I climbed down the bed and replaced my white T-shirt with a nice black one, but kept my jeans. Ashley climbed down and searched her dresser for something. She pulled out a pair of handcuffs she had gotten for Christmas earlier in the year, some rope, and a handkerchief, and handed them to me. “Can you put these in your pockets please? I’m going to change into something nice” she explained, pointing out her shirt and shorts, which got really wrinkled from the harness. I didn’t know what she was up to regarding the stuff, but I agreed and stuck them in my pants pockets, then headed downstairs with James. We were soon followed by Ashley, who changed her outfit entirely with a long sleeve shirt and skirt. We pleasantly surprised our mother with our slightly more formal attire and went outside and waited at the door with our Dad.

That wraps up the TUG we played before the trip to the mall. The rest of the TUGs revolving around that year’s vacation could be told in a few more parts, so if people are interested I’d be willing to share it. It feels nice to share one of my childhood tales after reading about so many very similar experiences of others. I was always so surprised after reading the stories on the site to see that my family wasn’t so weird after all, and subsequently never mentioned my own experiences. Let me know what you think of this one when you get a chance, especially the perspective, seeing as how I wasn’t the tied up one in this story. Its 99% accurate regardless thanks to my sister, who remembered that year’s vacation trip very well (compared to me, whom can have a horrible memory). Thanks for reading!


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