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First Time (FFFF/M)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:24 am
by bw7098
“Ryan! Can you come to the kitchen for a second!”

“I’m in the middle of a game!”

“Please honey, it’s important!”

“I said later!” As Ryan calls back downstairs he loses focus on his hyper-violent video game causing a critical error resulting in a bloody “Game Over” appearing on screen.

“Stupid bitch…” Ryan mutters under his breath as he exits his room and descends the stairs to see what his step-mom needed him for. “What is it?” he demands grumpily as he turns into the kitchen.

“Oh hi sweetie!” Says Stephanie, Ryan’s 45 year old step mother. She’s sitting at the kitchen counter next to her daily green health smoothie that always disgusted Ryan. Whatever it was it was working though as she was in fantastic physical shape from her well defined biceps to her toned legs and core to her tight ass which looked like it belonged to a woman half her age. She wore her usual workout outfit, a tight sports bra (today’s color was a deep blue) and even tighter yoga pants (today they were bright white). Ryan always hated the way she dressed, but he couldn’t help but look her up and down every morning. He theorized that’s why she dressed that way, so she could get the attention that she and all females crave so dearly. Ryan swore to deny her that pleasure, but has found it difficult.


“I want you to meet Goldie!” says Stephanie in the same chipper high pitch voice annoys Ryan to no end.

Ryan turns his eyes to see another woman, maybe slightly younger than Stephanie, sitting on the kitchen counter with her legs crossed. She was an odd sight to see, wearing an off-white suit as if she was a successful business woman, but the suit jacket was completely unbuttoned and all she wore underneath was a matching bra leaving her midriff and ample cleavage completely exposed.


“Hi Ryan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Says Goldie in a formal but friendly manner, she extends her hand for a handshake, smiling brightly and tipping her head ever so slightly to the side, causing a slight shift in her wavy blond hair.

Ryan looks at her hand in confusion and rolls his eyes. “Yeah great. Um, I’m going back to my room.”

“No wait honey, why don’t you have a seat, we need to talk to you about something” says Stephanie standing up from the kitchen counter stool.

“Jesus Stephanie, I don’t care! Go do yoga or whatever with your friend and leave me alone.” Ryan turns to leave.

“Oh I’m not your mom’s friend.” Interjects Goldie calmly. “I’m actually here for you Ryan”

This gives Ryan pause. “First off she’s not my real mom. Second, what do you want with me? I don’t know you.”

“Well why don’t you take a seat and your Mom can explain everything” Goldie remains calm, not rising to the immature man’s snark. She gestures with her high heels.

Ryan eyes her suspiciously and she stares back with total cool and confidence. Stephanie looks slightly nervous in the back, wringing her hands and wrists. Ryan slowly makes his way to the chair and sits down in a huff. “You have one minute”

“Ok!” Stephanie excitedly goes to the front of the counter and hoists herself onto the counter, her breasts give a little jiggle in the sports bra as she lands, sitting next to Goldie who was staring at Ryan with a slight smirk. “So as you know you just graduated college”

“Yeah, no shit Stephanie.”

“Please just let me finish Ryan” bargains Stephanie, obviously slightly nervous and perhaps a bit afraid of her 23 year old stepson. “So you’ve graduated and I know you haven’t had any girlfriends, so I figured it would be nice if someone were to offer you the opportunity of you know…” Stephanie looks down bashfully.

“What, lose my virginity? Stephanie, I already told you I don’t need the attention of any stupid girl. I’m going my own way!”

“I know it’s just that…”

“And what, is she some hooker?” Ryan gestures to Goldie. “To be fair the name should have given it away.” He laughs to himself.

“I think Ryan might just be nervous talking about this subject with you Ms. Morrison” Goldie calmly states with the cadence of a trained therapist. “Maybe you should get out of the house for a little while so we can talk in private.

Stephanie stands up from the counter. “Oh good idea! How about this, I’m going to head to the gym” She gathers her keys nervously and heads to the door. “I’ll be back in a couple hours, you two can have all the time you need.”

Ryan stands up from the chair as Stephanie makes a frantic beeline for the door. “Wait, you’re just going to leave me here with some prostitute?” Ryan asks with disbelief as the door shuts behind Stephanie. Ryan turns his head to see Goldie still unmoved from her perch on the counter studying him with a smile.

“Look lady, you got your money. Why don’t you save us all some time and go finger yourself if you want to get off. I’ve got video games to play.”

“That’s not really how I do business Ryan. Why don’t you and I have a chat, I’m sure we can reach an agreement”

“Look lady, you’re a hooker, not a business woman, just take the money and run.”

