Car mascot (M/M)

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Car mascot (M/M)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Ah, illegal drag races in the outskirts. Few things can shoot testosterone levels as high as the roar of engines, the cheering crowds, and the sense of danger that comes with it. You’re driving these killer machines, ready to show everyone who’s the best, to hear them call your name out loud.

Blake Fox is really hooked up on the rush of victory. He’s expected eagerly by his loyal fans and he makes his best not to disappoint them. Not only his car is impressive, but he’s also a skilled, fearless competitor, with an imposing image due to his chiseled body. This last feature, along with his handsome face, serves well to draw just as many female fans.

The college guy isn’t the only popular racer, however. Cameron Kane has a similar winning record. Unlike Blake, Cameron is more the quiet type, staying away from the spotlights as soon as his rival has bitten the dust. His slim, slightly short frame could lead to thinking that he would feel intimidated by jocks, but he only finds it more rewarding when he beats them. His mysterious aura fascinates the crowd and his dark angel looks drive girls crazy over him.

These two boys, though perfectly aware of each other’s existence, had never crossed swords before. Their reputations and rooters constantly fed a rivalry that was bound to burst whenever they finally met.

Cameron gets there tonight, late, as usual, just to find Blake surrounded by his fans. A couple of girls are admiring the jock’s biceps, perfectly visible thanks to one of the tank tops he likes wearing so much. The moment their eyes meet, silence falls upon them. This has been expected by everyone and the seas open for Cameron to go to encounter his rival.

“Look who finally has the guts to face me”, Blake says with a sneaker.

“Well, since you were always hiding, I had to come and find you”.

Reactions are palpable from the crowd. Truth is, given that none of them has ever had a specific day to show up, it is the fate that has kept them apart and what places them together tonight.

Blake approaches the dark-haired guy, making more obvious the size difference. He starts making fun of the boy’s car, which is older and not as shiny or expensive as his own. Under different circumstances, he would have been more careful with his comments, but they only drive unmodified vehicles, and he has beaten such models before. Cameron’s comeback regarding the ability of the driver pushes his rival’s buttons.

“Why don’t we make it more interesting?”, Blake asks as he gets ready.

“It will be interesting watching you from my rear mirror”.

“You’re scared, uh? I’ll tell you what, if I win, I’ll make you a favor and get rid of that piece of junk for you”.

Cameron tries to hide his fear. That car is a gift from his late grandpa. Since he has no savings, he knows that if he loses, he’s out of the circuit for good. He walks to his trusty ride, watching it like an old friend, caresses the hood, and turns around slowly.

“I’d take your car, but she would have to drag it back home. What you said before is true, though, she needs a little makeover. What about a car mascot?”. He expects Blake to look at the jaguar on his own hood before he continues. “Actually, I was talking about you. If I win, I’ll strap you down to my hood and drive around. You’d be naked, of course, I don’t want you to scratch the painting by accident”.

Cameron is hoping it dissuades his rival so they can go back to a race for the regular money prize. Blake’s face makes him believe for a second that it has worked, but as soon as the jock gets back his colors, he accepts the bet. For Cameron, it’s like a cold shower, still, there’s no way back.

These seconds are the longest in both racers’ lives. The burnout, the hot girl giving them the signal, everything seems to be happening in slow motion. Along the way, they’re keeping an eye on each other, both having the idea that they’re falling behind. In the end, however, this fear is true for one of them. Cameron has won by a nose. Blake’s fans are as shocked as he is, most of them, others seem strangely eager for the aftermath.

“Time to pay”, Cameron announces, lightly drumming on his hood.

Blake’s expression is priceless for the winner. The jock stares at the other car before he marches slowly. When he stops, he seems reluctant to start undressing, but it only lasts half a second, now that some of his “fans” decide to help him. Suddenly, there are hands all over the boy, lifting his arms, pulling off the top, unbuckling the belt, pulling down pants and underwear. He’s so startled, that he doesn’t even say a word about all the shameless groping that is taking place.

