infmed88 : 15 - Teen Time Out (FF/M)

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infmed88 : 15 - Teen Time Out (FF/M)

Post by Soraka »

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16 - Teen Time Out
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By infmed88

Mary took a step down from the stair master machine and wiped the sweat from her brow, standing in the mirror with a sense of accomplishment as she admired her figure in the black yoga pants and grey sports bra she wore. The brunette beauty stood at 5’5 and had slimmed herself down to 130 pounds. As she admired the result of months of hard work, Mary heard her two teenagers fighting in the other room. Sure that her seventeen year old son was instigating another argument, she stole one last glance at her pleasingly curvy figure before turning for the door.

“You two better sort it out before I-,” before the miffed mother could make it out of the home gym, her phone began trumpeting her ringtone from the weight bench in the corner.

Rolling her dark blue eyes in annoyance, Mary strode quickly to the singing iPhone and answered it on her way across the house, “Hey Kelly…yeah, come on over. I just have to break up another fight and I’ll be ready for our run.”

Mary put her mission on pause for a few minutes while she chatted with her friend, growing suspicious when she noticed the house had grown uncommonly quiet. Knowing the fighting had been coming from this room, she continued speaking with her friend until she finally figured out what had been going on. On the carpeted floor behind the large half circle couch lay her son Danny, his arms tied to his sides with jump rope while his sister Mellissa sat on his legs and bound his ankles together.

“Kelly, I have to go. I’ll see you when you get here.”


“What the hell are you two doing?!”

“He stole the remote from me again! I was in the middle of watching TV!”


“Mellissa, you have practice in twenty minutes! You shouldn’t be watching TV in the first place, now go get dressed for practice before we’re late. And what did you put in his mouth!?”

“It’s just a sock, and fine, but he started it!”

The fuming sixteen year old stormed off to her room, leaving the roped and gagged boy squirming on the floor in her wake. Mary let out an exasperated sigh and looked down at her silent son, one hand on her hip with the other aiming her phone at him, “Okay, I’m still mad at you two, but this is actually kind of funny.”


Dan rolled onto his stomach and groaned in disbelief, his quickly reddening face inches from the neon yellow sneakers of Mary, “Oh don’t give me that, you’ve been antagonizing your sister for years. It’s a wonder you haven’t wound up like this before.”

“LLMMMM MMMMMM GGMMMM,” the dominated boy fought the jump ropes knotted tightly around his writhing form. Hardly audible groans emanating from the purple knee high sock packed into his mouth.

Mary shifted her hips and snapped another picture, “Hmmm, I don’t think so. Consider this your new version of ‘time out’. Maybe by the time I get back from taking your sister to practice you’ll have learned your lesson about starting fights.”


Tossing her phone onto the couch, the amused mother of two dropped to her knees and sifted through the mess her daughter had left piled on the floor. Picking up a leather belt, she rolled Danny onto his back and secured it just above his knees. Keeping the blue jean clad boy from kicking his legs free of the rope around his ankles, “Oh stop squirming. You seriously can’t see why this is just a little funny?”

“MMMMPHH GRMMM. PPhuu! She put a sweaty sock into my mouth, it isn’t funnmmphhh!”

Shaking her head in disapproval, Mary firmly placed her hand over his mouth, “Sshhh. No more talking for you. For once you’re going to stay quiet and actually listen to what I have to say!”


“Mellissa hurry up! We need to leave right now! And Danny, you better not spit your next gag out. It's there for a reason.”

“I’m ready, I’ll be in the car!” Mel’s voice echoed from the far end of the hallway.

Keeping a hand firmly over his mouth, Mary pulled her squirming son up from the floor and led him into towards the dining table at the back of the room. Pushing him down into a chair, she hurriedly tied the soggy sock around his head as a cleave gag, “Now sit here and thank about what I’ve said. I’ll leave a note in case Kelly gets here first. Remember this the next time you feel like acting out again.

“Mophhh! Rrrphhh you kppphing eeeee!?”

Giving him a light pat on his cheek, Mary bent over the table and scribbled out a note before tucking it securely into one of the many ropes wrapped around his chest. She stole one last look over her shoulder before leaving the bound and gagged boy to his thoughts, still able to hear the squeaking of his chair and the loud grunts before shutting the front door behind her.

