Forging a Bond (M/M)

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Forging a Bond (M/M)

Post by DeeperThanRed »


Florent was just a common ironsmith, the only one in the small seaside village he resided in. He was a handsome young man with brown locks, a work-toned yet slim body and full lips. He lived alone and didn't look for a lover, much to other bachelors' chagrin. Even with his shyness, he was well-beloved among the local people.

One day, when he was working the kinks out of a shovel he was working on, someone knocked on the frame of smithery's open door. "Good evening," Florent greeted the customer, wiping his forehead where sweat soaked his fringe.

"Good evening. I thought the whole town was abandoned." His potential customer, (a man Florent never saw before, most likely a traveler) was tall and his body was noticeably sturdy even under the loose cloak he wore. He was an older gentleman, with carefully groomed short hair and stubble. He shot a glance at the racks and shelves, messy if you don't know where to look for stuff. Harmless ornamental weapons and chains used to detain sparse prisoners of the village decorated the walls.

Florent chuckled lightly. "There is a festival today. Everyone but me is having fun at the beachside."

"A dashing young lad like you, all alone while your peers have fun?"

"I'm-I'm not very good with crowds. I'd rather stay here and finish my work. It's almost done, anyway."

The man turned his gaze towards Florent and the ironsmith felt underdressed. With how hot it gets in front of the forge, he was clad only in a pair of boots, his ragged breeches, and a leather apron that framed his hairy pecs instead of covering them.

"I see." While Florent put out the fire in the forge, the traveler took out a worn doctor's bag under his cloak. "I was hoping that I could find a good place to rest. I've been on the roads for almost a week now."

"For business? Are you a merchant?" Florent felt like a fool as soon as the words left his mouth. Why would a merchant be traveling with so little baggage?

Traveler smirked. "I'm actually an alchemist," he said, causing Florent's eyes to become like saucers. "I was on wandering this peninsula for a rare and hard-to-find material. I think I'm very close to securing it, actually."

"You can stay in my place," Florent offered. Apologetically, because he'd be more polite towards the man if he knew he was in the presence of an educated man. "Sir. I have only one bed but you can take it while I sleep here."

Alchemist's smirk grew larger. "That's very kind of you, lad. But I think we can find a better arrangement." He pulled out a carefully wrapped vial from his bag, taking a quick sniff and putting it back. "You said you live alone, don't you?" Florent nodded, although he didn't remember mentioning this.

"Now, that's a dangerous thing to do, don't you think? Your house is far away from all the others. I, for myself, feel safer knowing a strapping lad will sleep with me tonight."

Florent blushed at alchemist's choice of words but kept quiet.


As they ate a modest dinner on top of a crate, the alchemist complimented Florent's cooking skills. "There's no need to be ashamed of your living conditions, lad. You make a living by the sweat of your brow. Also, this soup is excellent. One day, you'll make a lucky lady or gentleman very happy."

Florent rubbed the back of his head. "Thank you, sir. This means a lot to me."

"Don't mention it. Now, if you don't even think about offering me your bed again. I saw a comfortable pile of hay at your backyard. It's more than enough for a humid summer night like this. You do manual labor and need a better sleep than a washed-up alchemist like me," said the alchemist. He even helped washing dishes, his hand brushing with Florent's and nearly causing him to break a plate a few times.

Later that night, Florent lied on his bed, sleeping in a skimpy loincloth due to heat. Even as he is, drops of perspiration moistened his light stubble, chest fur, and treasure trail.

The alchemist was such a gallant man, he thought, with a sharp wit, silver-tongue, and good looks to crown it all. Not quite there with Florent's well over six feet height but he carried himself with unparalleled confidence. There were more than a few years between them but the alchemist was as lively and fresh as any youth, with experience to boot.

Young ironsmith sighed. There was no doubt that the man was going to leave in a couple of days and leave him in this small village. Not that he didn't love his village but... the older man was so unlike anyone he has met until that day.

Florent desired to know him better. To converse with him, to travel with him, and maybe one day even hold him.

Ironsmith gulped, noticing his manhood getting harder at the thought of kissing the older man. He had to use all of his self-restraint to keep himself from pleasuring himself while imagining his guest. It was simply wrong. Just go to sleep, he mumbled, quickly dozing off.


