GnRatM : 01 - Best Summer of my life (mff/mf)

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GnRatM : 01 - Best Summer of my life (mff/mf)

Post by Canuck100 »

GnRatM's stories
01 - Best Summer of my life
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By GnRatM

Monday, March 6th 2006 - 10:00:32 PM

Best Summer of my life

Maybe it was Mario. Or maybe it was Scooby-Doo. Who knows. All I know is that at age 5, I was fascinated with seeing a women tied up and gagged. Being a shy person, up until 13 years old, I had never had the chance to be tied up or to tie up a damsel. All of that changed the summer of 7th grade, when I was 13.

Our neighbors, the McKalens, moved out that year, due to family problems and financial problems. A new family, the Smiths (Name Changed) moved in. Just my luck that they had a daughter my age who was gorgeous. Ashley was a blonde with nice green eyes and a nice body. I fell head over heels with her and she was literally, my "girl-next-door".

We quickly became good friends and hung out every day or so. She had a pool and I had a trampoline, so we never got bored. She also had a little sister, Christine, who was only 10, but you could tell she would grow up to be pretty. I had a brother of 11 and he hadn't gotten interested in girls yet so he and Christine were just friends.

Many a hot day, I had a couple friends over. Max was my age, about my height (5'0) with a mixed hair color of blonde and brown. Max's parents worked in the summer so he brought his little sister over when he came to get out of his babysitting duties. Lindsay is also my age, a little shorter and with long, black hair. Finally, there was Matt, who was a year younger than me. He was tall though and you couldn't tell that he was younger.

Together, the 5 of us and our 3 little friends played many games, whether in the pool or out around the neighborhood. One of these days, we played a game of capture the flag. Christine kept cheating when she was caught by running away, that finally, someone tied her to the fence that served as their jail. Eventually, these tie ups happened more and more often until they were a given part of any game. This probed the basis of our summer.

We only played maybe 3-4 games oriented around Capture the Flag before the games became much more tie up oriented. Only one of these stories is worth posting, and if the others read this, they would agree.

We split into 2 teams of 4, with me, Ashley, Alex (brother) and Christine vs. Max, Lindsay, Matt and Kim (max's sister).

We have no real boundaries. The point of the game was to bring back the opponents flag to your flag. Your flag needed to be in its spot.

Let me explain something, we play Capture the Flag a little differently than most other people. In a way, it's more based off a computer games version than the traditional kind. There are really no boundaries. Its one big playing field with 2 distinct sides (woods and field) and everyone knows where the flag is on each side, taking away the hiding part. People can be captured anyplace on the playing field, even your own side. To capture someone on their own side though, requires 2 people.

We started the game on the woods side. Ashley and I were still a bit tired from waking up, so Christine and Alex went to go get the flag, while Ashley and I guarded. We talked to each other, getting to know each other. We heard some twigs snap and went quiet. All that was heard was our thumping hearts. Suddenly we heard "Ow" and then a swear word. Out of the nearby bushes came Lindsay, Kim and Max (who had a couple of thorns sticking out).

We were outnumbered 3 to 2 which meant it was much easier for them to get the flag or capture one of us. They wanted the latter and started to run over. I told Ashley to run and we started to sprint away. I ran a little faster and pulled ahead.

Max is a cross country runner and he caught up to Ashley fast and grabbed her. Lindsay caught up to him and together, they captured Ashley. I hid behind the next tree and watched. Lindsay took out some cotton rope and bound Ashley's wrists together behind her back. Max took a bandana and tied it around her mouth. It didn't work very effectively, but they shrugged it off and said they'd fix it when they got back to the hideout.

The hideout...this was feeling less like a Capture the Flag game and more like a kidnapping game...which was fine with me!

I followed Max and Lindsay from a distance, trying to find out where their hideout was. We came out of the woods and back to the neighborhood. They marched Ashley right into Max's house where I lost view of them. I started circling around the house looking to see if I could spot them in a window. Finally, I saw movement in a low window, a basement window.

Ashley's hands had been retied behind a support beam and her gag replaced with a couple of pieces of black duct tape. She looked rather distressed at her sudden kidnapping and looked very beautiful all tied up.

A hand clapped around my mouth and another wrapped itself around my waist, effectively pinning my arms to my side. "Hello there Tim" said Lindsay satisfactory. She chuckled and led me down into the basement of Max's house. Ashley looked rather disappointed that I was captured.

Max had gone out for the flag, so she was left to tie me up herself. She decided, although it might take more time, that it would be much "cuter" to see Ashley and I tied back to back. The problem was: How would she do that without letting someone out of bonds?

Lindsay, at this point, realized that it wouldn't be safe to leave two people tied up in a basement so she decided to move us. She marched me upstairs into a bedroom. She sat me on the floor and tied my ankles. "There" she said, laughing. In true game fashion, I said "You won't get away with this!" and she kept laughing. "Thanks for reminding me" she said. I didn't know what she was talking about until she pulled out a roll of duct tape. She took about 3 pieces and gagged me.

A couple minutes later, Lindsay brought Ashley up to the room and sat us back to back. She produced a long piece of cotton rope and wrapped it around about 6 times before tying it off. Our wrists were tied behind us and another piece of rope was tied between them, effectively connecting us. Lindsay chuckled again, then closed the door and left us.

AIM: GnRetm (someone took my GnRatM ;_;)

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