Netra : 03 - Handcuffs + Boredom = (MF/F)

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Netra : 03 - Handcuffs + Boredom = (MF/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Netra's stories
03 - Handcuffs + Boredom =
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By Netra

Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:50 pm

Handcuffs + Boredom =

I was at my friend Tracy’s house (I know a lot of people named Tracy for some reason) two weeks ago. I hang out there a lot because:

A- She has 4 housemates that just happen to be really hot guys.
B- She has a pool.

Tracy knows about how I used to let my boyfriend tie me up back in high school. But none of the guys know.

Anyway, here's what happened. I noticed a pair of handcuffs in one of the guy’s bedrooms. His name is Troy. I was making fun of him for having them . . . “Oh and what do you do with these, huh? HUH? Are you into something we don’t know about?”

He insisted they were leftover from his childhood. “My dad gave them to me when I was ten. I used to pretend to be a cop a lot.”

But I kept making jokes at his expense. Then he goes, “That’s it, I’m placing you under arrest.”

I wondered if he’d really put them on me and secretly hoped he would.

Well, he DID put them on me. He handcuffed me (both wrists) to the desk leg behind my back. Tracy and I were laughing and this got the attention of the other three guys in the house. They came into the room to see what was going on.

I started to feel embarrassed because I sorta have a thing for some of these guys and I thought I might look silly cuffed to the desk.

Then Tracy (who, as I said, knows about my past experience with tie-up games) decides to take things further. She goes, “Hold on a second!” and grabs a roll of clear package tape from the desk drawer. She took off a couple pieces and put them over my mouth sorta like an X.

I was still embarrassed but also enjoying it. I thought they might just have their laugh and let me go. But they ended up leaving me like that for over 3 HOURS! And thanks to Tracy’s constant ideas (which she stole from the stories I’ve told her about me and my old boyfriend) they kept torturing me!

1- They poured a glass full of ice down my bikini bottoms. They were just tight enough that most of the ice stayed in my “region.” It was cold at first but started to burn. Not a good sensation but it sure made me squirm a LOT . . . which I guess was the idea. Yeah, I’m sure I looked pretty foolish.

2- Tracy started tickling my sides. And then the guys joined in. Have you ever had 5 people tickling you at once? It’s a crazy experience, let me tell you! There was a lot of breathless gagged laughter from me.

3- Then one of the guys (not Troy) rudely swiped a cream cheese bagel over my face. I didn’t expect that! He was holding it in his hand one second and the next he was wiping it on my face. GROSS! I don’t know what type of cheese it was but, ya know the thing about cheese? It stinks! Not the kind of substance one wants on ones face.

So it went like that for a long time before I was set free. But, hey, afterward they bought me a pizza so I hold no grudge. LOL. Well, except for the cream cheese thing. I mean really.

That was two weeks ago. But get this . . . Today my roommate got a call from Tracy. It seems she and the boys are planning a "surprise party" for me THIS weekend. They want my roommate to take me over there and when I come in, they're planning to jump out and shout "Surprise" then they're going to grab me and hogtie me!!! I don't know if they'll really go through with it but that's what they're plotting.

Tracy made my roommate swear not to tell me but of course she told me anyway. Heh. She's like, "Oh my gosh, do you know what they're planning to do to you?" Then she spilled the beans.

So it would seem I'm to be hogtied this weekend. Now that I know what they're planning I have a choice . . . I can avoid it or I can let it happen. Hmmm. I guess I better start working on my "act surprised" look. LOL.

They must have enjoyed torturing me because now they're wanting more. My roommate thinks it's because I took it so well. They assume I'm having as much fun as they are. He advice was to get mad this time so they'll cut it out. I didn't know how to tell her that I don't want them to cut it out!

I just told her, "Oh they won't go through with it. I bet you $10 they don't have the guts." So we're going over there on Saturday afternoon. I'm hoping they DO go through with it, even if I'm pretending to hope they don't. Very Happy

Now the question is, what does one wear to a surprise party of this sort???

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