A simple visit begins a life of Submission. FF/M

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A simple visit begins a life of Submission. FF/M

Post by dl68 »

This is posted as a response to a Story request in the Adult section. It is a story I began writing several years ago under a different title - I have changed the title to avoid confusion with another story on the forum.

A simple visit begins a life of Submission - FF/M

Chapter 1

Daniel has been married to Clare for 5 years. He is a senior IT manager working in the London Stock Exchange and she works on the creative side of an advertising agency. They live in Essex in the UK and both are regularly away on business and at a weekend they always seem to be entertaining friends; all of which means they have precious little time together.

Whilst they have a love life it is, by the standard of things Daniel has read recently on the internet, conventional and certainly couldn’t be described as regular or indeed frequent.

During one of the lonely evenings when Clare was away, he found himself looking at various Escort websites on his laptop; although he wasn’t quite sure why. He started to wonder whether he dared book a visit to one of them, in the hope of trying something new. In his mind the reason was to use whatever learning to “spice up” his love life with Clare.

Impulsively, and uncharacteristically, he decided he would go ahead; particularly when he came across a webpage describing Mandy. Unusually it had a picture that didn’t have a pixelated face, and the woman shown was quite stunning. Her rates seemed reasonable and the location given was local; but not so local that he might bump into her afterwards. He decided to go ahead; but some planning was required to keep it secret from Clare.

He had watched enough TV programmes to know about tracing calls and the browsing history on computers, so he purchased a pay-as-you-go SIM card with no forms to fill in for cash and loaded £10 of credit on it again using cash.

Back at home he replaced his own SIM in his smart phone, and then, having entered the number from the website, hesitated before pressing “call”. He wasn’t sure whether it would be an answering machine and if so what he would say; but when the connection was made it was answered immediately by a woman.

‘Hi … is that Mandy?’ he stammered, suddenly losing any confidence he might have had. ‘No’, said the lady; ‘but I look after her appointments. When would you like to meet and what services are you looking for?’

Daniel already had a date in mind; the next time Clare was working late and would not be back until the early hours of the morning. The lady checked her diary and confirmed Mandy would be available on the evening of that day. She told him that Mandy only did outcalls and seemed surprised when he asked what that meant.

‘Well she can come to you, or more usually the client books a room in a convenient hotel’, she explained. The thought of Mandy visiting their house wasn’t something he had contemplated, and equally he didn’t know how he could book a hotel without using his credit card, and that would provide a way of tracing the booking back to him.

He started to make excuses to end the call, but the lady seemed to sense his dilemma and said; ‘if it’s a problem sir, Mandy can book the room and add the cost to the tribute’, she offered.

Things were looking up he thought. The lady then started talking about the “services” he would require, and once again he found himself tongue-tied and at a loss, particularly when she started to reel off a load of initials, clearly relating to the type of services.

He realised he must come across as a client with no previous experience, particularly when he blurted out “yes” to almost everything she mentioned, simply to finish the call. She suddenly switched from a business like approach, to one he could best describe as a motherly tone, a tone he admitted afterwards he quite liked.

She asked him about himself, “just to be able to help him decide the services he might like”; and he found himself telling her his life story, his relationship with his wife and his frustrations. He thought he had managed not to mention any names or personal details, but thinking back afterwards he wasn’t too sure.

‘Well, I don’t normally tell clients this; but Mandy does offer an extended service for clients who want to try a range of ideas, and of course any additional services during the session are only between consenting adults.’

She continued; ‘I do understand that it is an expensive option, but you might find it more relaxing not to be rushed, and a “happy ending” can be guaranteed if that is what you would like’, she said, in a tone dripping with honey. Daniel surprised himself by agreeing before even asking the fee involved.

The £1,000 fee, or “tribute” as she called it, covered 3 hours and the hotel cost was extra. This was far more than he had been expecting to pay, but with his salary it wasn’t a problem. He would just have to be careful Clare didn’t notice the missing money; but fortunately they used separate bank accounts.

The lady asked his name and he said it was Tom; giving the first name that popped into his head. She said Mandy would text the hotel address and total fee to him on the number he was using and then she thanked him and ended the call.

Sure enough the details appeared on his phone a couple of hours later. He put the address into Google and was surprised it wasn’t listed as a hotel. He checked on Google street-view and it appeared to be a large property at the end of a narrow country lane, so he assumed it must have been recently converted, and anyway it was certainly a discrete location, about 30 minutes away from his house according to Google. He deleted the browsing history on his PC to cover his tracks and looked forward to the evening.

Chapter 2

A couple of weeks later he waved Clare off in the morning as she went to the station. She would get a taxi home after the client meeting and as it wasn’t scheduled to finish until midnight he knew she wouldn’t be back until at least 1am. He had told her he was working from home; but he found it difficult to concentrate on his work during the day.

At the end of the afternoon he showered, dressed and then went out to the car to remove any documentation that had their name or address on it. He placed £500 in cash on top of the spare wheel under the floor of the boot, in case he had an emergency, as he didn’t want to take any credit cards or anything that would betray his real identity.

He checked he had the cash for her “tribute” including the hotel in an envelope, locked up the house and drove to the address he had been given. He got to the area a bit early, so he waited in a lay-by just up the road as he didn’t want to arrive before 6 pm - the time they had agreed. Finally he drove down the lane and turned into the gravel car park at the front of the hotel.

There were no street lights on the lane and no welcoming “Hotel” sign, which set alarm bells ringing; but he got out, left his coat in the car and put his house keys and phone in the glove box. He locked the car and walked to the front door. It was as if someone had been watching him, because the door opened as he approached flooding the porch with light and a tall lady with long blond hair stepped out.

She was wearing a white leather short sleeved top with a deep plunging neckline, a very short black leather skirt and thigh length leather boots. She smiled a winning smile, and said in a very silky voice; ‘you must be Tom.’

She leaned forward and kissed him on both cheeks, causing him to blush. He recognised her from the website and stammered; ‘yes’. ‘Come on in’, she said, turning and walking into the hall swaying her bottom provocatively.

‘I thought this was a hotel’, said Daniel, looking around. She closed the door and laughed; ‘did Sue say that? No, this is my friend’s place, and she lets me use it for clients that would prefer not to book a hotel; if you know what I mean. She charges me of course, and I just pass that on to my clients’.

She took his hand kissed him lightly on the cheek again; ‘come on up’, she said, taking his hand. Putting his concerns to one side he allowed himself to be led up the stairs and into what turned out to be a bedroom.

The room was dominated by a large four poster bed, covered with what looked like a black silk sheet. An open door in one corner showed an en-suite bathroom, and apart from a dressing table, a chaise-longue and a movable screen sectioning off one corner, the room was bare.

She turned to face him and kissed him long and hard on the lips and he allowed her tongue to explore his mouth; ‘is this your first time Tom?’ she said when they parted. ‘Yes and to be honest I’m having second thoughts’, he stammered.

She slowly unbuttoned his shirt and reached inside to run her hands over his chest; ‘that would be a pity; there is so much we can explore, you just have to let yourself go. I know that you are married, but your wife will be rewarded I am sure because I can teach you so many new techniques’.

‘You’re right’, Daniel agreed, gaining confidence; although he wasn’t sure whether he should touch her or not. She seemed to sense his shyness because she lifted his hand and placed it on her left breast; ‘there is no “look, but don’t touch” during any of my sessions I assure you’, she purred, ‘but first how about a drink?’

She broke away from him and walked over to the dressing table, returned with two large glasses containing sparkling clear liquid. ‘It’s ok, it’s just sparking rosewater’ she said as she saw his frown; ‘I know you drove here, and I wouldn’t want to ply you with drink’. She downed hers and he followed suit, unaware that his contained a powerful diuretic.

She led him to the bed and he sat next to her, wondering whether he should make the first move. She flicked her long hair back off her shoulders provocatively and dropped her hand to his groin, noting with a smile the bulge of his erect cock, ‘someone’s ready to play’ she purred, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt and removing it.

She embraced him and kissed him and in the process gently pushed him back on the bed. The sheet was indeed made of silk, but there was a crackling noise as they lay down on it. She leant down to lick his exposed nipples and he in turn reached up to her breasts; still not sure whether he should undress her or let her do it as Clare always undressed herself.

Mandy had other ideas; she unbuckled his trouser belt and very gently removed his trousers and socks, leaving him just wearing a pair of white silk boxers that bulged with his powerful erection. She rolled on top of him and nibbled his nipples, something Clare had never done and he was surprised at the sensual feeling it created.

Whilst he was distracted she hooked her fingers into the top of his boxers and eased them over his cock. Soon they fell on the floor, leaving him naked and yet she was still dressed.

