Castle Bound (MMM/FFFFFF)

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Castle Bound (MMM/FFFFFF)

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Part One


The car finally braked to a stop. "Yay," My younger sister Jocasta exclaimed as she opened the door on her side. "Just about time to stretch my numb legs and arms."

"You better stretch well," my younger brother and the youngest in the family remarked. "It'll be your last stretch for a long time...ow!" Jo pinched his arm.

"Stop it you two, this is a holiday, can't you keep the quarrels away?" My Mother remarked.

Both my siblings glared at each other turned their backs as they helped pull out their luggage. A sudden breeze swept through the carpark and I furiously rubbed my bare arms and legs.

"Told you to dress warmly," Mum remarked. Hey, this was suppose to be a holiday away from the dreary British winter, not one where the weather was still cold, I thought. Not replying, I yanked out my suitcase and followed my family towards the sign saying 'Mandatory Registration Centre'. It was a short queue and next to us was a burly man in uniform. The whole place looked like that of an immigration centre.

"Ladies to the side," he barked in a thick accent. "All ladies to the side, hands on your head."

With our bags left with the men, we did as we were told. Nearly half an hour later, dad motioned us to a side room and simply said, "Ok, it's time. Assume the position." We each turned around and place our hands behind us. As soon as I did, I felt soft nylon rope draw them together and in just over a few minutes, my hands were bound behind my back. "Open wide," I heard my brother say and as soon as I did, a thick cloth was inserted between my teeth and secured behind my back.

Ok, I'll have to explain. This is not some weirdo family or punishment for us siblings. Rather it's a family vacation to a mystery castle called Castle Bond in a small landlocked country in Europe near the Alps. The whole castle was built in the 16th Century and today it is a famous holiday resort with a twist: All female and only female guests must be restrained and gagged while in the castle. This dates back to the history of the castle where women staged an unsuccessful rebellion against the king and were bound and gagged as a punishment for months after. The owners of this castle, the Bond family, latched on to the history and visitors across the many decades accepted the idea. My family, well particularly my sisters, use to play lots of tie up games with the boys my eldest sister knew. My parents, well, seemed to also partake in this sort of activity. My youngest brother was only just introduced to TUGs when our parents caught us in the act. Instead of punishments, they admitted to us that they to played TUGs when they first met. A quick Google search revealed this place so it seemed perfect for all of us.

I tried to balance myself but it wasn't easy, wearing heeled boots. "Ok," my father announced as he secured the knot behind my mother's head--all three of us were bound and gagged in the same fashion. "Jon, grab their bags. Let's go, the main meeting will start soon." My brother gave a slight remark that we over packed but dragged both our bags. Outside, other families and couples were streaming out of the centre. All ladies and girls were definitely bound and gagged in various ways with different accessories. All of them were in the company of some male or young boy. Dad had pre-registered in in advance and luckily for us there was a lift; I didn't fancy using the steps in my condition. The room or rather suite we were allocated was huge, well, my family is huge. I've three other older sisters who would only be joining us tomorrow. That's Avena, 25, Imogen, 29 and Sayle, 31, the oldest and the only sister married--she would be joining us with her husband, Martyn. Jo is 20, I'm 22, Jon just turned 18.

"Ok, we don't have time to fully unpack now." He reached over and undid my bonds. "You may just want to wash your hands and change your footwear." I brought my hands to my gag but he waved. "No, your gag stays on, remember our agreement." Ok, another explanation: Castle rules state that all women must be bound and gagged when outside, unless they have medical issues. But inside the rooms it is optional. Since our family has played TUGs, dad ruled that we would still be bound and gagged while inside our guest room. I head to my allocated bed and unzipped my bag, exchanging my boots for dark tights and sensible flat heeled shoes. After a quick handwash, I was back in the main common area to see my brother retying my sister. "Hands, Freyja," Jon said. I'm sure you're enjoying this, I thought as he tied my wrists again with the same rope. That was not the end as I saw both them pull up black cloths from the packets they were given.

"Whmmm?" I queried.

