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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday, September 2nd 2002 - 03:36:10 PM

My cheerleader Experience (m/f)

Hi Guys! This is Sherman. I haven't been around for a while so this story might be bad, but what the hell?

When I was a freshmen in high school I met a girl named Stephanie. From the moment I saw her I had the biggest crush on her. She had long blonde hair, green eyes excellent body, and was about 5 feet nine inches tall.

To make a long story short, I one day mustured up the courage to ask her out to a movie. She said yes, which surprised me, but it turns out she is extremely nice.

After the movie we ended up back at my place where my parents weren't home. We were cuddling on my bed and talking when suddenly I asked her, "I was wondering if you were ticklish?" She just blushed and said, "yeah." Stephanie was still wearing her chearleading uniform because there was a pep rally before the movie.

I reached over and squeezed her side and she jumped and giggled. I then said, "You know, I really want to tickle you more but you keep squirming around, I'm going to have to tie you up." Stephanie didn't make a sound so I reached into my closet and pulled out several neckties. I laid on top of her and grabbed her hands, pulled them over her head and tied them together around the left bedpost. She started to giggle with anticipation, so I gagged her with another necktie. I then started to tickle her underarms ligthtly. She started to kick her feet, so I quickly tied her ankles together.

I was very turned on by her cute little cheerleading shoes so I slowly untied them and took them off. Her feet smelled really good. I slowly pulled off her tight white sox to reveal the cutest toes I have ever seen. She had adorable feet! I began to stroke the arches of her feet with my fingertips. Steph went crazy and began laughing through the gag.

oops iv'e got to go! If you want to hear more, post with your responses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday, January 3rd 2003 - 02:58:19 PM

Carrie's Detective adventure (m/f)

The 70's provided the best t.v. tie up scenes. Wonder Woman, Charlies Angles's etc. Watching re-runs of these shows with my friend Carrie started some great tie-up games. It started when we were both about 16. While watching the Angels she commented while one of them was tied up.

"This is so fake, every time one gets tied up the others find her in the nick of time, she could easily get loose before."

Carrie was about 5'6 110lbs, with feathered blonde hair, and always dressed like the women on T.V at that time. Tight jeans , and those leather boots that went up to the knee that I love so much. I always had a secret crush on Carrie and wanted to tie her up but was to scared to ask.

My chance was now here I said,"I bet if you were tied up like that you couldn't get out".

Carrie said "Yes, I could, tie me up like her(pointing at the T.V.)and I'll get out, and if I do you will clean my room for a month".

I agreed and ran to the shed to get some rope, and duct tape. I returned to find Carrie sitting in a wooden chair brought in from the kitchen. The woman on T.V. was tied to a chair and gagged with blacktape while the room was burning. I told Carrie the room would not be set on fire , otherwise she will be tied the same. I started with her hands behind her back tightly tying them, she gasped and said "Ow thats tight". I then wrapped more rope around her body to the chair. Next, I pulled a strip of duct tape from the roll and she said "I won't be able to tell you when to let me out", I ignored her and gagged her with 3 or 4 strips of tape. Now it was time to tie up her ankles. I must have wrapped 20 feet of rope around her black knee high boots.

By the time I was finished the closing credits of the show came on and the Angel was freed by the other Angels as Carrie predicted. However, Carrie's other prediction was about to be wrong. Carrie was bound and gagged to a chair in her own house. Dressed just like the 70's female detectives and no parents home until later that night. She mumbled through the gag, and hopped the chair around a little for the next hour or so.

I finally said "have you had enough?", she snodded her head yes. I took my time un tying her saving her boots for last. After i freed her hands she took the gag of herself and said, "I can't believe you kept me tied like that".

As I un-tied her feet I then admitted that I had wanted to for a while. She said "why didn't you, I have been hinting to you forever. I always wanted to be tied up like that I wasn't sure if I would like it or not".

As she rubbed her wrist she said, "that was a lot of fun we will have to do that again". I said, "anytime", and added the 70's boots were a plus. From that day on every time Carrie and I watched T.V. together she wore a pair of those boots, and she bought different colors. We had several more games like this one that got even better.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sunday, January 5th 2003 - 09:39:02 AM

Observances (m/m)

My post invites comment and I hope it will be enjoyable/helpful to all visitors/contributors to this most excellent, harmless site. Stories will follow.

As a 31 y/o heterosexual male, I must admit that throughout my excitment with being tied up I have often worried that I was "weird" and alone. Web sites like this one-and better-personal experiences have shown me that I am not alone, and that often people who I'd least expect to enjoy such things really do, at least as much as I.

Like many, my first experiences with being tied up date back to childhood games as early as 10 y/o. My first "tie-up partner" was a neighbor I'll call Tim who at first needed to be instructed but who also caught on very fast. By the time I was 18 (he 16) Tim and I would get together under the guise of listening to the latest albums to do nothing but enjoy entire afternoons/evenings of bondage/gagging/tickling.

This brings me to my first point: Although I am heterosexual, I must admit that there is nothing quite like being all tied up and gagged at the whim of another guy's dancing fingertips on the soles of my feet. Keep in mind too that my helplessness always involves my penchant for skintight spandex and/or shiny pantyhose on my shaved legs and thighs. Any thoughts?

