The Bandit Scout on Newhome (M+F+/M+F+) primarily (M/F) - Chapter 94 - 05/30/24

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The Bandit Scout on Newhome (M+F+/M+F+) primarily (M/F) - Chapter 94 - 05/30/24

Post by GreyLord »

My thanks to all who have encouraged me to write. In particular I thank @NotSeen, @TayDay95, and @slackywacky for their specific comments.

I invite

@wolfman, @Caesar73,@Bandit666, @TomYi, @banshee, @Beaumains, @Red86, @nayte4767, @Beaumains, @kinkybtard , @JulieG, @tickletied84, @Tuffwe90, @Reidy, @Raine

to see if they might like this story because they have written stories or have recently commented on stories that I like very much.

This is a genre touching on science fiction, fantasy fiction, wild west fiction, and naturally TUGs. The comments of any who read this will be carefully read and appreciated.

And now, to the story.



Newhome was colonized by Earth hundreds of years ago. Twenty years after the initial landing on Newhome, contact with Earth was lost. The government on Newhome quickly broke down and order is maintained by large plantations, ranches, and mines. Without an industrial base, technology has disappeared and the old knowledge is barely kept alive in a few monastery-like enclaves.

With no natural predators to threaten them, humanity has spread wide but thin across the large earth-like continent. Trade is essential but perilous because of long distances, rugged terrain, and bandits. Wagon Masters were both guides and warriors that would shepherd the wagon trains as they moved between the producers and the settlements.

The largest settlement is Kennedy, the landing site of the ships from Earth many years ago. Kennedy is home to Unihold, the most extensive enclave of the old knowledge. Unihold would apprentice young adults from the wealthy imparting at least a rudimentary education.

The most important areas of knowledge preserved by Unihold were the making and working of metals, medicine, and martial arts. Because of the lack of industrial capabilities, weapons were scarce and expensive. Martial Arts from Earth were preserved and taught although there was little public information on this subject.

Following human nature, bandits used force to take whatever they needed or wanted. They strived, by-and-large, to avoid causing such harm as to cause a large-scale expedition to be mounted against them. Most bandits joined one of the large and well-organized Bandit Tribes.

Chapter 1 – Flee to the Badlands

The Boss of Rider Ranch was as angry as anyone could ever remember him being. Foreman Sam Briggs was determined not to cringe as Boss Rider yelled.

"Were the guards posted? Was anyone missing from the guard detail?"

Briggs answered, "Yes sir. I mustered the guard detail half an hour before sundown. Everyone assigned duty was present. The status of the guard was rated as satisfactory upon inspection meaning that all guard personnel had proper up-to-date training and had reported for duty in fit condition."

"Then how do you explain a bandit penetrating our security zone and gaining entrance to the inner compound?" demanded Ralph Rider. "It strikes me as being an even worse indictment of this guard detail that the bandit was a woman and that she was able to take out a team of four men when they did come across her, leaving one man unconscious, another with a broken arm, and the other two beaten so badly that they were unable to take up pursuit."

"Boss, I have never come across anyone, man or woman, who could perform the way the team described her actions to me. I have watched you train and have been trained by you. But I never had the feeling that you could withstand an attack by four people all of whom were bigger and stronger than you. And I say that with all respect for your skills. Whoever this woman is, she has had special training at the highest level which could be part of the reason she was able to gain access to our inner compound. I am very sorry that I don't have more to report."

Ralph replied, "Despite my anger, I do not see any fault with you or the men. My anger is very much directed toward this female bandit. I hope it will not take long for Capt Riker's Mounted Company that we send out to apprehend her to be successful."


Stella Brooks had run as fast as she could maintain the pace for about four hours. She knew that she was leaving signs that could easily be tracked. The ranch was nested on the edge of a fairly flat plain. But she had headed away from the plain into the terrain that was known as the badlands. This consisted of very steep but low hills most only a hundred meters high or less. Many of these hills were configured in long ridges running generally northwest to southeast. Her destination was to the north and the lay of the land made it very difficult to go in that direction.

After running four hours, Stella stopped briefly at a stream for a moment's rest and a drink of water as the new dawn approached. She made sure that her canteen was filled and took off once more now moving in such a way as not to leave signs of her passage and climbing over the ridge so that she was moving more to the north. She had more than one reason to do this.

First, she knew that a force from the ranch would be after her. Hopefully, she had bought herself a little time by moving fast initially. But now she would use her skills to obscure her trail. Second, although it was a long way away, she was moving toward home. And third, she wanted to find a hiding place for the things she had taken from the ranch.

