THE DREAD (M+/M+) - Episode One (Pts 1 & 2)

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Deleted User 3263

THE DREAD (M+/M+) - Episode One (Pts 1 & 2)

Post by Deleted User 3263 »


Micah and the other college boys piled out of the chartered bus. It had been a three hour ride down from Denver, and they were ready for fresh air.

With his wind-tossed brown hair and boyish expression, Micah Fowler conveyed the same adventurous spirit that got him accepted into the program three years before. He marveled at the view west of the Greenhorn Mountains flanked by the White Zion Forest. Still, he felt a twinge of foreboding. He’d always been cautious. Ever since his parents died. Ever since the campus shooting his sophomore year. But he chose to ignore the nagging sense of dread. They were each of them going to make a difference for the town this week. He was sure of it.

“Hey, Micah, dude, take my picture,” Luis called, tossing his phone. Luis and Micah were best friends, having transferred into the program on exactly the same day. Plus, they had been in the same room with the shooter. That created a deep bond between the two.

“Actually,” Professor Neal said as he emerged from the bus, “I want everyone in front of the sign. Let’s mark this occasion properly.”

Professor August Neal managed the civics program at State University. He was exactly the kind of good-looking, charismatic teacher that doesn’t just lead a program — he is the program. He had personally selected the boys from a host of applicants. And, yes, Micah was aware of the rumors, but Professor Neal was never untoward with the boys. He always treated them with a reverence and respect Micah never got from other teachers on campus.

The boys posed around the sign which announced: Colorado City — Population 2134.
Micah looked at the others in the group. There was small-framed Jonathan, in his black glasses, tech savviest of them all. Hard-working Austin and Jake, who had grown closer these last few months. Free-spirited Isaiah, African-American, strongest and funniest of the bunch.
And self-serious Marcus with his bitchy countenance but appealing, albeit wounded, spirit.
Seven future college graduates. Seven students in the same program. Seven dedicated souls about to complete the final project of their college career.

“Say ‘Hello, Colorado City’,’” Neal urged, and they did, and the seven were immortalized forever by cellphone.

A cloud of dust kicked up as two pickups rolled to a stop. A large, affable man, perspiring in a dusty three piece suit, climbed out of a truck and extended his meaty paw to Professor Neal.

“How the hell are you, August?” the man said. They shook hands.
“Boys,” Neal announced, “this is the mayor of Colorado City, Pat Howell.”
“You don’t know how happy we are to see you fellas. Welcome! Welcome!” The mayor pumped hands, got names, and engaged in brief conversations all around.

Jonathan was taking close-up shots of the pickups on his phone. The dried mud-spattered wheel frames. An NRA sticker plastering a bumper. Bull horns hanging from the back of a cab. The sunglasses-wearing driver of one truck. And at the wheel of the other — a young, beefy ranch-hand. Golden tan, open denim shirt, white ribbed tank top beneath, rich dirty blonde hair, tightly wrapped bandana around his neck, smoldering green eyes. Jonathan swallowed. The ranch-hand nodded into the phone and turned-up a sly, sideways grin for the boy. Jonathan went red-faced. He quickly trained his phone somewhere else.

“Pat, this is Micah Fowler,” Neal said, drawing Micah over. “He’ll be the point man this week.”
“Oh, yes,” the mayor smiled. “I can see why. Lots of drive and purpose in this one. This project is going to be a great success, Micah, can you feel it?”
“Yes, sir,” Micah replied, shaking his hand. “Yes, I can.”

The bus driver stacked the luggage, and the door to the charter slid closed and sealed with a “no turning back now” finality. The wheels spun, and the bus disappeared back toward Denver.

“Well,” the mayor said, clasping his thick hands together, “let's get you boys on your way!”


Micah, Jonathan, and Austin rode with their bags in the bed of Mayor Howell’s truck. Luis, Jake, Isaiah, and Marcus kept their bags company in the other.