“Oh but that’s where you’re wrong Ryan.” Goldie finally gets off the counter and starts to slowly strut towards him, hips swaying. “You see I am a business woman, and my business is taking virginities from young men like yourself.

Ryan starts to retreat backwards as she slowly approaches. Goldie's smile grows slightly at this display of fear.

“Parents pay top dollar for me to turn their timid sons into men, and I have a reputation to uphold, so we can either do this the easy way or the hard way” Goldie gets within an inch of Ryan. She is much shorter than the man, probably standing at no more than 5’3, compared to Ryan at 5’10, however her calm voice mixed with her threatening words left him intimidated and speechless.

Ryan’s fearful eyes are locked on hers but are forced to travel down to her cleavage which is now pressed up against his. This contact sparks his fight or flight reaction and he turns to dash away back up to his room. When he rounds the corner towards the stairs he crashes into what feels like a brick wall. He looks up to see two giant women of southeast asian descent towering above him. They are wearing black cropped suit vests with matching black suit pants. The plunging outfit not only accentuates their heavy breasts, but also their incredibly toned muscles which would put even Stephanie’s to shame. Ryan is too stunned to do anything when the women go to either side of him and each take an arm, hoisting him up by his elbows just Goldie casually catches up to him.

Image Image

“Ryan, let me introduce you to the hard way.” She crosses her arms with a smile. “Trust me you are not the first to try and refuse my services. My colleagues here make sure that I am able to complete my work as easily as possible. Ladies, please take my client upstairs and get him comfortable. I’m going to go and change into something more comfortable.”

“No, you can’t do this to me!” Ryan yells back at Goldie as he’s dragged up the stairs by the two amazons shaking futilely.

“See you in a sec stud” she responds with a giggle.

Ryan curses out his manhandlers as he’s dragged up to his room with relative ease. He’s thrown on his bed roughly and tries to roll away but doesn’t even have time to move as his left wrist is grabbed by one of the women and is held above his head as the other secures a leather strap around the wrist and to the bed frame. The same is done for his other wrist and his ankles until he is bound spread eagle on the bed.

“Let me go you fucking psychos!” Ryan calls out in vain, the blank expressions on the women’s faces never changing. One woman grabs his cheeks to force his mouth open, and the other shoves in a bright red ball gag which is secured around his head as Ryan thrashes vigorously. They then take out switch blades which causes Ryan to stop his thrashing, they move the blades towards him and he braces for the worst, but finds instead that they are used to slit his clothes allowing Ryan to be stripped entirely naked with ease.

“A job well done ladies” Heels click on the ground as Goldie emerges through the doorway, taking up a spot in between the two asian women. She was now dressed in a simple yet stunning metallic gold bikini with matching high heels.


“Like what you see?” Goldie places her hands on her hips and shifts them from side to side.

Ryan can’t help but feel aroused looking at the high waisted bottom and the triangle top which struggle to hold in her overflowing buxom. “Get the cameras set up and we can get this show on the road!”

“Fnnmn cnmmrn?” Asks a wide eyed Ryan.

“Yes, video cameras” Goldie replies sitting down on the edge of the bed next to the bound man. “I need to show proof I actually completed my job. Don’t worry it’s not going on the internet or anything, the only people who get copies are me and whoever hired me. What they decide to do with the video is up to them, so when this is all said and done I’d consider being nicer to your mom, or else she might just decide to blackmail you.”

“PHhm'ph nnph mm mnm!” Ryan shoots back angrily, ineffectively trying to clear up his relationship with Stephanie.

“All set up ladies?” Goldie’s henchwomen respond to her questions with curt nods as they crouch behind their respective cameras. Goldie then hoists one of her legs over the bound Ryan, straddling him, causing further tugging at the taught leather straps. “Well she may not be your Mom, but it doesn’t matter, I’m about to be your Mommy.” Goldie flashes and evil sirk and dives in.

Ryan doesn’t know how long it lasts. Could have been 5 minutes or 5 hours. What start out as screams of protest turn into screams of pleasure, jerks of resistance become jerks of ecstasy and Goldie laughs through it all. Ryan almost passes out multiple times as Goldie rubs her tits and ass on his face, ignoring his pleads for air. When it’s done Goldie simply rolls off, takes a second to catch her breath, adjusts her bikini top and walks away as a true professional.

“Please download the videos and send them to Ms. Morrison” Goldie calls back to the camerawoman. “Oh and leave him like that for a while, I’ll decide what to do with him after I get out of the shower.”