"They said all girls have to be blindfolded for the introductory meeting," Dad explained and both men applied the blindfolds. They looked like ordinary black cloth but boy it immediately blocked out my vision. Unable to speak properly, move my hands or see, I was at the mercy of my brother as he guided both me and my sister back down. It was short walked through a corridor and my ears heard the noise of more individuals. Next, I felt hard surface as I was helped down on a chair. That was far from the end as I felt my ankles bound and more rope secured me to a chair. Then, someone tested a microphone and I heard a voice boom. "Ladies and gentlmen, welcome to Castle Bond...." The next two hours was an introductory speech about the castle and the main rules and regulations. Usually, I would rather read the powerpoint presentation or slides on the screen but without proper sight, I was forced to listen instead. "Ladies and gentlemen, please remember to sign up for the sessions tomorrow. We understand many of you have prior experience, but it is still compulsory to attend. With that, I wish you all an enjoyable stay." Finally, we were released and soon back in our guest room. Since we all wanted to shower, it was bonds, blindfolds and gags off which was a welcome relief.

But soon enough, it was dinner and that was down at the restaurant below. I sauntered over to the partitioned side of of the room and looked at my suitcase. I picked out another strapped dress--I arrived in one--but this time added a thick cardigan, pulling on some black tights on wore the same shoes. I wasn't about to wear heels for my first day. "You look stunning sis," my brother commented as he yanked my hands behind me. "," I grunted at his comment and the tightening of the new ropes around my wrists. Another one of rope ropes went around my waist, pinning my arms to my back. Once again, I was guided by him and my father took my mother and Jo. In the lift, a guy and what looked like his girlfriend in a strapless black and patterned dress. She was extensively wrapped with ropes all over her arms, wrists and breasts and had a cleave a OTM gag. My father and brother greeted him and I initiated eye-to-eye contact with her. I could sense she was saying, you're lucky girl, look at how much I'm trussed up.

A few more steps and we were at the hotel's restaurant. "Good evening sir," the maître d greeted my father. "Table for five? Will your wife and daughters be using their hands or require assistance?"

My father immediately replied, "We will be feeding them." What the heck?!

"Very well sir. Margo," he called. Suddenly, a waitress with a rather short skirt and patterned tights came up to us. What surprised me was that she was gagged with a red ball gag protruding out of her mouth. Her hands were cuffed in a rather long set of handcuffs in front of her and looking down, her ankles were also encased in leg irons. "Thsmwy," She spoke through her gag and guided us to a table. As she handed out menus only to the men, I noticed that other female staff were similarly dressed, bound and gagged. Oh my gosh, they really were serious about this bondage!

Usually, I could engross myself over the various dishes on offer but being bound and gagged and with my brother sitting opposite me, I was deprived of that. Instead, he just read out the dishes. We ladies settled on the local river fish in breaded form while the men got steak. Such and agreement was done by gag speak. Margo, the waitress arrived with bread and expertly placed the rolls on our side plates despite her fetters! It was only after my brother buttered the roll did he reach over and and lower the cleave gag.

"Open wider sis," he said and boy did it feel humiliating being fed by the baby of the family. The melting butter dripped down my chin.

"Jonathan, wipe it off." No response. "Jonathan!" My father yelled.

"Yes, Dad." Idiot, I thought silently. Just you wait when this trip is over.

Our mainly came and the spoon feeding continued with us ladies suffering under more humilitation. Finally,the last piece was swallowed. Dad held up my glass and I gratefully drank since the dish was quite salty. "That's enough, you be using the loo too much." Oh man, are you going to restrict our toilet usage just because we have to be bound all the time?

"Thnku, syammh," our waitress remarked farewell in gag speak. Back in our room, dad allowed us to just be wrist bound but told us girls not to talk. Mum then mouth a few words silently.

"Your mother wants to retire soon. The TV can stay on, but not too loud. Don't stay up too late; the sessions start at 10."

"Night dad," my brother said then turned to us girls. Suddenly, he tackled both of us down and tied both our ankles and knees. "Hey!" Jo cried.

"Oh you broke silence, do you want to shut up or be gagged."

We both glared at him and accepted the light hog tie.

