Accidental attraction m/f

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Accidental attraction m/f

Post by WyattW5 »

Sitting at home the sun out shining Lily couldn’t help but smile and want to go for a swim in the family pool. Her parent’s off visiting an older brother in college, she stayed behind to mind the house. Walking upstairs to grab her swimsuit, choosing between her one solid suit, or her bikini?

The one piece was black opaque sort of halter top she wore for swim team usually matched with a white or black swim cap to hide her arm length whitish blond hair. Her two piece a dark pair of triangle cups for her bosom and soft dark blue pantie style bottoms. While they were not as long nor quite as comfortable she liked it because it tightly hugged her hourglass form. Choosing the two piece even she could sun bathe after.

Wrapping a towel across her torso she commence to run out towards the pool when she had a thought, perhaps she could ask her friends over. Sitting on the couch grabbing her cell she commenced to texting all across her friends list, those who answered immediately said no and other’s took nearly an hour to respond they were occupied.

Looking down to her clapping the phone shut she huffed sitting on the chair before looking to the phone book old and covered in dust. She found herself looking at the number of by far her oldest friend. Tyler Crowley, they had been school yard friends. Having sleepover’s almost every weekend at one point Lily began to feel bad as she had never even thought to call or text him in nearly a month and some extra.

“Hello Missus Crowley, is Tyler there?”

“Hello Lily Dear he is uhm just wait a minute let me grab him”


“Hey Tyler, this is Lily”

“Oh Lily oh my gosh hi, uhm what’s up?”

“Well I was just curious as to seeing if you would come over and keep me company, my parent’s are away and I feel a little lonely”

“Well I don’t see why not”

“Cool come by soon bring a bathing suit”

Lily sat and waited for a knock on the door she took notice of large grey clouds gathering above. A gentle knock on the door alerts Lily of her guest standing up she practically ran to the door judging from the outside he was tall and relatively muscular. Opening the door Lilies eyes grew wide as Tyler stood near five foot eight a good five inches taller then her, short black hair shaved around the sides a warm smile on his face.

“Hey there Lily”

“What are you saying hey for come here Ty”

Opening her arms inviting him for a hug he obliged his arms firmly grasping her the smell of his aftershave was a nice gentle fragrance. Looking up to his blue eyes as his lips pulled back a nice smile

“good to see you Lil”

“Come on in sorry come in”

Walking in Tyler looks around making small talk, Lily eyes him quickly seeing he had physically matured nicely his shoulders were broad with thick biceps scanning down to his legs held in a tight swim suit Lily began to blush thinking about him before he smiles

“so what would you like to do?”

“I was hoping to go for a swim”

admitting late she looks out the window to see rain had began and she was bummed out

“maybe it will stop soon”

nodding Tyler and her sat down making small talk Lily learned that Tyler had started working with his dad most weekends and every break from school. And he had joined football during the fall, hockey during the winter and Rugby for spring.
By the time their conversation ceased the rain had began to down pour.

“Well this is a grand disappointment”

Lily pouted looking outside, Tyler watches the sky outside turning to Lily

“should I leave then”

“Oh no you’ll get soaked you can stay here a while we have some things we can do here, like watch movies ooh I have an idea?”

“What is that?”

“Why don’t we play those tie up games again?”

“Oh yeah, oh those were fun”

thinking back Lily was always excited to play tie up games with Tyler they would take turns but in truth Lily liked being tied more then doing the tying. And Tyler was always careful with her the ropes were never too tight. She always felt safe when he tied her up.

“What did you have in mind Lil, one of your little games or escape challenge?”

“escape challenge you tie me as tight as you can, and I will try to escape”

“I feel like we should place a wager or something make it more interesting?”


“What could we possibly ooh I know if I can’t escape you can tie me up however you want for as long as you want?” her eyebrows raised with excitement

“And if you win?”

“You spend the night tied up for me?”

her thick cheeks were wide with joy when Tyler curled a grin across his lips she clapped her hands

“I will go upstairs to grab the stuff”

Lily burst upstairs and screamed back down with a big duffle bag setting it down at Tyler’s feet opening it and handing it to him he rifles through finding rope tapes leather straps everything but the kitchen sink in restraints. Tyler looks up to Lily

“are you sure you want to be tied up in your bikini, I don’t know how the rope lines will burn your white skin?”