Florent woke up to a sickly sweet smell, feeling languid and wooly-minded. He struggled to get up and swayed on his feet. The whole shop was covered in a strange mist, which didn't make him cough but muddied his head. Fire, he thought weakly. If there is a fire, he needed to get out and...

A groan escaped from Florent's lips as he lost his train of thought. For some reason, it was so hard to even keep his eyes open. Grabbing to a rag, he leaned on a shelf, out of breath.

"Look at you, lad. You seem unwell."

Florent blinked, noticing the man standing in front of him. It was the alchemist, albeit dressed in a strange outfit. His cloak was gone and he wore tight riding pants with long boots and gloves, all made of black leather. His torso and arms were bare, showcasing smooth skin and an impressive muscle definition. A beak-like mask covered the lower half of the older man's face, only leaving his piercing eyes out in open. Despite the mask, his voice was still loud and clear, with a metallic hint.

"I thought this would be enough to knock you out, but it seems I've miscalculated how much you weight." He was holding a steaming beaker, which appeared to be the source of the weird fog.

"Yhu nuuhhen nhe," Florent slurred. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The man who drugged him and acted cold and distant towards him... was he the same person he met earlier that day?

No, not cold, Florent realized. Somehow, the alchemist was still talking to him in a gentle tone and there was genuine concern in his eyes.

The alchemist left the beaker on the dinner table and walked up to Florent. Ironsmith attempted to get away but his knees buckled and he found himself leaning against the older man's strong chest.

"Be careful, lad. That's a very potent concoction I have in here. It's a miracle that you didn't fall and break your neck." Florent shivered as a cold, leather-clad hand clutched his chin and lifted his head, forcing him to look into the alchemist's intense gaze.

Thumb of the alchemist traced ironsmith's lower lip. "You are so pretty that I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you," he spoke in that deep, satiny voice of his. "Naive yet smart, strong yet kind, a virile young man blushing like a maiden. I knew I had to have you."

You could have me, Florent thought. He was already prepared to fall on his knees and worship the man standing in front of him, without any need to using force. He opened his mouth to answer but he felt a rag forcing its way through his lips.

"Mhrh?" He instinctively pushed the fabric with his tongue but the alchemist's hand clamped over his mouth.

"Lad, don't resist me. I know the best for you. You might not appreciate this know but you'll come to accept your place. Understood?" Florent nodded involuntarily, making the older man smile. Even though ironsmith wasn't completely tamed, the fume in the air and his desire to submit were prohibiting his want to be freed.

It seemed like the alchemist knew that so he reached out to a long coil of white, soft rope hanging on the wall. Florent whined meekly but his head was pushed on to a strong shoulder, keeping him in place.

"Nr...hrmrhm... nrn'h nr hhrh."

"Shush, now. We need to get you packed up for the journey. Just be a doll and hold still while I tie you up." Gloved hands started to wind rope around Florent's wrists, crisscrossing them at his waist and tieing a tight knot to hold them together. Using the same knot, alchemist tied a rope harness around the young man's shoulders and chest, framing the strong pectorals and rendering his upper body utterly still.

After this, he was laid down so the rest of the rope was used to tie Floren't legs together at just below his tights and ankles, with the latter arching him back with a light hogtied. Even though Florent gained most of his strength back meanwhile, he could move even less. The alchemist's knots were expertly kept out of his reach and they were tighter than any sailor knot. Finally, a long piece of white cloth wounded over Florent's mouth to hold the stuffing in. The gag was tied so tightly at this nape that young ironsmith moaned in surprise, his lips creasing the cloth.

There was no way he could get out his predicament without a blade to cut the ropes. Florent was at the mercy of the alchemist, even more than before. He looked up to his captor, long lashes fluttering to keep tears away. White ropes holding body was a shock of contrast to his olive-colored skin which was shining with sweat. The strip of cloth over his mouth accentuated his strong jaw and prominent cheekbones. His flimsy loincloth had gotten retied at a point, now covering his privates properly but also revealing the shape of his partially erect length and firm ass.

"Even the most virtuous man of faith couldn't be blamed for taking advantage of you when you're like this, lad," the alchemist whispered, eliciting a weak mewl of protest from Florent. "You're virtually a work of art."