Before she had been discovered at Rider Ranch, she had found the building in which experiments were being conducted that appeared to be directed toward small-scale sword production. Stella was a scout for her father, the Chief of the Bucks, one of the larger of the tribes of bandits. She had been trained by Medico Frank Stevens in martial arts since she was a small child. Medico Stevens was a wise and talented man who had been a Master of Medicine and a Master of Martial Arts at Unihold. Although he was not a Master of Metallurgy, he was well versed in the subject and had tutored Stella in all his areas of knowledge.

Other members of the Bucks taught Stella about woodsmanship and desert craft, how to move through towns and villages without being noticed and above all, how to observe so that she could assess the value of potential targets for the Bucks. As she matured, she gained experience and reported on a number of high-value targets which were taken by the Bucks. It must be noted also that she developed into a striking beauty. Her constant workout and martial arts training gave her a trim and taut athletic body. Her genes gave her a beautiful face with perfect symmetry, eyes that were exceptionally keen and clear with a rare green color, luxurious black hair grown long almost to her legs, and large but firm breasts.

The men, and no small number of the women, in the Bucks desired her but it quickly became known that any suitor would have to beat her in a fight as the first step toward winning her. After seeing the results of her first few fights with suitors it was quickly decided that she was simply unapproachable. Chief Brooks also let it be known that he prized Stella not just as his daughter but also as a scout of significant value to the tribe.

Steel production on Newhome was in its infancy with low and irregular production. Because of the scarcity of steel, weapons were highly valued. Scavenged pieces of Earth steel were used to forge swords, knives, spears, arrows, and tools. Methods of high-quality forging were still being sought. Finding ways to forge steel to make weapons and tools of quality was a high priority and it was generally believed that this capability would finally come from Unihold just as had the method of making steel.

And so, Stella, because of her unusual training, was perhaps uniquely positioned to understand the value of Boss Ralph Rider’s private project. From Ralph's research area, Stella has seized a manual of metallurgy that Ralph had copied while he was at Unihold and his notebook with the details of his failures and his successes. These would give Chief Brooks the capability of being the first to create new weapons out of native Newhome materials.

The sun told Stella that it was midafternoon as she topped her third ridge in the badlands and headed down the other side. She was still moving slowly taking great care to leave no trace of her passage. Although she knew that a truly competent tracked could still find her. She came across a small cave that had landmarks that assured her that she could find it later. She quickly hid her satchel containing the manual and the notebook within the cave and continued down and across the arroyo and up the next ridge. By now the sun was getting low and she looked for a place to stop for the night. Even with her skills, it would be risky to cross the badlands in the dark.

The next morning, as soon as it was light enough, she continued her journey. While crossing the next arroyo disaster struck.


Capt. Riker, the company commander sent to apprehend Stella, was a wily old veteran warrior. He had figured that there were only two Bandit groups powerful enough and close enough to risk scouting Rider Ranch. The Bucks were located about 120 km to the north, in the mountains somewhere between Rider Ranch and Kennedy. The Comanche were located some 200 km to the southwest. Of these, he guessed that the Bucks were the most likely to have sent this spy. They rode north to the edge of the plain and the beginning of the badlands. He figured that she would have come about north to here and then headed northwest up an arroyo until dawn. Then with light, she would head north crossing the ridges and moving much slower trying to cover her tracks.

At first light, his trackers verified that he had hit a bull’s-eye and were right at the arroyo that Stella had entered. The Captain split his company sending each of his three platoons up a carefully picked arroyo. His best platoon was sent up the arroyo that Capt. Riker thought was most likely to intercept the spy. The other two platoons were sent one up arroyos to either side of the one he considered most likely. One squad from each platoon was held back to stay with the Captain. Each platoon carried signal flairs with colors unique to each platoon. The Captain sent a runner to the top of the nearest hill where the runner could look along the ridge tops and should be able to see any signal flairs fired by any of the three platoons. The runner had flairs of different colors so that he could repeat the signal.
For the Captain to see.

The 3rd Platoon Leader, Lt. James assigned the middle arroyo, changed the pace to a walk when his platoon got near the location the Captain expected spy to cross the arroyo. All the members of the platoon had been cautioned to be quiet and to keep their eyes peeled for any movement. Suddenly a sharp-eyed private whispered, "Lt. James, 11 o'clock."

