Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

Post by wolfman »

This story, picks up after events of my previous tale Devastation.

Whilst I will reference previous events, from other stories, I will try to ensure that if you have not read them, you will have enough in this story, to keep you on board.

Parts of this story, will be dark.

"Today will be a good day." Chambers decides, draining his first coffee of the day. He surveys his office. The desk is only home to a notepad, pen and a docking station for his laptop. The shelves are lined with book on military and police tactics and operational reports, "Clean, tidy, everything in its place." he nods to himself. "I run a tight ship, everything documented and all paperwork filed. No room for error on my watch."

He looks out of his window, enjoying the feeling of the sunshine on his skin. "With success comes rewards.", he thinks, as he calls his personal assistant, "Kelly, my cup is empty, can you deal with it?"

"Yes sir.", a young woman's voice responds, in a sad tone. 

He smiles to himself, as he hangs up. "Good girl, make sure you bend over when you put it on my desk." he thinks, lustfully.

He reflects on the events of last night, "For a few weeks, Nirvana sites have spotted a lone individual snooping around onsite. First St Lucia, then France and last night Hertfordshire UK." He rocks back on his large wooden chair and stares at the ceiling, "But last night we cornered and apprehended them."

He smiles to himself and nods, "Better let the new head of security know, so she can give me a bonus. Mind you, given the look of her, I would settle for a tumble or a blowie.", he decides.

Kate steps out of the shower, as her phone rings. "Sod's law. Have been up for hours and the moment, I am dripping on the floor, I get a phone call."

She answers the phone and puts it on speaker, while she begins to towel herself dry. "Kate Shaw speaking." she says, calmly, as she touches the scar of the bullet that nearly claimed her life, two months ago.

"Good morning ma'am. Chambers, Herts facility security chief speaking. I am sorry to call so early." he says, sounding half nervous, half excited. 

Shaw looks at the clock and smiles thinking, "Nine Am. I have been up for three hours and have barely stopped. Thirty minutes yoga, an hour of BOTAT drills and an hour and a half checking operational reports and emails from various sites offering congratulations and introductions, over breakfast. Same as being a police officer."

"No need to apologise Chambers, what's going on?" Shaw says with a smile, "Day one as Nirvana Group Internal Security Director and so it begins.", she muses, cracking her neck. 

"The Lurker. We apprehended them last night." Chambers says with pride.

Shaw stops and raises an eyebrow, "Interesting. There have been reports of someone sneaking around for about a month. Looks like we got them." she thinks, before saying, "Congratulations. Who are they?" 

He pauses while, his assistant brings in his coffee. "Some girl, not saying much.", he smiles to himself. "No ID, not much on them, just a photo of Mr Marks, mobile phone, sunglasses, car keys and a pair of binoculars."

"Why has she got a photo of Steve?" Kate wonders. "Has she said anything at all?" 

"No ma'am. We have her in custody, we had to restrain her, when my boys cornered her, she er, fought back.", he explains. 

"Have you found the car?" Kate asks, quietly concerned. 

"What car?" Chambers asks. 

"The car to go with the keys, she was carrying." Kate says impatiently.

"Ah. No. I will get my men on it, right away." Chambers says, kicking himself for not thinking of checking.

"Thank you, Chambers. Can you send me body cam footage? I want to review the takedown.", she says calmly. "There is something he is not telling me.", she thinks, as she lights a cigarette and awaits his email.

Kate doesn't have to wait long, as her email pings. She casts the video to her TV and begins to watch. 

The picture is somewhat blurry, but soon focuses on a group of six rain soaked men, walking quietly through the woods. They stop at the edge of a clearing looking down on an individual laying down, at the crest of a hill. One of the men gives a signal and they spread out, before slowly closing in.

The figure is watching the main house through binoculars and is unaware of the approaching men, until one of them steps on a twig. The figure turns, they are dressed from head to toe in black with a hood covering their head against the elements. The figure scrambles to their feet, looking for a way out as they men close in. 

Kate pauses the video, drawing deeply on her cigarette, as her eyes widen "Silhouette is a girl, she looks tiny compared to those men. Nothing like the images of the lurker we have taken." she thinks, getting a feeling of nausea, when she presses play again.

The feed resumes. "Don't move, kid, you are surrounded.", one of the men says. 

The girl throws her binoculars at the nearest man and makes a break for it, trying to get between the man with the body camera and one of his colleagues. She lashes out at the camera man, but the other man grabs her arm and spins her roughly, before putting an arm around her neck and pinning her back to his chest.The man howls, as the girl bites his arm. He loosens his grip and elbows him in the stomach, slipping free from the winded man. 

Kate finds herself rooting for the kid as she dodges past the man with the camera. However, her elation is cut short by another of the men, who lashes out with a powerful right fist catching her in the stomach, dropping her like a stone. 

Kate watches in disgust, as the surrounded girl on the ground feebly flails her legs and arms, trying to stop herself being grabbed and manages to get to her feet. Twisting away from the bigger slower men's reaching arms.

Her flight to freedom is cut short by the man she bit, delivering a punishing, back hand strike catching her cheek. She stumbles backwards into the arms of one of the men, who pins the dazed girls arms behind her back. 

Kate can barely watch as the men pummel the girl and apply viciously tight zip ties to her arms and legs. The last shot is of the man holding her arms, dumping the girl, bound at the ankles, knees, elbows and wrists, on the ground, while the rest of the men high five each other.

She shuts off the feed and sits numb, wrapped in her towel. She draws tobacco smoke deeply into her lungs and exhales angrily, through her nose. Kate calls chambers back, "I have seen the footage, I will be there in an hour. Place all six men on suspension, pending disciplinary.", hanging up before he can respond.

Kate dresses quickly in black trousers and a white blouse. Tucking a derringer into the top of her boot, she thinks, "There was no need for that response. They had her, there was no need for the beating.", shaking her head with disgust.

She dons a black, fitted, double breasted, leather mid-length jacket, slipping a pack of zip ties in the inside pocket.

She ties her dark hair back in a pony tail, as she scoops up her keys and cigarettes. As an afterthought, she pops a small multitool and extendible baton into her pocket.

She hears her phone beep with messages as she leaves her office at Nirvana Bedfordshire. With singular purpose, she walks through the building to her car. 

The dark clouds overhead roil and churn and thunder booms, as she closes the door of her black TVR Griffith.

Kate settles behind the wheel of the car and checks her messages, trying to calm down. 

The first message is from Louise saying, "Greeting from Japan. Good luck babe. I know you will be amazing. Sorry we cannot celebrate with you tonight. We will catch up when we get back. Love Lou and Steve xxxx" Kate smiles, and scrunches up her nose, "Thanks guys."

The second message is from her old boss Chief Superintendent Snipe, it simply reads, "Kate, you were the best. I wish you all the luck in the world. Never forget, there is always a place here for you."

Kate lights a cigarette, before she starts the engine. "Did I do the right thing?" she asks herself, wondering if she should have left her career as a police Chief Inspector. 

Despite the gravity of the situation she is heading into, Kate cannot help but smile at the roar of her engine, as she sharply peels out of the car park and onto the storm slicked roads. 
Last edited by wolfman 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

You work really fast [mention]wolfman[/mention] ! And this first part is intriguing. It sets the stage, as it should. We see Kate getting used to her job. Her reaction to the video footage is very much in character. Chambers is a shifty fellow.
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Post by wolfman »

Chambers paces the foyer like a wounded bear. "How dare she order me to suspend my best team? They succeeded where others failed. Stupid bitch." he snarls to himself. 

Thunder booms, as the main doors open and Kate sweeps in from the storm outside, windswept, with her long dark hair sticking to her high cheekbones. She pauses to tie her hair back, when Chambers stomps across the foyer to block her path. "What the hell do you mean, by suspending my men? Didn't you watch the video?" He bellows, waving his finger in her face. 

"Yes, I did. I saw a scared child, surrounded by half a dozen guys twice her size, trying to run for her life and then get beaten to a pulp." she hisses. "A scared child, who looks nothing like the images of the, clearly adult, male lurker we have taken."

"Now look here, love-" he starts, before being cut off. 

"No, you look here, love." She snarls, "This is not the lurker we have been looking for. For all you know, she is a local kid, trying to spot a wild badger and your men, have beaten and traumatised her."

"But she,-", he stops himself, knowing she is right. 

"But nothing. Your men went off half cocked and we may now face a corporate lawsuit for damages, plus criminal charges for assault, kidnapping and false imprisonment. So don't you dare excuse them for this. There will be a full investigation into this matter."

Chambers has a look of defeat, as he slumps his shoulders and rubs his hands down his face, unable to speak. 

"Where is she?" Kate barks, sharply, snapping him from his thoughts. 