"Now, what's on...." he flicked on the TV Surprisingly, all channels were in English but rather boring shows. Just over an hour later, we two girls were in bed, with our hands lightly bound in front of us and gagged with a small strip of medical tape. Thus ended the first evening in Castle Bond.

Last edited by freyjaceleste862 6 years ago, edited 5 times in total.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Part 2:

I was awaken by both the burst of sunlight and a hand shaking me. "Hey wake up, Freyja," it was my dad. "Time to rise; we've lots to cover today." I instinctively tried to say "morning" but it came out as "mmrning". It was then I saw the state I was in and remembered where I was. But soon he undid my bindings and tape gag, giving me a sip from a bottle with a straw.

"You've less than ten minutes to the shower and out. Go!" It was like camp all over again and I did my best to scrub myself and stretch my limbs since I wouldn't have the chance to do so for the rest of the day. Back out, I had barely changed back to my PJs and a bra when dad returned. Obediently, I accepted the cloth wrist bindings and cleave gag. The rest of the family was in the common dining area with mummy in her dressing gown and Jo opposite her. My brother was bending down on her chair when my dad cleared his throat. "Not now."

"But dad..."

"I said 'not now'. Help Freyja sit." I was glad dad didn't want our ankles bound so early in the morning. With our gags lowered, it was spoon feeding time again. Dad had ordered a classic full English which was alright for me but not so when my brother literally shoved the food in my mouth and got the sauce and butter again on my chin. "Jonathan..." Dad scolded.

Well, it wasn't better with the tea. First, my brother added too little milk and being told to to speak, it was hard to give corrections. Second, he nearly splash some of the hot drink on my lips. I gave up and gestured to the juice. Finally, another meal without the ability to use my hands was over. But not time to relax. "They said nothing special for the sessions, but girls should ideally be in skirts or dresses." Jo gave a dejected look; she's not the skirt or dress type. "Weather is much warmer today so you can shed the hosiery. Get changed."

I selected a thicker strapped cyan blue dress with the same bra yesterday and new black knickers. Back came rope for my wrists bindings, this tight more secure. The cleave gag seem thicker or was it my brother's evil plan for me? Jo, mum and me were made to sit on floor while our ankles were given a "leg-iron" type rope binding. "Ok," dad said, re-checking mum's bonds. "I'll be heading back down to pick up Avena, Imogen Martyn and Sayle. Jonathan," he turned to my brother. "Watch over all. And that's it. Not additional binding, no additional gags, no play, you got it?"


"Yes what?"

"Yes dad." I hope you mean that, I thought and luckily he did. Around fifteen minutes later, the door opened to reveal my brother-in-law, Martyn, and my other sisters. Avena was in an ankle length skirt with black ropes circling her lower torso and her wrists behind her back. Her cleave gag was was black as well. Imogen, my red-haired sister, was in a red tube top with a rather short jeans skirt. She was bound and gagged similarly but with coarse brown rope. Sayle, the married girl, was also bound and gagged in the same way, wearing a knee length translucent dress. All girls were brought down to the floor near us but Imogen emitted a "omw!" as Jon brought her down.

Dad gave him another verbal reprimand and Imogen quickly crossed her legs lest there be an upskirt. "Alright, welcome all. As you know, despite our own history and experience, we still have to attend the session which will teach us everything from basic ties to advance erm bondage. But as a family, we still have some major rules of our own for these few weeks of stay. One, all ladies will still be restrained and gagged in their rooms unless scenarios or orders are changed. Two, no one is to wonder off b themselves, boy or girl. All girls must be accompanied by one of us guys at all times, unless we formally allow other men to escort you. Three, we will still give toilet breaks despite the daily restraining and gagging. If you need to go urgently, say "mmmph, mmmph" loudly. Safe word for removal of restraint is "mmm" for restraint and "mmpph" with a shake for your gag. Other rules will be what they dictate and what happens as well go along. Got it?"

