OneShotWonder : 01 - First and Only Time with Friend's Mom (mm/F)

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OneShotWonder : 01 - First and Only Time with Friend's Mom (mm/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

OneShotWonder's stories
01 - First and Only Time with Friend's Mom
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By OneShotWonder

Thursday, November 18th 2004 - 04:06:07 PM

First and Only Time with Friend's Mom

My name is Chris and right now I am 18 years old but I just randomly found this site on a search engine and have one story that fits the motif I think. It's about one time I tied up my friend Tony's mother when I was about 11-12 years old.

I was 11-12 years old and this was during the summer of 1998 (my birthday is in the summer but I forget whether this story took place before or after it). I'm away at college now but back then I was living in the suburbs in one of those neighborhoods where all the kids grow up together and everyone knows everyone. My friend Tony was already 12 and I would hang out with him a lot; he was my best friend. His father was a trucker so he was on the road at least 5 days a week and seemed to come home sometimes around bedtime. His mother was a junior high teacher at the local school, but naturally he wasn't allowed in her class because it was unethical or something. Her name was Rose but in school it was Mrs. Jude.

I hate to sound cliche, which is saying that she was "hot", but back then I thought for a teacher she was attractive. She was 5' 10'', which was tall for me for a woman, with bleached blonde hair (she had been a natural blonde, but it got darker with age so she'd occasionally bleach it) and must have weighed no more than 140 lbs. She kept in shape but wasn't a perfect supermodel or anything (thankfully). She had fair skin and wore sweaters a lot, which I didn't mind for the worst reasons. She would go in before 8 a.m. (her son would come to class shortly later alone, walking with me or carpooling with my folks and I) and wouldn't come home until about an hour or so after school ended. By then I was usually over at their house since mine was rather boring and it put off homework for a few hours. She would usually start dinner and then unload in her room, where she routinely feel asleep for about an hour or two while watching TV to unwind. Because she knew of this and never wanted to burn dinner or nap too late, she would set her "emergency alarm" for about 2 hours after she came home. Sometimes she's wake up before it and sometimes not. It all became rather routine.

Mrs. Jude was a well-liked teacher and mom because she still seemed like a kid at heart, even at her age (back then she would have been about 36). She had a warm face that could light a room and wasn't above an April Fool's prank on occasion. She had a fine line between "misbehavior" and "children will be children", but she usually seemed less strict than other moms. When Tony and I were younger she'd play alongside us at the park and such while my mom was easily tired out before long. So when the circumstances that were to occur happened it got confusing.

Tony and I had rented a made-for-video movie to kill a rainy Saturday afternoon from a mom & pop video store. I forget the title because it was so bad but it had a woman being tied up after being ambushed or something. During that scene, Mrs. Jude had been passing through the living room and shook her head with a kind of a "Tsk" sound.

"What?" I asked.

"That's so phoney, something like that could never happen," she replied.

"I dunno," Tony replied, "it's only a movie."

"Yes but I think that's been a bit overdone," she replied.

We shrugged and went about our movie. I've never been a "bondage" buff but I did take some interest when women would get tied up in a movie or something. I really didn't think much of it until later that night when Tony and I were playing video games in his room, and he out and out brought it up: tying up his mom.

I don't recall the actual conversation but basically he'd been wanting to tie his mother up for a while, since he was small. He seemed to share my interest, too, but was more bold about it than I. He said he'd tied up a few girls when he was a little younger and had always thought of some way to get his mother tied up. He didn't know what it was like to tie up a woman and figured she'd be his best bet in an innocent kind of way. The more we talked about it the more sense it made, at least to a pre-teen boy. The question would be, how to do it, and how to do it in a way that didn't get us grounded for life?

