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Cynthia : Spy vs Spy (m/ff, f/f)

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:11 am
by JohnnyRockets
[from Bob's site. Added formatting & a title]

Hi. I feel a bit funny doing this, so bear with me.

Cynthia's not my real name (and I will use no real names here). Anyway, my husband and I have been happily married for over ten years, and a bit of light bondage is one of our favorite forms of foreplay. We don't get into elaborate fantasies, or anything. He just loves looking at me tied up (and sometimes gagged), and I enjoy responding to his touch when I'm restrained.

This has always been a personal and private thing for me. It is for him, too, but he's more of a "hobbyist" than I am. He was looking around on the Web and found this page. Since we really don't play out any "fantasies" ourselves we have no stories to tell about us, and he tells me that I was the first woman he ever had the courage to ask to tie up, so he really doesn't have any stories of his own youthful exploits. After he read this page, though, he remarked to me that one or two of you had asked for a female reaction to the "tie-up" games so many of you remember from your youths. Well, as it happens, my husband knows that I do have such a story to tell, and he asked me if I'd be interested in sharing it anonymously. Even on that basis, I wasn't crazy about the idea at first, but he asked me to think it over, and I decided that, if you really want to hear it from the perspective of a girl who found herself "all tied up", I'll oblige. I'm writing this on my word processor at home (so I can change my mind if I decide to), and my husband plans to copy and post it himself. It may be a bit long, though (I like to write, once I get going); maybe he'll edit it a little. Fair warning: I won't embellish the story to make it "sexy" (if you find it so, that's up to you), but I present it for those who are interested.

My parents both came from big families, and I grew up with a lot of cousins; some lived nearby, and the ones who didn't always seemed to be trading visits with us. One summer (I was 14), while my dad was at sea, my mom took us kids to spend a few weeks with her sister and my uncle and cousins. My cousins and I played "kick the can" type games (which often involved the person who was "it" having to "capture" the other kids, and them sometimes being "rescued"). Sometimes, though, these games expanded into more elaborate scenarios, with teams opposing each other to hide or find things, sometimes going on for days at a time (in and around going to the beach, movies, etc.). Most of the time, my cousin Jess was responsible. Jess was a "Star Trek" guy, he played wargames (the board kind: this was back even before Atari!), and always seemed to try to organize any game or activity he was involved in (he could never stand to see my youngest brother just set up his army guys and knock them down, he always had to try and get them "in order"). Jess was my age, his sister Jenny was a year older. As the oldest in our families, we three had been the closest of any of the cousins, and I was quite used to Jess' attempting to make up elaborate rules for everything. That's probably why, this particular summer, it didn't occur to me that Jess' focus on playing games with a female cousin might be, well, shifting a bit.

The summer in question, the game was called "Spy vs. Spy". I don't remember all the rules; I just remember that we were divided into teams (4 or 5 of us on each team, ranging in age from Jenny to my youngest brother, who was six at the time), and were supposed to look for hidden "secrets", and spy on each other. Now, Jess usually made sure that the secrets were worth finding (and he wasn't allowed to do any of the finding himself). He had a million old toys, so the little kids might get to find some of those. For us older ones, it would be things like a card that got you first choice of TV program to watch that night, or got you out of doing dishes or something (worth at least a little effort when you're a kid!). Since his parents regarded him and Jenny as being pretty responsible (which they were), they tolerated a houseful of kids periodically digging through closets for secrets, or having to use the den as a "jail" from time to time. We also had to "spy" on the other team, and if they discovered you, you were "captured". This usually only involved waiting in my uncle's den for a while; sometimes, though, the captives were tied up.

Now, before the summer I'm talking about, I don't remember Jess ever tying me up. Sometimes, the younger kids would get a few loops of clothesline tied around them, but not tight enough to actually restrain them (they knew it meant they had to stay still until rescued). I have no idea how I'd avoided it up to this point, but once "Spy vs Spy" got going, Jess made sure that I ran afoul of this rule. At the beginning of the week, he had made it a "boys vs girls" game (sometimes we divided by families), so Jenny and I were on the same team. Certainly, we were both getting a little old for playing games of this type with our younger cousins and siblings, but we'd been doing it for so many years, that don't I recall either of us feeling at all strange about it (though we didn't get as seriously into it as we had when we were younger). Moving past all the preliminaries, the first evening, Jess "caught" me while I was spying.

"Okay, Cyn", he said, "you're my prisoner now". He escorted me into the den. We were the only ones there at the time. At this point, I figured to sit on the sofa, put my feet up, and wait for a teammate to rescue me. Jess, though, had other ideas.

