The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

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The Abominable Dr. Calamity (M+/MM+) - Conclusion posted 9/12/20

Post by wataru14 »

Now that I've gotten a few stories under my belt and am more comfortable with writing, this one will be a bit longer than the previous ones. Hope you enjoy!

Part 1 – The Terror of Metro City

“Welcome to my humble abode, Mr. Mayor,” I cackled. “I’m afraid you won’t find the accommodations too comfortable, though.” I calmly walked back and forth across the polished steel floor of the Command Center, hardly looking at my captive, hammering home how little I regarded him and how utterly unconcerned I was that he would escape.

“Humble abode, my eye!” I thought to myself. Murdertron had called it “an adorable attempt at a lair” at the last archvillain convention and I was a laughing stock for months! Since then I had focused completely on remodeling. Had to do a LOT of bank heists to get the capital needed, and the henchmen weren’t too happy about being used as a construction crew, but you can’t argue with the results. Stainless steel floor polished to a reflective shine. Supertech computers and vidscreens lining the wall. All kinds of technological doodads designed by moi. Can’t wait to see the look on Murdertron’s stupid face when he sees the place now! Well, he doesn’t have much of a face, exactly… just some LED lights and a mouth slit… but you get the idea.

The only thing in the room that wasn’t advanced tech was the simple wooden straight-backed chair placed strategically in the room between my super-cool obsidian throne and the vidscreen wall. I had searched antique and thrift shops far and wide to find just the right one. These things are very important. It was old and had some chips in the right places, but was super well-made and sturdy. Just the kind of thing that a hostage would expect in this situation. The image was as important as the deed itself, as far as I’m concerned.

Sitting in the chair (well, I say “sitting” but it was more along the lines of “cruelly roped to the chair”) was the mayor of Metro City. He was young for a career politician, early 30s, with perfectly coiffed brown hair and dreamy green eyes. Handsome as all get-out and quite the sculpted body under that expensive three-piece suit. He looked up at me with a defiant gaze. His suit and silk tie were rumpled by the layers of rope that surrounded his chest, holding him fast to the chair. His hands were secured behind the back of the chair with more rope. And I knew what I was doing with regards to rope! I got top grades in Prisoner Restraint class at Villain Academy. The rope looped around his wrists back and forth and back through itself several times. No slack whatsoever! His calves were lashed to the two front legs of the chair, completing the iconic picture. He had given up struggling long ago, resigned to his situation and realizing escape was utterly impossible.

I was surprised at how shockingly easy he had been to capture. Knowing of his lecherous reputation I had planted a henchwoman in his office as a secretary and it wasn’t two days before he was shamelessly #metooing her. And after giving a rousing speech at a women’s group fundraiser the night before! And they call ME a villain! Fast forward a few days and the two were headed for a secret rendezvous in a seedy roadside motel. All it took was a quick blast of knockout spray from my femme fatale and the mayor was out cold, face-first on the bed. He didn’t even have time to take his jacket and tie off! My henchmen filed in and carried him off to the Calamity Van. After that, he was mine.

The mayor squirmed pathetically in his ropes and grunted through his gag. And what a gag it was! Three layers of cloth – stuffing, cleave, and cover. I took extra time on it, wanting to make sure it was perfect. Nothing quite a super-thick gag to drive home to your prisoner that he is totally in your power. It really reinforced that feeling of utter helplessness that I loved seeing so much. The psychology was important. But I had let him stew long enough. I let him mppgggh a few more times before cupping my hand to my ear.

“What’s that?” I said. “Does the hapless hostage have some words of wisdom for his diabolical captor? Well, let’s hear ‘em!” I had postured enough. You can’t keep them gagged forever. Monologuing only goes so far. I reached down and pulled the cover and cleave of his gag down, letting them dangle around his neck. Then I reached in with my leather-gloved hands and pulled out the stuffing.

“You’ll never get away with this, Dr. Calamity!” he said. I was waiting for that. The vainly heroic banter that high-profile hostages always spewed. I lived for it! What can I say? I’m a stickler for the classics.

“Oh no?” I taunted. “And who is going to stop me? You? I’m afraid, my good mayor, that you are in no position to do much of anything right now. How are the ropes, by the way? Too tight? I can always make them tighter.”

Right on cue, the mayor squirmed in an attempt to loosen his bonds. They always did. It was almost a Pavlovian response. Realizing the futility of his gesture, he settled back down.

“Let me go, you bastard!” he said.

I strutted over to him and grabbed his chin in my hand, squeezing his lips into a comical fishface. Then I leaned in close. “Ah ah ah!” I said. “Watch your language. If you can’t control that mouth of yours I’ll have to put the gag back in.” He scowled and twisted his head from my grip. Satisfied there would be no further outbursts, I started walking again. “You really should learn to keep it in your pants,” I said. “Or pick motels with better security. You basically handed yourself over to me, you know.”

“Where is Diane?” he said. “What have you done with her?”

“Suddenly he’s a gentleman and concerned for the lady’s welfare!” I laughed. “Number 26, come here, please.” The henchwoman that I sent to seduce him got up from her terminal and walked over. She flashed him a sultry smile and waved. “Why, she works for me, of course. Gods above you’re thick!”

“Actually, he isn’t,” Number 26 said. “If you know what I mean.”

The mayor started thrashing around again after hearing the insult to his manhood, but we all knew it was just for show. That was a good bit of improv from Number 26. With instincts like that, she was going places.

“You done yet?” I asked him after he settled down. “Good. Excellent work, Number 26, there is a big bonus in store for you when the city pays the ransom.” She saluted and blew the mayor a kiss before returning to her terminal.

“That reminds me!” I exclaimed. “It’s time for the fun part!” I snapped my fingers and henchmen started scurrying around, getting things ready. “Well, mayor it’s been fun chatting with you, but I’ve had about enough of your banal conversation.” Before he could protest, I stuffed the cloth back in his mouth and reapplied the cleave and gag cover. After his mouth was tightly sealed again, the mayor gave a few more obligatory mppppgghs, but that was all he could muster.