We girls nodded. "Ok, Despite the uneven ratio, here's how it goes. I'll take Donna (that's my my mother) and Imogen. Jonathan, you take Freyja and Jocasta. Martyn, Sayle and Avena. Let's go." Jo's ankle bonds were off and my brother dusted her black skirt. Then it was my turn with his right arm holding me and Jo on his left. Even though I had chosen flat heeled shoes, it still wasn't easy balancing myself. Luckily, we were the only ones in the lift--perks of such a large family. Downstairs, couples and families were all heading to the conference room again, with daughters, mothers and girlfriends all bound and gagged in various fashions. Dad presented a card to the guard at the door when I spied two different lines. "Ladies this way, men that way," the guard waved.

"But, we're a family," my dad protested.

"This is how it will be for the session. Don't worry, you'll see each other after." Wishing us 'bye' and 'good luck' they, joined the male queue while other marshals guided us ladies. One clip tags on our left breast area. "You'll see why," he said as he ushered us in.

All the ladies were hustled to one corner and then men directly opposite them. "Alright, silence!" Some six-foot tall guy in faded jeans and checkered shirt said. "It's quite simple. You all have number tags but you girls are well silenced. Each guy will step forward call out their number and the girl with the corresponding number will pair with him. Got it? Go!" It was a messy work of calling and a guy shorter than my 1.75m height was paired with me. "Hi, I'm Carter," he said, holding out his hand then realising the silliness, withdrew it.

"Oh, pairs, step forward." The session was about to start.


Post by freyjaceleste862 »

This part is inspired by sarobah's story/stories "The resort"
Part 3:

I inched forward when suddenly Carter's hand shot out. It felt cold and the grip wasn't as strong as my brother's. "Mmm," I mumbled, not showing either disgust or like at the moment.

"Couples, take a seat on any part of the matted area," the same man said and still held by Carter, we both did. I quickly crossed my legs though I guessed that there would be unintentional or forced up skirts later. "Alright all," the guy introduced himself as Erik with a 'k', and he was one of the descendent of the original owners of the castle. Next to him was a girl in a spaghetti top and knee length skirt, with a OTM white gag and ropes around her busts, wrists behind her back. Erik introduced her as Karin and continued briefly outlining what was on the programme.The workshop would be divided into three two-hour sessions during the daytime, a lunch break, same format for the afternoon and a final two hour in the evening. First, we ladies were all unbound and gags off but told to be silent. The firs session was called “Basics” and that’s what it was – nothing really new to me, although I picked up a few handy hints about stuff like the best materials to use in different circumstances: rope, tape, that sort of thing. Then we were given basic gags--cleave with different cloth, cleave stuffed, OTM, OTM stuffed, tape of all kinds of tape and tape stuffed. By the end of it, Carter had me bound with a blue nylon rope and hankie stuffed in my mouth with gaffer tape over. This session also involved advice from Erik for us girls: a good warm-up is the best way to prepare yourself, physically and mentally, for a tie-up session. It helps you to relax when under stress and also to become more flexible. "You'll be able to enjoy the TUG or bondage then," he said. TUGs or bondage or whatever we wish to call it is like a spiritual awakening--you are denied ability to move in the world around you, your gag prevents communication and, he held up a piece of cloth, "your eysight is gone." Yeah, back to the good ol' blindfold, I thought, as I felt the knot against my skull. " But when you’re cut off from the world, You discover strength in your vulnerability, power in your submission, self-reliance in your helplessness, sensuality in your suffering, ecstasy in your agony, joy in your shame, intense self-awareness in your sensory deprivation...." He droned on and on.

The final part of this session was a timed tie-and-gag session to see which team was be the fastest to get the girl bound and gagged. Erik yelled out several combinations like "cloth only" or "rope and cleave" or "rope and stuff". While it was quite fun to race, it was also really physically taxing and many girls and women suffered rope burns. Carter wasn't fast enough but Imogen and her parter, Donald, got third place for two combinations. "You'll get your prizes later," was the only comment. It was a short breaktime and water was passed around, again with us girls wrists bound behind our backs--Carter chose tape.