They cuddled for a while as she explored his body. She nibbled his earlobes and gradually worked down to his genitals and he gasped in pleasure as her mouth closed on the head of his penis whilst she tickled his balls with her long fingernails, “if only Clare was this good”, he thought. He still wasn’t sure about whether to undress her.

Eventually she stood and performed an effortless striptease, until she too was naked, allowing him to gaze on her pert breasts. When his eyes lowered to her waist he saw she was completely nude in the genital area; unlike Clare he thought. ‘Do you like what you see?’ she purred, stroking the end of his cock with her long fingernail. ‘You are gorgeous’, he said, dreamily.

She gently took his hand and helped him off the bed and embraced him; ‘what do you want to do now?’ she asked with a grin. ‘I don’t know’, he said nervously. ‘Oh come on big boy, what are you waiting for’, she said huskily messing her hair and throwing herself back onto the bed, arms and legs outstretched.

Everything he had read about Escorts said that sex was not normally allowed, but then he recalled an article he had read online that said some Escorts offered “full service” to some clients. The lady on the phone had mentioned something about services between consenting adults but he didn’t recall saying “yes”, but then again he couldn’t recall saying “no” to the offer either.

He reasoned he was here and she was clearly up for it; so instincts took over and he leant over the end of the bed and climbed on top of her, inserted his cock into her surprising wet pussy and started to fuck her.

He had just got in the rhythm when she reached up and kissed him; ‘slow down Tiger; the evening is young’. She rolled out from underneath him which was rather frustrating. ‘I was enjoying that’, he said rather strongly. ‘Trust me’, she said, ‘take things more slowly and you will enjoy it more. We have plenty of time; you lie back on the bed and I’ll show you what I mean.’

Her tone of voice made it more of a command than a request. She helped him to turn over so that he was in the middle of the bed on his back. She kissed him long and hard again and then gently played with his wet cock, licking the pre-cum which was dribbling from it.

She moved to licking his nipples and as he closed his eyes with the pleasure that created she gently took hold of his left hand with her right and moved it up the vertical post of the four poster bed, noting he didn’t resist.

She pulled out a silk scarf from under the sheet. It was already tied to the post and she quickly tied the free end to his wrist. ‘Hey what’s going on?’ he demanded, opening his eyes. She put a finger to his lips; ‘shush, just go with it; you will enjoy it I promise.’ Quickly she secured his other wrist and then his ankles in the same way. He now lay stark naked, staked out on the bed.

She sat astride him and used her hand to guide him back inside. Her strong vaginal muscles started to pump his cock as she slowly built up a rhythm moving up and down on the bed, making sure not to allow him to escape from her pussy. “Clare had never been able to generate such a rhythm” he thought.

His climax was inevitable, but it took longer than he was used to with Clare and he admitted that Mandy was right; long and slow was more enjoyable. She climbed off and went into the bathroom, making no attempt to release him.

He assumed she had gone for a shower, because that’s what Clare did straight after sex, but there was no sound of running water, and she back too quickly. Rather than returning to the bed, she opened the door and another woman walked in. She was wearing a silk dress which could best be described as a baby dress with frills everywhere and her hair was done up in bunches tied with white ribbons. There was a strange rustling noise as she walked in.

‘Who are you?’ Daniel asked. ‘This is Sue’, said Mandy, ‘you spoke to her on the phone and because of what you confided in her, I knew you were the type of person I could work with.’ ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’, he shouted, ‘just untie me and I’ll be on my way, there has been a terrible misunderstanding’.

‘I don’t think so’ said Mandy walking over to the bed holding the tablet PC Sue had brought with her. On it was an image of him leaning over Mandy, who was lying on the bed looking distraught. His cock was clearly impaled in Mandy’s pussy just as he remembered it; but in the photo she was the one tied to the bed as he was now. She was gagged and was clearly in distress. This was a rape photo if he didn’t know better.

‘Sue is really skilful in manipulating images; not that you could tell’, Mandy said handing the tablet back to Sue. ‘This, coupled with the semen sample I have just taken will play well in court I think. How will your wife feel I wonder?’ Mandy asked, laughing at his obvious discomfort. ‘What do you want?’ he stammered finally. ‘For now, only what you came here for; but the difference is we will do it my way!’

‘Sue, go and check his car for any information that might be useful, the keys are in his trouser pocket.’ ‘You won’t get away with this’, he said, feeling a little braver. ‘Oh but I do all the time. It’s quite easy to identify people like you, people with money who are naive and have something to lose if the session was exposed’.

‘But that’s enough explanation I think’. She walked to the cabinet and collected a pair of silk knickers and walked back to the bed; ‘open wide’, she commanded. Daniel kept his mouth closed but she clamped his nose and eventually he had to open his mouth to breathe and she crammed the knickers into his mouth. Before he could push the wad out, she twirled a silk scarf round and knotted it over his mouth to hold them in place. He tried to reason with her, but the gag meant it just came out as a “mmpfh” noise.

The door opened and Sue returned; ‘nothing much in the car’, she said; ‘it looks like he was pretty thorough in removing incriminating documents. I did find his phone, house keys and also there was £500 in the boot on top of the spare wheel’, she said, looking with pleasure at his embarrassment.

’Anything we can use on the phone?’ Mandy asked. ‘Well it might be locked; let’s check’, said Sue. Daniel cursed that he hadn’t put a pin code on the SIM card, but there wasn’t anything on the card other than Mandy’s number so he wasn’t worried.

Sue powered the phone up; ‘hmm just our number on the call log and your text on the SIM card but wait a minute; there are a couple of numbers on the phone’s internal memory. One says “Home” and one is a mobile number that says “Clare”’, Daniel strained against the bonds, but he was going nowhere and he could feel a trap closing.

Sue dialled the home number; ‘well, well, well’, she said, ‘the home phone goes to an answering machine that says; “Daniel and Clare are tied up right now so please leave a message”. Not far from the truth, except Tom is actually called Daniel and his wife is called Clare; so that means we know her mobile number’.

Mandy turned to Daniel; ‘ok Daniel; I guess you can work out that if you don’t co-operate we will text that photo to your lovely wife Clare; so what’s it to be?’ He closed his eyes and nodded.

‘That’s the right decision. Now you must be getting a bit cold, so Sue has looked out something for you to wear but first I’ll blindfold you to prevent you peeking.’ She tied a scarf over his eyes and then untied his wrists; ‘hold your arms up’. He complied and felt the sheer nature of something silky sliding down over his head. He was pushed back down onto the bed and the scarves retied to his wrists and then his arse was lifted and whatever he was wearing was smoothed out under him.

There was a noise like a curtain opening and Mandy removed the blindfold. He opened his eyes and saw that the canopy of the four poster had been pulled back to reveal a mirror and he saw himself reflected in it. He was now wearing a dress that matched the one Sue was wearing except where hers was white his was pink. Hers covered her shapely arse but his finished on his stomach leaving his limp cock exposed.

‘You do make a lovely baby girl, but a couple of extra touches are required I think’. The scarf gag was untied and replaced with a large pink dummy threaded onto a piece of pink ribbon that allowed Mandy to tie it tightly in place ensuring the knickers remained in his mouth. Sue jammed a pink bonnet on his head and tied it tightly under his chin to complete his outfit.

‘What a pretty pair of babies you make’, Mandy said; ‘We should have a photo of the two of you but first a baby should be wearing a diaper.’ Sue produced a large disposable diaper and pushed it under his bottom before taping it tightly on the sides. Daniel didn’t realise there were adult sized diapers. The short dress now showed off the white bulk of the diaper rather well and it made him look faintly ridiculous.

Strangely his predicament had caused a reaction he wasn’t prepared for - he felt himself growing erect under the diaper. Sue must have noticed the bulge; ‘look’, she said, ‘we were right, he is turned on by being in a diaper’.

Mandy grinned, but said nothing, as Sue climbed onto the bed and sat astride his diaper and lifted the skirt of her baby outfit showing him that she too had a diaper on. The two diapers came together as she sat down and ground up and down rubbing his penis against the soft material of the disposable diaper until he screamed into his gag as he felt himself cum.

He had never cum twice in quick succession, but then he had never been subjected to such torment. ‘Oh baby’s made a mess’, Sue said moving up to sit astride his head ensuring her diaper clad bottom pushed down onto his bonnet. She lifted her frilly skirt out of the way so that Mandy could continue to take clear photos of them both.

Despite lying on his back Daniel felt a growing urge to relieve his bladder, and although he had always been able to control it, for some reason this time was different and his face went beetroot red as he failed to prevent a stream of urine flooding into the diaper.

The indicator tapes on the side of the diaper turned blue. ‘Oh baby’s wet himself’, Sue said, in a high pitched voice for the benefit of the video Mandy was taking; ‘baby needs changing’.

She jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom and following the sound of a shower she came out naked drying herself off with a large fluffy towel. Her hair was now loose.

