Treasure Huntress. F/F

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Treasure Huntress. F/F

Post by WyattW5 »

Amazon Rainforest.

Standing on a ledge of a mountain cliff. Dressed in sweat soaked, faded yellow flannel shirt opened at the top to reveal a grey camisole that lead down to her green cargo pants. Ending at her brown hiking boots. Stands Chelsea Adams a long descendent of famous explorer William Adams.

Athletically built at eighty nine pounds and five foot nine. Chelsea was eager to find the stolen loot of Don Ricardo Vega. A wealth of the ancient Incans that was was captured by the Spanish in their attempt to claim Brazil.

Her brown hair wound in a loose braid draping down the top of her shoulders. Peers out the horizon before pulling out an old cloth paper-like cloth. Inscribed a map supposedly written by a surviving Mayan slave who had helped bury it.

Chelsea knew many of these were hoaxes and false trinkets, however the frail condition and the traditional Anil plant ink. She was willing to make the gamble. One decent find here she could finally secure that excavation in Mexico.

Descending the cliff side by sliding down the vines and climbing around the rocks. She landed with a harsh gulp. Seeing the jungle from beneath the trees now she looks around. Natures beauty around her she opens her satchel to produce a compass and watches as the North arrow points at her.

She checks her map before giving a firm nod and steps over a root and jumps down walking across the landscape. Pulling a set of binoculars hanging just above her chest. Looking around.

Seeing a waterfall and remembering a line from the Incan legends. Beyond the Red stone Curtain a fabric that never ends. As it translated vaguely.

“Alright, I will make camp just above those falls and I should be able to find the resting place tomorrow” she nods affirming to herself.

That night.

Sitting cross legged Chelsea holds a worn leather journal in her left hand and a spoon in her right. A tin plate holding warmed soup smelled delicious on the open fire.

Reading of her journey so far. She had talked with archeologists and local gold miners. While the Archeologists believed the Spanish treasure was simply folklore. The locals believed the story.

Reading about a clue she had received from a local miner. She noticed an artificial dot scanning the book cover. When Chelsea’s eyes look up she sees only a tall silhouette of a tall muscular person. A large weapon in their hands.

“Hands where I can see them Williams” Chelsea rises from her seat leaving the soup and the journal on the ground before the voice called out “take off the gun holster” obliging she took it off and tossing it a few feet before the attacker.

“A revolver, who are you Indiana Jane?” the feminine voice let out a faint hyena-like cackle. Chelsea rolls her eye and looks at the dot aimed at her chest before retorting.

“What does that make you the Bitchinator?” the cackles stopped to a growls return.

“Cute, the satchel open it up and pull everything out”


“Everything” rising to her knees she began to rifle through the satchel leaving the maps, compass flair gun a few rolls of bandages survivalists knife. And a few womens toiletries.

“Very cute... take off your boots”

“What” the weapon being readied cracked Chelsea into motion. And Chelsea began untying the laces of her hiking boots to reveal thick water-resistant socks.

“What is this about Mel?”

“Payback Chels”

“For what?” Chelsea asks lifting her gaze from her left boot to look up to the silhouette who hid in shadow leaving only the barrel of her rifle aimed at her.


“Paris... oh you mean the auction” she felt Mel’s gaze turn hard and cold as ice. Thrusting the other boot off her foot.

“Now take off your socks”

“What!” this time there was no verbal retort only a faint ping of air passing through a barrel before she could jump up a dark flew into the flesh of her arm. Looking down a red tuft of hair or fur dangling out. Chelsea saw the dark and her eyes began to flicker and her body laxed rolling to her side.

Satisfied the tranquilizer was taking effect. Mel steps into the fire light lowering the tranquilizer gun. Setting the weapon into her pack. She kneels collecting the supplies from Chelsea’s pack. With the exception of the bullets for he revolver and the flare gun she kept.

Removing Chelsea’s socks she found a folding knife tucked into her right one. Pulling it out and stuffing it into her pocket. Setting Chelsea on her stomach she took a zip tie and bound Chelsea’s hands together.

Wrapping tape around Chelsea’s ankles and thighs. Mel remembered the Paris Fiasco and grimaced. She had been tasked with guarding a wealthy man who was using bought art to pay for a less than legal trade.

The trade was set for a night in Paris. When Chelsea had interrupted the stealing the traded artifact. Ruining Mel’s reputation among her colleagues. Now she received the most desperate jobs from Drug-Lords, gun runners and others.

