My cousin and I... (M/M)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Deleted User 300

My cousin and I... (M/M)

Post by Deleted User 300 »


So I decided to change my name back to DavedaPirate... hehe

and I went to dig out this story from the previous site, will post the old parts in a few posts and hopefully there will be some new parts!!

just like my other story the start might not seem Adult themed but matters will escalate, :twisted:

Hope y'all enjoy it!

most of it is fiction although the characters are real and we did actually do a few tugs together, maybe I should write about them in the true tugs section (one day...)

My first time

The first time I tied my cousin I was 18 and he was 16. At that time I was slightly muscular. Being a marathon runner I don't have huge muscles… My cousin however is a rugby player. So at the age of 18 his muscles were already larger and better defined than mine, needless to say he was also stronger than me.

We were on our farm, away from any other people when I told him about tugs for the first time.

“Do you remember seeing Beastmaster tied up, that episode where they stake him out on the dirt?” I asked. The conversation was heading in the right direction…

“yeah”, he replied.

“What if I tied you like that and we see if you can get out?”

he looked at me without showing any form of shock and simply said “OK”.

We were both barefoot and wearing PE shorts and t-shirts. I ran over to the store room on the farm and got out all the ropes I could find. When I had returned my cousin had taken off his shirt.

“Why did you take of your shirt?” I asked, secretly admiring his young but defined pecs and abs.

“Isn’t Beastmaster always bare chested when he gets tied up?”

I decided to just go with it… I looked around and decided on where to tie him up.

We headed to a cluster of young trees, “on the ground” came my short instruction.

Once on the ground I took the first piece of rope and tied it around one of his wrists looping it around twice and tying a normal knot. I took the end of the rope and pulled his arm out and tied it to a tree. I did the same to the other wrist. I then took more rope and did basically the same with his legs. He ended up being spread-eagle on the dirt between some trees in only a short. (if he knew my real secret this would probably have freaked him out)

I kinda liked my cousin like this. His 16 year-old muscular chest spread out. I decided to take my chance. I walked around him to his exposed armpits and dug in…

He thrashed about and laughed out loud!! Screaming for me to stop.

But I didn't I kept at it for like 5 min.

By now he had some dust all over his body. I looked at him, longing to be honest with my best friend… and decided to spill the beans.

“Uh, Mikey, I have something to tell you,” silence “I’m, uh, gay…”

He looked at me “well duh, I know man, Don’t worry it doesn’t freak me out at all. We’re family right so you won’t try anything with me I guess. Oh and Dave, I really like the fact that that you find my body irresistible, you can tie me up any time you want.”

So, with the green light to basically do what I want, I untied the spread-eagle and bound his wrists behind his back. I led him to the dam and as we got to the wall I stopped and took of my shirt and my shorts leaving me in my briefs. I stepped towards him and looked at him, all he did was shrug his shoulders. I went for it, I pulled down his shorts revealing his boxer-briefs. And a surprise, he had a semi-hardon. I looked up at his face and all he did was shrug his shoulders again.

We went into the water and I stayed close to him, coz his arms were still tied behind his back. After about half an hour of swimming we got out and headed back to the house in our underwear. Once inside I untied him and we both took a shower.

Then we cooked and watched a movie. I didn't have the courage to ask about the hard-on or the comment about me admiring his body… and we went to bed.

Just as we were entering our bedrooms he stopped me and looked deep into my eyes, “could we maybe do some more tie-ups tomorrow?”

I gulped, feeling a little uncomfortable under his admiring stare, “sure thing cuz.”


I woke up early the next morning so that I could surprise Mike, I headed into his room and took some rope along. I tiptoed in, trying my best to be very quiet. I stood next to the bed and watched my cousin's perfect physique sleeping soundly.

I took his one wrist and placed it on his stomach, he was sleeping on his back, and then brought the other wrist so they were together. I looped some rope around them, this caused him to start waking up, before he was completely awake I had cinched the rope and tied it.

In a few seconds he was awake, and lifted his bound wrists to in front of his eyes. He smiled at me, then asked if he could quickly do something before we continued, I said sure. His hands dropped onto his crotch where he rubbed it slightly, then looked at me and glanced at the door. I got the message and left the room.