"Put your hands behind your back", he said. I was surprised, and asked him "Why?"

"You're my prisoner", he repeated, "and I have to hold you here until my team finds their next secret". He was holding a scarf in his hands.

"Jess, since when is this necessary? You didn't do that to Bobby (my younger brother)".

"Well", he said, "this is not for the younger kids" (didn't make sense to me at the time, but I can see why it did to Jess!). I don't remember the rest of the conversation; I do remember eventually resigning myself to another one of "Jess' rules", and turning around with my hands behind me. He pulled my wrists tightly together and across each other, and started tying them with the scarf. He looped them several times, and when the scarf was knotted, I tried to get loose.

Okay, here I am, having my first tie-up experience. My reaction at this point? Nothing, really. Some mild irritation, I suppose, but I think I thought I was being a "good sport", and keeping the game going for everyone's enjoyment.

I sat down on the big sofa, trying to get comfortable. Jess had other ideas, though. While I was shifting around, he pulled out another scarf, grabbed my legs, pulled them together, and tied a quick loop around my ankles. I said something like "Hey", but then let him continue (I guess I figured that this was no more or less necessary than tying my hands had been). I think tying my ankles was harder for him, and I began to squirm a bit (to see if I could "escape"). His only reaction was to work harder at subduing my legs. I think this was the point at which it dawned on me that Jess was even more intent that usual on our game, and that he was pretty serious about getting me tied up. He was getting frustrated, so I relaxed a bit to let him finish the job.

When he was done, he sat next to me on the sofa. He talked a little bit about "Spy vs Spy", but he was more fidgety than I'd ever seen him. Finally, he asked me some question about how well he had tied me up. I made some non-committal remark about being a captured spy, and he looked at me very intently. Well, I know now that he was somehow hoping that I'd tell him that I was getting "turned on" by it, and I think that, even at the time, I was beginning to sense that his interest was heading in that direction. Was I turned on? Nope. Hope that doesn't disappoint anyone unduly, but I really didn't feel anything but restrained. I wasn't especially uncomfortable, though. That came next.

Jess got up from the sofa, and said something about not wanting Jenny to come rescue me. Frankly, I figured she probably had better things to do (as I said, these games would go on in and around all our other daily activities), but didn't say so. When Jess turned around to come back to me, he had another scarf in his hand (turned out to be more than one, actually). He said he would have to "keep me quiet" so I wouldn't be found, and I'm sure you can guess what he had in mind.

Well, now I was getting a little edgy. It had become clear to me that Jess was enjoying my plight in more than a "Spy vs Spy" context. At the same time, though, I never felt remotely threatened by him. Anyway, there stood Jess with the scarves. He repeated, "I'll have to keep you quiet until your partner gets here" (again, it didn't really hit me that he was speaking as though he expected Jenny any minute). Now my reaction was more like "Wait just a darn minute". I could see that he was about to tie this scarf over my mouth (shows how much I knew!), and I let him know that I wasn't crazy about the idea. He tried to get a little pouty about the game, but he finally just said something along the lines of "C'mon, this is how they do it on TV". OK, it's "Cyn the Good Sport" time again. I said, "OK, but if Jenny isn't here in five minutes, I'm taking it off" (such confidence, eh?).

So, at this point, I sat up straight to make it easier for him. As I say, I expected him to just tie a scarf across my mouth. I opened my mouth to say something mundane (probably "I hope it's clean"), when he moved really fast. I'm not sure if he actually knew he'd have the courage to try it, but when I gave him the "opening", you might say, he seized the chance. He jammed the scarf into my mouth. And, as I said, it was more than one: he had balled up at least one other scarf inside the long one, and stuffed it into my mouth. Well, now I decided I'd had enough of being a good sport. I was more startled than uncomfortable or frightened, but I still had no desire to have this thing in my mouth. Of course, I couldn't speak clearly, and Jess wasn't looking at my face; he was bending over me, looking at the knot he was tying over my hair. The scarf was long enough that he was able to wind it around my head a second time and make it secure against easy slippage without having to make it too tight. It was tight enough, though, that shaking my head did nothing to loosen it. He stepped back and looked at me. He tried to say something about the game, but I think seeing me this way had him completely tongue-tied. I guess it was something he'd always fantasized about, and he was having trouble believing that it had come true.

As I say, I wasn't getting aroused by this, but I was beginning to feel a little pleased, I guess, at the fact that I was clearly exciting him. I don't think I really thought about the tying-up part; I think I just figured he found me attractive enough to want to "keep around." I'd known Jess all my life, and it was flattering to think he might find me attractive. The gag, though, was really more than I'd bargained for, and I tried to tell him so. I know that a gagged woman is supposed to say "Mpph" or some variation, but it seems to me that what I was saying came out more like "Aargh". What I was trying to say was "enough already" without hurting his feelings. That's when we heard Jenny come in the back door of the house.

