Just Like We Do To Our Bounties... (M/M)

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Just Like We Do To Our Bounties... (M/M)

Post by Croup »

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Hey guys, after lurking and commenting on this board for awhile I've decided to submit a story of my own. I consider myself primarily a spanking-kink writer, but this one has bondage too so I think it'll be alright. The characters involved are also furries (see the art at the end) so this might expand people's horizons in all sorts of different ways, lol. Inorog is my character, Talon belongs to my friend SilentAbyss.

"Heh. Look at you, old man. Getting your ass beat just like the punks you usually catch."

"Rrrgh! You big overgrown pony, you're gonna pay! Quit this right now!"

The unicorn smirked, then landed another hard slap on the sabertooth's muscle bottom. He paused to enjoy the sight of the two cheeks clenching in humiliation. "I don't think so. Time to show you once and for all who the best hunter is."

* * * * *

In Inorog's travels, he sometimes met men in the same line of work as himself. Talon was one such man. A veteran bounty hunter, he was a few years Inorog's senior, a gruff and grizzled sabertooth tiger famed for his skill in tracking, close-quarter combat, and dependable record in bringing criminals to justice. He was also, much like Inorog, famous for one other reason—he often personally punished the men he caught in order to humble them and teach a good lesson before handing them over to the authorities. For that reason, Inorog and Talon were sometimes collectively known as "The Spank Hunters".

Any time the two met on the road they would swap stories of their latest escapades...

"Hey Inorog, did ya hear how I made that bridge troll bawl like a baby last week, using just my hand on his ass?"

"Hmmph, you think that's impressive? I caught the Monkey Bandit King of Jing Pass, and gave him a good round of discipline over my knee. You should have seen the look on his men's faces when I made him beg and plead!"

"Hah! That's pretty good. But the week before that I bagged me the Rusty Harpoons. A pirate crew, all sharks—tough and mean. Well, they didn't look so big once I had the whole crew and their captain bent over the rail and yowling to the tune of my strap!"

...and so on.

One day however, a dangerous question arose. The two men wondered which of them was the better hunter. It was a familiar dispute for men like them, who were often as much healthy rivals as old friends. But this time neither let the subject drop. Inorog claimed he'd brought in more high-profile targets, while Talon pointed both to his longer record and higher rate of success. To settle the matter, a contest was devised. The two hunters would settle into a five-mile stretch of isolated woodland for the week. Enough room to track, hunt, ambush, and battle to their heart's content. Whoever captured the other man first would be declared the winner.

They both agreed to show no mercy to the other, and treat them just like they would any bounty that resisted capture. They also agreed the loser would pay for all the winner's drinks once they got back to civilization.

The first day, Talon set out from his starting point and busied himself setting up traps and snares along some of the larger paths criss-crossing the woods. He knew it was unlikely a qualified hunter like Inorog would fall for them, but it could at least restrict his movements and so wouldn't hurt. He also took great care to erase any trace of his own presence from the area as he worked. Talon was an expert tracker, which meant he knew how to conceal his tracks as well as uncover others. Inorog, on the other hand, he knew often got frustrated with the tedium of tracking down his bounties and preferred a straight fight when he could. The longer the hunt went on, the more likely Inorog was to get sloppy when he found no trace of his prey.

Several days passed. Talon checked his traps each morning, eating whatever game he caught in them, but found no trace yet of the large unicorn. But he knew it was only a matter of time. Inorog would have to come to him sooner or later. On the afternoon of the fourth day, his patience paid off. Big, hooved footprints were on one of the trails, and the gruff sabretooth smirked. Just as he'd expected, Inorog had grown impatient and wasn't bothering to mask his presence anymore. Now was the time to lay that ambush.

He carefully followed the tracks, being sure to keep absolutely silent and out of sight in case it was a ruse. But he detected no signs of trickery, and so continued to track his quarry. To his delight, he found the trail headed straight for one of the first traps he's laid—a pit trap whose walls he'd greased with a special lubricant so any victim who fell in would be unable to climb back out. After a few more minutes he'd reached the location of the trap and—to his astonishment, saw it'd been set off. Would it really be this easy?