"The cells are being used for storage, she is in the courtyard." he mumbles.

"I am going to go and sort this mess out. In the mean time, I want you to write up everything, suspend your men and get an eye test.", she barks as she sharply turns to leave.

"Bitch." Chambers, whispers under his breath. 

Kate turns back to him, "That is a strange way to resign, but given your ineptitude, I accept it. Clear your desk and I will arrange for someone to escort you from the premises in due course.", Kate says coldly, "I hope your next employer, appreciates your thuggish tactics more than the Nirvana group does."

Kate strides quickly, shaking her head, "This is such a mess.", she thinks, lighting a cigarette, almost daring someone to challenge her. 

Scooping up a bottle of water, as she strides past a guest drinks concession, she feels the last shakes of adrenaline, from her confrontation with Chambers leave her body. 

"I can't believe she is in the courtyard, it is not even covered. This mess just gets worse." she thinks, as she walks the length of the recently refurbished building.

Kate stubs out the cigarette and takes a deep breath, standing before the large oak door to the courtyard. With a grunt and a heave, it yields to her, laying the large, Victorian style courtyard before her. Rain is falling hard, running in thick rivulets down the old stone walls and water pools on the cobbled stones. 

Kate's eyes are drawn to movement from a small dark bundle on the ground about ten feet from the door way, deep in a large dirty looking puddle.

"Oh Jesus." Kate says, moving to the girls side. "She is soaked to the skin and must have been out here all night." she thinks. 

She places a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder, and softly says, "Shhh. It's ok you're safe now." 

The girl is laying on her side, still viciously zip tied, with an extra tie looped behind her neck and under her knees, pinning them under her chin. She mewls weakly and feebly twists to escape Kate's hand. 

"It's ok, my name is Kate. I am not going to hurt you. I am here to help." she says gently.

The girl stops struggling and starts to cry. The sound of her muffled weeping breaks Kate's heart, as she helps the girl to sit up and hugs her. Kate rocks the shivering girl, gently in her arms, "You are safe now, I won't let anyone hurt you." Kate whispers.

The girls dark blonde hair, hangs wet and limp over her face. Now that she is sat up, Kate can see more clearly, the tape plastered over the lower part of her face. She gently brushes the girls wet dark blonde hair aside, but the girl twists her cheek away. 

"Don't be afraid, I am here to help. I just want to take the tape off of your mouth. Is that ok?" Kate asks gently. 

She hesitates, before slowly nodding, allowing Kate to brush her hair aside and pick at the tape. "They must have used a dozen strips." Kate thinks shaking her head. 

The girl closes her eyes and winces slightly, as Kate slowly peels the tape free. Kate discards the mass of tape and hangs her head in dismay. She gently holds the bound girls chin with one hand, before she pinches the end of cloth sticking out of the girls wide open mouth and slowly pulls the towel free. "There is enough cloth to force her jaws as wide as they will go. She must have been in agony all night." Kate thinks, feeling for the girls pain.

The girl flexes her jaw, able to close her mouth for the first time in hours. She wails out in pain. "Don't worry, it will feel better soon." Kate whispers, offering the girl some water. She greedily drains the bottle.

"Are you hurt? Don't try to speak yet, just nod or shake your head." Kate says, gently.

The girl shakes her head, but twists uncomfortably against the zip ties.

"Would you like me to get you inside, so I can free you?" Kate asks gently, with a supportive smile.

The girl looks at the ground and slowly nods. Kate picks up the girl, "My God, she is light as a feather." she thinks, as she carries her back inside. 

She sets the girl on a chair, and takes out her multitool. "Don't be afraid, I am going to use this to cut you free." Kate assures her. The girl nods and stays still, allowing Kate to clip all of the ties. Kate frees the girls hands last and as soon as the tie is cut, she throws her arms around Kate's neck and hugs her tightly. "Thank you.", she whispers, hoarsley.

Kate hugs her back, whispering gently, "You are safe now, no one will hurt you now."

She feels the girls body tense against her and start to tremble, as s gruff male voice rumbles behind her, "So first, you wanna suspend us, for doing our jobs and then you free Nirvana's most wanted."

Kate releases the girl from her hug and stands, turning to face the source of the voice. Assessing the men in front of her.  "Six guys, easily two hundred and fifty pounds each. Guy with the mouth is the one she bit, holds himself like a boxer. Fella on his left, trim upper body, strong legs like a kick boxer. The others are equal parts muscle and posture, probably rely on size rather than skill. Cocky and spread out. This is going to hurt."
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Post by Caesar73 »

I licke the way, how Kate handeled Chambers, how she showed compassiion to the girl. But six against one is tough. On the other hand: Kate trained with Steve. If she acts quickly, if she takes out three, the rest may flee ... and her opponents seem too full of themselves, that may be Kates Chance. I pray for her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

And the pepper spray, the baton and the derringer might come in handy now - be always prepared :) And if the villains underestimate Kate, they are in for a surprise:)
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Post by wolfman »

The girl looks up at the scene, as the pretty woman with the kind voice and gentle smile, who just freed her, turns to face the men from last night. She silently screams and squeezes her eyes shut, as the first man charges at Kate. 

"No, no, no." she thinks curling up into a ball, flinching at the sound of each blow.  Her torment seeming endless, as the chorus of blows continues, without cease. Her heart races, waiting to be dragged off and tied painfully again or worse.

"Please stop hurting her." she thinks, forcing her eyes open to see the fate of her saviour. 

The girl sits open mouthed in disbelief at the scene, two men lay in a softly moaning heap near to the door of the courtyard, joined by a third courtesy of a lightning fast roundhouse kick, connecting to his temple. Another man is slumped by a wall, his leg bent in a way it was never meant to. 

Sasha looks on helpless as Kate is grabbed from behind by the last of the bigger men. His arms wrap around her, pinning her arms to her side. Kate slams her head backwards, with a crunch into the man's nose, forcing him to stagger, but not loosening his grip. 

She lifts both feet off of the ground forcing him to take her weight, with a grunt. She slams the heels of her boots into his knees, forcing a wail of agony from his lips, as he drops to the floor, releasing her. She smiles to herself, as she rolls to her side, avoiding a wicked upper cut from the last man.

The man who hit stomach in the stomach, cracks his knuckles and assumes a boxers stance, after his near miss. Wary, he keeps his hands raised, poised to attack or defend. Kate steps over the man with the shattered knees to close on him. 

She bobs and weaves, frustrating the man's jabs, as he only strikes air. They dance around each other, probing their respective defenses. The man unleashes a flurry of blows, which Kate turns aside with ease. 

When he backs up and prepares another onlaught, Kate spins and sweeps her leg low taking his legs from under him. Before he hits the ground Kate has punched him savagely in the face. Once down, she finishes with final brutal flurry of blows.

The girl stares, frozen in awe, as Kate zipties and drags, each of the men in turn, into the rain soaked courtyard. As the last man is dumped, a flash of lightning bathes Kate in light, as she stands over the men at her feet victorious. She turns on her heel and returns inside, closing and locking the heavy door behind her.

The girl watches, through a curtain of hair, as Kate approaches, brushing water from her jacket. Kate smiles at the girl and places a gentle hand on her shoulder, as she looks down, "I promised no one would hurt you." She says softly, with a wink. 

Kate looks at the girl, properly for the first time. "The puffa jacket makes her look bigger than she really is. She is maybe a UK size eight at a push. No wonder she was so light to carry." she thinks. 

"I think we need to get you into some dry clothing." Kate says softly, "Why don't we get out of here and talk about what brings you to this site?"

The girl nods softly, hugging her coat tightly around herself. "Thank you." She says in a small voice, with a hint of a west country accent.

"You are welcome. I am sorry about your treatment here." Kate says gently. "Would you like to tell me your name?"

"My name is Sasha Turner." she says quietly.

Kate smiles, warmly, "Nice to meet you Sasha. My name is Kate Shaw, I am head of Internal Security for the Nirvana Group."

Sasha gives a small, but warm smile, "Nice to met you too."

Kate stands, extending a hand to the girl, "Let's get you sorted and then we can have a little chat.", thinking to herself, "She has been through a lot, if I push, she will clam up. I want answers."

The girl nervously takes Kate's hand and nods, before getting to her feet. 

Kate watches the door to the cubicle and takes out her phone, listening to the sound of Sasha getting changed inside.

She sends a text to Adam attaching the video clip of Sasha's takedown. "Hi Adam, the guys responsible are in the courtyard of Herts facility. They also attacked me. Initial kicking delivered, any chance you could finalise the termination of their employment and sign off medical expenses? Have a possible situation with the girl from the video. Also the Herts security chief has just quit, can you arrange an escort and get the paperwork started?"