“If anyone asks I’ll just say I was using jump rope for a new exercise technique”

“You best drink something and use a restroom I don’t know how long you want to be left tied”

Taking his advice Lily got up sipped a little water used the rest room coming back she seen Tyler had his assortment of ties ready smiling he asked her again if she was sure. Without hesitation Lily nodded. Setting her on her knees Tyler commences tying her wrists together moving up to her elbows tying above and below. Lily smiles as she feels her limbs trussed together with white cotton rope. Binding her knees above and below Tyler looks pensive looking at Lily’s shoulders.

“What is it?”

“Would you mind if I tied a rope around your chest?”

“I told you Ty, tie me however you want”

smiling deviously Tyler’s hands fumbled to grab the rope working quickly Tyler quickly and stupidly grabbed her bosom his hands automatically shot back to his sides

“I am so sorry”

his fear fluent in his voice Lily turns around to see Tyler’s face red as a tomato from embarrassment

“it was an accident Tyler, no apology required proceed please”

taking the cue to go on Tyler wrapped the rope above and below her bosom looking down on the rope snuggly holding her arms to her body she looks up to her friend

“here I thought time would have made you a little rusty, it appears you have only improved”

Tyler nods smiling to himself looking through the bag

“what are you looking for?”

“Your gagging supplies I cannot simply allow you to chew your binds off”

letting a cute giggle pass she smiles

“Check the little black gym bag in it should be sealed”

finding it with ease Tyler began looking through the stock from bandana’s to scarves a ball gag a muzzle gag even a ring gag for some unknown reason. Tyler turns to her

“any gag preference?”

“No but stuff my mouth first I want to be nice and quiet”

(Always do what the lady asks)

Tyler thought to himself taking a cloth damping it down walking it back over stuffing it between her teeth she moans softly looking to Tyler her hands brush the front of his swimming trunks. A bulge had began to sprout making Lily gasp after her hand encircled the top.

“Oh muhm gumph umph sphorree”

“Well I suppose we are even now”

he mumbles through blushing cheeks, taking a long blue bandana and tied it over her mouth making it as tight as he could. All Lily could make out was a gentle muffle.

“Alright I will give you forty minutes”

“Hummph, whummph spho lummph?”

“I figured a fair chance, why do you want shorter?”

“alright half hour no shorter I don’t want to cheat you”

“Thanfmmph youph” smiling under the gag Tyler smiles

“half hour your time starts now”

Tyler watches with great amusement as Lily began to struggle trying to get to ropes to pull some slack onto to tighten against her alabaster skin. Shaking her shoulders swaying her arms back and forth trying to pull her arms from the chest tie. Listening to her grumble more Tyler could not help but notice her bosom shake and bounce with her nearly frantic turning. Looking up to the kitchen Tyler watches as Lily pressed her hands on the seat of couch.

Balancing herself she began to hop around seeing if she could shake the leg ropes off. Once again Tyler’s eyes were glued to her seeing her bosom and bottom bounce with each hop. Amusing him in more ways then he had expected trying to calm himself down.

Her continued hopping had made her fall over Lily lost her balance screaming in terror her head aimed for the livingroom table. Tyler rushes forward wrapping his arms around her shoulder and her bottom picking her up bridal style she looks up to him the concern in his eye. Her heart flutters in his embrace

“no more hopping okay not without me a few feet away”


setting her back down on her knees she tried to pick and pry and the knots to no avail. Tyler watches the timer count down while Lily did not seem to have any inclination to check it. Making slight adjustment to the time Tyler watches as Lily struggles more and more grumbling and openly moaning at her gags. Usually meaning she was giving up any strategy and was trying force.

Thirty minutes pass the timer did not beep Tyler watches as Lily struggles more vigorously squirming around on the floor. Breathing deeply Tyler began to feel more attention from his groin. Her muffled breathes heavy and quick. Shaking his head Tyler had enough turning to the timer the five minutes he set had literal ten seconds. Hearing her pant and watching the clock Tyler breathed out the timer

“Six... five...four...three...two.... BEEP!”

Kneeling down beside her Tyler removes her arms and legs before removing the gag making her huff in disappointment. Rubbing her wrists Tyler seen the rope marks on her skin shaking his head at the little red friction marks. With a quiet but concerned voice.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes perfect actually are you okay you look a little agitated”

“Me agitated no no just not liking these rope burns”

“I am fine Tyler, they don’t hurt”

“So you win the bet, how would you like to tie me Ty?”

