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Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M) - NEW chapter added

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:09 am
by Volobond
Hello, beautiful people! This is my first story ever on this site - I've been a longtime lurker but only now got up the courage to dip my feet in. So without further ado, let's get to it!

I stood, watching from behind the glass, as around twenty-five young men were lined up in two rows. It was a one-way mirror, like the ones in the stereotypical interrogation room, but disguised by the fact that three of the four walls in the room were lined with mirrors. In any event, the two rows of handsome, athletic young men were all standing at attention, facing a pair of fraternity brothers wearing tight red shirts emblazoned with the letters GAG.

I wondered briefly if the founders had known what they were doing when they chose this fateful combination of letters. A glance to the two standing with me in the observation area assured me that they had. My best friend (a year ago I would never have dreamed of calling Drew Hanson that) stood wearing only a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a red Gamma Alpha Gamma baseball cap over his floppy blond hair, his hand wrapped firmly around a leather strap connected to a collar around the neck of the Greek statue of a man next to him. Cody Sears, my and pretty much every other student attracted to men's biggest crush, hummed happily from behind a strange gag that consisted of a panel over his mouth and chin and some straps that buckled and locked behind his head, causing tufts of his black hair to stick out at odd angles. Drew had assured me that there was an option to attach a blindfold as well, but he had left it off so that the senior could enjoy the kickoff of Hell Week. Cody's muscular limbs were wrapped around him, trapped in a straitjacket, and his modesty below the waist was only protected by a skimpy pair of white briefs.

Apparently, it was Gamma tradition to keep a graduating brother bound and gagged the first week of his final semester, to remind him of his time as a pledge and reaffirm the bonds (get it? Gamma tradition was full of puns like that) of brotherhood.

With some difficulty, I tore my eyes away from my handsome friends and towards the exotic sight of some twenty-odd eager freshmen looking at men they considered superior.

I wasn't quite certain of the names of the two hunky frat bros calling the shots for the pledges. The one furthest from me, the one with the deeply tanned skin, buzz cut brown hair, and the beginnings of a nice beard, was named Nick, I believed. The other one, with the curly ginger hair and freckled skin, either didn't have a name or his parents named him Tiger. I knew him by reputation, and true to his namesake he was huge and menacing, but apparently a big softy with friends.

Nick bared his teeth in a mischievous grin. "It's time, maggots! Before we start, does anyone wanna chicken out?"

No movement from the pledges.

"That's standard." Drew pointed out to me, and Cody nodded in agreement, jingling the locks on his straitjacket and muzzle. "Macho posturing. Keep watching."

Nick shrugged and drew a small remote from his pocket. At the press of a button, one of the mirrors on the wall behind him slid aside to reveal another room - a secret storeroom. From what I and the pledges could see, it was packed to the brim with all manner of bondage gear: rolls of tape, handcuffs, straitjackets, racks and racks of gags and other tools, and of course, mounds of rope. Probably enough rope to wrap around the Earth at least twice.

"How about now, kiddos?" Nick laughed. Tiger popped a grin as the pledges shifted nervously. "Chicken out, no judgment?"

By the time the dust settled, there were about eleven pledges left.

"Double digits?" Drew raised an eyebrow. He glared over his shoulder at Cody. "Guess I owe you twenty."

"Mmmm-mmm." Cody corrected ineffectually.

Drew chose to ignore him. To me, he said, "Usually we only get six or seven to stay, and even then it's touch-and-go. I mean, they have to know what they're getting into, right? The frat is literally called the GAGs."

I chuckled. "Probably too subtle."

Drew glanced at Cody. "Isn't he funny?" Cody didn't respond adequately, because Drew narrowed his eyes. "I said, isn't Miles funny?"

Cody nodded quickly, adding an "mmm-hmm" to be sure, but Drew leapt at him, digging his fingers into Cody's neck and sides, drawing loud laughter from the senior. This made me rather tight in the pants, but was over too soon, and we all watched the show again.

"Now, pledges, strip." Nick clapped his hands. The eleven looked at each other nervously.

Tiger gave a big growl. "Now!"

I had never seen grown men shuck their clothes so fast. In less than a minute, the pledges were nude, and Tiger was sweeping their clothes into a large burlap sack he produced seemingly from nowhere.

"Pledges," Nick said in an official-sounding tone, "You are now undergoing your first rite of initiation. Today begins the forging of the bonds of brotherhood in the crucible of challenge."


"Uh... what?" One of the pledges was brave enough to ask.

Tiger grinned at him. "It means that we've got a test for you. You see that room back there? With all the ropes and stuff?"


"Your job is to capture and tie up each and every one of the naked dudes beside you. Last man standing unbound is the winner."

The same brave pledge spoke up again. "Seriously?"

Tiger nodded. "Seriously, bro. We'll be back in 'bout a half-hour. If there's more than one person not tied up, everyone loses. Trust me, you don't want to lose. Make us proud, boys."

And with that, Nick and Tiger filed out, locking the door behind them. The pledges stood frozen in place, some covering their junk with their hands, others just fidgeting. In the time it took Nick and Tiger to join us in the observation area, the pledges hadn't moved a muscle.

"I'm disappointed." Nick sighed. "I really thought we had a good crop."

Tiger pushed his shoulder. "It's been two minutes. Have some faith."

"What happens to the winner?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me and I blushed. Tiger, Nick, and Drew wore matching grins. Cody probably did too, but his was obscured by the gag.

"We tie him up." Tiger said simply.

"You know, 'brotherhood means we are all equal, and we help each other,' stuff like that." Nick added.

Drew chuckled. "Then we torture the crap out of them for the week."

Cody winked one of his crystal blue eyes at me, which practically caused my heart to stop. This did not go unnoticed by Drew, who scowled and yanked harshly on the leash before spanking Cody so hard it made me wince.

"You giving our guest the eye, Sears?" Drew growled. "Better watch yourself."

Cody whimpered behind the gag and wow did that make my motor purr. Satisfied that his brother was suitably chastened, Drew eased up, then winked at me, too.

"There they go!" Nick practically leaped in the air with excitement as one of the pledges broke into a sprint for the ropes, triggering the others to begin running. IN seconds there was a massive crush of naked bodies, ropes flying, alliances being made and broken in instants. I saw two burly freshman pin another down while a skinny one gagged him, and two others who had cuffed themselves together and were now trying to tie the other with rope. It was exciting, it was funny, but most of all, it was hot.

"What do you think, Miles? One of them caught your eye? I mean, we'll have to get you one, right?" Tiger asked. I was pretty shocked he knew my name, first off, but the idea of "getting one for myself," I have to admit, it intrigued me greatly. Very greatly.

Wait a minute. I think I'm getting ahead of myself, just a smidge. All right, then. Why don't we go back to the beginning? Back before I began living at Gamma House, before I developed such a large bondage fetish, and definitely before I may have possibly fallen in love.

As all good stories begin at an ending, let me tell you mine. It began at the end of my freshman year at the university...

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:24 am
by Xtc
Welcome to the League of TUGs Writers. Don't be in too much of a hurry with subsequent posts, it would be a shame to let standards drop on what seems to be a very strong start.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 2:08 pm
by DeeperThanRed
Nice to see another writer! This is a fantastic start for what appears to be a very epic story.

The characters are memorable, the premise has a unique twist and the writing can be both funny and hot. I'm looking forward for the next chapters, but as Xtc said, take your time.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:21 pm
by Charmides
Greetings and welcome, [mention]Volobond[/mention]! Pull up a chair, kick your shoes off, make yourself comfortable.

Really exciting first installment, bud. You've obviously got a flair for creative TUG scenarios, plus a good sense of humor... I'm totally charmed. (Plus those GAG shirts, man... Really great stuff.) Looking forward to the next installment, whenever you're ready!

