Courtney : 01 - Captive of the evil Lyndsy (f/f, fff/f)

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Courtney : 01 - Captive of the evil Lyndsy (f/f, fff/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Courtney's stories
01 - Captive of the evil Lyndsy
Story index at the bottom

By Courtney

Tuesday, June 15th 2004 - 10:44:10 AM


When i was eleven years old my older sister Kelly (names are all changed somewhat, even though i don't think anyone i know is a kinky freak like me, and would come to this board, but just in case), had made a new friend, named Lyndsy, that loved to tie me up, and even tied helpless and begging screaming for mercy as she tickle tortured or otherwise tormented me, my sister or her other friends wouldn't help, they wouldn't help me that is, for they would often join in tormenting me, or just watch laughing at me,

My sister, fourteen years old, was left in charge when my parents would go out, even when they'd take off over night,(btw- i'm 15 now and not allowed that amount of responsibility; so unfair!)

My sister was alowed to invite friends over, as was i if it was made ok with all parents involved. Every time Lyndsy was invited over, and my parents would be out for over an hour, i'd get tied up, and Lyndsy and my sister put enough fear in me, that i wouldn't dare tell on them,

My sister and her friends were all skater girls (not that most of them could actually skate), but Avril clones none-the-less, me being into the popstar bands brittany/N'sync/christina/etc bands really seemed to make them detest me, among teasing my clothes and music constantly, they'd let Lyndsy victimize me in anyway she saw fit, ironically i'm all punky now and detest that poppy garbage.

After being tied up a dozen plus times, now years later i find that i'm actually desiring it, and even had my ex-boyfriend (good riddance! btw) tie me up, i really was feeling like a big freak about the whole thing, but luckily there is the internet which showed me i'm not alone.

I'll tell some stories of my strange past, victimized by Lyndsy next time i'm on.



Friday, June 18th 2004 - 02:55:12 PM

Captive of the evil Lyndsy

I have a pretty sick memory, but anything i don't remember i'll make up best i can, my english teacher bitches that i use too much detail, so let me know if i'm going overboard.

Ok, enough with the blah blah, here's my first story on this board.

Year 2000! everyone thought the world would end! Y2K! Y2K!

It didn't, and wow, what an annoying ordeal that was!

The world didn't end, but my life did change, my sister had made a new friend that didn't like me so much, it was a relief from her friends who babied me and called me kid, and cute, but still the relief vanished soon, replaced by torment,

My parents left all the time, they'd go out for dinner and movies, go out of town for the weekend. This used to be cool until Lyndsy came around.

It was the summer and school was out, my parents where going out for the night, they where seeing some play or the opera or something, out of state, so they wouldn't be home until the next day.

My sister Kelly, 14 years old was left in charge, my aunt and uncle lived in town and where a phone call away, and that was good enough for my parents, not that they leave me alone in the house at 15 damn it!

My sister invited two friends over Lyndsy and Laurie (not related). I wasn't alowed to invite anyone over, or use the internet, or play games, or leave the house, or do anything that resembled fun, i was grounded for shoplifting, which was an accident, i was distracted when i left the store with a cd in hand, but the store clerk nor my parents believed me, but this weekend would be the end of that 2 weeks of boredom and imprisonment.

My sister was blonde like me, aside from the dyed red streaks, had long hair, was around 5' 4" at the time, and she was thin, emphasis on the 'was' ~;)

She like her friends where skater girls, all 14yrs old, this was actually before the Avril phenomenon, luckily, but they where soon to wear stupid ties and the like.

My sister was wearing oversized skater camouflage pants, a long chain hanging from the belt, rainbow striped socks, spiked bracelets, and i think a slipknot shirt.

Laurie had shoulder length black hair, was tall, like 5'7" or something, and kind of chunky but shapely, which made my sister and Lyndsy jealous of her big boobs. She was wearing way oversized jeans, black thick socks, those lame 80's striped arm bands, and a metallica tshirt, i'm sure of that, because i remember detesting metallica at the time.

