Emma : 15 - Some Babysitting Antics (mmm/f)

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Emma : 15 - Some Babysitting Antics (mmm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
15 - Some Babysitting Antics
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:16 am

Some babysitting antics

Earlier in the summer I was coaching a basketball camp at the church with Danny and Tyler. The kids as a whole were all great. Excluding one boy, seven year old Mikey who was a small terror.

He is the youngest son of one of my mom's friend Hellen, her other two sons are Adrian and Brennan. Adrian is thirteen I have had to coach him in the past, and he is a monster brat. And Brennan, the oldest is seventeen and is a friend of mine.

One night every kid had been picked up but Mikey. I knew Hellen would be there eventually.
In about ten minutes Hellen came speeding into the parking lot.

"I'm so sorry about the trouble, Brennan was supposed to pick him up but he hasn't called all day." she began babbling.

'No problem."

I smiled as I watched her little monster run towards the car.

"And now I need to go to the company mixer and I cannot find a sitter, and you know i can't trust Adrian" she said.

"Well, If there is anyone I can call or anything I can d--" i began

"Do you think you can keep an eye on Mikey and Adrian." she said, cutting to the chase.

'Well, err. I guess I could, but I need to, erm, Jason and I..Er." I stuttered.

"You can invite Jason over the boys love him." she said.

I was trapped like a rat.

"Okay. that sounds.. er great." I said through gritted teeth.

"Alright..can you come around six?" she asked.

"Um okay." I said.

In Danny's mom's car on the way home we were talking.

"What are you and Romeo doing tonight?" Danny asked.

"Well Jason and I were going to a movie, but now he's stopping by at Hellen's while I watch her kids."

"WOAH! rewind, your watching Hells Demons. that Hellens kids!" Tyler laughed.

"Um, yes." i shrugged.

"It's been nice knowing you Em" Danny said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Come on, you and me watched them with Ella and Brennan before. They aren't that bad." I tried.

"Well, if you remember Brennan locked them in their room the whole night" he said.

"Well it will be fine" I say as I got out of the car.

"Can I have your Guitars?" Danny yelled after me.

"Haha, very funny." I laughed.

I showered and put on jeans, a tank top and flip flops.

I showed up at the door around six. and Adrian came to the door. he was big for a thirteen year old. Not fat, but tall. I guess It runs in their family, Brennan is 6'3" so I guess the kids all have the height gene. Adrian stood at roughly the same height as me, but a little taller.

"Oh it's you." he said. "Mom, made it out that we were going to have a tough sitter, you're a total pushover" he smirked.

"Glad to see you're healthy" I said, thinking of the only nice thing i could say.

I walked into the kitchen and got the details from Hellen. She said she'd be home around two or three, if she beat traffic, she was known to have her share of cocktails so i wasn't expecting an early night. She told me to order pizza and only let in Brennan, Jason, or to get the pizza from the pizza guy.

I nodded, I knew this whole schpiel.

She left at six thirty.

Adrian sat on the couch, with a wocked smirk on his face and Mikey copied his older brother. Both boys had blue eyes, but Mikey had blonde hair, while Adrian looked just like Brennan with dark brown, almost black hair.

"Okay guys." I started. "what do you want to do?" I asked,

"Lets watch pay-per-view" adrian said and he turned the channel to the restricted NC-17 channel.

"NO!!!" I said I tried to grab the remote, but the kid moved fast, he tripped me as i lunged and I hit the floor.

"OW! what the heck!" I said, and i leaned over and turned off the TV.

"Hey!" adrian yelled "Turn it back on."

"No. your mom would kill me if i let you watch that." I said.

"GrmmIcan'tbelievethismmmIdonm'tjavetolistentoyou" i heard him mutter.

He turned the TV back on and put on Disney channel. It was that show "life with Derek" and it was an episode where Derek was babysitting, and got tied up by his brother and sisters.

I left Adrian and Mikey for ten minutes. I called Jason to tell him he could come over. He told me he would be there around ten or then thirty, because they have him working late at the rink and he wants to shower before he came. It was seven thirty.

"Okay, so Jason is coming at about ten, your mom didn't tell me you guys had a bedtime so... hey who turned out the light." I said as I wandered into the now dark room, the TV was off and it was completely pitch black.

"Mikey? Adrian? where are you.. What the-aoufhf" I said as I tripped over somthing, or should I say someone, it was Mikey hunched over.

I fell onto my stomach and instantly was pinned.