“Well I was contemplating doing one of our games like we did when we were kids”

Lily smiles those were awesome games from cowboys and indian’s when Tyler would tie her down somewhere left to squirm. Or cops and robbers tied to a chair to struggle and moan. Fond memories came to Lilies mind before she watches Tyler’s mouth move with no words coming out. shaking the cobwebs loose she looks up to him.

“I am thinking just tie you up and we watch a film?”

“Okay tie me how you will you are my master now”

stating in a teasing fashion Tyler smirks taking a number of long rectangular satin scarves. Tying her wrists then her ankles taking another he ties her elbows and knees with these scarves. Looking to Lily he smiles

“do you stand by however I want statement?”

nodding cautiously Lily waited for Tyler to elaborate he all he did was take a long length of rope wrapping around to bottom and top of her bosom before going in between to make a kind of V. Looking down to her bosom Tyler could easily see she was getting excited as two buds pushed through the fabric of the bikini top.

“Are you cold?”

Tyler asks walking around behind her setting some things back into her bag Lily looks down on her bosom hoping they weren’t a great tell tale.

“Just a little yeah, I forgot how much my dad has the AC set to”

Her lie seemed to fool Tyler as he began looking through the dvd’s and videocassettes. Choosing between Hitch one of Lily’s favourites or Van Helsing Tyler’s favourite.

“Hitch please”

nodding Tyler set the dvd in before going back to the bag

“what are you doing?”

“I know how you like to talk during films so, I am taking steps to ensure what comes out is cutely amusing”

“Cutely amusing, do you think I am cute when I am tied up”

“You are cute regardless?”

admitting he began to blush making her smile before he took the damp cloth running it under water again stuffing it in her mouth before tying a bandana between her teeth. Cleave gagging her before adding a second bandana over her nose and mouth.

Grabbing a blanket Tyler set it over her torso bowing her head and muffling a thank you Tyler sat down next to her smiling as the movie began. Soon after the opening sequence Tyler noticed Lily had little goosebumps on her back. Leaning in close he tucked her under his arm welcoming her for warmth. Watching the film together Lily got comfortable beside Tyler his strong arm around her shoulder neatly tucked below her chin feeling the gentle tickle of his arm hair.

Startled by surprise when Tyler began to stir under her whispering his need to use a facility she eased back onto the couch. Watching as Eva Mendes nurses a drowsy and doped Will Smith on her couch. Tyler came back quickly swooping her up nearly parking her on his lap she nearly squealed.

A half hour later Lily found her mind wandering as her hands began to search. Rubbing the top of his lap she found something lean and straight below the swimming trunks. As her fingers began to search she found the fly of his swim trunks still left open. Her mind wondered what it would feel like what would it look like. Unable to tame her curiosity she began to touch it .

As her hand began to feel and caress Tyler gave a stuttered grumble as the sensation in his pants only grew with Lilies curiosity. Going deeper she made Tyler jolt in pain as he curl’s quickly trying to protect the hurt area. Sliding from her grasp Lily’s eyes wide looking down on Tyler in a fetal position.

“Tumphkerf, whuff iph wrunhff?”

“You squeezed the berries ooohhoo, oww!”

he growls into the floor trying to crawl down to his level she fell on top of him looking back on her, her face twisted with concern.

“I am okay just that’s gonna be sore for a few hours”

she moans an apology before Tyler helped her onto the couch before Tyler sat a little ways away from her setting her blanket on her again she pouts through the gag wanting him to cuddle her again. Looking outside to the rain seeing it not relenting an idea sprouts inside Lilies mind. But she had to wait for her gentle captor to release her gag before she could take action.

The movie finishes and to Lilies contentment the rain turned to a full on thunderstorm. The clock had four thirty and Tyler began thinking he should be heading home removing the gag first Lily squealed

“no you can’t go home in this weather you’ll get sick”

“I could call my parents”

“They live a half hour away Tyler and the road isn’t a very good one to be driving in let alone in a storm”

“Tell you what spend the night, keep me tied up as punishment for my hurting you, then you can go home in the morning”

“I don’t need to punish you for hurting me it was an accident”

“Please Tyler I don’t want you to go yet please”

“You really want me to stay”

nodding desperately Lily felt like a fool practically begging him to stay Tyler nods his head agreeing he will stay as long as she makes dinner. Happy she counters as long as he ties her up afterward. Catching him by surprise Tyler grins and the deal was struck.