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:08 am
by Carnath
Really good story. I can't wait to read more!

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:13 am
by Volobond
Thank you so much for your comments and encouragements! I really can't say just how much I appreciate getting feedback. Seriously, it's been wild to see.
Part 2

It began at the end of my freshman year at the university, when I was particularly strapped for cash. Summer break was approaching at breakneck speed, and I had just learned that even working two part-time jobs, getting a few small scholarships from essays I put way too much work into, and tutoring for pay on the side, I would be unable to afford both classes and board. My parents were still paying hospital bills from years ago, and student loans weren't a viable option since I didn't know if I would ever be able to pay them back.

This was a heavy blow for me. All my life, my parents had been extraordinarily overprotective, more so since my eldest brother passed away from cancer. I hadn't been in charge of most of the major decisions in my life, up to and including where I would attend college. College was supposed to be my chance to get control of my own life, to find out who I wanted to be. And now, yet again, control was ripped away from me and there was nothing I could do about it. I'm not ashamed to say that I broke down crying the Saturday before the last week of the term. My roommate was understandably concerned, and so when Eli came to visit, my roommate immediately sent him to my side.

I should explain. Eli and I are rather unconventionally related. I was only two or three when my parents took him in as a foster child from an abusive home. Eventually they adopted him, but I had always considered him to be my brother, and he me. My parents had always allowed him and my oldest brother Greg greater leeway than they had me, but it was Eli who was always there for me to cheer me up when I was sad or protect me from bullies or whatever. So it was a great comfort when Eli came to visit and wrapped his big arms around me and told me everything was going to be okay.

I sniffled. "Eli, I can't afford college anymore. I - I can't afford to stay."

He hugged me tighter. "It's okay, boyo. Don't you worry about a thing. I got a plan."

I felt like a little kid again. "Really?"


He held me for a little while longer while I worked on stopping the waterworks. By the way, Eli and I might be brothers, but we don't look it. He's buff, tall, and tanned, with vivid green eyes and undercut dirty blond hair, while I'm of average height, with maybe an extra freshman fifteen over average weight, and dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that fell past my shoulders, though I nearly always wore a ponytail. In any event, he was able to make me feel very small and safe when he wanted to.

"You good, boyo?" he finally asked.

I nodded. "I think so."

"Alright. Here's the plan. So, I live on campus too, at the Gamma Alpha Gamma house."

I raised an eyebrow. "A frat house? E, have you looked at me? I'm not exactly frat material."

"Not with that attitude. Just listen. I'll talk it over with the brothers, but I think I can get you room and board at Gamma House. You don't even have to join the frat; you can be like - like a live-in tutor or something!"

I gave him a resigned look. "Well, I am desperate. Thank you for this, E. Even if it doesn't work out, I'll never forget that you tried so hard for me."

Eli quickly hugged me again and smiled. "None of that, boyo. What else are brothers for? Look, I'll talk to them tonight, and I'll call you around midnight. If it's a go, we can have you moved in by Monday!"

I spent the intervening hours til midnight in a state of advanced anxiety. I wasn't just afraid that it wouldn't work, I was kind of afraid that it would. I had heard the rumors of what went on in the GAG House (ironically, they had a lot of noise complaints from the neighbors). I had also been quite interested in them once I learned that my secret crush, Cody Sears, was a member of the frat. I knew that Eli knew that I had somewhat of an interest in bondage, but like many things in my life, it was a strange kind of interest. For some unknown reason (perhaps I was swaddled too tightly as a baby), I happened to have an ever-so-slight major phobia of being restrained. I would start freaking out if I wore a watch for too long. And yet, some of my biggest erotic interest was in seeing guys tied up and gagged, unable to be free.

Being such a curious lad, I tried self-bondage. Just tying my feet together. I couldn't even finish the knots before I had to pull away, clammy and breathing hard. And that was when I realized that I was imagining myself as the tier, not the tie-ee. But one look at my average height and lack of muscle told me that I would likely never be able to hold captive the kind of muscular hunk I was attracted to. So my interest remained in the realm of fantasy. But what if - what if - my fantasies could come true?

Eli called me at ten after midnight, which meant that my nerves were completely shot.

"Dude!" he yelled over the line, nearly deafening me. "They said yes!"

I was shocked. "...Really? You're serious!"

"Congrats, boyo! You're still here at college!"

We cheered for a while more, and Eli urged me to make tonight my first sleep at Gamma House. It was a long walk so late at night, but I managed it (running from lit area to lit area to do so). Eli told me to close my eyes as he led me to his room for the night. He wanted to be the first to give me the tour of the house.

Eli's room was cozy. There were two beds, two desks, and two dressers, but it seemed like only Eli's had been used recently, as his was cluttered and decorated.

I'll admit, I didn't take in much detail, I was so exhausted from anxiety, fear, and relief. The last thing I heard was Eli wishing me good night before I fell asleep.

Cody Sears was tied up on my bed, and I was straddling him. I knew at once it was a dream; reality would never be so kind. He was naked except for a pure-white jock strap that contrasted nicely with his shiny tan skin. His wrists and ankles were bound with silvery ropes, holding him spreadeagle, and more ropes crisscrossed his body, keeping him pressed to the bed and accentuating his muscles to perfection. His lips stretched around a matching silver ball gag as he moaned. I was running my hands over his straining muscles, massaging them and enjoying the feel of them moving in my hands. I wiggled my fingers playfully in his vulnerable armpits, and he responded immediately with a high-pitched giggle and a blush of embarrassment. I could feel his erection poking me from behind as he writhed.

I slid down his body, still running my hands along him, ghosting around the jock strap. Cody moved his hips as much as he could to follow my touch, and gave a cry of frustration when my hands continued along his thighs.

"Mmmm. Mmuh eee. Mma me aah!" he groaned.

I chuckled at him. "We'll see, boy. Maybe if you're good and beg me."

Cody immediately started to whimper and plead around the gag. "Mmree! Mreee mma me aah!"

I hooked my fingers around the waistband of the jockstrap and moved just slightly, watching as Cody thrust his hips in every direction to assist me. Finally I took pity on him, and I pulled the jockstrap down -

- and I found myself startled awake by the sound of a digital alarm clock. I wanted to scream and curse, that was the best dream that I had ever had, and it was gone!

But almost immediately it was forgotten because several new sounds were beginning under the beep of the alarm clock. Multiple humming sounds, the creak of bedsprings, and most telling, a muffled giggling.

I looked over, and I saw someone bound to my brother's bed. A crinkling briefly stopped me from checking out the scene further. A note had been taped to the pillow next to my face while I was sleeping. It was a cheerful little note that read:

"Hello! It's so nice to have a guest! While breakfast is being prepared, please enjoy a complimentary treat, left on the other bed. At the sound of the alarm, the tickling apparatus will begin. Feel free to use or not use it as you see fit. Your treat is specially prepared to be more responsive than usual to tickling, and is bound for your enjoyment. Please don't worry about his pleasure; it's pleasure enough for him to serve a guest.
Enjoy your stay!
Your hosts at the Gamma Alpha Gamma Fraternity Residence"

A grin spread across my face as I glanced at the "treat" in the bed beside me...

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:27 pm
by blackbound
Interesting! Looking forward to where this goes.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:50 pm
by Volobond
Part 3
I left the note on the dresser as I allowed my gaze to wander over my "treat" in greater detail.

He was dressed in nothing but a pair of navy blue bicycle shorts with a white stripe on the left side, which did nothing to hide how turned on he was. He had very muscular legs, but a more lean chest and arms, which lead me to believe that he was more of a bicycler or baseball player than a weightlifter type. His eyes were covered by a long black sock tied behind his head. A harness wrapped around his mouth, straps going over the top of his head and around the sides to keep a square over his mouth. The partner of the sock around his eyes stuck out from behind this square, the rest of it having been stuffed in his mouth. His body was crisscrossed with red rope the same color as the customary fraternity shirts the Gammas wore, the ones with GAG right across the front.