A moment later her phone pings, "Hi Kate, Good start to your first day! I will take care of the men. Given the video content, they may receive additional beatings. Chambers' resignation is a bonus, he has been dodging harassment claims for years, glad to see him gone. I will cover him there until a replacement is sourced. Hope your day goes well. If you need anything let me know."

Kate smiles to herself, "Once you get past the Texas Cowboy act, he is quite sweet."

Her thoughts are chased away, as the curtain slowly opens and Sasha nervously steps out in black trousers and a white long sleeved t-shirt, holding a coat similar to Kate's own leather jacket. "How do I look?" Sasha asks expectantly, whilst thinking, "I really hope she likes it."

"You look great." Kate smiles, "Are you hungry?"

Sasha nods, "Yes miss."

"Call me Kate.", she responds, thinking, "Given what she has been through, I am amazed, at how together she seems. I can see some bruising on her face, but not as bad as I was expecting"

"Let's find a spare office and get something nice from room service." Kate says warmly, assessing her properly for the first time, "The slim build makes her look younger than I thought at first, she is probably late teens, early twenties. Reasonable shape, but very thin, possibly stopped exercising, when she stopped eating. Wears her hair over her face as if hiding. Something bad happened to this girl."

"Can I have something hot, please?" Sasha asks, quietly. 

"You can check out the menu and have whatever you like." Kate says, warmly.

"Thank you Kate, but I am not sure I will be able to afford much." Sasha says, with a shrug. 

"Now what kind of host would I be, if I made you pay for your own lunch?" Kate says, in mock surprise with a smile. 

"I won't have much, I promise." Sasha says, looking up at Kate, as they walk.

"Have whatever you want, I insist." she says, warmly as she observes, "After the beating she took and being in that courtyard, I am surprised she is not in more pain."

Kate closes the office door and carries the tray inside. She places a tray with a pulled pork burger, wedges, garlic bread and onion rings in front of Sasha and sits down with her Caesar salad. Kate marvels at the speed the girl devours her meal and slurps the ice cold water from the offices fridge. 

"Have you had enough to eat?" she asks. 

Sasha nods, "That was lovely, thank you." She says, then looks down at her new clothes, "Thank you for the clothes too. And for saving me. I would have thought that you would be trying to make me disappear and cover this up. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"That kind of treament only happens in the movies.", Kate says, dismising Sasha's concerns, before taking a more sincere tone, "I don't know why you came here last night. But I do know, that you didn't deserve the beating you got, or being kept tied up outside all night in the cold and the rain." Kate explains.

Sasha closes her eyes and hangs her head, choking back tears, "I thought I they were going to kill me."

Kate moves to the girls side and puts an arm around her shoulder, "I am so sorry. It must have been awful. You are safe now."

Kate holds the girl until her crying subsides. "I'm sorry Kate. I'm just being silly." Sasha says, quietly. 

"No you're not. I know how scary it can be when you're forced into a situation, that you can't control." Kate says, sympathetically. 

"Really? I saw you fight those men, as if you were swatting flies. You are like some kind of action hero. You're amazing. I can't believe you are ever in a situation you can't control." Sasha says, shaking her head, looking at Kate skeptically.

"I woke up next to a dead body and was framed for her murder. Then I was helpless and forced to listen to an innocent police officer being murdered. Later the killer trapped my half brother and I on a sinking boat, while he kidnapped my half sister." Kate says lighting a cigarette. 

"That sounds awful. How did you deal with that? How did you recover from that?" Sasha says, with a shocked look. "Damn that is hardcore and she says it like she scuffed her shoe.", she thinks, admiring her saviour even more.

"I had wonderful people to support me and help find my strength." Kate smiles softly, thinking of Steve and Lou. She turns to Sasha and leans in closer, "If you are stuck in a situation you can't control. Assess where you are, decide where you want to be and do things you can control, until, either you get there or something changes and you have to reassess."

In a thin voice, stretched to breaking point, Sasha says, "I have no one to help me do that."

"I think she wants to talk." Kate thinks, as she takes out Steve's photo, laying it on the table. "You have been through a lot haven't you. Why don't you tell me why you came here?"

Sasha picks up the photo and slowly speaks, after swallowing her nerves "I need to ask the man in this picture, if the man, who made me a monster, really is dead."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

I have to say it again [mention]wolfman[/mention] : Impressive. The Entry of this Chapter. Not only the fighting Sequences itself, they are intriguing as ever. What I liked especially was the change of Perspective: The girl thinks Kate gets beaten to pulp. Then she looks up and sees that Kate is in charge. Kate has gone a long way to be where she stands now. Who may that man be who turned her in a Monster? Price, Harris?
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago I have to say it again @wolfman : Impressive. The Entry of this Chapter. Not only the fighting Sequences itself, they are intriguing as ever. What I liked especially was the change of Perspective: The girl thinks Kate gets beaten to pulp. Then she looks up and sees that Kate is in charge. Kate has gone a long way to be where she stands now. Who may that man be who turned her in a Monster? Price, Harris?
Thank you for your kind word Caesar. I am glad you liked the change in perspective.

I am glad you like the evolution of Kate. I have tried to develop all of the main characters across this series and will continue to do so.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Kate's features soften, as she reaches out to squeeze Sasha's hand. "Oh Sasha, you seem like a lovely girl, you are not a monster."

Sasha pulls her hand away and wraps her arms around her body, hugging herself. "I am hideous. How can you think I am lovely?"

"Oh no Sasha." Kate says, gently, "Come on now. You are not hideous."

Sasha sits quietly, rocking back and forth slightly on her chair, staring at the table. "You only see what you want to see."

"I was a detective. I am trained to see things as they are, not as they appear." Kate says, with a smile, "You have been hurt, but that doesn't make you a monster. Why would you think that?"

Kate watches Sasha, seeing the pain pay out across the girls features, thinking to herself, "Whatever happened to her, has skewed her self image in some way, something is very wrong here."

She gently holds Sasha's hand and speaks softly, "I can see when someone is in pain. Often when a person is hurting inside, it helps to tell someone. Sometimes, putting it into words to explain it to someone else, makes it clearer to the person explaining it.", she squeezes her hand supportively, "I am here for you, if you want to speak, I will listen."

Sasha keeps her head bowed, with her hair draped over her face. "Eight months ago, I was a happy student, not special just happy. ‎It had been a nice, ordinary day and my lectures had finished early. I went to the beach with friends and swam in the sea." she smiles weakly, at the thought, "When I got home, mum and my step dad were getting dinner ready and I was just getting changed.", she hugs, herelf tighter, before continuing, "There was a knock at the front door. I heard raised voices but couldn't make out the words, then there were three loud thuds." 

Kate quiety listens and waits for Sasha to continue, through quivering lips. "I heard footsteps, not mum or my stepdads, coming slowly up the stairs. I was so scared. I hid in a cupboard, I tried to stay quiet, but I couldn't help it, I started to cry when he entered my room." Sasha tenses up and tears flow down her cheeks, while she catches her breath.

Kate is watching her closely, as she speaks, scrutinising every word, "Breathing uneven, speech structured, but not rehearsed. Appears to be reliving the memory not conjuring a yarn. If this is an act, it is a good one. You poor thing"

Sasha stares at a man, who is not there as she shakes her head and with each word, becomes more panicked. "He must have heard me. He ripped the door off of the cupboard. I had never seen him before. He was massive. His hands were covered in blood. I told him, I hadn't done anything wrong and I screamed for mum.", her lip quivers and her hands are shaking as she fights to get the words out. "He grabbed me and I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. He tied me up and all I could do was scream, but he just kept hurting me. By the time he put his hands round my neck I was relieved. It hurt so much, I just wanted it to end."

Before Kate's eyes, Sasha seems to shrink in on herself, her small frame dwarfed by the chair, as her body is wracked with sobs. Kate rushes to her side and gently wraps an arm around her. Sasha turn to face Kate and buries her face into the older woman's shoulder.

When the tears stop, Kate doesn't let her go, instead rocks her gently and strokes her back. "You are so brave, Sasha." She whispers softly, "I am so sorry, you poor thing."

"That was just over eight months ago. I was in hospital for a few months and they did what they could, but they couldn't cure the nightmares.", she pauses, choking on the words, before continuing, pleadingly, "I live in fear that the man that did this will come back for me. I can't sleep, because when I do he comes back for me, I don't eat, because eating reminds me of the last meal I will never share with mum and my stepdad. That burger is the best meal I have had since they died, I could only eat it because you are here to protect me." Sasha continues. "I go to bed terrified and wake up and see a monster in the mirror every morning. My studies are a mess and my life is a wreck.", she sniffs back her tears and continues, "A couple of months ago, the news said that the man in the photo, killed the man responsible and I did some Internet research and saw he had been spotted here, so I came to find him."

