My Neighbor, The Gagger (M/F)

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My Neighbor, The Gagger (M/F)

Post by d4mseling4gs »

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting a story like this, let alone to this website. Hope you enjoy!

My Neighbor, The Gagger

Up until a few days prior, Kelly had neither been one to question her life’s decisions somberly, nor did she particularly enjoy taking inventory of her mistakes in an unproductive manner, yet, as the reality of her new living situation dawned upon her that Wednesday morning, she found herself doing just that.

Where have I gone wrong, to end up in a place like this?

She looked around her humble surroundings with a keen distaste in her mouth. Just a couple of months ago, she thought, she had not only been in a picture-perfect relationship, but also had a much nicer apartment that accompanied having a combined income with her ex.

“It’s a shame,” she said aloud—to herself, recollecting as she looked about her apartment, about having worked so hard to please her ex, only then to have found him in the arms of another woman.

The shift was momentous, quick, and in a few short weeks, her entire life had been turned upside down. No longer could she afford a ritzy apartment downtown, but instead, had opted to sort through a mess of sketchy randos online, until finally she found a decent place through the local paper.

It wasn’t the nicest place, of-course, but plenty for a newly single woman in her mid-30’s to find for herself, and in such a quick time, too. Clean, quiet, affordable—the list of good things regarding her studio felt short, but nevertheless she was grateful. A small, humble loft built separately as a guest house behind the main one; it was on the same property, but she had her own utilities, washer, dryer, kitchen, carport—essentially, she had lucked out finding a decent sized place directly through the owner.

“He is a character,” she thought to herself, “the owner—quite the eccentric guy, when it was all said and done.”

Gary was his name, or so, at-least, that’s what he told her anyway, but what did it matter? To her, it felt like her life was in shambles, and since Kelly had made her living first as a part-time, struggling artist, then as an office clerk, the money was about as thin as to what she felt was her impending future.

Sure, maybe she wasn’t the happiest with her ex, Tom, but at-least she was comfortable and knew where things were going, more or less. Her mind, thoughts raced as she looked around her little bungalow, wondering to herself what would become of her life. The previous two months flew by, yet, she wasn’t anymore comfortable with herself since the day she found her ex cheating. Kelly knew what hurt the most wasn’t the fact that Tom was cheating, but rather for so long, she had hidden all of the ‘kinky’ parts of herself in a vanilla relationship. She knew what she gave up, but at the same time, she had never really experimented with the softcore, light BDSM that gave her a rush through her entire body.

I did my best, but still ended up losing.

A knock at the door drew her attention.

She walked over to the rickety, six-paneled glass door only to see her neighbor and landlord, Gary. He was smiling, just as every other time he had interacted with her…not in a creepy or offsetting way, but in an earnest, genuine puppy-dog way. There he stood, at over 6 feet tall with a hefty, bearish build, strong arms, protruding potbelly, unassuming facial features covered by stubble—the proverbial ‘dad bod’. Since the time Kelly had moved in, Gary enjoyed talking to Kelly, and would often chat her up if he felt the moment was right, but ensured not to become a nuisance, and it was true. Kelly felt a warm, comfortable presence about Gary, her landlord and neighbor. How could she not? He was only married to his ex-wife for nearly 30 years before she passed, and his demeanor matched perfectly to the description of their marriage.

As she opened the door, Gary nodded to Kelly and remained in-place, polite albeit awkwardly.

“Morning, neighbor,” he said, still smiling, both of his large hands dug directly into his baggy denim jeans.

She couldn’t help but to laugh, though not at him, but for how respectful he always was with her. “Hi, Gary.”

“Was wondering if you needed anything before I took off for the day.”

What a thoughtful gesture, making sure I’m comfortable.

“No…not anything that I can think of,” she said, quietly.

“Well, if you change your mind, you have my number.”

“Yes, that I do.”

“…so, any word from that guy?”

‘That guy’ had been Gary’s codename for the ex, something of a symbol to characterize his camaraderie, dedication to Kelly, it seemed, and every time he used those words, he knew it would get the reaction he wanted…a smile from her. Just as every time before, she smiled, and in a way that satisfied him. Afterall, it was part of Gary’s job to ensure his new tenant was happy, so of-course all of his actions which led up to that moment had aligned with that of being a gentleman.