Lt. James immediately looked just to the left of straight up the arroyo, saw the spy, drew his sword, and cried out, "Charge!"

The platoon sprang ahead at a gallop and quickly had Stella surrounded,

Lt. James called out to the spy, "Drop your weapons and take a kneeling position. I would like to take you alive but that will be your choice."

Stella did a quick calculation. She saw there was no way that she could cross the arroyo and get to the steep slope going up to the next ridge or the one behind her before she would be cut down by sword or spear from the horse troops. She slowly removed her sword and knife from her belt and dropped them a little away from herself. Then she settled down into the classic seiza kneeling position and awaited what was to come.

Lt. James dismounted with six sword-bearing troops who moved to encircle the spy. Ten more troops bearing spears dismounted and formed a slightly larger circle around Stella with their spears leveled and pointing toward the spy. Lt. James moved so that he was directly in front of her with the point of his sword at her neck. On his signal, four of his troops returned their swords to their scabbards and rushed the spy knocking her face forward onto the ground.

Spear troops moved closer so that their spear tips were touching the spy. Any resistance on her part would mean instant death. Her arms were pulled behind her back. A trooper to her left grabbed her right hand and a trooper to her right grabbed her left hand. Her hands were held so that they were about 30 cm above her back with her wrists crossed. A third trooper then passed a rope around her wrists vertically several times and then horizontally several times. There was no slack and the ropes were pulled very tight. Then the trooper wound the rope around several times between her arms cinching the previous wraps and ensuring there would be absolutely no slackness in the bonds.

The trooper was far from finished. He slid a noose up her arms and levered her elbows tightly together before cinching the ropes between her arms. Then while another trooper bent her knees and held her feet directly above her knees, he lashed her ankles together ending that bond as always before with a cinch. Then while the trooper holding her feet lifted them higher pulling her knees off the ground, he tied a rope around her legs just above the knees again ending with a cinch.

During this process, Stella did not make a sound. While the troopers were not gentle, the pain was not excessive. She figured that would be coming soon enough. The trooper doing the tying, Pvt. Sloan, did enjoy using bondage to cause pain.

Lt. James signaled and they lifted her to her feet. A trooper held each arm which helped with her balance. For the first time, the troopers got a good look at the spy. She was wearing a buckskin halter that showed significant cleavage and buckskin pants that some might call low riders. Her hair was braided into a long pigtail that hung well below her waist to her back. She gazed at Lt. James without blinking.

Lt. James ordered, "Fire a signal flare. Get her strapped on behind the Platoon Sergeant's saddle. Prepare to return to the Captain"

While the Sergeant's horse was being brought up. Private Sloan continued to work. He quickly looped rope above and below the spy's breasts and cinched between her arms and body and took the ends of the rope around the outside of the chest loops, under her armpits, and over her shoulders threading them between her breasts and looping around the chest loops both above and below her breasts. This allowed Pvt. Sloan to pull the upper and lower loops closer together between her breasts putting pressure on her tits and making her more uncomfortable. The trooper had made free use of her tits pulling this way and that way to get the ropes just where he wanted them. There was only a small amount of rope left so he tied the ends together and let the little length leftover dangle.

As the horse was brought up he said quietly, "This would have been a lot more fun without those buckskins. I hope I get to play with you later."

Stella was then laid across the back of the saddle belly down. She was attached to the saddle so she could bounce but not fall to either side or behind the horse.

The troop mounted up and moved into formation. On the order of the Lieutenant, they headed back down the arroyo.


As they came up to Captain Riker, Stella was thankful that the Sergeant had done nothing to make her more uncomfortable like making the horse prance or jump over something. She still felt like someone had been beating on her. Nothing in her training had prepared her for this.

Immediately after the troop came up to Capt. Riker, Stella was detached from the saddle and stood before the Captain. She could see the hate in his eyes.

"You invaded my compound. You harmed some of my men. I am ordered to get you back alive," the Captain said with intensity.

Then with no warning, he drove his fist into her stomach. Stella double over and collapsed to the ground fighting to get air into her lungs.

"Why is the prisoner not gagged?" asked Capt. Riker. "See to that immediately," he ordered Lt. James.

Lt. James's Platoon Sergeant pulled a clean kerchief from his saddlebag and kneeling beside the spy stuffed it in her mouth. He then took his kerchief from around his neck and cleave gagged her so that the cleave held the other kerchief firmly in her mouth.

"Tie this trash back on the horse and mount up. We are going to see the Boss."