While Lily made dinner Tyler looked through the other supplies he wanted to try out on her. Taking some leather straps he set them aside waiting for Lily to call for dinner Tyler threw Van Helsing on the television and watched with glee.

(Thirty Minutes pass)

Lily called out to Tyler dinner was ready when he got up he took notice she had changed into a loose camisole and a pair of her panties. Catching him by surprise he bit his tongue from saying anything boorish or crude. Sitting down Lily had made spaghetti. Eating pleasantly Lily turns to him curiously eyeing as he ate his sphagetti careful not to slurp his noodles.

“I have a favour to ask, I want you to tie me up before I go to sleep”

“Okay, can I inquire why?” Lily only shrugged looking to Tyler

“always wanted to try sleeping tied up, I’ve tried tying myself up but I always wake up free”

“The knots never seem to hold when you wiggle around in bed”

“How do you know I wiggle around in bed?”

“We used to have sleepover’s all the time, we would share a air mattress you would nudge me off every time”

giggling Lily couldn’t keep composure laughing nearly hysterically. Tyler had a good idea how to take that smirk off her face next time he tied her up.

After dinner both cleaned the dishes and cleaned the table before Tyler sat a chair from Lily’s dads office. Setting Lily in it her eyebrow raised before Tyler started with a smaller cloth this one dry. Inserting a inch and a half red ball gag before taking a roll of red vet wrap. Wrapping it around her head lifting her white blond hair so as not to tape from her neck to her chin all the way to the base of her nose. Only her breathes were audible as her breathing was a little more laboured.

Taking belts he strapped her hands behind her back using a belt he strapped her bicep through the wooden arm of the chair. Taking another belt he belt her ankles and knees together immobilizing her. Taking the longest belt he stretched it over and under her chest and around the back of the chair before buckling it, behind her back. Rubbing her cheek as a taunt she grumbles at him

“hey you wanted me to tie you up for punishment, this is tying you up to teach you not to laugh at others discomfort”

moaning a response Tyler set himself on the couch close to Lily turning Van Helsing back on. During the movie Tyler could not help but get aroused watching Kate Beckinsale dressed in a tight corset running. That and the muffled breathes and words of Lily caught his attention.

Introducing Frankenstein to Hugh Jackman Lily jumped in her chair squealing into her gag. Making Tyler chortle her eyes wide with fear she had not seen Frankenstein coming. Seeing sweat begin to form on her brow and forehead. Tyler took note down by her bosom as the two little bulbs had risen once again. Knowing it wasn’t from cold. Tyler began to piece Lily’s desires together.

(Some time later)

the Film complete and the clock saying eight thirty Tyler decided it was bed time. Releasing Lily from her bonds she looks to Tyler with a glare

“you are a mean man Tyler Crowley”

“So I’ve been told once in a while”

Smiling to himself Tyler walks with Lily upstairs the bag of supplies with him, Lily spent her time wisely going bathroom and brushing her teeth when she finished she walked Tyler into her parents room.

“Tie me to their bed however you want?”

“Well first I think I am going to tie you just hands and foot because I need to have a shower” explaining his plan Lily smiles pleasantly just happy to have him corresponding with her desires. Using rope Tyler taped her hands behind her back her ankles together and with the same cloth now dampened by her saliva stuff between her cheeks. Tyler wraps silver duct tape around her head three times. Before taking one of the satin scarves from earlier tying it around her head blindfolding her.

Watching her a few minutes squirm and struggle Tylers knots held firm as he expected leaving her tied up alone for a short while. Tyler performed his necessaries having a shower he came back to find she had been angrily stewing in her bonds. Frustration in her struggles her left breast had popped out of the camisole.

Sitting down beside her Tyler removes the ropes from her hands and repositions her spread on her back of the bed her hands tied to the left pole and centre piece of the headboard. Tying her feet to the footboard Tyler removes her gag last.

“Are you sure this is how you want to spend the night?”

“Yes Ty thank you, this is uber tight”

“I will leave the gag out so you can holler if you need to be released”

“Wait please wait”

Tyler stopped any intent on leaving looking down on her as she almost fearfully quivered her lower jaw

“I need one more favour”

“Sleep with me tonight, I don’t like the feeling of being alone when I’m tied up like this”

“Okay Lily I will sleep in the bed with you, just no nudging me over”

“I can’t Tye you tied my limbs you fiend”

“You asked for it nympho”

Tylers eyes grew wide and his mouth stuttered and stumbled an apology but Lily only giggled smiling she shook her head.

