Bondage ordeal in the woods-Story in rhymes (MM/M)

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Bondage ordeal in the woods-Story in rhymes (MM/M)

Post by robleligoteur »

In a wooden realm, where the whispers sigh,
Heinz strolled unaware, 'neath the azure sky.
A khaki-clad explorer in wild disguise,
In a world of intrigue, where secrecy lies.

His safari shirt with pockets arrayed,
Bermuda shorts in the sun's warmth displayed.
A brown scarf wound 'round, protection to seek,
Brown boots on his feet, on this adventure so sleek.

Yet, in this haven, a meeting spot concealed,
For men of special interests, a mystery revealed.
Two figures in black, with intentions unseen,
Approached Heinz with a grin, a sinister sheen.

"Come join us," they said, their voices low,
A beer at their camp, where secrets may grow.
Heinz, uneasy, felt vulnerability's grip,
An explorer now caught in a precarious trip.

Near the tent they gathered, shadows intertwined,
A cloak of suspicion, a plot undermined.
One vanished inside, emerging with twine,
A tale of entrapment, a dangerous sign.

"To a tree," he declared, his tone cold and stark,
Heinz now entangled in a perilous lark.
Bound by the rope, a captive of the glade,
In the heart of the woods, in a dark charade.

A twist in the tale, a plot unforeseen,
In this wooden theater, where danger convenes.
Heinz, ensnared, his fate now unclear,
In a forest of secrets, whispered and near.

Around Heinz, the shadows danced and twirled,
As the two figures sneered in the secretive world.
Taunting and probing, their questions took flight,
Unveiling his secrets in the dimming light.

"Tell us," they jeered, with a venomous grin,
About your desires, the passions within.
In this clandestine meeting, secrets unmask,
As Heinz, bound to the tree, faced an oncoming task.

"Are you drawn to the moon's gentle glow?
Or perhaps to the whispers the night breezes throw?
Your safari attire, a guise so bizarre,
Reveals a tale that's hidden, like a distant star."

With ropes pulling tight, and laughter that mocked,
They pried into Heinz, whose defenses were rocked.
"What adventures," they sneered, "were you out to find?
In the lakeside expanse, where secrets unwind."

Heinz, captive and cornered, kept silent and still,
Yet the probing questions, an unsettling chill.
His secrets laid bare in the dim forest's shade,
As the two figures pressed, in a dangerous charade.

"Did you seek hidden pleasures by the water's edge?
In the cover of darkness, on the lake's silent pledge?
A realm of desires, a clandestine chase,
Caught in our web, in this mysterious place."

Heinz, vulnerable, his heart pounding loud,
In the clandestine circle, where danger is vowed.
The interrogation continued, a twisted ballet,
In the heart of the woods, where secrets held sway.

Heinz, bound to the tree, with a steely resolve,
Responded with calm, in this dark wooded alcove.
"No hidden desires or secrets I sought,
Just a wanderer's heart, with exploration fraught."

His words echoed softly in the gathering gloom,
As the taunting continued, an impending doom.
Tight ropes around him, a captive in strife,
Yet Heinz embraced the unexpected in his life.

"You mistake my intent," he uttered with grace,
"I sought not your secrets or a secretive place.
A wanderer's spirit, I came to explore,
Not the knots of deception or a sinister lore."

But the two figures, relentless, pressed on,
Unraveling his tale until the secrets were drawn.
In his khaki attire, a symbol of his quest,
Heinz found himself caught, put to the test.

"Your attire, so peculiar, in this covert affair,
Does it not speak of desires you dare not declare?
A pathetic outfit in this ominous scheme,
A captive explorer, caught in a dream."

Heinz, with a sigh, surrendered to fate,
A twist in the narrative, an unforeseen state.
Perhaps, in his quest for adventure so grand,
He stumbled upon more than the lake's vast expanse.

Bound to a tree, his vulnerability laid bare,
In the heart of the woods, with shadows to spare.
The tale of Heinz, an explorer ensnared,
In a wooded enigma, where secrets were shared.

