Jennifer : 17 - The Next Chapter (self/f, f/f)

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Jennifer : 17 - The Next Chapter (self/f, f/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jennifer's stories
17 - The Next Chapter
Story index at the bottom

By Jennifer


Hello again everyone. It has been a while since I last posted anything on the site. Sorry for keeping everyone waiting so long. I am going to take a brief break from the current story that I have been posting so far and move onto something else for a little while. I will come back and finish the camping trip story a little later on. I began writing it during the summer but, I never got around to putting the last part onto it. Anyway, I promised a friend that I would share this story next so I am going to get started on it. This story takes place during my Teenage years which, turned out to be some of the more interesting tugs in my life time. I shared a couple of experiences from my 13 years old period, and I want to go a little further on. It was still all in good fun. Without further ado here we go.

At the time of this story I was 15 yeas old and working my way through the early half of my high school education. This story however doesn't take place during school. I will come to some of those experiences later on. This is a good example of what my typical weekend often turned out to be. I thought I would use it as a backdrop and an introduction plus it adds another interesting element to the mix.

My eyes opened late that morning. Well, later than they usually did. It was a Saturday and one of the first ones of the school year. It was already early October, but I don't remember the exact date. I think it was the second Saturday but I could be wrong. Anyways it really doesn't matter. My awakening was less than typical as it had become on the weekends. I didn't set an alarm like I did during the week and just allowed my body to wake me up whenever it pleased. I glanced over at the clock on the wall and it was just a little past 8:00. I had moved the alarm clock up to the top of my head board on the top bunk that I slept over my younger sister Amy at the time. She was 5 now and going through a couple of the classic stages that young children go through. She was becoming more self-conscious and beginning to develop opinions of her own. Still she was hungry for information about how the world worked all over. Also, she was going through that annoying copy cat stage. The two of us had grown close over the last two years sharing a room and she looked up to me quite a bit.

It was a mixed blessing at best. On one had it was fun having a little sister who looked up at me. I enjoyed not being the youngest in the family any more and I having some responsibility as a big sister. On the other side of the coin, having a 5 year old idolizing you has it's own problems. I got the pleasure of trying to explain everything that I did to her. Given my interest in being tied up and some of my other peculiar habits, explanation were often difficult to generate. But, I managed to get by and she would pretty much believe anything that I fed her. On the plus side I always had someone to play games with. Though she was getting better at video games and was already a skilled player at checkers. Often it fell to just the two of us on the weekends sometimes.

Sean had begun college and was already away from home. Still, my parents kept a room for him forcing me to share one with my little sister. Mary had her own place and we got to see her from time to time as things went on. Scott had turned 16 the year before and gotten his driver's license. As soon as he got a car, he also got a job to pay for it. He spent his Saturdays out at a grocery story making money to buy gas and pay for his insurance. My father still worked and my mother still liked to visit my aunt at least twice a week. That left me at home with Amy most of the time as a baby sitter. I didn't get paid, but that was just part of being a big sister. Unlike my brother, I was in no hurry to drive. I would turn 18 before I claimed my license. So, I spent most of my weekends quietly at home or at Mary's if she was kind enough to have Amy and myself.

Unfortunately this left me without much help in perusing one of my main hobbies. The one that I write about so often. I still got tied up by Scott from time to time in the evenings. Sean would be happy to share a game if he came home for a weekend, which unfortunately wasn't all that often. My parents still abstained from participating in my games unless I needed help getting free. Shelly and Amber would sometimes come by for a game, but the longer one that I had grown up enjoying were quickly becoming a thing of the past. Usually I couldn't get tied up for more than an hour or two if at all. I was lucky if I got to experience a tug that lasted that long. Everyone was so busy these days and there just wasn't the time for it that there used to be. Amy was still too young to be of much use in the matter. She had tied me up once. It took her half and hour to do it and me 5 minutes to escape. The one exception to the situation was when I spent the weekend with my older sister once or twice a month. She shared my interest in having a longer tug and always seemed to have time for it. However, that is a different story from this one and I will be sharing those experiences another time.

I looked upwards at the ceiling of the room and around at the other familiar surroundings. There was fresh daylight coming through the window of the room that I could see from where I was lying on my back. I shifted my weight around a little bit getting my bearings before deciding how I wanted to proceed for the moment. I was partially tempted to go back to sleep. But, without an alarm set there was not telling how long I would be out for and my situation required attention. The remainder of my family, save for my little sister were already likely departed from the house for their jobs and daily activities. Sean was away this weekend and my father and Scott had to work early. My mother was likely already gone as well for my aunts house for a visit. It would just be the two of us for most of the day until late this afternoon. I could sleep in a little while longer if I wanted to, but sooner or later Amy would awaken and want breakfast and that would be the end of my nap and sleep for the day. It was usually better to just get up and start the day. After all it wasn't going to get any easier.

I stretched my arms above my head and let out a silent yawn. I didn't want to wake Amy just yet if I could avoid doing so. After a quick stretch, I brought my arms back down and drew back the covers throwing them down to just above my waist. In truth that was all the further that I could go in my current situation. My hands were free at the moment, but I was still strapped down pretty tight in bed. If any of you have read my second Christmas series from earlier this year you might be familiar with my current situation. However, it has been a while since I posted so I will go into it in a little more detail. About the time that I turned 8 or 9 as a child I finally outgrew my booster seat in the family car. Still, my mother was concerned about my safety some and I was as well. She couldn't find a car seat for someone my age at the time, but she found something else that was pretty close. It was a vest harness that you can wear in the car. Basically, it has a lap waist belt, a double set of shoulder straps and a third straps that connects around the front and goes around your under arms area. The whole thing closed in the back with a zipper and there were 4 D-rings on the vest. Two at the shoulders and two at the waist that connect it to a seat mount in a car or on a school bus. You can find a link to it here if you want a picture of what it looks like. (

Mine was a slightly older model and black in color, but otherwise it was pretty much the same thing that is shown in the picture. Anyways, when I was 12 and Amy was old enough that she could sleep in her own bed. She and I began to share a room, but I got shifted from the bottom bunk of the bunk beds when Scott and I shared the room originally to the top. One night I had a short flight from the top bunk all the way down to the floor of the room with a hard thud. I wasn't hurt, but it scared me pretty good and I was afraid to sleep in the top bunk for about 2 weeks. Finally, my father came up with the idea of using one of the seat mounts from the can and wrapping it around the mattress length wise with another seat belt to lengthen the ends of it. Then I started wearing my car vest to bed for a while. Even at the age of 15 I still had a vest that I wore in the car and on the school bus ride to and from school. It had just become a normal part of my growing up and I had come to really like the feeling of security that it provided whenever I put it to use.