Well, I see now, of course Jess had expected his big sister. I don't know how they arranged it, but Jenny knew I had been "captured", and she was coming to rescue me. Jess was still looking a bit shaky, but he wasn't quite done with me. He had more scarves hidden away, and he grabbed one, pulled my ankles around and swung me up on the couch, face down. "No", I hear you say, "this 14-year-old kid wasn't planning to put you into a hogtie?" Yup, that's just what he did. Nothing elaborate, he just tied another scarf between the ones on my wrists and ankles. There must have been almost a foot of play, so I had room to move around. The sofa was a big one, and I started squirming in earnest, but even a loose hogtie can be tough to get out of (especially if you've never tried before). In another couple of seconds, he had hidden inside a closet as Jenny came in.

Now, Jenny was older than we were, and we all regarded her as being pretty sophisticated. I was mortified at the idea that she would see me so wrapped up in this "kids' game". I was surprised, then, that she began to play along, saying in a voice of mock horror, "Oh, my God, Cyn, what happened". Like I could have answered; I was too busy rolling my eyes in embarrassment. Jenny came over as though to begin untying me, when Jess stepped out of the closet. "Hold it", he said, and addressed her by some code name she used in the game. I expected her to ask him just what was going on; instead she said something like "Drat-you caught me!" "Yes", he said, "and now you'll share your partner's fate!" Jenny made as though to run for the door, but Jess grabbed her from behind, put a hand over her mouth, and pulled her back.

O.K., Cyn asks herself, just what the hell is going on here? Near as I could figure (and Jenny confirmed it later), Jess had confided to Jenny that he'd like to tie up some girls "like on TV", and she'd agreed to indulge him. The "Spy vs Spy" game was the perfect opportunity to do it. So, Jess began tying Jenny up. She got pretty much the same treatment I did, including being hogtied next to me on the couch. I looked up at Jess, and where before he was just nervous, now he was white as a sheet. After all, there had to be limits to his parents' indulgence of our games, and I think he had the feeling we might have reached it. In addition, of course, he had to be painfully aroused by all this. Jenny looked up at him, too, and I could feel her body starting to shake. I actually think Jess had gagged her tighter than he had me, so at first I couldn't hear her; after a few seconds, though, it was obvious that she was giggling. She began to squirm and struggle like a real prisoner, all the time laughing. Even though my gag wasn't exactly comfortable, I couldn't help joining her. For probably three or four minutes the two of us pitched ourselves this way and that, finally subsiding with hilarious exhaustion.

At this point, Jess came out of his trance, and raced like a madman to untie us both. He began with me, undoing my gag first. When I was free, and taking deep breaths of air, he focused his attention on Jenny, and didn't even look at me. Obviously, at this point, things might easily have become terminally awkward, and Jess had no idea what to do next. Leave it to Jenny: she hugged her brother, and said, "Well, is that what you wanted?" I don't think he expected such a direct question, and he hemmed and hawed a bit. With his discomfort so obvious, Jen turned to me, "How about you, Cyn? What did you think?" Well, I certainly didn't want to hurt Jess' feelings, so I said something about how he sure knew how to deal with spies. I wasn't sure if he'd be hurt by the fact that I wasn't aroused by it like he was. In the end, I said it didn't bother me (even a 14-year-old likes to know she's turned a guy on, even if he's her cousin, though I didn't say that). Jenny laughed, and put her arms around both of us. "Well, guys, speaking for myself, I had fun. Jess, if you ever catch me spying around here again, I'd expect you to be properly prepared." At that, he beamed hugely. I smiled, too. It had been a funny sort of experience to share with Jen, and I had to admit it had given the game an edge it had previously lacked. Jen looked at me. "Cyn, how about it-would you continue playing the game this week if you knew what fate lay in store for captured spies?" Oh, heck, I thought. It's only a few more days. I didn't want to mislead anyone, though. I said, "O.K., but not all the time or anything." Never occurred to me to ask for a bit of "revenge"; I don't think Jess would have cared for it, anyway. Before we went to bed that night , Jenny said that she figured Jess' interest in tying us up was "just one of those things boys like to do". I agreed, and we left it that way for the night.

There was only one other tie-up that summer, and I guess it helped Jess fulfill another one of his fantasies.

