Tom Ford : 12 - The Counterattack (m+/mmm)

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Tom Ford : 12 - The Counterattack (m+/mmm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Tom Ford's stories
12 - The Counterattack
Story index at the bottom

By Tom Ford

Monday, June 10th 2002 - 12:26:56 AM

Spring - 1966
The Counterattack

Last time, I planned an elaborate operation designed to capture my brother Andrew, and his friends David, Chester and Jay. It nearly worked, but backfired when Andrew apparently saw through our plan and turned the tables on us.

There was no tie-up games during the rest of the weekend. There were no games during Sunday because Dad took us to the park on Sunday after church and to visit various historic places in our town.

Then the week came. Hours and hours of grueling schoolwork kept me busy during the week. I was so busy I completely forgot about our games. It only came to my mind during the last hour of school of Friday. Andrew, David, Chester, Jay, Frank, Donald and I usually leave school at the same time. That Friday afternoon, however, I had to attend a meeting so I was not able to go home with them.

I went home about five thirty in the afternoon. Mom and Dad are attending a meeting, so we had the house all to ourselves at least until eight. I was greeted by Barney when I arrived.

"Where's Andrew?" I asked.

"He's upstairs." Barney replied. "Could you help me with my homework?" We usually do our homework Friday night.

"Sure. Just let me go to my room and change." I said. A huge smile appeared on Barney's lips, he then darted to his room to get his books, paper and pencil.

I went to my room. As soon as I entered, I was grabbed by four boys. Now, I was too tired to make much of a struggle, pretty soon, they had me laid on the floor on my stomach. The surprise was complete.

The boys, of course, were my brother Andrew, and our friends David, Chester and Jay. They pulled my arms behind my back and David duct taped it. Chester duct taped my ankles, and also duct taped my knees. They then stood me up.

"What's going on?" I demanded, once I was on my feet.

"Little brother, you know what's going on. Just a little revenge." Andrew replied.

I looked around and I saw beside my bed Frank tied to the pole in my room. Donald is tied to a chair. Both were gagged with duct tape. Meanwhile, Jay took a rope and tied it around my waist and then to my wrists, further restricting any movement.

"Look guys, I've mmmpppphhhh!" I was cut off as Andrew shoved a sock in my mouth. David then sealed it with duct tape.

"Now be good", Andrew said. He then led me to my bed and laid me there on my stomach. He took off my socks and shoes, took a rope, and tied one end of it to my wrists and the other end to my ankles, hog-tying me.

They stepped back to admire their work. Then, without warning, they began their tickle torture. They tickled my feet, stomach, sides, ribs and armpits. I absolutely went crazy. I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and shouted and shouted and shouted and shouted and screamed and screamed and screamed. It came out as mmmppphhhhhhhss through the gag. I rolled, struggled, but it absolutely did no good. I just hoped it would quickly be over. Thank God for those 2-3 minute breaks!

They left us after 30 minutes of intense tickling. As soon as they left, I began to struggle and find ways to escape. Yet it did me no good. The restraints held. I then tried to feel for the knot that held me in hog-tie. Yet I could not feet the knot. As usual, my brother did his tying job with extreme competence. I tried feel for the edge of the duct tape. But all I could feel is miles and miles of the smooth surface of duct tape, but no edges. So I basically was going nowhere. Frank and Donald apparently reached the same conclusion as I did and just lay there quietly.

Time passed. Ten minutes. Fifteen. Twenty. Twenty two. Then suddenly, the door opened, and a figure came in the room. It was John. He came over to me.

"Hey, Tom, I heard that you would help Barney with his homework. I have a homework too. Could you also help me?" He asked.

I just mmmmppphhhhsss.

"Oh! Let me help you with that!" John said. With that, he ripped the duct tape off in a second. It came off, and when it did, my mouth ached. I shouted, fortunately, the sock in my mouth drowned whatever sound or noise I made so nothing reached Andrew's ear. I then spat out the sock.

"Next time, do it more carefully!" I said.