"Oh Sasha," Kate says, her voice heavy with sadness, "You are a victim of an awful crime. I m so sorry this happened to you. You are not a monster."

Sasha shrugs Kate of and stands facing her. "If I am not a monster, then why do I look like this?" she says in a tortured voice, roughly pulling off her long sleeved t-shirt to stand in her bra and trousers.

Looking beyond the angry bruises of the previous nights beating, at the hands of the security team, the sight of how thin she is and the angry red marks on Sasha's arms from the zip ties, Kate's heart breaks once more for this girl. She is filled with sorrow, as she gazes upon the familiar, but healed network of scars, covering her body. In her disbelief, she utters a single word, "Price."

Sasha retreats to a corner of the office and curls up into a ball. Kate sits numb, the sound of her phone pinging, brings her back to her senses. Ignoring the phone, she rises from her seat and sits on the floor near the scarred girl taking her hand.

"You are not a monster, you are an innocent girl, who is the victim of a terrible crime. The man who did this was called Lee Price. He was a soldier who was hurt in Afghanistan and was turned into a serial killer by a madman. He killed the parents of my half brother, he killed the sister and mother of my half sister and he framed me for murder." Kate explains softly.

Sasha looks up, stunned, "Did he hurt you too?"

"No. He left me with one of his victims to set me up." Kate says, choking back tears. "The man who employed him ordered him not too. I am so sorry Sasha."

"Where is he now?" Sasha asks, barely whispering. 

"Steve, my half brother killed him, I viewed his autopsy. I can assure you he is dead. As is the man that hired him." Kate says, as gently as she can. "It's over."

Sasha stares at the floor, "It's never going to be over, not for me. I have to live like this for the rest of my life. But at least now, I can rest knowing he is not coming for me."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Heartbreaking. Folks, you may call me paranoid, but in the storys of [mention]wolfman[/mention] the things are often not the way they seem to be. So I wonder if Sasha is the real deal .... what if Kate is lured in by Sashas Story? If anybody wants to play Kate, that would be the perfect way, push the right buttons .... to her compassion, her empathy .... Somebody who knows the whole story could have arranged that .... Sasha seems to be the victim, but is she?
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Post by Bandit666 »

Wow, I barely finish enjoying one epic and you’ve already posted so many chapters of another. Yet again you’ve planted the seed of curiosity and intrigue mixed with just the right amount of bondage.
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Post by slackywacky »

> Parts of this story, will be dark.

I would not expect anything else for this series. Thank you for this new tale, another very good read.
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]bandit666[/mention] Thank you for your comments, I am really glad you like the tone of this tale. I intend to make this tale the same mix of action, intrigue, mystery and bondage as my other tales. 

[mention]slackywacky[/mention] "Parts of this story, will be dark" I might as well change my username to that. I am glad you are enjoying this new offering. 

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] What if she is a mole, made to look like a victim to get the the heart of the characters? What if she is a victim being manipulated unknowingly? What if she just wants peace? What terrible conspiracies?

So many questions so far and there are more twists to come. ‎
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Kate folds her left arm across her stomach, unconsciously stroking the spot where she was shot. "The doctor did a good job. I wonder." she thinks. 

"Sasha?" Kate asks softly, lifting her blouse to show the faint scar of where she was shot, "I was shot two months ago and my doctor was very good at his job."

"Good for you." Sasha says, glancing at the scar. "Mine wasn't."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Kate says, hoping she hasn't hurt Sasha's feelings, "There is no guarantee, but, he might be able to help you. If you are willing." 

"Why would he help me?" Sasha stares dejected at the floor. "I am just a hideous wreck with nothing to offer."

"He will help if he can, he is a good guy and won't turn his back in someone in need." Kate says, warmly, "For the record, you are not some hideous wreck. You were attacked by a serial killer and apart from me and my half brother, you are the only other person to survive. You are stronger than you know. We both escaped this man alive and both owe it to ourselves to live the best lives we can."

"Do you really mean it? You want to help me." Sasha look up hopefully.

"If I can, I will. I was abandoned at birth and made my way, through luck. You remind me a bit of myself at your age. I think you deserve a little luck and someone in your corner." Kate says with a smile. "I want to help you."

"I don't know what to say." Sasha bites her lip. 

"Say the word, my doctor is based here, we can go and see him now and find out if there is anything he can do." Kate explains. "At the very least he can look at your injuries from last night."

"Yes." Sasha squeaks, almost unable to speak, allowing herself some hope that she will be normal again. 

In the clinics waiting room, Kate stubs out a cigarette and picks up her phone. Gathering her thoughts, she begins to type an email to her sister. 

"Hi Lou,

As first days go this was an interesting one. Security at Herts facility, caught a snooper last night. Long story short, she is not the snooper. She is a young woman, who was attacked by Price around the same time that he was set up with the Bed and Breakfast. But this girl survived. 

I have done some checking on her story and have verified the facts with some old police colleagues. Price caved the heads of her mother and step father in and left her for dead. I can find no records of a first marriage. Her father is not named on the birth certificate.

Her name is Sasha Mary Turner, she is twenty years old, was a good student by all accounts, studying sports science at Poole University. Until Price destroyed her life and her body.

I really feel for her, she has her whole life ahead of her and has been left with terrible injuries. She reminds me of myself in a few ways, orphan, survived an encounter with Price and was alone in the world. She has been crushed by everything. I want to help her if we can. 

Sorry I am rambling now. How is Japan? When will you be back? Did Steve get his Daishõ? It would be great to catch up. 

Chat soon, Kate xxxx"

She clicks send and sits back in the chair and wonders how Sasha is getting on. 

Dr Bryce quietly steps out of the private treatment room. Kate looks up hopefully, at the man who operated on her two months ago. 

He takes a seat next to Kate and rubs the back of his neck. "Well doc? How is she?", she asks.

"Sasha is a tough young lady, she will have some angry looking bruises, but no broken bones from last night. There are some signs of malnutrition and exhaustion, she needs rest and a better diet, but she should be ok.", he says brightly, avoiding eye contact.

Kate smiles, "I will be honest Doc, I saw the footage of her getting caught. I am surprised she got off so lightly. 

"Sasha is either very lucky or very tough." he nods, in admiration.

"What is your verdict on the scars?", she asks bracing herself.

He pauses, searching for the right words, before he removes his glasses and pinches his nose, "If the cuts had been recently made with a knife, they would be clean and straight and I may be able to do something. However, her cuts are old and ragged, almost like tears in her skin. The attending doctors, did their best. In my opinion, the only way I could do something, is by excising all scar tissue and we start again with skin grafts. This would require several operations over a period of several painful months and even then, the improvement will be marginal at best.", he explains, with a faraway look in his eyes.

Kate stares at the wall, unable to block the image of Sasha's scarred body, "I see, thank you anyway Doc.", she says, fighting back tears.

He pauses, "I can't help with the scars, but, I might be able to find someone who can. I have taken some images of the damage and with your permission, I would like to make a few enquiries. I don't want to give false hope, but there may be someone.", the doctor says, nodding to himself.

"It's nice to have a doctor that refers to people by their name and not just as 'the patient'.", she thinks, smiling at him, "Thanks Doc. If it is worth a shot, let's do it." she says, cheerfully.

"I will let you know.", he says, "Once she wakes up, you can get her out of here. It might take a day or two, but I will call you with an update when I get one."

"She's asleep?" Kate asks, concerned. 

The doctor chuckles, "Yeah, when I finished the tests, I asked her to sit on the bed. When I turned around, she was out like a light."

"She probably didn't sleep much last night, she's knackered." Kate says, smiling softly. 

"You can either leave her here, or wait for her in the room, the chair is very comfy.", he says, making her wonder, how many power naps he has had in there. 

"I will let her sleep for a bit, she could probably do with a rest." she smiles.

Sasha turns down the tv and listens‎, hearing muffled voices downstairs. She strains trying to hear what is being said and flinches back from the door when the voices become louder. "Mum and Mac are shouting at someone. Trying to get them to leave." she realises. 

Suddenly, the voices stop with the sound of two hard thuds. She hears a scraping noise and another loud thud. As everything falls silent and she closes her eyes, "I hope they are ok."

"Someone's coming." she thinks, hearing footsteps on the stairs. 

The loud heavy footfalls slowly draw closer. Sasha's lip trembles when she hears a strangely smooth voice, "Where are you Sasha?" 

Sasha dives into the cupboard in her bedroom and pulls the door shut. Silently, she prays, "Please don't find me." she whispers, over and over again, as the tears start to flow.

The footsteps seem closer now. Sasha holds her breath, everything is silent. With a crack of splintering wood the door is torn off and Sasha finds herself looking up at a beast of a man. She screams as a massive hand reaches for her. "Congratulations, Sasha, you are the first on my list." he says smoothly.

