The Trick - A Sequel to The Plan (FF/M)

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The Trick - A Sequel to The Plan (FF/M)

Post by Aris34 »

This is a sequel to a previous story I did in which two friends tie up a girl they both have a crush on. In the original, Daniel and Ashley tie up Daisy. While Daisy is tied up, things get pretty heated and Daniel ends up pleasuring both of the girls. However, he doesn't really get anything in return. This is a continuation of that story, I hope you enjoy...

The look she gave me suggested so much - a mixture of mischief, cruelty and a strong erotic desire. We had been sitting in a cafe chatting about various things. it had been two weeks since Ashley and I had tied up and seduced Daisy. Since then, Ashley and Daisy had gone on a couple dates. I'd asked her about how things had been going between them. She told me things were going well before asking me whether I felt a little left out.

That was when she gave me that look.

"Eh... not really," I said shyly. "I would like to hang out with you and Daisy again sometime."

She nodded. "That's good. Say, next weekend? You can come over to Daisy's place."

"Sounds good."

Secretly, I had been feeling slightly left out. I had helped come up with the plan to tie Daisy up. But I hadn't really received anything in return. I didn't let it bother me, but part of me still wished to be able to do something like that again.

Ashley was a very tough girl. She had thick auburn hair and an incredibly fit, toned body. Daisy, on the other hand, was much sweeter. She was blond, slim and had the most adorable cute little face. She also had very large breasts.

That evening, I received a text from Ashley. She told me that Daisy wanted to be tied up again but needed my help. I liked the sound of it. It would be a sleepover, same as last time on Friday. Daisy's parents had just left for a romantic cruise and wouldn't be back for another week. I asked her if she needed rope but she said they already had enough at Daisy's place. Excitedly, I told her I'd be there Friday evening.

Friday came. I walked down to Daisy's house. I was wearing pretty plain clothing - jeans, white t-shirt and a grey fleece. It was still early-evening and the sky was a gorgeous red. Her house was on the outskirts of town, a relatively large place, with a big garden out front. I came up to the front door and knocked. Daisy answered the door. She was wearing black leggings and a white crop top with long sleeves. Her blond hair and rosy cheeks made me melt.

"Hey, so you're the big strong man," she winked. "Come in. We need your help."

She called to Ashley, letting me into the hallway. It was a beautiful spacious house, with a tiled floor. I pulled off my shoes. Ashley came out of the living room, also wearing black leggings and a pink sports bra.

"Hey," she said, casually.

"Hi," I stuttered. Seeing Ashley's toned belly made me go a little red. "You been working out?"

"Yeah just a few stretches. I know it's going to be a bit of a struggle. That's why I need your help."

I smiled, flattered. "Come on, we both know you're better at tying than I am."

"Could still use your help though."

I removed my fleece and came into the living room with her. Daisy sat on the couch, grinning with her legs crossed. There was a pile of pink rope on the chair, along with a blindfold, gag and a pair of handcuffs. Ashley passed me a length for me to feel. It was soft - about as thick as my little finger. It was certainly strong material as well.

"So I was thinking we could do a hogtie," she explained. "On the couch, have her hands behind her back, attached to her ankles."

I nodded, smiling nervously, my gaze turned to the cuffs on top of the pile. "That sounds good. What are the handcuffs for, by the way?"

Ashley then picked up the handcuffs. They were a fluffy, black pair with a chain link between them.

"These probably won't be for today. I just wanted to test these. I bought them off the Internet and don't know if they're secure or not." She looked at me. "You're stronger than Daisy, so I wanted to check if you could break them."

"Uh... okay, sure," I replied.

"Thanks. It's just as a little test." She looked at Daisy. "Don't worry, I won't forget about you my little slave."

Daisy smiled adorably.

Ashley focused back on me. I let her cuff my hands behind my back. When she finished she stepped in front of me beaming.

"They seem secure," I said, struggling to break my hands free.

"That's good," Ashley said, grinning even more. "Very good actually."

I looked up at her. "Why?"

She placed her hand on my shoulder. "Because now I can do this."

She shoved me, making me trip over her foot. I fell onto the couch beside Daisy. She grabbed my legs and forced them onto the couch. I began to struggle violently, flapping my body up and down like a fish out of water.

"What are you doing?" I shouted. I felt as Ashley put her body-weight on me. She straddled my back, sitting on my butt. Another weight landed on my legs from Daisy. I felt my ankles being grabbed.

"Sorry this had to be so sudden Daniel. I just thought you must feel a little left out after Daisy and I started dating." She pushed her hands onto my arms, pinning them to my back.

"This is not how I wanted you to repay me!"

"No, it isn't." She patted my head. "But I thought it would be fun to serve you anyway."