"Nr...N'm nrh..."

"It's a shame I'll have to hide you from prying eyes."

"Mrnh, mhrh?"


Villagers were surprised when they woke up one day and found a stranger looking for a ride in the market square. "I'm sure you are all very kind people but I must set off. An urgent business awaits me in the city."

He also mentioned seeing a tall lad with long hair, going towards iron ores as dressed for a long-distance travel but people were used to Florent's trips for new material so they didn't think about it too much. He'd return in a week or two.

A lot of single men and women (and a few married ones) volunteered to accompany the alchemist but in the end, a ranger was picked for the role. While loading the scholar's baggage to the cart, he was told to be particularly careful with a heavy crate vaguely shaped like a coffin, albeit with airholes. "There are sensitive equipment in it, you see."

In the road, the ranger asked him a lot of questions, obviously curious about the life outside of his small village. Alchemist answered them politely and even offered a flask of sweet juice to quench his thirst when they've gone far away from the town. The ranger accepted the drink gratefully, thankful for the company of this nice gentleman.

After the ranger fell into a drug-induced sleep, the alchemist stopped the cart and tied the man to a nearby tree. He also stripped the law enforcer from his clothes so it would look like the work of bandits when he was found.

Returning to the cart, he checked his crate, to make sure his precious captive was well. Inside, Florent was tied inside a burlap sack, with only his broad shoulders and head sticking out. The bag was so small and tied with rope so tightly that he could hardly wiggle, let alone hit at the walls of his prison to alert anyone.

Still, just to be on the safe side, the alchemist has found an athletic cup armor in the forgery. Normally designed to protect knights' groins, the alchemist turned it into a muzzle with a leather belt and some creativity. The special lethargy potion he used last night was dripped on two of Florent's dirty socks before they stuffed into the cup and the ironsmith was forced to inhale their pungent smell.

Florent complained into his gag but even he couldn't hear his own voice. His circumstances were like a living nightmare. He couldn't make any sound, he couldn't move and he was constantly going between panic and mental fatigue. Nobody even knew where he was or that he was being taken away.

Still, he felt somehow calmer when he saw the face of the man who put him into this situation.

The alchemist leaned and kissed Florent's forehead, patting his cheek reassuringly. "I found us a comfortable ride, lad. Try to get some sleep. We'll arrive the city by nightfall and you'll be in your new home tonight." With that, the crate's lid was closed and left the young ironsmith in dark again.

Florent felt conflicting emotions as the cart returned its course. One part of him wanted to cry, snatched away from his home, likely never to come back. One part of him felt weirdly calm, made peace with the fact that he no longer has any control over his life so he might as well let things go.

He sighed, resting his head on his soft locks. His respiration slowed down, his nose drawing in the smell of drugged socks with each breath he took. Closing his eyes, a mental picture of his kidnapper swam before his eyes and Florent could only think how attracted he was to the older man, as much as he was intimidated by him.

In the end, he was lulled by the soft rocking of the cart to a dreamless sleep.

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Last edited by DeeperThanRed 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by NotRowan »

Okay well this is hot af. Love the descriptions of the bondage and the thought of Florents tied and gagged with the cup on his face is just amazing
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Post by Volobond »

Amazing! Nice touch with the ranger being bound by the alchemist as well. Love the gagging scene!

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Post by sharpliketoday »

Such a great beginning to a story! Looking forward to more. Really hot descriptions of bondage.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Look what I stumbled upon.

In some weird twist I missed the original posting, this is close to a personal favorite.

And of course it's from the mind of DeeperThanRed!

You are a genius SIr
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I'm sorry that this is just a one up, I'd love to find out what the Alchemist does to Florent. Or others he may enchant!

Leaving the Ranger tied naked to a tree was an added bonus. Perhaps you can write a spinoff with Highwaymen stumbling upon him, having their way with him, and then carrying him off.

The tale reminds me of the character of a younger Elias in "Shadow of the Mountain" by [mention]Charmides

Well done, [mention]DeeperThanRed
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Post by RopingRingers »

Very creative setting - noone will have any idea that the alchemist had anything to do with the disappearance either so he has no hope of rescue 😉
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