An Interview with TiedAndTaped3D - Part 2 Added

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An Interview with TiedAndTaped3D - Part 2 Added

Post by AlexUSA3 »

I spent this morning and afternoon in a slow chat with Todd, a.k.a. [mention]TiedAndTaped3D[/mention]. I have many years experience interviewing people, and this is my first time doing so with someone in the bondage industry though. I know I didn't do as well as I should have, but it was my first time.

Alex: How did you discover you liked bondage?

Todd: I started out as a pre-teen. I personally wanted to read horror and murder books, my family and teachers insisted I read Young Adult stuff and "happy" stuff. This was in the days of Pre-Harry Potter when most YA stuff was pretty dire. One book they had me read was called Something's Waiting for You, Baker D about a loner (check) with an overactive imagination (check) who gets kidnapped along with what was described as a chubby girl. They spend much of the book tied up and tape gagged. This got me curious about that and I started gagging myself with tape. I eventually worked up to tying my feet and then trying to tie my wrists. Most of my early wrists ties I could easily slip out of though I eventually figured out a way to tape my wrists behind my back. I found I enjoyed that the most. It's still my preferred self-bondage method.

Alex: You discovered adventure in one of the most fun ways: just trying things out and seeing what happened. It's amazing how for some people, us included, the first good impression becomes the standard. At this point, you're tying yourself up. How did you graduate to tying up others?

Todd: I had a couple of friends who would occasionally let me tie them up or who would tie me up, but it wasn't often. I started making mainstream films in my late twenties and would write the odd bondage scene into them. I finally settled on doing just regular bondage shoots a few years later as they were a lot less work.

Alex: What set you on the road to film making, and how difficult was it to set yourself up as a producer of films? That requires a lot of infrastructure, no?

Todd: In terms of mainstream films? I've always been a film buff--since before I was into bondage--and in a way always wanted to make films. I was taking some college courses for it and that's what started me out. Very low budget stuff, of course. My first film was just me, an actor, and an attractive actress who got tied up! I still dabble in filmmaking. I'm planning to do a film noir next year, for instance.

Alex: Film's a way of life for you, and when you have an eye for it such things just come naturally much as story writing does for others. When you made that first film, did you yet know bondage films were a thing?

Todd: Oh, sure. I had bought a couple of Harmony videos prior to making that first film. The Knotty Maid with Whitney Prescott was my first bought video. Whitney was my first real bondage crush.

Alex: I'm much too young to have seen such things when they were new, but I sure have seen the pirated versions. Somewhere in there, though, you had to have the thought "I can make this and sell too," right? Or was it more a thought of "let's have fun and see if we recoup the costs"?

Todd: What actually happened was that a friend of mine and I were at a film convention in Delaware. There were a few tables with "Scream Queens" there and we got to talking to one of them, who talked us into buying two of her videos. When we got home and watched them, we were stunned at just how bad they were. The one I got, you could literally see the girl's upper lip under her tape gag. I thought to myself, "If this jerk can do things like this and make money, I can do even better."

My early attempts were even meant to be crappy horror type movies loaded with bondage. But then I wrote a slasher film--this was shortly after the original Scream came out--with a full cast and everything (plus plenty of bondage). The film turned out to be more trouble than it was worth and didn't even get finished. After that I decided to just do the type of films I wanted to do--action and mystery--and skip the horror scheme. Now the films that followed that one weren't easy, either but I for the most part enjoyed doing them. But after a while I decided it would easier and more profitable to just do regular bondage shoots.

Alex: Was your first bondage damsel a friend already familiar with your interest? Or was it more a "Help wanted: bondage model" situation?

Todd: The first bondage model to work for me was someone I knew who did that sort of thing who was appearing at a film convention I was going to. So on the floor I asked her if she wanted to shoot for an hour. She agreed and came to my room later that night. Funny enough, she was also the first model to tie me up. At the end of the shoot, I decided to ask if she want to bind and gag me and she said sure. It was only for a few minutes, though.

Alex: I'm sure you enjoyed it though! I am assuming you went on sale back in the days of covert catalogues and VHS tapes? Those were times when I was a wee lad.

Todd: Actually, no. This was 2004, back in the Bee-Tokens days. A fellow photographer hosted my clips for a bit before I went with the SweetTies Group. I left them eventually over a disagreement regarding my clips, and started my own Bee-Tokens site. Now I'm on C4S and XSiteAbility.