He came out after a few minutes and found me in the kitchen where I had made some eggs and toast. He ate with his wrists tied, and after a while he asked, " so, what are the plans for today and will it be as light as yesterday?"

I couldn't believe it, he wanted more… "Well depends on you. "

"We can go harder, I can take it."

"OK, in that case. Lets go over to your room and have some fun there."

We walked to his room, my mind was racing, I was completely new to tying people up, he was my first captive. I didn't really know what to do. I thought of positions I've seen on my extensive internet sessions, and immediately decided on a hogtie for starters. I untied his wrists from in front and retied them behind his back. I pushed him onto the bed. His back muscles straining as he tried to stop himself, but it was useless he fell to the bed like a sack of potatoes.

"that’s better" he said, "get dominating, I'm at your command. You can do anything to me, I'm basically your slave."

Again, I couldn't believe what was happening. I stopped, turned him onto his back and looked him square in the eyes. "Why are you so relaxed about this, and why do you want to be my slave?", again with the shoulder shrug.

"I demand you slave to tell me." I said in a raised voice.

"OK, OK. My girlfriend and I are into bondage. We have both been master and slave, and I must say even she does a better job than you. You have to take control Dave."

I was shocked to say the least, here I am shy to introduce him, a 16 year old boy, to bondage. And he ends up teaching me. I never expected it. So I smile at him and say, "well, you'll have to teach me sometime."

"yeah, I will. But not today. You started this so it's only right you have this day. So go ahead and complete tying me up. We can have fun today. And next time we can do a real bondage session." after saying this he rolled over onto his front and waited for me to continue tying him up. I took some more rope and tied his ankles together, after which I joined them to his wrists. I pulled it to what I thought was tight.

I waited to hear him groan, but Mike told me to pull it more. He ended up almost touching his feet! I stepped back and looked at him. His shoulder muscles and upper arms were pulled taught and his huge thighs were bulging in the uncomfortable position.

"Are you done?" he asked, "what about a gag? Grab a sock stuff it in my mouth and tape it in."

I went to his closet and got out a clean sock and walked over to him. I stuffed it in his mouth and ran to the kitchen quickly to get some duct tape. I got back and taped his mouth shut with three pieces. I decided to let him try and escape. I watched as he squirmed and pulled at his bonds, it was summer, so soon his body had formed a sweat layer, his jock body glistened in the sunlight that filtered into through the window. It took him maybe like 15 minutes to escape and after he removed the gag he looked at me.

"you aren't completely useless, I struggled a little to get free. With some coaching, by me. You'll be a bondage master someday."

I nervously laughed. How could this 16 year old be so confident. We realized we had about three hours before my dad came around to make sure we were actually doing some work and not lazing about and to bring back the farm hand whose work we were doing, so we quickly did what had to be done, you know pump some water into the tanks, take the horses and go round up some cattle, feed the animals…

By the time we were done it was scorching hot and my dad was to arrive any minute, we couldn't risk another tug.

We waited and it turned out he was like 2 hours late, nevertheless we had to go back to town with him and we dropped my cousin at his house.


hehe, this was my very first story... I'll post another part soon...

I'm from Southern Africa, so if some of the things don't make sense, like the farm? its the way things work here ;)
Deleted User 300

Post by Deleted User 300 »

The best week of my life

The next time we played a game was about two months after that day. Both my brothers were gone on a school trip, my Parents traveled to the city 500 km away, for a show they had always wanted to see. It so happened I was home alone… and naturally I called Mike and asked if he wanted to hang out. We arranged with his parents that he would stay over at my place for the week. My aunt would bring us supper every night, we would have cereals before heading to school and have lunch at their place before heading to my house.

Last period on Tuesday dragged by, this was the first day that my parents were gone, thus the first day that Mike would come to my place. When the final bell rang we met at the gates and his girlfriend, Ari, was also with us. She was also 16 like Mike. She was actually a little skinny, but well endowed in the correct areas...i.e. big boobs and hot ass, (that’s how Mike says it). She would have lunch with us and then head home. We piled into my aunts car and went for lunch. After eating sandwiches my aunt dropped us at my place. "I'll bring the food round 7 o'clock. Don't be naughty", she said with a smile. Then left to drop Ari.

We headed into the house and I led Mike to the room he would be sleeping in. He hardly dropped his bag when he said, "So where do you want to do this?"

"Do what?"