Like I said, Mrs. Jude was a fun woman, the kind of mother who instead of yelling if you hit her with a water gun during the summer, would giggle and try to soak you with her own. But she wasn't lasse-fare or let Tony get away with established rules. So on the one hand it would have to be set up in a "fun" sort of way, but on the other hand he doubted his mother would agree to it just if we asked. Tony recalled her sometimes amusement of pranks (that weren't too mean) and figured that may be the best way to go about it.

At one point when I went to his house a week later he said he'd dropped a hint at dinner and told his mom that, "Chris and I may get her before April Fool's for a change" and she chuckled and dared him. That was seemingly all the justification we needed, and with school ending for the year in 2 weeks we had a lot of time to plan. Since she often took naps we figured it would be best to try then. However, Mrs. Jude had the summer off, too, only had to go into school for about a week or so after us kids were let off, and after that she had more energy, so we had a thin window.

During the last 2 weeks of school we would go about our usual stuff but when she would watch TV in her room we would check in and see if she was asleep. She kept her door ajar but not all the way open, so we'd have to creep in. The point of this was to see how hard a sleeper she was. The TV would usually always still be on when she was dozing (usually in a t-shirt tucked into sweatpants, with her feet bare). We would do thinks like poke her side gently, sometimes whisper into her ear or try moving her arm slowly. Sometimes we got her to stir, sometimes wake up, and sometimes she wouldn't wake up unless we were too abrupt. After about ten tries we figured that she would wake up sometimes but if we were careful she may not have woken up until it was too late.

Next came the day we went out to gather the supplies. Despite the prank Tony didn't want to hurt his mom so we got some clothesline rope, which we felt was soft compared to others (tape would hurt more coming off he said, and I didn't argue). Tony said we "had" to gag her to complete the trick, the question was what kind of gag. TV shows usually tied a rag in someone's mouth, but there was no way she would have stayed asleep for us to lift her head to do that. He didn't want to put anything inside her mouth, either, which I agreed was too dangerous. However, duct tape he said came off too easily, so we went out looking for white medical adhesive tape that was wide enough. The store clerk gave us some funny looks but he bought our story of an injured friend, so we got some white tape that was 3 and a half inches wide, or as long as a finger. That seemed sufficient.

It came down to her last week before her break so it was "go" time. We had set on a day and Tony and I were anxiously awaiting her to go inside. After about half an hour we went in to check and sure enough Mrs. Jude was asleep. Her hair was undone but she was in a white t-shirt and blue sweatpants that exposed her ankles. She had slippers on but they were off when we had come in. Her bed had a front frame but no backboard and her TV was on a dresser in her room. She was asleep on her back, her head on the pillow, the TV still on for whatever show it was.

He gave me some rope and told me to tie her feet up while he did her hands. He had shown me how to make proper ties with some dolls and string (which I hadn't questioned at the time, since it was cool to do "prep" work). However, I'd gotten on my knees beside her bed to tie her feet and he stood at the side of her bed, and we came to a dilemma. We didn't know how to tie her hands in such a way that she wouldn't free herself easily or keep her from waking up. We felt that if we rolled her onto her stomach to tie her hands she would wake up. Tony and I already figured she'd wake up when we were gagging her with the tape, but by then we'd assumed Mrs. Jude would be tied up by then. After a few blank stares for a minute he told me to tie her feet and we'd figure it out later.

So I slowly moved her feet together and lifted them up with one hand to tie her ankles. I wound the rope around her ankles several times before cinching the middle and tying a simple knot. Mrs. Jude barely stirred.

Just as I finished I saw Tony pulling a strand of white tape off the roll and cutting it with a scissor. I mouthed "what are you doing?" and he replied he figured by the time his mom fully awoke he could have her hands tied if it came to that. I shrugged, figuring if worse came to worse I'd say it was mostly his idea anyway (we were friends, but we knew the risks, like spies!).

So he pulled a strand that was about 6-7 inches long and cut it, then sealed it over her lips and mouth, the ends of it reaching the back of her cheeks. She stirred and made a little "mmrrph" sound.