Anyway...When Tim moved to college I found others who shared my fetish. My boss at a mini-mart job (Frank) could not seem to get enough of tying me up VERY tightly in elaborate ropework and experimenting with different types of gags. He was so enthused (and I so lucky) that he'd often allow me to "punch in" for no other reason than to keep me tightly bound and gagged for entire eight hour shifts. Inventory numbers of white, cotton clothesline rope as well as the L'eggs pantyhose display, needless to say, were often "fudged". That went on until we were "caught" by another manager (female) who was playfully amused as she ran her long nails across the bottoms of my bound, nyloned feet and did not offer to cut me free, but would not allow it to continue. It was quite scary at first when we were discovered by her, but that wore off as we merely diverted our encounters to his apartment. After all, imagine being totally "immune" to such a fetish only to innocently come across a coworker who has one of your subordinates very tightly hogtied with a ton of rope, and duct-tape gagged with a Hacky-Sack in his mouth.

Has anyone alse any experiences with being "caught"? I must continue later...

Bye for now...

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday, June 6th 2003 - 01:22:54 AM

Southern Bondage (m/m)

Hello all! This is my first post ever.

I grew up in the south and it was not uncommon for the boys to get into rope play even when we got older. When I was in high school I competed in the High School Rodeo Association in the calf roping event.

Anyway, my parents were out of town for the weekend and a buddy of mine was staying with me and we of course got a hold of some alcohol and were drinking. We got to talking about things and ended up talking about the rodeo and calf roping in specific and somehow we got on the topic of being tied up.

Now, I had been tied up before but never hogtied but, my friend had and was going on and on about how bad it was to be hogtied. I did not believe him and called his bluff about it. So he challenged me. He would hogtie me and I had 30 minutes to get free. I agreed and let him hogtie me.

I laid down on the floor and he tied my hands behind me and tied my feet together. When he tied my feet to my hands I never felt so helpless in my life. Once he tied off the last knot he went to my bedroom and got a bandanna and tied it in my mouth and plopped my cowboy hat on my head and told me to have fun. So there I was shirtless in my jeans and cowboy boots hogtied in gagged in my living room trying to get free.

I struggled and struggled and could not get anywhere. Plus, being hogtied with the same ropes that I used to hogtie calves with really turned me on.

After 30 minutes I had not gotten anywhere with my bonds and had to admit that it was a whole lot worse that I had imagined. My legs were so sore from it I could barely move for a bit. I now know that whenever I am going to tie someone up at the rodeo that I will hogtie them nice and tight and now I have a new favorite way to get tied.

I have more stories from the rodeo. If you guys would like me to post them please let me know.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Saturday, September 20th 2003 - 04:28:07 AM

Tied for the first time (m/m)

My first full tie up experience was one that I could never forget. I've always been excited when I've seen a situation where someone ends up being tied up , whether it was on tv or seeing it in a book, but I was always deathly afraid of having someone else know of my secret pleasure. So I hid it. Secretly hoping that one day I would be in a situation where I'd be tied up myself. That day came when I was 13. It was a hot summer day and I had just gotten a call from my friend Chris to come over. So I came to his house and rang the doorbell. I could see him walking to the door by peering through the window beside it. Chris was about 5'6' and slim. He had short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with black shorts. He was barefoot. I was the same height as Chris but with short brown hair and green eyes. I had on a black Nike shirt, Cargo shorts and had sandals. Chris opened the door and let me in. After I took off my sandals I followed him downstairs to the T.V room. Looking around I realized that his parents were probably out.

"Let's watch some t.v" Chris suggested.

I agreed and so we watched some game show. At one point during a commercial he got up to get some food, I stuck my foot out to catch his and trip him. He got up and gave me a push and so we started wrestling. At one point I had shoved Chris onto the ground nearby some skipping rope. Chris sat up, and grabbed the rope that was right beside him. My heart skipped a beat, was Chris going to tie me up? He lunged at me and forced me onto the couch.

"Don't mind if I rope you up do you?" he asked with a grin on his face.

Sitting on top of me he wrapped the rope around my arms pinning them to my sides and then securing it with the knot. Feeling the rope holding my arms to my sides was a feeling unlike any other, and I relished it. But it wasn't finished yet. Chris grabbed another skipping rope and went for my barefeet. I tried to get up but he quickly got the rope around my ankles and tied them together. He then sat back to watch me struggle with my bonds. He had tied me up pretty tight.After about 15 minutes or so he decided to untie me.

"How did you like being tied up?" Chris asked me after I was fully released. He was peering at the buldge in my shorts.

I blushed but he said it's alright. I told him I'll get him back soon enough. But by that time I had to go home for supper. I left his house with a feeling of happiness and a wanting to do it again. And I would get my chance sooner than I thought.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday, January 23rd 2004 - 04:00:46 AM

Camp Tied (m+/f)

This is a true story that happened to my then girlfriend when she was 17. She was working as a youth camp guide/mentor for a group of 5th graders during a 3 day field trip for the 5th grade class.