Over the last year or so, I had overcome my fear of falling out of the top bunk of the bunk beds. Looking back it was a little silly, but I didn't want to risk getting hurt. However, I still wore the vest to bed most of the time. I continued it until I was 17 when I finally gave it up. The reason for my wanting it had changed with my age, but I still liked using it as often as normal situations allowed. The real reason that I still put up with it was that I like the way that it kept me restricted. It wasn't the same as being tied up or anything. But, if I had the vest put on snugly and everything secured correctly, it made it rather difficult to move around. I was pinned flat on my back looking upwards. I couldn't roll around, shift to my side or front, or even sit up without releasing the clips that secured it in place. In a nut shell it kept me where I was and I really kind of enjoyed not being able to move around at night. I had to laugh at the musings of my little sister on the subject. She thought that I wasn't very good at sleeping since I wore a seat belt in bed. Nobody outside of my family knew about it at the time and they didn't give me a hard time about it really.

I unclipped the two links to the shoulder D-rings on the vest and then allowed myself to sit up. I tried to be quiet, but it always turned out to make a little noise and there was no getting around it. Once I righted myself I threw the covers all the way back and unclipped the waist portion of the belt. This effectively freed me from the bed completely. I stretched a little more and then I reached around behind my back to undo the zipper that secured the vest to the upper part of my body. I quietly slid it down and parted the sides in the back. Once that I was done, I finished the process by undoing the strap that went between my legs and slid the harness off in front of me. Once that was done, I slid the vest to the foot of my bed and began working my was over to descend to the floor of the room .

I guess I should take a moment and describe my appearance, both physically and my outfit in case anyone is interested. My appearance had changed a little from when I was 13. I added another couple of inches to my height, but not enough to make me that much taller. Right now I am 5 foot 2 inches. (1.58 meters for those of you outside the US) I was about that height then give or take 2 inches. I was and have always been a smaller person. My figure was more defined as a young woman than a child now, though, my breasts weren't as big as most girls my age. My build was still rather slender and I wore my hair longer than I had in the younger days of my life. Otherwise I was pretty much the same as my younger self.

I began the decent of the ladder on the side of the bed towards the floor slowly with a little bit of caution. It was a short trip down and I was pretty steady about my sense of balance. Still pajama feet can be pretty slippery on wood and I didn't want to wake Amy if she was still asleep. My taste in clothes had changed quite a bit from when I was a younger child. At school and out in public I dressed more formally for it fit in the with the crowd or situation I was in. However, I really didn't care much about what I looked like around my house. My family was used to seeing me as I was and I preferred to be comfortable over worrying about my appearance at home. I know that several people would consider me to be too old for pajamas with built in feet at that point in my life. My answer to them is I really don't care what anyone thought about it. I had been wearing them since before I can remember and they were still one of my favorite things to wear to bed on a cold night. The set I had on were light blue fleece with a snowflake print and a zipper that went from the waist to my neck.

Finding them in my size was proving to be a challenge, but this was one of the advantages that being small for my age came with. Usually at least one of the local store carried blanket sleepers in sizes for older children or I could find one in either the JCPennies or Sears winter catalogue. I still probably had 4 or 5 sets of them available that still fit me comfortably and were in reasonably good shape. I descended the ladder to the floor and looked around the room taking in all the atmosphere in front of me. There were a couple of things to my surprise. The first of which, was that my patience in trying to be quiet was a waited effort. Amy was missing from her bed. This got my attention a little bit. She usually got up around 7 or 8 during the week, but she also like to sleep in on the weekends the same way that I did. Usually I was the first one of us out of bed and she followed only after she had a purpose to. Still, sometimes she got up before me and went to watch TV in the living room or to talk with mom when she was home.

(sorry for going into so much detail about every little matter. I just want to make sure I cover all the basis of the ground missed between the sets of stories.)

I just shrugged off the suspicion that I had about my sister's absence and set about getting ready for the day. It was a cold morning even for the time of year and I was beginning to regret abandoning the warmth of my covers so easily. I made a quick amount of adjustments to remedy the problem before I continued forward. I crossed the room to the closed door and lifted my bath robe off of a hook that it hung from on the back of the door. It was a terry clothe robe in a light purple with long sleeves that ended in a fold over cuff. I donned it and drew it around myself securing it at my waist with a tie belt. I hung around me securely with the hem reaching just below my knees. The second layer offered a welcome amount of warms and a protection against the cold of the morning. Next, I leaned down and collected my slippers from under the bed. They were the same teddy bear ones that I wore when I was 13. They were the stuffed kind that cover the whole foot and have the big character heads overtop of the front of the feet. I slipped them on overtop of my pajama feet to add some insulation against the cold floor. With my second layer in place I was much warmer and almost ready to depart in search of my sister.

I yawned again and took up the weight of the rope as it drew the head snugly around me. It was a welcome comfort and I was glad to have it. I looked over at the chest of drawers that sat at the back of my room and let a few thoughts wonder through my mind and back again. It was one of those private conversation you have with yourself about what you want to do and what is practical. This time, practicality lost to desire. I headed over to the dresser and opened the top drawer and began to dig around. This is where I kept most of the stuff that I used when I was tied up. It had lost of rope, a couple of rolls of tape and some other binding materials. I shifted them off to one side and then lifted the straight jacket that my parents had gotten me a few years before off to one side so I could find what I was searching for. After another few minutes of digging I found them the items that I wanted and retrieved them from the drawer closing it behind me. I kept my tie up stuff in the top drawer mostly because it made it easier to keep track of and Amy couldn't reach inside the top drawer yet either.

The items that I had retrieved were two sets of handcuffs that I had along with a ring that contained keys for them. I had let the thought of getting a little tied up cross my mind this morning and decided to peruse the matter to a little further. The first pair of hand cuffs was just the normal set that most of you are used to seeing. They had the two cuffs that could be double locked to keep them from loosening or tightening and the three links of chain in-between them. I slipped them around my wrists in front of me and locked them securely in place with the key on the ring that I had retrieved. I wanted to be restrained securely, but I still needed a degree of movement available to me as I was likely going to have to make breakfast for Amy and myself. This was a reasonable compromise on the situation, while still being practical for my need at hand. I gave the cuffs a few gentle tugs and listened to the metal clang as my wrist took up the minimal slack in the chain. My hands were secured well and without a key I wouldn't be able to free them.