The loops around his wrists anchored them to biceps of the same arm, and his ankles were tied to his thighs, spreading him out. Additional ropes around his knees and ankles were wrapped around the bed itself, ensuring that he was able to wriggle slightly, but could not lift his thighs to close them, nor protect his armpits, which had been shaved recently (I could tell because of how the skin was so much lighter than the rest of his body). Ropes had been wrapped around his hips and upper thighs so that he could barely even buck upwards. At certain points, the ropes secured small red disks, about the size and shape of bottle caps, with a loop on one side that the rope went through. It seemed that these were causing the humming I had heard. There were vibrating disks on each bicep, and secured just under each armpit. One on his side, slightly above his hip, one on each side of his crotch, one stuck in the back of his knee, pinned there by his position, and one on each heel.

Already he was sweaty, his short blond hair shiny with the stuff. He was giggling softly, but it seemed as if he was trying to hold it in, because his belly had gone red and he seemed to cough on the sock every few seconds.

I wondered how the disk thingies worked. And then I noticed on my brother's nightstand a small and thick white box, next to an array of what I recognized as tickling implements (feathers, pens, electric toothbrushes, and the like). There was a screen on the box, with a programmed menu showing a settings bar and and on/off toggle. Despite practically wanting to just get myself off right then and there, I wanted to check something first. I turned off the vibrators and leaned over the tied man, slowly undoing the gag and pulling out the sock. I noticed immediately that my treat had some sexy scruffy stubble around his mouth, and I had to swallow some saliva before talking.

"Hey, is this okay? You want this?"

He gave a small giggle as the aftershocks of the tickling subsided. "Yeah, yeah, man. Hee hee. Totally. I'm your welcome present, so you can do whatever you want. Heh heh heh."

"You were coughing. You okay to have the gag back in?"

"Please, Sir." he said emphatically. Being called that so casually sent a thrill through me. "And Eli told me that I wasn't allowed to wake you up. I've been trying to keep quiet for like, thirty minutes. I-mmmmm."

I suddenly found my hand over his mouth. I had never actually had someone else tied up for me before. And I was really liking the feeling of dominance. I stayed there for a second, keeping him silent, while he hummed against my hand. And then I made my move.

Without giving away movement, I turned on the vibrators and pushed them to their highest setting, and he yelled with surprise into my hand, arching as far off the bed as he could. I leaned close to his ear.

"I think you've done enough with this sock, huh? You're my treat, so I should gag you." I removed my hand, reveling in his misery as I stripped off the undershirt and basketball shorts I wore to bed, then practically ripped my underwear in an effort to get it off. I wasn't sure how this would go, as it was my first time in practice, but I wadded up my underwear and lunged, stuffing it into his mouth as he opened it wide for a new bout of laughter.

"MMMMMMMM!" he screamed. Being a college student trying desperately to save money, I hadn't been to the laundromat in quite some time, so I knew that that pair of undies was probably not at its best, what with sweat and late-night...pleasures. It didn't seem pleasant, but as I had thought, I saw his erection grow, and he let out a deep moan as he wriggled his hips, trying to get away from the vibrators around his package.

The note had told me not to worry about his pleasure, and that made me think maybe he was forbidden from getting to come. And of course, my first notion was to tickle him right until he burst. I hadn't known that I could be so devious.

I turned off the vibrators again to let him cool down. He seemed to be shifting his mouth around. "I don't want those coming out of your mouth, boy." I said sharply.

"Mmmm mmmr." he responded almost immediately. I could even swear he bit down harder on my underwear in an attempt to draw it further in.

"You aren't allowed to come, are you?"

"Mmmmro mmr." he shook his head. Without a sound, I picked up an electric toothbrush.

"If you do, they'll punish you?"

"Mmmm-hmmm. Mmmm mmmr." he nodded.

I smiled and poised myself over him, wiggling my fingers just over his armpit. He couldn't see it, but that turned me on all the more. "Well then, I guess you better work real hard not to."

And with that, I turned on the toothbrush and brought it to one armpit. He jumped in surprise, jamming his body into my other hand. I made him wriggle between the hand and the brush until I got a new idea and tucked the toothbrush into the ropes, keeping it there and tickling him.

He was positively hooting with laughter, distracted while I picked up the feather and moved to his feet.

He was especially ticklish down there, roaring and screaming and straining his muscles as I held his foot still with one hand and twirled the feather on it with the other. He squealed like a pig when I drew the feather between his big and second toes, so I just did that for a while. I turned back on the vibrators and I attacked his thighs and sides, drawing out ever more beautiful giggles from him.

And all the while, he was getting harder, moaning more and more often. Finally I stopped and took pity. I turned off the vibrators, removed the feather, plucked the toothbrush away, and chuckle.

"Had enough, right, boy?"

He nodded clumsily. "Mmmm hmmm. Mmmmree mmmr."

"All right."

He relaxed, possibly thinking I would untie him. Instead I took the toothbrush and slipped it under the waistband of the biker shorts he wore before turning it on.

"MMMMMMMM!" he shouted suddenly, arching his hips up as far as they would go. I knew as he did so that he had come. At that moment, I turned all the vibrators back on and watched him squirm, his laughter high pitched, and then hopeless as he realized I intended to watch him struggle through overstimulation.

And it would still be a while before, over the pitiful laughter and groans, I heard a knock on the door...

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:28 pm
by RopedBud
God this story is fucking hoooooottttttttt. Its perfect in every way and I can't wait to see where it goes from here, although, I wonder if Miles will get to go through "initiation" at some point ;)

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:36 am
by bondagefreak
"MMMMMMMM!" he screamed. Being a college student trying desperately to save money, I hadn't been to the laundromat in quite some time, so I knew that that pair of undies was probably not at its best, what with sweat and late-night...pleasures
Simply fantastic, mate.
The underwear-gagging scene was pure gold and your creative way of relating their state of cleanliness -or lack thereof- really hit the spot for me.

Tickling and edging is also a big turn off for me, so I'm definitely enjoying where this is heading.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:37 am
by Volobond
Hello again! Thanks to everybody once more for commenting and encouraging me! If you like my writing, please check out the poll I have on the TUG Talk forum, "Which story would you like to see most?" and vote for what you'd like to see me start working on next. Also, feel free to comment on what kind of scenes or TUGS you'd like to see in the story you vote for!

Anyway, back to the story!

Part 4
I felt like I had spent a blissful eternity torturing and pleasuring my welcome gift, but I wonder how long it felt for him. Two eternities, at least. In any case, it was quite a while he spent being forced into orgasm after orgasm, with me watching and bringing myself pleasure at a much more reasonable rate.

And then I heard a knock on the door. "Yo, Miles?" Eli's voice called. I could practically hear him smirking through the door. "You awake in there?"

My treat gave a pitiable whine at the sound of Eli's voice, while I focused on making myself presentable. I was just so grateful in that moment that I had remembered to pack an overnight bag with spare undies, as my former pair was indisposed by its occupation of my present's mouth. I pulled on my spare pair, then yanked back on my undershirt and basketball shorts before opening the door and being caught in a bear hug by my big brother.

"Awww, nice work, boyo! He looks rough." Eli grinned, deftly sidestepping me and putting his finger to the white box on his nightstand, silencing the vibrators. He looked briefly confused at the sound of the electric toothbrush, until he spotted it, and his face lit up with an even more devilish grin. "Niiiiice, baby brother! That's cold, right there."