‘Right your turn to get clean’, she said untying the scarves holding him to the bed. He reached up to remove the gag but received a slap and the blindfold was reapplied and he was dragged into the bathroom. He was made to stand in the shower whilst the dress and wet diaper were removed.

He was showered by the girls, who rubbed what he assumed was soap all over him, including rather sensually his bum crack and at one point a finger briefly penetrated his rectum. He was towelled dry and led back to the bed.

The blindfold and gag were removed and he noticed immediately his body was nude from the neck down; ‘what have you done?’ he cried. ‘We like our slaves to nude’, Mandy said by way of an explanation. ‘But how will I explain this to Clare?’ he wailed. ‘You’ll think of something’, she said dismissively and pushed him back onto the bed; ‘now I think you can service us before you leave’.

Mandy climbed on to the bed and sat astride his face positioning her shaven pussy over his mouth and Sue knelt over his stomach on all fours with her own vagina in reach of Mandy’s tongue whilst her own tongue was able to lick his cock and balls.

‘I want to see what you can do with that tongue of yours besides moan’, Mandy said, reaching forward and grasping Sue’s bottom and at the same time driving her tongue deep into her vagina.

Daniel was crushed under Mandy’s bottom and was gasping for air, but he knew what was expected as he had done this to Clare a few times. He gasped as Sue took his limp cock and balls completely in her mouth and started to lick them, rolling her tongue around them.

He followed suit and soon his tongue was deep inside Mandy and juice was dribbling into his mouth. Finally with a scream Sue climaxed first, followed soon after by Mandy. Frustratingly he was not able to climax again.

Mandy and Sue climbed off the bed, both of them glistening with sweat; ‘I hope you had a nice time;, we certainly did’, Mandy said brightly, kissing him on the lips, ‘but now it’s time for you to leave.’

Daniel got dressed quickly, just wanted to get out of there. Mandy, still naked walked with him to the front door. ‘I hope to see you again’, she purred, ‘and I hope some of what we did together will help you with your relationship with Clare’. Daniel couldn’t wait to leave, so as soon as the front door was open, he bolted for his car and quickly drove off.

Mandy closed the front door and embraced Sue, who had joined her in the hall. ‘Do you think he will return?’ Sue asked. ‘Oh yes! He is a very good catch and I have no intention of letting him get away. I reckon I’ll give him a couple of hours and then I’ll call him’, she said laughing at the prospect.

On the way home Daniel felt his crotch become warm and wet and when his hand left the steering wheel he found he had wet himself. He couldn’t understand why this had happened as he had never had incontinence issues before.

He got home by 9.30 and showered; to make sure that there was no perfume on his body, and then washed his trousers and underwear. He put them in the airing cupboard to dry and then went to the garage to clean the seat in the car. Fortunately it was leather so there was no staining.

He wasn’t sure how he would explain his nude body to Clare; but hopefully she wouldn’t notice for a while as he wore pyjamas in bed. He carefully removed the SIM card from his phone and put the normal one back in its place. He locked the card away in a drawer containing his work files.

The home phone rang just as he was about to go to bed. ‘Hello Daniel’, said a voice he immediately recognised as Mandy; ‘I was just checking you got home OK and that you enjoyed our session.’ ‘Yes and I did enjoy some parts of it’, he said, truthfully.

‘That’s good, because I want you to book an overnight session within the next two weeks or I will send that photo to your wife’. Daniel stared at the phone in disbelief; “what have I got myself into?” he wondered. Mandy sensed his torment through the silence, ‘you have one minute to decide, before I press send’, she said simply.

‘Ok let me check the calendar’, he said quickly. Clare was due to attend a two day event in Blackpool on the following Monday, so semi-reluctantly he offered that date and Mandy agreed. ‘The cost will be £1,500 and I’ll throw in the “hotel”. I expect you at 10pm, don’t be late and one more thing, I expect you to be nude as you are now, I don’t want to find any stubble or there will be consequences’, she said ominously as she ended the call.

Daniel was asleep when Clare returned, and with their busy schedules they had no time for sex before it was time for Clare’s trip to Blackpool, so thankfully he didn’t have to explain his sudden lack of body hair. He went shopping and bought a shampoo that claimed to be able to remove the hair that had started to re-grow, ready for the next appointment.
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Post by dl68 »

Chapter 3

Daniel arranged to take Tuesday as a day’s leave. He told Clare he was working from home on the Monday; so he was able to kiss her good-bye as she got in a taxi to go the station. She was getting the train into London, then crossing to Euston to catch the afternoon train to Blackpool. Travelling First Class she would get a meal on the train.

After his evening meal, he showered, making sure to use the special shampoo to remove any body hair, and got dressed ready for, what he assumed would be a long night. Part of him was looking forward to it but part of him was worried about the consequences of the photo.

He installed the SIM in his phone and put the shampoo bottle in the locked drawer so that Clare would not find it. He was nervous and slightly worried about such a long session, but Mandy had a hold over him, so he reasoned he had no choice unless somehow he could get hold of the photo. Given his accident in the car on the way home last time, he put a change of clothes on the back seat just in case.

He drove to the house, making sure he arrived at 10pm as requested and as before the front door opened as he approached. Mandy was wearing a very short baby-doll slip in a white satin and as far as he could tell nothing else. ‘Come in’ she purred, closing the door behind him.

Her mood changed as soon as the door closed and the lock clicked; ‘Strip!’ she commanded. Daniel was taken by surprise at this tone of voice, but he complied, and soon he stood stark naked in front of her with his clothes in a pile on the hall floor. ‘Leave them there’, she said sharply before leading him upstairs. They passed the door to the bedroom they had used on his previous visit and continued to the room the other side of the en-suite.

Daniel gasped as he entered the large room. One wall was given over to a hanging rail with lots of dresses, uniforms and leather items. Wooden furniture, best suited to a medieval castle dungeon, was dotted about the large space and in the corner was what he recognised as an adult sized high-chair and cot. The ceiling and two walls were covered in mirrors and the floor was tiled in black rubber.

‘Welcome to my dungeon; only my special clients are brought here’, she said, offering him a drink. This time it wasn’t sparking rosewater, it appeared to be just water; but as he drained the large glass he noticed some blue bits floating in it, but it was too late to comment.

‘We have several hours to play together, so I think we should start by making sure you are clean.’ ‘I had a shower before I set off’, Daniel said. ‘I didn’t mean on the outside’, said Mandy, with a cold edge to her voice.

She rolled a mat onto the floor; ‘lie down’, she commanded. As he did as instructed Sue joined them. Daniel glanced over at her; noting she was wearing a very fetching bra, lacy knickers, suspenders and white tights. His cock twitched at the sight. She was holding two pairs of white frilly knickers which she proceeded to rub inside her own knickers before passing them to Mandy who did the same.

‘We have worn these for a couple of days; now you get to taste us’. Sue crammed them both in his mouth, he didn’t bother to resist as Mandy came forward with a strip of white towelling material in which she had tied a large knot. That went in his mouth and she tied it tightly behind his head he gagged on the pungent panties. She then bound his wrists together with more of the towelling strip before tying them to a bolt set in the floor above his head.

‘Now we have lots of things planned tonight; but clearly the Adult Baby and Diaper theme is something that turns you on so we’ll begin with that; however it won’t be a simple theme!’, Mandy said with an evil smile. He watched as she collected a box of diapers and various other items from a cupboard near the cot.

She pulling on a pair of latex gloves and then tore open the sterile packaging of a catheter. Carefully she applied lubricant to it and squeezed more into his urethral opening. She then fed the catheter down into his semi-erect penis, ignoring his muffled protests, until it hit his prostate. With a final push the catheter went all the way into his bladder.

Sue leaned forward with a small syringe full of water and injected it into one of the tubes of the catheter; ‘it’s now sealed in place’, she said by way of an explanation.

The other tube had a tap on the end and she held it over a jug and turned the tap. After a few moments a trickle of dark urine drained out of his bladder into the jug and it seemed there was nothing he could do to control it. ‘Imagine that in a diaper’, she said, ‘the ultimate in losing control’.

She held the catheter until no more liquid flowed out and then she picked up a huge syringe and carefully filled it full of sterile water making sure there was no air in it. The end of the syringe connected to the catheter allowing her to inject the water directly into his now empty bladder.

Once the syringe was empty she closed the tap, refilled it and repeated the process until the bottle was empty. After deflating the bulb she pulled the catheter out and Daniel cried at the burning sensation it caused.

‘There, what a good baby you are; you have taken over 3 litres of water without much complaint, well we wouldn’t have heard any complaints anyway would we?’ she laughed.

‘Your bladder may be full but you can take more liquid’, Mandy said, carrying another bottle of water over. The contents of that bottle were syringed deep into his rectum.