"Hey, I'm the one doing you the favor!" John said.

"Okay! Okay! Now untie me, and I'll help you." I asked.

"Wait a minute. If you want to be untied, then you have to do my homework for a week." John responded.

"No way! Why should I do your crummy schoolwork for a week! One night is none thing, but a whole week is totally different!" I replied.

"Because you are the one in trouble now. I could always ask Andy to help me." With that, John turned around and started toward the door.

"John wait! Alright, I'll do your stupid homework for a week! Just get me out of here!" I responded.


"I promise."

With that, John untied me from my hog-tie. He then began peeling off the duct tape on my wrists. After peeling of my wrists, John left.

"I'll wait for you in my room. Remember, you'll do my homework." With that, he left.

I then proceeded to untie my ankles and knees. I was a little slow in removing all those tape, but finally I made it. I then went to untie my companions.

Well, I was too slow in removing all those tape, for before I could untie a single knot on Donald or Frank, the door opened. At the door, staring at me in disbelief is Andrew, David, Chester and Jay. The thirty minutes has just ended too soon. They just stood there watching me, too stupefied to act. They finally snapped out of it and all four pounced on me with the ferocity of a tiger. Of course, it isn't a fair fight, and in a matter of seconds, I was on my stomach with my hands behind me.

"Looks like we have a Houdini here!" Chester remarked.

"Let's see if you can escape this time Houdini!" Andrew said.

"This time will tie you so tight you won't be able to move." David added.

"Ha! You'll never win again against us. You'll not win this time, nor will you ever win!" Jay boasted.

Andrew then tied my crossed wrists behind me with rope. He carefully wrapped it around my wrists, vertically, horizontally, making sure its tight but not painful. He then knotted it using a constrictor knot, then secured it using a double square knot. David meanwhile shove my own sock on my mouth, while Chester duct taped my mouth. They then carried me back to the bed, tied my ankles and my knees, and hog-tied me. He then leashed my ankles to the headboard of my bed.

"Get out of that!" Andrew challenged, then all four laughed at our predicament. Then they descended on me and tickled me for five minutes with breaks. Frank and Donald just watched, resigned to another defeat.

They then left us again for another thirty minutes, my hopes all but crushed.

Well I just lay down the bed, waiting for the half hour to end. Well twenty five minutes into the half hour, somebody went in the room and approached me. It was my little sister Betty.

Betty is eight years old, has blond hair, blue eyes. Her height is the same as mine, and she is dressed in jeans and a stripped shirt. She also has long hair.

"Tom, I just heard that you'll do the homework of Barney and John. Why don't you do the same for me?" She asked.

I just mmmmppphhhh.

"Well, let's remove that thing so I can understand you better." With that, she carefully removed the duct tape in my mouth. I then spit out the sock.

"I'll do your homework. Just untie me!"

"Wait a minute! I heard that you'll be doing John's homework for a week. I want you to do mine until school's out (meaning the summer vacation)."

"What?! Heck no! Let some other fool do your homework for you. As for me, I'm not one of those fools." I responded.

"Well, you could then remained all tied up then." Betty said. She then turned around and walked towards the door. I began to be desperate.

"Hey Betty, wait. Okay, I'll do you stupid homework until summer. Just untie me."

"Just promise me!"

"I promise!"

"You promise that if I untie your hands now, that whatever happens after I untied you will not change your promise, even if you lose this game?"

What can I do? "I promise"

"Great!" With that, she released me from my hog-tie and untied my wrists. She then help me untie my ankles.

"So that's how you're able to escape! Pretty clever." A voice said as I took off the last ropes from my body. I dreaded that voice. It was Andrew, with David, Chester, and Jay standing at the door. "We were going to untie you all, but since, she took it upon herself to untie on of you, I guess you'll be in the ropes for another half-hour." Andrew continued.

Well, I guess that the negotiations between Betty and I went a little too long.