He sat down beside my treat and withdrew the toothbrush none too gently, making my present give one last holler of mingled pleasure and pain. Eli, still smiling wolfishly, made a disappointed noise. "Awww, Robbie. I don't remember allowing you to come. I know you were given to my brother, but that doesn't mean my orders go out the window. Now I'm gonna have to punish you, boy."

Robbie (I felt a stab of shame that I had only been calling him my treat, like he was some sort of object) whined again into my underwear. His shoulders started shaking, and I realized that he was crying.

Now I felt really bad. I had gotten carried away. I hadn't really meant to hurt Robbie, or get him in trouble, or make him cry.

Eli noticed my guilt-ridden expression, and his look softened. "But your punishment can wait. You're lucky our guest is so pleased with you, boy."

He leaned forward and plucked my underwear out of Robbie's mouth, regarding them with confusion and amusement. "This isn't my sock. Whose is this?"

He laughed as I raised my hand, blushing like a tomato. I contemplated this as he removed the blindfolding sock from Robbie's eyes. It seemed that the sudden confidence I had developed when in control of tormenting and pleasuring Robbie had melted back to wherever it came from. I kind of missed it.

A grunt of pain jolted me back to the present. Eli had grabbed hold of one of Robbie's nipples and started twisting. "Don't be rude, boy. Your punishment comes later because of our guest. What do we say to him?"

"Thank you, Sir! I'm so happy to be your present, Sir!" Robbie shouted desperately at me, blinking away sweat and tears. Eli smiled and let go, rubbing Robbie's chest softly.

"That's a good boy, right there."

Robbie smiled softly. Eli motioned me over.

"He gets a little loopy after a really good session. Consider it a compliment."

And with that, Eli enlisted my help in untying Robbie and taking care of him. We massaged his aching muscles and rubbed lotion on his skin where there were angry red rope burns. Eli produced a bucket of warm water and a towel and had me clean off the sweat and... well, the copious amounts of ejaculate I had forced Robbie to produce, while he helped get the soiled biker shorts off of him. Getting into the spirit of caretaking, I ran a soothing hand through Robbie's sweaty hair, and he hummed happily and nuzzled my hand, still not quite all there yet.

Robbie drifted in and out of sleep during this time. I couldn't blame him. Even I was already dog-tired from our session, and I had been asleep for the first thirty minutes of it! But Eli made sure to keep him awake, either with a squeeze to his knee or a gentle tap of his face. We helped Robbie to his feet, and I dressed him in a fresh underwear, a loose shirt, and sweatpants while Eli stripped the bed and took the sheets and the shorts (and my underwear) to the laundry room, ordering me to stay in the room.

I continued taking care of Robbie, who seemed so pliant and vulnerable under my touch. As much as I had loved torturing him, I kind of liked taking care of him just as much, especially as he seemed to enjoy it so well.

Robbie glanced at me suddenly, and I realized this was the first time we had actually made eye contact fully dressed and unbound. "Hi. I'm Robbie. You're pretty."

My blush probably was emitting a red glow around me by now. Unfortunately, Eli chose this time to return.

"Ha! His name is Miles, not Pretty, but good try, Rob!"

I would have groaned at the terrible joke, but the open door allowed in a heavenly scent that made my mouth suddenly wet with saliva. "Is that... pancakes?"

Eli smiled. "It is indeed. Let's get some food in you two. You've both got big days ahead of you."

That sounded ominous. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He chuckled. "All in due time, Pretty."

Eli had me support Robbie all the way to the kitchen.

Breakfast was pretty much as interesting as the rest of my stay in the Gamma House. There were two other diners with us that morning. One I had met, and the other I had yet to become acquainted to.

The one I had met was the man responsible for the breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. His name was Stan, and as he played football for the university, he was blessed with a stunning physique. He had long brown hair the same length as mine, although he wore his loose, and like Robbie, had some sexy scruff. He wore only a pair of white briefs and a bright red "Kiss the Cook" apron. He was welcoming and friendly towards me, and informed us that he was about to serve breakfast.

Our other fellow diner was indisposed. I had yet to learn his name, and he was unable to tell me due to being gagged. His tanned arms were drawn up and over the back of his chair, wrists bound with rope and kept in place behind his head so that his hairy armpits were accessible. His thighs were drawn apart by more rope, so that he seemed completely vulnerable. He was wearing a pair of plaid boxers. The gag in his mouth consisted of white tape wound around his head countless times, a noticeable bulge where the mouth would be indicating that his mouth had been stuffed before hand. I automatically wondered what had been put in there. He had short black hair and piercing green eyes that gave me a pleading look as I surveyed his predicament.

Anyway, Stan served me a huge stack of pancakes, and all concern for the captive diner was abandoned. I noticed Eli and Robbie tucking in with similar gusto. Stan returned to the table with two plates, and as he sat down he put one in front of the bound man. Stan acted as though he didn't notice the captive, and started eating his bacon.

After about a minute, Stan pretended to be startled. "Oh, man! I completely forgot. I am so sorry, bro."

He turned to the captive, who gave a muffled chuckle. The chuckle became a roar of indignation as Stan swiped the bacon from his plate.

Stan shoved the bacon strip into his mouth. "Chase here's a vegetarian."

"MMMMM mmm-mmmm mmmm MMM MMM!" Chase snarled from behind his gag.

"Or is it a vegan? I forget. I better eat his eggs too, to be safe." Stan mused to us, which only infuriated Chase more.

"As you can guess, Chase is neither. Stan just likes the psychological torture game." Eli explained, before standing up. "You need some help with him, Stan?"

Stan nodded and stood, and they both approached Chase.

"Mmm-mmm. MMM-mmm!" Chase shook his head, glaring at Eli and Stan.

"C'mon, bro. You're the one always saying we ought to exercise more before breakfast, right?" Eli teased.

Chase breathed in to give another futile response, and they pounced, tickling his exposed body with uninhibited ferocity. Eli seemed to favor the pits and sides, where Chase could not defend, while Stan tortured him at the neck, forcing Chase to alternate allowing access to one side or the other.

It was enthralling to see them take control so casually of the other stud, and I sat there watching, a bacon strip suspended in midair halfway to my mouth.

Finally, when Chase was panting and hooting with laughter, the two stopped. Eli sat back down as though nothing had happened and continued eating. Stan, however, dug his fingers for a while at Chase's face before finding purchase and yanking down the tape, letting it sit around his neck like a collar.

"You guys suck, you know that?" Chase growled.

Stan guffawed. "Awfully brave for a guy whose pits are still out in the open."

"You little- mmmmmmm!" Chase was cut off as Stan clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Calm down, you've had your fun. You want breakfast, right?"

Chase glared for a moment, then the fire faded from his eyes. He nodded, Stan's hand still tight on his mouth. "Mmmmm-hmmm."

"Good boy. Now, don't spill anything. You spill my food, you lick it up, got it?"

And with that, Stan speared some egg from Chase's plate and fed him, Chase obediently opening his mouth wide so as not to drop any food. Already this was making me all hot and bothered, seeing Chase so submissive when he was being so defiant just moments ago.

These were only my first few hours at the Gamma House, I thought. My hosts had saved me by giving me room and board, and then they put a welcome treat on my pillow (or rather, the next bed), gave me a wonderful breakfast, and even held a performance with the meal! This place might just kill me from sheer pleasure.

After breakfast passed, Stan looked to Eli and me and grinned. "You show him downstairs yet?"

Eli glared. "I was about to. But I need someone to take care of Robbie."

Robbie blushed, but said nothing. Chase cleared his throat. "What'd Robbie do now?" The way he said it made me think that Robbie got punished a lot.

"He couldn't quite control himself with our guest. He's got to be punished" Eli said smugly. Chase and Stan gave me approving looks. I blushed again. Curse my stupid social anxiety in non-bondage situations!