Daniel looked down and saw that his distended stomach made him look pregnant. After taping a diaper around his waist they added a pair of tight fitting rubber pants. It did not take any imagination to know that he would eventually evacuate both his bowels and bladder and he wouldn’t be able to control either. The strange thing was he now had a full erection which suggested he was actually enjoying his predicament!

The girls helped him off the changing mat and over to the cot and lowered the side to allow him to climb in. His wrists were tied to the bars above his head and more towelling strip - cut from a terry diaper, although he didn’t know that - bound his ankles to the bars at the other end.

Whilst the cramps increased Mandy pulled Sue down on the floor and sat astride her and brought her to a loud orgasm with just her fingers. They both then watched him squirm and soon they were rewarded by a loud fart and Daniel had no choice to let go. He felt warm material pooling in his crotch before a torrent of urine soaked his diaper and he cried out in shame. The tears rolling down his cheeks were absorbed by the towelling gag.

When they determined he had emptied himself he was taken to the bathroom to be hosed down and the discarded diaper went into a black bin bag.

Back in the room Mandy said; ‘I saw your eyes take in my rack of clothes when you first entered, so I think you should wear one for the next part of our session. But which one I wonder?’ ‘Why not let him choose?’ Sue suggested. ‘Good idea; which is it to be Daniel?’

Daniel walked over to the rail of clothes. He noticed there were very few male clothes; just a few football shirts and shorts, and various uniforms such as paramedic, chef and what look like a scout. The rest were all female clothes; there were baby clothes, leather dresses, cheer leader outfits, long and short skirts, uniforms; such as school girl, nurses and waitresses as well as various fancy dress outfits.

He flicked through the collection, rarely pausing on any of them, unaware that Sue was watching him intently. His gaze lingered longer on one and Sue declared; ‘that’s the one’.

She pulled it out from the tightly packed rail and held up a fancy dress costume made to look like an old fashioned Brownie uniform; one that was an all-in-one brown short sleeved top and short pleated skirt - not at all like the modern Brownie uniform. It had a sash with various badges sewn on and hanging from it was a bright yellow neckerchief.

‘Why this one?’ she asked. ‘I don’t know’, Daniel stammered. ‘Never mind, you chose it; so put it on.’ He pulled the uniform over his head and down to his waist, but the dress stuck out over his still erect cock. Mandy adjusted the sash and fitted the yellow scarf around his neck using the woggle that came with it. Sue took a photo; ‘you look good in it’, she said.

‘Right, my little Brownie, time to do some work and earn some badges’, Mandy said laughing. ‘The first badge is “tongue work” so we’ll have you kneeling and you can use that tongue of yours to good effect’.

She tied his wrists behind his back with rope and then his ankles were tied together and linked to his wrists with more rope. Sue tied a scarf over his eyes to blindfold him whilst Mandy tied a loop of thin nylon cord around his balls, passed it under the rope binding his ankles and tied it to the back of his blindfold. Now if he moved his head he would pull his balls through his legs.

She opened her legs and stood before him and pulled his head down to her pussy. He couldn’t see what she was doing but he screamed as his balls were jerked cruelly. ‘Use that tongue! Come on get on with it!’ Mandy shouted.

By feel Daniel found the lips of her pussy and started to lick; trying to build a rhythm and ignore the pain in his testicles. It seemed to work because it wasn’t long before Mandy stifled a scream as she climaxed and as he withdrew his tongue liquid ran down her legs.

She pulled the Brownie skirt up and dried herself with it. Sue then took her knickers off and stood in front of him and he had to do it all over again. The Brownie uniform was no longer pristine, not only was it stained with the girl’s cum but his cock was leaking on it as well.

‘What a messy Brownie you are; I think you should be taught a lesson, what do you think Sue?’ ‘I agree, but the Brownie should be gagged first; and I have just had an idea.’ She searched through the rack of uniforms and found a second yellow necker. ‘I thought we had two uniforms’, she said rolling the necker and tying two knots in middle. ‘Open wide naughty little Brownie’, she said, gagging him with the necker that matched the one he was wearing round his neck.

Sue removed his blindfold and guided him over to a wooden horse that looked like it came from a gym. He was made to stand at the narrow end and lean forward over the horse. Straps over his back held him down and then his legs were tied to the ankles legs of the horse spreading his cheeks and exposing his arse, which was exactly what she intended.

Mandy flipped the dress up to expose his bottom. ‘Now you cleaned yourself out, it seems a shame to waste the opportunity to fill your arse with something else’, she whispered in his ear. She lubricated her right hand and started to play with his rectum, beginning with a single finger. She laughed at his muffled cry as, without warning, she forced the finger deep inside and started to rotate it.

As his sphincter muscle began to relax she was able to get two, then three fingers in at the same time at which point she stopped. Daniel could see in the mirror that Mandy buckled a leather harness around her waist from which protruded a large lifelike cock.

She slowly lubricated it, holding his gaze in the mirror before stepping in and slamming it none too gently into his rectum. He bucked against the straps and screamed in pain but he was powerless to stop the abusing of his arse.

Daniel soon found out that Mandy’s dildo had a secret, when she had had enough she pressed a button and it shot a jet of fluid deep into his rectum simulating an orgasm. Daniel wasn’t to know that the fluid was a powerful laxative.

They undid the straps and helped him to stand. The Brownie uniform was now soaked in sweat. Sue walked him over to the side wall and tied his wrists together with rope and hauled them above his head to a hook on the ceiling.

She then wheeled a low bench over to him. Its height was just under that of his erect cock which was still poking out from the Brownie dress. Daniel couldn’t figure out why he was so hard; little did he know that the water he had consumed at the start contained two crushed Viagra tablets.

Mandy tied a loop of thin string around his balls as she had done before, but this time she looked him in the eye and attached a large weight. Without warning she let go, noting with pleasure his sharp intake of breath through the yellow gag as his testicles were stretched.

Sue connected two long elastic bungee cords from the legs of the bench to bolts set into the wall behind him and then lifted his dress and applied some lube to his cock.

She lay on the bench and put her feet either side of him, resting them on the wall. She manoeuvred herself to line up his cock with her rectum and pushed slowly, forcing him inside. Once he was fully home she tested the contraption. By straightening her legs she pushed herself away from the wall on the wheeled bench and his cock was pulled almost out of her. When she relaxed her legs the elastic cords pulled the bench back on its wheels embedding him again.

She declared herself ready and Mandy straddled her head lowering her vagina onto Sue’s mouth and fitting her legs into a pair of stirrups hanging from the bench. She was then able to lean forward to allow her fingers access to Sue’s wet pussy. Timing their movements they were able to bring each other to a powerful orgasm whilst Daniel was humped and his balls stretched painfully but he was unable to cum despite the Viagra induced erection. He was treated simply as a sex aid.

The bench was removed but Daniel remained tied. Mandy stood before him looking directly into his eyes. ‘It’s a shame that we both came and you didn’t, so we’ll let you have some relief’, she said as Sue tied a very slim vibrator to the underside of his cock.

Even with his dress lifted out of the way, the unit was so small that when he looked down he couldn’t see it, but he could feel its weight on his cock. Sue then wrapped his penis in several silk scarves pulling each layer tight and just leaving the engorged purple head free.

His balls were not left out of the process and soon everything was just a silk package sticking out horizontally with the brown Brownie uniform dress draped round it. Sue laid out several towels on the floor and Mandy held up a remote control. ‘Have a “happy ending”’, she said, pressing the switch.

The vibrator pulsed through its repertoire bringing him closer and closer to a climax. He was powerless to stop a large jet of cum flying out and landing on the towels below. ‘That’s a great shot’ said Mandy showing him the photo she had taken, capturing the exact moment his silk clad cock let go.

The girls then untied him, removed the Brownie uniform and forced him down onto the floor. His wrists were tied behind his back and linked to his ankles in a tight hogtie bending his body backwards into a tight arc. Mandy removed the weight from his balls and screwed a spiked cock ring down to the base of his still erect cock. She then fitted what looked like a leather bra over his shoulders. After a bit of lining up she tightened the straps, and then she rolled him onto his stomach laughing as he gasped in pain when the small pins set into the leather sank into the soft flesh surrounding his nipples.

She got up and went to the door. As she turned the light out she said; ‘we’ll leave you alone for a while to get your strength back, whilst I take care of Sue!’ With that she closed the door.

Daniel lay on the towels, that were damp with his cum, listening to the screams of orgasm as Mandy enjoyed herself – part of him wished he could be there taking part. As he thought about what they might be doing he ignored the searing pain in his nipples and cock, and humped the fluffy towel he was lying on until finally he achieved his own release which was incredible so soon after the last orgasm.

Sometime later the door opened and the light was switched on. When Mandy saw the mess he had made, she kicked him in his unprotected balls revelling in his pain. ‘That was very naughty to take it upon yourself to cum’, she chided. ‘Now, very soon we will let you leave, but first I think we have time to conduct an experiment and it might teach you a lesson at the same time.’