Lyndsy was slightly shorter than my sister, she had stawberry blonde hair tied in two short braids. She was very lanky, but very strong despite, some freckles, oversized army pants that hung low and showed the elastic of her black boxers, black socks, a spiked dog collar around her neck, and an undersized black tshirt with a white skull on it, her shirt small enough that it didn't cover her bellybutton, and tight enough to make it clear she didn't wear a bra, slut! ~;)

Ok, first things first, i was 11 years old, and am so much cooler now, and despise all that i was then, as Lyndsy did then, i was into the pop-scene, my walls defiled by posters of Britney, N'sync, backstreet boys, i think i was around 4'5", short for my age, as i still am damn it! Thin as a rail, long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, despite the blonde factor, i kind of looked like Emma Watson, the girl from the harry potter movies, which i got teased about when that damn movie came out, and was a bitter subject for some time, oh, and i'm much cuter than her! ~;)

I was wearing my bed clothes, it was the evening and i wasn't allowed to go anywhere anyway. I was barefoot with cotton pink pyjama bottoms with images of bears and balloons and a pale-pink shirt with a heart in the middle with the word love with a silver border. I had to keep my arms down in it otherwise it would expose my lower stomach, which the site of, would turn my damn family into tickle monsters, i know the outfit was lame, but the shirt made my ex-bf speechless when i squeezed into it and modelled it for him several months ago.

Dinner was done, my parents were gone. I was listening to music in my bedroom, on my back on my bed with my legs straight up and along my headboard and wall, headphones on and singing along to christina. My sister and her friends where being loud and giggly in the living room watching some movie.

Lyndsy passed my bedroom, on the way back from the bathroom no doubt, and was laughing at me from my open bedroom door. When i noticed her i lifted the earphones off my ears.

"What?" i asked with a screw you face on.

"How can you listen to that garbage? it every note makes you dumber you know," Lyndsy said, or something close to that and just as rude.

"How can you be such a big bitch all the time?" i asked with a big smile, quite proud of my vulgar but quick come back. It was a mistake, we exchange lots of little insults and such, but i never went as far as to call her a bitch.

Lyndsy was blown away, arms and shoulders dropped, head jutted forward with mouth open. "You little!" is all she said and she charged in my room,

I screeched tossing my headphones off and scrambled to get away, i thought she was going to beat me up or something. She was quick though and i didn't even make it off my bed.

Older, quicker, and stronger Lyndsy grabbed my ankles as i attempted to crawl quickly off my bed, and yanked, pulling me flat on my stomach. She then pounced on me, sitting on my butt pinning me down. I struggled but was trapped under her. "Help!" i yelled, hoping for assistance from my sister.

"I'll show you what happens when you call me a bitch!" Lyndsy said, she reached over to one of my pillows and pulled the case off. I had no idea what the hell she was doing, but next thing i know she's pulling my wrists behind my back. "LET GO!" i yelled, but she didn't,

I fought to get my wrists free but her firm grasp was unshakable, pinning my wrists together with one hand she wrapped the pillow case around my wrists and tied it tight, wrapped it again to and tied it again in some elaborate knot. She let go and i tried to get my wrist free. She did a good job, my hands where secure behind my back.

"What are you doing?!" exclaimed my sister from the door, seeing Lyndsy sitting on me, my hands tied behind my back.

"She called me a bitch! so she's getting punished", Lyndsy said.

"Kelly help me! Lyndsy get the F##k off me!" I protested, but my sister didn't help. Her and Laurie where laughing at me, Lyndsy joined in and all three where laughing.

"GET OFF ME!!" i screamed.

"Shut up!" Lyndsy said laughingly, and pulled another pillow case off, i saw it loop over in front of my face.

"NO stop! Kelly do something!" she pulled it across my mouth and tied it behind my head tightly, now knawing on the case my protest where muffled.

"Hold her still," Lyndsy said, and to my dismay, Laurie came in and replaced Lyndsy sitting on me, pinning me to my bed. Being heavier than Lyndsy, I protested muffled through my gag, "Let me go! get the f@@K off me! Goddamn it kelly do something!!" most of which wasn't very clear or audible.

