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Cacofonix : 10 - Found bound and gagged (self/m, m/m, F/m)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:41 pm
by Canuck100
Cacofonix's stories
10 - Found bound and gagged
Story index at the bottom

By Cacofonix

Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:21 am

Found bound and gagged

Hi. My name is Robert. I am from London. This happened when I was 10 or 11.

In my first tie up games I used to tie myself up alone in my bedroom using ties, scarfs, belts and socks. It was quite good, but I had to use a slip knot on my wrists. One time my mum caught me at it. When I got the gag out of my mouth I told her it was only a game and I could get free easily. She just rolled her eyes.

I wanted to be bound and gagged properly, but I was too embarrassed to ask my friends. There was this kid who lived near me though. I didn’t like him much. He was bigger than most of us and a bit of a bully. But he liked to tie people up. He tried to tie me up a couple of times but I did a runner. I didn’t fancy being left tied to a tree in the woods which was the sort of thing he did. I thought if I could make friends with him perhaps I could get him to tie me up but not leave me like that.

I asked him over on a Saturday morning. It started well but of course when he went home he left me lying on my bed, hogtied, bound and gagged all alone. I sort of knew he’d do that but when I saw all the rope he’d brought and the handkerchiefs and the roll of duct tape I didn’t care. I really wanted to be bound and gagged.

He tied me up really tight with lots of rope. My wrists and ankles were tied together behind my back in a hogtie with my wrists crossed over and my ankles side by side. He tied my legs above and below my knees. He tied my thighs together too. He tied my elbows close and tied my arms down to my body at shoulders chest and waist. He made sure he used all the rope he brought.

It was a really good gag too. He stuffed a big white handkerchief in my mouth and fed it into my cheeks. To keep it in place he wound duct tape over my mouth and behind my head round and round from just under my nose to just under my chin about 6 or 7 times very tight.

To be honest I had almost hoped he would leave me tied up. I was sort of excited by the idea of being found like that by my mum or my sisters. But when he actually did go off and leave me and I knew I was going to be found bound and gagged I didn’t like the idea so much. I struggled and struggled to get loose but there was no way. I didn’t try shouting for help until I had given up struggling. It didn’t do any good. The gag stopped anyone hearing me. I was completely stuck.

That was how my mum found me about an hour later. It was very embarrassing. It was a relief that I was going to be untied but disappointing that it was over. Except Mum didn’t untie me. She thought I was just playing my “silly game” again and that I could get free by myself. I was too tightly gagged to tell her I was really tied up. I tried but she couldn’t understand a word. She thought I was just pretending. So she went off and left me to it.

The duct tape gag was very tight and very sticky. I couldn’t loosen it at all. It stopped me spitting the hanky out of my mouth. I couldn’t rip the tape off with my hands of course because my arms were tightly tied behind my back. I couldn’t wriggle free of the wrist ropes. They were much too tight and I couldn’t reach the knots. I couldn’t have got loose even if my arms hadn’t been roped down to my body and my elbows tied. I was not going to run away with my legs tied together and the hogtie stopped me from rolling off the bed and hopping for help.

I had no choice but to stay like that until someone realised I needed rescuing. I had plenty of time to enjoy the feel of the tight ropes binding me from head to foot, the taste of the damp hanky stuffing my mouth and the coconutty smell and sticky feel of the duct tape tightly wrapped under my nose and under my chin. It was great. Just what I had wanted. I struggled as hard as I could but I couldn't get loose. I shouted for help as loud as I could but I was gagged and nobody could hear me. I wasn't worried because I knew I would be "rescued" eventually.

Mum was quite cross to find me still bound and gagged two hours later.

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