She didn't wake up so he and I worked on rolling her over to her stomach. It was slow going as we were trying to be as careful as we could be. We had her halfway over when Tony looked at me and from her movements we could tell she was wakin' up. So Tony must have figured that we went this far, may as well go for broke, as he finished flipping her onto her stomach and made a motion with his finger that seemed to indicate to get her hands. So I carefully grabbed her wrists and crossed them over the small of her back. He quickly wound rope around them, cinching it and tying a knot.

We were barely at the door when Mrs. Jude started to stir some more. She seemed to be waking up as she seemed to be trying to move her hands and feet, and was unable to. Her eyes opened and she mumbled something inaudible through the tape.

"Toldja we'd get you, ma," Tony said in good jest.

"Mmmph?" Mrs. Jude seemed to grunt. She writhed on the bed a bit, pulling at the ropes with her hands and ankles, but they held. By now she was fully awake but didn't seem to be in too angry a mood, as she rolled her eyes and laid back down on her back. "Mmmph mrrph mmmm mrrrph mehh."

"What?" Tony asked, smiling.

She locked eyes with him and mumbled some more. "Mmrrpph mrrmmmm mmmpphh meeh!"

"Why don't you take the tape off?" I asked.

"We went through all this trouble, may as well enjoy it a few minutes," Tony replied.

At that point, Mrs. Jude had again tried to loosen her bonds, with no use. She then shot into action. She swung her bound legs to the side of the bed and rocked herself into a seated position. She then stood up firmly, standing on her carpeted floor in bare feet. Her eyes were fixed on us and the tape still holding her mouth. Tony and I didn't move. She capitilized by taking one slow, steady hop on her bound feet closer and then turning her body so that her fingers could dig into Tony's side, tickling him suddenly.

Tony, even though 12, was still quite ticklish, and his mother knew that better than anyone. Tony was caught off guard and started laughing in a fit, collapsing against the wall to escape her.

"Hmmph!" she seemed to grunt as she looked down at Tony, defiantly.

I went around her back to pull her away, and as I was dragging her back towards the bed she started tickling me, too. We both collapsed onto her bed with me laughing and seeking to get away. I rolled off the bed and landed on my knees on the floor with a thump. Mrs. Jude sat up and in a very lady-like way, whipped her hair back out of her face with a jerk of her head (of course this looked more amusing with the white tape over her lips).

We were all a little breathless and I could tell by her eyes and face that she wasn't mad at all, and was taking it like a trooper. Likely because she knew it was her last week of work and we got her fair and square. It was a silent moment where Tony and I were breathlessly gasping and sucking back chuckles to get over her sudden tickle attack, and she seemed to be sitting on her bed patiently waiting for us to decide what to do next, as she could know undo herself.

I wondered if we could have tied her further, such as to a chair or even hot-tied her, to keep her from tickling us as a justification. However, Tony spoke first by saying, "Want to call it a draw, ma?"

Mrs. Jude shrugged and nodded.

"If we untie you, you promise not to tickle us?" Tony asked.

Mrs. Jude playfully looked upwards, as if thinking about it, then nodded and grunted an, "Urr-hmmm."

So Tony and I moved to her and kept our word, and she kept hers. However, we did try to be slow about untying her. Tony slowly undid her feet while I was taking my time with her hands. She started getting impatient and after Tony undid her feet he moved his hands to the tape, and she closed her eyes, expecting a sting. Instead, he carefully peeled the tape back, slowly and steadily, so as to not hurt her, which worked. By then I was halfway done with her hands when she wiggled free and undid the rest.

Mrs. Jude was smiling, which was a good sign. She complimented us on the amusement, claiming she didn't want to sleep long anyway. It had only been an hour (which meant she was tied up for less than 30 minutes).

She never retaliated and we never tried it again, fearing pushing our luck. And that was that.


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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Excellent story! Thank you
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Thanks for sharing this!
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