After Stella was affixed to the back of the saddle once more, the Troop Sergeant came by her head and said softly, "I am sorry that you are being mistreated. In your line of work, you must understand that bandits can cause emotions to run high."
Last edited by GreyLord 3 days ago, edited 104 times in total.
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Post by TayDay95 »

A fantastic start [mention]GreyLord[/mention], as I told you before it's an awesome and unique premise, and this story has immense potential.

Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what happens to Stella! 😁
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Post by banshee »

First of all thanks for the invitation! I really like the premise you have going on here, reminds me of the terran from starcraft. You can do great things with this story so I'm eager to know what you'll do. We haven't seen much from the characters but so far Stella seems like an interesting protagonist and will probably make for a great badass in distress.

Apart from that but still related, I'm happy to see that stories with more overtly fictitious scenarios like this one are becoming more common in the site, I remember that when I first posted my fantasy story I felt that it was really out of place in the site so I am happy to see that that's no longer the case.
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Congratulations [mention]GreyLord[/mention] ! This was an excellent introduction and an equally good first chapter! I like the environment this story is placed in: Elements of the old West and a far distant future: I am looking forward to read more.
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Post by wolfman »


Thank you for tagging me into this tale.

One chapter in and I am invested. The world feels tangible and the characters are nicely established and interesting. I can't wait to read more.

This is just the kind of story I like. Effective bondage, justified by a rich and entertaining story.

Thank you for posting.
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Post by NotSeen »

Happy to be of assistance - and even happier to see new writers posting their stories.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Amazing start! A well written and very unique story, hope to hear from you again soon!
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Post by slackywacky »

I am slightly biased as I got to read the first chapter before it got posted, but my opinion has not changed, I love Stella, I love the premise of the story. Great writing and I will no patiently wait for chapter 2. Good work [mention]GreyLord[/mention] .
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Beaumains »

Interesting start! Hard sci-fy stories are rare on this site, and on other sites, the quality of such stories wildly differs. I am curious what your plans are to make such a story work out. You have taken quite the challenge for a first story here as it is much more harder to write than your average babysitter tie-up. Now we have had the introduction of the setting, the real bondage and exploration of the characters can begin. Good luck, and I can't wait to see what you can come up with.
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Post by Red86 »

Very interesting start with the choice of genre! Looking forward to see where you take this story!!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Interesting set up - intrigued to see where this story goes next!
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Post by GreyLord »

TayDay95 wrote:A fantastic start @GreyLord, as I told you before it's an awesome and unique premise, and this story has immense potential.
Awesome is having this as the first comment on my first story. I will do by best to live up to your expectations. Many thanks.

banshee wrote:We haven't seen much from the characters but so far Stella seems like an interesting protagonist and will probably make for a great badass in distress.
[mention]banshee[/mention], I hope as the story progresses that you will find Stella to be a great badass in and out of distress. Thank you for your comments.

If I am successful with this tale and write more later, I wouldn’t want to just write science fiction or fantasy fiction. But they have always been favorites of mine.

Caesar73 wrote: This was an excellent introduction and an equally good first chapter! I like the environment this story is placed in: Elements of the old West and a far distant future:
I hope my imagination is good. I know that I have a long way to go to catch up to you and other master writers on this forum. I will try. Thanks for your remarks.

wolfman wrote:Thank you for tagging me into this tale.

One chapter in and I am invested. The world feels tangible and the characters are nicely established and interesting. I can't wait to read more.

This is just the kind of story I like. Effective bondage, justified by a rich and entertaining story.
Thank you for your comments. Coming from the great [mention]wolfman[/mention] this is high praise indeed. I hope that my work will remain rich and entertaining with a lot of TUGs.

NotSeen wrote:Happy to be of assistance - and even happier to see new writers posting their stories.
Thank you so much, [mention]NotSeen[/mention], for your initial encouragement that started me thinking about writing. And for your comments that followed.

FabianStr2016 wrote:Amazing start! A well written and very unique story, hope to hear from you again soon!
Thank you for your very kind and encouraging words. I hope to have chapter 2 ready Thursday.

slackywacky wrote:I love Stella, I love the premise of the story. Great writing and I will no patiently wait for chapter 2. Good work @GreyLord .[\quote]

Thank you for that comment [mention]slackywacky[/mention]. Having someone love Stella makes this all worth while. And even more so from a master writer such as yourself.