To sit at her camp and see Chelsea Williams laying face down in the dirt. Gave Mel a swell of pride. She had caught the little Minx and it was Mel’s time to steal Chelsea’s job. Sweet revenge.

A few hours later.

Her vision blurred as she began to see the bright sun illuminating the jungle around her. Laying cheek down in the dirt she tried to rise when she felt her wrists pulled tight and she struggled to crawl higher than her knees. Looking down her back her eyebrows rose. A ziptie bound to her wrists her attempts to move her legs only chaffed as she looks up to see her captor.

Melissa Charter. Mercenary hired gun for the highest bidder, working the art world and artifact collecting business one tended to meet a lot of people. Sadly Melissa was one Chelsea wished she had never met.

“What is going on Mel?”

“Simple payback Chels thats all”

“Okay fine can you loosen my arms please”

“Oh no absolutely not!” Chelsea rolled to her side seeing the tape then noticing her boots no longer attached.

“Where are my socks?” turning her head from side to side Melissa saw her boots were beside her satchel and her gun holster.

“Y’know I have people who will be looking for me they were expecting me back before midnight”

“Sure they were” Melissa murmured dousing the fire. As Chelsea adjusted herself she felt something missing below her pants rubbing her legs together patting her left ass cheek then her right she realized her panties were missing too.

“Did you undress me?”

“Yes” Chelsea’s face turned beat red at the thought of Melissa touching her. Melissa stands five foot nine a hundred forty two pounds her dark brown hair with slight blond highlights. She is dressed in a skin tight camisole, a bullet proof vest on her torso an army bag on her shoulder and three pistols on her hips.

“Now are you going to sit quiet or am I going to have to gag you?” Melissa asked and Chelsea outraged gave a loud shout before a wad of sweaty soaked fabric was forced into her mouth.

“Sock number one”

“Whaphf phfa phfuphf!”

“Oh just hold on” Melissa states taking the second sock and tied it around Chelsea’s face cleave gagging her. Looking down on the gag Chelsea coughed as her own sweat and musk filled her nose. Making her eyes water.

Looking to Melissa Chelsea began to beg and plea whimpering as she tried to wiggle her arms and shake her chest Melissa looked at her an eyebrow looking down on Chelsea’s chest. Looking down on her chest to see what she was staring at. She saw it then. Her eyebrows rose.

Plastered by tape that wrapped around her entire torso. A grenade sat between her bosom. But what scared her. The pin was tied by her own shoe laces that was bound to a rope that Melissa had engineered to a halter around Chelseas torso.

Seeing the Mercenary holding the leash in her left hand she smiles. Chelsea’s heart sank.

“Now you listen to me... I have you on a leash, you cause me troubles you push my buttons, you start lolling behind? I pull this rope the pin comes out... boom!” Chelsea began breathing heavily anxiety filling her as she tried to stand up on her two bound ankles slipping down to her knees Melissa drew a large blade to Melissa’s neck then her cheek.

“You are going to lead me to this old fortress once we have found the legendary artifact that dwells within” Melissa smiles patting Chelsea on the back before cutting the tape from her legs. Producing the map Melissa showed the map to Chelsea and then gave her a look at the compass. Before she bid.

“March on” rolling her eyes, cheeks enflamed with embarrassment as she marched bare foot into the jungle.

Stomping on hard stone and slick leaf. With her hands behind her back she leans forward to support the balance. But on several occasions Chelsea collapses to her knees. Turning to beg her captor for some mercy Chelsea’s only reply was a firm kick to her behind and a laugh when she scurried forward.

They had marched for several hours before stopping at a clean water stream. Melissa pulls Chelsea’s gag off making her cough and yak spitting out the hair and lint.

“God did you have to shove those in my mouth yuck” Chelsea gagged and Melissa simply produced Chelsea’s canteen.

“Want water?” Chelsea looks to Melissa and nods “yes I love having my throat as dry as the Arabia Desert!” she barks and Melissa shrugs “suit yourself” taking a swig of the water herself. Allowing a few droplets to touch her armoured chest.

“Okay fine may I have some water?”

“Sure” Melissa held a hand under Chelsea’s chin and gently poured a touch of water into Chelsea’s eager little mouth.

“Oh god much better...” Chelsea gasped relishing the gentle caress the water left. Melissa put the bottle under the stream to fill it up.

“So Chelsea, tell me what you are expecting to find at this abandoned Spanish fort?”

“I don’t know, hopefully a couple silver Reales perhaps some pottery and other articles, why what are you thinking is there?”