"C'mon man, I know you wanted me to come live here so we can do some more bondage. Plus I owe you a lesson in being the master." he said with a smirk.

"you got me. Ok, so I did some research on the web," I have an analytical brain(love doing research)"And I think I can do a better job than last time."

"Oh, you do… shall we test that theory." the words had just left his mouth when I walked around him and pushed him toward the wall until he stood right against it. I pulled his arms behind his back and got the zip tie I had sneaked into my pocket as we entered the house. I slipped it around his wrists and pulled it tight. I spun him around and pushed him against the wall again.

"you seem more sure of yourself" he said.

"Shut your mouth." was my very curt instruction.

"Or what?" he smirked his eyes teasing me.

I pushed him to the floor. Once he was on the ground I removed his school shoes,(oh we were both still in school uniform, Short sleeved shirt, shorts, calve-high socks and school shoes.) I took off his socks as well.

I took one of the socks and told him to open up. He didn't, so I pinched his nose and waited for his mouth to open, then the sock went in. It filled his mouth completely, I then took the other sock and tied it around his head. I took off my own shoes and socks and used my socks to tie his ankles together.

I stood up and headed out of the room to go and get the rope and duct tape. As I got back to the room I saw Mike struggling against his bonds. I walked over to him and straddled his chest, I took the duct tape in my hands and dangled it in front of his eyes.

I saw a look of approval from him, for some reason it felt good to have this 16 year olds confidence, inexplicable. I wrapped the duct tape around his head several times over the socks and after that the gag was quit full proof. His face looked really hot, his cheeks had a slight puff his black curls had started getting wet from the sweat.

I rolled him over onto his front and reinforced the zip tie with duct tape, unnecessary I think but I wanted to. As I started tying his feet with rope I couldn't help but think of the hard on I had in my pants… I got up and left the room to release myself, intense orgasm… coz I knew I had a stud tied up in the next room.

I returned to Mike's room, I had changed into my shorts and a t-shirt. He was still on the floor rolling around struggling in his bonds. I sat on him again and proceeded to unbutton his school shirt, he looked at me with a blank expression…

sometimes he is so easy to read, other times impossible. This time was impossible, "is it ok?" I asked.

He nodded his head, and I carried on. After his chest was exposed I started lightly tickling it and got more intense as time went on. After 5 minutes he was a mess, tears flowing from his eyes from all the laughter his whole body covered by a thin layer of sweat. And there was no escape. I left the room and took a shower.

When I was done I looked on my watch and couldn't believe that we had been busy for almost an hour and a half. I went back to Mike. He had released his legs but the gag and his wrist ties were still in tact. I decided to remove the gag and find out how he felt.

I ripped the duct tape off and untied the sock. He spat the other sock out.

"wow, you really did improve. The zip tie is slightly unfair though, I can't escape that."

"That’s the idea slave, you are not going anywhere." I paused," like that, right?"

"haha, yeah that sounds good. If you don't mind can you release me I need to service myself badly."

"What if I did it for you?" the words left my mouth before I could stop them.

"um, Dave. I really enjoy our tugs, the three we have had. But you know I am straight and frankly, don't take this wrong, that would make me uncomfortable, that’s like incest, waaay off limits."

"You are still tied up and sorta my slave, what if I just did it. Isn't that master enough for you?" I couldn’t believe the words as they left my mouth, did I seriously consider this?

"Dave, if you want to tie me up again, you wont do that." I kept quiet as an awkward silence crept over the room. I got a pair of scissors, with which I cut the duct tape and zip tie. He got up and headed out of the room to the bathroom, leaving me sitting on the bed, in silence.

After a while I heard the shower turn on. I didn't feel like moving, I was stuck mentally and physically. I was pulled back to earth as Mike entered his room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Dude, I gotta change, I have some homework to do before my mom brings the supper."

"Sure, I'll let you get to it." and I left the room, still confused.

I also finished up my homework and at 7 my aunt brought our supper. We ate while watching a movie and chatted about random stuff, till he dropped this line out of the blue,"If you really become a master, you wouldn't even ask to give me a hand-job. You would just do it, and chances are I could have enjoyed it and agreed to a next time. You have to loose this innocent guy, and become a go-getter. You have to take risks."

How is it this guy 2 years younger than me knew so much. We watched another movie and went to bed. I thought about the next day and what would happen...