Well, while we were all about this business, of course, the younger kids had completed their "treasure hunts". Jess awarded prizes, and told everyone that for the last game of the week (and the summer), we'd switch teams back: now it would be family vs family again. Maybe you're way ahead of me on this one, but the fact that he and Jenny were now on the same team really didn't hit me at the time. Moving briskly on, I once more found myself as a "discovered" spy, captured by the enemy. This time, though, I wasn't alone with Jess: his "lieutenant", Jenny, was with him.
"Lieutenant", he ordered Jenny, "tie up the spy."

I had resigned myself to Jess tying me up, so it did surprise me that he didn't want to do it himself. "Yes, sir!" Jenny saluted him with mock solemnity, picked up one of those scarves, and approached me, giggling already. She called me something like "Little Miss Nosey", and told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. As Jenny tied my wrists, I watched Jess: his reaction was priceless. I guess the other thing he'd always wanted to see was one girl tying up another, so he was now two for two. Jenny certainly didn't tie me as tightly as Jess had; she made sure the scarf would hold my wrists together when I relaxed my arms, and left it at that. I sat on the couch and she tied my ankles even more loosely; I could easily have stepped out of it if I'd tried. Jenny then turned to her brother.
"Sir, what if her rescuers are here in the house somewhere?"
"Good point", Jess responded, seeming more confident now with his sister's support, "Do you think we need to gag the spy, lieutenant?"
"Yes, sir", replied the smirking "lieutenant", "I think we need to gag the spy."
"Very well", said Jess, "Gag the spy."
"Ha, ha, very funny" muttered the "spy".
"Now, Cyn", Jenny said, "Fair's fair. You're caught." I didn't respond, and Jenny picked up another scarf and stepped to the side of where I sat. I tilted back my head, with my lips together.
"Uh, uh", said Jenny, "C'mon. Open up."
I wanted to object, but Jenny was looking so amused by all of this that I smiled and opened my mouth. She slipped a single scarf between my teeth, and tied it just tightly enough to keep it in place.

Jess was quiet again, watching us. Jenny looked up at him. "Sir, she may have rescuers on the way-maybe you'd better take a look outside while I guard the prisoner." I have never seen anyone's face fall as far or as fast as Jess' did then. Jenny watched her joke take effect on him for a second, then laughed and said, "Tell you what, sir, why don't I go look while YOU guard the prisoner". She got up and left, and Jess sat watching me. I'm sure what he really wanted to do was to re-do his sister's work more securely, but he didn't want to push it. I did a bit of squirming and moaning for effect, and he did his best to act menacing.

Things sort of petered out from there. Jenny came back in a few minutes, announcing that she and I were expected to help fix dinner now. She untied my hands, and I freed my ankles and removed the gag. I suppose I should have said something to Jess (since I could tell this was important to him), but I couldn't think of anything, so we headed for the kitchen, and left him.
That's the end of the story. By the next summer, when we saw each other again, Jen had her driver's license, and she and I went off together most days. Today, Jess and Jenny are both happily married to great people, both have kids, and, no, I've never asked either of them if bondage is any part of their marriages. Really, until my husband mentioned your website to me, I can't even remember speculating on it.

Now, since I don't intend to post any followups to this, let me try and sum up my feelings about all this. Did being tied up excite me in any sexual sort of way? No. Really, I think I regarded it as another one of those annoying things boys would do (like pulling my hair, or "brushing up" against my chest or bottom) to try and get close to a girl; the sort of thing which is preferable coming from an attractive guy than an unattractive one, but which still seems pretty childish. I liked Jess (as a cousin and a good friend), so I certainly wasn't offended or hurt by the experience; I just know I didn't get out of it what he did. Did this experience lead to the bondage that my husband and I currently practice? I doubt it: none of my boyfriends ever tried to tie me up (and it never occurred to me to ask them to), and my husband and I had been lovers for some time before he asked me, so I was already confident of his skill and sensitivity as a lover (don't you DARE try and cut that part out, babe!!). Nowadays, while I certainly get excited when he ties me, it's strictly in anticipation of his loving touch. Please understand, though, that I'm not trying to generalize here about ALL women's reactions: this is strictly my story.
So, I hope you may have found this story of some interest, and I hope it answers some questions for you.


Re: Spy vs Spy by Cynthia (m/ff, f/f)

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:32 pm
by rash357
[mention]JohnnyRockets[/mention] great find! Did you save off all of the stories from Bob’s? Or do you happen to remember the old URL? I had found it at one point but can’t remember it anymore. Thanks for posting!

Re: Spy vs Spy by Cynthia (m/ff, f/f)

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:28 am
by JohnnyRockets
Hello @rash357, I looked through some old files, I'm attaching what I could find. Glad you enjoyed.