The second set of cuffs was identical to the first except for two things. First, the cuff part themselves were a little bigger than the ones on my hands. Secondly, the chain between them was about 8 inches in length. Their intended purpose was easy to see without much thought on the matter. They were meant for my feet which, they were soon around my ankles and locked securely in place. My mother had gotten them for me a couple of years ago. I had started wearing a normal set on my legs but, I ended up having a good deal of difficulty walking in a normal set of hand cuffs. I needed up on the floor more than a few times and my mother was concerned about me getting hurt. A few weeks after that she got me this set as a birthday present rather than letting me fall flat on my face. They were another good comprise on the situation. If I took my time and watched what I was doing I could walk slowly with them on without much trouble. My step was still rather limited and I couldn't run or throw a kick with them on.

I seated myself on the edge of the bed and shifted around in the shackles for a few minutes taking in the feeling that came with them. It wasn't exactly the same as being tied up, but it offered a good bit of escape proof restraint and I didn't need anyone else to help me into them. After a moment passed I got up from the edge of the bed and crossed the room. I returned the ring of keys to the top drawer and closed it. I figured that if I left them there I wouldn't be able to free myself without the keys and wouldn't have to deal with the temptation of doing so. Once the drawer was closed I slowly crossed the room and exited into the hallway outside of the room. From there, I decided to see what my sister was up to so I head down and towards the kitchen slowly. That was really the only speed that I could proceed at under the current conditions. I took slow measured steps and kept my gait to what the chain between my feet comfortably allowed. I was more than proficient at this, but I still enjoyed the feeling of not being able to move at my full ability. It wasn't uncommon for me to show up the breakfast table like this on a weekend even if everyone was home.

The house was empty at the moment and devoid any life other than myself. I made my way slowly across the kitchen and departed into the living room. I expected to find Amy sitting quietly on the floor watching TV with the volume turned low as so not to disturb me. Yet, I was awfully surprised to what I found there instead. Actually, I should say that I was surprised at what I didn't find. The living room was empty and the television was off. I was beginning to wonder what happened to my sister this morning. Amy was usually only in the living room, kitchen or our room if she wasn't with someone else. She knew what areas of the house were off limits to her and usually obeyed them without question. I decided to conduct a more exhaustive search of the house for her. I crossed back to the kitchen and made my way over to the basement door. She wasn't supposed to be down there alone, but it was a good first place to check. I worked the door open and peered down the steps. I didn't want to descend them as I was because of the difficulty that would be involved. However, the light was off and my sister wouldn't go down there in the dark. She was terribly afraid of it at that age.

I closed the door and set about heading over to the garage. The chains on my wrist and ankles were making this process a lot more difficult that it needed to be. However, I convinced myself that it would take just as much time to return to my room and remove them as it would to just keep looking. So, I proceeded with the latter. The garage was empty of all vehicles and certainly didn't have any people inside of it. I closed the door to keep the heat from going outside and looked back towards the kitchen with a puzzled look. Where could Amy be I thought to myself. Finally, I just let out a loud yell, "Amy are you here please answer me." I repeated it several time in a couple of permutations of words and received no response. I returned to the kitchen table to think things out and seated myself in the chair on the end of it. This really didn't make much sense. My mother had told me that I would have to watch my little sister today. I thought the matter over for a couple of minutes and let the possibilities run through my head.

Rationally, I drew out the only conclusions that I could. Either Amy had been kidnapped or she had left with my mother this morning to visit my aunt. The latter was the most probable of the possibilities that came across my mind. Usually my little sister preferred to stay at home with me, but I could see her making the trip out to see a relative. This was going to be a good day at home after all. I had the whole house to myself. My hands and feet were both chained together. It was going to be a relaxing morning. I decided to take advantage of the situation and crossed the kitchen towards the cupboard. I got myself a bowl of cereal and a spoon. Then I headed into the living room and plopped myself down on the sofa. I gathered the TV remote and click on Tom and Jerry and sat back to enjoy the whole situation. Eating with handcuffs on can be a little tricky, but I had more than enough practice. The trick is just moving your hands up and down together. I watched the cartoon for half an hour and consumed the bowl of cereal.

With the program ending and my breakfasted gone I decided that I should go about brushing my teeth and a few other things before my day continued forward. I had already decided that I was staying locked up all day. I just wanted to get the necessary stuff out of the way. I rose from the couch and headed back the way I came taking slow and steady progress as I moved forwards towards my destination. I crossed the kitchen and headed down the hallway to the main bathroom without much trouble. I arrived at the door without much incident. This was a morning full of surprises, I guess I should have found it strange to be greeted by one more. The bathroom door was closed. We always left if open unless it was in use. I reached up and tried the handle to find that it was locked from the inside. There was really no reason for that unless someone else was in there. Sometimes Amy liked to lock it and then close the door kind of as a joke, but something seemed different. I reached over to a line of nail that was taped to the door frame carefully out of site. There was a whole on the outside of the door that I could put the end of the nail in to unlock the door from the outside in the event of an emergency.

I was a little nervous with the cuffs on my hands and feet, but I put the nail in the lock and pushed it forward anyways. I undid the lock and turned the knob shoving the door open. I expected the to find the bathroom empty. However, I was in for one more surprise that morning. I really wasn't expecting what I found hiding behind the door of the bathroom. But, you have to wait until part 2 to find out.

This is a good place to break the story. I will continue it soon when I get a chance. Hopefully a little faster that I have been the last couple of times. Thanks for reading everyone. If anyone wants to take a guess as to what I found feel free. Otherwise, this is getting a little long and I am going to wrap up for now. Until next time everyone take care.


Jennifer's stories
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Post by Canuck100 »

Part 2: Amy

Well everyone thanks for reading the first part of this story. I know that the action is building kind of slow for this grouping, but I want to use this set of stories to kind of bridge the gap further between my younger and teenage years. I am giving out some of the details of my life growing up so that they won't seem so unexplained out of context. Please bear with me. If you haven't already I would recommend that you do. Otherwise this one won't make that much sense. I guess the title kind of gives the surprise away, but this is a one of the chaotic episodes that I had involving being tied up. Read on.