I was just able to look up to see her draw a couple lengths of pink rope. She passed them to Daisy before reaching for a pair of her own. I immediately began to struggle. I rocked from side to side, trying to shake her off my back. My legs kicked and my hands shook. I was desperately trying to wiggle out of those handcuffs.

Ashley reached for the gag and pulled it in front of me. I shook my head, yelling before it was forced on. She tightened the buckle, so it was secure on my head. I could no longer yell, all I could do was let out muffled groans.

"Poor baby," Ashley cooed, before getting back to work on my arms.

I heard Daisy squeal as I managed to break my legs free of her grip. I kicked around in a panic. My body rocked even harder, desperately trying to shake the two girls off - lifting my chest up and down. Ashley's hands clamped down on my arms, holding them steady. I felt rope being wrapped around them. My desperate wiggling seemed to have an effect as Ashley struggled to hold them steady. But she was strong. Soon I felt my arms tightening together. My ability to move slowly became more restricted.

My legs were still free to kick. Daisy managed to grab them and hold them to her chest - my feet could feel the softness of her breasts. She got the rope around my legs and grabbed both ends, letting go of my legs. I kicked more as she moved away only to feel the rope tighten before being securely knotted. I could still move them back and forth, but now then were welded together. She had the advantage.

I don't know how long the struggle went on for. Eventually, though, more and more rope began to be tightened around my legs and arms - pinning them together. Worse still, I was getting tired.

Ashley climbed off me and hoisted me up. Daisy helped so that I was now on my knees. I struggled some more, but it was getting hopeless. Daisy hugged me from behind, letting Ashley kneel before me and carefully wrap rope around my chest and arms, pinning them together. She looked into my eyes, smiling, as she tied the knot at the back. I looked back in shock and terror.

Then they both pushed me back onto my front on the couch. Daisy ran a length of rope from the bindings on my ankles to my wrists. Together, they tightened it at both ends, putting me into a secure hogtie. I was too shattered to even struggle as they did this. Wrestling with two fit girls while they tied you up wearing tight jeans with a gag was utterly exhausting.

Finally, they both stood back and admired their work. Both of them were panting. Sweat made their toned bellies somehow look even better.

Ashley turned to Daisy. "I told you the workout stuff was a good idea."

Daisy grinned, looking down at my bound body. "Don't rest now, there's still a lot of fun to be had."

Let me know what you think of this tale. I hope you enjoyed!
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Post by gustorak »

Look real good. ;)

I cn wait to read more
I see, i have to teach you how to be Villains!

Let's get Dangerous!

Wasp being replace
Heroine High's trouble
Bombs Away Miss Lawson

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Post by scarfgagged »

I like it so far...
Nice work!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by DTbound »

The story is great so far! Excited to see a part 2.
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Post by humbled32 »

Between the plan and the trick, your story writing has improved and you have everyone on the edge of their seat waiting for the next chapter. It isn't nice to keep your fans waiting!!
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Post by FragRoulette »

This is a very promising beginnig. Hope to see more of it in the future.
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Post by Aris34 »


Ashley carefully removed the handcuffs from my bound body. It made no difference: my wrists were tightly fastened together.

"See Kyle, I did as you wanted. The handcuffs are off." She grinned playfully, holding them out in front of me. Daisy giggled, looking at her adoringly. Even bound and humiliated, I couldn't help but feel a sense of cuteness at seeing the two of them.

I tested my bonds again. They were really well tied - Ashley was an expert at this. I counted six ropes in total. One bound my ankles, one at my knees, my wrists, my arms, one securing my arms to my torso and one attaching my wrists to my ankles to complete the hogtie. I was gagged as well. I knew better than to waste my energy on trying to wiggle my way out. If I wanted to escape I would have to talk to them, although I was curious as to what they were planning on doing to me

"So what are we gonna do first?" Daisy asked, excitedly.

"I wanna keep him in suspense," Ashley said slyly. "And probably you as well. I have a lot planned for you my little doll." She cooed, biting Daisy's ear.

Daisy giggled again, placing a hand on Ashley's cheek. They lent in and kissed. I felt the blood rush to my cock. I shifted to look away, this was not the right time to get a boner.

Ashley noticed. "Careful Daisy, we don't wanna get him too excited. That would be a bit uncomfortable don't you think?"

"Uh huh," Daisy murmured before leaning in to kiss her again.

Ashley cupped Daisy's cheeks and pushed them away. "Not yet. We have a few games to play with our guest before we can play with each other."

Daisy nodded, a little disappointed. Ashley walked over to me and lifted my body off the couch. Daisy grabbed my legs. The two girls hauled me down onto the carpeted floor, laying me on my stomach. Ashley crawled down beside me.

"Do you want me to flip your penis up? In case it gets hard," she asked. It was a genuine question, and there was a sense of caring in her voice. However, I didn't feel like letting her go reaching down my pants. I still felt betrayed by what she'd done to me. I shook my head.