He couldn't be sure it was Inorog who'd sprung the trap though—it may have been any large game. And going to the edge of the pit to check would mean revealing himself to anyone potentially hiding around the area. Talon held back and thought. Should he risk it? What if it was a trick? It wasn't Inorog's style to use guile, but still...

Then he saw it—a glimmer of polished metal on the ground. Talon narrowed his eyes, then swiftly and quietly climbed a tree to gain a better viewing angle. His first assumption was correct—it was unmistakeably Inorog's axe laying on the ground just outside the pit. That confirmed it then. Inorog never let that axe out of his sight—he even slept with it, for god's sake. He must have dropped it by surprise when he fell into the trap. That confirmed it then. The only thing to do was to collect his prize and claim victory. Talon grinned and stood up from the underbrush, already planning the brags he'd be making over that night's first round of ale...

The impact against his back was like a charging bull. And before he knew it Talon found his chest slammed to the ground and then a heavy weight drop on top of his legs. Twisting his neck, he gaped at seeing Inorog straddling him. The muscular unicorn grinned down at his shocked expression.


Inorog never let that axe out of his sight. Unless, it seemed, it was to win a bet.

Talon immediately retaliated, lashing out with a backhanded fist. But in his gut he knew the fight was already over. Inorog had the superior position, the advantage in weight, and a merciless attitude that made him rightfully feared all across the Seven Outlaw Kingdoms. True to form, the unicorn caught his arm and twisted it hard, forcing it against Talon's back and threatening to pop it from its joint if he struggled too much. The sabertooth growled, but could only buck in frustration as the pressure kept him against the ground and he felt the younger hunter's free hand seize the top of his pants. With one jerk they were hauled down, ensuring any hidden weapons he kept there were out of reach.

He glared over his shoulder, feeling a breeze on his lower body. For once he wished he didn't go commando. "You one-horned bastard! You tricked me!"

The unicorn's leer was almost criminal with its lack of guilt. "That's right, old man. I knew you'd be too sneaky for me to have any luck tracking you myself, so I had to think of a way to lure you out instead. Convincing you I'd stumbled into one of your traps seemed the best way to handle it."

Talon cursed himself for a fool. Inorog had actually outsmarted him for once. Using his reputation as a headstrong warrior to make Talon think he had no use for craftiness, the unicorn had then allowed Talon to play right into his hands. The sabertooth growled and tried to wriggle his way out from under the heavier man, but Inorog pressed down harder, trapping him between his knees. "Rrgh! That's not fair..." he grumbled. He blanched as he saw the unicorn take out a coil of rope.

"You and I both know our kind of hunting's not about what's fair..."

A few minutes later Talon was trussed up like a caught pig. He'd fought back against being bound of course, but Inorog's superior position had ensured any resistance Talon put up was quickly overpowered. The sabertooth growled with his arms behind his back, his pants ripped off the rest of the way, and his ankles tied together too. He tested the bonds, but found little give to them. The unicorn had done the knots well. With some time Talon could probably get out of them, but that was unlikely while Inorog still had his hands on him.

"Guess we know who the best hunter is now!" Inorog told him smugly.

Talon grimaced. Captured by his rival, tied up, and even stripped butt-naked by him. It didn't get much worse than that. "Alright, you got me, kid," he admitted testily. "This one time I made a rookie mistake and you capitalized on it. Won't happen again, I can tell ya that. But still, you got me good and bragging rights are all yours. Ya happy now?"


With a startled gasp Talon found himself picked up by the large unicorn and then flipped over his knee. A shiver ran up his spine. He knew exactly what the position was. He'd put enough men in it himself over the years.

"Hey whoa, ya can't be serious! We never agreed to this!" he immediately shouted.

But Inorog ignored his protest and, with an almost casual gesture, grabbed the base of Talon's tail and hiked it up to fully reveal the older hunter's buttocks. Despite his age they were round and perky enough to belong to a much younger man. Like the rest of Talon they were well-muscled and toned, with red stripes along the sides. There was also a patch of lighter fur starting at the base of his tail and running down the interior of his crack, extending out just to the apex of his cheeks. Inorog smirked as he looked at it. It was like a big fuzzy target for his palm. And there was no way the man could wriggle away from his punishment now. With one steadying hand on the sabertooth's lower back, Inorog raised his other.