“I reckon there was story about abandoned treasure a lost artifact all that stuff”

“That stuff is only in movies and children’s stories. The only treasure your going to find is the old gunpowder, and cannons old weaponry and the like” Chelsea explains and Melissa’s eyebrow rose interest clear in her features.

“I doubt you are funding an excavation by collecting scrap metal and old weaponry”

“Archeologists are paying me to find the fort that is all”

“Bull... Archeologists send surveyors and cartographers not a treasure hunter!” rolling her eyes.

“I am not a treasure hunter I am an archeologist”

“Then who hired you to find this Fortress?” Melissa’s question hung in the air as Chelsea adjusted herself from one knee to the other. Looking into Melissa’s eyes with a look that said I will never tell.

“If you won’t tell that means the gag goes back on”

“Oh for f*** sakes fine, Story has it when the Spanish abandoned the fortress the soldiers abandoned the spoils of an ancient temple” Melissa’s eyebrow rose and smiles.

“They ruined the temple of Ekkeko the God of Wealth, as legend has it when the Governor took it, he stored it from his soldiers, and left it when the Incan tribes came to take the treasures back. They found an abundance of treasure save the headress of Ekkeko”

“So this Headress, describe it”

“Why would I do that?” nodding Melissa steps forward producing a wad of pink panties in her hand

“What are you doing with those go away let me go no I’m not” biting down her mouth she turns her mouth away. When Melissa presses two fingers to Chelsea’s nose making her take a deep breath in her mouth before shoving the wad of cloth into her mouth.

Tape peeling from a roll made Chelsea turn to see Melissa beginning to wrap the tape around her head and hair pulling it tight around. Three times before ripping it off. Making Chelsea growl and moan.

“You told me what I want to know now I will tell you what you want to know, lead me to the fortress without a fuss and I will let you live, once I find that Headress I won’t have a need to hurt you, I won’t need to come after you ever again” she smiles pleasantly tugging on the lead rope forcing Chelsea to march.

Two hours later.

Setting sun rays beam through the break in the trees. As Chelsea still gagged leading Melissa to the tall wooden gate. Fallen moss and in disrepair? Held up by wooden by a tall palisade.

“Well something tells me, we aren’t getting through the door without a fight!”

“Mmm-hmm” Chelsea shrugged not caring about what Melissa did. Until Melissa tugged gently on her halter rope. Tying it to a tree branch over head. Chelsea looks up to the rope bound loose but. Melissa pats Chelsea’s head smiling.

“Stay here like a good girl, maybe I can leave you a little treat” she grins producing a small piece of plastic clay. While Melissa did her work with the plastic. Chelsea began to examine her bindings. While her torso was held captive by the grenade. However she was beginning to notice the zipties were beginning to loosen.

With a little more adjustments against a rough surface she could snap them off. Looking around she found a small stone. Bending down she tries to pick it up. Collecting it she began to rub the stone across the Ziptie wiggling in the effort she heard the tree limb crackling. Stiffening with fear Chelsea took a deep breath and sits forward. Closer to the tree.

“Alright Chelsea come here” grabbing the rope from the tree branch pulling the rope and Chelsea away before guiding her to a tree pressing her back against it. Melissa’s glvoed hand on her shoulder. Pinning her to the tree.

Looking up to Melissa’s eyes as she watched the palisade a small detonator in her hand before thumbing the button. Delivering an explosion breaking the Palisade gate down.

“Good now onward and upward”

Pulling Chelsea along. Entering the Moss encrusted Fort. A small wooden structure stood on one side. A large stone structure covered in vines and overgrowth.

Another small structure on the other side. Taking the tour of the forts grounds. It was small considering. But everything that resembled anything, was utilitarian the small building on the right had old crumbled racks holding old matchlock rifles.

The other structure was an old barracks cots on the floor and hammocks hung from the decaying ceiling. Chelsea whined into the tape as she peers around behind her. While her captor lead her up to the stone structure.

Kicking the door open. A heavy musk of death filled their noses as both women gagged and coughed. Taking a deep breath Melissa charged in pulling hard on Chelsea’s chest rope.

Dank musk filling her lungs as Chelsea gaze falls around the skulls and bones of dead soldiers weapons tucked to their sides.

“Why would these boys be left like this? Think it was disease?” Melissa asks and Chelsea shrugs. She had very seldom seen bones and skulls left around a place. Tripping over a ribcage Chelsea squealed tucking behind Melissa who drew a sidearm without second thought. A bunch of rats scurry around the mangled bones.