Alex: 18 years on the market! Not bad, really! Congratulations on surviving that long. You've been around much longer than one my favorites was around. In simple terms, what goes into planning a shoot?

Todd: Mostly, I just reach out to the model. I'll kick around some ideas and improvise on the fly for others. Really big shoots, like the Rainbow shoot, I have planned in advance. I did a three model shoot a couple of years ago and had all the clips for the 3 model portion planned well in advance. I used to come up with story ideas for shoots but a couple of models suggested that nobody cares about plot in these things! Though there are a few standards, like the babysitter tricked into bondage.

Alex: I must admit that the rainbow shoot is pretty awesome looking and that I love the glow. I am a fool, however, and only recognize the beautiful Rachel Adams. Who are the other six ladies in the photo? Is that Tilly McReese?


Vivian Ireene Pierce (Red)
Stacy Burke (Yellow)
Rachel Adams (Pink)
Tomiko (Green)
Kobe Lee (Purple)
Nyssa Nevers (Orange)
Fayth on Fire (Blue)

Alex: I thought I recognized a bunch of them. After I submitted, I knew that wasn't Tilly and for the life of me couldn't remember Tomiko's name. Obviously, all-star cast right there. What was the best experience you've had during a shoot?

Todd: Probably the Rainbow Shoot itself. We did it at FetishCon 2019. All 7 were on time and ready to shoot. I had them switch into the blouses and started taping them up. Rachel was actually the first one taped. Took a little over half an hour to get them all taped up. Vivian started them singing the Colonel Boogey March while they were gagged. We had some laughs that night for sure. When the clip was done, I took all 7 of them down to the main floor still tied and gagged except for their legs and put them in front of the FetishCon sign. Really grabbed some attention.

The only thing that would have made it better is if all 7 of them decided to tie me up afterwards!

Alex: Vivian does seem to be a very cheery personality like that. Some models, just based on their social media feeds, seem to be very personable people (even if people of business). I'll dare ask it though... what was the most frustrating shoot?

Todd: I'm not going to mention names but it was a different three model shoot. It was to start out with two models doing a custom. One of them was 30 minutes late, then started taking up time complaining about the shoot she just came from. When I finally got them going, neither one of them knew the script. The one who had been late kept disrespecting both me and the custom. By the time the third model came, I was totally off my game. I ended up ending the shoot early.

By the way, Vivian is a total sweetheart. One of my favorites to work with. Actually, all 7 of them are amazing, talented, and just plain fun.

Alex: Ugh! That sounds like a wretched time indeed! You must have been glad when that session end.

When ones does a shot in hotel room, I suspect he does not tell the hotel management that such is why he wants the room unless it's an occasion like FetishCon. Correct?

Todd: I never tell the hotel management why I want a room no matter what. It isn't their business, frankly lol. I'm giving them money to stay in a room. I'm sure if they see me come in with my light kit they have an idea of what I'm up to, but they don't say anything.

I will say the fantasy of being tied up when the maid comes in could only be pulled off at FetishCon without consequences, most likely.

Alex: Over the years, it sounds tape is your favorite way to bind a damsel. Any other favorites?

Todd: I love recreating a clip from Harmony that I saw of a model named Sylja Kuryakin. Beautiful blonde model. She was tied topless, only in panties, in a wide spreadeagle and gagged with silver duct tape that looked almost painted on. Literally one of the hottest things I've ever seen. I've done that clip with quite a few models, including a few of the Rainbow Clip models.

I'm also always up for doing a box tie.

Tape remains my favorite gag to use, but I've used ball gags and panel gags in the past few years, too.

Alex: It's hard to give up on those old favorites for sure. My favorite has, from day 1, been a stuffed cleave gag in spite of all the other things I think are fun.

Do some models get picky with the gags? Rather, do some have gags they dislike enough to ask you not to use them?

Todd: Not often. The first time I did an all tape gag shoot, the model did ask me if I ever heard of cleave gags. After I started using ball gags in 2018, I had one model complain that she didn't like them. Then again, she didn't like being tied up at all. My ball gag thing was relatively short lived, however. I prefer tape still. In fact, that's the only way I allow myself to be gagged.

Alex: So what's a typical smooth shooting day like from start to finish?