“don’t feel bad I know it was meant in fun”

Sighing with relief Tyler set a blanket over Lily before crawling under the covers with Lily herself. It seemed the kids minds did not want to stop functioning Tyler could not keep the mind off the blindfolded girl beside him and Lily could keep from thinking about her handsome captor beside her.

Curious as to why he had her helpless he could do whatever he wanted and she couldn’t fight yet he remained relatively chaste it was her who openly reached for those erotic urges. Maybe just maybe Tyler needed and invitation, a formal greeting to inform him he could misbehave a little. Moving her head to face Tyler she hoped he was not asleep yet.


“Hey” his voice was low and nearly growly

“It seems I owe you a few favours?”

“I am not keeping a tally”

“I am, from supper to this it appears I owe you three”

“Three how so?”

“One for catching me when I fell there”

“Two for staying with me during the storm”

“three for tying me up in my sleep, I guess I owe you four”


“No sorry five, I owe you for crushing your you know, and I owe you another for spending the night with me, grand total of five”

“I wouldn’t worry about it”

“But I am Tyler, I feel I am shorting my end of this deal, listen Tyler I fear I will not be able to sleep because it keeps bugging me”

“Oookkaayy, I will stay tomorrow and we can make up those favours”

“You know I thought one favour if you want you can snuggle and have your way with my chest”

“I’d feel like I am abusing your trust”

“Is it truly abusing my trust if I ask you too?”

“You didn’t ask you proposed?”

“Can you please play with my boobs, I can see you’ve been peaking at them now and then, your jaw dropped when I began hopping. Can only imagine what your face was like when it fell from my shirt”

Before she finished Tylers hand was already feeling up her bosom his big soft hand brushing the soft melon on her chest while his hand kissed the little bulb on the other side.

“Oooh Tye...I t-that”

his hand’s coarsely brushing her bosom Tyler began to move his hand down her back

“you mind?”

Tyler whispering softly for Lily to breathlessly shake her head his hand began to feel over the fabric of her panties. Going through the waistband feeling her bottom soft firm bottom well toned from years of sports. Rubbing and suckling her bosom. Tyler was in heaven nearly taking the whole breast in his mouth making Lily groan in delight. Rubbing her body until he dozed off Lily was not far behind she had worn herself out well through trying to escape she fell asleep with ease.

(Next Morning)

Tyler woke first removing Lily from her binds welcoming him from the night with an enormous hug. And a peck on the cheek jumping out of bed she immediately stripped catching Tyler off guard. Seeing her naked before him was a little shock but he was quick to adapt sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I hope you dreamed of some ways to fulfill your favours today there Tyler?”

“Some, not sure which to do first though?”

“Ooh I like variety take your time we still got eight to ten hours before my parent’s come home”

Getting into a one piece swimsuit the weather was mucky and wet and the rain had stopped mildly but still stopped any hope of swimming for today bumming Lily out. Lily and Tyler agreed to figure out what to do after breakfast.
Lily and Tyler made breakfast together Tyler cooked the egg’s while Lily set the table and condiments. Tyler smiles

“I know what I want my first favour is”

“Oh what is that Tye?”

“I want to feed you while your tied up and blindfold”

“Instead of me pampering you, you want to pamper me?”

“Something like that yeah I guess”

“Okay tie me however you wish master”

Lily giggled at the pet name Tyler quickly tied her hands and elbows behind her back leaving her feet free to move. Taking a black scarf placing it over her eyes at the back of her head. Setting her on his own lap Tyler fed her the egg and toast with gentle hands and a warm embrace.

Cleaning the dishes after Tyler untied Lily’s arms. Tyler looks to Lily a quirky smile on his face telling Lily his brain was buzzing. Devious intents inside all she had to do was turn the key and unlock Pandora’s box.

“what are you thinking?”

“One of our games the roles you’re a swimsuit model, thinking it is just a regular shoot, I come in saying it is a bondage shoot understand?”

“I love it”

Working together to set a faux scene Tyler set a big white blanket over a window to act as a back drop. Setting up a stool and Tyler took Lily’s phone for a camera. With the scene set, Lily emerged a happy little swimsuit model. Posing and prancing around the backdrop Tyler took pictures before switching to bondage photographer.