On the last day of the camp, the boys in her group (about 10 of them) decided to tie her up. She was sitting on one of the bunkbeds in a cabin talking to the kids and all of a sudden they jumped her and pushed her face down on the bed. A serious struggle ensued but there were too many of them.

They sat on her and were able to get her feet together and tied her feet and legs together with belts.

Once she was immobilized and had no chance to get away, they tried to get her hands behind her back but she had her hands tucked under her chest and they couldn't get her tied. Several of the kids then layed/sat on her back, bouncing up and down until she couldn't breath, and then she finally gave in. She let them have her hands and they tied her hands together around one of the bunkbed posts.

She ended up on her stomach, legs tied together and attached to the bottom rail of the bunkbed, and her hands were stretched in front of her and tied around the post at the head of the bunkbed. They also gagged her with a bandana for good measure.

One of her friends found her and let her loose about 45 minutes later. She took some razzing but really didn't get mad at the kids.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Wednesday, January 28th 2004 - 11:48:46 PM

We're gonna play a game (mm/m)

I played my first tie up game at the age of 12 i am 16 now and have had a few more. This is the story of my first experience.

I was in my room playing my game when the phone rang. I was quick to answer it. For some reason i like being the first to answer the phone. Well anyways it was my friend James he asked "Do you want to come over." I told him to hold on and i went down stairs to ask my mom she had said yes. I ran back up the stairs and told James that id be over in a few seconds i put on my shoes and left my house. James only lived across the street. I got to his house. James' parents weren't there but his older brother Jake was. James and I went to his room, in the room was a chair and rope. I asked him "whats up with the rope?" he looked at me and smiled.

"We're gonna play a game" he said. After he said that his brother tackled me and shove a sock into my mouth and then James duct taped it. Jake had grabbed me arms and put them behind my back and James tied them. i tried yelling but it was only loud mmmmph's. They sat me in the chair and tied my legs to the legs of the chair.

They sat there looking at me while i squirmed to get free. Jake looked at me and said "James get the ear phones and the pillow case." James looked at Jake and asked "What for?" Jake said i dont want him to hear or see what we are going to do. James got the things he put the ear phones on my ears and turned on some music so i couldnt hear then placed the pillow over my head.I felt them untying my legs then i felt then take my socks and shoes off.

They set the chair to where my back was on the ground and my feet were up then they began to tickle me. i laughed but all that came out were mmmmphs . They stopped and left me there for about ten minutes. They came back and untied me. they asked if i liked and for some odd reason i did, since then we have had a few tie up games like that.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday, January 30th 2004 - 01:15:28 PM

Tied by sister (f/m)

I had always been obsessed with bondage as far back as I can remember. I constantly tied myself up. I even tied up my sister's barbie dolls when she wasn't around. My bondage fantasies only involve females.

My first time ever being tied up by anyone else was by my sister. I was 11 and she was 15. She is a good looking athletic girl with long blond hair.

I was tired of my fantasy not coming true so one night I asked her to tie me up using the excuse that I was just doing an experiment to see if I can get loose. She agreed and got her jump ropes and we went into my bedroom where I laid down and put my wrists together. The anticipation was killing me!

She took the first rope and wound all 6 feet of it around my wrists and tightly tied it off. I couldn't believe I was finally getting tied up by a girl! Then she went to work tying my ankles together the same way. When she was finished she said "there you go, now try to get loose" and she tugged at my bonds to make sure they were secure. She seemed uninterested in the situation but my heart was racing. She left to finish the dishes and I just laid there struggling and savouring every minute of the feel of the ropes that bound me and made me her hostage.

Finally I had to attempt an escape so I untied the knot at my wrists with my teeth. To my dismay I was able to get free. I was hoping I wouldn't be able to so she'd have to untie me. After I freed myself I walked into the living room and handed her the ropes pretending to be proud about my freedom. I had hoped that it would have lead to more tie up games with her but it never did. I had always fantasized about tying her up also.

I only wish I had done things a little differently. I don't know why I had her tie my hands in front rather than behind my back so I wouldn't have been able to free myself. I could have even had her tie me to a chair. I definitely regret not having her gag me. That would have completed the fantasy. I also wish I had gotten the nerve to ask her to tie me up more because once was just not enough.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sunday, April 4th 2004 - 02:12:40 PM

A Wrestling Tie Up (mm/m)

This was my first time ever tieing someone up. I learned a lot, like that karate belts and regular belts don't work as rope. On to the story. All names have been changed.

I was at my friends Chris' house, and we were about to play wrestlemania. His brother, Todd, walked in and we decided that we would wrestle him instead. After 5 minutes, we had placed two bean bag chairs on top of him and had body slammed him repeatedly. Todd was 'dead'.

"Hey Chris, we need to stop your brother from bugging us. Lets tie him up!"


Todd suddenly stopped being dead.


We grabbed Todd and dragged him to the ground. I grabbed a couple of belts from Chris' closet and layed them out next to Todd. We told him not to struggle or we would tickle him so much that his pants would change colors (we're that evil). First, Chris and I tied his feet together. We then tied his hands together behind his back. Todd moved a little and his wrists bindings fell off. We tied hs hands again. He still got out. On the third try, we tied his wrists together so he couldn't escape. Then we took a white karate belt and wrapped it around his wrists and ankle bindings several times. We tied it at the top and stared at Chris' bound brother.