Again, she laughed, though somewhat softer. “Now that you mention it,” she said, “he was supposed to have texted me about giving me my part of the deposit from our old place, but I guess the fact he didn’t says it all.”

“A shame,” Gary said, still standing in-place. “How much was it, Kelly? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Kelly hesitated, knowing full-well that her neighbor had rosy eyes for her, therefore she didn’t want to push it, given how nice Gary had been. “Oh, not too much, but I guess enough to make a difference.”

“You say you guess when you’re nervous.”

How insightful, Mr. Neighbor is, in such a short time since we’ve known each other.

“Honestly, I think I’ll be able to swing it,” she said, gracious in her tone.

“Don’t be afraid to speak up and use those beautiful lips of yours if you need help, darling.”

Gary’s words had left them in silence. Sure, he was a nice guy, plus respectful, but ever since Kelly and him had really started talking, his moxie seemed to have been building.

“Straightforward? Yeah, but what the heck, I’ll allow him to be a little bit of a flirt—something tells me he would stop the moment I requested, that is…if I wanted him to,” she thought.

Normally, she wouldn’t entertain the thought, let alone let an older man such as Gary to say the things he did, but Kelly was in a new position, new place in life, and not only that, but ever since that ‘one time’, he seemed to be much more of a flirt. The beginning of their acquaintance was warm yet professional, distanced; Gary never even so much as made one look Kelly’s way, but after that ‘one time’…well, that started the road they were on.

I’ve lit a fuse, haven’t I? I remember now, when this started with him.


It was a couple of weeks after she moved in. Unable to control herself, Kelly had dressed herself up in one black, sexy nylon jumpsuit, then held what was the first self-bondage session she had in months. First, she tied herself with duct tape, then stuffed her mouth with a used pair of her own nylons and gagged herself with a separate roll of microfoam tape. Secure she was to moan and struggle alone in her new apartment, except for the fact that Gary had not only shared the same interests with his deceased wife, but also accidentally caught a glimpse of her through a crack in her blinds. He wasn’t intentionally snooping, yet found himself in a predicament: his new, attractive, single tenant was as much a bondage enthusiast as he.

In the past, Kelly had only dated guys in her age range, and though those relationships definitely had their positives, all of them were ‘vanilla’ in terms of the bedroom. Like many bondagettes, she throughout her life, amid varying attempts, had tried to temper, hide that ‘kinky’ part of herself, but the longer she tried, the more powerful those urges seemed to manifest.

“A shame to interrupt her session,” Gary thought at the time, but he actually did need to coordinate with Kelly about her cable and internet installation.

In-fact, their encounter was inevitable, for Kelly’s car took up her driveway, coupled with the fact that her casita was so small, there wouldn’t be any choice for her but to answer the door. Despite being excited, Gary had to temper his own desires and simply knock in a manner that was congruent as if he was oblivious. Kelly, who had been in bondage ecstasy and bliss, soon found herself in a panic as she freed herself quickly as she could. Every second that passed, every loud, echoing rip of tape off her legs seemed to last an eternity, and when she finally answered the door, Gary acted none-the-wiser.

Regardless, the evidence was painfully, if-embarrassingly out in the open—nevermind the fact that Kelly was panting, or that her face was red, or that there were large lines where her microfoam gag had been seconds earlier, no, there were two tells which gave her away: the first, was that her secret ‘bondage stash’ was out on her bed for Gary to see, and the second, Kelly’s door had done a poor job of hiding her sexy outfit.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he said, with sincerity and also, a quiver to his voice.

“No, it’s alright,” she had said, panting, a tinge of sweat formulated upon her forehead.

They proceeded to talk about the cable installation curtly, formally, and when it was all said and done, and after all of the details were ironed out, Gary had made only one small, quick remark that began their entire dance. After readying to leave, he pointed to her face, and with some hesitation, found the courage to say, “Looks like you had tape over your mouth.”

His words made her stomach flutter and heart sink. She couldn’t think of any recourse except, other than to say the first thing that came to mind, which was, “Sometimes, I get tired of hearing myself talk.”

“Very cute,” Gary thought as the two shared a laugh, then after, an awkward, polite nod, and that was that.

The truth was, the secret buried deep inside her was that she had always dreamed of being a ‘damsel in distress’, bound and gagged how she’d seen so many women online, and Gary exactly fit the archetype of who she imagined ‘nabbing’ her for the taking, and to keep her trustfully bound and gagged for himself over a weekend…those things, she thought, were secrets never to be shared, unrealized fantasies because she never had the right type of partner, nor the chance, time, money…or so, at-least, that was what she thought—told herself.