I opened the bathroom door slowly not quite sure what to expect on the other side. I was a little nervous about entering because my hands were cuffed in front of me and my ankles were linked by a chain a little over 7 or 8 inches across. Not exactly the best position if I had to defend myself or run away from someone. I had debated returning to my room to retrieve the key, but I was already in the bathroom now and it was empty. It was completely empty of anyone or anything. I gave it a quick look around and decided that my early suspicions about Amy locking the door as a practical joke or it happening by accident had to be the correct conclusion. I shook off the feeling of dread I originally had opening the door in the first place. With one final glance around the room I approached the sink and set the cold water to running. Then I dug my tooth brush and tooth paste out of the cupboard and applied them to their intended task.

The whole process of brushing my teeth required several minutes. I usually did a thorough job and the fact that I was wearing hand cuffs made it a little bit more complicated. I took my time and moved my hands together in unison being careful to watch my balance with my ankles connected to each other. I let my mind wander as I worked on the task at hand. I had the whole house to myself until the mid afternoon at the earliest. Most likely it would be evening before anyone returned home. Scott usually put in a long day on Saturdays and then headed out hang out with some of his friends afterwards. My father worked late and my mother would not likely be home before evening either. It was over a two hour drive down to my aunts and she usually stayed for a good while. Sometimes she would even spend the night and come back the next morning. I usually got a phone call in the early afternoon if that was the case. Either way I was more than old enough to take care of myself. I was contemplating staying as I was or the idea of switching my hands to behind my back and passing the chain through the tie belt on my robe to keep them their. If I did that it would be a lot harder to move around, and it would be more dangerous being alone than if I left my hands in the front. What is a girl to do in this situation?

As I turned off the water and replaced the tooth brush and tooth paste to their location in the medicine cabinet, I almost jumped out of my skin. I heard someone or something let out a muffled cough right in the room with me. It suddenly occurred to me that I might not be alone. I whirled around quickly to locate the source of the sound and almost fell flat on my face. Luckily I managed to catch myself on the seat of the toilet with my cuffed hands as I tripped forward. I righted myself and then I began to inspect the bathroom again. Quickly my attention was drawn to something that I had overlooked before. The curtain on the bathtub was drawn shut across the front of it. I walked over and looked at it. Someone was definite behind it. I took a deep breath and worked up some courage as I took hold of the curtain with my cuffed hands. Rapidly I drew the curtain back and looked down to see the source of the matter. I really don't remember how I reacted at first. It was likely a mix of relief and surprise at the same time followed by an onset of one of the most humorous things that I had seen in my life up to that point. Amy was in the tub.

My little sister was sitting there on the floor of the tub being quiet and a little worried as I looked down at her. Her face was a mix of surprise and disappointment as we exchanged glances. She had that shy look on her face, you know the one that the kid knows they are in trouble but they are hoping that you won't notice them even though you already have. Amy was sitting on the floor of the tub still dressed in her sleeping attire. Her outfit was similar to mine. She was wearing a two piece set of yellow pajamas. She also had white socks on with a pair of moccasin fleece slippers over he feet. Finally she was wearing a peach colored fleece robe with long sleeves and a tie belt in front. It went all the way down to her ankles as she tried to cover he feet with it. I had already seen what she was trying to hide and the mater was evident. Amy had not changed all that much from when she was 3 physically. She was a taller version of herself adding several inches to her height. She had begun wearing her hair parted with a padded purple hair band. I didn't know how to react. I wasn't really angry with her just surprised. Besides she looked really cute all situated as she was.

The thing that Amy was trying to hide was the fact that her feet were bound together at the ankle. She had chosen a long purple bathrobe from one of my brother's robes. It was wrapped around her ankles securely and cinched off in the middle and secured on top with a square knot. Overall it looked like she knew what she was doing at least in theory. I would learn in a minute that it wasn't as snug as I would have probably tied it, but not bad for a first attempt. Her hands were less of a success on the matter. It appeared that she had been trying to bind them in front of her using a second bath robe bent and her teeth to help with the knot. The belt was coiled around her wrist loosely in the proper formation, but it lacked any tightness or a knot. I looked down at my little sister whose face now looked like she was about to cry from being discovered. I glanced her a reassuring smile and then I began to address the situation more professionally. Finally all the pieces of the puzzle fit together and I could draw the correct conclusion about Amy's absence.

"Hi, I was wondering where you got to this morning. I guess at least your staying out of trouble at the moment." I offered my little sister with a warm laugh. I watched from above as the tension melted from her face and a look of relief replaced it. I leaned down and inspected the bonds that were on her feet and hands. They weren't too bad for somebody her age and I was rather impressed by her ingenuity. I couldn't have tied myself up that well when I was 5. "It looks like you did a pretty good job on your ankles." My little sister looked up at me with a view of pride on her face and finally returned my smile. "My feet were easy, but I the hands are really hard." I replied that I knew exactly what she was talking about. I had a hard time tying my own hands too. I could do it fairly well in front, but not nearly as effective as one of my brothers. I watched as Amy squirmed a little bit more.

She demonstrated the fact that she couldn't tie her hands well when she withdrew them from the loosely coiled bathrobe belt. She shifted her feet back and fourth a little next but that part of the tie held pretty well. I leaned down over the top of the edge of the tub and helped my sister untangle her feet from their bonds and in a minute she was free. Amy shifted out of the two belts and righted herself as she stood up. She allowed the belts to fall the floor of the tub and climbed out. Still leaning down I collected the two belts from the floor of the bath tub and stood back up. Amy looked over at me as she headed for the exit to the bathroom. "Oh, you have your handcuffs on." She said looking down and my feet and the set of chains that connected them at the ankle. I nodded as I stood up and turned to face my little sister. This wasn't the first time that she saw me tied up. In fact she probably saw me tied up quite a bit while she was younger. I wasn't nearly as discreet with the games that I played as my older siblings had when I was younger.

"So, now that your untied, do you want to get some breakfast?" I asked as I looked down at Amy where she was standing in the middle of the bathroom floor. "Sure, I am hungry." I let my sister lead the way back to the kitchen and followed her at a more comfortable pace. It was a short trip and I made good time despite the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. Amy being the one of us who was free at the moment arrived much faster to the kitchen when I already had. I was comfortable walking at the restricted gait. Still, Amy was the little ball of energy that every 5 year old is at that age and she could out run me probably if she was chained and I wasn't. I arrived in the kitchen and found my younger sister already situated at her normal position at the table.