The shadows deepened as questions unfurled,
Around Heinz, the enigma of a captive world.
"Speak of your yearnings," the figures insisted,
In the quiet of the woods, where secrets persisted.

"Are you drawn to the thrill of the forbidden night?
Or the dance of shadows in the pale moonlight?
Your khaki attire, a beacon so bright,
Yet your secrets, Heinz, remain out of sight."

They circled him closely, a dance in the dark,
Inquisitors probing through the moonlit park.
"Was the lake a canvas for desires untold?
A tale of yearning, a saga to unfold?"

With ropes that held firm, and questions that pierced,
Heinz stood resolute, though his fate had been engineered.
"No secrets to unravel, no clandestine delight,
Just a seeker of stories, under the moon's soft light."

Yet, the figures persisted, relentless in their quest,
To unravel the mysteries that Heinz possessed.
"Your brown scarf, so snug, wrapped around your throat,
Does it not symbolize desires afloat?"

In the hushed woodland theater, where secrets conversed,
Heinz, bound and entangled, his spirit traversed.
The figures, unyielding, continued their play,
In the heart of the woods, where shadows held sway.

"Speak of your fantasies, the dreams you chase,
In this wilderness realm, a mysterious space.
Your attire, your choices, paint a peculiar theme,
Heinz, the captive, caught in a moonlit dream."

As the questions lingered, like mist in the night,
Heinz contemplated his unexpected plight.
In the depths of the forest, where secrets lay dense,
A captive explorer, ensnared in suspense.

In the moonlit glade, with shadows entwined,
Heinz, captive and vulnerable, began to unwind.
Under the pressure, the probing so keen,
He confessed his secrets in the wooded scene.

"Amidst the trees and the whispers so low,
I'll reveal my desires, a truth to bestow.
In the realm of dreams and fantasies wild,
I sought more than nature, like a curious child."

Heinz, bound by the tree, his defenses now frail,
Unraveled his tale in the moonlight's pale trail.
"Fantasies untold, in the dark corners I hid,
A longing for more than this khaki-clad grid."

His brown scarf, a symbol, wrapped snug around,
Concealed desires, in the silence profound.
"Men or women," they asked, their voices so near,
In the dim-lit forest, where vulnerability's clear.

With a hesitant breath, Heinz laid bare,
His true orientation, an intimate affair.
"A spectrum, you see, not confined by a label,
In the heart of the woods, where secrets unravel."

The figures, their laughter, a sinister sound,
Yet Heinz, unburdened, on this night so profound.
In the grip of the forest, where shadows converse,
He bared his soul, for better or worse.

His vulnerabilities exposed, like a delicate thread,
In the depths of the woods, where truth lay spread.
The two figures, their power now realized,
In the moonlit glade, where secrets were prized.

Heinz, ensnared in the tale of the wooded domain,
A captive explorer, in vulnerability's reign.
The questions ceased, the night held its breath,
In the hushed glade, where shadows met death.

The figures, relentless, their whispers more near,
Augmented the pressure, instilling a fear.
"Do you guess," they sneered, with a wicked delight,
The orientation we hold in the shadows of night?

Heinz, now trembling, his mind in a spin,
In the moonlit glade, where the secrets begin.
A guessing game played in the shadows so deep,
As the captive explorer struggled to keep.

With ropes pulling tight, and shadows closing in,
Heinz dared a guess, where confessions begin.
"Your desires, perhaps, match the ones that I bear,
In the heart of the woods, where vulnerability flares."

The figures, amused, confirmed with a grin,
"You sought what we offered, in the shadows within.
A submissive desire, a quest for the tough,
In this clandestine meeting, you've revealed enough."

Heinz, in surrender, confessed to the night,
His submissive desires, a truth taking flight.
"I came in search of tough guys, to submit and explore,
In the moonlit expanse, where desires implore."

The figures, triumphant, their power affirmed,
In the dim-lit glade, where the truth had squirmed.
"More than you sought, Heinz, you've now found,
In this wooded realm, where secrets abound."

The captive explorer, caught in the web,
Of desires confessed, in shadows that ebb.
His journey, unexpected, in the moonlit parade,
A submissive seeker, in the heart of the glade.