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Post by Soraka »

Here's the other half of the story I managed to throw together. For anyone who would rather not rely on imagination, here's roughly how I imagined Kelly for anyone who's curious: ... 5830_S.jpg

Kelly opened the door to her friend’s home and looked around curiously, noting the absence of her car in the driveway. Gently shutting it behind her, the blonde thirty year old ran her hands against the butt of her pink form fitting yoga pants to smooth out the nonexistent wrinkles, “Anyone home!?”

“Uuhhh, I could use a little help in here!”

A familiar family friend, Kelly recognized the voice of Mary’s son and began following it until she reached the spacious living room in the center of the house. Her hand shot to her mouth in shock when she rounded the corner and found the boy tightly trussed to a chair. His hands helplessly waived at his sides as he fruitlessly picked at the knots, his strong broad shoulders see-sawing up and down while his chair wobbled and squeaked from the effort.

“Danny? What happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, can you just untie me?”

Pretending not to notice his eyes fixated on her chest squeezed into a grey and pink sports bra, Kelly halted her reach for the first knot when the note with Mary’s handwriting caught her hazel eyes. Temporarily tuning out his pleas for help as they slowly turned into demands, she held the paper up and took her time reading through it.

“Look, whatever she wrote down is a lie. Hurry up and untie me before my mom gets back!”

The look of confusion on her face soon gave way to a smug grin as she nonchalantly tossed to note onto the table and propped her hands up onto her canted hips, reciting, “If Danny spits out his gag at any point, please put it back in place, he’s in a time out and shouldn’t be speaking.”

“Oh come on! No, no, nnmmmphhh mmmmmmm!”

With a hand firmly clamped over his mouth for the third time today, Dan angrily shook his head in defiance, Kelly’s hand remaining in place while her free hand grabbed ahold of his light brown hair and pulled. His eyes staring up past her breasts and into her own, she teasingly forced his head to nod and shake as she pleased, “Sounds like you really need an attitude adjustment according to your mom.”

His head humiliatingly forced into an agreeing nod, Dan strained his upper body against the ropes, causing sharp creaking noises to reverberate throughout the room, “MMMMMMM! MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM!”

“Look Danny, when you’re constantly surrounded by women the way you are, you’ve gotta learn that sometimes it’s best to just admit you’re wrong and accept that you’re not as badass as you think you are.”


“See, I’m guessing this is why you’re supposed to be gagged. You don’t listen.”


“And staring at my chest isn’t winning you any favors either you know.”

Kelly continued to tease the boy with her firm grip of his head, nodding and shaking it around as his face burned a new shade of red. Determined not to allow the problem child a word edgewise, she lowered her athletic figure towards the floor and pinched the remaining purple sock that still lay strewn on the floor, holding the sweat soaked garment between her thumb and pointer finger.


“Boy you talk too much, just sit still and learn from this.”

Straightening her curvy body back out, Kelly donned a look of feigned sorrow as she dangled the sock over his face, “Sorry hun, but the note says to keep you gagged, and it looks like you’ll just keep spitting the other one out.”


“Open wiiiiiide!”

“Don’t! No! You freaking bimmmmphhhh!” Dan let out a disgusted groan and thrashed in his bondage, his thighs rubbing against one another as he fought the leather belt keeping them strapped together.

“Excuse me? Well now you’re definitely gonna stay gagged. What do you have to say about that?”


With the TV on but muted, the sound of Dan’s garbled speech and the squeaking of the wooden chair he was permanently affixed to was all that could be heard over the faint humming of the AC unit kicking in, “HHHHHHNNNNNG! GMMMMPHH MMMM MMMM!”

Though she smiled ear to ear, the look in her eyes made it clear the roped and silenced boy had made a massive mistake in his choice of final words as his insulted captor packed the sock further into his mouth with the prodding of a single finger. His gagged words grew fainter with every push until he could no longer be heard over the central air cooling the house. Squatting down so that her head hovered over his left shoulder, Kelly covered Dan’s packed mouth with her soft hand and pinned his head to the back of his chair.

“I bet that sock tastes so nasty. I’d let you spit it out, but, you know, I’m such a bitch. That’s what you were trying to say when I gagged you wasn’t it?”