With the now more permanent absence of my older siblings, each of us were pretty much free to sit where we chose save for one chair at the table. That one was reserved for my younger sister since she still wasn't tall enough to reach the table on her own. She had a small plastic booster seat which. she left sitting on that chair at the table. She was sitting when I arrived and we began to talk. "Well. you look like your pretty hungry." I commented looking down at my little sister as I passed her. Amy nodded and tapped her lap twice with her hands. "Yeah, I am buckled up and ready to eat, what is for breakfast?" My sister looked up at me as I entered the room. I looked down at her and gave a quick laugh at the joke she had mentioned. I told her that I wasn't going to cook much this morning, since I had already eaten and asked her what type of cereal she wanted along with a few other choice. Amy filled in the blanks and I headed into the kitchen to get started on the matter.

I went crossed the kitchen and set about gathering the ingredients necessary to make my sisters meal. It took a while to assemble with my hands cuffed together, but I managed it just fine. I reflected on the joke that my sister had referred to and realize just how humorous it was. I guess I should explain the context. Amy usually got up with me and Scott when we got ready for school early in the morning. After all my morning routine was anything but quiet. So, she usually joined us for breakfast. We usually got dressed and then ready for school before we sat down for breakfast. I still wore my vest harness on the school bus during these years of my life for the trip to and from school. I usually wore the vest part of it while I was waiting for the bus at the end of the driveway. That way I could just get on the bus and clip it onto the seat mount that was already there. I would usually put it on right after I got my school clothes on so, I wouldn't have to worry about where I left it and it would just be out of the way. So, it wasn't uncommon for me to show up wearing it to the breakfast table during the warmer months of the year. Sometimes on the weekends I wouldn't go to the trouble to remove it fresh out of bed either.

Not long after I got the vest, my mother got a wheel chair mount to go with it so I could wear it in places other than the car. (This is all ancient history if you have read some of my other stories.) Anyways, sometimes I would show up wearing it and use the mount to temporarily attach it to the chair for breakfast. Anyways, Amy's booster seat had two straps on it. One that went around the back of the chair and a second that went underneath it to keep the plastic booster seat attached to the chair. The was also a T-style seat belt on the booster chair. You know a strap between the legs and across the waist. My mother had bought it for Amy when she outgrew the normal height for the high chair. My mom mad her wear the seat belt of the booster seat until she was old enough sit up safely on her own without it. Well, anyways there was one morning where my mother was fixing breakfast and Amy was 4 going on 5. She was coming to the table and I was strapped in like I sometimes was. She said, "Fasten your seat belts girls it's going to be an amazing breakfast." She was referring to large meal that she was cooking for us and I making a quick joke at my expense. I gave it a good laugh that I was really strapped in. Amy was at that stage where she was copying me and decided to buckle herself in as well. It had become kind of a game for her and she often would use the seat belt on the booster seat when her and I share a meal. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised to find her trying to tie herself up.

I gave my sister a little smile as I brought breakfast over to her. I looked down and she was buckled in as she had stated. I put the plate with toast and cereal on the table in front of her along with a spoon. Then I shuffled back across the kitchen and retrieved the glass of juice that I had poured for her as well. By the time I returned Amy was already fast at work devouring the food I had prepared for her. I smiled and took a seat at the table directly across from her. I gave my little sister a few minutes to get into the meal and get situated. Once she was about half way done I finally looked over at her and asked the question that I had already inferred the answer to. "Amy, why were you tied up in the bathroom?" I asked the question and waited for her to respond. She swallowed a gulp of juice and gave me an answer. "I want to know how it is." I asked pressed the matter some more and we talked about it back and fourth. Her answer was truthful with me since she knew she wasn't going to get into trouble over the matter. The response boiled down to that she was curious about it. After all she had seem all the rest of us tied up quite a bit growing up to this point. I suppose that curiosity was just a natural reaction.

I guess it was just one of those "wanting to be like the big kids things". She divulged to me that she had asked both of my brothers on a couple of occasions if she could try it. But they gave her the same response each time. They explained that she was too little and she could play when she was older. I guess she got tired of waiting. Amy was 5 and would be 6 in a couple of weeks. Not much younger than when I had begun my fascination with the subject myself. I asked my little sister why she used the bathrobe belts and she relied that she couldn't find any rope to use. That was true enough. I kept most of my tie up supplies in the top drawer of the dresser which, was still over her head. She explained that was all she could find and she had taken it upon herself to explore when nobody would help her with the matter. I let my sister finish eating and the two of us discussed the matter a little further as she consumed the remainder of the simple meal. I waited until she was done and began clearing her plates from the table for her. As I was waling to the sink, an interesting idea came into my head.

I let the thought roll over as I rinsed off the dishes and deposited them in the sink. I had never really given that much thought to tying up my little sister before. Up to this point in my life I had always viewed her as being too you and agreed with my brothers. However finding her like I had this morning brought back certain memories about another young child who had been interested in the idea. This matter was personal to me and it brought back some fond memories from my own early childhood. Mary, Sean and Scott had been willing to tie me up not long after I asked and I was younger than Amy was when I had begun. I let the thought meld over in my mind as I weighed the outcomes carefully. If Amy didn't like being tied up then this would get it out of her system. If the converse was true she might become an active participant in the games that I played with my siblings. Either was the outcome seemed okay. The only thing that caused me to worry was that my older siblings and parents weren't home to grant me permission to proceed with the matter. It could turn out bad it they disapproved and Amy was horrible at keeping a secret. Still, it would probably better if I tied her up rather than allowing her to do it herself. At least that way I could keep an eye on the outcome of the situation, A bit of wisdom from Mary and my mother I suppose.

Finally, I took in a deep breath and looked over at where my little sister was seated on the chair. "Amy?" I asked as I waited for her to provide a response. "Yeah, Jenny.", my younger sister had been calling me that since she was 2 because it was easier to pronounce than Jennifer for her. "I've been thinking about how I found you tied up this morning in the bathroom. I was wondering if you would like me to tie you up so that you can see what it is like?" I let her take up the weight of the statement. However, my wait was short and my little sister responded almost immediately. "Yeah, sounds like fun! Yeah!, . . . ect" I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was a long list of excited responses that left her yelling with excitement and wriggling around. Luckily she had a seat belt on or she probably would have fallen out of her chair and ended up head first into the floor. She squirmed around quite a bit but the straps over he waist held her safely to the chair. "Okay, I am going to go and get some rope. You go wait in the living room and I will be in shortly."