"Now what?" said Chris?

"Lets bring Todd to his room."

We dragged Todd back to his room and placed him on another bean bag chair. Right at that moment, Todd's friend walked in. Chris and I laughed and walked out of the room as Todd pulled one of his wrists free. Five or ten minutes later, Todd walked into Chris' room completely free. He said we can't tie people up for beans and then he left.


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Post by Canuck100 »

Saturday, June 12th 2004 - 05:15:33 PM

Getting tied up (lots) (f/f, m+/f)

Okay here is a story plus a little back ground:

I have an older Step Sister, Leigha (5 years older) and at first she and I never really got a long though we do now. (I think a lot of it had to do with the age difference.) Anyways the summer before I started high school she and I watched a movie with someone getting tied up. I guess by my reaction she thought I was interested in bondage(and was correct. but at the time never understood.) Next day she and I are home alone when she asked me to go into the family room. There she had ropes and a scarf She explained that she wanted me to know what it felt like so she tied me up and when I protested about how tied she tied my hands behind me she tied the rope around my upper body and torso tighter. She had me sit on the couch and tied my legs above and below the knees and my ankles then her boyfriend, Mitchell came in and I knew that since she and I where home alone for several hours she wanted time alone with him (you can figure out why) I opened my mouth to protest she stuffed the scarf into my mouth and was able to wrap it around my head twice before tying it around my head.

After two hours of struggling and no hope of getting free she came back and took the gag out. She asked if I liked it and Mitchell asked if I would be the captive when she and he and their buddies had paint ball wars... So basically I spent the whole summer tied up at least 3 hours 3 days a week...
Now what I wanted to tell everyone was what really happened to the Homecoming Princess..(In my town we have one a queen and a freshman is elected the princess..)

Leigha was elected Queen and I got princess.(I was skipped ahead a grade so if anyone is wondering how I could be 5 years younger.) Homecoming dance came and I got a strange feeling I would end up bound and gagged and guess what it happened. As I was leaving Mitchell's 3 friends from the football team had a van ready and made a big scene out of kidnapping me. Most of the students coming out of the dance got freaked out but my mother explained to the teachers that this was part of the senior fundraiser.(Every year at my high school the senior class would do a fundraiser for a charity of their choice. So the "note" went out that if enough money was not collected by Tuesday (I was kidnapped on a Saturday) I would not be seen again. The senior class did raise about $12,500 (highest amount ever raised by a senior class) for my release and gave it to the foundation for missing and exploited children type organization. Forget the name at the moment. (Everyone thought it was a clever tie in) What people do not know is that for those 3 days I was for the most part tied up and gagged and held at one of the football players house. My hands tied behind me my arms tied to my side my ankles tied and a gagged in my mouth and tied around my head. I was feed ( a lot) and given restroom breaks so everyone had fun.



Sunday, June 13th 2004 - 01:30:29 PM

To Vicki

Vicki, your story was downright amazing! Do you know if any of the football players particularly "enjoyed" having you bound and gagged?
I find it amazing that someone would do something like that. Your mother allowed it also? How would she know you were okay with being "kidnapped"? Did she have any idea they'd go so far as to tie you up? (Did they tie you up before or after they took you to their house?)

Thanks for sharing your awesome story.


Sunday, June 13th 2004 - 04:13:26 PM

About the Princess

Yeah the football players did like it. My Mom was told by my sister that I was staying at one of the football player's house until the money was "collected" My mom was involved with the senior activities but she had no clue of our tie up games really.
I do need to correct the amount raised 2,500 not 12,500.

So here I was pulled into the van which speed off as soon as I am inside and the door is shut. The football player was named Sam and he explained that I was kidnapped again and that I would be a captive at his house for a few days. I was gagged before I could say a word then my hands was tied behind me. My ankles where tied together and the long way was taken to his home. I was tied up for an hour in the van Sam then took me down to his family's spare room. He sat me in a chair and tied me to it then he said. "You might as well have fun with it too. No school monday and you can struggle all you want". He tied me up in various positions.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Saturday, June 19th 2004 - 12:09:22 AM

Footlocker (mm/m)

This is not exactly a "tie up" story, but here goes.

I was working at a youth center the other night taking stuff out of a footlocker. There were two 13 year old boys there also. One of them is very small for his age, and the bigger boy was carrying him around. They showed up where I was working about the time I got the footlocker empty. Keep in mind, this box is only 28" by 15" by 12".

The bigger boy decided to put his friend in the footlocker, and the smaller boy went along with it for a laugh. He sat down in it and curled up. It looked like he would actually fit all the way inside if he tried, so I said, "Hey, try laying on your side." He did, and curled up on the bottom facing the front of the trunk. The bigger boy tried to close the lid, but there was still a gap of about a half an inch. "Curl up as tight as you can," we told him. He did and the lid fell completely shut! I couldn't believe it! A thirteen year old boy had actually fit himself inside a small footlocker.