Ryan watches Goldie’s gold covered rear swing its way out of the room and her colleagues follow, shutting the door behind them leaving him hyperventilating alone, still a prisoner in his own house.

After about an hour Ryan can hear footsteps behind the door. It swings open again and in walks Goldie, back in her original slutty business attire along with Stephanie, still in her blue and white workout clothes. The sight of his step-mom under these conditions would normally be met with angry thrashing, but Ryan was so tired he could hardly move a muscle or make a sound.

“Here he is Ms. Morrison” Goldie gestures to the bound and gagged Ryan. “One man as you ordered. As you can see he was a difficult client, but in the end it doesn’t really matter. It’s all the same result.”

The two women reach the side of the bed. Stephanie looks down with shock and a hint of amusement seeing her tormentor laid low.

“I’m so sorry he gave you a hard time Goldie. He really need to learn better manners”

“I couldn’t agree more Ms. Morrison. Well with that video I sent you, that should be enough blackmail to keep him in line for a long time.” Goldie smiles at the humiliated man.

“You’re right! Hear that Ryan! I’m finally in charge now!” The now liberated housewife gloats to her former tyrant. “And you're grounded for a whole month! Oh also you have to do all the chores! Oh yeah and no video games ever again!” With that she runs to his desk and rips out his PlayStation from its cabling. “This is going right into the garbage!” She then manically sprints out of the room.

“Woah, seems like someone is going a little power crazy.” Goldie looks genuinely surprised at Stephanie’s first empowered acts. “I just want you to know that it didn’t have to be this way. Most of the time my clients have a wonderful time and come out better people. But look at you now. Well, whatever happens to you, I hope you realize that you deserve every bit of it.”

A few tears streak Ryan’s face as he contemplates his new life.

“Aww, don’t be sad big boy.” Goldie pouts. “Here, before I go I’ve got a little souvenir for you.” She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her golden bikini bottoms, stretching them out so Ryan can get a good look. “It’s the panties of the woman who took your virginity!” She chuckles and bends down to stretch the panties over his head placing it on him like a humiliating mask with the crotch piece right over his nose. With the final humiliation in place she ruffles his hair, blows him a kiss and walks away. The last thing Ryan sees of her is her tight white clad ass swinging as she leaves him in his self-made hell.

Re: First Time (FFFF/M)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:39 pm
by Ak610
bw7098 wrote: 4 months ago “Ryan! Can you come to the kitchen for a second!”

“I’m in the middle of a game!”

“Please honey, it’s important!”

“I said later!” As Ryan calls back downstairs he loses focus on his hyper-violent video game causing a critical error resulting in a bloody “Game Over” appearing on screen.

“Stupid bitch…” Ryan mutters under his breath as he exits his room and descends the stairs to see what his step-mom needed him for. “What is it?” he demands grumpily as he turns into the kitchen.

“Oh hi sweetie!” Says Stephanie, Ryan’s 45 year old step mother. She’s sitting at the kitchen counter next to her daily green health smoothie that always disgusted Ryan. Whatever it was it was working though as she was in fantastic physical shape from her well defined biceps to her toned legs and core to her tight ass which looked like it belonged to a woman half her age. She wore her usual workout outfit, a tight sports bra (today’s color was a deep blue) and even tighter yoga pants (today they were bright white). Ryan always hated the way she dressed, but he couldn’t help but look her up and down every morning. He theorized that’s why she dressed that way, so she could get the attention that she and all females crave so dearly. Ryan swore to deny her that pleasure, but has found it difficult.


“I want you to meet Goldie!” says Stephanie in the same chipper high pitch voice annoys Ryan to no end.

Ryan turns his eyes to see another woman, maybe slightly younger than Stephanie, sitting on the kitchen counter with her legs crossed. She was an odd sight to see, wearing an off-white suit as if she was a successful business woman, but the suit jacket was completely unbuttoned and all she wore underneath was a matching bra leaving her midriff and ample cleavage completely exposed.


“Hi Ryan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Says Goldie in a formal but friendly manner, she extends her hand for a handshake, smiling brightly and tipping her head ever so slightly to the side, causing a slight shift in her wavy blond hair.

Ryan looks at her hand in confusion and rolls his eyes. “Yeah great. Um, I’m going back to my room.”

“No wait honey, why don’t you have a seat, we need to talk to you about something” says Stephanie standing up from the kitchen counter stool.

“Jesus Stephanie, I don’t care! Go do yoga or whatever with your friend and leave me alone.” Ryan turns to leave.