“Don’t worry, I’ll tell your mom all about it when she gets back. Seeing as how you won’t be doing much talking for the foreseeable future.”

Circling out in front of him, Kelly removed her hand and hopped up onto the table, her legs dangling over the edge. Her shoulders gently twisted back and forth as the boy glared hatefully upwards at her, only able to work the sock a quarter of the way out of his mouth before a sneakered foot gently pressed against and held it in. No matter which direction he shook his head, Kelly’s foot remained directly over his gag, keeping the foul tasting fabric trapped in his mouth and against his tongue.


“Hold that thought, I think your mom’s calling me.”

Adjusting the arm band that held her phone, the beautiful blonde watched the tied up teen squirm at her feet while she inserted a pair of earbuds to block out his constant grunting, “Hey Mary! Soooo I found your note…yeah, he’s all gagged up. He’s really got a mouth on him today, no wonder you’re keeping him like this.”


“Really? That’s okay, I don’t mind moving our workout into here. It’s so humid out I’m sweating just from the drive up here.”


“So how much longer do you think you’ll be? Wow, that bad huh?”


“No problem, he won’t be giving me any problems. Will you Danny?”


“Hahaha! No, he isn’t even close.”


“Oh she did it!? Oh my god, that’s so hilarious! Danny, you didn’t tell me you let your sister tie you up!”


“Oh right, you can’t tell me anything can you?”


“Oh he tried, but when I didn’t he called me a bitch…I know right!? But now he isn’t saying anything anymore.”

Kelly twirled a stray strand of hair around her finger, the tip of her sneaker still pressing against the sweat drenched sock preventing Dan from speaking a single understandable word. Having witnessed more than her fair share of sibling bickering over the years, she made no effort in hiding how much she enjoyed lording the boy’s humiliating situation over him. With Mary’s car stuck on the side of the road thanks to a flat tire, she took her time in teasing the frustrated football player. Tilting her head to the side, she occasionally removed her foot from his face and gleefully watched as he worked his jaw around the filthy gag, only to press the sock back into his mouth when he made any progress in spitting it out.


“Hang on a sec Mary. Help? Help with what? You need to use complete sentences Danny.”


“Anyways, where were we…”
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Finished with her phone and still another thirty minutes to kill until Mary’s car would be road worthy again, Kelly pressed a foot over Dan’s chest and pushed the boy backwards to the floor, “Come on Danny get up! You can do it!”


“No? Did you sister tie you up too tight when she kicked your ass?”


Leaving her table top perch, the offended woman sunk to her knees and peered down at her captive’s twisting body over the seat of his chair. Her smile told of unpleasant times to come, as did her fingers working to undo his shoelaces. Even with Dan’s feet frantically wiggling in the ropes she had little difficulty in removing the shoes covering them.

“I remember you used to be so ticklish.”

Dan’s jaw fervently worked up and down as he jammed his tongue against his gag, the taste of his sister’s sweat serving as a disgusting reminder of how thoroughly he’d been owned. Fed up with his refusal to follow directions, Kelly tossed aside his second shoe and maneuvered her slender body around the chair, sinking back to her knees and taking a seat over the boy’s face. She gently tickled the soles of his socked feet, feeling his head twitching under her.

“I guess since I’m a bitch, I don’t have to worry about treating you nicely, do I?”

Kelly’s painted blue nails dug harder into Dan’s hyper ticklish feet, his nose flaring as he laughed into her cheeks. The delighted dame looked over her shoulder and laughed at the sight of his eyes wide with laughter, his nose a hair length from being trapped beneath her ass as his mouth was.


Dan flexed every muscle in his body out of reflex, unable to hold back the fit of laughter despite his head humiliatingly shoved into the sweaty fabric of Kelly’s yoga pants. The blonde allowed her full weight to rest over his face, keeping his head pinned near perfectly still as he bucked his hips and shimmied his shoulders in hysteric laughter.

“I’ll tell you what Danny, if you can suck every last drop of sweat from your gag before your mom gets home, I’ll put in a good word and say you did a lot of learning while she was gone.”


“I don’t know why you’re laughing, I’m being serious. Start sucking now and you might just get yourself out of this mess.”

Kelly felt her trapped charge move his jaw and wiggle his head in desperation, his breathing becoming more labored with every passing minute of the relentless tickle torture, “Now repeat after me, ‘I won’t call women bitches just because I’m upset’.”