At this point, the bigger boy gleefully began locking the box up. He fastened both draw latches and the spring latch in the center. Then, he turned the box on its side and tried to pick it up. He couldn't. So, I walked over, grabbed the handle, and carried the footlocker around like a suitcase for a few seconds. The boy inside was saying, "This is fun!" We let him out after about 30 seconds.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday, August 27th 2004 - 05:45:52 PM

Dreams Can Come True (m/m)

I only discovered this site a few days ago and wonder where it's been all my life. I first knew I was into TUG and kidnap-play from the time I was eight (back in the mid-1970s). I was always one of those boys who was always busy trying to find any movie or TV show that had a scene with a male being tied and gagged by another male. Unfortunately, I wasn't a particularly masculine child and was hardly everyone's first pick for Cops & Robbers or Capture The Flag, which seemed to be the only really legitimate opportunities for getting tied up (and hopefully gagged) by a bad guy or a whole team of them. Lucky for me, Warren and I had each other.

I don't even remember how it came up that I wanted him to tie me up. We were best friends from 3rd grade on, always did science projects together and stuff like that, but one day when we were eleven we were playing at my house.

After a few hours we were bored of playing Scrabble and tossing around a Nerf ball, and he said, "I bet I could tie you up so you can't get out." Well, I certainly didn't need any encouragement! We found a few of my dad's old neckties and he immediately went to work, seating me in a chair, tying my hands behind my back and my feet to the chair legs, and more ties to secure my body to the chair. I swallowed hard and whispered, "You'd better make sure I can't talk." Now it turned out HE needed no encouragement...Warren took the Nerf ball and jammed it in my mouth. It completely wedged my jaw open and held my tongue helpless. He looped a necktie around and around my head three times and then tied a thick knot at the back of my head. It was probably the first and only time I've been cleave-gagged successfully.

For the next couple of hours, while I struggled and mmmmmphed, Warren would either walk around my room glaring at me with an evil look or saying things like, "You look good bound and gagged" and "I always wanted to kidnap you," or he'd lay on my bed with his nose in a book and occasionally look at me and laugh. He finally let me go and promised me we'd do it again.

We had a few other encounters, which ended after ninth grade when we went to different high schools, but it was the best thing in the world that we had each other. I'm now in my thirties and my passion for TUG has never let up, and bondage and rope play are a regular and very healthy part of my sex life both in and out of clothes. I always wonder if they stayed a part of his life too. I sure hope so.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Saturday, June 25th 2005 - 03:28:53 AM

The Woods (mm/ff)

So back in my younger years I would tie up girls using any excuse I could. This particular story took place in my friends back yard...
It was a rainy summer day in Washington. My friend John lived right on the edge of the forest so we would often go there to play.

This day however was different. His little brother was there, along with his two friends Rick, Jane, and Dana. We decided to play capture the flag together, and it was fun for a little while... then, I convinced us all to tie up the girls. Everyone thought it was fun so we went inside to get rope and duct tape.

The girls still thinking we were playing capture the flag were hiding waiting to tag someone. We had lots of rope and black duct tape... and we decided to go for Dana first.

Dana was 15... slender blonde, and was quite cute. She was wearing, tight blue jeans, black knee high boots, a black t-shirt, and a denim jacket. I grabbed her and handgagged her. She was mmmphing but Jane was far off somewhere. I tied her with the best of my ability... cinching her wrists, ubove and below her breasts, looping around her neck, her booted ankles, ubove and below her knee caps, and uppber thighs.( Cinching everything)... I even made a crotch rope that was quite tight! when asked what it was for I lied and said that it was harder for her to escape. To finish it off I shoved a sock in her mouth and smoothed a piece of duct tape over her mouth... She was mmmphing and struggling a lot... but couldent get free. We made a leesh using the soft cotton rope we had and tied it from her neck to a tree.

Jane was wearing dark blue jeans, and a tight black turtleneck... jane was a brunett. We tied her exactly the same as Dana... and she even made some pleasent noise when I gave her a special tight crotchrope.

We then brought her over to Dana, and we decided to tie them together back to back, and blindfold them. We went inside and got a video camera, and a digital camera. We were absolutly silent and I got to watch them struggle and try to get free for about an hour. I could even tell Jane was enjoying her self looking at her nipples.

I then untied them before everyone went home.... Jane and Dana came over to me and told me that it was exciting.... and that they wanted to come over and have me tie them up again.

... but thats a different story.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Saturday, June 25th 2005 - 07:36:05 AM

Tied to a tree (m/f)

I've been playing tie up games with my friends for about four years now. Last year on a hot summers day one of my friends came round, we'll call her Kate. She is quite tall, about as tall as me, with dirty blonde hair and a pretty face. She was wearing quite a short, flowery skirt and a white top. We messed about for a bit, watching TV and just talking. After a while she said she was bored and wanted to do something interesting. Now i had never tied her up before, so i said, "how about we play a tie up game," she looked intrigued at this, and so i went to get some rope and a scarf.

I went back into the living room, and she was sitting there excitedly, and i said to her,"since this is the first time i've tied you up, lets make it more interesting and go outside."

So i told her to stand up and i held her wrists behind her back and lead her out the back door. Down at the bottom of my garden there are a few trees, i took her to one of these and pushed her back so it was straight up to the tree. I picked up a length of rope i had brought out and crossed her wrists in front of her.i tied the rope first horizontally around her wrists and then vertically.