The hog-tie was undone and he was made to lie on the floor on his back with his legs up against the wall. Sue fitted leather straps to his ankles and tied a rope to each. She got a chair and looped one rope through a pulley in the ceiling to his left and the other to a pulley on the other side. As she pulled on the ropes Mandy pushed Daniel near and nearer to the wall until his legs were fully in the air and only his head and shoulders were on the ground.

Sue secured the two ropes to cleats on the wall and then tied Daniel’s wrists together and secured them to a bolt in the floor. ‘I think we underestimated the strain on his neck’, Mandy said. ‘Get something for him to rest on’. She ordered and Sue left the room and was gone for some time.

When she returned she had brought the clothes he had been wearing when he arrived and another pile; ‘I checked his car and found these as well’, she said, packing them under his shoulders and neck. ‘That should help a bit’, she said.

Mandy stood over him blocking his view of what she was doing but he felt her grasp his cock and balls and something pressed into them. He was wondering what was going on when Mandy left go a stream of urine which splashed down his chest onto his face and soaked the troop necker from the Brownie uniform they had left him wearing and the clothes he was resting on.

His gag prevented any going into his mouth but some did soak in to the yellow brownie necker so he was left with the smell and taste. ‘Oops, sorry about that’, laughed Mandy, ‘but I needed to go all of a sudden!’ She stepped back, and Daniel saw what she had been doing; his balls were now coloured bright red by a marker pen she held in her hand. ‘Don’t worry’, she giggled, ‘it will come off with a bit of scrubbing. I suppose it will be difficult to explain to Clare, as if I care!’

Sue handed Mandy a bottle of champagne and a large greased dildo. She stood over him and pissed on him before bending down and working the dildo into his exposed arse. Slowly she pushed it in and then started to fuck him with it. His anal muscles were already much abused from his earlier “rape” so her task was quite easy.

Finally she when she removed it Mandy said; ‘this is the tricky part of the experiment; doing this without any spillage’. He watched as she removed the foil and metal cage from the bottle and carefully rotated the cock to avoid the contents spraying out.

She put her thumb over the neck of the bottle and upended it over his arse. Once in position she removed her thumb and quickly pushed the full bottle deep inside him. The long neck of the champagne bottle sank deep inside his tortured arse. A little liquid dribbled out but nothing else happened and she seemed disappointed.

‘Ah I know’, she said, ‘we have an airlock’. She pushed her finger into his arse alongside the neck of the embedded bottle to help relieve the pressure. That did the trick and fizzy liquid was driven under pressure and gravity deep into his colon. Some erupted out of the gap she had made, spilling down his chest and soaking the clothes underneath him further. Finally the bottle was empty and she pulled it out.

Sue stepped forward with a large diaper which she forced under his bottom before pulling the tapes as tight as she could. It proved difficult to secure given Daniel was upside down. He could tell from the padding that this was thicker than the previous one.

‘I have often wondered whether a diaper will do its job when the person is upside down and this experiment will answer that question.’

Minutes passed and suddenly and uncontrollably Daniel farted, releasing the pent up gas from the champagne. There was an eruption which rippled the diaper with its force. Brown slimy water was forced out into the diaper, but whilst the elasticated legs held firm, the waist band didn’t and brown liquid flowed down his chest and back covering his face and soiling his clothes. For once he was glad of the gag as at least the dirty liquid didn’t get into his mouth.

‘Fantastic!’ Mandy exclaimed, putting down the ever present camera ‘well at least we now know! Let’s get you cleaned up and on your way’. He was untied, taken to the bathroom and hosed down with the shower. Finally the gag was removed and he was allowed to dry himself, noting as he did so that the red marker pen had not come off with soap.

‘Now, it’s very remiss of me not to have offered you a drink during the session, after all you have exerted yourself so you must be dehydrated’, Mandy said smiling. She poured a glass of what looked like water from a large jug. ‘Drink it’, she commanded.

He looked at the glass, noting the bits of blue swirling around, but downed it quickly, tasting alcohol this time. ‘More’, she said, refilling it. This went on until the jug was empty and he had drunk about 10 large glasses. ‘It’s quite a while since you ate, so you probably need the energy from a banana or two. After all we don’t want you fainting on the way home!’ she said collecting a “hand” of bananas from a bag.

She peeled one and Daniel reached out to take it. ‘Did I say you could eat them?’ she said opening a bottle of yellow liquid and dribbling it over the fruit. ‘Bend over and spread your legs’, she commanded.

Daniel couldn’t imagine what she planned to do but he complied and immediately protested loudly as she positioned the banana against his rectum and pushed until it was fully absorbed. ‘What they hell are you doing?’ he shouted, and was rewarded by a punch to his balls which caused him to collapse on the floor in agony.

Mandy straddled him and pushed his legs wide apart and Sue prepared the next banana. ‘I said I would feed you, and you’ve just earned extra food as a result of that outburst’, Mandy said, pushing the second banana in, followed by a third. The forth proved more difficult to get in but she said; ‘one more I think as punishment’, and after using her finger to ram the bananas in deeper she forced a fifth one in.

‘You won’t go hungry now; so it’s time you went home’, Mandy said. ‘But I haven’t got anything to wear, everything is ruined’, Daniel wailed looking at the soiled pile of clothes.

‘Oh dear, that’s right. Sue, you’d better find something for our whinging baby to wear’, Mandy said. Whilst Sue went to find something, Mandy picked up the red marker pen and wrote something on his groin. ‘That’s my bank details, I expect you to transfer a further £1,000 the minute you get home as a “thank you” for this session.’ Daniel started to protest, but she held up the camera reminding him about the photos.

‘As you have a bit of a drive to get home and we don’t want any accidents, I think it’s best you wear a diaper; you did after all take a lot of liquid into your arse along with your banana snack and you have also just drunk a lot.’

Her suggestion made some sense as he didn’t want another wet seat when he got home, so he held the diaper in place whilst she drew the tabs tight. Suddenly he felt a prick of a needle in his thigh; ‘what the hell are you doing’, he screamed.

Sue, who had returned unobserved, withdrew the needle and smirked; ‘I’ve just given you a shot of slow release muscle relaxant. In an hour or so you will find your bladder and bowel muscles relax, so you better go straight home before that happens rather than entertaining any idea of stopping off at, say the police station to lodge a complaint against us.’

‘It may be that you lose control of your leg muscles as well but that can’t be helped. It will wear off after several hours so don’t worry unduly. Now I’ve found something for you to wear’, she said, holding a yellow cotton baby dress with fluffy white ruffles at the end of its short sleeves and a large white ruffle acting as a short skirt. He sighed and pulled it over his head. He looked faintly ridiculous in the mirror, but he couldn’t wait to get back to his car and leave these evil women, he was certainly never coming back.

Mandy stepped forward; ‘just a couple more things I think’, she said, raising the dress and raking her sharp fingernails over his sore nipples and chest leaving several angry red lines and drawing a scream from Daniel.

‘That will give you something to remember me by and maybe explain to Clare’, she said, applying bright red lipstick thickly to his lips. She grasped him tightly and kissed him passionately full on his lips. When they broke apart, she pecked him on both his cheeks leaving a kiss impression on each; ‘right you’re good to go.’

‘You might need these for later’, Sue said, handing over a pile of diapers, without explaining why he would. The two ladies escorted him to the front door. ‘Right off you go’, said Mandy, ‘the keys are in the ignition. Remember, drive carefully you don’t want to get stopped by the police!! Oh and a few bits of advice. Sue “accidentally” broke one of your brake lights when she was searching the car, so I do hope you don’t get pulled over, and I forgot to tell you that the water had some vodka in as well as Viagra and that coupled with the champagne enema probably means you are well over the limit so I don’t recommend getting stopped by the police. Remember also the muscle relaxant kicks in within an hour; so make haste and don’t forget my payment when you get home.’ With that, she slammed the door, leaving him standing on the porch.

Daniel realised he hadn’t been given any shoes, so he was forced to walk barefoot over the gravel to the car. He looked at the clock in the car; it showed the time was 6am. His drive home was uneventful, although he did get a few funny looks at traffic lights, but he hoped people thought he was returning from a party or a stag-do.

The Viagra had maintained a hard-on but that didn’t prevent a flow of urine and just as he turned onto the dual carriageway he experienced a powerful cramp and he felt something slide out of his arse leaving a warm feeling between his legs. When he put his hand on the diaper he felt the solid waste he assumed was some of the banana. He hoped it didn’t leak onto the seat.

Finally he turned into his estate, looking about to see if any of the neighbours were about at this early hour of the morning. All seemed to be quiet, so he parked in the drive, collected his phone from the glove box and got out. Immediately he found his legs were wobbly but he made it to the front door.