Todd: Unless I'm traveling to NY or FetishCon, I typically only do a single shoot. Usually two-three hours, 3-6 clips done in that time. If I'm traveling, I'll have back to back shoots, so one girl is leaving as the next one is coming in. For the most part, the models show up shoot ready. They're also pretty good about changing quickly. Sometimes I cheat a little by having them wear a bikini and I might hogtie them for one clip, then change their gag and remove their top for a second clip. If it's my first time shooting with them I always try to get them into a tape tie. We also handle the paperwork usually at the very beginning of the shoot.

Alex: I would hope that the legal loopholes are much easier for a bondage shoot than other adult scenes? Like, I would imagine, or at least hope, that you don't have to pay for STD testing and the like.

Todd: Since there's no sexual contact involved, no testing is required. I don't even do groping or tickling scenes anymore!

Alex: It all sounds like, with the right people, that you're getting paid to enjoy yourselves overall! The work is the planning and getting the shots right!

How many shoots ever end with you and the model just getting to enjoy yourself with things, whether it's off camera teasing from you or, better for you, you being tied up by her? If it does happen, who would rank as your personal favorite model to have capture you?

Todd: It's definitely fun, especially if the model enjoys it, too. Some models naturally love bondage, so they're totally into it. There's a couple who only do it for the money. But the ones who are lifestylers are a total blast.

Some shoots end with a session for an hour with the model tying me up. A few times have ended with us just hanging out. I even took a model or two to dinner afterwards. As to a favorite...well, I won't say. Though I do have a few I really enjoy tying me up. And there's been a few who were the first to do something to me. Tomiko was the first one to put me in a tape tie like I do to the models. Fayth was the first one to do a wraparound tape gag on me. For a long time, she was the only one to do that.

Alex: You really do enjoy yourself. I'm refraining from mentioning some of my favorites to see in action. Tomiko... Let's just say, in my opinion, in every scene, her eyes give away that she's having a ton of fun, and I love that just as much as a model who conveys the mood of the scene.

Do you suspect or know for sure if any of the ladies (no names please) you have worked with go home and get tied by their significant other or do the tying? If it's not clear between the questions I ask and the stories I've written, it's all about having a good on both sides for me. :lol:

Todd: I know for a fact a couple of them engage in play outside of work.

And yes, I do enjoy myself. I actually think I prefer getting tied over tying if I'm being honest. And depending on who does the tying, I can stay that way for a few hours.

Alex: Being tied is better than tying, but unfortunately one pays better than the other. It's a worthy trade-off to me, though!

When you have a true rookie, how do you ease them into being tied up so as not to frighten them and make them leave with a positive impression?

Todd: Sad but true. One fun thing that sometimes happens when I have multiple shoots set up--depending on who the models are--the outgoing model might tie me up and let the incoming model in. Always worth it.

Absolutely. I might start with a very simple hands and ankles tie without a harness or anything. Or I'll use handcuffs and rope for the first clip. I check on them plenty (I do this anyway).

Alex: With such newbies, do they sometimes walk in without realizing what you're doing?

Todd: Nope. I explain in my email what I'm going to do. I also send links to my site so they can see what they're in for.

I don't use a lot of total newbies anymore. I prefer more experienced bondage models.

Alex: What, in your opinion, do certain models provide that others don't and thereby make their own unique thumbprint on a scene?

Todd: It really depends. Some like Sahrye and Rachel are really energetic with the gag talk. Much more so than others, who mostly just kinda whine while gagged. It may sound mean to say it that way, but it's kind of true, too. Sahrye in particular keeps up a great stream of gag talk for the whole clip. Others are more comical. Vivian and Fayth in particular are comedians with their clips.

Alex: Sahrye gets the biggest mouth stuffings with good reason. Rachel is a warrior and a sweetheart. I once asked her something during an Instagram Q&A, and I forget what but her answer was the sweetest!

Care to elaborate on Vivian and Fayth? What kind of energy do they bring?

Todd: Fayth will literally flip you off on camera for a laugh. Both of them will improve the funniest lines, too. There are clips where it's almost impossible for me to hold back laughter. Nyxon is another one like that. Her reactions and improvs are priceless. I tied her to a chair one time and she drummed her fingers on the arms of the chair shooting the funniest dirty look ever.