I sat on my obsidian throne and took my Disintegrator Ray out of its case embedded in the arm. A few henchmen ran over and touched up my makeup. I took the most villainous pose I could and said “action!”

The vidscreen crackled to life, showing a closeup of me, lounging on the throne. I thought it was a little too Dr. Frank N. Furter for my tastes, but Number 3 assured me it was menacing and would read well on camera. Right now I was overriding the television feeds all across the city. “Greetings, peons,” I said. “I am Dr. Calamity, the most fearsome supervillain in Metro City!” I stood up, full of bravado, and made a grand sweeping walk down the dais to where the mayor sat tied to his chair. “I have kidnapped your puny, pathetic mayor. And unless the city pays me $100,000,000 I will use my nefarious Disintegrator Ray on him. Like this!”

I aimed the raygun at an empty chair by a terminal. The camera panned back and I fired the green ray. The chair instantly crumbled to dust. The mayor bucked and thrashed in his chair, grunting like mad. I made sure the camera got a good closeup of his terrified face before panning back to me.

“Unless you want the same fate to befall your beloved mayor here, you will comply with my demands. And offer no resistance or the mayor will pay the price for your folly! Gwahahahaha!” The camera panned back, getting a wide shot of both me and the struggling mayor as I continued my maniacal laughter. “Now back to your regularly scheduled program!”

The vidscreen switched off. “That was some fine acting, Mr. Mayor,” I said, clapping him on the shoulder. “If this politics thing doesn’t work out for you maybe you can have a career on Broadway!” I did jazz hands in his face to taunt him. He mumbled something under his gag that sounded vaguely of the four-letter variety. “Shame shame!” I said. “What if the voters heard such foul profanity? So much for the ‘small-town family values’ platform, eh?” I punched him playfully in the arm. “I’d wash your mouth out with soap if there wasn’t already a gag in it.”

Walking away from the mayor I signaled to the lead henchman. “Number 1,” I said. “Please take a few of the boys and escort the mayor to his cell. And make sure he’s nice and… uncomfortable.” I always treated my henchmen respectfully and made sure they knew I valued them. It was really a no-brainer. Many of my supervillain colleagues had been brought down by disloyal underlings who grew tired of the abuse. No room for rookie mistakes like that in my organization. Queen Kong eviscerates her henchmen for failure. I give mine a 401(k) and medical/dental. Guess who’s won the “Best Employer” award in Henchmen Weekly five years running? Here’s a hint, it ain’t the gorilla woman.

“Right away, boss,” Number 1 said. He and two other henchmen grabbed the chair and lifted it off the ground with the captive mayor still attached. The mayor shouted and cursed through his gag as he was carried off through the automatic door to the special prison wing of my compound.

I sat back on the throne. “Now all we have to do is wait,” I said. “When the money arrives I’m going to throw a big company party. I’ll hire Sonic Scrambler to DJ and have Killer Klown make balloon animals. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

The henchmen murmured with excitement and got to work monitoring the city’s communication network. I snapped my fingers and two henchmen came to my throne. One handed me a large fruity drink with an umbrella in it while the other started massaging my shoulders.

“Would the master like to retire to his room and celebrate his impending victory?” the drink-bearing henchman said as he knelt at my feet. “We could help you… relieve some tension.” His eyes sparkled behind the black Zorro mask I made all my henchman wear. Uniforms were good for morale, after all.

I grinned and ruffled his hair. And who says you can’t get good help these days?

Coming Soon - Part 2: A Hero Emerges
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Post by Volobond »

Like our dear Doctor Calanity, I too am a stickler for the classics, and I can tell already that this story will be one.

Such a humorous tone and a delightfully bombastic villain, and already some great bondage and gagging of a handsome captive! My friend, I am so excited to see what comes next!

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Post by blackbound »

This is delightfully different. Looking forward to how it goes!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Here I was expecting a good old "hero vs villain" story and you've surprised me with the absolute delight that this story is.

The intentionally cheesy tone and hilariously petty protagonist are super (pun intended) refreshing and so well-written. I love how the evil mastermind is a loveable goofball who treats his employees well while the victim seems like a jerk who only has outer beauty.

Murdertron had called it “an adorable attempt at a lair” at the last archvillain convention and I was a laughing stock for months! Since then I had focused completely on remodeling.
This part sold me the entire premise. That, and Number 26's sick burn.

I'm curious about how Dr. Calamity will deal with the inevitable superhero coming to rescue, along with how he spends quality time with his henchmen.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by wataru14 »

Coming Soon: Part 2 – A Hero Emerges

The next morning I spent some time watching the Mayor on my vidscreen terminal. He paced around the tiny cell, now clad in an orange jumpsuit and plastic shoes like they wore in real prison. I was going for full realism here. Concrete walls, creaky barred cell door, cot that folded out of the wall, sink and toilet, the whole nine. All impeccably clean and sterile. He wore hobbling chains around his ankles and his hands were cuffed in front of him. Both were connected to a chain locked around his waist. The kind of thing you wore while being transported in a prison van.

It was feeding time. A henchman entered the cell and put a tray of food on the table. The mayor went up to him and tried asking all sorts of stupid questions, but the henchman just forced him down onto the cot and left. It was comedy gold watching the mayor try to eat. With his hands cuffed as they were at his waist, he didn’t have enough slack to reach his face to feed himself. After a few spoonsful of oatmeal dropped to the floor, he realized there was only one way he’d be able to do this. He looked at the camera in his cell and said something so rude and crass that I dare not repeat it. Then he leaned over the table and started eating without using his hands. Like a pig rooting through a trough.

I threw the image up on the main vidscreen so everyone could watch him further humiliate himself. The entire Command Center howled with laughter at his debasement. When he was done eating, his face and uniform were covered in spilled food. “Watch this!” I said to the henchmen and turned off the water in his cell. The mayor tried to wash up in the sink and started kicking the wall when he realized the water wouldn’t work. He started yelling at the camera.