“Alright miss Daisy we have enough of the vanilla shots now we need to get the rope out so if you could cross your wrists”

“Ropes, what are you talking about?”

“You signed up for a bondage suit”

“Uh no I didn’t get away from me creep”

grabbing her arms pressing her chest down on the top of the stool he crossed her wrists tying them together moving up to her elbows tying them together

“I am going to scream for help if you don’t let me go you pigaph!”

she angrily glares as Tyler stuffed a pair of socks in her cheeks. Taking a thick black scarf Tyler tied it around her chin below her nose then over again the make sure it stayed on her head. Finishing with her elbows he set her on the stool she tried to kick but lost her balance making her squeal into her gag.

Catching her with a serious glare Tyler tied her knees together anchoring her to the stool before tying her ankles together. Begging through her gag Tyler finished with a chest piece around her bosom. Taking time for a good sturdy grope making the girl squirm in character.

“Geph ophf mphf yuphf”

“Alright Miss Daisy let’s continue squirm for us that’s it test the bonds, yeah glare at the camera make them think your angry with them”

“Umphf angphree wuphf yuphf”

“Oh you don’t mean that”

“Yuph I duphf yuphf baftuphf”

“Zoom in on the camera zoom in on her face seeing her frustration or peril whichever the model chooses, then slowly scroll down to her legs slowly zoom out”

Lily struggles in her bonds visually fighting the bonds to stay in character shouting angry muffled complaints in her gag. Tyler smiles

“you know I just cannot get enough of these girls ooh yeah just nice soft girls”

grabbing her bosom’s again she grumbles squirming in his touch feeling above and below the one piece swimsuit she shakes her shoulders moving her head trying to dissuade Tyler playfully. Her moans only seemed to increase his desire to feel up her bosom. While he was in position Lily began to feel around his groin again rubbing and caressing his manhood. It seemed to change his mood backing away.


“We will have plenty of time for that Miss Daisy now please give us a glare”

obliging she gave a death stare before he asks for a smile and a playful wink, and a final farewell.

“Alright Miss Daisy I will leave you here while I check the footage make sure we got everything we need, I’d hate to untie you just to tie you up ten twenty minutes later, simply wasteful”

“Heph? Waiphf comphf baphff”

Tyler left the room leaving Lily to struggle what she did not know was Tyler was just burning the video onto a CD twice one for her one for him. Smiling he comes back around “I am sorry Miss Daisy we missed the whole groping scene I am afraid I am gonna have to do it again”

“Nmmmphf gephf awaphf fmmphf mepphf”

physically fighting before Tyler got back fondling her chest she went straight for his manhood to find his pants tied even tighter then before practically teasing her. She growled at him looking angrily on her she fought some more until she fell from the stool into Tyler’s arms instead of pulling her up he helped set her down on her bottom.

Rubbing his hands over the smooth surface of her swimsuit. Stroking her hair she moans and mumbles at his touch leaning up to kiss his chin he obliged a little gag kiss. Going back to the camera and filmed a bit of her on the floor. Rolling around squirming and fidgeting. Moaning loudly breathing heavily to get attention from Tyler.

“Alright take two”

Turning back to the computer burning the next files onto the cd before coming back seeing Lily on the floor looking up at him curious to see his reaction wondering if they were still playing or did he have enough. Removing her gag first and nicely with a cup of water pressed to her lips.

“alright Miss Daisy I have enough for the site”

“Strike one more favour from the list leaves me two”

“What was favour number two?”

“Let me get a picture of you tied up, I deleted the items from your phone but burned the video onto two disks one for each”

“Thank you, I’ve always wondered what I look like tied up”

“What can I do for favour number two?”

“I don’t know yet still thinking”

the house phone began to ring and Tyler quickly answered the portable phone carrying it to Lily who answered sweetly

“hey hun it’s mom, dad and I are on our way back we are thinking sushi for supper so get into something decent”

“Okay mom”

Her face cringes with apologies towards Tyler before he hit the speak button ending the call. Untying Lily and her limbs Tyler and Lily rushed to clean it all back packing it in the duffle bag Lily races up stairs putting it away turning to her parents bed she quickly made the bed nice again.

Tyler had changed into a pair of jeans and a tight grey shirt. Smiling at Lily who apologized profusely when her parents pulled into the driveway the two walk out. Smiling chastely away from each other. Lilies dad exited his sports car

“hey Lil, Ty man how are you good to see you ooh keeping big and strong I see”
Tyler shook her dads hand with ease revealing the muscle in his arms her dad decided to have good feel almost caressing the developing muscle. Her mother asks why Tyler was at the house and why he brought a swim suit noticing his changing bag.