Alex: Do you do exclusively photo shoots? If so, it must be very easy to have fun since there's little acting needed. Even in films, unless there's a script calling for it, you can just enjoy yourselves, right?

There are some damsels I've thought would be a blast just to work with even I didn't get paid, and you're just confirming my thoughts.

Todd: I do 95% video nowadays. Some photos, but the money is in video clips. But it's still pretty easy to have a good time, especially when you're working with people who know what they're doing.

Alex: Have to say I love the photo of Karly in your signature. I assume it's yours. In case it wasn't apparent, I tend to like the blonde-browns. :lol:

When you would get a new model, how did you decide on a pseudonym for them?

Todd: I let them pick their bondage name.

In the next part, Todd and I will talk more about scenes themselves... especially what happens off the camera (a.k.a. when Todd gets kidnapped by the model).
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Post by TiedAndTaped3D »

It was a fun day answering all these questions!
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Post by Treville »

Thank you for the very interesting interview. Looking forward to the next part!
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Post by Captive-Monica98 »

That was an interesting interview. I really enjoyed reading it!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Here comes part 2 of the conversation with [mention]TiedAndTaped3D[/mention]. Here in the second part, I prove that I am a total moron that doesn't understand as much as he thought he did. :lol:

Alex: Going back to the famous Rainbow Shoot (which is frankly quite awesome just because of how many epic figures are in that photo) for a fun question I thought up overnight and before we get to the questions about your own personal TUGs...

Imagine you're in a hotel room with them all again as you all had 90 minutes to spare. Who would you want to be the following?
Girl #1, who you tie up.
Girl #2, who will then tie you up.
Girl #3, who will avenge you by tying up Girl #2. Ironically, neither you nor Girls #1 & #2 get released ever in all this.
Girls #4-7, who will relentlessly cheer, jeer, and heckle the lot of you.

Have fun with it because I know these girls each have their own personality quirks that make them fun in different ways.

Todd: Girl #1 would be Kobe Lee just because I always enjoy tying her up.

Girl #2 would be Nyssa Nevers. Nyssa is a little mischievous like that.

Girl #3 would be Tomiko, since she's always sweet and sometimes talk about me like her little brother.

Girls 4-7 would be Vivian, Stacy, Rachel, and Fayth. I could especially see Fayth and Stacy teasing me while I"m all tied up.

Alex: They're all fun, but after what you said before I just knew Vivian would be in the taunting-and-teasing party.

You mentioned Tomiko being a model who has tied you up before and that she taped you in your favorite way. What is that "favorite way to be taped"?

Todd: The way I've taped up numerous models myself. Wrists behind, tape around the body above and below the breasts (elbows in my case), ankles, and thighs. Several strips of tape for a gag. Exactly like you see in the Rainbow clip. She was the first person to do this to me and I loved it.

Alex: Some would complain that there needs to be tape below the knees and/or at the waist as well or other things, but it works, leaves only sexy groans, and makes you unable to move effectively. What about this particular setup do you enjoy most?

Todd: I find it one of the most effective ways of being bound. And if you do it the right way, you can stay like that for a quite a long time.

Alex: What is the longest you've stayed bound at the hands of your models?

Todd: In terms of the models, rarely longer than an hour or two. I've been to play parties however where I've been bound and gagged for well over three hours.

Alex: Are there any preferences you particularly have for being tied up? Favorite setting? Favorite color or outfit?

Todd: I don't have a specific favorite setting. I'm good being tied up on a couch. My only real requirement is that I be gagged, always with tape. In terms of outfits, it depends where I am or who is tying me. When I'm at a play party I'll strip down to my underwear and undershirt. Other times I'll be in a pair of black khakis and a T-Shirt.

Alex: What makes being tied up so awesome, especially when compared to tying up someone else?

Todd: I find it relaxing. I can just let go when I'm tied up. I'm also a little socially awkward, so being gagged helps keep me from saying something stupid lol. I love getting to tie up women, but I frequently find myself wanting to change places with them.

Alex: Put a man in a room with a beautiful woman, and something stupid is bound to be said, right? If I were the one tying up these beauties, I'd be apologizing more than anything else!

You still have friends who'll tape you up when you feel like it?

Todd: Not really. I mostly do sessions now. Most of my female friends either don't know of my interest or won't take part in it. I do have a new play partner but she's been busy lately so it might be a while before I get tied up by her again.