The next part moved to more advanced stuff like hogties. These were just with rope but with cloth. Hogties in my view are the more physically torturing as the strain muscles all over. Then, chairs were brought out and Erik taught chair ties of various forms, again with simple material. Then came out tables. "Table tie," Erik said. "Classic in ancient and modern times for interrogation and torture." Soon enough, my hands and legs were spread out like a starfish and tied with rope. I've hardly done table ties or spreadeagle ties before and it seemed just as bad as hogties. "Ok, next," he called. But that was not a call to relax. Rather, it was time for stuff like elbow ties. We started with a fairly loose binding, which was gradually tightened until – at least in some cases – our elbows came close to contact. Of course, as we know the major attraction is not that it totally immobilizes your arms, but rather the ornamentally enhancing effect it has on your breasts. By hauling back on your shoulders it forces your boobs outwards; and for the likes of myself, not generously endowed in that department, the enforced posture is rather flattering.

Next, we progressed to the lotus technique. This is where your legs, with ankles crossed, are drawn up folded to your breasts, and you are forced to bend forward at the waist until your shoulders are between your knees and your chin almost touches your heels. A rope is looped behind your neck and tethered to your ankles to keep you restrained in your balled-up position. With your hands still bound behind your back, this is a very effective arrangement because you’re completely helpless, unable to move anything – except maybe wiggle your fingers and toes. It’s also very taxing on your muscles and joints.

The came the ball tie, which was a little more relaxing but definitely meant dresses up for many and knickers exposed for the boys to see. I'm sure Carter was aroused well before that with the various TUGs/bondage, but his face didn't show. I strained to see the other family members. Jonathan is probably well having his briefs soaked with semen now, I thought. Sayle to Avena? I only spotted Imogen again. I was most concerned for mum--she wasn't the kind of accept stannous bondage especially with a strange guy. Was she given some one around her age or some young squirt?


Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Part 4:

Finally, it was lunch time and it was a good selection of bite-size food and international fare. Of course, it was boy-feed-girl but unlike my brother, Carter was much more careful not to get any sauce or liquid on my face or chin. He gave a short introduction of himself--German on his mother's side, American on his father's side, taking a gap year before taking a physics degree at a top Ivy League university. Interesting but well, not really one for immediate dating. Lunch over, the stuff tape gag went back on. The afternoon was for more advanced bondage and several younger girls politely dropped out.

"Breast bondage time," Erik announced. Ok, that's not too bad if done properly. My partner failed to do so properly and caused me to moan (not erotic moans) from the pain. Finally, with Erik's help, he got it right and boy did that also push my 34B boobs out. Just when I thought it was over, Erik said, "Ok now we'll try that again, with just underwear on." What?! But lo really, all the female folk were untied and took off their out clothing. Oh well, they did say this was the more advanced TUG/bondage part. With my hands undone, I dropped my dress to the ground, revealing my black lingerie underneath. I heard a typical boy's "woohoo" from Carter as he rebound my wrists and started work on the second round of breast bondage. He was a little faster this time. As he finished, Erik and Karin, wearing a silky red lingerie set with exquisite breast bondage and thick OTM gag, approached. "No, this rope goes here, and tighten that knot," he told Carter. As Carter re-did the corrections, my boobs really protruded out. I also became a little unbalanced and nearly fell down, had Carter not caught me.

"Okay, I see you you all are alright with this. Now boys, tied a overhand knot on a very long piece of rope." Oh, what now? Next, the boys soon tied on over our bare stomach area and I knew what this was: crotch rope. I was made to lie to the side and "mmmph" Eric yanked the rope between my buttocks and pulled it tight against my knickers-clad crotch, fastening it again the waist rope. "And girls, relax." But that was hardly an order to be followed since almost immediately, the knot pressed hard against clitoris and it soon swelled. Very quickly, it started to swell and I gave a short grunt through the gag. Then I believe the muscles there began contract there and my vagina juices started to flow out. then, "Mmmmahmm," the orgasm came. It lasted for a few minutes and I rolled about on the matted floor as did other girls. The resolution phase came but the crotch rope did it work again and the cycle repeated itsself. All the women were rolling on the floor and we couldn't help but collide into each other. I then spied mum in her high waist white knickers. Her breast bondage appeared looser but she had two knots instead of one for her crotch rope and boy was she moaning alot!