Marcus raised the top of his shirt to cover his nose.
“I smell cows,” he said with disdain.
“And they smell your bitch-ass cologne,” Isaiah said. “Why you gotta slap-on so much of that shit? Damn!”
Marcus rolled his eyes. “Please.”
Jake looked up from his geology book.
“I saw quartz shards on the road. There’s a chance the mine formations have iron staining.”
“Does that mean gold?” Luis asked, eyes dancing.
“It’s in the realm of possibility. It is Colorado, after all.”
Luis clapped his hands together and shouted.
“There better be gold,” Isaiah exclaimed, “and there better be honeys! I'm sick of hanging with your pansy asses all day.”
Marcus rolled his eyes again. “Please.”
“You can beg all you want, Marcus, you’re not getting none of this,” and he rubbed his hands over his firm young body, laughing.

In the other truck, the mayor had opened the sliding cab window and was talking with Micah.
“Our town historian will meet us later at the mine and answer any questions you have.”
“You had survey crews do the preliminary work?” Micah asked.
The mayor nodded. “We were going out for bids, but Professor Neal convinced us to let you boys be at the center of the project. Town Council thought that was a grand idea.” The Mayor started to get emotional. “Just think if that mine was open again. It would be a huge boost for this town. We can’t wait to get started with you boys.”
“We feel fortunate to have been asked, sir,” Micah said.
Professor Neal gave him a warm smile of pride. Micah smiled, too.

The mayor turned to particulars. “My oldest, Russell, here, will help with transportation.” He motioned to the ranch hand driving. “If you’re looking for a ride, Russell’s your cowboy!”
The mayor laughed. Russell glanced in the rearview mirror and caught Jonathan staring at him again. He smiled slyly. Jonathan buried his head in his phone. Austin scooted close.
“Can you even get a signal out here?”
“What, no, leave me alone,” Jonathan stammered.
“Did Jake seem sad to you this morning?”
Jonathan shrugged. “He just seemed like Jake.”
“I don’t think he wanted to leave the dorm.”
Jonathan looked back at the other pickup. Jake was trying to read along the bumpy ride.
“As long as he has his books, he’s fine,” he said. “Where else is he going to go?”

“Ah ha!” the mayor said, looking ahead. “There it is!”


The pickups rolled slowly into Colorado City — well, into the middle of eight or nine standing buildings that passed for Colorado City. Micah studied the buildings. A hardware store. A feed store. A small grocery. People were beginning to pour out of doors, drawn by the arrival of the pickups — and the strangers in back.

Ancient farmers, wizened wives, forlorn mothers and fathers, sad little kids, humorless shop owners, restless middle school and high school students stared with rapt but vacant attention at the procession. Their faces were full of unease, worried expectation. A sort of — dread. A few of the residents waved. The boys made slight, awkward waves in return.
“This is sooo frickin’ weird,” Luis said under his breath, waving.
“You think?” Marcus added. He crossed his arms and didn’t wave back.

Then the lead pickup suddenly braked. The follow truck almost rear-ended it, jostling the riders.
Micah looked ahead at the reason.

Standing in the middle of main street was an old white haired man, dressed in a long dark coat. His face was weathered, red-blotched from the sun. He carried a cross fashioned out of dead branches. The pupils of his eyes were frosted over. He was blind. He began to moan.

The mayor reached and blared the horn of the truck.

“Get out of the road, Judah!” he yelled. “Let us get by!”

But the old man moaned louder and raised the cross higher. The road was too narrow to go around without running him down.

In that moment, a few townspeople cautiously approached the pickups, handing off food and handmade trinkets to the boys. After bestowing their gifts, they retreated to the sidewalks. Two old hispanic ladies offered wrapped tamales to Luis, whispered reverently to him in Spanish, and fled back with the others.
“What did they say to you?” Marcus pressed.
“They just kept repeating the same thing,” Luis said. “Milagro de los Cuatro.”
“What’s that?” Jake asked.
“Miracle of the Four.”