Alex: How many sessions do you typically do in say a week or month? It's a living, so I'm sure it must be a lot.

Todd: Not really. Actual sessions are relatively rare treats. Maybe once a month I'll treat myself. I actually have a day job, so I don't even shoot as much as you would think.

Alex: I'll dare go down this road... Piracy is so rampant these days with so many sites like BoundHub devoted entirely to piracy. To get a good day of shooting, that's a lot of hours, plus sometimes a hotel room, plus paying the model, plus paying C4S and personal website costs. I hate to ask, but for the average $10 video, how many sales do you have to make in order to recoup the costs on a shoot?

Todd: On average, each clip realistically needs to make around $100 to really be profitable. Considering the fact that you only make $6 on a $10 video, believe it or not not every video does it. Between piracy and the fact that the market is so splintered, it can be tough to make a profit. This isn't the old Harmony days when there wasn't as many producers as there are now.

Alex: As a guy who lives in an area well known for bondage studios (Hello, Miss Chrissy Marie!), I admit that if I were 10 years younger and not living at home still (damn those years spent in PhD school LOL), I'd probably be tempted to try to strike out on my own and then cower away when I see how rough the market is.

It's saturated with so many hobbyists and, I risk offense to some, cheap OnlyFans trash who give the real professional and talented models a bad reputation. I'm surprised $100 is what's needed to make it. I guess, however, for someone like you, the losses basically are the cost to have a good time?

Todd: Let me put it this way: in the old days, Harmony would advertise that a single VHS tape would sell an average of 1500 copies at $60 a copy. You could make after cost around $75,000 per tape. Nobody is doing that type of business nowadays.

Now, I'm not going to be one of those guys who bitches about the hobbyists. Thanks to the hobbyists, there's plenty of traveling models that come to town for shoots. So without the presence of those guys, guys like me wouldn't have as many people to shoot with.

Though in another way, you are right. The losses are offset by the times I get to session with some of these models and have fun with that. But I still like to try to get my money back on shoots!

Alex: To be clear, I'm not singling out the hobbyists. Most of the big stars and studios started out either as side gigs or hobbies! You know the kinds I mean even if there's no word for it. It's more like internet prostitution. In any industry, though, there are fly-by-night shady corporations that come and go and make things hard for the hobbyists and professionals.

Would you characterize yourself as a hobbyist or a part-time professional?

Todd: I'd like to think of myself as a Part-Time Pro. I've been doing it long enough. And the reality is, we all tend to do what we enjoy.

And honestly, the hobbyists aren't even a problem. There's always been hobby photographers in the past.

The bigger problems are the piracy, which is rampant and insane, and the fact that there's so many producers now. Like I said, back in the days of Harmony, there weren't that many people doing this sort of thing so it was easier to make loads of money. Now, thanks to sites like C4S anyone can be a producer.

W.A.V.E. Productions is another example. They started out in the late 80s doing basically videos of half naked women tied up and killed. They were able to pump them out and make money hand over fist in the pre-Internet age. Now. there's a million guys like them so they aren't doing as well.

The Piracy is what's really hurting the business, though. I've seen people put out a clip and the very next day it's on seven different pirate sites. People think it's funny or that they're sticking it to rich people, but they really aren't. They're hurting small guys just trying to get by. I myself had to chase the Rainbow Clip off Pornhub once. I was not happy.

Alex: How much do these sites (BoundHub, VK, PornHub, etc.) willingly help you to remove these pirated productions? It's a shame no one has made a system in which videos can be watched but not downloaded in any shape, size, or form.

I imagine with so many studios and such out there, it must be very difficult for the models to know who they can trust and which jobs they should accept beyond the producers they know and trust.

Todd: Some of them you have to pester repeatedly. Especially Boundhub. They want to make money and they don't always care how. Then there's the sites that in certain other countries that there's no way to get your stuff taken down.

Models know who they should work with and who they shouldn't. They talk all the time.

Alex: So it's really difficult once the goods start getting copy-and-pasted. That genuinely sucks and is completely unfair. Some studios seem to try to cheat the system a little by re-releasing old content as if it were new; is that a good strategy in your opinion?

Models just like to talk. That's why we gag them, right?