"Mikey hit the lights," I heard Adrian say, and his little brother dutifully hopped up flipped the switch.

"Haha, this is a fun game, a fun game!!" he squealed.

"It just gets more fun" Adrian said. Now pass me that he said, pointing to a roll of tape.

"No, Mikey, this isn't fun. This is bad! your mommy won't like this." I said.

"No, remember when mommy dated Jim, huh, Mikey her and him played this game together, remember" Adrian said, giving me a little smirk, he played the game well. As his brother gave him the tape.

"Now go into moms drawer and get the metal bracelets, okay?" he said and the seven year old skipped off singing what he was doing, literally, he was singing "getting the metal bracelets" to the tune of "for he's a jolly good fellow".

When he was out of the room I continued struggling under the weight of the younger boy. He was heavier than I am and I couldn't move, all while complaining.

He shoved his hand over my mouth and whispered right into my ear,

"Haha. bet you didn't know about that, before school let out, in February until April, my mom's boyfriend and her did this stuff all the time" he laughed. His voice had the tone of 'i win, you lose, get over it.'

He was sitting on my back, and on top of my arms. It was painful.

He took the tape, ripped of a piece and plastered it over my mouth, he pressed it down, and then he did it two more times.

Mikey came running back in, carrying a pair of handcuffs that I assume were the "metal bracelets".

"Good job, bro. Now sit on her legs while I put the bracelets on" he said, definitely enjoying every minute of it, judging by his smug expression.

Mikey sat right in the middle of my calf, where i couldn't kick him off.

Adrian cuffed one wrist and then the other. When I was trapped with my arms behind me I sighed of frustration.

"This is much better than the movies" Adrian cackled.

Adrian walked behind me, but I heard him say to Mikey "pass me that bungee cord."

When I felt the smaller boy get off of me I started to kick and struggle.


Adrian grabbed my ankles in an ankle lock and wrapped the first bungee cord around my ankles, under my jeans. he began to wrap around, in between, and then around again, he hooked the bungee cord and then he picked up the tape and wrapped a layer or two around them.

"Now lets get you on the couch" he smirked.

I struggled as he lifted me, like i said i did weigh less than he did, and he was only a little bigger than me. He plopped me on the couch.

"MRGHH!AMPDD" I screamed into the tape.

"Hahaha that was fun, Addyy" Mikey said to his brother.

"Well it gets even more fun, now we get to do whatever we want!" he smirked, again down at me.

"You go turn on guitar hero, I'll meet you down stairs." he said.

Adrian loomed over me dangling the key.

"Mrgh!" I grunted.

"Well tonight will be fun. And don't worry, we'll be back up to play later" he patted my head, smiled and walked down the stairs.

"Grmphh."I growled.

I was alone for maybe ten minutes before I heard the door creak open.

"HMPHH?Brmphhh!" i screamed, I knew it had to be Brennan returning from a practice or somthing.

"Holy shit!" he said as he ran over to me. he pulled the tape off.

"What happened! are you okay? are Mikey and Adrian Okay?" he said in a panic.

"Yeahyeah, Mikey and Adrian are perfectly fine. those littlle ...." I started but was interrupted by Adrian running up the stairs with Mikey close behind.

"Brennan, don't let her out!!" he said as he jumped next to his brother and through his hand over my mouth.

"Mphooo!" i squealed

"Why not?" he asked.

"We're playing a game" Mikey said.

"I don't know..." he said, but then he looked down at me and had the same smirk his little brother had. "Well Em, I'd let you out, but I don't have the key to the handcuffs" he smiled.

"But guys, you need to let her out before I leave at ten, you understand?" he said.

"Mprhhghh!" I growled.

"Okayyy" they both replied. After they all came to the "agreement" Adrian re-taped my mouth.

"Can she breathe like that?" Brennan asked.

"She's fine, I've seen it on TV hundreds of times" Adrian said.

In a few minutes the pizza guy came Brennan paid him and they all sat down to eat.

"If you want we can feed you some..." Brennan said.

"Mphoo" i shook my head no, I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to eat their meat covered pizza ( I'm a vegetarian)

'Oh thats right,,, your a Vegg head, I forgot." Brennan laughed. The boys finished eating like pigs and then cleaned up, well, almost they kind of pushed the garbage around away from us.

Brennan sat on the edge of the couch under my legs.

"Why exactly did you guys do this to her?" he asked. I was as curious as he was.