“Number 48! Number 12!” I called. Two henchmen ran up and saluted. “Since the good mayor has made a mess of himself, please take him outside and hose him down. With extra cold water. We can’t have him rooting around in his own filth.” The henchmen grinned. “Oh, and when he’s ready to come back to his cell, he won’t be needing the uniform. If he can’t keep his clothes clean he doesn’t get any. Use the Disintegrator Ray to remove them. It’ll put the fear of god in him. But be careful. Lowest setting only so it won’t harm living matter. And leave him shackled, if you don’t mind.”

“Right away, boss!” Number 48 said. The two henchmen saluted and hurried out the door. I moved the feed back to my personal viewer (no way I was going to miss this!) and the henchmen bustled around doing henchman things. After the deed was done and the dripping wet and humiliated mayor was securely back in his cell, Number 47 looked up from his terminal and called out for my attention. “Uh, boss,” he said. “I think we have something on the proximity monitor in Sector Delta.”

I walked over and said, “Report, Number 47. Oh, and how was your date last night? Amanda, was it?”

“Yeah,” he said, taking off his football helmet so we could talk face-to-face. Today was Funny Hat Friday. I thought it was rather silly, myself, but the henchmen did love it. So who am I to say no? “It went real well. Took her to that Italian place you recommended. She wants to meet again next weekend.”

I patted him on the back. “Great to hear,” I said. “I was really pulling for you. Now, what’s this security breach you saw?”

He rewound the video feed. “Watch,” he said. At first, everything was normal. Just the 10-foot high brick wall with razor wire like always. Just then a crack appeared in the wall. Then another. Then a fist burst through and a section of the wall collapsed. When the dust settled, a man stepped through. And what a man!

He stood about 6’5” and looked like he weighed about 280. He was clad in a blue supersuit with no sleeves so that his massive guns were on display for all the world to see. Red trunks, boots, gloves, wristbands, and hero mask. Military-style high-and-tight haircut. The front of his supersuit had a big white star with a red letter D in the middle. He looked around a moment and hurried out of camera range.

“Good catch, Number 47,” I said. “Take tomorrow off with pay and you can use a company car for your second date.”

“Thanks, boss!” Number 47 said.

“Now who is that prime slab of beef?” I asked.

“I scanned the database while you were watching and got a hit,” Number 47 said. He brought up the profile page from the Villain’s Guild files. “New hero. Junior Member of the Metro City Hero League, but they haven’t authorized any rescue missions as far as we know. Looks like he’s flying solo. Goes by the name of Diesel.”

“I like him already,” I joked, and glanced at the data. “Hmmmm. Not a lot of info here. Must be very new. Super strength and durability. No flight, no energy projection. No other powers yet seen. Only recorded hero activity is taking out Jimmy the Squid and the Mollusk Gang a week ago. Puh-lease. My grandmother could beat up those soggy freaks. Looks like this young buck decided to strike out on his own and try to do an A-List mission without backup.”

Number 47 nodded. “My thoughts exactly, sir,” he said.

“Where is he now?” I asked.

47 scanned the compound. “He broke down the security door in Sector Delta and is moving south down the hall,” he said. “He’s nowhere near the prison wing, but I’m guessing that’s where he’s headed.”

“Good instinct,” I said. “I am in total agreement.” I called out to Number 1. “Number 1, let’s engage this hero with a brief skirmish to test his mettle.” I walked over to a large gameshow-esque wheel and gave it a spin. It landed on “Ninjas.”

“Ooh, haven’t used them in a while!” I said. “Release the robo-ninjas.”

“Acknowledged!” Number 1 said, pressing a button on his terminal. Now, using robots was a lot more expensive and troublesome than using live henchmen, but real humans weren’t usually eager to get their faces smashed into hamburger by superheroes. I found the increase in morale outweighed the repair and replacement costs.

“Set them to A.I. level 1,” I said. “I want to give Diesel a false sense of accomplishment before I bag him.” I hurried to my vidscreen to watch the fun.


Diesel crept stealthily through the corridor. Well, as stealthy as you can be at his size. Rounding a corner, he stopped short in his tracks as a shuriken whizzed by his head and embedded in the wall. A robo-ninja popped out of a side corridor and drew its swords. Diesel smiled, cracked his knuckles (swoon!), and advanced. The ninja struck at him, but Diesel caught its arm in mid swing and punched it into next week. Three more ninjas appeared in front and three behind. They advanced slowly, but I made sure they attacked one at a time. Like in a bad Kung Fu movie. I thought I was being obvious and that the hero would catch on that something was off, but apparently he was as dumb as several bags of rocks and was too engrossed in punching robots in the face to think about it. I let the ninjas get a few licks in here and there, but them winning was not part of my plan.

After a minute or two, Diesel stood proudly over a pile of defeated robots. He double bicep flexed and kissed his own muscles before running off down the hall. The henchmen and I hooted with laughter. “What a tool!” Number 19 said. Quite an insult coming from a man wearing Mickey Mouse ears, but I digress.

“OK, we’ve had our fun,” I said. “Let’s bait him into Subhallway 10, shall we?” I punched a few commands into my terminal and grabbed the microphone.

“Who’s there?” I said. My voice echoed through the hallway to Diesel’s right, perfectly changed to match the mayor’s by my Vocal Ambiguator device.

“Mr. Mayor?” Diesel called out. “I’m here to save you. Where are you?”

“Thank god!” I said, barely able to contain my glee. “They’ve locked me in a cell down here. Follow my voice.”

Diesel hurried along and rounded a corner… right into a dead-end. “What the…?” he said, but before he could do anything else I pressed a button and a heavy steel net fell over him from a hidden compartment in the ceiling. The big lug thrashed around like an idiot trying to dislodge it, but only managed to entangle himself further. I swear, THIS is what passes for heroes these days? When he was all wrapped up like a caterpillar in a spiderweb I pressed another button and sent a stunning jolt of electricity through the net.

“Aaarrrrghhhh!” Diesel cried out in anguish as the charge went through him. He dropped to one knee but remained conscious.