I left her hands there and bent down to tie her ankles. I tied a piece of rope around them three times and then tied it around the tree. Then i tied another piece just above her knees and did the same as i did with her ankles.

I then took a longer piece of rope and tied it around her stomach and around the tree. Then i tied a length of rope just below her breasts, around the tree, and then above her breasts, i did this a few time so that she could not move any part of her body away from the tree.

I then took her arms which i had previously tied and placed them above her head and tied her wrists to the tree, so that her arms weren't straight, but bent above her head.

I took a bit of cloth that i had brought out and pushed it gently into her mouth, then i took the scarf and tied it around her mouth so that she couldn't push the bit of cloth out.

I stood back to admire my work and said to her, "so how's that," but she could only make a muffled sound through the gag.

I left her there struggling against her bonds for about half an hour, i played a bit of football and had a bite to eat. I went back to her and took of her gag, "so how was that?" i asked

"it gets really tiring trying to get out after a while," and i undid the bonds around her wrists, ankles, knees and body.

"so did you like it," i asked

"yeah it was great, i'd love to do it again, but my mom will be round soon. So we went back in and her mom came after about ten minutes. When she had left, i decided that next time she came round, i would catch her by surprise.

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Thursday, November 10th 2005 - 07:22:16 PM

Cousin tugs (m/m)

When I was younger I had a cousin that loved to be tied up. I don't know why but he was always happiest with his hands tied behind his back, or any way for that matter!! We'd do normal stuff, wrestle, that sort of thing. But when I ran out of ideas one time for new ways to torment him I asked him for ideas!! He suggested I tie his hands and feet and suspend him out the window. At least, I think that's what he said, once I'd heard 'tie his hands and feet' I knew I was in action.

Couldn't be sure of his cooperation so I rolled him over and drew both his hands behind his back while I had the chance. The nearest things in reach were a couple of scarves that I used for winter. Grabbed one and tied wrist to wrist behind his back, tightly cinching and sealing his fate!! Next turned to his feet and tied them similarly with another scarf ensuring he was tightly bound hand and foot. So there he was a captive by his own design!!

Thought I'd take the opportunity while he was so restricted to see if he'd balk should I try to gag him. This was the 80's so we all wore wide knit ties!! Took one, rolled him on his back and proceeded to cover his mouth with my tie, wrapping the rest twice over his mouth. It actually took me a couple of tries to get it right, to get the lengths right. But on each occasion he kept his mouth closed and never fought it, seemingly resigned to being both bound and gagged by his older cousin. And was. Tightly and for the rest of the evening.

Never got him out the window, though. Come on, kind of dangerous. Bondage is supposed to be safe & fun. Probably would have dropped him.

But he remained, the rest of the evening, hands tied behind his back and feet tied together, gagged, watching me through it all, wondering, I guess. What goes through your mind when you're tied up?? I don't know. A helpless captive at any rate. And making for a quiet evening!!

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Sunday, January 29th 2006 - 10:15:55 PM

Nearly caught (m/m)

This is a true story, I have been into bondage for a long time close to55 yrs and still practice self bondage regularly whenever I can, this happened when I was 15 and in the boy scouts.

Mum and Dad would go to the pictures every Friday night I would go to the scouts. I would hurry home so as to tie myself before they came home.

This time I ran into a mate on his way home from his sea scout meeting. We had tied each other while playing cowboys and Indians in the past. I invited him home and suggested we tie each other up. He was a bit reluctant as he wasn't really into bondage, any how we messed about for an hour, then it was his turn to tie me.

He stood me up against a double bed in which I slept and tied my wrist to the corner post of the bed. He tied a loop around the post which projected above the mattress then tied my wrist to the rope. My arms were spread at chest level along the side of the bed. Then he tied my ankles together.

I was fairly tied up, unable to get free. My mate then told me he was going home. I asked him to untie me, but he left me tied for my parents to find. I panicked as I could see no way out of this tie and I new I had only 20 mins before they arrived home. My panic subsided and I struggled with my bonds to no avail.

With about 5 mins to go I realized that if I was able to jump my bound ankles on to the edge of the bottom bunk I may be able to flip the rope off the bed post. After 3 -5 attempts and much strain on my shoulders I managed to achieve this just as I heard the front door open .

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Wednesday, April 12th 2006 - 07:36:06 PM

Game with cousin (f/m)

I'm a 15 year boy now but when this happened I was about 10 or 11.

My cousin is a girl named Kayla. One day when we were bored of our parents and we went down to my grandma's basement. She didn't know what to do so I suggest she try to tie me up. She was reluctant but said yes.(by the way she was a year older than me.)

She told me to strip to my boxers because she liked that sight. Then she told me to stand up against a metal pole and she tied my hands behind me and the pole. Then she tied my feet around the pole. The pole was cold and so was the basement. Then she took a long piece of rope and coiled it around me from shoulders to ankles. I couldn't move and I was sort of embarrassed about being tied in my boxers. Then she found a role of duct tape and wrapped it around my head and around the pole about 10 times. Now I couldn't move my head and I was gagged.