Erik left us girls in this erotic stage for just over an hour before he instructed the boys to remove the crotch rope. My knickers was not wet with all my vaginal juice and I myself was soaked with sweat. A quick drink and our breast bondage was removed and our outer clothes were back on. It was more advance gags time and they gave a series of ball gags, penis gags, butterfly gags, ring gags, jennings gags harness gags and all the other various adult gags around five minutes each. Erik finally said that girls could indicate their preferred gag and I nodded to the panel gag. As soon as the went on, he said, "now it's chains time." Oh yeah, handcuffs and leg irons! Those that they provided here felt lighter but firmer than the ones I've used before in my TUGs involving my sisters. Then finally it was to leather cuffs and then to plastics ties/handcuffs.

Before we knew it, it was dinner time. It was pretty rapid feeding and then the gags came back on with only a small sip of water. "Ok, we'll let you girl's pee, in various groups." If you think this was normal no. Our wrists were handcuffed to our front and our legs were still locked in leg irons. If you wore a not too long dress or skirt, it might be easy to lift it up or drop it down and wipe your female private part. But for most of us ladies it wasn't the case, so it was a huge challenge just to answer the call of nature. Back in the main room, the last session was test time. Carter still struggled with the various forms of ropes but scored high with basic gags especially tape gags and the more advanced bondage. Prizes were given out and we got runners up for zip ties and panel gags combo. Imogen got her prize from earlier and that was the end of it. "Alright, enjoy yourselves for he remainder of your stay her. If there's any questions you can Whatsapp me at..." He gave a number and all the men folk clapped.

We were soon reunited with our own family members and retied and re-gagged in the same manner. Back in the sanctuary of our guest room, we ladies changed into casual wear. Mum as she was the night before, turned in earlier, while the male folk had to unpack the suitcases of the new arrived sisters--perks of being bound and gagged! The TV was turned on and somehow the channel was a local programme from the Castle itself. On it was a newcaster, ball gagged and handcuffed, reading in gag speak!!! We all watched before we all called it a night. This time, it was thick tape gag, and tape around my wrists--thankfully in front--and ankles. "Night sis," my brother greeted and it was darkness.


Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Part 5:

I woke up to the feeling of both a dry throat and a roughly shaking hand. "Get up sis, it's bright and early," I heard my brother call. No sooner had he removed my gag did he clamp his hand down on my mouth. "No talking," he hissed, and I gave my best glare at him. Why would I, I thought. He roughly brought me up, dragged me to the bathroom and told me to brush my teeth. Giving him a quizzing look, I did as told then suddenly spied the red ball gag in his hands. "Wh..." I began but he clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Dad's orders. Every lady must be ball gagged for breakfast." I shook my head, not believing him.

"It's true," my brother growled and pinched my nose, allowing him to push the dreaded ball in side and secure the gag. "Ten minutes for bath. Don't you try remove the gag." Shaking my head in amazement, I managed to shower. Outside, i found my brother had laid out the shortest skirt I brought and a tube top.

"Nmmm," I shook my head. I'm not letting you dictate my dress code so early on.

"Ok, but you won't be so lucky later on. I'll turn around." I made sure he did then pulled on a fresher pair of knickers, plain beige bra and normal T-shirt and jeans. At the table, all the women were similarly gagged with either red or ball black gags and wrist bound with tape. "Alright, from now on, morning shows will be taken with ball gags unless you feel ill. There's no reason for you to talk there." Dad finally removed our ball gags and the men--dad, my brother, my brother-in-law--feed us a cold cereal breakfast. "Today it's a day tour of the castle. We'll all go and and different stages of the tour, you ladies will get types of bondage." The first one was tape. Tape was over not just my wrists but my elbows, really restricting my arm movement. The tape was was further secured with a piece of clean cloth in each of our mouths. My brother was watching over me and my other sister Avena. Dad took Jo and Imogen, my brother in law took mum and Sayle. In the lift, we met an elderly couple who looked as old as my grandparents. The lady was in a lose cleave gag and cloth bindings. The boys greeted them and downstairs, we all headed for the quite evidentlong queue. Everywhere, women and girls of all ages were bound and gagged in different ways. The young children were either cloth gagged or had loose wrist bindings or light duct tape gagging and bindings. Some young teenagers had bulging mouths, indicating that they were stuffed like us daughters. Those around our young adult age had more secure rope or even leather ties. Some chose to use plastic or metallic handcuffs, while other just did all rope. Gags for late teens and above included all kinds, from the cleave gag to the Jennings or ring gags which really tortured your jaw. Not a single girl was left unbound or ungagged. Even if girls travelled in all female groups, male staff from castle would escort them.