Her arms and legs are spread, held fast by barbed wire, as he stands above her. Every move pulls the wire deeper into her arm. Her whole body is a cloak of pain from the dozens of cuts, plaguing her skin. The floor under her, is soaked in her blood and tears, as she struggles in vain. 

Sasha squirms and screams at the pinch of the needle entering her entering the base of her spine. "Shhhhh child." he whispers smoothly, "This will soon be over." He nods to himself as he withdraws a syringe full of fluid.

He drops the syringe, from his blood slicked hands and curses. "Knew I should have brought more." he smoothly snarls, looking at the shattered instrument. ‎He crouches next to her, "For what it is worth you probably weren't one of them anyway." he says, reaching for her throat.

Sasha flinches, as Price flies backwards, striking the opposite wall hard. Kate steps between Price and Sasha, "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise.", she says turning with a smile and a wink.

Sasha watches in awe as Kate throws the man hard onto his back and kicks him across the room. 

"Shhhh it's ok, you are safe now." Kate says extending her hand. Sasha warily reaches out, as the barbed wire fades from her scarred limbs, and takes it. Kate smiles, as she helps Sasha up off of the floor and gives her a hug. "I am in your corner."

Suddenly, Kate is no longer holding Sasha but instead lifting Price up. "Sasha, be a love and open the door for me." Kate says warmly.

The frightened girl opens the door and stands aside allowing Kate to put Price in the cupboard. Sasha closes the doors locking him in. 

She looks up at Kate, to see her smiling down on her, "You are free Sasha. Time to live your life."

Kate stirs as Sasha rolls over and falls back to sleep. She quietly gets out of her chair and pulls the cover over the sleeping girl again. Sasha snuggles into the cover and smiles. 

Kate puts a hand on her shoulder and whispers, "Sleep well Sasha, everything will be ok, I don't know how, but, if there is a way, we will fix this."

She checks her phone, casting her eye over an email from Louise and Steve, as she returns to the chair. "Cool, they will be back in the morning." she says, putting down the phone and settling back to sleep.
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago @Caesar73 What if she is a mole, made to look like a victim to get the the heart of the characters? What if she is a victim being manipulated unknowingly? What if she just wants peace? What terrible conspiracies?

So many questions so far and there are more twists to come. ‎
Indeed! For the moment, I go with the options two and three: The victim manipulated or that Sasha wants just peace. But with you, dear [mention]wolfman[/mention], one can never be sure :) That is one reason, why I enjoy your stories so much :)
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Post by slackywacky »

> Her arms and legs are spread, held fast by barbed wire, as he stands above her.

That must hurt. I have seen it being used once on a real model, not something I would like to try.
I know it gets boring (no, not your story) saying this over and over again, but great chapter. I am kind of jealous, as I don't think I could write a story like you do. The violence, the darkness, don't think it fits me as a writer. Which is fine with me, as we need different views on story content. But I don't mind reading them, so keep posting.

Thank you!
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] you make a good point, I like to keep people guessing. ;)

[mention]slackywacky[/mention] Thank you for your very kind words. Your jealousy is unfounded. I am good at the dark moments, but am not as skilled at the lighter moments as you are. I enjoy your work immensely and love the adept way you craft scenes and shape wonderful characters. Thank you too.
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Four Hours Earlier

Steve wipes the sweat from his brow. The unseasonably hot air, sticks to his skin like glue, as he makes his way past the Pachinko parlours of Tokyo's, Shinjuku district. The plink of the machines and the bright neons all around him are excellent camouflage for his contacts.

"It is late, all the bars are spilling out now. This could be an issue." he thinks, suspiciously eying the crowd.

Despite his size he glides through the streets, unimpeded, through the crowds of locals and tourists, cutting a sharp figure in black trousers, and t-shirt, with an open white shirt. He looks up at the street sign and with grim determination thinks, "This is the place."

He finds the shop front, just as he remembered it from his short deployment in Japan all those years ago. He quietly steps through the door and makes eye contact with the assistant behind the counter. "Konban Wa." he nods, the shop assistant responding in kind. "Shimada-san ni hanashite mo îdesu ka?" Steve asks, requesting to speak to the stores owner. 

The store assistant glowers at him and huffs, turning away and heading through a door behind the counter. 

Steve takes the small package from his pocket and places it on the counter as a slim, austere japanese man in his late seventies appears behind the counter. The man looks at Steve and bows slightly. 

Mr Shimada picks up the package and slowly unwraps it. He smiles, examining the contents and retrieves a plate and a fork from under the counter, before placing the slice of wedding cake in its centre. "So Steve San, you are actually married." Mr Shimada says, with a warm smile. 

"So desu. Yes I am." Steve says, bowing, to his old friend, "I am sorry you couldn't come to the ceremony."

The older man smiles, "At my age, crossing the street, is hard enough. It is good to see you Steve."

"And you Junji. It has been too long." Steve says warmly. "How is business?"

Shimada shrugs, "Steady, but enough to pay the bills."

"I am sure you do well enough, old friend." Steve says with a smile.

"You did not come all this way to give me a slice of cake, and make small talk. It must be bad for you to come all this way. What is wrong?" the older man, sensing Steve's disquiet. 

"I always was an open book to you.", Steve says, shaking his head, "Where once, with your help, I found peace in the storm, I now feel a storm inside me, when I should be at peace." Steve says, in a measured tone.

Shimada nods, "You were always a warrior, defined by conflict. This is the heart of you Steve. For you finding peace is a conflict with your inner nature, in itself. "

"I have everything I could ever want. My every desire is fufilled, on a whim. But it feels almost too easy. Like I have lost something." Steve tries to explain, "I am used to fighting for everything and now I have it on a plate."

"Steve you must change your thinking, life is a battle. If this life feels too easy, it is because, you have not seen it for the challenges it presents. You may have vanquished any number of warriors, but victory is not always about weapons of war, or the blows of hand and fist. You must rise to challenges, you do not see at first."

Steve nods, "The greatest act of a warrior is to lay down the sword.", he closes his eyes thoughtfully, "Should I forsake violence and find a new path." 

"No Steve, your strength is power, not violence. Power of will, power of action, power of feeling. If something exists in your life and it does not feel powerful, it is not truly a part of you.  If you do not feel a power from your inner disquiet, you may dismiss it. However, if you feel that power about it, you must deal with it. Be true to the heart of yourself, but prepare to face new battlegrounds." Steve's old sensei advises, cryptically.  

As a becalmed, Steve leaves the shop, with a renewed sense of calm, the shop assistant re-enters. "Sensei? What did you say to him to give him such peace."

"Something vague enough it could apply to anyone, but with enough context for him to find personal meaning.", Shimada says, "Just like I say to everyone else, the only difference is, I didn't charge him."

"Everyone in the city is either in bed or in a club and the streets are empty. Just like they exist for me alone to walk them." Steve thinks, as he strides forth, back towards his hotel.

He uses the time and the cool evening air to reflect, "Since a week after the wedding, I have been feeling odd. I don't have to fight for anything. It feels at odds with who I am."

Steve slows his pace as he, feels the pulse the city. "Steve, you haven't earned it. The problem is not the lifestyle, it is that you don't feel like you deserve it.", he quietly nods to himself, "I need something to fight for."

A soft click, snaps him back to focus, readying himself, as he keeps walking, "Handgun safety, approximately thirty feet behind me and to my left, shooter probably hidden behind the wall of the alleyway, that I past a moment ago. Given that he has been following me since before I saw Shimada, I am surprised he has shown himself. Interesting."

As he walks, he looks in shop windows and car door mirrors to get a look at his pursuer, "Male, five feet nine tall, medium build, grey hair, black facemask, casual dress for a tourist, but the nervousness of his stride is anything but casual."

Steve stops walking, examining the contents of a noodle vending machine and ordering a carton of Ramen, "The fact that you let me hear you take the safety off, tells me you want me to know you are there and that you are armed.", he pauses, for effect. "Doesn't tell me what you want though. Would you care to enlighten me?", he says aloud, his voice echoing around the street.

The man steps from the alleyway, and uses the weapon to beckon Steve closer. 

"Kind of pitiful, if you can't shoot me from there." Steve says, nonchalantly standing his ground, "Besides I have just ordered dinner."

The gunman raises an eyebrow, "I can wait." he says, his accent a mixture of Czech and west country English.

The vending machine dispenses a cup of ramen and a disposable wooden spoon. Steve tries the soup and nods appreciatively, whilst ignoring the man pointing a gun at him. "Who knew Ramen from a machine could be this good?"

"Come this way please.", the man says, impatiently. 