“Good boy! Now say, ‘I’ve been gagged for a reason and won’t try to spit it out anymore.’”


“I don’t know, it doesn’t sound like you’re taking this very seriously. Try not to laugh when you’re repeating me. Now say, ‘I’ll be a good boy and treat women with respect from now on.’”

Taking another look over her shoulder, Kelly wiggled her hips and forced Dan to nod his head, “Sorry about the sweaty pants, it’s like, ninety percent humidity out today. Plus I’m not even sure if I washed these pants since last week.”

The tied and tickled boy was able to let out a brief groan of disgust before bursting into another round of laughter, Kelly’s fingers darting with lightning speed over his socked soles. His surprisingly powerful body was able to ever so slightly lift her off the ground, resulting in her perfectly curved bottom blocking his nose when he did.


“How much sweat’s left in that sock by the way? You better have it all sucked out, unless you want me to keep this up until you wet yourself.”


“How embarrassing would that be you think? I’ve always been a little annoyed at how you don’t seem to take girls seriously. Think you’ll take them seriously from now on?”


“The big strong boy, all tied up by a girl and sucking on a sock. I really hope you’re learning a lesson from all of this. And you still haven’t told me what it tastes like you know.”

Kelly could tell from the look in his eyes that Dan hadn’t yet come to terms with his humiliating defeat at the hands of the opposite sex, and gave another teasing round of hip gyrations to both literally and metaphorically rub it in his face. With tears of laughter running down his face, the gorgeous girl halted her tickle torture and stood up for a better view. With her hands on her hips, Kelly kicked off her shoes with ease and planted a foot over the boy’s stuffed mouth, her black ankle socks adding a second unholy smell of sweat to the foul taste of his gag.

“Do I have your full attention?”

Ignoring his exhausted protests, the blonde loomed over him and forced his head into another nodding gesture as he begrudgingly took in the odor, “Good. Now chew.”

Kelly fought to maintain the stern facial expression she wore as she looked into Dan’s angry brown eyes, his jaw slowly beginning to work around the gag as instructed. His face was covered in sweat of his own as he chewed and sucked on the sock crammed into his mouth, continuing to shout defiant curses into the foot over his face. She wiggled her toes and shoved them almost entirely inside his nostrils, committing the sounds he made to memory as his body contorted itself into ever position this bondage would allow. Surprised at how much fun she was having, Kelly held her victory pose over the boy for another fifteen minutes as she watched him chew on his gag while writhing in angry humiliation at her feet.

“Give me all the dirty looks you want. It’s not going to change the fact that you got owned by a girl. Oh shut up for a second, I think I heard a car door…”


Kelly’s stern expression melted away into a smug grin as she watched his eyes run up her legs and towards her face before darting to the other side of the room. When the door slammed shut Dan burst into a renewed round of squirming and thrashing, his head trapped beneath the foot victoriously planted atop his bright red face.

“Well it looks like you two have been having fun!”

Dan’s eyes shot to the side while Kelly’s remained fixed downwards at the writhing teenager. After walking over to her friend’s side, Mary mirrored her stance and placed her hands victoriously on her canted hips, joining the blonde in smiling down at her son before teasing, “So... what’re we gonna do with you?”
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Post by Soraka »

The spacious home gym was filled with the sound of Kelly’s feet impacting against the treadmill, her labored voice mixing with that of Mary’s who had seated herself on a neighboring weight bench while working out her legs on the attached machine. Both women frequently looking down at the fidgeting boy pinned to the long wooden bench placed directly within their view. Layer upon layer of duct tape had been wound over his packed mouth and around the fashionable furniture, keeping his head pinned still as his eyes stared upwards at the ceiling fan overhead.

“So Mary,” Kelly panted as she watched the masculine figure twist and writhe, “how long until the girls finish with their practice?”


“Danny! I know I taught you that’s it’s rude to interrupt. Now just lay there and be quiet, because no son of mine is going to go around calling women bitches without being punished.”