I thought she was going too far and I yelled for her to untie me but all that came out was MMMMMMMMPPPPPPPP!!!!!! So there I was tied up good and gagged to a pole in my boxers by my cousin.

Then she ordered me to try to get out and when I struggled I couldn't move. She said she was satisfied and found a huge bed sheet and lightly wrapped it around me so I was camouflaged from anyone. Then I heard her walk upstairs.

I was pissed. I MMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP'ed a lot but nobody could hear me.

After about an hour she came back and took the sheet off. She saw I was still there and she laughed. She played around with me for a few minutes and ran upstairs again. The next thing I knew I hear car doors slamming and speeding off. Then with only her and I in the house I was screwed. My socks were off already and she started tickling me. She kept doing that for a half hour and moved up my helpless body. I was screaming in my tape gag but no one was around. Then suddenly we heard cars come back in the driveway. She quickly untied me and I got my clothes on and when they came in we were sitting and talking.

Please tell me what you think of this story, it's my first.


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Thursday, May 18th 2006 - 09:22:47 PM

Sleepover "Gag" (mmm/m)

Here is a sleepover story from when I was 13. I woke up to the feeling of something being pressed against my mouth. My friend was duct taping my mouth shut as two others held me down. They all laughed at me, and I went, "MMMMMMMMMM!" They really shut me up and I couldn't open my mouth. Two of my friends sat on top of me as I lay in my sleeping bag, pinning me to the floor.

They then got my friend's mom's sleeveless white dress from upstairs. When I realized what they were planning to do I shook my head and mmmmmmmmphed like crazy. But it was no use, they forced me into the dress. They then taped my hands behind my back, and my feet together so I couldn't take it off. They then put a gold necklace on me, also his mom's. I realized that it was time to have fun at my expense and there was nothing I could do about it.

I felt humiliated as they carried me into the guest bedroom and layed me on the bed. They stood back to taunt me and admire their work. I wiggled and mmmmmmmmphed like crazy, and they seemed to enjoy this. But they didn't realize that I was really enjoying it, though I pretended I hated it. They then turned off the lights and said, "sleep tight." They closed the door and left the room. This worried me. What if my friend's mom found me. Well, she did. She was pretty pissed to see me bound and gagged in her dress. And she was mad at me too!! She said, "How could you let them do this to you!" I said "MMMMMMMM, MMMMMMMM!" She shook her head and got my friends. She yelled at them and had them untie me in front of her. This was pretty humiliating but I like it. At the next sleepover I even allowed myself to be ambushed and tied up, but pretended to not see it coming. I even screamed for help so they would gag me again. All together they tied me up three times until they got sick of doing it.

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Saturday, June 10th 2006 - 03:24:30 PM

My first time (mm/f)

ok my name is Stephanie, my brother is steven or as you all know him as Wild Side, my brother and i have been reading the storys here and i just had my first time two days ago.

I was with my boyfriend Trevor, (who i found out likes bondage), him and i were over at my house and Steven was still home. The three of us were watching a movie, which had a scene of bondage, so i went to the bathroom (since i had to go) Im guessing they were talking about me cause i heard Trevor laghing.

I come back down from the bathroom and they were both gone so I go looking for them I go into Steven's room and suddenly a hand is clapped over my mouth. It was Trevor. Then Steven gets up from his bed and is holding rope and duct tape, so my hands were taped behind my back, then Trevor stuffed one of my socks in my mouth, then Steven taped in shut with tape five times around my head, They took the rope and tied my feet together with a knot Trevor showed Steven I guess since he was in the boyscouts when he was young. So then I was carried to my room. Steven then took my shirt off and started to tie me to a chair. He started under my chest, then above then the chest, then he tied my lags down onto the chair. I was completely helpless. Steven then took pictures with his digital camera and printed them out and gave them to Trevor.

After an hour of being tied up they let me go, I told them both that I would get revenge on them, which i did, but i'll tell that one later.

those pictures were never seen by anyone else except for my best friend Becky and Steven's girlfriend Brittany

Wild girl
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Abandoned in dorm room (F/M)

I'm a few months into a relationship, around the time you spice up things in the bedroom, so I decided to buy these bed restraints. My girlfriend comes over and we're supposed to be doing homework together, but I convinced her to tie me to my bed with my clothes still on just to see what it would be like.

She had just tightened up all the straps when my flatmate barges into the room. There's a long, held moment of silence, then he shakes his head turns to my girlfriend and says, 'There's two sorority girls outside my window and they are having the funniest argument, you need to hear this.'

That's the story of how I was abandoned and tied to my bed while my girlfriend eavesdropped on some drama.

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Thursday March 12th 1998 08:32:00

Duct Tape Fundraising (M+F+/M

Once, when I was in college, our quad govt had a fundraiser called "Tape D__ To The Floor Night." The president of our hall, D__, was one of those guys always trying to get people involved in student govt, and he was graduating that spring.

Basically, he laid down in our floor lounge and these 2 guys sold pieces of duct tape for 50 cents a foot, and you bought the tape and used it to pin D__'s arms, legs and midsection to the floor. A lot of people, male and female, participated.

