Captured Couple. MM/MF

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Captured Couple. MM/MF

Post by WyattW5 »

Request by Ropelover28nj.

In a bungalow on Spenser avenue. Nathan Reeves sits in his living room the six-foot expanse of his body sprawled from one end of the couch to the other his foot hanging over the edge. His brown hair is disheveled as he lounges watching the television.

A mild distraction from the awesome plans of this weekend. Awaiting his lovely lady Hannah. Smiling at the mere thought of her he began to picture their weekend together.

Breakfast in bed for her in the morning. A small horse-drawn carriage ride around the park followed by a picnic. An all fresco styled restaurant for dinner then a walk along the Atlantic before escorting her home for some much-needed bedding.

Nathan blindly thinks of the events in his planning. When the sound of the door opens and I hear footsteps coming. Up surprised, I jump to my feet and walk for the door.

“Hello, there sugar plum” smiling in Hannah’s direction the young woman smiles “hey you” she smiles running up she is five foot four short black hair dressed in a tight sweater over a blouse. Snugly holding her bosom in a veiled view.

Picking her up by the waist he lifts her she wraps her legs around his waist to balance themselves. While Nathan was kissing her. Brushing his hand over her cheek. The two of them plop onto the couch and Nathan looks into Hannah’s eyes.

“How are you doing?”

“Missing you” Nathan speaks quietly before plucking a kiss to Hannah’s lips then her nose and her cheeks before she presses a hand to his lips.

“Easy big fella saves ourselves for tomorrow I imagine we are going to be both eager once I see the surprises you’ve been taunting me with all week” I smile and brush a strand of hair from her eye.

As they sit on the couch Nathan can all but admire the plump ass stuck against his erection pushing at his jeans. Even the bust in his chest was plump they rose and fell with each breath. Causing his erection to grow only harder.

“What can I say when it is anniversary time it is a body’s task to make sure it is special for their partner” Nathan speaks pulling Hannah’s body only closer to his own.

A knock on the door alerts the love birds of someone at the door.

“I’ll get it... you try to contain the tent in your pants” Hannah smiles pecking Nathans cheek before walking to the door. Nathan rubs his chin before jumping up expecting the visit to take only a second Nathan began to walk from the living room into the kitchen.

“Nathan... Honey!” the strained voice of Hannah came through Nathan’s ears and struck his protective measures Nathan turned like a bull to find. Hannah was standing in front of a pair of men both wearing dark hoodies. Their faces concealed by masks the one holding Hannah had a bright gleaming blade against her neck as the other stood to hold a pistol on Nathan himself.

“Do nothing stupid and we don’t do anything unkind” the pistoleer spoke bluntly. Indicating with his pistol to lay down Nathan gave an annoyed sigh but did it without second look to Hannah.

“Everything is gonna be an okay baby just deep calm breathes” Nathan spoke the last words through a growl as the man with a pistol had stepped forward and began to wind harsh cord rope around Nathan's wrists and elbows.

“Christ do you have to”

“Say one more word” the man scowls while Nathan felt the cold barrel of the pistol at the back of his head.

“No not don’t hurt him” the other man spoke looking down on Hannah. His hand found her breast and she began to scream.

“Please no!” she whined and Nathan roared angrily “lay one goddamn hand on her and I’ll” Nathan had shaken the man off and was rising from his knees before he surged to push the other man away before he felt something hard on the back of his skull.

Throwing him to the floor Nathan looks up to Hannah to watch with blurry vision as the man holding her released his grip for but a few moments.

ten minutes later.

Nathan starts waking as he feels the soft fabric of his bed below his chest and stomach. Looking to his left he sees the wall and Hannah's nightstand. Looking to the right he found Hannah naked as the day she was born her wrists and elbows wound together with coarse yellow rope meant for tying down tarps. It dug into her skin.

Cursing he looks to her face to see her make up smearing down her cheeks as tears fall. Her mouth was covered with several layers of tape wrapped around her mouth and chin.

“Naphaph...” as Nathan began to talk he found his mouth struggled to make anything above a sickly cows moo. Looking over Hannah’s form her arms were tied to her ankles bent backward's over her plump little bum. Stay focussed man. Nathan mentally kicked himself as he looks from her ass to her bare feet the cute little toes wiggling with bright pink toenail colored.

“Well it looks like our big man here is awake...” one of the two men spoke as Nathan turns to face them cursing and growling into his tape. Biting down he felt something soft in his mouth, it tasted like dirt his mind went to his socks he felt around his feet which were tied to his ankles much like poor Hannah.

He felt his arms brushing against his naked torso as he rolls to his side he looks down on his captors his eyebrows rise. To see his cock rising and he rolls back to his belly only to crush it painfully.


“Ooh, that oughta hurt” one of the burglars admits with a grunt of mock discomfort.

“Fuphf ophf” Nathan calls when one of the burglars approaches Nathan rolling him onto his side before the man places a firearm to Nathan's forehead. Closing his eyes the last thing Nathan hears is a gunshot and the sound of Hannah’s cry.

Nathan's eyes pop open. Hannah sits on Nathan’s lap her arms around his neck her brilliant blue eyes unsure and curious.

“Nathan are you okay?” taking a deep breath the man gives a deep sigh of relief. Bringing her in for a kiss

“Oh Baby I had the weirdest daydreams ever... but I’ve never imagined you any sexier” Nathan smiles brushing his hand over her cheek the girl shakes her head “come on tell me about the daydream over a cup of water” she takes his hand and escorts him away.