Steve slowly walks towards the man, noting that the man retreats towards the alley, in step as he approaches, maintaining the distance. 

Steve sits at the foot of a fire escape, slurping the Ramen, "So, are you going to tell me what you want, or just stand there.", he asks, lightly. 

The man shifts uncomfortably, "Steve Marks?"

"You already know that. How long have you been following me?" Steve asks, observing the nervousness of the man in front of him. 

"Since your wedding. This is the first chance, I have had to speak to you alone." the man says, nervously.

"So you are the lurker." Steve says, calmly, "Well it is just you and I, what would you like to say."

"I am sorry.", the man says, slumping his shoulders, "I am here to say, I am sorry." 

"What have you done?", Steve says, regarding the man, closely.

"Sasha Turner, Michael Glebe, Danielle Foster, James Okoye, Matt Freeman, Simon West, Carl Graves, Amy Woodruff, Helen Carver, Nikita Green.", the man says, his grip faltering on the gun. 

"Quiet night, just the way I like it." Officer Takeshi thinks. 

"Tak, got a report of a man with a gun, in your vicinity, can you check it out?", the reedy voice from his radio, requests. 

"Confirmed, please advise over." Takeshi says, thinking, "So much for quiet."

"North on one four one, two blocks north of  city hall, updating your nav system.", dispatch advises. 

Tak checks his nav, "Location confirmed, show me en route and attending."

"Who are they?" Steve asks, cautiously, watching the gun, hearing distant footsteps.

"My shame. My sin." he explains, shakily. 

"He is on the edge." Steve thinks before saying, "If that is the case, why tell me?"

"You have a right to know their names." he pulls down his mask revealing a stubble covered face, ravaged by age and guilt. "Make it right."

"Where do I know you from?", Steve wonders, in a spark of recognition. 

"I sold them the names. You must understand, I didn't know what they wanted them for. I swear if I had known, I wouldn't have given them a thing, but the money." the man paces, back and forth, his stride becoming faster as he babbles, "I needed the money and they told me that no one would get hurt.", he starts waving the gun around. 

"Slow down fella, who are they? What did they want the names for?" Steve asks, keeping his voice low and calm. 

"They didn't tell me who they were.", he pleads, his eyes, showing his pain.

Steve hears the footsteps rapidly approach the alley way, "That is a problem." he says under his breath. He looks the man in the eyes, "What is special about the names?" he demands. 

"They are-" he begins before being cut off.

"Tōkyō keisatsu, ugokanai de." The officer Takeshi demands, from the mouth of the alleyway, his sidearm in hand. 

The man turns and fires reflexively. Takeshi rolls, levelling his weapon and squeezing off two shots.

"Damn it." Steve curses, as the man drops.

The officer rushes to the fallen man, checking his pulse and, as he picks up his radio, turns his gaze towards Steve's fist. 

As Takeshi hits the ground, Steve checks the older man. "One to the chest, blood flowing, not pumping." Steve observes quickly emptying the man's pockets. "I am sorry old man, I wish we'd had more time."

The sirens in the distance tell him, he needs to move, with a final look at the old stranger, he steps back into the shadows.

"This is nice." Louise thinks as she lays back on the sofa after a long day of meetings with local conzerns, to secure a site for a new Nirvana facility. "I hope Steve isn't much longer."

Her arms rest by her sides as she reclines on her back. Leather cuffs encircle her wrists, fastened to similar cuffs around her hips. "Ready and waiting." she smiles to herself, playfully flexing her calves, making the clips locking her ankle cuffs to her thighs, clink softly.

She closes her eyes relishing the feel of her silken chemise and panties and day dreams about Steve's return, "We have had a wild ride, so far and each day is sweeter than the one before. Our future is so bright."

She opens her eyes dreamily and turns her head to her side and her heart begins to race, when she finds herself staring at Steve, as he walks into the room.

"Steve?", she asks warily, "What happened?"

"I am so sorry I am late, I got delayed." Steve says warmly. "I can explain."

"Your arm? You're bleeding." Louise says stunned. 

"Yeah, I got shot." he says, pulling the bloody sleeve off of his shirt, "Just a graze. Don't worry, I am ok."

"My God are you alright?", she says, twisting in her bonds, reaching for the quick releases on the metal clips linking the cuffs and rushing to his side. 

"Don't worry about me. Are you ok? I am sorry to have given you such a shock. I know you don't need it after a hard day." Steve says, hugging her with his good arm.

"I am ok, just a little taken aback. If I had known, you needed back up, I would have come too.", she says, with a cheeky smile. 

"If I have known, I needed back up, I would have asked you.", he replies with a wink.

Louise sets down the suture and checks her handiwork, as Steve flexes his arm, "What a mess.", she says, having just listened to Steve's account of events.

"Yeah. Big mess, I have no idea on the names at all. Who they are? How they are linked? Or who the old man was?"

Louise snatches up her phone and reads the email from Kate. "Kate has a Sasha Turner with her at the moment. Looks like she was attacked by Price and left for dead. She wants to see you."

"Fairly unusual name. Unlikely to be a coincidence." Steve says, reading Kate's email.

"The timing is too neat. She shows up, then you meet a guy who gives you her name." Louise says, thinking, "This could be a trap. I am thinking, spring the trap and turn it back on them."

Steve looks at Louise with admiration, thinking, "I am married to the most amazing woman in the world.". He smiles at her and says, "You read my mind."

"Should I let Kate know we are coming back?" Louise says, picking up her phone. 

"Might be an idea. But let's not tell her why. Don't want to tip our hand too soon." Steve says, thoughtfully, "We have no idea, who this Sasha is. She might be innocent, or she might be dangerous."

"Why would you think she could be dangerous?" Louise asks, concerned. 

"She probably isn't, but, the timing is too perfect, her story too convincing, she could be a distraction from something larger. We need to keep a close eye on her." Steve explains.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Steves instincts usually are correct :) I liked the conversation between the Sensei and Steve. And I not believe in conincidences :)
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Post by wolfman »

Sasha wakes with a start in the dimly lit treatment room. She sits up panting, before she sees Kate and remembers where she is. "I actually slept." she thinks stunned, noting the time, "Four in the morning? It must have been about two when we came down here."

She quietly creeps from the bed and goes to the bathroom. After relieving herself, she removes the medical gown and steps into the shower. 

"The hot water feels so good.", she thinks, lathering her hands with a fresh smelling shower gel. Dark clouds of sadness, scud across her smile, as she her lathers her body, arms and legs, "I feel every mark he left. I could see in the doctors eyes, the sadness he felt, when I asked if he could help." she thinks as she rinses the soap from her body and stands under the shower head allowing her hair to freely fall over her face. 

Sasha stands in from of the mirror and stares at the scars, "Fuck you Price.", she pauses after saying his name for the first time. "I lived and you died.", she starts to softly cry, "Fuck you."

When the tears dry up, she towel dries her hair and dons the medical gown, then returns to the treatment room. She puts a blanket over Kate and leans forward, to whisper, "Thank you Kate.", before getting back into bed. 

"This is such a comfy bed.", she thinks staring at the ceiling. "I'd better make the most of it before I have to go back to my flat." she says thinking of her bedsit with her sofabed, next to a small stove and a small shower room, in Poole. "It ain't much, but it is mine. Couldn't stay in the house after that night." she thinks.

She snuggles down in the bed and pulls out her phone and looks at Kate's sleeping form. "I wonder." she thinks as she searches for 'Kate Shaw Nirvana group, security."

After scrolling through the news articles and press conferences she find a video entitled, Supercop makes it rain. She turns down the sound and hits play watching closely. 

The video is not bad quality and shows Kate in the bucket of an earthmover, with a red head hanging off of the side of it, driving down a street, surrounded by explosions. Sasha frowns and thinks, "What is this?"

The frown turns to shock when the earthmover drives up to a house and Kate flops a black cloth over the blade of the bucket. A moment later, explosions rip through the upper floor. 

When Kate throws the fire extinguisher in through the upstairs window and shoots it, dumping CO2 in the room, Sasha lays open mouthed, unable to look away. She almost squeals with delight, as Kate dives into the room, disarming the men and throwing them out of the window, before diving out herself. 

She stares at Kate sat in the chair and then at the frozen image of her on her phone, "You are awesome.", she whispers, wide eyed.

Sasha keeps reading and watching supercop clips and reading about her, until her eyes become too sore to continue. She lays back down on the bed and begins to think about the past couple of days.

Kate wakes slowly, with a little stiffness from the chair, but overall well rested. She looks over at Sasha to see the young woman staring at her. "Morning, is everything ok?"

She nods, enthusiastically, "Morning. I had the best nights sleep in so long. Thank you."

