Stewart : 01 - Diving Competition Team Tugs (mm/m, m+/m, m/m+)

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Stewart : 01 - Diving Competition Team Tugs (mm/m, m+/m, m/m+)

Post by Canuck100 »

Stewart's stories
01 - Diving Competition Stories
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By Stewart

Saturday, August 26th 2006 - 02:14:17 AM

My first post

Heya everyone. I think it's great to find a site like this with no sexual stuff on it, where you can just have a good laugh at other people's usually hopeless predicaments.

When I was slightly younger (we were all around 15-16, though Jose was 18-19), me and my five friends used to play heaps of tie up games so I hope to post some of them. My friends were Alex (cool guy with blonde hair), Ryan (shy sort of guy with black hair), Jose (the oldest. At the time he had a girlfriend but now they are happily married and he is a pharmacist), Sam (tall guy with jet black hair), and Gatesy (short guy with brown hair). I am normal height with dark brown hair.

We are all in the same diving team (that's how we became friends) and we used to go in for comps all around the world. Of course in this time we got into tie up games. I would like to say the none of us are homosexual. Most of us now have girlfriends, so there. We're just really good mates.

Anyway sorry for the long intro, I have to go now but I'll come back and post some stories soon.



Saturday, August 26th 2006 - 11:44:45 PM

First Post

Hm? Oh, excuse me for a second, I've just noticed my watch has a small rhino imprinted on it. I will investigate further while tapping the full stop button............................. well don't ask me why it's there. The brand name is Lorus. Ah well, on to my first story.

It was a Friday night and Me and Jose (the big one) were at Gatesy's (the short one) house. We were watching an episode of Superman (that's how mature we were). It came to a part where Clark as a teenager was tied to a chair by some gangsters. Gatesy responded by saying he could easily get out of those knots. Jose and I were pretty surprised, since Gatesy didn't usually join in with our games. He agreed we could tie him to a chair and see if he could get loose. I think his parents were at some conference (Jose was 19 at the time. You can relax, it was legal.)

So we taped both his legs to the chair legs, tied his upper body to the back of the chair, and tied it so his arms were pinned to his sides. Of course, being the cruel teenagers we were, Jose and I started walking out the door. He called back to us, and Jose just smirked and said "We're going for a walk".

We went for a walk round the street, with the house in full view (bear in mind that we would never have done this if he was gagged) and came back to the house. Gatesy still wasn't free, and had tipped himself on his side, but somehow, DON'T ask me how, he had turned the T.V on and was watching it sideways. Jose and I cracked up and went to watch it with him.

Eventually we untied him and after that Gatesy was a lot more participating in our future games.

That was my first post, I hope it was ok.



Sunday, August 27th 2006 - 12:11:44 AM

Tying Alex

Yeah, it's me again. This is something that happened during a diving comp in London. All of my five friends were there, and since we were in the same team, we were in the same room. There was a T.V in the room but unless you like watching quality static it wasn't much good. Ryan had brought his PS1 along so we hooked it up and started playing Final Fantasy 8 (we are most of us avid FF fans).

If you know anything about FF8, there is a part where Squall (the hero) is chained to a wall and tortured by his rival, Seifer. Alex said that would be a cool way of being restrained, so we decided to take him up on the offer. Ryan said he should do it in his speedos, but Alex was a bit apprehensive. We had done tie up games in speedos before (I'm getting to them. I can only do one story at a time) but this was something new. Jose suggested he could do it with his shirt off. Alex still had doubts, so we lowered the offer (going once, going twice) and said he could do it in just a singlet (translated from vest for other nationality readers) and boxers. He agreed, so we got some rope (we always took it on these things) and tied it to the roof rafters. Then we got him to stand on a chair and tied the rope to both of his wrists. We took the box away and left him dangling there, supported only by the ropes. It was a rather comical sight, considering what he was dressed in. He got kind of annoyed when we started poking him with stuff (FF8 lay forgotten) but he laughed anyway.

After that we all had a turn so a fun time was had by all. We never did do that again, considering it hurts your arms after a while, but it was fun while it lasted.



Sunday, August 27th 2006 - 12:48:11 AM

Tied up by Jose

Yello, it's me again. I have yet another story to add. Too much time on my hands I guess.

Anyway this one happened at the diving competition in London again. It was after the first day, when we had just arrived. We came back and we all went to bed early, even though we were just being shown around tomorrow. Little did we know, Jose had brought along his Chloroform. Yes, Jose actually made his own Chloroform. It wasn't strong stuff but it was enough to make you zonked out of reality for a few minutes.

Anyway, when we had all fallen asleep, Jose got to work (I'm just going from what he told me). I woke up in the night (around midnight) and found that I was in a strange position. Then I realised that I had been tied spread-eagled to the bed. When my eyes got used to the dark, I saw Jose doing the same to the others. I couldn't do anything since there was a piece of tape across my mouth. I couldn't struggle since I was so tired, so I went back to sleep.

When early morning came, I woke up and found everyone else in the same position as me. It wasn't so bad for me, since I was wearing my pyjamas, but Ryan was only wearing boxers and Sam only briefs. Jose woke up and started grinning like a shark, pleased at his handiwork.

Eventually, when we had to leave, he untied us, but we were already making plans to get him back. Well, I'll post the story of our revenge later.