"We agreed to hunt the other down just as if they were a bounty... and we both know what we do to our bounties after we catch them," he chuckled.

Like a shot from a gun, his palm slammed down on Talon's ass.

The sabertooth let out an angry yowl. How many years had it been since he'd last been spanked? He couldn't remember. But he did know one thing—the damn unicorn hit hard! He twisted and tried to kick out, but Inorog held him down. There was nothing he could do except struggle and squirm in indignation as the younger hunter peppered his bare ass with heavy-handed blows. "Argh! Stop!" he roared, "You sunova—Ow!"

But Inorog ignored his protests and simply kept up the stream of hits. Talon bucked and writhed, but there was absolutely nowhere he could go.

"Besides, I think losing should carry a penalty with it. Don't you?"

"Grr, you...!" Talon's swear was cut off by another hard swat. "Argh! You're gonna pay for this! Next time we hunt, I'm gonna beat YOUR ass!"

The unicorn just smirked. "In that case I'll take on your challenge any time... old man." And he landed another satisfying swat to Talon's twisting buns.

Talon groaned. The unicorn had definitely gotten him good. Not only capturing him, but actually giving him a spanking just like the punks they usually caught. And now not only would Talon have to pay for all of Inorog's drinks later, but he probably wouldn't even be able to sit down at the bar to join him.

The veteran hunter did know one thing for sure though... Next time they competed over who the best hunter was, it'd be Inorog twisting around bare-ass over a lap.

Art by Kraidhiel
Last edited by Croup 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Welcome into the M/M crew of writers. I don't believe I've anything like this on the site before, hopefully a few lurking furry friends will decide to comment on this. A great starting chapter.

P.S. The image doesn't display for me. Maybe the format you've used needs to be edited.
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Post by Croup »

Guardianbound wrote: 8 months ago Welcome into the M/M crew of writers. I don't believe I've anything like this on the site before, hopefully a few lurking furry friends will decide to comment on this. A great starting chapter.

P.S. The image doesn't display for me. Maybe the format you've used needs to be edited.
Thank, I'm hoping for that too. I have quite a few works published in other places, it's just a question of if any would be appropriate to post here with strong bondage elements. This story is actually from several years ago and isn't intended to be the start of a series (although the seed of one could definitely be there if I wanted to continue it). It was just something I came across in my archive and thought could be fun.

I'm able to see the image fine. Is anyone else unable to view it? It might be the image hosting site I'm using.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

You are a wonderful addition to the stable of M/M writers, @Croup!

You have a wonderful imagination that ticks a lot of my boxes...1. well-muscled men, 2. older, well-muscled men 3. younger, well-muscled men hunting older, well-muscled men, 4. younger, well-muscled men hunting and roping older, well-muscled men, and 5. muscular hindquarters all around! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have made a convert of me to M/M anthropomorphic characters. 8-)

The only thing missing is a good gagging! :D
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Post by Croup »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 8 months ago You are a wonderful addition to the stable of M/M writers, @Croup!

You have a wonderful imagination that ticks a lot of my boxes...1. well-muscled men, 2. older, well-muscled men 3. younger, well-muscled men hunting older, well-muscled men, 4. younger, well-muscled men hunting and roping older, well-muscled men, and 5. muscular hindquarters all around! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have made a convert of me to M/M anthropomorphic characters. 8-)

The only thing missing is a good gagging! :D
Thank you, KidnappedCowboy. I'm actually a big fan of your work as well. That list you jotted down is very much present throughout my whole body of work!

I changed the link in the image tag, so hopefully the picture will be visible now for those who'd like to see the characters. Fun fact, the story was originally just made as a description for the art after I'd commissioned it, lol.
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Damn you @Croup! I can already feel a new kink interest developing! This site and it's stories are terrible for doing that to me.

I'm always down for a well written story with a bit of bondage and some light spanking and the furry element just adds its own distinct flavour.

The picture is displaying correctly now. I'm normally a cat person but that unicorn is hot!

Great work! Please feel free to share more of your stories with us.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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