Beaumains wrote:Interesting start! Hard sci-fy stories are rare on this site, and on other sites, the quality of such stories wildly differs. I am curious what your plans are to make such a story work out. You have taken quite the challenge for a first story here as it is much more harder to write than your average babysitter tie-up.
Thank you [mention]Beaumains[/mention]. I do feel the challenge and I will strive to meet it.

Red86 wrote:Very interesting start with the choice of genre! Looking forward to see where you take this story!!
It is kind of you to comment. Chapter 2 should be posted sometime on Thursday, 07/01/21. There is much more to unfold.

tickletied86 wrote:Interesting set up - intrigued to see where this story goes next!
I am please that I have intrigued you without leaving you hanging off of a cliff. Thanks for the comment. In two days we will go to Round Rock, the town near the Rider Ranch. Look for the next installment sometime on 07/01/21.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] do not sell yourself short: You made a very good debut, that is a fact :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote:@GreyLord do not sell yourself short: You made a very good debut, that is a fact
I really don't [mention]Caesar73[/mention], I have had a lifetime of accomplishment including some publications. But not fiction and I am keenly aware that I am in different waters here. You can be assured that I am taking my best shot at this. It is such a boost to get all of these great comments. Thanks.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago It is such a boost to get all of these great comments.
Nobody wants to hear their story is crap, badly written, full of grammar and spelling errors and is absolutely not worth the screen space it was being printed on. So that is what we won't do. And in this case, that is something that we don't have to do, as it is the opposite. Good story so far, well written, no errors (that I spotted) and really worth the time it takes to read it.

I think the only complaint we have is... Where is the next chapter? :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

I am a day ahead of my schedule. I assume that there will be no serious objection.


Chapter 2 – Round Rock and the Wagon Train

The ride back to the Rider Ranch compound was smoother and shorter than the ride out of the badlands. But it did not seem that way to Stella. Her stomach throbbed from the blow from the Captain and the ride out of the badlands. She feared being sick while gagged and used all of the meditative techniques that she had learned from Medico Stevens to push down the feeling of nausea. As the nausea subsided she felt grateful to the Troop Sergeant for the small kindness that he had shown.

They came into the compound at a walk, for which Stella was grateful. Boss Ralph Rider was waiting for them and as they came to a halt before him, Stella was untied from the horse and stood before the Boss. She was thinking, "Now the real torture will begin."

"You used stealth to come into our compound at night. You were caught and you cause different levels of harm to four of my people. But we stopped you from reporting back to your people. I can see from the way you dress that you are a Bucks Bandit. It is not my job to punish you. If the harm that you caused had been more permanent, that might be different. I have a holding cell for you tonight and you will be fed. In the morning, you will be bound again, transported to Round Rock, and turned over to the Sheriff. I would expect that he will have you send to Kennedy for disposition by the bunch of ragtags there that call themselves the government. Do you have any questions?"

As he was waiting for an answer he noticed that she was gagged.

"What idiot gagged this woman? Remove the gag immediately.

Lt. James's Troop Sergeant immediately came forward and removed the cleave gag and mouth stuffing.

Boss Rider said, "While you are at it remove her leg bindings and escort her to our holding cell. Have the cook bring her something to eat."

Troop Sergeant Daley took out his knife and cut the ropes binding her ankles and knees. Taking her by the arm, he guided her to the nearby security building. Entering the front office, he told the Corporal of the Guard,

"Boss Rider has ordered that she be fed and made comfortable for the night. Give me the key to the cell and I will return it to you when I leave. Order her supper from the cook."

Taking the key, he led Stella to the back of the building where the holding cell awaited. Before placing her in the cell he said,

"I am sure that you need to use the restroom. I am also sure that you would have a hard time using it tied up as you are. And finally, from what you did the other night, I am sure that you could take me apart if you were untied. Will you behave if I free you?"

Stella answered, "You and Boss Rider are the only ones here who have shown me any kindness. I give you my pledge that I will not attack you."

"Alright," Sgt. Daley said. "No one has asked your name that I have heard. Would you tell me?"

"I am Stella Brooks, daughter of Chief Brooks of the Bucks. Thank you for your kindness."

With that, Sgt. Daley began untying Stella. He told her,

"Rope is expensive. I wanted to get you away from all of the troops as fast as I could and cut the rope not taking the time to untie your legs. Now, there is not such a rush."

Stella thought for a moment and replied while smiling at the Sergeant, "As you untie the ropes from my chest I am sure that you will have to brush against my tits. Will you enjoy that?"

