TheDoctor : 08 - Alex's House Again (mm/mm)

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TheDoctor : 08 - Alex's House Again (mm/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

TheDoctor's stories
08 - Alex's House Again
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By TheDoctor

Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:33 am

Alex's House Again

This story took place a few months ago, when I went back to Alex’s house again following sports day at school, where we played another tie up game.

Me, 15 – wearing black shorts, white t-shirt, and white socks
Alex, 15 – wearing black shorts, white t-shirt, and black socks
Jon, 15 – wearing black trousers, white t-shirt, and white socks
Tilly, 13 – wearing maroon gym skirt, white t-shirt, and white socks

We decided to be in two groups – me and Alex, and Jon and Tilly, and that my group would be tied up first. If we didn’t get free within twenty minutes, then ‘torture’ would follow. We were taken up to Alex’s bedroom. After taking off our shirts, as Jon requested, we lay down on the bed on our sides, back to back. Tilly then bound our hands to the bed posts with handkerchiefs, and then our bodies together with a few of their dad’s ties, while Jon tied our legs and ankles together with some rope we had found in the garage. He also tied our feet to the end of the bed too, so we were effectively stretched out, and also tied together. Finally, they gagged us both with a football sock, knotting it tightly at the backs of our heads.

“Right,” said Tilly, smiling, “Let’s go watch Scrubs.”

“Twenty minutes…” said Jon, attempting to do a scary voice but failing and just making us laugh.

We began struggling at once, our backs rubbing together as we fought to get free. The sock in my mouth quickly went slimy and horrible and I grimaced, trying to spit it out, but the knot was too tight. I glanced upwards as far as my neck would allow and glimpsed Alex’s hands moving from side to side as he tugged at the handkerchiefs.

“Hmmphh!” he grunted, shaking us both around.

I began kicking my feet around against the rope holding them to the posts at the foot of the bed, but this was made harder by our legs being tied tightly together.

After around fifteen minutes of struggling, I gave up, too tired to carry on, and kind of looking forward to the torture. Alex however, continued fighting, grunting loudly and pulling me comically from side to side as he writhed about. As Tilly and Jon came upstairs, I noticed the lump visible in my shorts and turned red with embarrassment, knowing they would see it. I tried to move my legs to somehow cover it, but I couldn’t.

“Oh what a surprise,” said Tilly sarcastically. "They didn't escape." She sat down at the top of the bed, beside our heads, while I felt Jon pulling off my socks.

Oh great, I thought as I felt air on my bare feet, and then fingertips lightly brushing them. My body spasmed involuntarily as I laughed underneath the gag. Tilly meanwhile began tickling our armpits, and Alex began howling with laughter, thrashing around like some kind of mad animal. She moved onto our stomachs then, running her fingers over my body, stopping to poke my bellybutton. Jon left our feet and moved further up our legs. Our sports shorts finished a few inches above the knee, so he began tickling underneath our knees. I was laughing so hard I was beginning to cry now, and the tight sock gag was making me dribble.

After about another twenty minutes of this, they finally stopped and released us, Alex and I both red-faced and exhausted. But our tiredness quickly passed as we prepared to tie up Jon and Tilly…

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