“Hmm,” I said. “His durability rating looks pretty impressive. That level of voltage took down Herosaurus Rex! I’ll note his file.” I pressed the button again. Diesel again screamed, but stayed up.

“Oh, enough already,” I said. I pressed a different button. The open door of the hallway slammed shut, forming an airtight seal and trapping Diesel inside. Green gas began to waft out of the vents in the walls and soon filled the chamber. Diesel tried to hold his breath, but eventually he gasped and breathed the fumes in. He staggered for a moment and collapsed to the floor.

“That did it!” I said. “That K.O. gas is expensive and I hate wasting it, but this is a special occasion. Number 1, have a team grab some power-dampeners and retrieve the big galoot for me. His file says he got his powers from a meteorite, so adjust the settings accordingly. Oh, and make sure the hallway is fully vented before you go in. I’d hate for any of the men to get exposed to the gas.”

“Right on it, boss,” Number 1 said. He grabbed a few henchmen and ran out the door.

I went to my obsidian throne and rotated it to face the door. “No!” I said, turning it back. “It’s much more menacing if I turn around in front of him!” I sat and waited.

About ten minutes later I heard the door open, followed by several sets of booted footfalls and the jangling of heavy chains. Grinning from ear to ear, I rotated my chair. “Ah, Mr. Diesel!” I said. “Welcome to my compound.”

I looked down at the captive hero. He stood bravely before me with a burly henchman on each side of him. His supersuit had a few nicks in it from the ninja-bot battle, but otherwise it clung to his massively muscled frame like a second skin. He was even better up-close! His hands were encased in front of him in a pair of fused heavy steel gauntlets that ran the length of his arms up to his shoulders. His massive chest was secured in a steel harness and a metal collar was locked around his neck. It glowed with an eerie green light that served as a dampening field, negating the captive’s powers. His mouth was silenced with a thick rubber bit gag, like the kind you’d usually see attached to a horse’s bridle. Finally, his booted ankles were secured in heavy steel chains, hobbling his movement. The whole thing was a bit over-the-top, I admit, but it really drove home to the hero how powerless he was. The psychological aspect was just as important as the physical restraint.

“It looks like your pathetic attempt to rescue the mayor has met with failure,” I taunted. “As do all attempts to undermine the plans of Dr. Calamity!” The henchman murmured in agreement. We had rehearsed this scene many times in Henchman Training Class and they were performing beautifully. “Struggle all you like, but it would be in vain. I have negated those fabled powers of yours and you stand before me weaker than a child.”

Spurned by the challenge, Diesel tried to flex his muscles and break the device that held him, but the dampening field did its work. He grunted through the bit gag in frustration.

“See? All that strength does you no good,” I said. “You are now totally in my power.” I walked down the dais and stopped in front of him. I placed my hand on his bicep and gave a quick squeeze. “And what a marvelous specimen we have! I shall derive a great deal of pleasure in torturing you.” With that, I brought my hand below Diesel’s waist and rubbed his codpiece through his trunks. He recoiled at my touch, but a quick jolt from Number 1’s cattle prod made him settle down. “You resist now,” I said, “but soon you will beg for my touch.”

Diesel cursed at me. Or, at least I think he did. It was hard to tell with the gag in his mouth.

“Number 1,” I said. “Take him to The Chamber and prepare him for my arrival. I have preparations to make. But don’t worry, my fallen hero. I will be along soon to break you. Take him away!”

Number 1 saluted and he and his men dragged the struggling hero out of my sight and down the hall to The Chamber. I watched them go, getting a long hard look at Diesel’s super ass before it disappeared around a corner. God, I love my job!

Coming Soon: Part 3 – Escape!
Last edited by wataru14 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Volobond »

Ooh, my! You've again hit the best parts of this genre - the mayor's humiliation (and subsequent stripping, yay!), Diesel's capture and restraint (collar AND a thick bit? Yay!), and of course more of the delightfully diabolical Doctor Calamity!

I love how he takes care of his henchmen, and of course seems all too eager to play with his new specimen - I for one think it would be better for the Hero League if the impetuous hero was kept prisoner by the Dr. forever, but we'll have to see ;)

Thank you for another humorous and satisfying installment.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

You can really feel Dr. Calamity's glee as he further humiliates the Mayor and the new hero Diesel, which is great, by the way. The fact that all the action is carried out by his hencmen and machines only strengthens his dominant status.

The lampshade hangings about the usual tropes of the genre were entertainingly used and never felt out-of-place. Great stuff.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

How diabolically humorous this tale is. I love it...the horny and hunky mayor falling into a honey trap, bound and gagged to the sturdy chair, and then humiliated for all to see. Then there is the studly but stupid superhero thinking he's got the drop on the androids only to be netted and chained. The henchmen are kept happy with generous pay and benefits (who doesn't need health insurance!). And at the center is the resourceful and quick-witted Dr. Calamity. Can't wait to see what devious development is on the docket for Deisel, and I can't wait to see who next falls into Dr. Calamity's clutches!
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Post by privateandrews »

Gosh how much am i loving this story. so well written. i look forward to reading more.
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 3 – Escape!

I made sure my footfalls were as loud as possible as I made my way down the hall of the prison wing. Adds that nice layer of ominous dread to the prisoner’s mind. Along the way I stopped at the mayor’s cell. He rose from his cot and ran to the bars.

“Let me out of here, you sonofabitch!” he yelled. He grabbed the lower bars with his shackled hands and rattled them impotently.

“Good morning, Mr. Mayor,” I smiled. “How are we feeling on Day Three of captivity?” I pressed a button on the remote control device I held in my hands and the mayor jumped back, away from the bars. I had sent a low-intensity electric jolt through them and he wanted no part of that.

“I’ll get you for this!” he threatened, covering his exposed private parts with his cuffed hands.

“I’m sure,” I said. “We’re still in negotiations with the city for your release. You should know better than anyone how slowly bureaucracies work.” He slumped down on the cot. “But to show you I’m not an unreasonable man I’ll have my henchmen bring you some magazines during your next feeding.”