Once Blake is nude, he’s lifted and placed over the warm hood, facing down. He barely fits, all stretched out. Rope is coiled around his limbs, before pulling them tight to each corner. In no time, he’s decorating his rival’s car. It wasn’t stated on the bet, but the boy feels his mouth is being stuffed with his own socks -at least he hopes they’re his-, and wrapped with duct tape, effectively silencing him. He’s now beaten and humiliated, accepting of what will come. When they're done, the crowd makes some room for the victor, who approaches with a huge grin.

“You make a great ornament, just try not to leave hair all over the place”, Cameron says as he pulls some of Blake’s underarm bristles, making him grunt.

Blake is utterly embarrassed, but also mad and scared. He tries to stay calm, for he knows it will be much worse if all of that shows. The little flag in Cameron’s hand, nonetheless, brings a chill down his spine.

“Don’t you think it would look even better with this”, the winner says, teasing his captive by slightly prodding his exposed hole with the tiny flagstick.

The bound boy struggles with all his might, triggering the laughter and clicks of the cameras of the public.

“Take it easy, big guy, I’d never do that”. Cameron pats the captive and proceeds to get into his car.

Blake feels the engine underneath. He can’t help to look at the mocking faces of those that once bowed at him, hiding his face from the phones at first. Eventually, he just resigns and stares upfront as he’s being paraded all over the place.

It seems an eternity for the college boy before his drive of shame is over. This time, only Cameron is there to let him loose and hand him his clothes. He doesn’t even dress up there. Instead, he takes all his things, jumps inside his car, and drives off, leaving the winner to keep gathering compliments.
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Post by Muscle-Flex »

Hot short story! Loved stud-boy Blake's humiliation as a hood ornament.
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Cameron is feeling great about himself, not only he has dodged a bullet, but he also has made a legend out of his name. For the first time, he hanged around after his triumph. Everyone wanted to shake his hand or something else, depending on the person. He’s still so intoxicated by adrenaline, that he doesn’t even notice the car that follows him now that he finally makes his way home.

Suddenly, the other driver steps on the gas and passes him, then he stops abruptly as he half turns, in such a way that the car is now obstructing the road. Cameron barely has time to step on the brake.

When Blake comes out of his car, Cameron is both scared and angry. The guy obviously did not take well the treatment received. The boy still in the vehicle was expecting a tantrum, maybe a broken shield or something, not being pulled out of the window by the strong arms of his humiliated rival.

“What the f%c# are you doing?”, Cameron says when he’s rudely dropped on the ground. This is one of those moments when he hates being small. He may have the swagger, the car, and the girls, but he’s still pathetic in a fistfight.

Instead of answering, Blake flips him over and keeps him nailed to the ground with a knee between his shoulder blades. Cameron is trying to get up but can only lightly push himself up. He panics when his rival seizes and pulls back his right arm, especially since there’s little he can do about it. He’s almost breathless and feels his arms much weaker than usual. The rope that is now wrapping his wrist is a clearer indicator of Blake’s intentions.

“I didn’t think you’d be such a pussy about losing”.

Blake grabs the other arm and binds them together. Then, he sits on his captive’s legs, facing the feet, to tie up the ankles. Cameron resists as much as he can, however, it isn’t long before he’s trussed up and defenseless.

“There you are, right where you belong, you little worm”, Blake says with a snicker, watching his bound rival wiggling on the ground.

Cameron isn’t used to be tied up, in fact, it’s his first time. He feels trapped and absolutely defenseless against his captor. There’s nobody around and this road is seldom used by anyone. He realizes there’s no way he can escape on his own, so it could take a long time before he can be rescued in case he’s abandoned here. He isn’t gagged yet and decides to remain silent, so as not to call any attention to the matter. Perhaps he can yell once he hears someone approaching.

Blake opens his prisoner’s door and unlocks the hood, which almost makes Cameron’s eyes pop out. He casually walks to the front of the car and checks the engine. The bound boy is laying sideways, watching his own downfall, announced by the smile of his rival.

“You do know this is against the rules, don’t you? We may not be a professional circuit, but we’re just as strict. I bet there’s a lot of guys that will love to know how you stole some bucks out of their pockets”.