Dad got the tickets for the tour and us girls even had badges pinned to our breast area. "Welcome to Castle Bond's day tour, I'm your guide Johannes," a tall lanky man is a slight German accent greeted us. "Men, please ensure that your ladies are securely bound and gagged, especially those 12 years and above. Also, do not lose sight of your ladies. Alright, follow me." We did so then he pointed out areas which we have seen the day before. "That's the main entrance of the castle completed in 1600. The gate is still visible but hardly lowered and raised due to need for repair; we've constructed doors instead. Over there is the conference room. It was the main meeting room for King Bond and inner council during his year of reign. Major planning and dinners have occurred there." We moved further past the restaurant my family had dinner the first night. That wasn't around in those days. We passed by several arch ways and I was surprised to see a moat running near our feet.

"Yes, this is a moat. King Bond instructed that they channel the moat within, not around the castle," Johannes explained. But our gagged cries were more directed towards the wooden gallows structure in the middle. "Oh, yes, that's the King's main display, but not if you guessed, for hanging. Rather. women would be secured to poles over there and made standing for hours while water or dirty stuff would be thrown at them. Our menfolk guided us closer and the small notice did indeed it mentioned that ladies would be bound to poles--there where several poles sticking out from the structure, making it not like a normal gallows. "Today, female guests can be secured to the structure but only regulated water sprays and wet sponges will be thrown at them."

"Cool thingy. Can't wait to try it out," my brother commented. Asshole, I thought. You just love to see us sisters suffer.

Johannes then led us inside a small door where I nearly bummed my head Inside was a narrow corridor with rooms, no they were jail cells, but the bars were shiny. "The King and the knights would bring captive girls, and sometimes men, and lock them up in the cells, still bound and for the ladies, gagged. "Cuffs were rare in the early days, but soon iron fetters were available." As we moved closer, we saw the inside of the cells contain either a plain wooden bed with metallic cuffs on four corners or a single chair, also with cuffs at the front legs and arms rests.

"These are modern tables and chairs, but yes, if the women had committed serious crimes, there was no need to go through court, they would be sent down here and locked to either the chair or table. This would happen for nearly 24/7, with only breaks for food and the toilet. Today, females can either be restrrained to the table or chair for a period of time, or you can request them to be removed and try your own different restraints and gags there."

"Great!" My brother said and Jo and I gave him an annoyed glare.

"Break time," Johannes said. "Five minutes and we'll resume the tour."


Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Part 6:

Dad, my brother-in-law and my brother approached us bound and gagged ladies. "Ok, gags off first then we'll all give you a drink, then it's ropes and undies and tape gag."

Undies? I thought. Oh yes, knickers or panty gags. But this thought was interrupted as I saw my brother approach. Please don't...he peeled off the adhesive gag slowly but there still was the sting and quite possibly a red mark. He eased out the saliva-soaked cloth and I coughed in response.

"Sssh, no talking." I wasn't you fool, I thought but gratefully accepted the bottle of water to my lips. It wasn't exactly cold water not did it taste like the mineral water I knew but it was a grateful quench of thirst."That's it; don't wanna make you pee." I glared at him but he simply moved and cut away the bonds around my arms and wrists. I expected to get time to rub the circulation back but nope, he immediately tighten cotton ropes around the same area and before I knew it, I bound tightly again.

"Less than two minutes before we begin again folks," Johannes called.

"Open wide sis," my brother said and I noticed something bunched in his hand. I shook my head but knew it was inevitable. The cotton undies were jammed in and not one bit protruded out. Ripp! came the sound and soon enough, two strips of the same tape sealed my undies inside. "They are your beige ones, picked out from your suitcase when you were sleeping," he added. Asshole, asshole.