That was the beginning…it had to be.

She smiled, faintly, enough to let the older man know that this newly single, relatively cute 5 foot something taller, curvy, dark hair-and-eyed Italian girl appreciated it, though in a nuanced way. “Thank you, again, for everything you’ve done to help me feel welcome here.”

“You deserve more,” he said, letting his smile dwindle to a smirk. “Girl like you—guy was crazy to not tie you down for himself when he had the chance.”

What a hound, you are, neighbor.

Leaving her smile to her face, warmly, she answered back, “How sweet, you are. I’ll be seeing you, mister.”

Without a word, he nodded once again, but not before looking up Kelly up and down. It wasn’t a slow, gratuitous, objectifying jeer that Gary gave Kelly, though a brief, concise scanning, starting from her tight-covered feet and toes, then up her black-tighted legs to her matching yoga shorts, up her spaghetti-strap and then her eyes, as if the act was taking stock, taking notice of prized goods, a prized possession yet untaken, a site to behold. Something about it, she felt, went through her entire body—the way his eyes took a picture, and it made her feel electrified, something she hadn’t felt since a few odd dates here and there years ago, only the way a man of refined prowess would.

Why do I feel like I want him to just ‘nab’ me, wrap a hand around my mouth, and take me into his house to be bound and gagged…?

The look had said a lot more than the past two months, like Gary had finally summoned the courage to give it to her, and much to both of their delights, Kelly and Gary’s relationship would forever change after that look.


Friday Evening.

Kelly’s workday went normally like every other that followed her breakup. Wakeup, workout, shower, work, maybe get some takeout or make a little dinner, read a book or watch TV, then lights out. What was different about this particular Friday was that Kelly was supposed to have gone to an office banquet in the evening. It was a quiet, small gala hosted by her boss, with all the dressings to be a quaint gathering of like-minded professionals. She was told to dress to the 9’s, to which she did, but by midway through her workday, her tiredness was a sign that she would have to forgo attending the event entirely. The plan in her mind became: go home, change into something comfortable, get takeout, and watch a movie, something she eagerly awaited.

As 5pm seemed to slowly come around, so too did Kelly rouse herself from her desk. Though she wasn’t on her feet most of the day, her black ballet flats had agitated her, enough that she found herself slipping them off on the car ride home. She had earned her rest time, she thought, yet at the same time, felt saddened nobody worth a date would see her in her tight, black minidress with a pair of matching, opaque pantyhose and a decent makeup job.

“Oh, well, that’s the single life,” she thought.

The daylight was waning, still a warm glow of honey over the tops of suburban rooftops as she pulled into her casita’s driveway. With a deep breath, and her flats gripped in her hand, she got out of the car towards her place. After a few seconds of jangling her keys, much to her horror, the one key she had for her place looked directly at her, from across the house and through the door’s glass, still on her nightstand.

Heavens, I can’t even go a few weeks without locking myself out at-least once, can’t I?

Gary’s car was home, as it always was, parked to the opposite side of the house in front of hers.

“No, I don’t want to bug him, especially after all he’s done for me, going out of his way to make me feel welcome,” she thought to herself. That, and also, her feet were a little smelly, plus with her flats hurting the way they did, she would have to go barefoot in her hose.

What do I do…?

Kelly pondered herself the question of even calling a locksmith, because she had always been so shy to ask for help. Then gradually, a lump in her chest grew and made her entire body flutter—that ‘look’ Gary gave. The sensation was deep, profound, a jolt of electricity shooting through her entire body.

“If he sees me like this…I wonder,” she thought.

No, no way. There was no way in heck that the stars had gifted her a bondage partner she had dreamed, especially following a breakup and losing a lot of money. She had never been tied up at-all, let alone by a man such as Gary, the type she fantasized about. She stood there for a time, after much deliberation, then decided to go knock at his door and go from there. For some reason, her heart was fluttering, pounding with ever step she took, like she had instinctually knew something…

A knock, her trembling hand made, then another, and following some rumbling inside Gary’s house, he finally approached the door to open it. There he stood, dressed down in grey sweatpants, a matching tee-shirt that made no attempt to hide his potbelly, and white socks. Just as the time before, his eyes looked Kelly up and down, hungrily yet with some discretion.