Todd: As someone who has done it himself, yes. I mean, if major Hollywood movies can get re-released, why can't clips?

Funny, I like to talk. Maybe that's why they gag me!

Alex: Who talks more? You or the model? :D

For those who haven't seem them, how does your typical clip flow from start to finish?

Todd: Hey, Steve Villa not only re-releases clips, he re-titles them, too. It's like back in the day when Ed Wood's Glen or Glenda went out under 10 different titles. At least most producer's just re-issue the clip and identify it as such.

During shoots, I imagine I talk more only because the model is gagged. Though I have had some models that never shut up, even when gagged!

My clips are like a lot of people's clips: the model is already restrained and struggling. Sometimes you'll hear me offscreen talking at them (usually making bad jokes). Once in a while there will be a set up. For example, the babysitter bound clips. They'll usually start with the babysitter tied in some way but not gagged and trying to convince the offscreen kids to untie them. Then the gag comes out and the humiliation piles on. Every so often you'll hear me at the end of those clips as "Dad" bitching out the babysitter for playing bondage games and traumatizing their kids!

But a lot of times, it's simply a matter of the model struggling for like ten minutes or so.

Alex: We've mentioned the never stopping mouths of Rachel and Sahrye. Ah, the classiness they bring with their profane grunts.

The babysitter setup is a classic yet one I never understood. Babysitters strapped by parent, on the otherhand. A great example of camera effects is Sahrye and the Magic Box set up. She took that one perfectly.

Any up and coming models you'd like to get your ropes on or think will be a star of the industry?

Todd: I'd really like to work with Sage Pillar eventually. Gorgeous gal who can take some pretty wild bondage from what I've seen.

Not really up and coming, but there's an Italian model named Ivy Blonde that I would love to shoot. And I still have Madalynn Raye on my bucket list.

Alex: What's wild by your standards? As in, what's the limit where a scene becomes uncomfortable for you?

Madalynn Raye seems like another sweet heart, but a hard-to-schedule one.

Todd: I've seen photos of Sage with her head pulled back and duct taped to her hogtied feet. That's pretty crazy to me. But if she can take it, God bless her.

I'm really really trying for Madalynn but scheduling is super tough.

Alex: I could go all day there, but...

What brought you to TUGstories?

Todd: I used to read the old site. In fact, I'd read any website with real tie up stories. The old Dreambook sites that had various tie up tales, like the one for people who caught in self bondage, absolutely fascinated me. I never contributed but I enjoyed reading them. Unfortunately there's only a few sites like that now, and this is the best of the lot. I especially love the True Stories For Everyone section. The more innocent stuff where people just took turns tying each other up and having fun with it.

Alex: The true stories for everyone seem to reflect your real life even if erotica films are "18+ p0rn" by definition. And eventually you got the itch to write your own stuff. What do you like to portray in a story?

Todd: My fiction stories are my fantasies. The one I'm working on now, Kelsey Learns the Ropes, is the exact type of thing I'd like to happen to me. I think I like the True Stories for Everyone section because that sort of thing never happened to me and I would have liked it. Take the recent story by Country-Hick about tying up her nephew. I never had a cute aunt or babysitter offer to tie me up. That would have been awesome. Or RealTugger being tied up by his older sister. Again, I didn't have an older sister but it would have been awesome if that sort of thing happened to me when I was younger. So when I write my fiction stories here, it's like the exact sort of thing I'd love to actually have happen.

I should go back to finish the Found By Housekeeping story one of these days. Again, the idea of a hot maid walking in to a hotel room and finding me all taped up and not freaking out about it? That would be a lot of fun for me. Mind you, that one is a little dirtier than the others, but it's still a bit of a fantasy.

Alex: Apologies for vanishing... vanilla work interfered. :lol:

Kelsey Learns the Ropes sounds fun. Interesting you used a picture of Karly Salinas taped up for it. Any reason you chose that one in particular?

What does a good story need, in your opinion?

Todd: No specific reason. I took it myself at FetishCon 2018. I could have used Rachel or Kobe or any of the others but since I used Karly for the previous Kelsey story I figured I'd keep it the same. Next banner I might use someone else.

Whether it's fiction or true, pace and a least a touch of believability. There are fiction stories on here that I could easily see happening in real life and true stories that I have a hard time believing. I won't call any in particular out, but there's been a few that I've been like "I'll take Things That Never Happened for 500, Alex." And not just here. There's been stories on a few other sites that were supposed to be true stories that made me doubt them.