"Well, I can tie him up so he's waiting for you when you finish the tour." Chase offered. He turned his head and rubbed his nose against his bicep, his arms still bound. "When Stan lets me go."

"Bold of you to assume that's my plan." Stan muttered, but nodded approval. Robbie looked resigned, but he had a little smile that made me think he was anticipating it more than he wanted to let on.

Eli stood. "Anyway, you ready, boyo? We've got a tour to take. It's time you saw the fun part of the house."

I was nervous about what was to come, but I was much too excited to refuse. I desperately wanted to see what other wonders were in store...

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 7:41 am
by DeeperThanRed
I really love the large amount of characters in this story. They're all fun and distinct. Wish I could live in that frat, too. :lol:

Robbie is adorable, by the way.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 1:43 pm
by MountainMan_91
Wow, had an amazing time reading all four chapters at once!

This is a masterpiece Sir!

Keep it coming.

Maybe all of us [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Phoenix[/mention] [mention]Charmides[/mention] [mention]Bondwriter[/mention] [mention]Xtc[/mention] [mention]Bradboi[/mention] and [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] should start a frat!! with [mention]Volobond[/mention] as our first pledge...

this is indeed one of my favorites...

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:50 pm
by Xtc
Still going well!
Sorry [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention], bit to old folr a frat. Could I just form an Evil Granddadernity?

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 12:09 am
by Phoenix
I cant believe I missed this story until now! It is literally sooooo good, I love binging stories like this. I’m excited to see where it’s going.

[mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] I feel like that idea can only end in disaster...... which would make it even more fun, of course!

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:17 pm
by Volobond
Part 5
"Hey, uh, can I do the dishes for you or something? That was probably the best breakfast I've ever had." I told Stan. It was my understanding about communal living that when someone cooks for you, you in turn do the dishes for them.

Stan clapped me on the shoulder, then glared at Chase, who had been re-gagged with Stan's apron after breakfast, most of the fabric dangling from his mouth since it was so huge. Amusingly, the part that said "Kiss the Cook" was all smoothed out and visible. "You see, Charles, that is the sign of a good housemate. Nah, Miles. It's your first day. Enjoy it. Besides, Chase is my slave for the rest of the day, so I ought to get a little more use outta him, right?"

Chase mumbled something around the apron that was largely unintelligible. Eli patted him on the shoulder. "Hey, Stan? It looks like Chase isn't going anywhere for a while, so can you take care of Robbie for me?"

"Sure, man. You mind if I have a little fun with your boy?" Stan gave Robbie a wicked smirk. Robbie shrank back in his chair slightly.

Eli chuckled. "Depends, what kind of fun?"

"Oh, just some of what Chase is gonna get. It's a yellow-badge day today." I tilted my head at the unfamiliar term, but Eli only nodded.

"Well, great. I have a feeling Robbie's still tired from what Miles did to him."

I blushed as Stan clapped me on the shoulder again. "And to think, I was worried he wouldn't fit in."

"Just make sure he's in the study in an hour or so, ready. Come on, man. Time for you to take the tour."

"The tour of the basement?" I asked skeptically.

Eli only smirked.

Yes, I ate my words. The "basement" was not a dank and scary storage room. Entering "the basement" was more akin to walking onto a spaceship. The area was well lit and tiled, and it was apparently a three-story complex beneath the Gamma House. This first floor consisted of a long hallway, two doors on the left and about seven on the right. At the far end was another set of stairs.

"Three stories? How did you guys pay for all this?" I asked incredulously.

Eli chuckled. "We get some very generous donations from alumni brothers, and a lot of current brothers do some modeling work. We also fundraise on the sly by shooting videos here in-house that we sell on the Internet. But believe me, I think this has been in progress since the frat was formed. And now, like, two hundred years later, we're the lucky bastards that get to enjoy it!"

"You got that right." a new voice said, exiting one of the seven rooms and making me jump. For the briefest instant before he closed the door, I could hear some muffled shouting. "Ah, is this our new tutor?"

The man was about my height, but stocky and muscled, like an MMA fighter. He had black hair in a modern-looking undercut, and wore one of those t-shirts with a tuxedo pattern on it, along with tight jeans. Although, being as muscled as he was, I figured all his clothes must be tight. What caught my eye was a green badge on the "lapel" of the tuxedo. It was just a plain circular pin. I wondered if it meant anything.

Eli nodded. "Miles, meet Felix, my roommate. He's the guy whose bed you slept on last night. He's been real eager to meet you."

"Oh my gosh, that was someone's bed? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to put you out." I apologized. Felix shook his head.

"'sall good, bro. I barely ever sleep there anyway. During the night, anyway." Felix's eyes widened and he raised his hands. "I'm working as a bouncer for a club most nights. Eli asked me if his lil' bro could crash there, so I said yes."

"Besides, Felix spends most of his time down here in the Studio." Eli put in.

"The what?" I asked.

"Studio. It means a place where they record stuff. Music, movies, that kind of thing." Felix looked at my offended stare and blushed. It was oddly adorable for such a buff guy. "...but you knew that. Obvs. Uh, hey, Miles, this guy show you your office yet?"

"Office?" I asked, willing to let go of the slight. Although, part of me was wondering if I could get this guy trussed up like Robbie had been. I shook my head. I had self-control. I was not going to have to stop the tour and sit down every five minutes because I was thinking naughty thoughts. "What office?"

"The office that we will visit at the end of the tour." Eli said firmly.

Felix gave a theatrical wink. "Hey, if you ever need an assistant, I'm your man, you know what I'm saying?"

"Felix, don't you have something to get back to?" Eli sighed.

Felix squinted his eyes in confusion, then jumped. "Oh, crap!"

He charged back into the room he had come out of, and suddenly I could hear muffled screaming and laughter before the door swung closed again.

"This level is what we call the Studio." Eli told me. "Felix and his boy Seth were doing a video in there for the site. Felix is a bit scatterbrained. Too many protein shakes, I think."

"His 'boy.' Stan called Robbie the same thing. What's that about?"

"Oh, it's like a mentorship thing. Each non-freshman member of the frat gets one of the incoming members who make it in. It's the older brother's responsibility to... show the boy the ropes, so to speak."

"Are you gonna do that all the time?"

"Do what?"

"You know what I mean. If you tell me next that someone is too 'tied up' to meet me or that we're 'bound' to have fun or something, I'm out of here." I joked.

The Studio had about seven rooms for filming the videos the Gammas made. Apparently most of the brothers wore masks to protect their identities, but some preferred to show their faces, like Felix and Seth, who were apparently quite popular online for their line of torture videos, particularly one where Felix played a mad scientist who tickled Seth before and after shaving his armpits on camera. Eli noted that the Studio got the least use of the three floors over the summer. The other side was the observation room, which consisted of a room like a dance studio with mirrored walls, one of which was one of those mirrors that's a window from one side, and a room from which someone could observe the mirrored room by use of the one-way glass. Both of these connected to a hidden storage room containing a warehouse's worth of bondage gear.

The next floor down was known as the Cellblock, although Eli assured me that the name was mostly figurative, and most Gammas just called it "the Block." Consisting of several soundproofed rooms, the Block was intended for private games, unlike the one between me and Robbie, which had apparently been heard all through the house, as Eli informed me. We passed by quickly to the next set of stairs, this time leading to what Eli called "the Workshop."

The Workshop was one big room, with workbenches filled with tools and strange-looking devices. Several metal tables dominated the center of the room, and on the far end in the corner was a small lounge area with a TV, sofas, and a kitchenette. Someone had pasted a small pink banner on the wall next to this area that read "DECOMPRESSION ZONE" in big black letters.

There were three people in here: two I recognized and one I did not.