"Of course I will Stella. Would you rather I just untie your hands and elbows and leave you to work your way out of the chest bindings?"

"No Sergeant. That would take a while and I do need to go to the restroom. I think that you have earned that much freedom with my body. After all, you could retie my ankles, replace the gag, and have whatever way you wanted with me if you were that kind of person."

Smiling, Sgt. Daley answered as he reached for her breasts, "Then I will take this as a bright moment that I will cherish forever."

He kissed her cheek and begin untying the knots.

After Stella had used the restroom she walked with Sgt. Daley to the holding cell still smiling at him as he locked the door. He said before leaving,
"Your transport to Round Rock tomorrow will be rough and I expect you will have tough times on the trip to Kennedy. Stay strong, I wish the best for you and hope that you will find a path to regain your freedom. I hope I will see you again someday. Goodbye."


The next morning it was barely first light when armed guards came to her cell and woke her. The senior guard said,

“Make any use of the restroom that you need. It will be your last chance before Round Rock. You have ten minutes to use the facility and eat your breakfast. Then we must begin binding you for your transport."

As the guard unlocked her cell, she quickly used the restroom and then wolfed down the eggs and grits they had brought her. Then she turned to the guards and said,

"Look, I know that I don't have any choice in this but I would like to make it as easy on myself as possible. What do you want me to do?"

The head guard answered, "If you cooperate it will be easier on all of us. It is not our job to punish you. But our orders are to make you completely helpless for the trip to Round Rock. Will you cooperate?"

"Yes. Again, what do you want me to do?"

"Stand in the middle of the room and put your hands behind your back."

The guards first pulled her elbows closer together and cinched them. They wrapped loops around her wrists. This time they were not crossed but were parallel. Then they skillfully tied a chest harness similar to the way she was tied yesterday. Things weren't as tight although Stella did not have any feeling that she would be able to escape from this tie until someone freed her.

"We can tie your legs in the wagon. Troop Sgt. Daley has everyone's respect around here. He has put in a good word for you. You are an enemy and must be kept secure. But we will not do anything that we do not deem as necessary. I just heard the wagon arrive. Come outside with us and we will finish tying you in the wagon."

Stella walked in the middle of the guards out to the wagon. They lowered the back gate and helped her climb in and told her to lay down on the floor of the wagon where they then tied her knees and ankles.

"We wish you well Stella," they said as they jumped down from the wagon and raised the rear gate."

"And I wish all of you well also," Stella told the guards as the wagon begin to move.

Stella had not seen that the driver was none other than the trooper who had tied her so harshly the day before. After a few minutes, the wagon stopped and the trooper climbed over the seat to the back and said,

"We have a short wait for the escort troops. While we are waiting, I will get you properly bound for the trip. For your information, I am Private Sloan"

It was hard for Stella not to gasp when she saw who it was. Before she could say anything, he was stuffing rags in her mouth and using a short rope with multiple loops through her mouth and behind her neck. It was pulled tight and hurt the corners of her lips. The rags pressed down on her tongue, filled her cheeks, and kept her mouth opened wide as did the turns of rope. It was a very effective gag.

Private Sloan then checked her bindings and allowed that they would be effective and did not need to be changed. But before Stella could breathe a sigh of relief, he added that he would do some things to make her a lot more uncomfortable. He took her arm and hip and turn her over onto her stomach and forced her to bend her knees so that her feet were moved toward her hands. He doubled a piece of rope and threaded it between her calves and then looped it around the top loops of the chest harness. He took the double ends and slipped them through the loop in the middle of the rope forming a noose that he used to pull Stella's ankles past her hands causing her midsection to arch and her chest to rise off of the wagon floor.

Satisfied he tied off the rope and grabbed another short link that he used to tie her hands to her calves.

"We are almost there now. One more step and you will be secured for the trip."

With that Sloan tied a rope to Stella's hair braid. He looped the other end of the rope around her ankle bonds pulling her head back sharply forcing her to face the front of the wagon.

"Now you are ready to travel to Round Rock. I would have given you a crotch rope except I don't want you to have anything to enjoy. Here comes the escort and so we are off."

By her nature, Stella was not a fearful person and her extensive training had made her even less so. She was realizing that she was afraid. There was not anything she could do to help herself. Stella was thinking,

"I don't know how to endure this for the length of this trip. Except that I have no option except to endure. If I ever get home, I am going to suggest that training of scouts include a healthy dose of bondage to help prepare any scout caught in a predicament like this. So much hurts. But I must not let that asshole private know."