“Oh, thank you!” he scoffed, making a grand show of it. “Who was that man they dragged in last night?”

“Yes, him,” I said. “You’ll be happy to know that the heroes in town have taken note of your abduction and somehow think you’re worth risking their lives over. Although I can’t understand why. That was… Diesel, I believe. An up-and-comer who tried to violate the sanctity of my compound and rescue you. You can see how successful he was.”

“What are you going to do with him?” the mayor asked.

“I haven’t quite decided,” I smirked. “Rest assured that whatever it is will be quite nasty. Now I have some pressing matters to attend to, so I must bid you adieu.” I stepped away from the mayor’s cell and walked a few doors down to The Chamber, where Diesel was incarcerated.

I switched off the Sonic Inducer and opened the heavy metal door. I had the henchman specially treat the hinges so they creaked extra ominously when opened. Added a nice touch of menace. The Sonic Inducer was a devilish device of my own making. It emitted an ultra-low frequency wave, inaudible to all but the most sensitive of super-hearing. It had no obvious ill effects, but was designed to mess around with a prisoner’s sleep cycle. While it was on, a prisoner could not fall asleep, no matter how exhausted they were.

Diesel stood against the wall, his hands chained above his head to a ring embedded into the cold stone. Even with his natural virility and stamina, he was ragged and tired from a long night of no sleep. I made sure the chains were cinched extra tight so his body stretched uncomfortably. It really brought out the definition in his muscles. I walked over and removed the bit gag from his mouth, placing in on the steel table a short distance away.

“Do your worst, villain scum,” he said, attempting heroic disinterest but only half-selling it.

“Oh, I plan to,” I giggled. “But thanks for the permission. It makes things so much easier.” I took a laser scalpel from the table and advanced on him. He tensed for a second, but relaxed when he realized I was only using it to cut the fabric of his supersuit. First and foremost, I cut the white star off his chest in one piece. “I’ll add this to my trophy case,” I said. “I collect something from each of the heroes I defeat. Since you’re just a Junior Hero your destruction won’t really mean much, but a trophy is a trophy.” I placed it gently on the table and commenced removing the rest of his supersuit top. When I was done, he was stripped to the waist, dripping with sweat as he hung limply in his shackles.

With my path now unobstructed I took a good look at him. Such a beauty! I let my hands explore his chest, and gave his nipples a playful tweak. He winced and turned his head. “So the touch of a man doesn’t please you?” I said, “Well, that will soon change.” I went to a cabinet on the far wall and removed a case of wicked-looking torture devices. “Now let’s get started, shall we?”


It’s probably best if I don’t describe this next part. I’m a pretty affable fellow, but I AM a villain, after all. I’ll leave it up to your own imaginations to fill in the blanks so you don’t end up thinking too badly of me. Let’s just say that when I was done, Diesel hung in his chains, barely conscious. I had thought about putting his gag back in as I worked, but thought that it would do the mayor good to hear firsthand what could happen to prisoners that pissed me off.

I put the devices back in their box and locked them back in the cabinet. I rubbed Diesel’s cheek with my leather-gloved hand. “You took that like a pro,” I congratulated. “Not many can stand up that long to the Pain Amplifier. We’ll have loads of fun together!” I adjusted his mask. I still allowed him to have that, at least. The unmasking of a hero was the ultimate disgrace and I wanted to wait before savoring that victory. Besides, I had a plan cooking.

I left the room and closed the door behind me. Almost. I made sure to leave it open just a hair. I just hope that in Diesel’s state he would be able to notice that the heavy locking mechanism didn’t activate. I walked past the mayor’s cell and waved. His face was white. “Toodles!” I said and headed back to my Command Center, immediately switching on my vidscreen terminal.

Diesel hung there for a second, then groaned as he tested the chains. The mayor heard the chains rattling and his neighbor moving around and called out. “Diesel,” he said. “Are you OK?”

“Mayor?” Diesel weakly groaned. “Is that you? Did he hurt you?”

“No,” the mayor said. “I’m fine. Sounds like he did a number on you, though.”

Jumping at the chance to show his hero mettle, Diesel said, “It was nothing. I can take whatever he throws at me.” I grinned at the challenge. “But we’ve got to get out of here.”

I flicked a switch on my terminal and the lights in the prison wing blinked off and on for a second. I also remotely deactivated Diesel’s collar. Relax! I know what I’m doing!

Diesel felt the surge of strength return.

“What was that?” the mayor asked.

“Must have been a power failure,” Diesel said, falling for it. “It looks like my power-dampening collar has shorted out, too!” He flexed his arms and yanked down. The chains that held him shattered. He snapped the chains that held his feet like they were tissue paper and crept to the door. “And it looks like he forgot to close the door behind him. Villains! Their overconfidence is always their undoing!”

I couldn’t hold it anymore and started laughing uncontrollably. The henchman started laughing, too. And not in that “Quick! Everybody laugh because the boss is laughing!” way, either. “Their overconfidence is always their undoing?” Dear lord, that was bad! Talk about the pot and the kettle!

Diesel peeked outside and saw the corridor was empty. I recalled the guards when I left the wing just for this purpose. He crept over to the mayor’s cell. “We’ll have you out of there in a jiffy,” he said, grabbing the bars. With a quick tug he yanked the whole cell door off in one piece. Now, the cells designed to hold super-prisoners are made with Ridiculum: an alloy of my own design that even superstrength can’t break. But the mayor was a baseline, so his cell was just normal steel. Diesel snapped the mayor’s chains effortlessly.

The mayor grabbed the sheet from his bed and fashioned himself a makeshift loincloth. “I remember the layout of the place from when they brought me in,” Diesel said. “The nearest exit is this way!” The mayor nodded and they started off down the hall.

Smiling, I pressed a button on my terminal. Silently, the access halls in the compound rearranged themselves into a new configuration. If the Dynamic Dunces tried to retrace their steps to the exit, all they would end up doing is leading themselves further in. Ready to begin part 2 of the game, I pressed another button. A voice blared over the intercom.