"My pleasure, how are you feeling this morning?" Kate asks rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

"A little stiff but, pretty good. A shower helped. How did you sleep?" Sasha asks, warmly. 

"Not too bad thanks, this chair is pretty comfortable." Kate admits, "What time is it?"

"Just gone seven o'clock.", Sasha says, checking her phone.

"Ah hell, sorry to do this to you, but we need to get moving." Kate's says folding a blanket she doesn't remember covering herself with and rising to her feet for a long stretch. 

Crestfallen, Sasha thinks, "I knew it wouldn't last." She slumps her shoulders and sadly says "That's ok. Can you drop me at my car please?"

"Oh, er ok?" Kate says still muddled with sleep. 

"Thanks, Kate. I appreciate everything you have done for me." Sasha says, with a hint of regret, thinking, "You did your duty, but time for you to get on with your life."

Kate double takes in realisation, "You are going to follow me aren't you?"

"Er, I thought we were done." Sasha asks, hopeful. 

"No, not at all." Kate says warmly, "I just have to get a bigger car than mine and then get to the airport to pick up Steve and Louise. I thought you were coming too."

"Really? I thought you wanted shot of me."

"Not at all." she smiles at the young woman, "Look, I spoke to the doctor." Kate pauses, searching for the right words. 

"He can't help, can he?" Sasha says softly. "I saw the look on his face, when he was looking at the scans and test results."

"I am so sorry, Sasha." Kate says, resting a hand on the young woman's shoulder. 

"Don't be. You let me out of the courtyard and protected me from those me. You told me the man who did this, is dead and cannot hurt anyone else on his list. You tried to help and I am really grateful." Sasha says warmly, smiling up through the curtain of her long dark blonde hair. 

"I am glad I could help. He did say he would make some enquiries about your scarring and possible options." Kate smiles, then frowns, "What list?", she asks concerned.

"Price said I was first on his list." Sasha says, confused. 

"That would make sense, he killed Helen and Dionne after you and then was going to kill Lou." Kate says, in a faraway voice. "But my mum and Steve's and my dad were first." she wonders, but keeps her thoughts to herself. 

Sasha enjoys the cool morning air, as they cross the car park. She swings the plastic bag holding her wet clothing, as she walks. "What a beautiful morning." she says, remarking on the deep reds and oranges of the clear skies. 

"First day of the rest of your life?" Kate asks as she holds a cigarette between her teeth and lights it.

Sasha glances up at Kate, "I don't want to be afraid any more. I don't want to be a victim. I want to try to start again, become a new me."

Kate fires a plume of smoke into the air, "If I have a rough day, I get it out of my system by driving fast as I can. It's like the speed frees me."

"Sounds good." Sasha says smiling. 

Kate pauses for a moment, thinking, "She needs a win." Kate smiles before saying  "Glad you agree." as she tosses her the keys, without warning, "You're driving."

Sasha catches them reflexively and turns to Kate, as she stops, standing beside a highly polished, Red Toyota Hilux, "Kate, I can't drive that, I only have an old banger.", she says shaking her head. 

"That's fine, my car is behind you." Kate says, with a cheeky grin and a glint in her eyes.

Sasha's eyes widen, as she turns to see the new, gleaming black TVR Griffith. Her eyes follow the sweeping curves of the vehicles body and in the early morning light, it looks like a predator, ready to pounce. 

Behind her, Kate places a hand on her shoulder and speaks firmly, "Price was a beast and you survived. You were jumped by six guys twice your size and you got some licks in. This is just a car, you can do this."

Nervously, Sasha unlocks the car and gets behind the wheel, she strokes the smooth leather interior, appreciating the smoothness. Kate extinguishes her cigarette and gets in the pasenger seat. Sasha takes a deep breath and flinches, when the vehicle roars into life at the touch of a button.

"You are in the driver seat, be brave, take control. This is just a car like yours, the differences are window dressing." Kate says calmly, "If you trust me, I will help you face your fear and drive faster than you ever have before."

Sasha puts the vehicle in gear and swallows hard, "Let's do this." she eases the clutch up and the vehicle pulls away. 

Half an hours gentle coaching later, the English countryside flies by at an alarming speed and the powerful car bounces over the crest of a shallow rise in the road. "My heart is going to jump out of my throat." Sasha thinks, giggling. 

"Maintain the power. Maintain. Maintain.", Kate instructs watching the road up ahead, as the approach the bend at speed, "Brake in three. Two. One. Brake and ease into the bend. Accelerate on my mark.", she pauses, "Mark."

Sasha cannot speak, overcome by speed and emotion, as she races around the corner onto the driveway of the Bedfordshire facility, moving at speed. 

"On my mark, drop revs, pull handbrake and spin wheel to left lock." Kate says, calmly, "Now."

Sasha screams, as the car skids and spins on the gravel coming to a rest between a Range Rover Evoque and a Porsche Boxster. 

She hangs her head down, spent. Softly she giggles. A moment later, her giggling turns to full hearted laughter, as she realises how fast she has just been and she rides the wave of adrenaline.

"I haven't laughed like this in so long." Sasha thinks, grinning to herself.

Sasha takes her hands off of the wheel and brushes the hair back from her face and gives Kate a wide and cheeky grin, as she laughs uncontrollably. 

Kate laughs with her and turns to Sasha. Kate's laughter falters for a moment, as she finds herself looking clearly at Sasha for the first time, seeing high cheekbones and full lips like her own, but with the clear blue eyes of her half brother, Steve, gazing back at her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Ok, another piece: So Sasha seems related to Steve and Kate ... :)
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Post by wolfman »

"My face is the only part of me, he didn't mark. I don't want to hide it from the world anymore." Sasha thinks, leaning back against the SUV, after another breakneck drive, ending at the airport. Her hair is tied back with one of Kate's hair ties.

"I feel so alive.", she says, to Kate, who stands next to her, "My fingers are trembling.", she laughs, holding out her shaking hands.

"That's the adrenaline wearing off.", Kate says, lighting a cigarette, "Best way to get your blood pumping in the morning." Kate smiles, looking at Sasha, thinking, "Now that her hair is tied back, I am even more sure. I have to give Steve and Lou a heads up."

Sasha smiles, as she turns her face to the sun. "Best morning for a long time.", she says softly. 

Kate jumps a little when Sasha throws her arms around her neck and hugs her tightly, "Thank you so much Kate. I have not smiled since my attack and now I don't want to stop."

"I am glad Sasha. You deserve it." Kate says warmly hugging her back.

"I mean it. You have no idea what this means to me." Sasha says, sincerely.

Kate hugs her tightly, "I want to do all I can, to give you the life you should have had, if Price hadn't hurt you and I am sure Steve and Lou will feel the same."

Sasha looks into Kate's eyes, with a hint of fear, "What if they don't want to help? What if they want to send me away?"

"Why would they want to do that?" Kate asks, gently. 

"Because I look like a freak.", Sasha says, looking away. 

Kate steps back from her embrace and gently but firmly grasps her forearms, "Look at me.", she orders. Sasha slowly turns back to look into her eyes, "The only person who needs to accept the way you look, is you. You think of your scars as hideous and you retreat into yourself, pushing others away.  You will never get back the energy you put into hating your scars and yourself. Once it is gone, you cannot use it to be who you deserve to be."

"You don't know what it is like to loathe who you are every day, to wish people wouldn't look at you with pity and wish for something better." Sasha says on the verge of tears. 

"Yes I do." Kate snaps back, pushing Sasha against the SUV, leaving Sasha stunned. She composes herself and continues, "Yes, I do understand. I was abandoned as a baby and rejected by every foster home I went to. I kept asking why? What was wrong with me? Why am not good enough? Why don't I matter to anyone? Who cares if I live or die?"

Sasha watches, struck dumb by the confession, as Kate continues, "Then one morning, just after my eighteenth, I was in my first flat, sat in my kitchen, looking at university prospectus' and I asked myself, what is the point? In my head I saw everyone who rejected me, as they looked at me with disdain and turned their backs as one. I hated everything about my life."

Kate flicks her spent cigarette and lights another straight away, "I sat for hours staring at the kitchen knife on the wall, thinking about getting up and using it. I couldn't tear my eyes away from it. I couldn't move, I felt the world crushing me into the chair, and my darkest thoughts trying to push me towards the blade."

She draws tobacco smoke deep into her lungs, choking back tears, "There was a noise outside, I ignored it at first, but it dragged me away from the kitchen knife. I went to the window and saw a man pinning a woman to the wall opposite my home by her throat, screaming at her. People walked by and said nothing, did nothing, turning their backs, just like the world had done to me since I was born. I watched and did nothing too, didn't move, didn't call for help, just watched and hated myself. I don't remember taking the knife off of the wall, but I remember how it felt in my hands." 