“Anyways, it’s usually two hours long. But since it’s a Friday the girls might end up going out afterwards. Mel’s going to call me when she’s done. Until then…”

Both women turned their gaze again to the jerking hips and flapping hands of Danny and laughed, their teasing remarks never failing to elicit and gagged response from the immobilized teen. As their workout dragged on, Marry and Kelly would spend their short rest periods seated atop his thighs and chest, the sweat from their skin tight yoga pants bleeding into his own clothes.


Taking a gulp of water from her bottle, Marry turned to her side and looked down at her son’s face from her position on top of his muscular chest. With a shake of her head, Marry placed a hand over Dan’s gagged mouth and rolled her eyes before turning back to Kelly, who felt no guilt in digging her fingers into the ticklish boy’s belly. The muffled and angry laughter coupled with his helpless squirming kept the women happily smiling as they discussed their next workout session along with any other topic that pleased them.

“I really like what you’ve done with this bench Mary, it’s so much more comfortable like this.”


Marry shook her hips and pressed her hand more firmly against Dan’s packed and taped mouth, “Thank you! It’s a little noisy though don’t you think?”


“True, maybe we just need to use different socks?”

The two lifelong friends giggled and glanced down at their feet before smiling over at the trussed teen, his eyes conveying what his mouth couldn’t,


The high pitched girly giggles from the two grown women were nails on a chalk board to the prideful problem child, Dan’s shoulders working up and down as his back struggled and failed to buck the women off of his rigid body. His feet, still stripped down to socks, uselessly wiggled in the jump ropes that had been retightened by the women after he had been forced to hop across the house. Seeing his mother grinning down at him and watching his vain attempts at gaining freedom was a new kind of embarrassment he had never expected to endure, and hearing his two captors parody his gagged protests with moans of their own sent him into another fit of angry twisting and jerking.

“So Danny, do you want to suck on my sock or your mom’s sock next?”


Standing up from their newly cushioned bench, the women stood at the head of their silenced student and each raised a foot up before pressing it down over his face. They each took their time in undoing the laces, watching as the boy’s body strained and stretched in frustrated domination, unable to loosen a single knot that kept him immobilized at their mercy, or lack thereof.

“Son, the next time you think to yourself, ‘I think I’ll boss my sister around, since I’m a guy and clearly superior to her,’ just remember this moment. Us women can be dangerous if you push us enough, so learn your lesson now instead of having to learn it the hard way when you piss off your girlfriend a year down the road.”


“Now…I know you’re growing into a man. But I’m still your mother, and it’s important that you realize your place in this house.”

Dan groaned and averted his gaze around the room, finding that his only views were an up close view of a pair of sneakers or the smug smiles of the women who knew as well as he that they were the ones in charge. His hips shifted and his back arched just a hair upwards, the various jump ropes and belts forcing him into undesired obedience as the uncomfortable pressure of a full bladder began eating away at his remaining sanity.

“I’ve never seen you go full bitch mode on your kids before Mary, I’m willing to change my stance on babysitting if you let me run the house like this.”


The women burst into another fit of laughter as the traded feet, removing their loosened shoes before propping their remaining laced shoes over the gagged guy’s face. Despite his obvious contempt for both the women and the way they were treating him, his eyes were still noticeably drawn to
Kelly’s exposed belly and toned lower body, momentarily darting to her chest glistening in sweat before moving back to her legs and finally to the sneakers pressing against his cheeks.

“So Kelly,” Marry started, removing her second show and dropping it the floor in sync with her friend, “your sock or mine?”

“Why not both?”

The women giggled as they lowered their feet back to the ground and removed their socks, bending forward so that their sweaty upper bodies occupied his entire field of view, with Kelly offering a generous view down her soaking wet top. After freeing his head from the duct tape keeping it pinned against the bench, Mary followed Kelly’s lead and wadded up her wet sock into a ball.


Cupping a hand to her ear, the thirty five year old mother more closely resembled her eighteen year old self as she teased, “Huh? What was that? You think my sock is going to taste better than Aunt Kelly’s?”


Mary pulled the sock out of Dan’s mouth, keeping her hand next to her ear and continuing to feign confusion, her best friend replacing the gag with a firm grip of her hand. For a few brief moments, the room was silent save for the whirring of the ceiling fan and the sound of the boy’s squirming, his body never spending more than a few seconds motionless before resuming its twisting gyrations.

“I still can’t understand you honey, maybe try apologizing to Kelly for what you said earlier?”