“Security breach in the detention wing! All forces on alert!”

“Looks like we’re gonna have company!” Diesel said. “Stay close to me.” The mayor nodded and followed closely behind.

I turned to the henchmen. “What does everyone think about letting Monstro out?” I asked.

A chorus of cheers erupted from the henchmen. They sure loved Monstro! I pressed the button that opened the containment room. With a savage growl, Monstro activated and bounded down the hall after the clueless hero. Monstro was one of my earliest and most successful projects: a fusion of bio-organics and tech. I grew his body in a vat and added all kinds of crazy technological doohickeys. He was fantastic as a shock troop, but I hadn’t been able to quite perfect the power relay yet. I couldn’t use him on away missions because his battery life was so short, but for jobs like this, he was perfect.

Nose to the ground, Monstro lumbered down the halls, tracking the hero by scent. Diesel turned a corner and was surprised to see that there was no exit due to the facility’s new layout.

“What’s the matter?” the mayor gasped.

“It was here before!” Diesel said. “I’m sure of it.” Monstro howled nearby.

“What is that?” the mayor asked. And, right on cue, Monstro turned the corner and growled, baring his fangs.

“Get behind me!” Diesel said, and assumed a battle stance. He and Monstro stared each other down as the mayor retreated down the hallway. Then they charged at each other.

During the fight, I kept switching Diesel’s collar on and off. It would go on just before he landed a power punch on Monstro (I didn’t want my favorite toy to get TOO damaged) and then back off again before he realized the blow was mostly ineffective. It would go on just before Monstro socked him, removing his durability and making the hits on him more effective. I was having way too much fun with this.

Monstro picked Diesel up and threw him against the far wall. The hero got up and shook off. “Whoo-ee that was quite a hit!” he said. “OK, ugly, it’s time to end this!” He started running and lept into the air, winding up a powerful haymaker.

“I agree,” I said and pressed a button. Two things happened. Diesel’s collar reactivated, causing him to lose both power and speed, and a panel on Monstro’s chest opened. A square sheet of thin black film (about 8’ x 8’ when fully extended) shot out and flew across the hallway, directly in Diesel’s path.

The hero slammed face-first into the film, and his momentum carried him forward, causing the film to wrap around him. It clung to his body and continued to envelop him on its own. The hero’s powerful arms were pressed flat against his sides and his legs were forced together. Tighter and tighter the film wrapped, mummifying the hero in its embrace. It wrapped around his face and head, completely encasing him from crown to toe. The permeable material allowed unobstructed breathing and sight, but expanded to enter and fill his mouth, stifling any attempt at speech.

Diesel landed on the ground with a thud at Monstro’s feet. Monstro roared and placed his foot on the cocooned hero’s chest in triumph. All Diesel could do was wriggle like a worm as the film prison held him fast. He looked like a shiny black burrito. I decided to have Mexican in the commissary tomorrow to celebrate. I summoned a platoon of henchmen and headed for the scene.

The mayor slowly inched backwards, hoping Monstro was too distracted with its prey to notice him, but a quick growl froze him in his tracks. Sheesh. The snake was ready to take off down the hall and abandon his “rescuer” just to save his own skin. What an ass! Just then I rounded the corner with my men. “Aw, did your widdle escape attempt fail miserably, Mr. Mayor?” I taunted.

“Damn you!” he replied. “You set this up, didn’t you?”

“Smart boy!” I said. I pointed to the mayor and two henchmen grabbed him, cuffing his hands behind his back and tearing the sheet from his body, exposing him once again. “Return him to the prison wing. His old cell needs repairing so place him in Cell 12, if you don’t mind.” The henchman dragged the struggling and cursing mayor away. I walked over to Monstro and scratched behind his ear.

“And what did you bring Daddy today?” I cooed, giving him a treat from my pocket. I nudged the tightly wrapped Diesel with my booted toe. “Some hero,” I said. “All those muscles will do you no good when you’re dumb as a post. Sigh.” I snapped my fingers and the rest of the henchmen picked up the wriggling mass that was Diesel. “Bring him to Chamber B. I’ll be along shortly.”

Diesel thrashed and grunted as they carried him off.

Coming Soon: Part 4 – Diesel Horsepower
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

At this point, Dr. Calamity is just kicking them while they're down and I'm all for it.

Giving the captives a false hope only to snatch them right back was a brilliant move at breaking their spirits. I really liked the "fade to black" torture scene and mummification Diesel had to endure as well.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Yes! [mention]wataru14[/mention], you are again the author of a stellar story, and I'm loving every second of it! Diesel's overconfidence and the Doctor's skillful manipulations are perfect, and the added bondage from Monstro was just another awesome feature! Here's hoping the nefarious Doc has lots more torments for the hunky mayor and wannabe hero in store. :D

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Post by Charmides »

Couldn't be enjoying this more, [mention]wataru14[/mention]! This piece has such a clever narrative voice, and it goes without saying that Dr. Calamity is everything we could wish for in a ham-filled bad guy. And that mummification scene, man -- phew. At this point, Calamity's victory is so complete that he strikes me as a kid playing with action figures. (Makes me wonder if circumstances might eventually turn against him...) Can't wait to see what you have planned next!
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Post by privateandrews »

i am so loving this story, makes me smile and makes me horny... a great combo. keep up the great story telling.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] I love how your story is shaping up. I picture Chris Hemsworth as Deisel, Tom Hiddleston as Dr. Calamity, and a young George Clooney as the Mayor.
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Post by wataru14 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago @wataru14 I love how your story is shaping up. I picture Chris Hemsworth as Deisel, Tom Hiddleston as Dr. Calamity, and a young George Clooney as the Mayor.
Love those choices, [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]!
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Post by george_bound »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] this story is way more fun than one should be allowed to have! The electrified chain netting, the mummifying web that tightened with his struggles (and gags too), the collar regulating Diesel's powers being switched on and off, tricking them into thinking they could escape when it was just a trap all along, the "expensive" green knock out gas, the bombastic/cheeky actions and comments by the Doctor... the list goes on and on... I'm rereading this just to see if I missed any hidden gems! I can tell you're having a blast writing this and we're all having a blast consuming it :P
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Part 4 – Diesel Horsepower

After putting Monstro back I took my sweet time in heading down to Chamber B. When I got there the hapless hero was laid out on an exam table. The film had been removed and he was held down and stretched out with heavy chains on his ankles and wrists. If this were medieval times, it would look like he was on The Rack. The table, of course, could be utilized as such, but I didn’t feel like it right now.