The figures, their laughter, a sinister glee,
As Heinz, submissive, had revealed the key.
In the darkened woodland, where secrets converse,
A tale of desires, unfolding in the universe.

The figures, in shadows, their power held high,
Turned to Heinz with a glint in their eye.
"Now that your secrets lie bare on the ground,
What shall we do with you?" they whispered around.

"Watch or partake, in this moonlit affair,
As shadows engulf us, unveiling the dare.
Your submissive desires, so freely confessed,
In the heart of the glade, where secrets are dressed."

Heinz, captive and bound, faced a choice so stark,
To watch from the shadows or join in the dark.
The moon overhead, a witness to the play,
In the clandestine meeting, where truth held sway.

"I choose to partake," Heinz finally declared,
In the moonlit glade, where secrets were shared.
A submissive explorer, in the shadows embraced,
In the heart of the woods, where vulnerability faced.

The figures, delighted, their triumph complete,
In the moonlit theater, where desires entreat.
Ropes now became threads in the dance of the night,
As Heinz, submissive, embraced his newfound light.

In the forest's heart, where shadows persist,
Heinz, the captive, became the moonlit tryst.
A plaything of desires, in the darkness unspooled,
In the glade of secrets, where fantasies ruled.

The figures, their dominance firmly in place,
In the moonlit glade, set the stage for their chase.
"You'll remain bound," they declared to Heinz,
As shadows enveloped in nocturnal grins.

Buttons unfastened, his shirt in the breeze,
Revealing the canvas where desires now seize.
The bandanna untied, a symbolic release,
In the forest's heart, where boundaries cease.

Their hands, like shadows, explored with intent,
A dance of desires, in the moonlit event.
Heinz, submissive, in the woods so profound,
Bound to a tree, in pleasure unbound.

The figures, orchestrators of the moonlit affair,
Fondled and teased, creating a sensual lair.
Heinz, captive to desires he'd sought,
In the heart of the glade, where passion was caught.

The night, a witness to the secrets unveiled,
As Heinz surrendered, his inhibitions assailed.
In the clandestine meeting, where fantasies play,
Bound and explored, in the moonlit ballet.

Ropes held him captive, a willing plaything,
In the shadows' embrace, where desires take wing.
A submissive explorer, in vulnerability's guise,
In the heart of the woods, where the moonlit truth lies.

The figures, their laughter, echoed through trees,
As Heinz, submissive, surrendered with ease.
In the dim-lit glade, where shadows converse,
A tale of desires, unfolding in the universe.

The moon hung low, casting shadows in the night,
As the figures continued their intimate rite.
Heinz, bound and exposed in the woodland affair,
Fell deeper into the dance of vulnerability rare.

Buttons undone, shirt whispers in the breeze,
A canvas for secrets, the moon seeks to appease.
His khaki attire, now a symbol of surrender,
In the forest's embrace, where desires tender.

The figures, their plaything, guided by delight,
In the moonlit glade, where shadows ignite.
Ropes intertwined, a sensual symphony,
Heinz, captive explorer, lost in ecstasy.

Hands explored, tracing contours with care,
In the heart of the woods, where secrets declare.
The bandanna untied, a ritual release,
As desire whispered in the moonlit peace.

Heinz, submissive, in the shadows' command,
Bound to the tree, by the figures' skilled hand.
A moonlit tryst, where fantasies bloom,
In the clandestine meeting, Heinz found room.

Laughter and whispers, the night's sweet refrain,
In the heart of the glade, where pleasures sustain.
Desires explored in the shadows' embrace,
As Heinz, submissive, found a sacred space.

The figures, architects of this moonlit play,
Navigated desires in the forest so gray.
Bound and caressed, in the moon's gentle light,
Heinz danced with shadows in the embrace of the night.

The glade, a witness to this clandestine affair,
As the moon sighed, and the trees stood in stare.
In the heart of the woods, where secrets converse,
Heinz, captive explorer, felt the universe.