Wednesday, Mike had rugby practice after school so I went home alone. I waited forever for him to come home, I decided to do my homework. And did some internet surfing.

I heard the front door opening, and went to meet him. He walked through the door followed shortly by Thomas, one of his rugby team mates. Tom as most people called him was 17 years old, also very muscular, he played eighth man, he had short blonde hair and brown eyes. He was an average looking dude, but his body made up for what he lacked in handsomeness. They stood there in their rugby gear, when Mike saw me he introduced Tom.

"Hey Dave can I speak to you quickly? In your room."

"ok." we walked to the rooms and Mike went to drop his bag in his room, as he walked into my room I saw rope in his hands. I got up and wanted to run but he had already tackled me before I reached the door. He was stronger than me so he overpowered me easily. Within seconds my wrists were bound behind my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Tom is here for some, um, guidance. I just need you out of the way, temporarily."

Mike looped rope around my ankles, cinched it off and pulled me into a strict hogtie. He took off his rugby sock and cleave gagged me, before I could protest. He pulled me to the far side of the room and left. As the door closed behind him I immediately started struggling.

I smelled his sweaty feet in the sock I was gagged with, and found it oddly turning me on. I had a raging boner by now. It felt good rubbing it on the floor as I struggled in my bonds. I wondered if would be able to get free. I stopped struggling and started focusing my movements. Soon I was covered in sweat and the sock was soaked with drool, and my boxer briefs under my shorts was also wet from all the pre-cum.

I noticed my left wrist had some slack if I moved it in a certain way. I did this over and over and after like 5 minutes, my left wrist was almost free. After I had completely released myself, about 45 minutes had passed since I was tied up. I quickly changed into new underwear, and put on only my shorts, no shirt.

I walked into the living room and kitchen but there was no sign of Mike or Tom. I checked Mikes room, still nothing. I heard a faint noise from the garage side. I walked over to the connecting door and placed my ear against it, I heard muffled whimpering. And then something like a smack from a stick.

Ok, I was really confused, is Mike really straight?

I heard Mikes voice, "Have you had enough, beg slave beg." followed by more whimpering.

I turned around wanting to walk away when I stepped on the cats tail, it screamed in pain and I knocked into a side table, you could have definitely heard the ruckus from the garage.

I ran back to my room and stood behind the door listening intently. I heard Mike walking toward my room, I saw him enter also in shorts only. I almost got distracted by his back muscles and round ass, so hot. I jumped on his back and we fell to the floor.

Funny enough he didn't resist with all his strength so soon I had his arms pinned in the small of his back. I reached for some rope and quickly tied them there. I stood up and looked at him lying on the floor, I couldn't help but think this is what he wanted. He didn't say anything.

I decided to try some new tie up techniques. I first had to go and get some more rope. I tied his ankles with what was left of the rope he used on me. Then I headed for the garage, I stopped at the door, not knowing what to expect on the other side.

I walked in and saw Tom, in only his briefs tied standing up. His ankles were tied together as well as his wrists, the latter also tied to the rafters pulling his arms straight above his head. He was gagged also with a rugby sock and another sock was tied over his eyes. I walked to get rope from where my dad puts all his rope, trying to ignore the jock tied up in my garage.

Then it hit me, he doesn't know it's me. He probably thinks it is Mike. I looked at his body stretched out, I couldn't resist I walked closer, touched his muscular chest slightly, he flinched then looked at me with his blindfolded face. I went for his pits which looked so delicious and vulnerable. I tickled him for about thirty seconds, he thrashed and tried to escape but it was impossible. I got an idea…

I left the garage and went back to my room where I found Mike still on the floor exactly like I left him. I untied his feet and helped him up. I led him to the garage. Once there I pulled down his shorts leaving him in his boxer briefs, once again noticing his semi erect penis. I quickly gagged him with a sock in his mouth and duct tape. I then untie his wrists and retie them in front, taking the extra length and threw it over the rafter. I pulled it tight till Mikes arms were also stretched to the roof. He looked me in the eye and I noticed this is exactly what he wanted.

I walked over to Tom whom by now was dying of curiosity to see what he was hearing happening next to him. I removed the sock that blindfolded him, his eyes squinted trying to get accustomed to the light. He stared at Mike who was in a similar situation as he was.