“Lily and I were just working on a school project”

“And I figured if we got done at a good time and if the rain cleared we could go swimming but it didn’t so we didn’t he, so uhm can I meet you guys in the car?”

“Okay hun tyler good to see you tell your mom to call me sometime okay?”

Her parents bid farewell before swapping from the red convertible to the grey minivan for family trips to town. Lily turns to Tyler feeling really bad for cutting the bargain short.

“So uhm I will have to take a rain check on those last two favours”

“I fear we will”

“Does this mean it’s gonna be another two or three months since we speak to each other?”

“Oh no, I will call you most likely during this week if not sooner”

“Until then Lily, see you soon”

“Not soon enough” Lily smiles waves as Tyler gets on his bike and rides away.

(Two weeks later)

Lily was walking out of school seeing her bus she turns to see Tyler not walking towards theirs, she was hoping to get a chance to invite him over. As he walks towards the parking lot she ran towards him

“wait Tye, hey wait please wait”

“Hey Lily what’s up?”

“I was wondering if you could come over to my house tonight or tomorrow morning, parents are gone away”

“I don’t see why not, would you like a ride to your house?”

“A ride on your bicycle?”

“Oh no, my truck”

“You bought a truck?”

“Mh-hmm, o2 Silverado”

looking at the green older truck kept in good condition a hint of rust by the back fenders. And odd colours in the front bumpers by the license plate.

“Traded my sports for a job, pays fairly well too, part time factory worker”

“Nice, sure yeah I can take a ride”

letting her in the truck he got in the driver seat Tyler dug into the console in front of Lilly pulling out a little cloth.

“Favour four”

holding up a black silk scarf she tied it around her eyes blinding her. Tyler began driving around Lily could not see what was going on but she could feel there was something devious about how this played out. A car ride to her house should only take a half hour. The truck ride felt nearly a full hour.

“Do you trust me Lily?”

“So far!” she smiles blindly

“could you atleast assure me I am in no harm”

“Lily Mohr, you are in no danger so long as I am here, just think your captor and hero all in one”

“Handsome hero”

smiling to himself Tyler pulled the truck to a stop turning to face Lily removing the blindfold she found herself looking at Aurora’s edge. A little hill on the outside of town where couples would often go to misbehave. It had a beautiful sunrise and sunset making it a romantic hot spot.

“Why are we here?”

“Well Lily, I had been thinking long an hard about my last favour, thinking two ways about it I want you”

“Don’t you think that might be a bit brash?”

“Hear me out please, thinking about our last tie up game?”

“We have played tie up games for a decade nearly and never once touched each other like that. And all of a sudden, I watch our video and I just want to run over to your house and jump your bones”

“Tye relax I” hushing her he waved his hand

“that is not what we are doing here, or not my intent up here”

“I was thinking of using my last favour to ask, would you consider dating me?”

“Dating you?”

“Just the consideration is all I ask for the favour I don’t need you to say yes I just I guess I want to try being a couple”

Lily heard the words but they were slow to process through her mind, thinking every word in slow motion. Twisting the phrase in every conceivable way she could it still came out the same he wanted to be her boyfriend. Shaking her head she nearly burst with excitement

“of course”

Tyler smiles happily before Lily burst over the bench seat and pressed his lips for a powerful first kiss.

The end

Story idea by Mask6185
Last edited by WyattW5 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Excellent story - includes my favorite - bikini and bondage!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

This is really adorable!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by WyattW5 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago This is really adorable!!!
I take it you like this one
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

WyattW5 wrote: 5 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago This is really adorable!!!
I take it you like this one
I really do!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Bandit666 »

You can add me to the like readers, it’s always nice to read such a story well done and thanks :)
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Post by WyattW5 »

I'm glad you like it.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Too Cute and Adorable Awesome Story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by DTbound »

Cute story with some great bondage!
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Post by WyattW5 »

Beetlebailey13 wrote: 5 years ago Too Cute and Adorable Awesome Story
thank you Bailey
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Post by WyattW5 »

DTbound wrote: 5 years ago Cute story with some great bondage!
thank you, I wasn't expecting so many people to find it cute.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

You're welcome and it was very well written
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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