Amy nodded with excitement over the matter and I watched as her small hands worked quickly at undoing the seat belt from the booster seat. She was free a moment later and bounded off into the living room. I just smiled as I watched her depart and then turned my on my own path. I progress was a little slower than my sister's because of the cuffs, but I still made good time. I exited the kitchen to the rear and headed back down the hallway to our room. Once I was inside, I switched the light on and crossed the room until I was standing at the front of my chest of drawers. I reached up and opened the top of it and began searching through it for what I needed. It took a few minutes because of the handcuffs. The first thing I retrieved was as small key ring that contained a couple of different keys on it. It had keys to two pad locks that I kept in the drawer as well as a handcuff key, which was what I was looking for. I decided that it would be easier to tie my little sister up without the cuffs on. I set about unlocking my hands first and then my feet second.

Once the cuffs were off, I folded them up neatly and deposited them in one corner of the drawer. Then I returned the keys to their resting place. I took a moment to rub some circulation back into my wrists and ankles. The cuffs hadn't been all that tight, but even snug they left a light impression and required a little rubbing to remove the feeling from my limbs. With the shackles removed, I began to select the rope that I wanted for this. My collection was had gotten pretty big from when I was growing up. I had around 20 different coils of rope laid out in the drawer. Most of them were about 10 feet in length. Perfect for tying hands or feet securely with plenty of length. I had two that were 15, a couple of 20's, and one that was probably 30 feet. I also had one that was nearly 50 feet and one that was 100 if it was an inch. The longer ones rarely got used in a tug, but they were a nice option if you wanted to tie a victim to a chair with one piece of rope. All the rope was white cotton clothesline with between 1/4 and 3/8's of an inch in thickness. This was easy to work with and didn't fray as easily as more natural ropes did. I scooped up two of the 10 foot sections of rope. Then I looked down at the rest of it and I grabbed another two 10 foot pieces and one of the longer ones that was about 20 feet. When I say these measurements they are just approximate. For example the 10 foot sections were probably between 8 and 12 feet and so on.

I decided that this was going to be a double lesson. I thought I would let Amy be tied up for a while and then maybe I could give her a lesson on how to tie someone up a little more properly. After all, our games had always been in good fun and it wasn't fair that I got to tie my little sister up without offering her a chance to get even. Turn about was fair play. Once my rope selections were finished, I exited the room and headed into the living room. Amy was seated on the easy chair that sat off to the side of the sofa. Her eyes lit up as I entered the room and they settled on all the rope that I was carrying. I almost laughed at the response she gave me when she saw me. "Gee, . . . that's a lot of rope. Are . . . are you going to use all that on me?" She said looking at me with a very nervous stare in her eyes. I let out a loud chuckle and laughed a little. "No, Amy don't worry I am not going to use all of this on you. That would probably make you look like a rope mummy." Amy returned my laugh as the thought crossed her mind. "I am probably only going to need one piece for you. I thought after you were done I would let you tie my up if you wanted to. After all that is only fair. It takes a lot more rope to tie up a big person like me than it does someone like you." Amy nodded in agreement and told me that she would try her best.

I deposited the ropes on the couch save for one of the shorter sections of rope. I uncoiled it in front of my little sister as I let it's length hit the floor in front of me. It was time for the moment of truth and I had come too far to back out now. "Okay Amy put your hands together so that I can tie them up." I instructed looking over at my little sister. I demonstrated by putting my wrists together in front of me much the same way I had found her in the bathtub this morning. However. my younger sibling had other ideas. Instead of following my lead she turned around and brought her arms together behind her back. "Are you sure that you want me to tie you up like that? It would probably be better if I tied your hands together in front of you." Amy shook her head keeping her back to me. "I'm sure." The response was quick and well affirmed. I guess it made sense, it was rare that any of us had our hands tied in front any more. Most of what Amy saw was us tied with the arms behind the back. Still, I didn't want to scare her the first time out. Then again I could always untie her if she didn't like it.

I just shrugged and set to work tying my little sister's hands in the way she requested. I began at the top of the wrists and wrapped the rope around her arms several times horizontally. Once I had made about 7 loops I wrapped the rope between her bound hand vertically to tighten the tie down. It didn't occur to me not to cinches off the tie. It was habit by now every time I tied someone else up. Still, Amy didn't seem to complain about it. I made sure that a layer of her pajama sleeves got between the ropes and her bare skin to insulate it a little. Then I came to the problem. Usually, it took a piece of rope this long to tie up my brothers or my own hands. Amy's wrists were quite a bit smaller and I probably could have done the job with a rope half the length. This left me with about a 5 or 6 foot tail hanging from the end. I looked down at her feet and the idea of using the rest to tie them crossed my mind but a I dismissed it quickly. She was too young for a hogtie. Instead I wrapped the tail of the rope around her waist twice and knotted it off to one side pinning her arms to her waist behind her back.

"There, how is that Amy? Do you think that you can Escape from that" I asked as I looked down at my sister trying to gage her reaction. Amy twisted her hands a couple of times and gave a quick struggle. After a few more tugs, it began to sink into her just how well I had tied her up. "Nope, Jenny I can't escape. You do a better job than I do. I'm stuck good." With that Amy stepped back and tried to hop up on the easy chair. She fell a little short of ability and slid down back into a standing position on the floor. I advanced two steps and grabbed her around the waist. Then I lifted her up and seated her on the edge of the chair that had been her intended destination. Amy scooted back in the chair until she was seated with her back against the higher part of the chair. She twisted her arms behind her a couple of more time before accepting that she couldn't use them at all. After a few moments of struggling, Amy kicked her slippered feet together and popped another question me. "Do my feet too." She instructed me looking at the feet and then over at the ropes on the couch.

I thought the request over for a moment or two before I responded to my little sister's instructions. I hadn't planned to go that far, in fact I had already come along further than I intended to with it. I had originally planned to introduce Amy to the idea of being tied up gradually as I had been. I was just going to tie her hands in front of her for about an hour and that would be it. On the other hand Amy had been more exposed to seeing our games at a younger age than I had. Also, things seemed to be going okay so far and she was a little enthusiastic about the whole idea. My little sister seemed to be enjoying this so far. As I let the thought roll over and over in my head, Amy offered another request. " Aren't you going to do my feet to Jenny? Please?" I let my mind settle on the matter as I picked up a second coil of rope from the soft and began uncoiling it. Then I crossed the room and took hold of Amy's feet drawing them together. I tied one end of the rope of on her right leg and began to make circles around them. I continued the wrapping until I got down to the last foot and half of rope. The I wrapped the center of the tie vertically and knotted it off.