The trip seemed endless. She was sure that he went out of the way to hit every hole and bump on the road. Each time that happened the bottom of the wagon delivered a severe jar to her abdomen which in turn caused her arms and legs and neck to pull extra hard on her bonds.

She felt like crying for the first time in many years. But she steeled herself against it. She would not give Sloan the satisfaction. Finally, some degree of numbness set in and dulled the discomfort just a small amount. She would take what she could get.


The wagon slowed to a walk and then came to a stop. The sergeant in charge of the escort rode up and looked in the back of the wagon.

"I wasn't expecting such a brutal tie as this. I thought Sgt. Daley had made some arrangements about that. Corporal Johnson, get her out of that hogtie and remove her gag. This is entirely unnecessary.

Stella was on the edge of passing out. As the Corporal begin untying her, one step at a time one of her aching muscles at a time found some relief. She thought of something that the Medico once told her,

"What doesn't destroy me makes me stronger."

They had stopped in front of the Sheriff's office and the Sergeant went inside to present Sheriff Crosby with a letter of explanation from Boss Rider. By the time Matt Crosby had read the letter and gone outside to the wagon, Stella's legs had been freed and the gag removed. The escort troops tried to stand her up but her legs were too weakened from her ordeal to support her.

The Sheriff directed a couple of the escort troops to pick her up and carry her inside to a cell. A deputy was returning from making the rounds and Sheriff Crosby told him to get their new prisoner some water.

"She looks dehydrated to me," Sheriff Crosby said.

The escort troops had laid Stella on the bunk bed in the cell. The deputy helps her sit up and held the mug with water to her lips while she eagerly took a few sips. Then he started removing the remaining ropes from her body.

As the Rider troops headed back to the ranch Sheriff Crosby contemplated what he needed to do. The girl didn't look like she could hurt a fly at the moment. But Boss Rider's letter assured him that she was very dangerous. In a few days, a wagon train would be coming by and would more than double its size with beef from the ranch while at Round Rock. The wagon train's destination was Kennedy and with luck, he could send the girl there on the wagon train.

The Sheriff spoke to Stella through the bars of the cell, "You have clearly been through a rough patch. Rest and gather your strength. We will take care of you and not harm you as long as you do what we say. Is that a deal?"

Stella's voice was still hoarse from the gag but she answered, "Yes, I can't handle anything else right now. I will do what you say."


Carlos McTavrish, Wagon Master, was leading his wagon train into the small town of Round Rock in the late afternoon. He expected to add a lot more wagons and also to pick up some of the Rider Ranch hands to help guard the wagon train. Bandits were always a danger and Wagon Masters seldom made a move without thinking carefully about how bandits could change things for the worse.

As he entered the town passing by the Sheriff's office, Sheriff Crosby called to him inviting him to join the Sheriff for dinner at the hotel that evening. That would be a big improvement over campfire food and Carlos readily accepted. Later he would wonder if that was a big mistake.

That evening at dinner Matt said, "Carlos, I've got a big problem on my hands and, right now, you are the only one in sight who can solve it for me."

Carlos replied, "We have been friends for many years and you know that I will help any way that I can."

"That is good to hear," continued Matt. "You and Ralph Rider have also been friends for a long time. You and Ralph date back to your time at Unihold. My problem actually comes from Ralph."

"Why don't you tell me about it from the beginning," asked Carlos.

The Sheriff handed Carlos Ralph's letter and watched him read it. After he finished, he thought for a minute or so while Matt waited quietly. Then Carlos spoke,

"I am guessing that you want me to transport this spy to Kennedy. You know how difficult that will be. I don't have a prison wagon and I don't have guards trained to handle prisoners. On top of that, all indications in this letter say that she is a very dangerous person. How have you been controlling while she has been in your custody and how has she behaved?"

"Carlos, she has not given us any trouble. Her name is Stella Brooks by the way. She is the daughter of Chief Brooks of the Bucks. I thought I should pass that information on to you before you make a decision about this since you will be passing somewhat close to the Bucks territory. It might affect your decision."

"Also, she has been given a rougher time than I think she deserved. While she was scouting the ranch, a squad of four found her. She took them out but it appears to me that she only used the force that was necessary for her to break free. Then she made a run for the badlands. Ralph sent Vince Riker's company after her and they caught up with her a couple of hours ride into the badlands because of some shrewd guess by Vince. Lt. James caught up with her and took her to Vince. Vince punched her as hard in the belly while she was standing before him bound hand and foot. He had her gagged and took her to the ranch compound to see Ralph."