"Hey, everybody! Meet my little bro! Little bro, meet my other bros!" Eli cheered. Two of the people came over to meet me; the other remained where he was.

"Nice to see you again, Miles." Drew Hanson told me, dragging me in for a bro-hug. His floppy blond hair was all mussed up like he had just woken up, but his red GAG shirt looked nice and clean. I noticed the exact same badge Felix had been wearing was pinned in the same place on Drew. Drew and I knew each other well because I had tutored him extensively this year. He credited me with single-handedly saving his math grade. He was loud and boisterous, but friendly enough, and he seemed to feel he was still in my debt for helping him with his grades.

"It's nice to meet you." the other guy said, a trace of some accent coloring his words. He had curly brown hair and grey eyes that were magnified behind thick glasses. He would have looked like the stereotypical nerd if he wasn't built like John Cena. His shoulders were even broader than Stan's, and he might have been the tallest person I had ever seen in my life. He wore a white button-down shirt with suspenders and a bowtie even, although it made him look more like a Chippendale than a Poindexter. There was a badge over his heart, too, except his was red.

"This is Art, but everybody here calls him Tinker." Eli told me.

"'Cause he's the one who makes all our toys." Drew chuckled.

Tinker held up a small red disk, identical to the ones Robbie had had tied to him this morning. It looked positively tiny in his hands. "Wait..." I said. "You invented these?"

"'Invented' is a strong word," TInker said modestly. "But yes, I built the Tickle Discs and have been continually modifying them. They only have about two hours worth of power on them, but at least I got them to charge wirelessly. Oh, you used them this morning, didn't you? To great effect, if I heard correctly. You'll have to tell me all about it when you've got time."

Eli shushed him good-naturedly. "Tinker tends to get a little excited about his work."

"Hey!" the third man in the room called. "I'd like to meet him too, you know!"

Eli gave me a wink, and suddenly I remembered exactly who that person was.

It was Cody Sears, my crush, wearing nothing but compression shorts that did an awful job of concealing things, and strapped down to one of the metal tables by leather straps that kept his arms and legs spread. On a small wheeled table next to him were several things I recognized as traditional tickle implements, as well as oddly shaped tools that must have been Tinker's creations. As we walked over, he gave me a charming smile that was in no way made less sexy by his current predicament.

"Nice to meet you, Miles. I'm Cody Sears, current President of Gamma Alpha Gamma. Uh, you'll forgive me if I don't shake your hand." As if to demonstrate that he sincerely couldn't, he strained against his bonds, flexing pretty much every muscle he had and giving me a wonderful show.

"That's-" My voice had cracked for the first time since I was seventeen. "That's no problem."

"Tinker asked me to help him test out some new tickle tools he's been developing. Since Cody's the most ticklish guy here, I had him... volunteer."

Eli casually walked over and handgagged Cody as he started to protest. Oh boy. I considered sitting down to avoid embarrassment. My basketball shorts were not going to do a very good job of hiding anything.

"So, I thought we'd, ah, sit in on the experiment while I explained to you the rules of Gamma House and our games. Come here." Eli motioned me over with his free hand. "Take over for me."

I glanced at Cody, almost for permission, and he winked at me. My heart started hammering against the inside of my chest. I shook it off and my hand replaced Eli's. It was a really awesome feeling to feel him trying to talk while I was preventing him.

"Hold his head up while I get a pillow." Drew said. "Have him watch."

I did as I was told, bracing Cody's head with my other hand, which also gave me a chance to touch his black hair. All too soon, Drew returned from the toolbox with a small pillow and a ballgag. He quickly rendered me obsolete, and I must have imagined Cody giving me an apologetic glance as I removed my hand and Drew stuffed the ball into his mouth.

"So, here at the GAG House, we have a system to ensure everyone knows how everyone else feels towards our games on any given day. We call it the badge system."

As Eli talked, I watched Tinker hand Drew a weird bristled implement that seemed to be an unholy cross between a scrub brush and a water pistol. Drew pulled the trigger and the scrub brush began to spin.

Eli continued over the sound of Cody's laughter through the ball gag, which admittedly made it hard to concentrate. "We have five badges, color coded. If you don't wear a badge, you're off-limits for games. Red is the lowest level. Means that you're only interested in tying or being tied. Anything further than that and your partner has to check with you first."

I looked again at Tinker, who was barely paying attention to the obvious arousal Cody was showing and instead was typing notes on a tablet as Drew used a new tool. The red badge glinted on his chest.

"Then there's yellow. I think you'll notice the traffic light motif? Means slow. Tying, ambushing, pranks, and some light torture, but nothing below the belt. Except feet." Eli said. "Green is go. Wearing a green badge means you're up for anything at all. Most of us wear green usually. Like me and Drew."

We paused as Cody made a practically perfect arc with his body in an attempt to get away from a device which seemed to be separating his toes and tickling the spaces made. He gave out a screaming laugh that sounded just...perfect. Tinker avidly turned to his tablet and continued take notes, although Drew looked really into it.

"Then there's silver and gold, which are special. Silver is for guys who only want to be on the tied side of things. You haven't seen it, but Robbie usually wears silver. And, uh, so does Cody, come to think of it. Gold is the opposite, for guys who only like to tie. These are worn with one of the other badges. It's simple, easy to remember."

"It is, I guess." I said. I was surprised that I remembered it all while watching Cody Sears restrained, gagged, and tickled.

Eli dug his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. "Oh, crap! It's been an hour already?"

I was less surprised. I figured I had spent days down here in this bondage heaven.

"Come on, boyo. Time to show you where you'll be spending a lot of your time."

We said our goodbyes to the others.

"Looking forward to seeing you around, Miles!" Drew chirped.

Tinker told me that he would take me to lunch next week and we could discuss his tools and if I would consider helping him test out his implements on other subjects. Cody gave me a glazed-over smile.

"Nice to meet you, Cody." I said, miraculously not stuttering.

"I look forward to playing together." he gave me yet another wink, and Eli practically had to drag me away.

"You'll get your chance, little bro. Just be patient." he chided me. "Now, I think you'll really enjoy this next bit..."

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:31 am
by DeeperThanRed
I'm really liking the world building in this story. GAG seemed like a very fun place at first and it keeps getting better. Characters are still very distinct and feel alive.

Outstanding job.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:09 am
by bondagefreak
I have to share [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention]'s sentiment here.
This is really outstanding stuff.

The characters are pretty neat and as well defined as they could be at such an early stage.
I'm loving the colour-coded barge system.
That's brilliant. Haha, I definitely know which badges I'D be wearing 8-)

The stage is set.
Can't help but wonder where you'll be leading us next, mate!

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:36 am
by Xtc
They'll probably hop aboard the next colour-coded barge that pulls alongside.

Sorry, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], couldn't resist it.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 8:56 pm
by Volobond
Hey everyone! Just want to say before I get into the next chapter that I updated my "new story ideas" poll on the TUG Talk forum since I started "Repercussions", so if you have a chance, please vote and comment with what you'd like to see from my work! You can access the poll with this link here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=4249

As always, thanks to the people who comment - you make this so much fun and keep me posting!

Part 6
Eli quickly led me all the way back up the stairs into the house proper.

"C'mon, E." I pleaded. "Just tell me."

Eli chuckled at my whining. "What about 'it's a surprise' do you not get, boyo?"

I chuckled. "Can you blame me for being eager?"

He shrugged. "Be that as it may, you'll just have to wait."

Eli led me through the house into the study, where again I was shocked. I probably should have been used to it by now.