The rope was probably about 11 or 12 feet in length. On my sister's small legs it began just above her ankles and went almost half way to her knees. I took a moment to admire my handy work. My sister was tied very securely and I doubted that there was any chance of her trying to escape. Still, she wore a smile on her face that told me she was content with the whole situation. I straightened her bathrobe back into place and pulled it down to where it should be. I didn't want her to cat cold. Really other than the rope around her waist you couldn�t tell that she was tied up at all. Sitting her robe came down and covered her feet completely and her hands were hidden behind the trunk of her body. She struggled some more testing the security of the added feet ropes. After 2 or 3 minutes the realization of her situation set in and she just sat back and relax. Amy asked me to turn on the TV for her. I picked up the remote and seated myself on the couch and flipped through channels until I found a cartoon that would be suitable for her age group. Then I sat back watching her and the TV. Still, my eyes darted back and fourth between the two of them and the rest of the rope that I had brought out.

This is a good breaking point for this part of the story. There is more to come and I have some more details to share about my sister's reaction and my own to the situation that unfolded following this. However, that will have to wait until next time. If you have any comments or questions feel free to post them and I will respond. Until next time,

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Post by Canuck100 »

Part 3 : The quick learner

Hello again everyone. Sorry for taking so long to post this next part of my story. I had a lot going on over the holiday season and not a whole lot of time on my hands. I finally got around to finishing the third part of this story. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Amy was seated back in the easy chair. She was still tied hand and foot as I had left her at the end of the last part of the story. It had been about half an hour now and she was still struggling back and fourth against the ropes that bound her. I had turned on the television as she requested and even let her pick the show. I don't remember what it was. Probably something suited to her age group. Amy had been watching the show intermittently as she struggled against the ropes. Still, it didn't have her attention. I believe my sister was much more interested in the ropes she was in rather than the television at the moment. This served as a separation point for the two of us. I usually could concentrate on the world around me and let the tie be a secondary thing to me. However, Amy was pretty engrossed with the whole situation. Not that I could blame her. Then again all children have a short attention span at that age. They are usually drawn to the thing most important to them at the moment. In her situation that was probably being tied up at the moment.

My attention was mostly on her as I watched her squirm and seek a means of escape. She wasn't having a whole lot of luck with the matter, but that didn't seem to bother her under the circumstances. My sister was not shy about trying to get out. I gave her another 10 or 15 minutes to explore the matter before I finally asked her how she was doing. Upon my question being asked, Amy took a moment to catch her breath and shifted her attention over to me. "I'm not going to escape am I Jenny?" "Nope." I replied with a quick smile. Amy gave the ropes a last couple of tugs and then she sat up and looked towards me. "Are you ready to be untied?" I asked her. My little sister nodded and I went over to where she was sitting in the easy chair. I leaned down and untied her feet. Once her legs were disjoint I had her turn around and set about the task of freeing her hands. After about 2 minutes Amy pulled her hands free of the ropes. She looked up at me with a look of disappointment and relief. She had failed to escape, but she looked like she was glad to finally be able to move again.

I gave my little sister a few minutes to recover from the ordeal and get comfortable again. I recollected the ropes that I had tied her up with and put them aside neatly while she began to relax a little bit more. Once my task was completed I looked over at my sister. She was refocused on watching the television while waiting for me. Her head turned towards me quickly when I clicked it off and got her attention. "Sorry about that Amy I just wanted to talk to you for a minute before you went back to watching your show. I just want to make sure that your okay. You didn't get hurt did you?" Amy gave me her attention and assured me that she was okay. I took a moment and checked her wrists and ankles for rope marks, but there wasn’t anything too serious. I knew that she would be fine.

Once I was sure that my little sister was okay I proceeded onto the next part of the plan. “So, Amy now you know what it’s like to be tied up. What did you think of it.” (You can tell I don’t remember the dialogue.) She replied something to the effect that she had enjoyed the situation and that she would like to try it again sometime if I offered. “You’re a lot better at tying me up than I am at doing it myself. I can get out when I do it, but I was stuck real good.” Amy commented as the conversation began to take roots. I nodded and smiled back at her. “I have had pleanty of practice over the years. Scott, Sean and Mary used to tie me up all the time when I was about your age and ever since then. I got pretty good at doing the tying myself. Would you like me to show you how to tie somebody up good Amy? That way with some practice you’ll be as good as the rest of us our.” The second part of my plan for the morning was taking full shape. I watched the suggesion sink into my little sister’s head like a stone in a pond. Her response to the question was of course affirative and she had quite a bit of excitement to the situation.

Amy hopped down from the sofa scooted her way across the living room th where I was seated on the sofa. She stood in front of me and looked up at me with a wide eyed look of anticipation. I lifted one of the coils of rope off of the sofa next to me and began to unfold it towards the ground. Amy watched as I let the length of the rope drop to the floor as I took hold of it with both hands. “Are you going to tie me up again and show me how to do it this time?” Amy asked me. I shook my head. “No, I thought I would show you how to tie someone up and then I will let you tie me up if you want to. Then we can see how long it takes me to escape from the ropes. That’s only fair isn’t it.” Amy nodded. “Yeah, it’s fair, but your not going to escape. I won’t let you.” My little sister smiled back.” “We’ll just have to see about that.” I replied as I took the first piece of rope in my hands.

“Okay Amy,” I began as I took hold of one of the open ends of the rope. “When you tie someone’s hands up you have to start by tying one end of the rope around one of their wirsts. Usually you do this behind their back, but I am going to do it in front so I can show you how to do it.” I took the loose end of the rope and wrapped it in an overhand know around my left wirst. Then I brought my hands together in front of me. “Next, you take the long end of the rope and wrap it around both of the hands like this.” I took hold of the long end of the rope with my teeth and began wrapping coils of around my wrists in front of me. “You need to make a lot of loops like this and make sure you pull it real tight with each loop. Otherwise your prisoner will just wriggle out of it in a few minutes. Oh, and make use your hands not your teeth to tie someone else up. I am just doing this so that I can show it to you.” Amy continued to watch me as I used my teeth to make about 7 or 8 coils around my wrists with the ropes. Once I finished the coils I was holding onto the last 2 feet or so of unused rope from the tie.

