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Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:12 am
by Danny
I know there are already RPGs that have something to do with Bondage but I just thought of one that has both genders and also multiplayer I think people would have a lot of fun playing with they're friends.

But what ideas would you guys for an RPG?

Fill free to give your ideas!

Re: Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:22 am
by NotSeen
I assume you're talking about computer/online RPGs and not the ancient pen-dice-and-paper RPGs (does anyone still play those)?

Re: Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:03 am
by Danny
Well board games would be cool. I guess it would depend what you would prefer to talk about.

I'm open to RPG board game ideas too!

Re: Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:56 am
by NotSeen
Tbh, I haven't given the idea much thought. But, whether pen-and-paper, computer or board game, I'd be interested in how various bondages, restraints etc could be represented in-game. Making it a simple skill check penalty (you're gagged, you get a -80% in all communication attempts) or something to that effect is a bit... simple. It'd be nice to see something a bit more inventive. Just don't ask me what it would be...

Re: Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:24 pm
by Chris12
Well there's Didnapper though sadly that's only restricted to one gender getting bound.

Re: Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:37 am
by illest
Didnapper is pretty cool. I would really like to see a Match 3 style game with tie ups. A guy on DA had a good one started but never finished it.

If we're talking board games I see a lot of potential for that especially in the vein of self bondage. There's a certain roulette site that has similar but I would like to see far more safe and less repulsive and unsavory ideas that lean more towards the "fun" aspect and less towards the "lewd" approach.

Re: Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:32 am
by NotSeen
There is a self-published (I think) card game 'Solo Bound Female' that's available online. I haven't played it, but I understand it is about selfbondage (as the name would suggest - though it may be more in the 'lewd' category) - the 'player' is trying to release themselves from selfbondage before being discovered (?).
I could see a similar idea in boardgame form - the board would be the environment, a random mechanic (cards drawn before starting?) to determine what must be done to be released, possibly in-game events to make the task easier/more difficult (drawing cards, rolling dice?). Of course, there would still be the question of how to represent the various bondages in game...

Re: Wondering if anyone would like to see a bondage RPG?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:06 pm
by Tapedupcouple
My wife and I really love the whole idea of playing tie up games, we have often done little games between ourselves simple stuff like games of black jack and each loss gets to add a restraint. We have even done a couple mario kart bets to decide who is going to get tied up haha. Would love the idea of some adventure board game though involving tie ups maybe like a james bond type theme and if you could wind up in some traps and the other players would have to roll a certain number to get you free.

Another big fantasy of ours (obviously would be played with trusted persons) is a heroes vs villains party game. Teams would be divided up and you would play some sort of short simple game against each other maybe even just a simple dice roll and whoever loses gets tied while they move onto the next opponent. Meanwhile the ones that are tied are allowed to struggle and get free back into the game but for each time you loose more restraints are allowed to keep you from escaping and it would go on until one team has the other helpless for a certain time. I know kind of a wild long shot but sure would make for a fun game night.