On his knees, Heinz in the shadows' command,
In the moonlit glade, where desire was fanned.
Ropes held him close, a willing surrender,
To the figures' whims, as the night grew tender.

The moon overhead, a silent voyeur,
As the figures orchestrated desires to explore.
Heinz, submissive, his heart pounding wild,
Bound in the glade, where the fantasies compiled.

"Open your lips," the figures demanded,
In the moonlit dance, where boundaries expanded.
Heinz, captive explorer, his breath held tight,
Embarked on a journey in the shadows' light.

Lips parted, a submissive decree,
In the heart of the woods, where shadows decree.
Moonbeams witnessed the secrets unfold,
As Heinz surrendered to the night's gentle hold.

The figures, architects of this moonlit play,
Guided him through the shadows' ballet.
Desires spoken in whispers, the night's sweet hush,
Heinz, submissive, lost in the nocturnal crush.

The glade, a stage for this clandestine affair,
As the moon glistened, and the trees stood in stare.
In the heart of the woods, where secrets converse,
Heinz, captive explorer, became the universe.

Desire echoed in the moonlit expanse,
As Heinz submitted, caught in the dance.
Bound and explored, by shadows entwined,
In the heart of the glade, where fantasies find.

The night unfolded its mystical tale,
In the moonlit glade, where shadows set sail.
Heinz, submissive, embraced the unknown,
In the secret haven where desires were sown.

Desire echoed in the moonlit expanse,
As Heinz submitted, caught in the dance.
Bound and explored, by shadows entwined,
In the heart of the glade, where fantasies find.

The night unfolded its mystical tale,
In the moonlit glade, where shadows set sail.
Heinz, submissive, embraced the unknown,
In the secret haven where desires were sown.

Rising from knees, in the moonlit ballet,
Heinz, a canvas, in shadows' display.
Bermuda pants opened, a vulnerable stance,
As the figures continued their intimate dance.

In the forest's heart, where secrets converse,
Heinz, submissive explorer, felt the universe.
Bound by desires, entangled in the night,
In the clandestine meeting, where shadows took flight.

He surrendered willingly to the figures' decree,
As the moon witnessed the nocturnal spree.
Reciprocity, a dance in the dim-lit embrace,
Heinz, captive and willing, in the moonlit space.

Echoes of pleasure, like whispers in the breeze,
As Heinz succumbed to the shadows with ease.
Intimate acts exchanged in the moon's soft glow,
In the heart of the glade, where secrets flow.

The figures, silent conductors of this moonlit affair,
Guided the dance with a sensual air.
Heinz, caught in the web of desires untold,
In the heart of the woods, where fantasies unfold.

The night unfolded its mystical tale,
As Heinz, submissive, set sail.
Bermuda pants opened, vulnerability exposed,
In the moonlit glade, where passion imposed.

Desires echoed in the forest's gentle hum,
As Heinz, bound and explored, became the drum.
The glade, a silent witness to the moonlit exchange,
In the heart of the woods, where boundaries estrange.

The figures, architects of this secret ballet,
Directed the rhythm in the moonlit array.
Heinz, submissive, embraced the night's art,
In the clandestine meeting, where shadows depart.

The moon overhead, a guardian in the dark,
As Heinz, bound and willing, embarked.
In the heart of the glade, where secrets converse,
He became a part of the moonlit universe.

Released from the ropes that once held him tight,
Heinz, unbound, faced the moon's soft light.
Kneeling down and then on all fours,
In the moonlit glade, where submission explores.

The figures, their captor now turned to serve,
A dance in the shadows, where desires swerve.
Heinz, once captive, now willingly embraced,
In the moonlit ballet, where passion traced.

On all fours, in the woodland's embrace,
Heinz surrendered to this intimate space.
A servant to desire, in the shadows' ballet,
In the heart of the woods, where fantasies play.

The figures, guided by the moon's soft glow,
Directed the dance, where inhibitions go.
Heinz, submissive, an instrument in the night,
In the clandestine meeting, where shadows ignite.

Servitude in the moonlit exchange,
As Heinz embraced the desires so strange.
Whispers and sighs, like the rustle of leaves,
In the heart of the glade, where vulnerability weaves.