Kelly sat on the bed by my head, my eyes flashing both pleading and angry at her. "I told you not to mess with Lyndsy, I told you she won't put up with your shit like it do", my own sister, betrayed me, the bitch.

Kicking my feet into Laurie's back was interrupted as Lyndsy sat on my legs and i could feel the third and last of the pillow cases wrapping my ankles and tying my bare feet together.

The girls got off me and all three of them stood over my bed, my sisters arms crossed, Lyndsys hands on her hips proudly, all laughing as i squirmed around like a worm, unable to get free from the overly tight bondage, swearing at them through my gag.

"Lets hogtie her," said Lyndsy, As if this wasn't bad enough! i thought, still struggling, but careful not to fall off my bed. My shirt rose up exposing my stomach and i struggled to pull it down from the back. It sucked alot, but it was still a little bit fun. I had been grounded and extremely bored lately, and even though it was at my expense, my sister and her friends where sort of hanging out with me.

Nearly got my shirt to cover my navel when Lyndsy pulled me onto my stomach, i tried to wiggle free but she held me firm. She was pulling my feet towards my hands by the pillow case.

"Kelly, give me your chain" Lyndsy said motioning to the long dog chain hanging from her belt.

"Use something else," my sister protested, not wanting to disrupt her ensemble.

"I'll get the duct tape from the kitchen," Laurie said running off. THEY were all against me!, my dad broke the kitchen window from the outside with a ladder, he had put plastic up with duct tape as a temporary solution, thus there was ducttape sitting on the window sill with some other tools he hadn't put away.

I struggled, but Lyndsy held me firm. When Laurie got back, Lyndsy pulled my feet very close to my hands so that they were touching. Loudly protesting as best i could through my gag, they ignored me. Laurie began wrapping the tape from between my ankles to between my wrists, around and around and around.

"Let me," lyndsy said taking the tape even though i was securely trapped in a hogtie. She wrapped the tape around the pillow cases on my wrists and ankles then taped my hands together so i didn't have any chance of getting free.

They all got up, standing over me and laughing again as i struggled with what tiny bit of mobility i had, i could only roll from my side to stomach.

"Is she ticklish?" Lyndsy asked my sister. OH GOD NO! i thought.

"She's super ticklish," my sister laughed, BITCH! i thought, and protested through my gag as the crept towards me,

I was doomed, on my stomach my bare feet jutted helplessly in the air, side by side and immobilized by the tape which nearly reached my heels. Turning on my side would just offer them my exposed and stretched out stomach. I wanted to swear at them and tell them i was going to tell on them but i was gagged, and seeing all three of them tickling motion hands come towards me i could just giggle and scream in anticipation through my gag.

I went ballistic in screetching laughter, Lyndsy sitting next to my feet, had her nails clawing and tickling, one hand on each bare sole, Laurie was by my shoulders holding me immobile on my side tickling my neck and around my ears lightly with her free hand, and my traitorous bitch sister sat in front of my exposed and immobile stomach and tickled the hell out of it and my ribs

Being the baby of the family, i was accustomed to being tickle tortured by my parents, my sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, and cruel friends who knew of my super ticklishness, but i was tied up and helpless, i couldn't budge an inch away from the tickling, plus all three of them tickling me at the same time!! I could do nothing but laugh madly in panicked insanity.

It couldn't have been over 2 minutes, but the relentless tickling from 3 sides left me exhausted and sweaty by the time they stopped. Lyndsy of course stopped last, fingers causing electrical blast through my brain as she attacked my feet. Even as my sister was saying, "ok lets stop, she's starting to cry".

They all sat around me as i caught my breath, shaking the hair that loosened from my pony tail from my sweaty brow.

"What now?" asked Laurie.

"Lets tickle her more," Lyndsy said drawing a nail along my left foot from heel to toes causing me to emit a giggle-squeek through my gag, please NO! i thought panicked.