I still wanted to do one thing. I got a piece of rope and walked over to Mike. I tied the end of the rope around his ankle then lifted his foot off the floor. He adjusted his weight to the other leg. I proceeded to tie his ankle to his thigh right below where his boxer briefs stopped. I stepped back to admire my work.

I was brought back to earth by a car coming into our driveway. My eyes met Mike's and we shared a moment of stress.

"I'll make something up, you guys just make sure you are as quiet as death." and I left the room. As I passed the living room heading for my room I saw the clock on the wall, it was 6:30 already. I pulled on a shirt, and reached the front door just as my aunt was about to open it. I met her there at he front door.

"hi Dave."

"Hello Aunt Mavis, how are you." I felt my erection grow because of the situation I found myself in. My Aunt passed me and walked to the kitchen where she placed the casserole with our supper on the stove. She turned around and asked, "Where's Mike, I want to find out how Rugby practice went."

"he, he hasn’t come back from practice yet. He said he would be back by 7."

"ah, OK. Well that’s too bad. I have to leave now I've got an appointment at seven, that’s why I brought the food earlier. Oh well tell him I said hi, and he must remember to drink his vitamins and do his homework." We had some more small talk and she left after 5 minutes. I waved goodbye as she drove off.

I sped back to the garage to find Mike had freed himself and was torturing Tom by giving him nipple twists. Tom had tears in his eyes but didn't make a single noise.

Shortly after that we untied Tom and he went home. We had supper and discussed shortly what happened. Mike had to do his homework and I watched a movie. He had given me a compliment again, on getting out of his bonds and for what I did to him. I was just relieved I got through his mothers unexpected visit. I realized we had to be more careful the next day...


So Thursday school dragged by again. As we were driving home my aunt said that she and my uncle would go to friends for dinner, and asked whether we wanted to go with or if we would like to just order pizza. In my mind I was like, "um that’s a stupid question… of course we would like to get pizza." but what I said was something like, "That sounds so nice, to bad I have a lot of homework. Pizza would be the better option." Mike agreed with me and my aunt gave him some money so we could order pizzas.

After she dropped us at my house, Mike walked in and kind of ignored me.

I asked, "so what are we going to do today?" But Mike went to his room and shut the door. I went to my room and dropped my bag on the ground and fell onto my bed. As I looked up Mike was standing in the doorway.

"Ok, so if you don't want to loose all your hair put these on and come to the living room."
I jumped up and caught the bundle he threw to me. It was an under-armor set, a long sleeve black compression shirt and black compression leggings. I slipped out of my school uniform and into my cousins compression clothes. I sneaked a view of myself in my mirror, though they didn't compress my muscles they did hug them decently, I looked quit hot… I then walked to the living room, where Mike was waiting for me.

"On the floor slave!" his order came out of nowhere. I obliged and laid down on the floor. He walked to me and took my feet in his hands, I was lying on my back with my feet up. Mike started wrapping a roll of duct tape around both my ankles, systematically moving up my calves.
"Um, what are you doing?" I asked.

He dropped my legs to the floor, the roll of unused duct tape still stuck to them, and walked out of the room. He was back in a few seconds with a dirty pair of his briefs. Before I realized where he was heading the briefs were in my mouth. I could taste his sweat, as he used a different roll of duct tape to wind around my head, securing the underwear in. He then went back to my legs and continued wrapping my legs up. This was weird coz my arms were still free, I didn't understand what was happening.

After he reached halfway up my thighs he helped me stand up, I was quite off balance as my feet were taped really close together, Mike picked me up and placed me next to the wall where I could slightly support myself. Then he continued wrapping my legs, it hit me, he was mummifying me.

"ok, arms straight down your side.", I was in no position to argue so I did as I was told. He started a new roll of duct tape and long story short after about 15 minutes I was completely encased in duct tape from my ankles to right below my nose.

"Ok," said Mike, "Now I can have a normal afternoon without you interrupting the whole time." He helped me to the floor where I lay stretched out, not able to do anything. He grabbed my feet and dragged me to my room. He left me in the middle of my floor and closed the door behind him as he went out.

After a while I heard the doorbell ring and heard voices come into the house. It turns out he invited some of his rugby buddies over for some x-box gaming. I heard them playing x-box in the living room while I lay completely helpless in my room. Mike would come check in on me every once in a while but the other guys never knew I was even in the house.