“Christmas came early for me this year,” he said, jokingly.

The pair shared a gentle, friendly laugh. His voice, his gentle nature put her somewhat at ease, but her entire body was still shaking.

“I’m so sorry to bug you, Gary. I thought I took my house key with me this morning, but it’s on my nightstand.”

“Doll, you’re never a bug,” he said, peeking from her feet up her legs—an action that sent fire throughout her body.

“Could I ask you to open it for me?”

“Sure, if you’d do me the honor of sitting with me for a cup of tea…looking like that.”

She smiled with warm invitation. “Oh, I’m just out of work and don’t want to impose.”

“I won’t keep you tied up for that long.”

Once more, her heart and stomach fluttered. Was he throwing her a pass…?

“Really, these flats are hurting and my feet are a little smelly,” she said, self-consciously.

“Sweetie, you’re acting like I’ve never had a woman sweat in here before.”

She couldn’t help but blush, and with much ease, Kelly accepted. Almost immediately, Gary’s hand went to her back, as if it belonged there. His hand gently guided her inside, but lingered just above where her butt began, firmly. She obliged for Gary give her a tour of the huge property the widower called his own. It was a cozy house but spacious house, with 4 bedrooms balanced over nearly 3,000 square feet. Kelly had seen it before, briefly from the outside, but it was the first time she got to see more than the kitchen which faced her house to the back. Throughout the tour, Gary’s hand remained on Kelly, subtly digging into her dress’s fabric.

Next, he led her to the couch, where she was to cross her legs over it and he was to sit not far from her, his hands and body facing her eagerly. They began with some small talk, about the day, weather…but something seemed to be lingering behind their lips. To Kelly, her fantasies about her neighbor and landlord were all too familiar, in that, they were too good to be true.

“I mean, how logical is it, that this man just so happens to be into bondage like me?” she thought to herself, in-attempt to talk herself down.

That was the way things seemed to be unraveling, for Gary remained a gentleman through and through, only making light, passing flirts to her, but nothing overtly concrete except for him touching her feet…until it was time for tea. Gradually, his hand went to her nyloned foot, where it began to caress it.

“What kind would you like, sweetheart?”

“Right, sorry. We were so into the conversation I forgot about the tea in the first place.”

He smiled, simultaneously inching his hand along her leg. “Don’t be. I could listen to you talk all night.”

Her heart was racing.

Maybe, just, put it out there, see if he will react…

“I couldn’t. Sometimes, I get so tired of hearing myself talk…like, somebody shut me up already.”

Gary’s face brightened; he knew his opening had arrived. “Put a sock in there, between those lips of yours—shut you up tightly?”

Kelly’s head was spinning. “No way, how could it be,” she thought. This was out of a dream…but before she knew, the words left her lips faster than her brain could process. “I wish.”

There was an immediate cloud of awkward silence.

Gary, who was still massaging Kelly’s legs, gently, came to a halt. They locked eyes, and before either could comprehend, their actions began to speak for themselves. “Well, before you came, I did just shower…and these, I’ve only had them on for about an hour.”

Kelly’s eyes widened, enlarged like a deer in the headlights as Gary began to unfurl his thick, white socks off his feet. “What are you doing,” she asked, in heart-pounding anticipation…knowing full well what was already underway.

“First, we’ll start with these,” he said, soon holding onto his socks with one hand, the other traveling up Kelly’s legs. “Then, after we get you all trussed up in that sexy outfit and hot and bothered, we’ll see about switching out these socks for your pantyhose.”

Like a bag of bricks hitting the ground, Kelly’s body turned to jelly. She went…fuzzy, as though she had somehow gotten intoxicated by all of the buildup between them. Her body was shaking…in a good way…a way she had always dreamt, but never knew was actually possible.

Is this really happening?

“Like, stuffing those socks into my mouth and gagging me…?”

Gently, he smiled, moving up her legs with his strong hands to pull her in. Almost naturally, effortlessly so, Gary had Kelly on his lap, facing him in a perpendicular way. “Keep you gagged all weekend,” he said as he pushed a sock through the barricade of her lips, to which, her eyes grew as she found herself enjoying the sensation. Kelly began to purr like a kitten, moaning softly as the ‘taste’ of Gary’s socks. “And this time, I’ll be the one removing the tape.”