Both of the women dangled one of their sweat soaked socks over the boy’s face, delighting in his vigorous writhing and determined grunts of protest as Kelly jokingly forced his head into nodding along with his mother’s teasing jests, “You’re gonna be more careful around girls after today, aren’t you sweetie?”

Without hesitation, Kelly removed her hand and watched as Mary crammed her light blue ankle sock into Dan’s mouth, both of the devious divas reveling in the displeased grunts that resulted. As soon as Mary’s sock was stuffed into her son’s mouth, Kelly followed suit and began packing her own black ankle sock between his lips. Before long, the bound and gagged boy was sucking on two freshly wetted socks pressing against his overloaded tongue, two hands pressing aggressively down on his mouth as the room erupted in girly giggling.

“So what’s the verdict Danny? I bet my sock tastes way better than your mom’s!”

“No way! Tell how much you like the taste of my sock!”


With both women keeping a hand pressed tightly over his busy jaw, it was only a matter of minutes before Kelly’s hand resumed its merciless digging into the sensitive stomach of Dan. Mary let out an elated squeal of laughter her son had never heard before as she joined in on the tickle torture, taking a great amount of pleasure in watching her eldest child learn a severely needed lesson in humility.
“Come on tough guy! Just admit that you like how my dirty socks taste, I’m sure your mom will get over it eventually” Kelly teased, wiggling her fingers stacked on top of Mary’s.
“No way! You can tell how excited he was when I stuffed my sock in there. Tell her Daniel!”

Between the raucous laughter and defiant gagged curses, a vibrating could be heard. As soon as the women heard it, they noticed Dan’s hips frantically shifting back and forth. Along with the vibrating, music accompanied with violent squirming filled the room, nearly matching the volume of high pitched laughter.

“Danny! Did you use my credit card to buy more ringtones!?

“Uh oh! Looks like you really need to keep a better eye on your boy here Mary!”


“Oh both of you shut up. Kelly, can you grab his phone?”

“I’m not reaching down there! You do it!”

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Post by Soraka »

An hour had passed, and Dan’s disciplinarians had ceased their workout. Both women, covered from head to toe in sweat, sat at the table directly opposite from the TV on the other side of the room and had gone from sipping on water to sipping on wine. With their legs crossed at the thighs, and their sneakers carelessly tossed on the floor, their bare feet rubbed up against the face of the now hogtied boy squirming beneath the table. The displeased groans of the trussed teen could no longer be heard over the unnecessarily loud television and the music that continued to frequently blare from the pocket of his jeans.

The bound boy’s jaw strained to accommodate the two socks jammed between his teeth, too tired to continue his vain efforts to spit the salty gag out. His chest, still covered in rope, rose up and down while he noisily caught his breath, a task made all the more unpleasant with four foul smelling feet constantly rubbing against his face, “HHMMMPHH MMMMMMMMM!”

Dan groaned and strained on the floor as he fruitlessly reached for the phone in his pocket, unable to resist the urge to moan in disgust even knowing it only added to his embarrassment. Every labored breathe he drew in flooded his nostrils with the overpowering stench of sweat and defeat, twenty wiggling toes massaging his face while the women controlling them continued to ignore him. With his sister’s knee high sock tightly secured over his mouth, the taste of sweat from the women’s own ankle socks was equally powerful as the smell of their feet, and served as a constant reminder of how thoroughly his sister had owned him.

Every few minutes he was able to steal a glance past Kelly’s toes covering his eyes and up at the yoga pants clad legs daintily crossed above him, briefly meeting his giddy mother’s gaze as she peeked under the table before turning her attention back towards her friend,


“Do you hear that Mary?”

“Hear what? All I hear is the TV.”


“Never mind. Hey, I’m gonna jump in your shower real quick and change into something that isn’t drenched in sweat.”


“Sure, take your time.”

The beautiful blonde pressed her toes against Dan’s flaring nostrils one last time before standing from the table and taking her gym bag into the bathroom on the other side of the house. When Mary was left alone with her squirming son, she dragged him out from under the table and moved him directly in front of her.

“Now I get my new footrest allll to myself. So Danny, how was your day?”


