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Duct Tape disaster ( m/self)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:35 pm
by Kingelder2
When I was (about 19/ 20) my mum and her partner were away for the weekend I decided to have so self bondage fun and didn't have to worry about being caught .
I got my supplies ready ,a bandanna , a roll of silver duct tape and a knife and scissors from the kitchen ,so I could get free,I made sure all doors were locked in my parents house, closed all blinds/curtains (incase anyone saw and called the police ).
I took one of my mums dining chairs and placed it in front of the large wall mirror that hanged in her livingroom ,so I could watch myself struggle and enjoy the moment more ,I then picked up my supplies and began getting to work .
I sat on the chair facing the mirror,I opened my legs ,took the large roll of silver duct tape and wrapped it around my leg securing it tightly to the chair and after ripping the tape of the roll began doing the exact same with the other leg.
I then wrapped the tape over the seat of the chair securing my thighs tightly .I tested then (no matter how I tried they didn't budge a bit)
Then I picked up thr bandanna ,rolled it into a tight ball and placed it in my mouth ,keeping my mouth open I again took the tape and wrapped it around my head making a nice tight gag,looking in the mirror I grunted in excitement.
After my legs were secure ,my gag was tightly in place and I had secured my torso to the chair I moved on to my wrists,placing my hands behind my back and the chair ,whilst holding the large roll of tape I carefully wrapped the tape around my wrists securing them tightly, I wrapped my wrists about 4 times ,(not easy to do by yourself but I had been practicing ).
With the knife in the other hand I carefully cut the tape of the roll,they was a loud thud as the roll hit the carpet.
I looked up into the mirror seeing myself bound and gagged I began to play the part of the hostage.
I struggled around testing out my taping skills and began quietly screaming for help (quietly because 1 I didn't want to alert any neighbours that might her and 2 ,even if I wanted to be loud the gag wouldn't allow me to be)
Mmmmmmppppphhhh, mmmmmpppphhhh
I closed my eyes and began to imagine my situation ,my mum had just left ,I was all alone wondering what I could get up to I decided that I was going to make myself some food as I was looking at what food we had in the house I heard a noise in the living room,like something had smashed or had been knocked over .
Not thinking too much of it I went to investigate.
I opened the livingroom door and walked in just then a big black leather glove grabbed my mouth silencing me and the other wrapped around my body pining my arms to my torso ,I began to fight and struggle but I was over powered and forced into a chair.
I tried to get up but I was pined down with the silver tape holding me in place as I began to struggle my eyes met with the eyes of my intruder .
A woman dressed in a black leather all in one suit wearing black knee length high heal boots ,with pink lips and dark hair was staring at me.
"I didn't expect anyone here,good job I brought my trusty duct tape with me"
"What do you want ,I said as I began to struggle"
"That dosent concern you "
"You bit mmmmhhh"
Before I could finish my insult a bandanna was forced into my mouth the the wide silver tape was wrapped around.
"Time for a little quiet I think don't you??"
Mmmmhhhppppphhhh ,I grunted ,I was begining to get angry.
She walked round thr chair admiring her work before giving me a kiss on the silver gag covering my lips.
I'm going to have a look around,don't go anywhere she said laughing as she left the room .

Just then I opened my eyes and was back alone staring at myself in the mirror
My female kidnapper had just been a figment of my imagination,what was sticking out of my jeans was not ,my imagination had caused me to get a bit too excited.
I let out a moan in excitement
Just then I head a clang,my eyes widend in the mirror as my excitement slowly turned into a nightmare,the knife that was my escape plan was now lying on the floor under my chair.
I began to wish the woman was real not for any other reason than to undo my bonds,that if I couldn't get out would I be stuck here,like this for 2 days ,what if my mum finds me,I began to panic more
Mmmmmhhhhppplpp if shouted into my gag in frustration,I tugged at my bonds but no matter what the tape held and the more I panicked the more I felt the tape getting tighter like a snake hunting its pray.
After about 5/10 mins of property struggling I began to get exhausted.
The tape around my wrists had done exactly what I had intended and the gag was equally effective at silencing me,I decided to try and remove the tape by licking the adhesive backing when my tongue met the bandanna I had for got about.
After what seemed like ages and with no actual reference to how long I had been bound and gagged I decided that I had to get out, I was tired from fighting the tape and was beginning to get cramp in my limbs.
The scissors I had brought as backup was at the other side of the room and even if I could get there were still to high to reach and the only other escape was lying below me,I could just see the shine of the metal and no more.
Only option was to tip the chair like they did in the movies.
I took a few deep breaths ,closed my eyes and began rocking the chair back and forth.
It took about 3 attempts but suddenly gravity worked and I could feel my head going
I screamed in fear as I hit hurtled towards the ground
As I landed one of my legs came loose enough that I could use it to shimmy me along the floor.
I slithered along like a snake which seemed like ages until Sunday I felt the cold hard metal of the blade touch my finger
I grunted in excitement as I picked up the knife and began to work on the tape securing my wrists
It wasn't easy to get the knife in the right position and took a few attempts but once it was lined up close enough I began to move the knife back and forth as quick getting quicker and quicker each time.
Suddenly there was a snapping sound ad the knife broke through the tape freeing my hands I let out another grunt and began to work on my legs and torso.
Once I was free from the chair I lay on the ground for a bit ,I was exhausted and I was a bit scared that I would have to stay taped up over night but as I looked down I saw the excitement in my jeans had disappeared and a wet jazz patch had been left in its placed.
I slowly stood up looked at myself in the mirror, admiring my silver tape gag one last time before slowly begining to unwind the tape.I spat out the soggy bandanna and slowly my mouth began to fill back up with siliva .
I tidied up the room making sure to put the chair back and remove any evidence of my fun and then I went to bed.

Re: Duct Tape disaster ( m/self)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:53 pm
by Flyingvulture
Love the story, even if it has grammatical errors it was great.

Now, what I do to keep things within reach even if I drop them is to tie a cord to it in a place that is reachable from my bound position.

For example, a cord tied above your hands, that you can reach with ease while the other end secured to your escape method (both with the cord and kept on place with tape). The cord long enough for the escape method to reach 1-2m away from my position when thrown, so it's not a quick getaway method and abruptly cut the immersion.

Re: Duct Tape disaster ( m/self)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:51 am
by Kingelder2
Flyingvulture wrote: 2 years ago Love the story, even if it has grammatical errors it was great.

Now, what I do to keep things within reach even if I drop them is to tie a cord to it in a place that is reachable from my bound position.

For example, a cord tied above your hands, that you can reach with ease while the other end secured to your escape method (both with the cord and kept on place with tape). The cord long enough for the escape method to reach 1-2m away from my position when thrown, so it's not a quick getaway method and abruptly cut the immersion.
Thanks this was a while ago,I have since learned since then,always have a backup to my backup plan lol