The study contained a large, sturdy desk, the kind that Deans usually seemed to have. On the wall behind this desk were two bookcases flanking a door. There was one window, heavily curtained, and most of the light came from the fixture on the ceiling. And instead of having two normal chairs facing the desk like in a normal office, there were two strange chair-like apparatuses made from red leather material. They looked almost X-shaped, with straps at the tops and bottoms of the points of the X and around the middle part. Behind the headrest, there was a small hook, both of them occupied by green bandannas. I could tell quite clearly what they were for, as they were both already occupied.

Image from Etsy found via Google Images

As I had almost expected, one of the chairs was filled with Robbie, again naked, strapped down tightly, a leather blindfold over his eyes and a lump of cloth in his mouth held by in place by a bandanna. I could tell quite clearly that the cloth was underwear, and it occurred to me just how unlucky Robbie had been today. Although judging from his obvious enjoyment, he might call it lucky.

The other chair was occupied by a surprise guest. Apparently Chase had either been released or gotten free and taken revenge, because it was Stan who was strapped into the chair, straining against the straps with his thick muscles, still only wearing the briefs he had had on while cooking. He had gotten ball gagged, but not blindfolded. He blushed when he saw us. As we got closer, I realized that he was embarrassed - someone had written all over his broad chest in marker. Framing his right pectoral was a message that read: "I got cocky and let my prisoner escape - please punish me." Along each side was written "Please tickle these!" with an arrow pointing towards the armpit. On his abs, along with an arrow through his treasure trail, was written "Make me come until I scream!"

"Not that I'm complaining, but what is this for?" I wondered. Stan looked annoyed that we weren't immediately letting him out and started saying things behind the gag.

Eli pointed to the eastern wall, which had three dry-erase boards hanging up next to it. On each of them was a single three-columned chart, listing the name, grade average, and most recent test score of each brother.

"We're letting you stay as a live-in tutor. Gamma Alpha Gamma is a fraternal society that aspires to academic excellence. So, it's your responsibility to examine the grades of the brothers and determine who needs the most... uh... tutoring.

Robbie squirmed, almost as if he could feel Eli leering at him.

"The brother or brothers in need of assistance, or with the lowest scores, will be required to report to you for remedial tutoring. We had the chairs brought in because we thought it'd be fun."

"Fun, yes." I agreed, casually laying my hand on Robbie's stomach. He whimpered and jolted, probably feeling tickled due to the anticipation, but I simply rubbed his belly soothingly. "Teaching tool, though?"

Eli held up a finger and moved to Stan, removing his ball gag. "Stan, tell Miles what the Wars of the Roses were."

Stan looked incredulous. "The what? I'm not taking history! Bro, I-AAH!"

Eli had dug his fingers into Stan's pits and kept going, forcing peals of laughter out of the big football player. I have to admit, I was hoping Stan wouldn't be too ticked off at me. I really liked his cooking.

"Tell me! What were they?" Eli demanded, leaning back and attacking the foot as well, making Stan yell in surprise.

"I-hi-hi-hi do-ho-n't kno-ho-ho-ho-ow!"

Eli stopped tickling and grabbed my arm, pulling me with him. We moved in front of the chair between Stan's legs so he had access to the whole body. Eli wiggled his fingers. "Last chance, bud, or we're gonna tickle you 'til you piss yourself."

Stan wiggled and struggled. "It's - ha- they were some wars in England, right? No, please!"

Eli had lunged, but stopped before he touched Stan. "Close enough. Good job, buddy." He put the ball gag back into Stan's slack mouth and beamed at me, patting Stan's cheek. "See? Teaching tool."

Before I could respond, the door we had come through burst open. Felix, the MMA-looking dude from downstairs in the Studio, strode in carrying someone over his shoulder. He was about as tall as Felix, but with more of a runner's build, and with ruddy reddish-brown hair. That must have been Seth, who looked the same kind of glassy-eyed that Robbie had after our session. Seth was naked except for a jock-strap, and wrapped in a harness of ropes that criss-crossed his torso and anchored his wrists to his sides. He had what looked like a sock sticking out of his mouth.

"'m I too late?" Felix boomed.

Chase walked in after him, fully clothed and smirking. "Oh, well, looks like the gang's almost all here!"

Eli grinned. "Hey, Felix?"

"Yeah, boss man?"

"Could you show Miles his new room after you're all done in here?" Eli stalked over to Robbie's chair and ran his fingers down the bound man's body. Robbie gave a half-whimper, half-moan at the touch.

"What're you gonna do?" Felix wondered, carrying the groaning Seth over to the chair as Eli undid the straps on Robbie's legs.

Eli leaned down and started kissing a line down Robbie's neck, eliciting more moans. "I'm gonna have a little bit of fun with my boy, here."

They moved like a well-oiled machine. Chase produced a set of padded leather cuffs that he put on Robbie as soon as he was free of the chair. Eli picked him up as Felix had Seth and carried him off, patting me on the shoulder as he did so. As he left, Felix sat Seth down on the chair and started undoing the rope harness as Chase strapped down his legs. Seth struggled a bit, but was no match for Felix's raw strength, and he was bound to the chair in no time.

Chase grinned at me. "I still got some revenge to take on Stanley, here." He moved to where I had previously been standing, right between Stan's legs with access to every inch of his body.

Felix looked at me. "Chase told me they heard you all morning with Robbie. You wanna give Seth a taste of what you can do?"

I glanced at Seth, who moaned through the sock in his mouth. "He kinda looks like he's been put through the wringer."

Felix waved the concern away with his hand. "Seth's a tough guy. If he could talk, he'd tell you he's barely gotten anything done to 'im." He reached over and patted Seth right on the jockstrap with a heavy hand.

"MMMMMmmmmm!" Seth yelled, before looking at me with wide eyes and nodding rapidly. I shrugged. Hey, if I could get an excuse...

Felix allowed me to take the prime position, opting to take off his faux-tuxedo shirt and reveal his physique. He was really sweaty, and a faint tinge of body odor hit the room. I had been living in the freshmen dorm with quite a few other strapped-for-cash students who skimped on hygiene to save money, so I was used to some stink, but even I wrinkled my nose at the scent.

"Oh, crap, man! When was the last time you showered?" Chase protested, trying to physically bat the scent away. Stan moaned angrily. Seth only whimpered pathetically. I wondered whether or not Eli's move to get him and Robbie out had been more calculated than I had thought.

"Come on, don't worry about it. The only one who should be complaining is Seth, and I don't hear him..." Felix said softly before leaning over with his pit out, grabbing Seth's head with his arm, the face locked in Felix's armpit. Seth seemed to hate it and love it, because he cried out in protest, but the jockstrap he wore tightened. I could tell the bound man was holding his breath to avoid the fumes which must have been toxic at such close range.

I realized. This was what Felix had recruited me for. I lazily ran the nail of my index finger up Seth's right foot. With a howl of laughter, Seth reflexively arched as far as he could away from my finger - launching his face deep into Felix's sweaty, armpit.

And with that, Chase and I started to tickle our respective captives while Felix used his free hand to play with Seth's nipples and tickle his armpits.

I felt wonderful. I felt alive! I had wanted control from college, and now I sure as hell was getting it.

We played with Stan and Seth for a long time. I had almost exhausted my creativity in tickling Seth's bottom half. Felix gave me a look when Chase patted Stan's head like a dog and let him rest.

"You're not done, are you?" he asked me.

I looked at Seth, who was still suffering, whose dick was incredibly hard and yet not yet achieving release. "I hardly think it'd be fair to Seth."

He grinned. "I knew I'd like you. C'm'here."

I was hesitant to approach the smelly man, so instead Felix let go of Seth and approached me. Seth took as deep a breath as he could now that he wasn't trapped in the armpit. Felix leaned over to whisper in my ear. I started to smile at his plan, especially as it involved my participation.