Towards the end of the night, the 2 guys selling tape became more drunk, and started selling tape at 50 cents for a "Texas foot," and they'd pull off a yard long strip of tape. When he was mostly pinned down, D__'s girlfriend took pictures of him and told him, "You realize, D__, your political career is ruined."

After the allotted time was over, we asked D__ to try and sit up. Our taping job wasn't that great, though, and it took D__ all of 10 seconds to get loose. And, worst of all, the fundraiser just barely broke even, because when D__ sat up, the tape tore off little patches from the anti-stain treatment on the carpet, and maintenance billed us.

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Sunday March 15th 1998 11:16:00

Sorority Initiation (F+/F+)

One night, I was coming back from my girlfriend's dorm at 3:00 in the morning or so and I walked across the quad of the campus to see 20 or so girls tied to the various trees with many more girls running around. I walked over to one of the bound girls and asked her what was going on. She said that it was an initiation for her sorority. The pledges with their hands behind their backs, and their ankles were tied and the excess rope wound up and down thier body. The one I stopped to talk to looked stunning to say the least.

Just then, one of the girls who had been doing the tying saw me and ran over. She threatened to tie me up if I didn't leave, and then gagged the talkative little pledge with a scarf. I left, but let's just say that I hung out in the shadows for quite a while.

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Tuesday June 29th 1999 08:14:48

Football team recruits (M+/M+)

I have just finished university in the North of England, and have been in the football team all that time, in my 1st year when I signed up I was aware that the guys who ran the team were loud and very boisterous, however I was quickly informed that all new recruits had to go out drinking with the team the next night to match their 'criteria'.

After a few drinks in the Students union we all went to one guys flat, where we were supposed to be having a party, however when we got there the new guys, myself and 3 others were told that we had to show our willingness in joining the team. They told us we could do this by them dropping us off in a nearby town, and that we would have to find our way back with no money or directions. One guy said he wouldn't do it, but in the end was forced. Being the types of guy they were though, they said we had to do it naked or in a outfit of their choice. The guy who refused had to do it in his boxers, another in a dressing gown, the 3rd in a bedsheet made to be a toga, and being me, and knowing my luck, I had to wear a red dress, suitable only for an old women, one they had obviously got from some charity shop.

I donned the dress, and the others got there gear on, or off as it was, and we got in the car. I was the first dropped off outside a cafe, I actually knew where I was, so it was not that bad. Two of the team got out the car with me, I was then 'bundled' and had my hands tied firmly behind my back, and my legs tied, with only a short cord between them, then they drove off. My heart has never beat as fast as it did then, I was miles from home, in a womens dress, and completely tied up.

I walked/shuffled for 45 mins or so until an old couple walking their dog ended my misery. They thought I was about to be married and laughed. I still had an hour walk home in the dress, but in the end was the first back. And played for the team for 3 years, successfully I should add. I then had the next 2 years to do the same sort of pranks to more unsuspecting players, and I enjoyed every minute of it, and almost wished it was me again!

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Saturday August 28th 1999 08:44:24

Freshman initiation (M+F+/F)

One of the stories recently posted reminded me of a party we had just before spring break. There was this great looking girl named Lisa that came to the party with an older group of girls. She was short, only about 5 feet, but she had blond hair and a very cute face. She was wearing an oversize college sweatshirt so I couldn't really see her body, but I guessed that it looked as great as the rest of her.

She was still a freshman and we told her that all freshmen had to pass a short initiation before being allowed into the party. There was a wooden post in the middle of one of the rooms and we told her that she would have to agree to being tied to the post for a 1/2 hour. She asked her friends if I was pulling her leg and they told her no, so she agreed to do it.

She stood with her back against the pole while we tied her ankles back. Then we tied her wrists together before tying them over hear head to a hook at the top of the post. Then we left her there. We didn't plan on doing anything else to her. However, when we had pulled her arms over head, her heavy sweatshirt had pulled up so that quite a bit of her stomach was showing and she spent most of the next 30 minutes being tickled by other people at the party.

When the time was up, I got worried that she would be really angry about the tickling, but she was cool with it.

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Bondage at Stanford (M+/M)

Thursday April 13th 2000 04:33:57

I do indeed remember an exciting time of bondage at Stanford in 1959. Of course, it was all my fault as master designer of "pledge sneak" at the eating club, which deposited (cruelly) three hives worth of honey bees in the eating room.

The next day, I was pounced upon by several future associates outside of my Western Civ door, much to the delight of the instructor. I was taken to the club and tied, hands and feet. This is a curious experience as a semi-adult because one is old enough to realize that one is surely helpless - that ones future fate can not be combatted except by wit. In the while, my many unpleasant fate possibilities were presented to me.

Stealth is a good thing when you contemplate trying to explain why you are wearing prison garb just outside of San Quentin. They had to loosen the foot ropes to get me to hobble out the door. The oaf in lead of my ropes was a super oaf. I cajoled him with great humble humor, inserted myself between him and the crowd in the doorway, hobbling more than necessary, and then kicked the rope from his hands, dashing of in hobble gait faster than a hound in heat.

I was not aware, until I reached the security of my dorm, just how much adrenalin I had been pumping. This escape under "normal" conditions would have been impossible.

The experience of being bound, even in fun, is frightening. But then, I deserved it.

Be cheerful,

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