"Grab her!" Andrew commanded. With that, David and Jay grabbed Betty. "Hey, let me mmmppphhhh", as Jay clamped his hand over her mouth. She soon was held by those two. Chester and Andrew then pounced on me. I in turn, gave them no fight, as I knew from the moment I heard Andrew's voice I was defeated. I was soon flipped over so I lay on my stomach, and Chester pulled my arms behind my back. Andrew then tied my wrists the same way he tied it earlier. He then wound a roped around my waists and tied it too the wrists. He then took a rope and tied my ankles. He finished by shoving to my mouth a handkerchief and sealing it with duct tape.

He then took his attention to Betty.

"So you're the one who's been interfering with our game." He said. "We'll just have to put a stop to that."

Andrew was by this time ticked off by the fact that the game was disrupted twice. He too wanted to end the game as this stage, but he also wanted a clear-cut victory.

"Hold her boys!" Andrew said. With that, he removed my sister's shoes and socks and began tickling her feet. Betty is as ticklish as the rest of us, and she soon began to laugh, and scream. Jay's hand gag stifled any sounds, which came out as mmmpppphhhhssssss. She began to struggle, tried to avoid being tickled, but the other three held her. She laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed. Too bad that I wasn't able to see what's happening. The backs of David and Chester blocked my view. But I heard her cute mmmppphhhhsss. After five minutes, they stopped and released her. She was gasping for her breathe, and trying to recover from all that tickle torture. She was not tied up, however. She was not yet nine, and nobody of us want to get into trouble with my Dad.

"Okay, okay! I'll promise whatever you want me to promise to. Just no more tickling!" Betty said.

"Just promise not to interfere with our game." A stern faced Andrew told her.

"Sure. But could I watch your game?"

"Well, just don't free anybody until I say so." Andrew responded.

"Okay!" Betty said.

Andrew then turned his attention to Donald, Frank and me.

"Well, untie them from where they are. Just leave their wrists, upper body tied up, and leave them gagged." Andrew then commanded to his other companions. They then complied.

Andrew, David, Chester and Jay marched Frank, Donald and I towards Andrew's room with Betty following us. They then tied Frank to the pole in Andrew's room, Donald was hog-tied and leashed to the bed, and I was tied to the chair. They then tickled us for twenty minutes, giving us the usual 2-3 minute breaks, Betty given permission by my brother to tickle us, as long as she gave us breaks. I think enjoyed tickling me, his older brother, as well as Donald and Frank.

Then they left us for the usual half hour. Andrew locked his room to ensure that no one would come in and free us. This time nobody did. As for Donald and Frank, they just lay or stood still where they were, waiting for the game to end.

Well, at the end of thirty minutes, they returned. Not only Andrew, David, Chester and Jay but also Betty, Barney and John. Also with them is my youngest brother Lawrence.

"Well, we better untie you. You'll need all you time doing all those homework!" David said.

"I can't believe you made that deal, Tom! You'd be better off if I untied you then and not do any homework than if they untied you for such promises only to be tied up again." Andrew added.

"Well, enjoy doing all the homework!" Chester said.

"Yea. Enjoy doing all our homework!" Betty added.

They then untied us. I soon became the laughing stock of the gang for the useless deals I made. Guess I was stupid making those deals. Not only have I got to do Barney's homework for the night, I got to do John's for the week, and Betty's until vacation. What a stupid deal! For what? So they can untie me only to be tied up again. Boy, did I feel stupid that time.

As for Donald and Frank, they also laughed at me. They were sore at me. For I later learned that they had been tied up for a total of three hours, and I, as a result of my dealings, unwittingly extended it by one and a half hours. Guess they were relieved to be untied.

Mom and Dad returned soon after that. I spent the rest of the night doing homework for Barney and John. David, Frank, Donald, Chester and Jay spent the night at our house.

Well, that's the last of my tie-up adventures that weekend. There was no more tie-up games that weekend. The next tie-up game occurred the following Tuesday afternoon. It was a game in which for the first time, I was tied up by a girl my age. Yes, she is nine years old. Who is she? And what happened next? Read the next part and find out!

Tom Ford

Tom Ford's stories
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