She pauses, and gives a melancholy smile, "Then he came. A local police officer, tall and proud. He charged in, without fear for himself and wrestled the man to the ground and handcuffed his arms around a lamp post, before making sure she was ok. In my mind, she was me, and that officer had saved my life. "

Kate discards her cigarette and rubs her hands down over her face, "That day, I saw a woman, the world ignored, saved by a police officer who would not look away, who stood tall and did the right thing by someone who couldn't do it for themelves. In that moment, I thought he saved me too. That's when I decided to become a police officer and dedicate my life to looking when others turned away, to not backing down and for being there when someone needed me."

Sasha looks at Kate with a mixture of awe, pride and pity, "I had no idea. You are so together."

Sasha looks at Kate with fresh eyes, "You were there when I was hurt and frightened and you saved me. I want to be like you.", she thinks.

"No one knows. You are the only person I have told. I worked hard and did all that was expected, but It left me hollow in the end. And alone, so very alone. I gave everything and left myself with nothing. I thought back to that night and the hopes of the girl I once was and knew in my heart, that being true to her wishes, I had been there for others, but, had neglected myself.", she takes a deep breath to calm herself, "Then I met Steve and Lou and they showed me, I could be more than the fulfilment of others expectations and that it was ok to want more for myself." she smiles, thinking of the moment, she realised she wanted more from life, "They helped me make peace with my unhappiness and I decided to leave the service to find what I was missing."

"So, with what you do now, can you still look out for others and have time for yourself?" Sasha asks, touching Kate's arm. 

"Time will tell.", Kate says with a smile, ‎"You deserve to be happy. You have had some bad breaks in life, I want to be there, to say it will be ok." 

Sasha starts to cry. Kate puts an arm around her, "Hey." she says gently, "What's wrong?"

"For the first time since my attack, I feel like things might work out." Sasha says, hugging Kate.

"We will get you there Sasha. I promise.", Kate pledges, softly. 

Kate's phone buzzes, "They have landed and are just clearing customs.", she announces, "I am going to go and meet them, would you mind watching the car?"

"No problem, I will just relax here for a bit, can I charge my phone please?" Sasha asks, stretching.

"Sure, you have the keys, charger leads in the glove box. Do you want me to bring you back a coffee?", Kate asks warmly. 

"Can I have a latte please? How long will you be?" Sasha asks, opening the car door and retrieving a lead to charge her phone. 

"About twenty minutes." Kate offers. "Won't be long."

She strides across the car park, thinking, "I have to find them before I introduce them. Something about all this seems off. First, she was attacked by Price, then she reminds me so strongly of what I was like at her age and now it appear she is related to Steve and I. But how? She seems like a victim in all this, but is she?"

Sasha watches Kate leave with a touch of sadness, "Kate is so lovely. I never thought I would be able to smile again. She is awesome. So kind and caring, but at the same time tough. I want to be just like her. I just hope she can forgive me for lying to her."
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Post by Caesar73 »

That leaves one question: What is Sasha lying about? That there is more behind her story seemed obvious. It will remain to be seen, which part of her story checks out in the end.

[mention]wolfman[/mention] I like the way you connect the different chapters, how they are interwoven. The end of this chapter is a very good example for that in my humble opinion :)
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Post by wolfman »

Louise smiles at Steve, while she watches him load the luggage trolley with the two over large bags, "Feels strange to be back. In a way I am glad. I think constantly being waited on hand and foot was getting to Steve. Whatever that business in Japan was, he is fired up and more like his old self."

He turns from the trolley to face her, and kisses her softly. Steve take her in his arms and whispers gently, "I am so sorry for ruining your surprise last night."

She gives him a coy smile, "Don't worry, we more than made up for it on the plane."

"Glad to hear it, although if you were still upset, I would try to make it up to you at the spa." Steve says, with a cheeky grin.

"I hope Kate hasn't parked too far away. I think we should get back as soon as possible." Louise says checking her phone. "No response from her yet, shall we just make a move?"

"Might as well, she will be in the short stay car park, should be easy enough to spot her." Steve says pushing the trolley out of the door,as a coach arrives.

Kate waits for the coach to pass before crossing the road. "Shit. Hurry up.", she thinks, panicked.

As the coach pulls away, she sees Steve and Louise, are not by the entrance. She snatches out her phone, "Give me a break." she exclaims, exasperated as she realises that she has no signal. 

She crossed the road and begins to push past annoyed travellers. Ignoring their complaints, she reaches the entrance to the small airport, unable to see Steve or Louise.  

Sasha looks in the rear view mirror, "That must be them. But, where's Kate?", she takes a deep breath and opens the door of the SUV. 

"There she is." Louise says, pointing, "She didn't say she dyed her hair."

"That's not Kate." Steve says, his hackles rising, "She is too short, too slim, she moves differently."

They approach slowly, watching as Sasha walks to the rear of the vehicle. "That must be Sasha. I can't see Kate? Be ready for anything." Louise says, quietly. 

"Steve? Louise?" Sasha asks nervously, "My name is Sasha. I have waited so long meet you."

"My God, she looks like Kate, with Steve's eyes.", Louise thinks, ignoring the ping of her phone.

"Hello Sasha. It is nice to meet you. How are you holding up? Kate told us what you have been through." Steve asks, assessing her, suspiciously. "Looks like a young Kate. Undernourished, nervous, very thin, but some muscle tone, keeps in shape, maybe yoga or dance, that would explain how she moves so smoothly."

"I am doing ok thanks. Kate has been amazing." She says, biting her lip, thinking, "I don't know if I can tell him."

"She looks worried." Steve thinks, before asking, giving her a cheeky smile, "Where is the amazing Kate?"

"She went off looking for you.", Sasha answers, struck by the physicality of the man before her, she thinks, "I have seen bigger, more muscular men, but he has a power about him. He scares me."

Louise checks her phone and gives a small sigh of relief, "Kate says she is waiting by the main entrance."

Steve manages to tear his eyes away from Sasha and picks up the two massive bags from the trolley to load up the car, thinking, "I need to speak to Lou and Kate privately. If this is what I think it is, this is bad."

As Steve loads the vehicle, Louise steps closer to Sasha, "Hello Sasha, I am Louise.", she beams, giving her a hug. "It's very nice to meet you."

Sasha hugs her back awkwardly, "Nice to meet you too."

"I know you have had a rough time of things. Kate has said some nice things about you." she pauses, giving a sympathetic smile, "You are not alone. We are here for you.", Louise says, warmly, whilst thinking, "Steve, you and I need to talk."

"Thank you, Louise. She has said some lovely things about you as well. I will try not to be a burden.", Sasha says, nervously. 

"Nonsense, you are fine. Anything you need, just ask.", she says, hugging her again, "Call me Lou."

"Thank you Lou. I really appreciate it." Sasha says warmly, thinking, "I wonder how long she will think like that, once she knows."

"Sorry about the early start, we will get a proper brekkie when we get back to the spa." Louise says, with a smile. "How long will you be staying with us?"

"Er, I'm not sure." Sasha replies, off guard.

"There is a place for you as long as you need it. If you need clothes, or anything, we will set you up with the personal shoppers onsite on my account. We are going to look after you." Louise winks and smiles.

"That is too much, I can't accept it." Sasha says, shaking her head softly. 

"A bad thing happened to you. Done by the man who killed my mother and sister. You survived. That makes you special, none of us want to see your life ruined because of it. We are on your side. We will make sure you have everything you need to do anything you want." Louise smiles and squeezes her hand.

Sasha beams at her, "Thank you. I don't know what to say." Louise glances over at Steve and Sasha's smile falters for a moment, "It doesn't matter, once the truth is out, I doubt I will be welcome here." she thinks, grimly.

At Lou's insistence and despite Steve's protests, Sasha drives the sleek black SUV back towards the terminal. Louise check her phone and confirms, "Kate's on her way back. Have said we will meet her halfway."

"That's cool." Sasha says, looking at Lou in the rear view mirror. "Louise seems really nice. I can see why he loves her. She is just lovely in every way."

From the seat behind Sasha, Steve says, "I think we all need to sit down when we get to the spa and have a proper introduction."

Louise catches a glimpse of Sasha's eyes in the rear view mirror as Steve speaks, "She looks really nervous.", she notes, silently, before asking, softly, "Are you ok, Sasha?", drawing a confused look from Steve. 

Sasha gives a little smile, and decides she is ready to confess, "I am fine, it's just that-"

The young woman is cut off by Steve, "There she is.", he says pointing to Kate as she emerges from the glass and metal maze of the car park, just past two parked vans.

Steve's eyes narrow, when he sees, the driver of one of the vans, has a gun.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Awesome, simply awesome. The pace is perfect the characters believable certainly in my top 3 stories here and long may it last
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