He just managed to close the door as another powerful cramp hit him and as he collapsed on the hall floor more solid was forced into his diaper. Finally when he could stand he looked at himself in the mirror and saw a stain on the back of the diaper and felt the bulk of warm goo lying between his legs.
He staggered into the study and removed the SIM card and locked it away in a drawer, replacing it with his own card. When he turned the phone back on he saw a text message from Clare yesterday evening; “tried to call, just wanted to let you know I got to Blackpool OK, will call tomorrow xx”.

He staggered into the kitchen wondering what she wanted. When he looked at the phone in his hand he was horrified to see the background had been changed to the photoshop’d “rape” picture. He swiped left and found himself looking at dozens of pictures taken last night.

Unconsciously his left hand dropped to his wet diaper and started to massage his erect cock through the material. Suddenly he found himself climaxing and screaming with pleasure before remembering he wasn’t gagged anymore. He hoped the neighbours hadn’t heard.

The phone rang and he picked up the extension in the kitchen. ‘Hi love’, said Clare, ‘I thought I’d catch you before you go to work and before I go down for breakfast’, she said. ‘I’m not going in today, I think I’ve picked up a bug because I’ve got the trots’, Daniel explained, thinking Clare would never know how close to the truth that statement was.

‘You poor love’, she said; in a motherly tone just like Sue had used when he first called. ‘I wish I was there to minister to you; but I was calling to say I will be delayed by 24 hours because the weather is so bad it has held up our shoot. I hope you can manage’, she said. He assured her that he would be alright and she rang off.

He had just put the phone down when it rang again; ‘Hi Daniel’; said Mandy, ‘just checking you got home OK, no accidents and that you haven’t forgotten about the money.’ He found himself telling her about soiling the diaper, finding the photos and climaxing whilst looking at them.

He also told he wished he had been gagged when he screamed as he ejaculated. Her tone softened; ‘I rather think you would enjoy another visit, so here’s the deal - I’ll only ask you to transfer £500 today if you promise to make another appointment within the next 2 months. You know of course if you don’t, the photos will go to Clare. I’ll call you when I see the money and I’ll have a bit of good news for you’, she said, ending the call.

Ignoring the soggy diaper drooping between his legs he fetched his laptop and whilst it was booting up he lay down on the laminate floor in the kitchen to change himself. It took a lot of paper towels to clean his arse, fortunately the mess from the banana was not smelly, and soon everything was dumped in a black bin bag. He hoped he had voided all the bananas but he couldn’t be sure.

Without the diaper on he could read the account details she had written on his groin, so he transferred the money to her account. He wished he could have gone to the bank to do it in cash and avoid any audit trail, but in his condition that wasn’t going to be possible today. He looked at the pile of diapers Sue had given him and thought it best to use one to protect himself until the drug wore off.

The phone rang again; it was Mandy confirming the funds had arrived. ‘Now’, she said, ‘you will want to get the marker pen off and I suggest you try vinegar, it will have to be strong to do the trick so I’m afraid it will sting. I want you to look after the dress we gave you, because when you come next time I expect you to be wearing it and a diaper; if of course you have any left by then.’

Daniel could feel his legs getting weaker, so cleaning himself was clearly a priority. He collected a bottle of vinegar and crawled up the stairs to the bathroom. Suddenly he changed his mind and went into their bedroom and rummaged through one of Clare’s drawers. He pulled out a headscarf, choosing one at the back of the drawer he hoped she wouldn’t miss, knotted it in the middle as Mandy had done and gagged himself with it. Somehow it made him feel better.

He went to the bathroom and, not without difficulty and some pain, used the vinegar to remove the writing. He then took a shower, sitting in the bath as he didn’t have the strength to stand. He reattached the diaper and went downstairs to the kitchen again, seemingly forgetting he was still gagged.

The vodka Mandy had added to the water he had drunk coupled with the remnants of the champagne enema was causing him to become drowsy and he curled up on the kitchen floor and fell asleep. He slept for several hours, during which his bladder and bowel muscles gave up, and he soiled the diaper again with urine and the last of the banana mush. The diaper couldn’t cope and he woke up to find himself lying in a wet diaper and also in a puddle of urine.

Fortunately the drug was wearing off so he was able to clean up and dump all traces in the black bag. He got dressed in normal clothes and decide he better take the bag to the nearest skip to ensure Clare didn’t find it. He was just about to leave when he caught sight of himself in the mirror. He was still wearing Clare’s scarf as a gag!

When Clare returned everything seemed normal, although she was a bit surprised that Daniel wasn’t in the mood for sex for a couple of weeks but she thought it was probably a result of his illness. Even when he did agree he seemed to find it difficult to get an erection, but he blamed stress at work which seemed plausible. He never did explain the fact that he had removed his body hair other than saying it was an experiment, but surprisingly she said she quite liked him nude so he agreed to continue.
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Post by dl68 »

Chapter 4

Every time he looked at the calendar Daniel was reminded of the need to book that next session with Mandy; and the deadline was looming.

An opportunity suddenly presented itself when unexpectedly Clare informed him that the following week she needed to be away in Edinburgh for 3 days. This conveniently allowed him to make the phone call he both wanted to and needed to make as the two month deadline set by Mandy for the return visit was almost up.

As expected Sue answered the phone as soon as Daniel identified himself. ‘Ah good to hear from you Daniel Austin’, she said, ‘we were beginning to wonder whether you were going to call.’ ‘How did you know my full name’, he stammered taken by surprise at the knowledge. ‘Oh we know all about you’, Sue said without explaining further; ‘so when are you intending to submit as Mandy requires?’ Daniel provided the date and before ending the call Sue reminded him what to wear.

Daniel took Clare to the station to catch the train to Edinburgh, saying it wasn’t a problem as he was working from home. As she was getting out of the car she leaned over and kissed him; ‘don’t do anything naughty whilst I’m away’, she said, with a cheeky grin, and then she was gone carrying a small suitcase. He wasn’t sure what to make of that comment, but he drove away as she disappeared into the station.

Once home he went upstairs to the spare bedroom and reached behind the suitcases they used on holiday and pulled out the bright yellow baby dress and the last diaper. He got undressed and pulled on the baby dress. It was no surprise that his cock sprang to life immediately as he opened up the disposable diaper, remembering the last session with Mandy.

He checked to see if any neighbours were about before making a dash to the car. He had been given strict instructions to arrive at a specific time and not to be early or late, so he took a country route to time his arrival and to avoid loitering. He pulled into the gravel parking area at the exact time remembering as he did so how he had been made to walk over the sharp stones barefoot last time.

An hour previously Mandy looked out of the front window of the house at the end of the secluded lane and watched a taxi draw up at the gates. A young woman got out, paid the driver and stood watching it drive away, before turning and walking towards the house. She was carrying a small suitcase and was wearing a pale yellow mid length dress and white coat. She had long straight auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail. She seemed to approach the front door with some trepidation.

Mandy opened the door and smiled at the young woman; ‘you must be Clare’, she said, leaning forward and kissing her on both cheeks, ‘come in’. She led Clare into the lounge and Clare looked around, taking in the oak beams and the two ropes hanging from hooks spaced about a metre apart in one of them.

Clare turned to look at Mandy and saw a striking lady with long blond hair, dressed in a shiny black latex cat suit with cut-outs for her pert breasts and a large silver zip disappearing under her crotch.

‘Put the case down and get out of those clothes my dear’, Mandy said, not asking, but commanding. Rather timidly, Clare stripped off and folded her clothes neatly onto a nearby chair. ‘Now I feel I know all about you from our telephone chats since Daniel came to see us, and I’m glad you have agreed to take a much firmer hand with him. Today is all about helping you start on that journey and we will have a real model to practice on when Daniel joins us in an hour.’

‘But first’, she continued lifting Clare’s wrists up to the rope and tying them in place, noting that Clare didn’t resist; ‘I don’t feel you can take on a dominant role until you have learned a little about submissive behaviour so that you know how it feels’.

She attached ropes to Clare’s ankles and pulled on them to spread her legs. ‘I see you’re not a natural redhead’, she said, eyeing the thick bush between Clare’s legs and chuckling as Clare coloured with embarrassment.

‘Sue; come in and bring the outfit we have chosen for Clare please’, Mandy called. When Sue walked in to join them she was dressed identically to Mandy.

She approached Clare and tied a loincloth round her waist securing the cloth belt with a double bow. The khaki material hung down her front and over her petit bottom, with each length reaching down to her knees. ‘Quite the little Amazonian - just as you requested’, Sue said, pulling the tie off Clare’s ponytail and freeing her long hair so that it hung loose over her shoulders.

‘Now when Daniel was here, he was gagged with silk scarves and I know you have found him using one of yours over the last few months, but an Amazonian wouldn’t have a silk scarf, she would have a bandana.’ Sue said as she produced a large khaki coloured one and folded it into a strip.