“Oh I’m not your mom’s friend.” Interjects Goldie calmly. “I’m actually here for you Ryan”

This gives Ryan pause. “First off she’s not my real mom. Second, what do you want with me? I don’t know you.”

“Well why don’t you take a seat and your Mom can explain everything” Goldie remains calm, not rising to the immature man’s snark. She gestures with her high heels.

Ryan eyes her suspiciously and she stares back with total cool and confidence. Stephanie looks slightly nervous in the back, wringing her hands and wrists. Ryan slowly makes his way to the chair and sits down in a huff. “You have one minute”

“Ok!” Stephanie excitedly goes to the front of the counter and hoists herself onto the counter, her breasts give a little jiggle in the sports bra as she lands, sitting next to Goldie who was staring at Ryan with a slight smirk. “So as you know you just graduated college”

“Yeah, no shit Stephanie.”

“Please just let me finish Ryan” bargains Stephanie, obviously slightly nervous and perhaps a bit afraid of her 23 year old stepson. “So you’ve graduated and I know you haven’t had any girlfriends, so I figured it would be nice if someone were to offer you the opportunity of you know…” Stephanie looks down bashfully.

“What, lose my virginity? Stephanie, I already told you I don’t need the attention of any stupid girl. I’m going my own way!”

“I know it’s just that…”

“And what, is she some hooker?” Ryan gestures to Goldie. “To be fair the name should have given it away.” He laughs to himself.

“I think Ryan might just be nervous talking about this subject with you Ms. Morrison” Goldie calmly states with the cadence of a trained therapist. “Maybe you should get out of the house for a little while so we can talk in private.

Stephanie stands up from the counter. “Oh good idea! How about this, I’m going to head to the gym” She gathers her keys nervously and heads to the door. “I’ll be back in a couple hours, you two can have all the time you need.”

Ryan stands up from the chair as Stephanie makes a frantic beeline for the door. “Wait, you’re just going to leave me here with some prostitute?” Ryan asks with disbelief as the door shuts behind Stephanie. Ryan turns his head to see Goldie still unmoved from her perch on the counter studying him with a smile.

“Look lady, you got your money. Why don’t you save us all some time and go finger yourself if you want to get off. I’ve got video games to play.”

“That’s not really how I do business Ryan. Why don’t you and I have a chat, I’m sure we can reach an agreement”

“Look lady, you’re a hooker, not a business woman, just take the money and run.”

“Oh but that’s where you’re wrong Ryan.” Goldie finally gets off the counter and starts to slowly strut towards him, hips swaying. “You see I am a business woman, and my business is taking virginities from young men like yourself.

Ryan starts to retreat backwards as she slowly approaches. Goldie's smile grows slightly at this display of fear.

“Parents pay top dollar for me to turn their timid sons into men, and I have a reputation to uphold, so we can either do this the easy way or the hard way” Goldie gets within an inch of Ryan. She is much shorter than the man, probably standing at no more than 5’3, compared to Ryan at 5’10, however her calm voice mixed with her threatening words left him intimidated and speechless.

Ryan’s fearful eyes are locked on hers but are forced to travel down to her cleavage which is now pressed up against his. This contact sparks his fight or flight reaction and he turns to dash away back up to his room. When he rounds the corner towards the stairs he crashes into what feels like a brick wall. He looks up to see two giant women of southeast asian descent towering above him. They are wearing black cropped suit vests with matching black suit pants. The plunging outfit not only accentuates their heavy breasts, but also their incredibly toned muscles which would put even Stephanie’s to shame. Ryan is too stunned to do anything when the women go to either side of him and each take an arm, hoisting him up by his elbows just Goldie casually catches up to him.

Image Image

“Ryan, let me introduce you to the hard way.” She crosses her arms with a smile. “Trust me you are not the first to try and refuse my services. My colleagues here make sure that I am able to complete my work as easily as possible. Ladies, please take my client upstairs and get him comfortable. I’m going to go and change into something more comfortable.”

“No, you can’t do this to me!” Ryan yells back at Goldie as he’s dragged up the stairs by the two amazons shaking futilely.

“See you in a sec stud” she responds with a giggle.

Ryan curses out his manhandlers as he’s dragged up to his room with relative ease. He’s thrown on his bed roughly and tries to roll away but doesn’t even have time to move as his left wrist is grabbed by one of the women and is held above his head as the other secures a leather strap around the wrist and to the bed frame. The same is done for his other wrist and his ankles until he is bound spread eagle on the bed.