Around what I would guess was seven, Mike greeted his friends and came into my room. I was exhausted from being mummified. You know you don't do anything but your body still seems to get tired after a while, from being in one position. He smiled at me and said he ordered the pizzas and they were on the way. And left the room again. I went wild with protests into my gag, and squirmed in my cocoon, but he didn't even glance back at me.

After half an hour he came into the room again and had the pizzas. He turned me onto my back and took off my gag.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, leaving me like this all day, are you mad. I .." he interrupted me,
"Do you want to eat? If you do I would suggest you shut up." I stopped talking and he fed me some pizza, then started talking.

"Ok, so maybe it wasn't the nicest thing to do, but it was so we both can be happy. You want bondage and I wanted a normal day with my buds. If I asked you that we shouldn't do bondage today you would have been sad. If we did do bondage today my friends would have thought we are weird. It was a win win situation. "

I was dumbstruck, but accepted his apology. He proceeded to gradually peel the duct tape off my body. I ran to the toilet once he was done since I hadn't gone all afternoon.

Unfortunately, due to the afternoons situation, neither of us had done any homework, so that took up the rest of our evening.


So friday, school went by rather fast and uneventful. Although i did walk past Mike and Tom and they stopped talking as i passed bye(suspicious)... it left my mind soon after. We heade home and had lunch with my aunt again. Tom came over to Mikes house and we all left for my place soon after going to play some x-box... or so i thought...

On the way to my place Ari also joined us. This is when I was let into the deal of the day.

'Since you aren't that good at tying people up yet' started Mike 'we thought a good tutorial session is a great idea. So how it will work is like this. Ari will tie me up and you will follow her instructions and tie Tommy up.'

'That seems like a legit plan' i replied.

So when we got home no time was wasted. Mike and Tom stripped to their rugby shorts Ari went to find all the rope in the garage, as well as a backpack she had brought along. Within 10 min all was ready to start my tutorial... ropes 101.

We started and Ari showed me how to make a simple chest harness. She taught me to make a good strict hogtie. We did a frogtie... it was just after this. Mike hadn't even been untied from his frogtie and Tom still had his hands tied behind his back. That Ari got a call from her best friend who apparently needed her help very urgently with boyfriend problems... girls.

Naturally Ari left right away. This left me in control of two hot guys tied and at my mercy... i immediately retied Toms legs to each other in spite of his begging me to free him. I ran up to my room got two dirty socks and came back downstairs. I pushed a sock into Toms mouth as he started spitting it out i said 'Spit that out and you will regret it. Remember who has the power.' Tom stopped and lay there just staring at me. I walked over to Mike who had been abnormally quiet since Ari left and pushed the other sock into his mouth. I quickly ran to the garage and dug around for duct tape. I finally found some and came back to my captives. I put a strip of tape on their faces.

'First one free gets to tie me up' and i left the room... i wanted it to be as much a surprise to me as possible. I went for a swim. As i got out of the pool Tom walks up to me and asks if i am ready to get tied up... we headed back to where Mike is lying still tied up like i left him, Ari really knows how to tie someone up. He was all wet from sweating and trying to escape. He was grunting into his gag as his muscled body contorted in weird shapes trying to escape his frogtie.

I was staring at him in my wet board shorts when Tom said he had to go. And asks for a rain-check on tying me up. We agree and he heads out, little did I know then how part of my life Tom would become. I proceed to remove the gag from Mikes mouth, my toes were so close to his mouth that all of a sudden I got an idea.

I roll him onto his back. And finally I get a reaction...

'What are you doing Dave.'

'You'll see' was all i said then in went my toes.

I stuck them into Mikes mouth... it was such an interesting feeling. It tickled but also aroused me... I saw the look on Mikes face and noticed he seemed pale... i looked at the time and realized he had been tied for very long. I proceeded to untie him and we had a small supper cheese toast then went for a quick swim all the while talking about the awesome bondage experiences we were making.

We went to bed after playing some x-box. My parents returned early on the Saturday morning... earlier than expected so our Saturday was no bondage day... but we would have plenty more adventures to come…
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 1412
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by harveygasson »

I remember this story from the old site. Loved it then, love it now
The slave
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 463
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by The slave »

Great stories
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