‘Of course a bandana would get sweaty and smelly in the jungle. We can’t do sweaty yet, but we can help with the smelly bit.’ She unzipped the crotch of her cat suit and sawed the bandana through her crotch, before handing it to Mandy who did the same.

When Sue held the strip up it was now damp and Sue gagged Clare with it, noting the anxious look in her eyes. ‘Whether a slave likes it or not a gag is part of being a submissive; it takes away the right to complain.’ By the standards of the gags used on Daniel this one was symbolic but effective.

‘Entertain her, and loose the pubic hair, whilst I get things ready for Daniel’, Mandy said, as she left. Sue walked over to Clare and, looking her directly in the eyes, she started to play with Clare’s pussy; first stoking the lips and then penetrating her, initially with one finger and then several seeking her G spot. It didn’t take long to bring Clare to a climax.

Sue smiled at Clare’s scream of pleasure which was muted by the gag. ‘I bet you’ve never climaxed like that?’ she said with a smile as she loosened the gag, pulled it out of her mouth and left it hanging round Clare’s neck. ‘That’s the type of orgasm you should expect from any slave’, Sue added. ‘That’s the best orgasm I’ve ever had’, acknowledged Clare, breathing heavily.

Sue went to the kitchen and returned with a bowl of water, some shaving foam and a razor and proceeded to remove the unruly bush, exposing Clare’s genitals probably for the first time. She used the loincloth to dry Clare’s crotch, taking care to push it as far in as she could. When she finished the once pristine cloth was stained. She then handed Clare a Khaki coloured leather bra.

Mandy watched out of the window as Daniel pulled up. She nodded at his punctuality; “this slave is definitely a good find” she thought.

When she observed him get out of the car she noted with satisfaction he was dressed as demanded and was clearly wearing a diaper under the short dress. She let him in and directed him out through the kitchen to the garden. ‘It’s such a nice day’, she said by way of an explanation; ‘I thought we would begin the session out here’. ‘But won’t someone see?’ he objected. ‘I don’t mind’, she said; ‘and I don’t care what you think. Lie down on the decking please.’

Daniel lay down and he was quickly secured with the familiar scarves to bolts set into the decking. As he looked up he saw Sue walking over; ‘we have a special gag for you to start the day off’, she said, stuffing Clare’s still warm panties into his mouth and holding them in place with a knotted scarf.

‘As you seemed to have a penchant for masturbating in your diaper and I know this is the last of the box I gave you I think we’ll switch to a terry one to begin.’ The women removed the disposable one, folded a large white terry diaper and pinned it place. It was incredibly soft against his thickening cock.

Sue used a folded scarf to blindfold him and began to massage his cock through the fluffy towelling diaper. He was soon firmly erect and twisting against the bonds and “mmpfhing” through the gag, clearly enjoying the attention and the friction of the soft towelling material sliding across his cock.

Mandy led Clare out; she was gagged again and would remain so until Mandy felt she could trust her not to spoil the moment. She sensed Clare draw breath when she finally saw her husband bound, gagged, wearing a dress and sporting a diaper with a large erection which was clear to see. Mandy knew that keeping her gagged was a good idea because she wanted the surprise to last for Daniel.

She said nothing, waiting to see what Clare would do and Clare seemed to sense this was a test. She knelt down and continued the rubbing Sue had been doing. Mandy marvelled at how naturally she played him, taking him close to a climax and then waiting, before starting again.

Finally either by accident or design she pushed him too far. With a muted scream, he exploded. Mandy pulled Clare’s gag from her mouth, leaving it loose around her neck as a bandana.

Sue removed his blindfold and when he had finished blinking in the sunlight, he took in the sight of his wife standing in front of him, clad only in a stained loincloth and a bra.

‘Let me explain what we have here’, said Mandy. ‘After we spoke when you got home after your first visit, it was clear to me that the whole adult baby thing amongst other things was something that turned you on. I felt it was our duty to help you and Clare find a way that allowed you to express that more readily; and crucially help Clare to dominate you. We act as consultants in this way to many couples.’

Daniel looked confused as she continued; ‘I called Clare one day whilst you were at work, and we had a long chat and Clare is certainly up for ensuring you are dominated and improving her sex life in the process.’ Daniel noted there was no mention of improving his sex life!

Mandy continued; ‘so today is the start of her journey; teaching her how to manage you whilst continuing to explore everything, and I mean eberything that turns you on.’ He averted his eyes but shook his head and mumbled through the gag.

Mandy ignored him and said; ‘let’s start with how good you are at bringing Clare to an orgasm.’ She removed his gag and gestured Clare over. ‘Before you start making use of that tongue of yours, I think a little incentive is called for’, she said.

Sue brought out a garden hose and turned the water on, spraying his diaper; ‘oops sorry, just getting the flow right.’ When there was a trickle of water coming out she coupled it to a butt plug, pushed the leg of his diaper to one side and rammed the plug home.

‘The quicker you give Clare a proper orgasm the less water goes in, ingenious isn’t it?’ Clare sat down on his mouth and Mandy regagged her; ‘we need to assess the strength of your orgasm my dear based on the last one, so the gag ensures we can compare it.’

Daniel was spurred on by the water slowly filling his arse so he set to work with his tongue licking the lips of her newly nude vagina just as he had done to Mandy whilst trying to penetrate as deep as he could. Finally Clare screamed as she gave way to the rising orgasm and Sue pulled the hose out.

‘Well down on the “Richter scale” I’m afraid’, Mandy said, pulling Clare’s gag out and leaving it round her neck once again. ‘You do have a lot to learn my little baby. Now Clare can observe how we punish babies who cannot perform properly.’

It wasn’t long before he had no choice but to expel the water and the terry diaper quickly turned brown and leaked onto the decking. ‘That’s why we don’t normally use them’, Mandy laughed handing Clare a disposable one; ‘your first experience of cleaning your baby husband.’

Clare wrinkled her nose but got stuck in with wet wipes, talc and cream before taping the disposable diaper in place. ‘Now we’re all going to take a drive. Rather than stay here were going back to your place. But first I think you need a tablet and a drink Daniel’.

She untied him and Sue produced a familiar blue tablet and a 1 litre bottle of water; ‘drink it all’ she said. Once all the water was consumed, he was led back through the house and out to his car.

Mandy opened the boot and said ‘get in’. Daniel climbed in and she looked at Clare waiting to see what would happen. Clare picked up without a pause, using the scarves Sue had brought with her to hog-tie him, tightly bending him into the boot area. She looked for another scarf to gag him, but Mandy produced a long silk shawl; ‘something different I think’, she said.

Clare looked at the long scarf trying to work out what to do, and then leaned forward and wound it several times though his mouth, before tying a big knot at the side of his head and closing the boot; ‘will he be alright in there?’ she asked, concerned for his welfare. ‘It’s only a short journey, don’t worry about him’, Mandy said.

Mandy and Sue got changed into plain dresses and they passed a khaki coloured crop top to Clare, indicating that the loincloth stayed. Sue loaded some boxes onto the back seat along with Clare’s suitcase and then Clare drove them home.

Once they parked in the garage out of sight of the neighbours, they opened the boot, untied Daniel, helped him out and then made him walk through the garden to the back door so that they remained unobserved.

Mandy appraised the downstairs as soon as they walked in; ‘this living room carpet will have to go’, she said, ’it’s not spillage friendly’. She looked at Daniel’s sagging diaper; ‘you need changing again’, she scolded. Sue brought in the supplies and Clare took over, expertly changing him.

Mandy picked up the dirty diaper and walked into the living room and dropped it onto the carpet dirty side down; ‘as I said; not spillage friendly!’ Daniel was still gagged, so couldn’t protest, but Clare started to, and then seemed to realise that wasn’t what was expected from her.

She walked over to the soiled diaper and trampled it into the carpet and then went over to Daniel, ripped the gag off and said; ‘get your tools and take this carpet up … NOW!’ ‘Can I get changed first?’ he asked. She looked at him; ‘you can take the dress off, I don’t want it getting dirty, but the diaper stays.’

Mandy nodded her approval; ‘Sue will add some eye bolts in the ceiling joists so that you can tie him standing up from time to time. I suggest in the corner where he is in full view of anyone who might look in through your net curtains. You can always hang some plants from them when they’re not serving their proper purpose’, she said before adding; ‘whilst they are doing that, show me your bedroom.’

They left Daniel ripping up the carpet and went upstairs. Mandy waved at the crop top and Clare meekly removed it along with the bra, leaving her with just wearing the loincloth with the bandana still loosely tied round her neck.