Diesel glared at me with a mixture of hatred and fear that turned me on even more. A thick ballgag had been inserted into his mouth and buckled behind his head to silence his protestations. I drifted here and there around the table, tracing his perfect abs with my finger as I walked by. “Hmmm, a scrumptious hero chained, gagged, and at my mercy. Whatever shall I do?” My finger slid down his body towards his beltline and Diesel railed against the chains that held him down.

“Enough time for that, my pet,” I said. “First we have a movie to make.” I hit a switch on the wall and a laser fired from a turret on the ceiling. I adjusted the chains that held Diesel’s legs so they spread apart and aimed the laser between them. I started the laser’s slow creep towards Diesel’s vulnerable loins. “I admit it’s bit cliched, but it gets the point across,” I taunted. I switched on the vidscreen and hijacked Metro City’s TV feed again.

“Greetings, citizens,” I said. “It seems that my demands from yesterday have not been met. And my instructions have not been followed.” I panned the camera back so that Diesel and his peril came into view. “Apparently one of the local superheroes decided to take matters into his own hands and try to rescue the mayor. You can see how well that worked out for him. The same will happen to any hero who tries to stand against my genius, so be warned. Because I am so magnanimous, however, I am prepared to forgive you. I am upping the ransom to $200,000,000 and making it a two-for-one sale. Pay up or the mayor has a date with the Disintegrator Ray and Diesel will soon be half the man he used to be.” I cackled and Diesel screamed through his gag as the laser inched closer and closer. Then I killed the feed.

I switched off the laser and Diesel calmed down. “Oh don’t worry,” I said. “I’m not going to kill you yet. Hell, if you behave, maybe I won’t have to at all. It’s a shame to waste such a beautiful body.” I thought about using the Petrification Ray to turn him into a living statue for me to look at in my Command Center, but put that thought away for now. I had something better in mind.

“You caused a lot of damage to my wall and facility when you rudely barged in here uninvited,” I said. “And it’s only fair that you repair the damage you caused.” I took my laser scalpel and used it to slice off the remnants of his supersuit and trunks. Diesel now lay before me, naked as the day he was born. With the exception of his mask and boots, that is. I let the fallen hero retain that much dignity, at least. I’m not a total monster!

Using the Magnetic Oscillotron I unchained Diesel from the table from across the room. Bathed in magnetic energy, the chains slithered away, leaving only the metal anchor bracelets on his wrists and ankles. I floated the chains back and reconfigured them, using them to manacle his wrists together in front of him and his ankles together. He was shackled and hobbled, but I wasn’t quite done yet. I magnetically lifted his arms back above his head and walked over with a big grin on my face.

In my hands was an appropriately large plastic chastity device. Judging by the proportions of his anatomy, “Diesel” was quite an apt pseudonym. My captive struggled vainly against the magnetic field that held him powerless as I slid the cage over his ample genitals and locked it shut. “There we go,” I kissed my fingers like a French chef. “Perfect. And I know what you’re thinking. But I wouldn’t try to get that off of yourself. That plastic is a special blend of my own design. You could drop an A-Bomb on that thing and it would come out just fine. It only comes off when I say it comes off.”

I switched off the magnetic field. Seizing his chance, Diesel lept off the table and lunged for me, fingers aiming for my throat. I yawned and pressed a button on my belt. Diesel froze in mid-lunge and crashed face-first to the floor. “I almost forgot to mention the neuro-paralyzer circuits in your collar!” I gasped. “Thanks for reminding me. Where is my head? Now, as you can see, there is a special upgrade to your restraints. I, or any member of my staff, can activate it at any time. It completely shuts off all voluntary motor functions and even negates inertia. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Diesel just groaned from his crumpled position on the floor. “There’s also another setting where thousands of volts of electricity are emitted,” I said. “Without your powers, that would hurt like a bitch. So I think it best that you do everything you can to keep me from getting mad enough to use that, savvy?”

I switched off the neuro-paralyzer and Diesel slowly got up. He nodded, unable to speak an affirmative due to the ballgag in his mouth. “Well, let’s go meet the family!” I said and shooed Diesel towards the door. I marched him past the mayor’s cell just for fun. The mayor took one look at the naked and chained superhero being paraded in front of me like a prize showdog and hung his head. I got a little stiffy as the hope faded from his eyes.

The door to the Command Center slid open and the henchmen all rose and performed my evil salute as I entered. Diesel trudged in behind me. “Gather round, everyone,” I said. The henchmen left their terminals and crowded around us. “This meathead did major damage to the north wall and cellblock area during his bungled rescue,” I said, drawing a chorus of boos from the henchmen. “That has to be repaired, and I figured ‘why should the staff have to devote their time to that? It’s not like they broke it!’ So guess what! We now have our own Super Slave to do the work for us!”

The henchmen cheered. “Number 2,” I said. “I’m putting you on overseer duty. Your mechanical expertise coupled with this one’s brute strength will get the job done in no time. But I don’t want you or your staff to lift a finger. Make him do all the heavy labor. It’s all he’s good for, after all. He certainly isn’t blessed in the brains department.”

While the crowd laughed and jeered I showed Number 2 how to adjust the settings on the dampening collar to give Diesel just enough strength to do what he needed, but no more. “The paralysis and shock controls on your belts are all activated, as well. Fun as it may be, please refrain from using them wantonly. I don’t want to damage the ‘heavy machinery’ before he’s finished with his labors.”