“Let me go you fucking psychos!” Ryan calls out in vain, the blank expressions on the women’s faces never changing. One woman grabs his cheeks to force his mouth open, and the other shoves in a bright red ball gag which is secured around his head as Ryan thrashes vigorously. They then take out switch blades which causes Ryan to stop his thrashing, they move the blades towards him and he braces for the worst, but finds instead that they are used to slit his clothes allowing Ryan to be stripped entirely naked with ease.

“A job well done ladies” Heels click on the ground as Goldie emerges through the doorway, taking up a spot in between the two asian women. She was now dressed in a simple yet stunning metallic gold bikini with matching high heels.


“Like what you see?” Goldie places her hands on her hips and shifts them from side to side.

Ryan can’t help but feel aroused looking at the high waisted bottom and the triangle top which struggle to hold in her overflowing buxom. “Get the cameras set up and we can get this show on the road!”

“Fnnmn cnmmrn?” Asks a wide eyed Ryan.

“Yes, video cameras” Goldie replies sitting down on the edge of the bed next to the bound man. “I need to show proof I actually completed my job. Don’t worry it’s not going on the internet or anything, the only people who get copies are me and whoever hired me. What they decide to do with the video is up to them, so when this is all said and done I’d consider being nicer to your mom, or else she might just decide to blackmail you.”

“PHhm'ph nnph mm mnm!” Ryan shoots back angrily, ineffectively trying to clear up his relationship with Stephanie.

“All set up ladies?” Goldie’s henchwomen respond to her questions with curt nods as they crouch behind their respective cameras. Goldie then hoists one of her legs over the bound Ryan, straddling him, causing further tugging at the taught leather straps. “Well she may not be your Mom, but it doesn’t matter, I’m about to be your Mommy.” Goldie flashes and evil sirk and dives in.

Ryan doesn’t know how long it lasts. Could have been 5 minutes or 5 hours. What start out as screams of protest turn into screams of pleasure, jerks of resistance become jerks of ecstasy and Goldie laughs through it all. Ryan almost passes out multiple times as Goldie rubs her tits and ass on his face, ignoring his pleads for air. When it’s done Goldie simply rolls off, takes a second to catch her breath, adjusts her bikini top and walks away as a true professional.

“Please download the videos and send them to Ms. Morrison” Goldie calls back to the camerawoman. “Oh and leave him like that for a while, I’ll decide what to do with him after I get out of the shower.”

Ryan watches Goldie’s gold covered rear swing its way out of the room and her colleagues follow, shutting the door behind them leaving him hyperventilating alone, still a prisoner in his own house.

After about an hour Ryan can hear footsteps behind the door. It swings open again and in walks Goldie, back in her original slutty business attire along with Stephanie, still in her blue and white workout clothes. The sight of his step-mom under these conditions would normally be met with angry thrashing, but Ryan was so tired he could hardly move a muscle or make a sound.

“Here he is Ms. Morrison” Goldie gestures to the bound and gagged Ryan. “One man as you ordered. As you can see he was a difficult client, but in the end it doesn’t really matter. It’s all the same result.”

The two women reach the side of the bed. Stephanie looks down with shock and a hint of amusement seeing her tormentor laid low.

“I’m so sorry he gave you a hard time Goldie. He really need to learn better manners”

“I couldn’t agree more Ms. Morrison. Well with that video I sent you, that should be enough blackmail to keep him in line for a long time.” Goldie smiles at the humiliated man.

“You’re right! Hear that Ryan! I’m finally in charge now!” The now liberated housewife gloats to her former tyrant. “And you're grounded for a whole month! Oh also you have to do all the chores! Oh yeah and no video games ever again!” With that she runs to his desk and rips out his PlayStation from its cabling. “This is going right into the garbage!” She then manically sprints out of the room.

“Woah, seems like someone is going a little power crazy.” Goldie looks genuinely surprised at Stephanie’s first empowered acts. “I just want you to know that it didn’t have to be this way. Most of the time my clients have a wonderful time and come out better people. But look at you now. Well, whatever happens to you, I hope you realize that you deserve every bit of it.”

A few tears streak Ryan’s face as he contemplates his new life.

“Aww, don’t be sad big boy.” Goldie pouts. “Here, before I go I’ve got a little souvenir for you.” She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her golden bikini bottoms, stretching them out so Ryan can get a good look. “It’s the panties of the woman who took your virginity!” She chuckles and bends down to stretch the panties over his head placing it on him like a humiliating mask with the crotch piece right over his nose. With the final humiliation in place she ruffles his hair, blows him a kiss and walks away. The last thing Ryan sees of her is her tight white clad ass swinging as she leaves him in his self-made hell.