Mandy pushed Clare back onto the bed slipped the bandana back into her mouth to gag her; it was symbolic more than strict but that didn’t matter, it was about control. She had brought a vibrator with her and she proceeded to show Clare how easy it was to reach a powerful orgasm. The muted scream was easily her loudest yet. Once again the stained loincloth was used to dry her wet groin.

‘I want you to think of this as a trophy cloth, I don’t want to see it washed. It should remind you of all the good times you have had since you met us.’ She went over to the dresser and selected a Hermes silk scarf from a drawer; ‘now show me what you can do’, she said huskily handing over the scarf.

When they returned downstairs they were both sweating. Daniel had removed the living room carpet and underlay and the bolts were in place. He was standing waiting, looking embarrassed in just a diaper. Sue disappeared upstairs with a bag.

‘Very good!’ Mandy said looking around; ‘I want to hear tomorrow from Clare that you have laid a laminate floor.’ Daniel nodded as she continued; ‘here’s how things work from now on. You will retain me as a consultant and my fee is £1,000 per month, and I expect that to be set up as an automatic feed to the account you already have the details of. Failure to do that means the photos I have will go to your friends and work colleagues, and I guess that at the very least could wreck your employment’.

‘For the fee I will advise and train Clare, and I will arrange some longer sessions to try new things with you both’, she continued. ‘You, Daniel, will be allowed to remain in charge of things at work however at home you do whatever Clare demands; and from your interests we have uncovered so far that will include; diapers, bondage and gags but we might find other things you like over time.’

Daniel shook his head but his predicament was about to get worse; ‘whilst you work in a corporate world, wearing a suit every day, I need you to be reminded at all times that you harbour a dirty little secret.’ At that point Sue returned with a black bag.

‘Sue has collected up all your boxer shorts and all those horrible pyjamas you wear and she went shopping last week and bought you a couple of dozen of these beautiful white silk cami knickers that even have a lovely frill round the edge. You will wear them at all times including under your suit and in bed.’

Daniel was ready to agree to anything so just nodded. ‘Right take your diaper off, get a pair on and let’s see how they look’, Clare commanded and soon Daniel was standing wearing a pair of quite tight silk knickers and looking quite self-conscious.

Clare then directed him to stand below the newly fixed bolts. Because he had removed the carpet and underlay he was forced to stand on the rough concrete floor. Sue handed over some long silk scarves and soon Daniel was hanging from the bolts by his wrists. Clare reapplied the gag he had worn in the car and tied his ankles together.

The silk knickers were tented with his erection. ‘Well now that tells us he is enjoying this’, said Mandy running her fingers over the silk. ‘A much overlooked area is the male prostate’, she continued. ‘If you get the stimulation right he will ejaculate, but he won’t climax, and often men don’t even feel the ejaculation which they find really frustrating. You can do it with a special massager or with your finger, but first you have to find the right spot’.

Mandy lube’d her finger and slid it inside the knickers and penetrated his arse. With her experience she found his prostate quickly and set about rubbing it. Daniel tried to swing out of the way but her finger followed his gyrations.

After a few minutes she waved Clare over; ‘your turn, just insert your finger and feel for the spot where you imagine the base of his penis is, and after a while you will detect the walnut shape of the prostate. All you need to do is gently rub it in circles and eventually you will be rewarded’.

Clare took over and it only took a few more minutes for semen to ooze from his erect penis without him noticing and the knickers developed a large wet patch. ‘That was fun’, she said, ‘well for us three girls anyway’. The bonds were released and Daniel was pushed up the stairs to their bedroom.

‘Right I think you should have a go at mummification’, Mandy said. They positioned Daniel standing at the end of the bed, and Mandy handed a large roll of black bondage tape to Clare; ‘off you go; I’ll observe and advise’.

With a few helpful suggestions, Daniel soon ended up mummified from toe to neck with the exception of the stained white knickers which stood out from the black bondage tape. Despite the prostate massage he was still erect, thanks to the continuing effect of the Viagra tablet.

‘Well done’, said Mandy, once Clare had finished. She gave Daniel a shove and watched as he bounced backwards onto the bed unable to prevent his fall. ‘You can combine mummification with a diaper for long term restraint if you want’.

Clare examined his head ‘why did we have to stop at his neck?’ she asked. ‘You don’t my dear. Do what you want, but remember he must be able to breath!’ Clare went to the spare room and came back with the scarf Daniel had ‘stolen’ to use for a gag.

She saw his look of recognition; ‘yes, I knew what you were doing and where you kept things’, she said, packing it into his mouth. She then completed the mummification just leaving his nose free. Without asking, she pulled his erect cock from the knickers and sat astride his groin and took him inside her.

Unconsciously she reached to her neck and pulled the bandana back though her mouth as a gag before proceeding to bring him to a climax using just the vaginal muscles she was only now starting to develop.

She would normally have stopped once he had cum, but this time she continued until she too climaxed with a scream, the first time that had happened with Daniel inside her. He remained hard throughout, but his cock was clearly sensitive judging by the moaning and struggling underneath her. Clare climbed off, only to be replaced by Mandy and finally by Sue. Daniel stayed hard but couldn’t climax again but the girls could.

‘We’re done for this session’, Mandy said, ‘we’ll leave you to decide when to release him. Daniel; you will set up the payment schedule today. We have added photos of today’s sessions to our album, so there are lots we could send out’.

She paused to use Clare’s loincloth to dry first Clare and then herself and finally Sue. ‘Remember my dear we are only a phone call away, and don’t forget to look after your trophy cloth - I think it turns you both on. Now wrapped up as his is, it’s safe to leave him alone whilst you run us home’, she said.

She was stopped in her tracks when Clare said; ‘no I don’t think we will leave him like that. Is the tape waterproof?’ ‘Yes it is’ ‘Good, then help me stand him up again’, Clare said. The three girls lifted Daniel’s inert form off the bed and Clare tucked his cock back into the cami knickers and wrapped more bondage tape around his middle until the knickers were completely hidden.

She then picked up the vibrator she and Mandy has used, and taped it across his groin making sure it was turned on. Together they lowered him to the floor; ‘now we can leave’, Clare said, and Mandy nodded approvingly.

The two girls got dressed in the clothes they had arrived in and Clare pulled the crop top back on, and drove them back to their house. She followed them into the hallway and said; ‘show me the bedroom where you first entertained Daniel’.

Sue looked at Mandy who nodded and so she led the way and Clare saw the four poster bed in the pictures they had sent her, the silk scarves still attached to the posts.

‘Ok Sue’, Clare commanded, ’off with that dress and onto the bed’. Sue didn’t hesitate and allowed Clare to tie her just as Daniel had been. ‘Vibrator?’ Clare asked, and Mandy smiled and pointed to the top drawer of the dresser. She selected a vibrator which after greasing it she pushed into Sue’s arse securing it with a strip of duct tape.

‘Everyone has to learn about being submissive’, Clare said, with a cheeky grin. ‘Very good’, said Mandy, ‘but aren’t you going to gag her?’ ‘I’m not, but you will’, Clare said. Mandy laughed; Clare it seemed was learning quickly. She removed her dress and climbed onto the bed. Clare tied her ankles to Sue’s wrists and Mandy lay down on top of Sue moving up to ensure her pussy was directly over Sue’s mouth.

Clare passed a large silk shawl under Sue and tied their two bodies together, before using another silk scarf to tie Mandy’s left hand tightly to Sue’s left ankle. She then tied a scarf to Mandy’s right wrist and secured that to Sue’s right ankles, but this time she left several inches of play. She pushed a pair of scissors into Mandy’s clenched right fist; ‘that’s your way out when you want’, she said.

Mandy looked up and said; ‘I knew when I first spoke to you there was a lot of potential, but I didn’t know you would learn this quickly. Go home and enjoy your new life with Daniel, and leave us alone. We’ll be in touch soon’.

‘Just one more thing’, Clare said and soon Mandy was gagged with two scarves held in place by a third one. Mandy’s expression told her she was enjoying this.

Clare paused at the door but the two girls were already hard at work. She turned the light out and left. As she got to the car she smoothed her loincloth with her hand and was surprised to find herself wet from what she had just done.

Thirty minutes later she was back at home. Daniel was still where he had been left. She spread some towels on the floor and rolled him onto them and cut through the bondage tape with a pair of scissors. She found that he had wet himself and had cum whilst she had been away, so it was just as well she had used the towels.

Once he was free, she sent him to get cleaned up; ‘I’m going to make something to eat and when you come down you know what to wear’, she called. When he joined her he was just wearing the silk knickers. She embraced him and kissed him passionately; ‘our new life begins today’, she said, playfully tweaking his nipples.

The following day Daniel laid the new laminate floor in the lounge and set up the money transfer. He and Clare talked about the future and he agreed to submit to whatever she wanted.
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Post by dl68 »

The next steps for this story as Clare begins her domination of Daniel as well as exploring her relationship with Mandy is 'work in progress'
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