Number 75’s terminal lit up. “Sir,” she said. “It looks like we have an incoming communication from City Hall. I think they’re ready to accept your terms!”

“Marvelous!” I cried. “I’ll take that call in private. Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it.” Number 75 smiled. “Now, Number 2, don’t work him too hard,” I said, giving a ridiculously exaggerated wink.

Number 2 grinned from ear to ear. He marched over to Diesel and poked him in the chest, “Move it Super-Zero! Time to get to work!”

I shook my head. “Super Zero?” Yeesh! I’d have to talk to Number 2 about his evil banter when I got the chance. I had a program of employee mentoring and was always ready to help a henchmen branch out into villainy franchises of their own, but Number 2 was going to need some remedial lessons if he wanted to move up in the Underworld. He’d never make the Big Leagues with lines like that. But, anyway…

City Hall was more than ready to discuss terms now. It seems Diesel was quite popular with the citizens despite his n00b status and they didn’t want to lose both him AND the mayor. I’d have to look into his background to find out why. We arranged for the wire transfer and the prisoner exchange, which would take some time. I would have them both for two more days before we finally said goodbye. After disconnecting with City Hall, I spent the rest of the day eagerly watching the work projects on the vidscreen.

Number 2 may have needed some work on his banter, but his taskmaster skills were on point. Maybe that would be a good villain name for him when he went out on his own? Had a good ring to it. He took the liberty of adjusting the weather dominator to raise the exterior temperature of the compound to 110 degrees while Diesel piled massive bricks to plug the hole he had made in the wall. Sweat dipped from his brow and broad back as he toiled in his chains under the intense heat. I made a quick call to the Evil Accounting Department and told them to give Number 2 a raise. I always reward initiative like that.

I floated the vidscreen over to my bathroom and got in the tub to relax and soak as I watched my manacled super-slave labor in the hot sun. And I didn’t skimp on the bubbles, either. Why should I? I was soon going to become very VERY rich.

The next morning I took a little trip to the prison wing, where Diesel was hard at work rebuilding the wall of the mayor’s old cell. Just for fun, I paralyzed him as I walked by and kicked him over so he fell on his face. Petty, I know, but it felt good. And isn’t that what’s really important? After gloating for a moment, I went up to the mayor’s cell.

“It seems we’ve heard from City Hall,” I said. “All this will soon be over and you’ll be back to screwing interns and filling your slush fund as you did before.”

The mayor gave a sardonic “hmph.”

“And I’ll have you know the accommodations here are far better than those in Metro City Jail,” I said, knowing from experience. “I hope you’ll keep that in mind next time you think about vetoing prison reform bills. But political lecturing isn’t why I’m here.”

“Oh,” the mayor said. “And why are you here? Just to irritate me or do you have an actual reason?”

I frowned. Such blatant disrespect could not be tolerated. I could give some leeway with manly posturing (it was all part of the game), but he was about to cross a line with insubordination like that. Captives need to know their place. I pressed a button and the walls of his cell rumbled. The furniture retreated into the floor as the walls started to slowly move closer together.

“Wait!” he cried. “What are you doing? I’m sorry! I’M SORRY!!!!!”

“That’s right,” I said, stopping the walls. “You are. Or, at least you will be. Number 32!”

The henchman assigned to prison guard duty came up to me. “Yes, boss?” he asked.

“Bind the mayor and have him taken to the Hypnotron,” I said. Number 32 gasped.

“Are you sure, boss?” he asked.

“Yup,” I answered. “Very sure. Strap him down tight and when the big ape over there is done spackling have Number 2 bring him to the testing chamber. Right now I’ve got an itching to scramble some brains.” I turned on my heels and stomped down the corridor to the Hypnotron.

Coming Soon: - Part 5 – The Hypnotron
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Post by Volobond »

Ooooh, the Hypnotron! Honestly, [mention]wataru14[/mention], each new chapter of this turns me back into the giddy little middle school boy always eager to see muscly superheroes tied up or chained down. Using Diesel in such a humiliating way and hopefully some more fun bondage with both the mayor and hapless hero? I'm excited. Both you and the good doctor have my highest praises.

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Post by george_bound »

Haha so light and so fun... but the right amount of darkness to counter... and so many manipulations by the Doctor! This is definitely shaping up to be a classic that will be bookmarked on my bookshelf. The character development, bondage methods, and wit are all simply impeccable!

Can't watch for the Hypnotron :P
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Post by george_bound »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago Honestly, @wataru14, each new chapter of this turns me back into the giddy little middle school boy always eager to see muscly superheroes tied up or chained down.
Yep, I think our good mate [mention]Volobond[/mention] pretty much sums up my delight when I read a new chapter of this tale!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Such a great update,wataru14
As I read along, I picture The Abominable Dr. Calamity as a film. The asides or thoughts of Dr. Calamity (played by Tom Hiddleston) is like breaking the fourth wall that separates the audience from the actors. Such great imagination and writing you have.
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Post by george_bound »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago @wataru14 I love how your story is shaping up. I picture Chris Hemsworth as Deisel, Tom Hiddleston as Dr. Calamity, and a young George Clooney as the Mayor.
I agree with the first two [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] but I'm seeing Sam Page or Scott Foley as the mayor... just because ;)
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I share the excitement over Hypnotron of the other commenters but I also loved the other classics in this chapter. Strapped in front of a laser, forced to labor for the villain etc. You have a great taste in putting helpless men into perilous situations.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

george_bound wrote: 3 years ago
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago @wataru14 I love how your story is shaping up. I picture Chris Hemsworth as Deisel, Tom Hiddleston as Dr. Calamity, and a young George Clooney as the Mayor.
I agree with the first two @KidnappedCowboy but I'm seeing Sam Page or Scott Foley as the mayor... just because ;)
I love Chris Hemsworth as Diesel and Sam Page as the mayor... but I was thinking Jake Gyllenhaal for Dr. Calamity?

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