“Okay Amy now this is the important part. This is what make it really hard for someone to escape. When you get down to the last few feet of rope or so, you need to wrap the middle of the tie to tighten it down.” Amy looked at me with a look of confusion. I wanted to make sure that she got it so I told her to just watch. I wrapped the remainder of the rope around the center of the ropes binding my hands. It had enough length for a good 4 or 5 turns before I was down to the last three inches. “You see Amy you go like this and it tightens the coils on the rope down so that I cannot pull my hands out of it. Finally, when your done with the ropes in the middle of the tie you need to tie a knot.” I swung my hands a little to reveal the final part of the tail from the other end of the rope. “You want to leave a little piece of rope on the other end of it so that you have something to tie a knot with. Ussually you want to use a square knot to finish off tying it together.” I continued my explanation and explained the process of how to tie the knot.

“When you tie the knot Amy you want to make sure that the person your tying up cannot reach it with their fingers. Otherwise they’ll just untie the knot and escape from the tie up. That’s why you tie the knot on top behind the wirsts so that it’s away from the fingers.” Amy listened to my explanation and soaked up the knowledge I was feeding her. I let Amy try and tie the knot on my hands. I couldn’t do it with my teeth. At least not where I wouldn’t be able to untie it later. It took her a few tries to get the knot correct, but she managed a fair one and my hands were tied together in front of me reasonably securely. “Nice job Amy, see if you do this the correct way it’s really hard to get out of it.” I struggled and pulled against the ropes several times to demonstrate how well my hands were bound together at the wrists. Then I proceeded to stand up and face the front of the living room.

“Where are you going?” Amy asked “I thought I was going to tie you up?” I took a moment to regain my balance and then I answered her question. “Don’t worry, you will get a chance to tie me up. I just want to move my hands to behind my back so that it will be harnder to get out.” With that, I leaned down and stepped my feet through my tied hands. The balance was a little trick, but after a few minutes I stood up and reentered my hands behind my back tied good and snug. It wasn’t the most secure job that I had ever experienced, but it was fairly secure. I wasn’t all that good at tying my own hands, but it was a passable job. If my wrists were tied to my waist I probably wouldn’t be able to escape. “Wow I didn’t know you cound move your hands around to the back like that!” Amy commented as I took a seat letting my arms fall between my back and the couch cushions. I scooted back in my seat and looked over at my sister.

“Okay now Amy when you tie someone up you want to tie up their hand first, but then you also want to tie up their feet. Unless, you want them to run away or kick you. You tie up the feet exactly like I just showed you with my hands. So, I thought I would let you tie up my feet by yourself and we would see how good of a job you can do.” Amy gave me another smile and a look of pride came over her face. She quickly retrieved another coiled up piece of rope nad began unwrapping it for use. It took her a while to sort out the ends of the rope and get it untangled. Once she was done, my little sister hopped down and knelt beside where my feet were positioned. I pulled them together to make it easy for her. I also explained that I would cooperate with her and make this as simple as I could. Amy tied off one end of the rope around my right ankle leaveing a short tail like I showed her. Then she began wrapping the rope around my legs. I had to remind her to pull it tight with each pass. But after the first few coils she caught onto the idea.

My little sister had a little bit of trouble with the whole matter. My bear slippers were pretty puffy and they pushed the sides of my feet apart somewhat. This made it difficult for Amy to tighten the coils as ideals as she should have. Still, with my pressing my legs together and her pulling she accomplished a reasonable job. Once she finished tying my ankles with coiles Amy proceeded to wrap the center of my feet just like I had show her on my hands. Again I had to instruct her to make it tight otherwise I could just wriggle out of the loose coils. My sis took the advice to heart and soon my ankles were touching securely. Finally Amy finshed the job by tying a knot on top of my ankles. She got the knot on the second try this time. Surprisingly, it looked pretty secure. “There, now you can’t untie the knot with your feet.” Amy stated repeating what I had earlier. I had to laugh at the implication. I couldn’t untie a knot with my feet if I had too. Especially with my teddy bear slippes on over them.

Amy stood up and told me to try and escape from being tied up. I told her that she wasn’t done yet and that she should get some more practice in. I had her repeat the exercise and tie my legs together both above and below the knees to reinforce the first part of the job. It was a little overkill, I could tell from the first few struggles that I attempted that Amy had done a decent job for her age group. When she finished off the third set of ropes, Amy told me to go ahead and try to escape. She stepped back and watched my efforts carefully. I twisted my hands around behind my back to show her that I couldn’t manage to dislodge them and pulled my legs against each other. My wrist held pretty secure for the time being. I wouldn’t be able to free them without bringing them in front of me by passing through my legs. My lower limbs were another matter all together. Having my legs tied in three places made it impossible to separate them no matter how many times I pulled against the ropes. I put on a show for my little sister and demonstrated just how well tied up I was.

Amy gave me a warm smile of satisfaction with the fruits of her labor. She hopped up on the sofa next to me and picked up the remote from where I had deposited it. She flipped on the television and turned on a show. I don’t remember what it was. Probably semsami street or barney. Either way it was a show geared towards her age group that I had absolutely no interest in. “Well Jenny, since you can’t get out you’re going to stay tied up while I watch this. I let you out when it’s done.” Amy deposited the remote and settle back into the couch seating herself comfortatably. I was less than happy with the ultimatium. But there wasn’t much I could do about it. I just made the best of the situation. The two of us just watched the show as it unfolded and I couldn’t help but pick up on how proud Amy was that she was holding me prisoner. When the show ended, Amy clicked off the tv and started the process of untying me. She had learned more than I had meant to teach her.

She began with the ropes above my knees. It took her a long time because she lacked the strength that I had to untie a tightened up knot. Amy worked her way down my legs and freed my ankles last. Then and only then did she free my hands. Younger siblings pick on everything you show them it seems. After about 20 minutes of untying I was finally free of the ropes and able to stretch. I took a moment and worked the feeling back into my limbs. Afterwards I gave Amy a compliment on the fine job she had accomplished. I asked her if she wanted to play again some time and she responded that she would like to if I would. Once we finished the conversation, I collected the ropes and neatly coiled them up. Then I returned them to my room where I put them back in the dresser drawer.

After I was finished putting everything way I finally changed out of my pajamas and set about fixing lunch for the two of us. It was another couple of weeks before I played another game with my little sister. However this would be the first of many and Amy was finally part of our inner circle. The introduction to the subject had gone over pretty well. Amy seemed to like being tied up and she wasn’t too bad at doing the tying. At least on a basic level. Unfortuneatly, Amy couldn’t keep a secret and I caught a good lecture for tying her up when my parents got home later that evening. Still it was worth it and I didn’t get in any real trouble over it. My mom knew it was inevitable but she would have preffered if I waited a little longer. We had several other games before I left home for collge and I will share some more of them another time. Thanks for reading,

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