You also need a good pace to keep the reader's attention. And if you're doing a multi-part thing, you want to make sure your readers want to read the next part. I try to keep my cliffhangers just interesting enough to get people back. There are quite a few people here who are great at this, too. And there's people who do single installments so well I want to read everything they write. Always make your reader want more.

Alex: I hope you had a Merry Christmas! I took a few days to step away and enjoy time with my family. :D

Yes, there are stories that often lack credibility. As a physicist, I sometimes can admit to being ignorant of real problems, but once I am educated I try to tone those points down (particularly, how long strict positions can be held).

Cliffhangers are an essential, and I find they do encourage people to come back for more myself.

What kinds of stories do you typically enjoy most for your own writing? (for example, games between friends)

Todd: I did have a nice Christmas, thank you.

Length of time being bound is always an issue, but there's other stories that just literally play like pure fantasy. On another site, for instance, there is a story about a woman who was left bound and gagged by her husband stark naked and she got found by her maid. The way the story reads, I find it very difficult to believe that the maid not only stayed around that day, but that she came back at all.

In terms of writing, I like writing the games between friends type story. The Kelsey tales, for example, where two friends explore playing with bondage. Nothing too sexual, and maybe make it something that might conceivably happen.

Alex: Your approach is as pragmatic as mine.

How about as a reader? What elements in a story are more likely to bring you back for more?

Todd: Like writing, I'm more interested in fun bondage stories than the more sexual ones. Things like friends horsing around, or siblings tying each other up. Doesn't matter if its sisters tying up brothers or vice versa. I will admit I'm not as much into m/m M/M stories, but that's just a preference.

Alex: Every so often, you'll find an absolute gem and want to tell the author as much and discover that they haven't logged on in 6 months. I always feel bad for those authors.

What do you prefer: stories focused on TUGs with the characters as the pawns driving the story, or stories focused on character development with TUGs as the driving factor?

Todd: That's always a shame. I try to make sure I always comment on stories I like and I'll even drop a PM, hoping they see it. I have a few favorite authors on this site right now and I really hope they continue writing.

Honestly, I think I prefer the character development with TUGs as a driving factor. Both styles can be fun, but character development is always more interesting than characters just used as pawns.

Alex: As a person who has spent so many years as a bondage professional, does the term "TUGs" seem at all silly, or do you agree there can be a distinction between bondage (could be sexual) and TUGs (strictly about fun)?

Todd: It's not silly at all. There's definitely a distinction between bondage and TUGs. In a way, I prefer TUGs over bondage, too. No pressure with TUGs ;)

Alex: Even when dirty, I prefer TUGs and the whole angle of mutual fun. Yeah, I'm writing a story that's about bondage, but that's because I wanted to write something different, imaginative, and that would appeal to more people than just myself. The few times I dared leave this site, I was quite thoroughly mocked for suggesting such a distinction exists. Even in "bondage production," some producers like spudRus and jCuff just obviously are having too much fun for me to see it as more than a game.

That said... what do you enjoy most about the community here?

Todd: SpudRus is definitely having fun with it. I’ve met Spud, too. He’s a great guy.

The community here is very relaxed and friendly. No one is ever cruel to anyone. Everyone seems to go by the old saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing” which is refreshing when you see so many sites where people just troll everyone.

Alex: Have you learned anything new about bondage, that you didn't previously know, during your time on here?

Todd: I wish I could say I have, but not really. But I've really enjoyed my time here.

Alex: Do you have any questions you'd like to ask me? Sometimes, my guests would enjoy flipping the tables and questioning me a little. :D

Todd: Sure: what's your favorite position to be tied and gagged in and why?

Alex: You asked a good one. I very much am dominant and even took a test and came out nearly 100% dominant and vanilla. But, the test didn't have room for someone like me who would just like possibly be tied up, either a hogtie or a chairtie, and have the ol' missus take advantage of it.

Chairties I like because of the rigidity of it. A good chair tie, even if probably more escapable than say a strappado, has the element of being firmly fastened to something so that motion ceases. A hogtie is more about the position itself: you can move a lot, but it {the movement} mostly accomplishes nothing.
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