BobbySmith123 : 02 - Tied to my sister Diane (f/fm)

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BobbySmith123 : 02 - Tied to my sister Diane (f/fm)

Post by Canuck100 »

BobbySmith123's stories
02 - Tied to my sister Diane
Story index at the bottom

By BobbySmith123

Aug 02, 2007 11:12 pm

Tied to my sister Diane

I don’t quite remember when this “adventure” occurred but I am pretty sure it was when I was about 13 or 14. So that would make Diane about 18 or 19. I had been babysitting my 8 year old cousin Samantha, who was a lot like Diane, easy going and tried to please everyone. So it was no problem to babysit her. I remember Diane coming over and saying that she would watch over me and make sure I treated Samantha good, Sammy liked this because she adored Diane. Sammy was wearing shorts and a T-Shirt, as was I and all Diane had on some tight jogging shorts along with a T-Shirt and a black digital watch. She didn’t have any socks on since they were sweaty and smelt.

We had been watching Spy Kids (much to my delight.….) but she enjoyed it so I was nice and pretended to like it. There is a scene where the parents were chained together and I guess that got Sammy thinking. After the movie was finished she said
“Want to act out a scene??”

Diane of course answered “Sure”.

So I really had no choice in the matter.

“Let’s do the scene where the parents are tied together” she said "You guys can be the parents!"

“Sounds like fun!” Diane said grabbing my hand in hers. “Come on dear husband of mine!”

I had to hold back from shuddering at the thought.

“Well I guess I have really no choice” I said reluctantly.

“Come on Robert!” Diane pleaded. She squeezed my hand very tight, I could feel the buckle on her watch strap digging into my skin. (I have a feeling she did that intentionally)

“Fine” I gave in because I didn’t want to hurt Sammy’s feelings. Sammy went running off and came back with a water gun and a few rolls of masking tape.

“OH NO!” Diane clapped her hands over her mouth.

“Into the basement!” Sammy ordered. But I decided to lock up the house because I realized that having me and my sister tied together and my cousin able to run loose or get kidnapped my not be the greatest scenario.

Once we got into the basement, Diane stepped behind me, so we were back to back.

“I have changed my mind” Sammy said

“What now dearest cousin of mine???” I answered

“You guys should face each other, and hold hands!”

“Whatever say, just don’t hurt us!” Diane said grabbing my hands tight, I could feel the buckle on her wrist watch digging into my skin.

“Hey lets see that watch!” Sammy barked “Does it have a countdown??”

“Yes of course it does” my sister said smiling.

“Well there is bomb in you wrist watch set to go off in.…...45 minutes!!!!”

“Oh No!” Diane gasped

“We will be blown to smithereens!” I said with fear in my voice.

Samantha then wrapped tape around both our forearms connecting them. My right arm was taped to her left arm.

“You see now the bomb is attached to your wrist and stuck under tape!”

She moved on to my left arm and Diane’s right arm, after this I was thinking that would be it and it would be enough of a struggle to get out of. So I said

“I think this will be a challenge!”

“What?! I’m just starting!!!”

She wrapped our ankles together fairly tight, then our knees, thighs, stomachs and finally from our chests to shoulders.

“Well were goners!” I said cheerfully, which made Sammy laugh.

“Don’t be so negative! Or I will get Sammy to gag you!”

“Gags! I forgot gags! I will be right back, don’t move a muscle!” she said laughing away as she ran up the stairs.

“We don’t really have much of a choice, do we?!” Sammy then flicked the lights off, total darkness. I could hear or feel anything other than the breath of my sister.

“This is fun isn’t it ???” Diane said cheerfully, but I knew there was no sarcasm in that statement.

The lights flicked back on and Sammy came back down with duct tape. Then she proceeded to stick a strip on both of our mouths. Luckily it was fairly loose.

“OK! You have about 40 minutes, until you die, so you better get moving!” Sammy went running up the stairs but I knew she would just sit on the stairs and watch.

We hopped together all the way across the room to try a find a pair of scissors. At least that’s what I was doing/hoping for. On the desk by the computer there were scissors. But we had no hands just 4 hands fused into 2 blobs of tape. We tried to pick up the scissors by squeezing in between our thighs and hands. But we dropped them.

I started yelling into my gag to try and blow it off and then Diane started to as well. Mine fell off first. Hers was falling off about half way And she started to have trouble. I was able to catch it in between lips and pull one way while she pulled the other way.

“Nice!” Diane commented

“You like that??”

“Hey there may be some scissors in the office” We were hoping towards the office and the lights went out. Sammy may of heard our plan.
We had to ease our through the doorway blindly, which was quite the feat. We were a foot away from the half open door and Diane made us stumble and I was falling backwards. WHAM! Right into the door, it closed and we were stuck unless we found the scissors.

“Nice going, big sis!” I snapped.

“Sorry I’m not as talented as you”

We hopped along to about 5 feet away from the door and we slipped once we landed. We fell onto my back. This time we actually fell, and onto my back. Our heads banged together and our lips locked together. I was dazed and then realized I was kissing my sister! I tried to pull away but my head was against the floor. Thank god she was able to pull away.

"Hey what time is it??" I said trying to change any conversations that may follow.

"Well sorry little brother I can't exactly see my wrist watch"

"Actually the buckle on your watch has been digging into my skin for the last half an hour"

"You poor baby"

I heard a beeping sound, it was the timer on her watch. Low and behold we lost. We heard the door creak open and it was Sammy.

“I take it you guys didn’t get out, well you lost?”

“Yes we did” Diane said smiling

“Well I will cut 2 out of your 4 arms out and let you finish, because I’m getting hungry..”

She cut my left arm and Diane’s right arm and left the room. Diane cut the tape around ankles, knees and thighs. It felt great just to be able to stretch them. Then our bellies and chest and neck. Then finally she snipped through the tape around my right arm and Diane’s left arm. Our arms were almost glued together from the sweat and when she pulled her arm away her watch buckle was crammed into my skin. The buckle was
imprinted into my skin.

“So little brother.…. you are quite the kisser” smiling deviously

“I honestly didn’t mean to do that sis” I blushed.

“I think you should be punished for that, you still got those handcuffs I gave you”

“Of course I do”

“Well then I will give you your punishment once we are done here” She checked her watch, then started tapping the face of it (she knew it drived me crazy)

"Tell you what, you can handcuff me twice and I can cuff you once"

"You just have to put those nasty handcuffs on my uncuffable little wrists don't you?? Well its a deal!"

After that we went up stairs and ate with Sammy and hung out for the rest of the day.

BobbySmith123's stories
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