“C’mon, that’s bullshit. All cars are modified somehow”, Cameron snaps, despite his plan.

“Yeah, but a sunroof or shinny new hubcaps won’t make you win a race, not like that baby over there. I knew there was something fishy when you were kind enough to give me a ride, it sounded different. I was just too stunned at the time to realize. D’you know? Every time I went there, I came out like a f%c#ing winner, usually at six in the morning or so. This time, however, I could not come back home. I didn’t want my roomies to ask why I was back so early, I didn’t want them to look for the videos, though I’m sure they probably will, sooner or later. So, I just stayed there. I parked near the exit because I was so mad that I couldn’t drive anymore. It was then, as I watched some folks with modified cars, those who only go to show off, but aren’t allowed to compete with us, that everything fell into place. Is Jimmy involved in this? Of course, he is, how else could you have raced all this time without anyone noticing?”.

Blake’s eyes are flaming. Cameron is really afraid when he picks him up, grabbing him by the shirt.

“Wha, what are you gonna do with me?”, Cameron tries not to mumble, looking at his captor in the eye.

“First, I’m gonna tie you to my hood like you did to me. Then, I’m gonna call some friends to make sure they’re there to witness your parade. It’s too bad many of them are gone now, but we’re still having a crowd, don’t you worry. Then, we’re gonna wait for someone to help me take your car because you’re gonna need it to pay when everyone knows about your little business strategy. After that, we’re coming back. The night’s a bit chilly, so let’s hope the hood will warm you up”.

Cameron doesn’t even try to fight when Blake rips and cuts his clothes off him. He knows it’s pointless, all tied up as he is. Still, the captor takes measures to avoid any escape attempt, securing an ankle and tying the rope around the other one before untying the legs. With both legs now tied wide apart, and facing down, the prisoner is even less of a threat when the wrists are released, only to be fastened again to each front corner of the hood. The boy, now completely helpless, fights the gag more out of disgust to find someone else’s socks, still moist with saliva, invading his mouth, but they soon are sealed inside there with lots of duct tape.

All Cameron can do is wait, for Blake to make the calls and for someone to pick up his car, cursing himself for letting his ego take the lead, risking exposure in such a stupid way. When Blake’s friend gets there and watches him bound like that, he has a taste of what is coming, and, boy, he sure doesn’t like it.

Blake, on the other hand, enjoys every minute. He’s debating whether he should get there as soon as possible, to get more people to look at the captured cheater, maybe the same ones who have seen his own humiliation; or take his time, relishing on every second of his rival’s shame. He decides for a fast drive, so he can also make Cameron feel the cold wind of the night before their arrival. There will be plenty of time to watch his naked ass tied to his hood when they arrive and drive around.

Just meters away from their destiny, Blake stops and steps out of the car, holding the flag Cameron used to threaten him before. The mere sight of it makes the captive shiver.

“I think your idea of this flag coming out of my ass wasn’t all that bad, maybe we should try it. I’m sure there will be lots of guys eager to put their hands on you. I promise not to let them, but you better make an effort to hold this in”.

Cameron accepts after a couple of seconds, nodding lightly, without even looking at his captor. The little stick is more uncomfortable than the boy expected. It doesn’t stay standing either, as Blake fancied, but more in a certain angle, almost like fainting. Still, the effect is hilarious for the driver.

When Blake makes his entrance, with his new hood ornament, everyone is fully updated, and the flashes tale tell of the excitement that fills the air, cheering him up as he drives around. The driver, even though an attention junkie, sees the whole thing with different eyes. Having witnessed, firsthand, how easily “fans” turned against somebody, to kick them when they’re down, he knows now that they didn’t appreciate him, but the show he gave them. That realization comes along with the one of that being the last time he will ever be in that place, making it easier.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

And how will Cameron now avenge himself on Blake?
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Post by blackbound »

An unexpected reversal! I hope this leads to further escalation.

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Post by MountainMan_91 »


I really enjoyed that. :D

Super creative and still kinky and hot.

If you do have more planned for the racers I for one will be waiting ;)
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