Sunday, August 27th 2006 - 01:22:22 AM

Our Revenge on Jose

Okay, now for a fourth one. I'm on a roll today.

As said in my previous story, we were all looking to get Jose back for his midnight prank. A few days later, as we were coming back from one of the diving rounds, we made a plan. That evening, Sam, Ran and Alex would look through our room until they found Jose's chloroform. Gatesy and I would stall him when he went out.

Eventually, when he went out for something, we put our plan into action. Me and Gatesy followed him and stalled him for as long as we could (I can't quite remember how we did it.) When we came back, Alex gave me the signal that he had found it. The next day, after another round (we actually did quite well that day) we went back to the hotel. Gatesy went downstairs with a pre-planned story. Sam told Jose that Gatesy wanted him downstairs. When he came back, we all leapt on him. We used the chloroform to subdue him, though he wasn't out for long. We didn't want to put too much on so we put too little. Anyway while he was out, we stripped him to his speedos (when we want revenge we GET revenge), carried him to the middle of the room(he was SO heavy. This guy had so much muscle it could be used to stop world hunger) and put his arms by his sides. Then we bound him from head to foot in duct tape, so only about half his body was visible (kind of like a zebra). We were also careful to gag him with plenty of tape so no sound came out at all.

When he came to his wits he was furious that he had been outwitted. To be honest, I think he kind of expected something like this since he did it to us. It was a shame he didn't have any chest hairs. I heard they kill to pull out. When night came we put him on his bed and left him there. We had had a fun time poking him and tickling him occasionally and making his life miserable but it was time to give him a break. We untied him in the morning and he agreed that he deserved it. So that was how we got our revenge



Tuesday, August 29th 2006 - 01:18:21 AM

My first time

Stewart here, and this is the story of how I was first tied up by my friends.

It was at a school camp we had for all who wished to be involved in sport that year. Can't quite remember why, but school doesn't always make sense. Everyone was put into cabins according to the sport they would be participating in. Netballers were put in a cabin, footballers in another etc.

The divers also had their own cabin, and I was in there with five other guys. I had seen them around, but I hadn't talked to them much. Sometimes, in our free time, they would play tie up games, since most of them already knew each-other. I would just watch with incredulity, seeing as I had never been tied up before.

I think on the second-last day, they asked me if I would like a go. I was slightly apprehensive, like I said, I didn't know them too well, but I accepted. They had obviously done it many times before, and they were very fast tyers. I sat in a chair, and put my arms on the armrests. One of them tied my arms to the armrests, while another tied my legs to the chair legs (I wasn't too good with names at that point). Then they looped some rope around my chest and stomach and secured me to the chair. Though not entirely necessary, I was gagged with a piece of tape.

They watched me struggle for a while, then started to give me pointers on how to get free. Using these, I managed to free myself after much hard work. Then they taught me how to tie knots myself. After that, introductions were made all around (I was a shy sort of person at the time and didn't mix too well). I managed to tie some of them up in the time we had left, and that was how our tie up games really got going. Gotta go now, but I'll post some more later.


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Post by Canuck100 »

Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:55 am Yeah.

Here I am again, with another useless story.

So we were on school camp. We were all about 16 at the time. It was a one of those ''go to a city and stay in a hotel' sort of camps, and there were three people to a room. I happened to be in with Alex and Ryan.

It was at this time that we were just relaxing in our rooms, since we had just been on a 'scavenger hunt' (exciting as watching toenails grow) and we had returned second. Anyway, Ryan was sleeping, I don't know what Alex was doing, and I was reading.

Alex got bored, as he frequently does, so he decides to play one of his famed practical jokes (oh boy). Since Ryan was asleep and I was lying there fully alert, it was obvious who the victim was going to be. There were three extension cords in the cupboard so he grabbed two of them and set to work. I watched disinterestedly as he bound Ryan's wrists quite securely to the bedframe. At this point, as was to be expected, Ryan woke. He was quite indignant about his predicament, so he started thrashing his legs around so as not to have them caught in the same way. This made it impossible to tie them, so Alex called me over to help.

I was annoyed at being disturbed from my book, but I helped by holding one leg down for it to be tied, then the other. Now that Ryan was immobilised, I returned to my book.

Before long I was disturbed by bursts of laughter. I looked up and saw that, yes, Alex was administering hideous but effective poking torture. Ryan was a rather sensitive guy and it didn't take Alex long to find his sensitive places (just above his ribs was the top spot, I think). Needless to say, this was even more distracting than before. I got up and left the room, closing the door on Ryan's increasing laughter, then I headed down to the T.V room, which was currently empty.

After a while I headed back to check on the situation (okay, so I was curious). I was to see that they had now switched places, with Alex tied up and Ryan torturing him. It was here that I learnt that Ryan was very good at painless non-tickle torture (which I experienced at a later date...but that's another story). However it wasn't all like that just then. I could see that Alex's shirt had been pulled up about an inch to allow access to his waist, which even now I remember was his most sensitive point.

After Alex had been roughed up thoroughly he escaped, at which he and Ryan spent the rest of the week getting revenge on each-other. However most of them didn't involve tie-ups. So I guess I shouldn't post them here, should I?

Quam can vos lego id? Adepto a vita!
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