Mary smiled and leaned forward, her elbows planted on her knees as the palms of her hands balanced her head. She could still see a burning anger in his eyes, and slowly ground her feet over his face, taking great pleasure in humiliating the defiance out of him, “Oh? And how long did it take your sister to do that to you? I mean, you’re so much bigger and stronger than she is. You didn’t let her outsmart you, did you?”


“Ah, I see. And how does being picked on feel? Think maybe you should apologize?”


“Especially when your little friends come over, you boys have a real bullying problem, you know that right?”


“And you definitely know better than to use my credit card!”


“So if this is what it takes to get through to you, then so be it.”


“Any luck squirming out of those knots? I’m surprised, you’re always acting like such a tough guy. You’re not even gonna stop me from just rubbing my feet all over your face?”

The tied teen shook his head to no avail, his nose wedged in the space next to her big toe as her free foot covered his eyes. Deciding to let her words sink in, Mary leaned back in the chair and began flipped open the laptop resting on the table. Muting the TV, the empowered woman decided to listen to the struggles of her stubborn son as she began bragging to her coworkers over Facebook. The distinct sound of new messages rang out constantly as she went over the details of her children’s spat, the noise going off as consistently as the phone in Dan’s pocket.

On her third glass of wine, Mary gave in to the encouragement of the women she worked with to provide evidence, and promptly set the computer in her lap before aiming the attached webcam at her feet. With her son still unable to see past the foot covering his eyes, his body continued to twist and writhe helplessly beneath her, his nose trapped between her wiggling toes. With her friends joining in her triumphant banter at the sight of the bound and gagged teen, they turned her attention to videos and pictures of Dan’s friend Jacob.

“Oh look Danny! Well, I guess you really can’t. But looks like your friend is getting his own lesson today too. You should be glad your sister didn’t dress him up in a volleyball uniform and take you to practice tonight like his did,” Marry covered her hand with her mouth and laughed to her son.


“Don’t believe me? I’m willing to bet that’s why your phone’s been going off all evening. It’s all over Facebook!”

Dan’s body violently tugged and wiggled at the ropes keeping him helplessly hogtied, his masculinity insulted more than ever at the thought that another of his gender was being humiliated just as he was. The image of his defiance against the forced “time out” brought a wave of congratulations from her coworkers, happy to see she had found a way to effectively punish her unruly son.


“Oh don’t worry, I won’t post anything to Facebook like the girls did, although.”

Mary removed her feet from the boy’s eyes and let it rest over his nose, ensuring his every breath was a humiliatingly foul smelling one. She wiggled her fingers in a playful wave when his gaze ran up her legs and widened at the webcam pointing towards him. The mirthful mom finding his reaction as predictable as it was amusing, adding her own jokes to the chat boxes already flooded with them. The women watched as Dan shot out his hips and helplessly wiggled his hands and feet in the ropes. With his mother's feet pressed firmly over his nose and mouth, the dominated boy angrily worked his jaw up at the camera and cursed at his mother; who had spun the screen around to show him not only the group of women laughing at his defeat, but also a video of his friend completely feminized, hogtied, and stuffed into a gym bag surrounded by the girl's volleyball team.


“That’s right hun, this wasn’t just a fluke. You and friend are both learning that you can’t keep treating women like this. Now say hi to my work friends!”


Dan watched with horror as his friend angrily squirmed on camera, stuffed not only into a gym bag filled with filthy clothes, but also into a pair of spandex shorts and jersey top far too small for him. When the smug mother of two turned the screen back towards her, his gaze immediately shifted focus to Kelly, now standing over him freshly showered wearing black thigh high shorts and a clean matching sports bra.

“What did I miss?”
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

Fuck this is such a good story

Post by Eaglescout01 »

Love this story, f/m are my favorites. My favorite fantasies involve being dominated, bound and gagged by attractive women. Especially if they are in sports bras or bikinis.
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Post by Bondagelover93 »

I love this story. 😍 Will there be a next chapter or is this the end?
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Post by Noname6789 »

One of my favorite stories on the site. Is infmed around under a different name?
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Post by G9Drox »

Noname6789 wrote: 1 year ago One of my favorite stories on the site. Is infmed around under a different name?
No idea, but if you want a story that is in the same vein as his stories, check out SchooledBoys' Babysitter to Baby story.
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Centennial Club
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Post by charliesmith »

There are some good stories out here in the archives
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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