TheDoctor : 06 - The Long Game (mmm/fff)

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TheDoctor : 06 - The Long Game (mmm/fff)

Post by Canuck100 »

TheDoctor's stories
06 - The Long Game
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By TheDoctor

Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:20 am

The Long Game


This story once again takes part in Alex’s house, and as some people on this site have insisted on it, I will first introduce the characters so you know if they are male or female etc. This story features boys tying girls, girls tying boys, girls tying girls, and boys tying boys, as well. I will also note what we were wearing. We had gone straight to Alex’s house from sports at school, so we were wearing our sports clothes, perfect for TUGs.

Me, 14, male, wearing a white t-shirt, black shorts and maroon football socks
Katie, 12 – Jack’s sister, wearing black shorts, white t-shirt and white socks
Alex, 14 – Tillie’s brother, wearing black shorts, white t-shirt and maroon football socks
Jack, 14 – Katie’s brother, wearing white shorts, white t-shirt and white socks
Tillie, 13 – Alex’s sister, wearing a maroon gym skirt, white t-shirt and white socks
Rachel, 14 – me and Alex’s friend, wearing black shorts, white t-shirt and white socks

We had all gone to Alex’s house for a sleepover, and Alex’s parents had gone out for the evening, not to be back until around 10pm.
It is now 5pm, and the evening of TUGs is about to begin…

Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:53 am

As Jack and Rachel had never played the game before, we explained how it worked. We split into teams and tried to capture all the members of the opposing team, where we tied them up, then tortured them. After watching a movie and eating dinner, we began the game. We decided to first play boys versus girls. You could go anywhere inside the house or outside in the garden, and before we started, Alex and Tillie collected together all the tying up equipment they could find and dumped it in the living room, accessible to anyone.

The girls were given the chance to hide, while we counted to 200. When we had finished, all three of us started by searching indoors. Alex took the downstairs rooms while me and Jack went upstairs. We looked in the bedrooms first, then the bathroom. Rachel was hiding behind the door, and we only found her when I pushed the door open and nearly flattened her against the wall! She giggled as me and Jack stared at her, and suddenly she dashed to the side, making for the door. I reached and grabbed her arm though, and managed to drag her back.

“Now we’ve got you,” I said, in a kidnapper-like voice. I turned to Jack and laughed a little, “Let’s tie her up.”

While Jack took Rachel into one of the bedrooms, I went downstairs and grabbed some stuff to tie her up with, and Alex came up with me.

We told Rachel to lie down on the bed, and we tied her wrists and ankles to the four bedposts with some thin rope Alex had found in his dad’s shed, stretching her out. Then, I got a roll of masking tape and put about ten pieces over her mouth.

Due to her being tied so tightly, her t-shirt had risen slightly, exposing her stomach, and I reached down and tickled her. She squealed beneath the gag and thrashed around, her arms and legs flailing about against the ropes. We left Jack to guard her while me and Alex went to find the other two.

Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:59 am


After searching the entire house, we reasoned the girls must be hiding somewhere out in the garden. Before going out, me and Alex both took some rope and a roll of tape – just in case the girls fought back. The garden stretched uphill to a small fence, behind which were the beginnings of a wood. Alex went up to the top, while I checked first the shed, and then the greenhouse. I quickly reached the back of the greenhouse.

“That’s not the best hiding place I’ve ever seen, but full marks for trying,” I said.

Tillie emerged from underneath a table covered in little potted plants, her hands raised above her head, and a grin spreading across her face. I moved closer to her and bound her hands loosely behind her back.

“Come on then,” I said, and steered her back into the house, my left hand over her mouth.

As I entered the house, I saw Alex approaching with Katie in front. Her hands were tied behind her back and a strip of duct tape was over her mouth.

“That was easy,” Alex remarked, and we went indoors.

[Anyone has saved the rest of the story, by any chance?]

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