“Jeez” looking around turning the flashlight on she began to scan the place. Spiders and rats scury away from the light. Cobwebs thick as fog covering all sight. Finding a pathway. Melissa turns to Chelsea.

“Think those stairs are safe?”

“Uh duh knmm” Chelsea shrugs and Melissa nods tying Chelsea’s harness rope to the wooden frame of the stairs. Ascending the stairs creeking under the womans weight.

Chelsea peers up the stairs waiting for Melissa to come back down she looks at the Harness rope and shakes her head. Looking behind her she growled as the plastic was beginning to wear thin against her skin. Looking to the stone wall across the stairs. Turning around she began to push against it. Scrubbing her wrists the rough surface of the stone.

With a final click she rolls her shoulders and rubs her wrists. Looking up to the stairs. Hearing the wood creaking as Melissa came down. Hands folded behind her back.

As Melissa came down the stairs sliding the gun into her holster she shakes her head.

“The Headress is not up there. But I think I know where it is... the question is do I cut you loose now or later” shrugging indecision again Melissa began to untie the lead rope around the bannister. Chelsea struck.

Wrapping both arms around Melissa’s core she pushed her enemy hard and the two women crash through the stairs. Ripping the rope and tape harness tossing the stun grenade off.

While she did that Melissa drove a boot through Chelsea’s gut. Sending her backwards. Ripping the tape off her face she bolts from the stone shelter. Chelsea fled as Melissa fires several shots from her handgun.

Running from the stone structure to the palisade where a watch tower stood, jumping up crawling up the ladder. Rolling inside she peers down to see Melissa pistol raised checking around.

Watching Melissa check around the camp he slides the gun into her holster beforerushing to the side of the stone structure. Underneath some crumbling gravel digging below the gravel Chelsea watched Melissa open a cellar door.

Jumping down from the watchtower. Chelsea walks into the cellar the musky dust filled place seemed empty. Devoid of even light. Where did Melissa go? As if on cue.

Melissa kicks Chelsea’s knee out from behind shoving her to the ground.

“Dammit Melissa”

“Damn yourself I was trying to be polite and even protective of you dammit!” wrapping tape around her wrists her elbows. Taping her knees and ankles. Melissa used the last of the tape to wrap five layers around Chelsea’s chin and nose.

“now you stay here I will be right back” Chelsea grumbles rolling around the dirt covered floor. Looking up to see Melissa aiming her flash light around the place before ripping into some wood and smashing what sounded like a heavy iron lock.

“Oh god...” Melissa spoke with Reverence stepping back holding an item in her hands.

“Hephf plphff”

“You want to see it don’t you?”

“Yphf” Chelsea’s outcry was loud and whiny as Melissa stepped forward producing a large golden ring with a rounded flat plat at the front holding several long gold and silver frayed feathers and plumes. Her eyes watered as she whimpered wiggling closer to it she wanted to do more than look.

“Alright, I have what I need” stepping over Chelsea to the stairs the girl on the floor rolled around and screamed at her begging her not to be abandoned like this. Melissa drew a heavy sigh.

“Alright, here is the deal Chels, I leave you a knife and your pack at the top of those stairs if you promise me you won’t try to find me?” Melissa’s spoke plainly and Chelsea began to nod vigorously. Mumbling she will do anything. And Melissa drew Chelsea’s folding knife.

Walking up the stairs Chelsea hears Melissa said quietly.

“Good luck Chelsea, I hope for both our sakes we never see each other again!”

the sound of Melissa’s boots tromping away. Spurs Chelsea into a frenzy. Wiggling and scurrying her camisole rising up exposing her belly. Groaning as she tries to climb the stairs on her knees and chest. Turning to her bottom she slid up the stairs until she got to the top and sure enough. Her knife and kit was nestled there.

Folding the knife blade out. Chelsea began to cut away at her wrists. Down to her ankles and legs. Freeing herself ripping the gag off last she scowled.

“Dammit Melissa, paybacks a b****” scowling as she rises collecting her gear and finds her way out.
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Post by ticklescare »

Nice story, always love these types of scenarios!
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beautiful tale :) I have a faible for Tomb Raider! [mention]WyattW5[/mention] maybe you find it in your heart to write a sequel? Revenge is dish best served cold, I imagine :) Good job!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for writing it for me! I truly this this was a perfect story.
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Post by TheExiled »

How strange, I was going to put in a request to the site for a treasure hunter rivalry story. Maybe your treasure hunter could go on another journey soon...
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Post by roguehorseman »

Brilliant stuff.
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