I moved to where Felix had been, grabbed his shirt off the floor, and tossed it to him. Felix took his time using the shirt as a sweat rag, wiping it across his shoulders, back, and through his pits. He tossed it to me, and I grabbed it, careful not to let it get near my head.

Seth shook his head at me, pleading through the sock for mercy, but I wasn't in the mood just now. I laid the shirt over his face. When Seth struggled, I grabbed his hair and scrunched up the shirt with my other hand, padding it under his nose.

"If you want to come today," I told him, my voice low and intense. "That shirt stays on your face. Get me?" Seth nodded from under the shirt. I patted his cheek. "Good boy."

Felix nodded at me with approval as he moved on with our plan. I started to tickle Seth's armpits, causing him to thrash and arch against the leather straps binding him. Meanwhile Felix started to stroke Seth's thighs and legs, only ever grazing the package between them. I could feel Seth trembling and quaking from the combined denial and and torment.

At a nod from Felix, I stopped and quickly pulled the jockstrap as far away from Seth's groin as possible, allowing his erection to stand up fully, red and ready. And still Felix didn't touch it, continuing to ghost over Seth's lower body with a frustrating lack of intensity. But at another nod, I resumed my attack on Seth's armpits.

"MMMMMHMHMHMHMMMHHMMHMHMHMMM!" Seth cried again, and I relished in the sound of his helplessness. Finally, Felix sensing that Seth was ready, lowered his head and started to lick Seth's feet. The poor bound man screeched as his feet were assaulted, and without anything touching his penis, he came powerfully, spraying everywhere. Being at his head, I avoided getting splashed, but much of it got in Felix's hair, as he refused to stop his attack. To be perfectly honest, I continued tickling him too, and I even started pinching his nipples just to overstimulate him further. Felix watched carefully, reaching forward and giving Seth a few jerks to make sure every drop had been released.

I finally noticed that Stan and Chase were still in the room, looking at the three of us with faces that showed both astonishment and arousal. I blushed again, but I was also strangely proud that they were looking at me like that, like I was someone sexy and confident.

"Well, uh, welcome to GAG, Miles." Stan said softly before hurriedly exiting, I guessed, to take care of himself.

"Yeah! Nice to meetcha." Chase said equally quickly before also scurrying out.

Felix chuckled a deep baritone chuckle. "You're all right, kid. I think you'll fit in just fine. Your room is right back there, through the study. You don't have to share."

He checked his watch and gave me a doofy smile. "Uh, would you mind, uh, taking care of Seth for me? You know, get him down, cuddle him, play some video games or something? I gotta get some sleep before I go to work."

I nodded. Felix ruffled Seth's hair as he left the room, taking his shirt with him. I noticed that although there was definitely some sexual activity between them, Felix didn't seem to have the same kind of relationship with Seth that Eli had with Robbie. Something I felt worth consideration. I ungagged Seth first before unbinding him and supporting him into my new room. Part of me was excited about having my first guest, especially one as cute as Seth. As I opened the door, I noticed that Seth's record on the three charts on the wall was the lowest. Enough that he might even need to retake a course during the summer.

"I think we're going to be spending quite a bit of time together this summer, Seth." I whispered into his ear. Seth groaned happily and buried his face in my neck, sniffing me. I guess he just wanted to smell anything that wasn't Felix's stink. I carried him to my bed and began the process of taking care of him...

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:20 pm
by Volobond
Hey everyone! I got to say, it's been really fun writing this story for you guys. I really wanna make sure I'm heading in a direction y'all like, so please make sure to comment on how you like the story so far, what else you'd like to see in the future, maybe a specific character you'd like more involvement from? Don't be afraid to DM me about any of my stories, if you'd prefer!

Hope to hear from you! :D

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:47 am
by cj2125
Somehow this story slipped through the cracks but I must say is really good! I mean, a frat entirely devoted to tying up its members? Count me in!

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 7:59 am
by DeeperThanRed
Wonder how Miles will "take care of" Seth...

All characters are great, but it's especially nice to see Stan getting bound along with Robbie.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:05 am
by Volobond
Part 7
I would have been perfectly happy to let Seth rest. He had been through a lot. However, as soon as I got him down on my bed, he latched onto me like some sort of octopus, dragging me down with him. I froze up as I felt his mouth kissing the shell of my ear.

"Uh... Seth? You okay?" I asked. After all, we had just met. But, even I had to admit that the circumstances of the meeting blew all sense of propriety out of the window.

"Mmmhmmm." he hummed happily, moving down to my neck. Not that I wasn't happy with a hot guy holding me and kissing me, but I still felt like there were some boundaries to set.

Reluctantly, I pushed Seth off of me. "Okay, why don't we introduce ourselves? I'm Miles. I'm new."

Seth shook his head like a dog before nodding. "Right. Um... sorry about that. I'm Seth. NIce to meet you."

We shook hands awkwardly, both aware that Seth was completely naked.

"So... can you tie me up again?" Seth asked, eyes lighting up.

I was surprised. "Really? Aren't you... I don't know, tired?"

Seth smirked. "I love being tied up. I'd be tied up all the time if I could. I was thinking maybe you could help me with that."

"I don't follow."

"Let's just say that I don't get roped down as often as I'd like by Felix. That tickle stuff? I never get enough of that."

I thought about his proposal for about half a second. "Sure."

He grinned at me before ducking off the bed and kneeling.

I stood, enjoying the feeling of having a great height advantage. "I still think you'll need to relax, so I'll give you the best of both worlds." I looked around, realizing that I had no supplies to tie him up with. Seth coughed and pointed his chin at a box poking out from under my bed. Inside was rope, gags, and even a pair of leather cuffs. "Oh."

"Maybe you'll 'relax' me more after I'm tied up?" Seth asked hopefully. I could see that he was already sporting an erection.

"Really? It doesn't take much to get you horny, does it?" I was only half-teasing. Seth blushed and grinned.

"I'm blessed with a lot of stamina." he said softly. With that, I set to work.

I decided to take Felix's advice about relaxing with Seth and I turned on the TV to some old sitcom while I slowly bound Seth into one of the chairs in my new room. Luckily, there were armrests. I circled Seth's wrists several times with rope before tying them to the arm of the chair, and slowly wound the rope up his arms until he could only move them slightly. I laced him to the back of the chair with several criss-crosses, and the way I tied them really made his chest muscles pop. I moved down and forced his legs apart so I could tie them to the nearest chair legs at the ankles and knees. I also used the back chair legs to loop around the upper thighs, near his exposed manhood, which made him squirm like crazy. And finally, I put a bit gag from my box into his mouth and buckled it behind his head. I ran my hands over his body, feeling up his muscles, occasionally tugging at a rope.

"You comfortable? Anything too tight?" I asked.

"Uh-uh, Rrmmm mmmmmooo, Mmmm-mmrrrr."

I winked at him as I gave him a few pumps. His eyes nearly rolled back in his head, but he was barely able to move, let alone thrust. I took my hand away, and he gave a moan of frustration as I abandoned him.

"Relaxing time." I told him. "Come on. Watch a sitcom, laugh a little!"

He huffed, and I dug my fingers into the side of his neck. He giggled loudly and attempted to clamp down on my hand by tilting his head, but I had already removed my hand.

We watched the show for a while. I ignored the occasional whimpers and gagged pleas coming from Seth's occupied mouth.

And then I heard a knock on the door.

"Oh look, we have a visitor. Maybe it's Felix, back to check on you." I told Seth, and he rolled his eyes before looking pointedly at his still-hard erection. "In good time."

I went to the door to answer it.

And standing there, fully dressed in jeans and a jacket, was Cody Sears, giving me a welcoming smile.

Re: Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M)

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:41 am
by RopedBud
i was getting worried that you wouldn't be continuing this story but i'm glad to see that you are! Definitely curious to see what kind of trouble cody gets into!