"Troop Sergeant Tom Daley who you also know fairly well did what he could to ease her plight while keeping her secure but someone got to her putting her into an extreme hogtie to be transported here. I have been talking to her for the past few days waiting for you and she has been open that she was scouting for her father, Chief Brooks, and that she fought and defeated a squad of four to make her escape from the ranch. She said that it would have been easier to just kill them. The most serious injury was a broken arm. I think I see signs of the Unihold Martial Arts here. What about you?"

Carlos asked, "That could well be the case. How the hell am I supposed to keep the girl secure. I assume that you have some shackles you can loan? If she has extensive Unihold training she could be playing nice until the right moment to make her break."

"Carlos, you know how rare any metal is. It's not that I wouldn't let you have shackles. It's that I don't have any. I don't see any option other than using rope to keep her tied up. You will be getting extra hands from Ralph that can help with this."

"I'm going to have to think on this overnight. The Rider Ranch wagons should start arriving in the morning. It will take most of the day getting them organized into my train. I will let you know my decision by noon. I would hope to hit the road right after first light the day after tomorrow."
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] I will comment in more detail, but my first Impression: You did very well, your characters seem to be complex, as far as we can tell by that point :) Keep up the good work!
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Post by NotSeen »

I'm amazed with the world you've built. Based on what you've shown us so far, everything sounds very believable, nothing feels contrived or forced. Very well done, indeed.
Now, why do I get the idea that the rest of Stella's journey will not pass without incident, either...
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Post by TayDay95 »

Definitely got a lot more Wild West vibes with this second chapter, what with the sheriff, and the wagon trains, and the formal way in which these characters all speak reminds me very much of that Old West type of world.

I think any man would consider himself lucky touching Stella's breasts haha, but it is nice to see that some of her captors are treating her honourably.

A superbly written follow-up to your prologue GreyLord! Keep it up my friend you're doing a great job! 😁😁😁
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesor83 wrote:@GreyLord I will comment in more detail, but my first Impression: You did very well, your characters seem to be complex, as far as we can tell by that point Keep up the good work!
Thank you for the very kind words, [mention]Caesor83[/mention]. In my mind, my characters are deep and complex. It is most encouraging to hear that I am getting that across.
NotSeen wrote:I'm amazed with the world you've built. Based on what you've shown us so far, everything sounds very believable, nothing feels contrived or forced. Very well done, indeed.
Now, why do I get the idea that the rest of Stella's journey will not pass without incident, either...
[mention]NotSeen[/mention], your comment was a joy for me to read. Thank you so much. [mention]Beaumains[/mention] said earlier
> You have taken quite the challenge for a first story here …
and I think she is correct. Your comment suggests that I may be on track to meeting that challenge.

And, oh yes, Stella’s journey will not pass without many more incidents. But they may not be what you expect.

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], I thank you so much for your comments. The Newhome colony has reverted to a frontier life.

You picked up on a question that I have. Using language from many years ago, if invited can a man honorably ‘cop a feel’?

More will be coming as Stella is placed in the Wagon Train.
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Post by Beaumains »

What i meant with that such a story poses a big challenge is that you need to establish your universe quickly, and engage your readers in your first chapter, which on this site is mostly done with tie-ups. Although there are many names and places mentioned, I have a decent idea about the setting, and the latest chapter also introduced the tie-ups. I only have no clue what the endgame of this story will be: political intrigue? A romantic or slavery story centering on Stella? Some sort of catching-and-escaping saga? I will certainly read more and find out myself!
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Post by GreyLord »

Thank you [mention]Beaumains[/mention]. I hope that I meet your expectations and will continue to do so. Stella will have an impact in her world.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by slackywacky »

Good gracious me, that was wonderful. Great detail, great suffering. The description that Stella gives when she has to endure the extremely tight hogtie was superb. Can't wait for chapter 3... and 4... and 5... and, well you get the drift.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Good gracious me, that was wonderful. Great detail, great suffering. The description that Stella gives when she has to endure the extremely tight hogtie was superb. Can't wait for chapter 3... and 4... and 5... and, well you get the drift.
Agreed :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Good gracious me, that was wonderful. Great detail, great suffering. The description that Stella gives when she has to endure the extremely tight hogtie was superb. Can't wait for chapter 3... and 4... and 5... and, well you get the drift.
Agreed :)
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