“How do they taste?” he asked, making Kelly’s eyes close the second sock made way to stuff her lips. “Now, now, keep them in there, princess. By the time we remove them, I hope to see them wet.” Though his socks were thick for a man, they were also compact enough to fit nicely as to make her cheeks bulge, packing them securely, comfortably. “Now, you’ll get to find out why my nickname online is Mister Gagger.”

“Grmmphh…?!” Her face was bright red, overcome with the strongest emotion she had ever felt.

Gary’s right hand went around her mouth, quickly to hold his socks in place, and bringing himself and Kelly to stand, his left hand gripped her left arm behind her back. “Let’s get you into my bedroom, where I can keep you gagged securely and get you into some ropes.” His words only made her tingle, buzz with excitement, the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up.

“Grmpmmphh…” she moaned, in total ecstasy at the hands of her nabber, attempting her best to roleplay ‘resisting’, but feeling squarely secure in Gary’s clutches.

As they slowly made their way across the hallway, Gary whispered into her ear. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll keep you in that tight dress of yours with a crotchrope all night. But if you’re bad, you’re going to be naked, still bound and gagged. Either way, those pantyhose will be stuffed in your pretty mouth as you fall asleep in bed with me.”

If she could faint, she would, for the first date of her dreams was coming to life.

“Grmmph, mmphh…”

“What’s that, you want to be my bondage girlfriend?”

“Hrrmmphh!” Her eyes widened as they got to his bedroom, and there, she saw it all on his bed: tapes of various kinds, more pantyhose, socks, a few leotards, nylon rope, handcuffs, vibrator and much more.

“Why, I’ll take that as a yes,” he whispered, with a grin, simultaneously working microfoam tape over her lips, the other hand keeping her in-place. “I think I’ll keep you as my bondagette, gagged for the weekend. Get you worked up to a sweat in those pantyhose before I gag you with them.” Her gagged whimpers were pleasure, and after she was effectively gagged, his hands began to tie her hands behind her back. “Maybe, while those hose are keeping you quiet like a good girl, I’ll use one of these socks to get me off, then regag you with it. Sound good, my pretty?”

Her neighbor, the gagger, a dream come to life in the making. Kelly was profoundly pleased, and eventually, when those pantyhose were soaked from her excitement and sweat, she was gagged with them, and would become Gary’s bound and gagged girlfriend full-time.

The end.
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Post by charliesmith »

That was one hot story! I loved the way you brought those 2 characters together. Fantastic writing. I hope you write more like this :D
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Post by Gaggedcowgirl »

Great story! I love the dialogue inside her head as she’s pondering if she’s hearing him correctly or if she’s thinking too much into it.
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Post by latin-self-bound »

Awesome story!!

It'd be wonderful to read a story with the continuation of this story, or other stories with the same dynamic.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Like this story very much 😀 It screams after a seecond part!
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Post by LunaDog »

This is superb. Agree with all the other commentators here. We NEED more of this!
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Post by sweetvillain »

Beautiful. I hope for the continuation, delicate damsel
Surrender Princess. Your thin wrists behind back ...
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 months ago Like this story very much 😀 It screams after a seecond part!
Indeed it does. Your story is well written, good bondage already with a promise of much more to come. Thank you for contributing,
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 months ago Like this story very much 😀 It screams after a seecond part!
Indeed it does. Your story is well written, good bondage already with a promise of much more to come. Thank you for contributing, @d4mseling4gs.
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Post by TightsBound »

Oh my. This was excellent. Very hot. I especially love the pantyhose she’s wearing and soon to be gagged with. I’d definitely love to read more with either or both of these characters. Thanks for writing!
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Post by d4mseling4gs »

Thank you all for the kind, affirming and inviting words! I will definitely be working on a followup to this story so we can see what happens to these 2 characters!

Have a nice day :)
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Post by silvertejp590 »

I love this! Your writing style is excellent, it moves at a quick pace and all of it is interesting (will definitely look to it for inspiration in my own writing). Echoing the other comments on here that a follow-up would be wonderful.
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Post by harveygasson »

That was a wonderfully sexy story, really enjoyed your writing and the dynamic between the two of them. Hope you do more.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Fascinating tale. You did a great with this one and getting inside her head so well and her assumptions about Gary. Will it be a very deep relationship between Gary and Kelly? Not likely, but it will an interesting friendship of bondage for sure. Best of all, it was clear to read and easy to follow without ever getting tedious or boring.
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