"Fair enough," she said. "Just let me know if you change your mind." She poked my gag playfully before standing up again.

She left the room, leaving me alone with Daisy. The blond girl looked at me sympathetically. "Are you comfortable?"

I shook my head. The ropes were soft and didn't bite too much, but the position I was in strained my limbs.

"I'll try and convince Ash to get you into a more comfortable position. Maybe tie you to a chair."

I nodded. I didn't like the idea of being tied to a chair either. I was just glad I was in a position where my armpits and inner thighs were relatively well protected. I didn't want Ashley to start tickling me like how we did to Daisy. Those areas were hopelessly sensitive.

Ashley came back into the room holding a mat under one arm. "Twister, anyone?"

Seriously? I thought.

Daisy laughed. "Sure thing!"

They laid the mat out on the floor, flattening it out neatly. Ashley crawled over to me and pulled my body into the middle of the twister mat. I moaned through my gag and struggled feebly. Whatever Ashley was planning on doing I did not want to go through with.

She ignored my resistance and pushed my hogtied body onto one side. "Give it a spin! I'll go first."

Daisy diligently spun the wheel. I craned my neck to see what the arrow landed on.

"Right hand blue," she announced. Ashley put her right hand right net to my head.

"Your turn."

Daisy spun the arrow again. "Left foot green." She crawled over and placed down her socked foot right behind my head.

I lay there, helpless, as they played the game. I groaned as I noticed they both tried to pick the position that put them closest to my body. Ashley put her left hand on the yellow directly underneath my back, effectively hugging me. Daisy's right hand went on red, moving her crotch right above my head. Ashley moved again to place her right foot on another yellow pad underneath me. Left hand yellow; Daisy's hand went near my neck. Left foot green; Ashley straddled me. Left foot green; Daisy's perfume. Right hand red; Ashley on top. Right hand blue; crotch in the face.

Eventually they both collapsed on top of me, giggling. My cock still felt heavy and I continued to try and suppress how I was feeling. Ashley prodded me in the chest. "Why so sad? You should be feeling really lucky right now." I looked up at her trying to appeal. I didn't like being in this position. She sighed, grabbing me and motioning for Daisy to do the same. "I can't believe you are so ungrateful. Two sexy girls have you tied up, giving you all their attention." They placed me back on the couch. "I'm tempted to torture you right now."

I shook my head vigorously. I had been friends with Ashley for such a long time, I knew she had some scarily sadistic kinks.

"Maybe we should change his position?" Offered Daisy. "Tie him to a chair or bed."

Ashley shook her head. "No. Not yet at least. And if we do we'd need to do it in a way so that he doesn't escape." She placed a hand on Daisy's breast. "Besides, I wanna have some fun with you first. We've had a good workout, played some games. I think we both deserve a little reward."

Daisy blushed. "Oh I... yes please."

Ashley moved me onto my side again. My head faced the table in the middle of the room. Ashley pushed her partner onto the surface and kneeled before her. Daisy wrapped her legs around her and brushed her hands through Ashley's thick auburn hair. They started to make out right in front of me. They kissed each other with passion. Ashley's hands moved under Daisy's shirt and groped at her breasts. I felt myself getting hard. Part of me felt slightly jealous seeing Ashley with another person. We were friends, but it still felt strange.

I had no choice but to watch them go at each other. Daisy's top came off, showing her in a white lacy bra. Ashley moved to her neck, pecking it and then whispering in Daisy's ear. The blond girl squealed when a hand was placed on her crotch. I groaned seeing them together. My raging erection pressed up against my underwear.

Daisy was pushed back onto the table, Ashley on top of her. They continued to make out as Ashley reached a hand down her panties. Daisy shivered. Ashley removed her hand again, smiling wickedly, before slithering down Daisy's body. She kissed her belly and hooked her fingers underneath the waste of Daisy's leggings. She pulled off revealing a high-wasted thong underneath. Even though I had already seen the girl virtually naked, I was still amazed by Daisy's body. Ashley seemed to appreciate her as well. She began kissing up her thighs while Daisy stroked her hair tenderly. She crawled back up her body, moving closer and closer to Daisy's crotch, her hands groping at Daisy's breasts.

Then she stopped.

"Hey- Ashley?" Daisy complained as the other girl got up.

"We can continue soon. I just felt a bit hungry."

Daisy shrugged. "Food can wait. Please I want you."

"Ah but our guest must be hungry as well," Ashley said, smiling. "I think we should give him something to eat."

Daisy caught her meaning and then grinned. I struggled.

Part 3 coming more quickly than this one, hopefully.
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Post by humbled32 »

Great second chapter. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for the third one.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Please continue soon! Great sorry so far
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Post by dezz »

Like in TV series. Stop at the best moment. Now I chew my nails for the sequel.
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