The figures, their pleasure now intertwining,
In the moonlit dance, where passion's defining.
Heinz, on all fours, a willing host,
In the sacred realm where desires boast.

The night wore on, a tapestry of moonlit scenes,
As Heinz, surrendered, lost in the dreams.
In the heart of the woods, where shadows converse,
He became the moonlit universe.

The glade, a witness to the secrets entwined,
As the figures and Heinz, in pleasure, aligned.
In the silent dance of the moonlit play,
Desires echoed, in the shadows' array.

The figures, their laughter a sinister sound,
Taunted Heinz in the moonlit playground.
"On all fours, so submissive and meek,
You sought adventure, and this is what you seek?"

They mocked him openly, in the shadows' embrace,
For being submissive, for accepting the chase.
Heinz, once captive, now willingly at bay,
In the heart of the glade, where shadows hold sway.

"Pathetic explorer, lost in your desire,
Submitting willingly to the shadows' fire.
You asked for tough guys, a fantasy spun,
Now you're on all fours, and the dance has begun."

Their words, like arrows, pierced the night,
As Heinz, submissive, remained in their sight.
In the moonlit glade, where shadows conspire,
He faced their taunts, in vulnerability's mire.

But Heinz, undeterred, found strength in submission,
A journey unexpected, a moonlit transition.
In the heart of the woods, where shadows converse,
He embraced the role, perverse or diverse.

The figures continued their taunts so sly,
As Heinz, on all fours, met their eyes.
A submissive explorer, in shadows entwined,
In the clandestine meeting, where fantasies find.

Laughter echoed in the forest so deep,
As Heinz, submissive, found secrets to keep.
In the heart of the glade, where shadows play,
He became the moonlit universe's display.

"Your adventure's not done," the figures proclaimed,
As Heinz, submissive, in the shadows remained.
Tied to the tree once more, face against the bark,
Wrist bound to the trunk, still lost in the dark.

Pants down, vulnerability exposed,
In the moonlit glade, where the night imposed.
The figures, orchestrators of this lunar ballet,
Directed the scene, as shadows held sway.

Heinz, bound and exposed, against the wood,
In the heart of the woods, where mysteries stood.
The night continued its mystical tale,
As desires lingered, in the moonlit trail.

"Against the trunk, your journey unfolds,
In the moonlit dance, where submission molds.
Bound to the tree, your face against bark,
This adventure, Heinz, still leaves a mark."

The figures, their dominance firm and grand,
In the moonlit glade, where desires expand.
Heinz, captive to the night's tender grace,
Bound and exposed, in the secret embrace.

The night whispered secrets in the quiet breeze,
As Heinz, submissive, fell to his knees.
In the heart of the glade, where shadows converse,
He continued the journey, a captive universe.

The moon observed with its silver gaze,
As Heinz, still bound, entered the next phase.
In the moonlit dance, where shadows command,
His adventure persisted, shaped by the night's hand.

Against the tree, Heinz stood, face to bark,
His back and buttocks exposed in the dark.
The figures, taunting, continued their play,
In the moonlit glade, where shadows held sway.

"Exposed and vulnerable," they jeered with delight,
As Heinz, submissive, faced the moon's soft light.
Bound to the tree, his fate now entwined,
In the heart of the woods, where secrets combined.

A flagellum emerged from the tent nearby,
A tool of pleasure or pain, Heinz couldn't deny.
The figures, wielders of shadows so profound,
In the moonlit dance, where desires abound.

"Ready yourself, Heinz, for the next act,
A dance with shadows, a moonlit impact.
Your back, an open canvas in the night,
As the flagellum whispers, in shadows so tight."

Heinz, exposed, felt the shivers run deep,
As the figures prepared for the dance to sweep.
The moon overhead, a silent observer,
As shadows and desires continued to fervor.

The flagellum cracked through the quiet air,
As Heinz, submissive, braced for the affair.
Against the tree, his submission laid bare,
In the moonlit glade, where shadows declare.