"Well, she wouldn't let me watch your favorite channel the one that you need to use the password for.." he began and Brennan's face grew a bright red.

"Shut up Add" he said.

"Okay, but we got the idea from some show on Disney channel they tied up their babysitter and got payback."

"Payback? how'd they do that?" Brennan asked, thoroughly amused.

"Well, they made them eat broccoli and then they... hmm." he stopped he walked over to his brother and whispered in his ear somthing.

"Well she is..." Brennan smirked "I guess"

Suddenly I felt the grip he had around my ankles tighten.

"Mphh? Mo ONT MPHOOO!" I squealed as I saw his brothers and his fingers poise near my feet. I struggled back and forth and shook, so Adrian went around and held my shoulders down, to keep me from swinging.

"Remember at the student council picnic when you were in sixth grade and I was in eight" Brennan began. "Remember when me, Billy and Ryan pinned you down and tickled you for almost a half hour?" he laughed.

When I was in middle school I was my classes vice president, and the president Billy and I were close friends. Brennan was his grades secretary and Ryan was the seventh grade president. We were all hanging out when Billy and I started wrestling, before I knew it, I was pinned and they all ganged up and started tickling me. It was hellacious, but I guess when you're extremely ticklish, people assume that you are begging to be tickled by walking around, it also seems that people love to turn you into a giggling mess.

He started to tickle all over my feet and I laughed and screeched into the tape. He only kept it going for a minute and then stopped. Then he did it again and stopped. This went on for near fifteen minutes until Brennan looked at the clock.

"I got to get going it's almost ten." he said standing up.

"Mrghhph!!" i screeched. he pulled off the tape.

"I am so going to kill you for that." I gasped. "Now didn't you tell your brothers that they need to...." i started.

"Yeahyeah I'll untie you, I just need to find the key." Adrian smirked.

"Wait you lost it?" Brennan asked

"No! I just, erm, can't find it..." he smiled nervously.

"Well. I need to go so you better find it" he said.

"Brennan don't leave me alone with them..." I said.

"Trust me they're harmless." he said as he grabbed his jacket and left.

The minute the door closed.,..

"Sucker." I heard Adrian say and he pulled the key out of his pocket.

"You heard Brennan, you need to la-le-let me g-go" I stuttered.

I suddenly remembered Jason would be coming soon.

"Jason is going to be here any minute... so please let me go! now!" I said.

"Well in that case... I'll be.. around." And he took off, with his little brother close behind.


"Come back" I sighed.

I heard the footsteps. "Finally I'm so glad that you --mpgrhh" I felt a sock get stuck in my mouth and then three pieces of tape over my lips.

"That ought to shut you up" Adrian laughed.

"mmmmmmm!!" I whined, I couldn't even form any semi words with this gag.

I sat there trying to untie my feet by twisting my ankles, it wasn't really working and after a while i felt like my ankles would break.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Hello? Emma? you okay? Emma..." I heard the knocking grow louder with Jason's voice.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm!" I grunted as loud as i could, still nothing.

The door opened finally and I let out another grunt.

Jason called my name, and I grunted again this time he walked into the living room and saw me on the couch.

"EM!" he gasped and he release my mouth. "Who did this? Where are the boys!" he asked in a panic.

"Adrian and Mikey did it. they're downstairs." i said.

"Woah. they did this, where'd they get the handcuffs?" he said shocked.

"Mommy dearest has a couple dirty little secrets" i laughed.

Jason tried to free my hands but discovered the key dilemma. He untied my legs and I stood up to stretch a little.

"I'll go downstairs and get the key." he said and he ran down the stairs.

No sooner did he do that when Adrian walked through the front door.

"How Did You? I mean .. Yo-Mphhhh" he clamped his hand over my mouth mid-sentence and he explained.

"Easy I have a door down in the basement"

Jason must have walked up the stair super quiet because I didn't hear him at all. He ended up jumping Adrian and he, not wanting to hurt him, tickled Adrian until he let go of the key. My arms were freed and I sent the two of them to bed. Finally.

I was exhausted, but Jason kept me awake for the next few hours until Hellen got home.

"How were they?" she asked, prepared for the worst.

"Um. little angels" I said not wanting them to get them into too much trouble. Yet. I'd wait until I had to babysit them again, and then hold it over them to get them to behave.

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Post by quietman »

Thanks for posting these they’re great!
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Post by Canuck100 »

quietman wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for posting these they’re great!
My pleasure! There were plenty of hidden treasures in the archives
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