I turned and saw dad slap the same tape on mum's lips. "Alright people. Gentlemen; gather your ladies, the tour is about to begin again." Once more my brother's hand grabbed my arm and I was quite helpless as we moved off into a larger room. Inside were several tables but clearly, they weren't for eating or decoration. They did have ropes or leather straps connected to them. "This is the rack chamber," Johannes started. "The King and his inner circle would bring ladies charged with any offences here, strip them to their underwear or naked, and interrogate them until they confessed. For some strange reason, this chamber is the first phase before they bring the confessed ladies to the rooms you saw earlier."

"How do they interrogate them?" One guy asked.

"For the minor offences, it was simply verbal questioning and humiliation. For serious offences, cold water, heated objects were used. For even more serious," he gestured to another set of tables. "Whips and various devices would be struck."

"Wow, wee..." my brother breathed. "Can we actually..."

"Jaigo, we aren't in the business of making of humiliating the ladies or torturing them." my father growled. Yeah that's right little boy, don't you dare try to strap me to that.

"We do allow ladies to be restrained to them in their lingerie," he remarked, mispronouncing the last word. "But if you go naked, you must sign a consent form. And we monitor activities at all stations. Our staff will step in my we suspect action that is too extreme." That didn't make me feel any better.

"Over here is something rather new but similar," our guide continued and we entered what really looked like a medical operating room. Inside were four metal tables, with medical restraints and medical instruments by the side.

"This is a modern addition; the kingdom naturally wasn't that advanced. As the room suggest, this is for medical play. As before, ladies and well gents must sign consent forms if they want to be naked and no excessive play will be allowed. Both these areas are off limits to children and young teens." I heard couple of muttering of affirmative. No way should that happen.
We moved out into day light and by now, my knickers--the one in my mouth--was definitely soaking with all my saliva. It had not dried out my throat yet, but I guess that would change shortly. Johannes asked us to move single file along the walkway. Mum moved first, her mouth bulging with her high waist undies--I could see part of it stick out of her mouth. Dad followed after her. Next was Sayle with her husband steadying her, how cute. The red-headed Imogen, then Avena, then me and Jocasta, with my brother behind both of us. A couple of minutes later, I heard Johannes mention something when, WHUMP! I bumped into a frame.

"...careful of the arch way, it's short." Thanks for saying that after it happened, I groaned in my head and through the panty gag.

"Hey, you alright?" I turned to see....
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for helpingb to start the population of the site.
Ma I assume that the story will continue as M/F?
If so, I'd be grateful if you would edit the original title to conclude (M/F). Thanks.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Hi,
Thanks for helpingb to start the population of the site.
Ma I assume that the story will continue as M/F?
If so, I'd be grateful if you would edit the original title to conclude (M/F). Thanks.
yes new site didnt state this rule?
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Post by Xtc »

Chad has asked people to do it several times.
Rules are being sorted out gradually. Bear with us. Thanks for making the change.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Chad has asked people to do it several times.
Rules are being sorted out gradually. Bear with us. Thanks for making the change.
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Post by damselwriter »

I like the story, there isn't much M/F stuff on here and this is pretty good. The only complaint is that it seems repetitive but its pretty enjoyable overall. The first person perspective helps.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

damselwriter wrote: 6 years ago I like the story, there isn't much M/F stuff on here and this is pretty good. The only complaint is that it seems repetitive but its pretty enjoyable overall. The first person perspective helps.
nothing wrong with repetition.
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Post by damselwriter »

freyjaceleste862 wrote: 6 years ago
damselwriter wrote: 6 years ago I like the story, there isn't much M/F stuff on here and this is pretty good. The only complaint is that it seems repetitive but its pretty enjoyable overall. The first person perspective helps.
nothing wrong with repetition.
youre right

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

damselwriter wrote: 6 years ago
freyjaceleste862 wrote: 6 years ago
damselwriter wrote: 6 years ago I like the story, there isn't much M/F stuff on here and this is pretty good. The only complaint is that it seems repetitive but its pretty enjoyable overall. The first person perspective helps.
nothing wrong with repetition.
youre right
It is introducing the castle based on one sister's view.
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