"No, lets give her a break and watch the rest of the movie", Kelly said. My sister came through after all!

"We going to untie her?" Laurie asked, still beaming in amusement from tickle torturing a helpless 11 year old girl, the bitches! all of them!

My sister appeared to reach for my bindings at that, but stopped when Lyndsy piped in "No, lets leave her, she'll learn never to call me a bitch again!", my sister shrugged.

And they left to watch there stupid movie! leaving me helplessly bound on my bed, all sweaty, my skinny belly exposed, and my nose was itchy!

Not being tickled mercilessly now, i was actually finding it a bit fun to be tied up. I tried and tried to get my fingers loose to attempt an escape but i couldn't, it was hopeless, it was weird being helpless like that, and i kind of liked it despite the discomfort.

But Lyndsy was an evil bitch, and there would be no fun for me.j She entered the room alone, but not unknown for i could hear Laurie and my sister laughing from the living room. She had a CD case in her hand, put it in my cd player then walked over to me, put on my headphones and ran a band of tape from one to the other under my chin.

Before she hit the play button she said, "If you tell on me for tying you up, your sister will get in trouble too you know". Somehow she knew, no matter what happened me and my sister had a pact to not tell on the other. "Oh, and if you tell on me, I will tie you up again. You know you can't stop me, and i'll tickle you till you pee!". With that she gave me some quick tickles on my stomach, forcing laughter from me, disrupting my angry expression.

She hit play, i was horrified to hear it was one of my parents cds, some really bad 80s band, it drowned out lyndsy's laughter as she walked out of my room.

I had to listen to 3 full sucking songs before managing to shake the cursed headphones off, and wiggle enough to knock them off my bed and far away from my ears as possible.

I think it was an full hour that i was left tied up. I struggled the whole time but was just as helpless as i was to start. My muscles started hurting, and then stopped and where just kind of numb.

After forever Lyndsy came into the room, "Kelly says i should untie you now," Sweet! freedom, the novelty of being tied up had worn off and i was just getting bored.

"And i will, when i'm done," Lyndsy said. "i see ya got the headphones off," evil laughter at my expense followed.

With a eyeliner pencil in hand she proceeded to draw on my face. I think she gave me a moustache and wrote something on my forehead. My face moved from angry glaring to smiling to angry for the pencilling tickled. After drawing my nose black like someone playing a cat in a play, the drawing stopped, but the tickling started.

"You're probly one of the most ticklish people i know," she said calmly as her hands flashed, one on my stomach, one on my ribs, then both on my feet, then both on my stomach, then one on my stomach, one digging under my arm and into my armpit. I could only laugh my brains out, being tickled relentlessly while immobile would turn anyone into an uncontrolled mess.

After 5 minutes i was pathetic, i couldn't even look angrily at Lyndsy. She broke me, tickling me without mercy or even a breather, causing me hysterics with her cruel constantly moving fingers. I wanted to scream help, mercy, sorry, or anything Lyndsy wanted to hear, but gag aside i could only laugh. Luckily 5 minutes was enough this time, lyndsy got her torture fix.

After the torture she untied me. I think my sister may have felt a bit guilty for she let me use the net for a while, even though i was forbidden while grounded. Lyndsy continued to tease me, but i was alot more careful with my come-backs.

I never told my parents, not wanting to get my sister in trouble, and out of fear of Lyndsy. Unlucky for me, having tied me up with support from even my sister, and with no repercussions, Lyndsy made it a hobbie, and 9 times out of 10, if she was over and my parents where gone, she'd tie me up with little provocation, or just for the hell of it.

i'll tell more stories soon of getting tied up by Lyndsy, and perhaps even some more recent stories where i actually was willing and liked it.


Courtney's stories
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Post by gaggedforgood »

Wow, awesome story! Not too much detail at all! Although this was obviously written well over a decade ago, it'd be awesome to hear about other times "Lyndsy" tied you up back then, also you were clearly a pretty badass little kid haha.
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