Whispers of pleasure or pain intertwined,
As the figures continued the dance in kind.
Heinz, captive and bound, in the moonlit verse,
Navigated desires, in the shadows' traverse.

The night unfolded, a tapestry of scenes,
In the moonlit glade, where secrets convene.
Heinz, submissive, embraced the moon's soft call,
In the heart of the woods, where shadows enthrall.

Gently, the flagellum met Heinz's exposed skin,
In the moonlit glade, where desires begin.
Whispers of pleasure or pain intertwined,
As the figures continued the dance, Heinz confined.

A crack in the air, a gentle whip's caress,
Against the tree, in vulnerability's undress.
His back, an open canvas, marked by the night,
In the moonlit dance, where shadows alight.

"Do you enjoy the dance?" the figures inquired,
As the flagellum's touch left Heinz inspired.
Bound to the tree, in the moon's soft glow,
Heinz, submissive, answered in whispers low.

Pleasure and pain, a delicate blend,
In the moonlit glade, where shadows transcend.
The figures, conductors of this intimate theme,
Explored the boundaries in the moonlit dream.

Cracks echoed softly, a moonlit refrain,
As Heinz, submissive, endured the sweet pain.
Against the tree, his submission laid bare,
In the heart of the woods, where secrets declare.

"Do you like the treatment?" the figures pressed,
As the flagellum's touch continued to manifest.
Heinz, bound and exposed, in the moonlit verse,
Navigated desires, in the shadows' converse.

The night unfolded, a tapestry of scenes,
In the moonlit glade, where fantasies convene.
Heinz, submissive, embraced the moon's soft call,
In the heart of the woods, where shadows enthrall.

In the moonlit glade, shadows intertwined,
As the figures took pleasure, their desires aligned.
Heinz, submissive, bound to the tree,
Exposed buttocks, a canvas for the moonlit spree.

The figures, their laughter, a wicked delight,
In the moonlit dance, where boundaries unite.
Taking turns, they explored the night's art,
In the heart of the woods, where desires impart.

Heinz, captive to pleasure, a willing host,
As the figures indulged in their moonlit boast.
The night sighed, as the glade bore witness,
To the dance of shadows, an intimate congress.

Pleasure echoed through the quiet night,
As Heinz, submissive, surrendered to the delight.
Moonbeams caressed the exposed skin,
In the clandestine meeting, where boundaries thin.

The figures, conductors of this moonlit ballet,
Explored desires, in the shadows' display.
Heinz, bound and exposed, in the moonlit verse,
Navigated pleasures, in the shadows' converse.

The night wore on, a tapestry of scenes,
In the moonlit glade, where fantasies convene.
Heinz, submissive, embraced the moon's soft call,
In the heart of the woods, where shadows enthrall.

Desires fulfilled in the nocturnal air,
As the figures and Heinz, lost in the affair.
In the silent dance of the moonlit play,
Pleasures whispered, as shadows held sway.

The moon hung low, a silent overseer,
As the figures and Heinz lingered near.
Desires sated in the quiet glade,
In the heart of the woods, where shadows fade.

Bound no more, Heinz stood in the night,
His submission embraced, his spirit alight.
The figures, content in the moonlit bower,
As the tapestry of desires continued to flower.

Whispers of satisfaction echoed through trees,
As the moonlit glade held secrets at ease.
Heinz, submissive explorer, now unconfined,
In the moonlit dance, where fantasies bind.

The figures, their laughter softened by the night,
Acknowledged the pleasure, the intimate light.
As shadows dispersed, in the glade's gentle hush,
Heinz, the captive, emerged from the lush.

The night, a witness to the clandestine affair,
In the moonlit glade, where desires declare.
Heinz, submissive, found solace in release,
In the heart of the woods, where shadows find peace.

As dawn approached with its subtle hue,
The figures and Heinz bid the glade adieu.
A moonlit adventure, a tale to unfold,
In the sacred haven where secrets were told.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by StringTheorist »

WOW. Well off the beaten TUG path.

Thanks, @robleligoteur

Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is a distinctly different way to tell a tale of lust and submission. I have to say I've never read anything like it. Well done!
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