At the rear of the truck, Isaiah had spotted two very pretty and slinky girls draped against the brick wall of a diner.
“Hey,” he called. “Keep a lonely brother company?”
The girls looked at each other, giggled, then made their way to the truck. They leaned over the tailgate seductively, showing off their best features. Isiah stared, approving.
“Uh huh, uh huh,” he chanted. “Feeling more companionable by the second. You got names?”
Mine's Isaiah. Hello, hello.” He kissed both of their soft hands. Giggles. The older one spoke.
“I‘m Siah. She’s Bri.”
“Bri’s the quiet one, is that it?” Bri shrugged and smiled. “No, no, I like it, I do,” Isaiah flirted.

The mayor leaned across Professor Neal and called out the window to a few of the townspeople.
“Dick, Henry, can you do something about —?” A few stout farmers rushed to the old man and grabbed onto him. He tensed and went quiet at the touch. The cross dropped to the dirt. The farmers drug the man out of the road.

The lead truck lurched forward, shattering the stick cross under its heavy wheels. The other truck followed, and as the girls let go, Isaiah called after them.
“You come find me later, you promise?”
The older girl waved as the truck drove off.

Still elated and grinning from ear to ear, Isaiah settled back against the cargo bay wall. After a moment, Marcus leaned into him.
“Does your thing ever get a rest?” he asked.
“Only when I look at you, Marcus.”


The pickups turned onto Lake Beckwith Road. When they crested the hill, there were collective shouts as the boys saw the lake for the first time. The trucks pulled over, and they jumped out, congregating by a dock, excited by the view of the water. There was an SUV parked near the dock. A man got out and approached.

“Your cabins are on that side of the lake,” the mayor pointed. “Since the season hasn’t started, you get the run of the resort.” Victorious shouts. “We’ll have lunch first, get you a tour of the town, then go over details. But now we should get to —”

“— the reason you’re here in the first place,” the SUV man finished. The boys noticed him for the first time. “I’m Mark Crowley,” he began, then pointed to each college student. “And you’re Austin, Jake…Marcus, Isaiah…Jonathan and Luis. And you...must be Micah.” Crowley sized-up Micah for a brief moment before returning to his overly-pleasant self.
“That’s incredible, Mr. Crowley,” Micah said. “How did you know all that?”
“Professor Neal is a very good teacher,“ he smiled. The two men shook hands warmly. Crowley turned to the boys. “I deal property in the valley, and I also know a thing or two about our mine, so Mayor Howell asked me to stop by. It’s over here.”

They walked a little ways along the bend in the lake.

“Did you notice the cemetery on the way in?” Crowley asked. “That’s pretty much the reason we all still live here. You saw downtown. There’s no industry. We’re here because of family. Because of the past we buried out there. We stay because of this —”

They stood at the crumbling entrance to the mine.

Mining equipment from the 40’s and 50’s rusted along the trail leading to the entrance. Newer equipment — a rock crusher and removal carts and roll-offs — was tucked under the rocky overhang. A solid wooden gate closed off the main entrance, padlocked shut.

“The Beckwith Mine was productive,” Crowley said as he fished a key from his pocket. “They mined ore and gold, once upon a time.” Luis and Micah smiled at each other. Crowley removed the padlock. “Then the family fell on hard times, gave up the business. But there are unexplored tunnels and veins inside. There’s something still down there worth finding.”

Crowley flipped the latch and pushed the heavy door open. The men stepped out of the way.

A rush of dust and wind and dank smell (like rotting eggs) escaped and blew through the boys.

“The Council agreed you get a profit share,” Crowley said. “That means a stake in whatever you find.” Shouts and fist pumps and clapping of shoulder blades among the college guys. Crowley smiled. “You’ll go in, first thing. I can’t wait to see what you discover in there — ”

Suddenly, a high-pitched snarl emitted from the dark cavern. Crowley moved back. The snarling continued, more haggard. Then a form burst from the mine and into the light.

It was a coyote. Or what used to be a coyote.
It dripped with mange, body ravaged by sores. It was old and shriveled, skeletal, caving-in on itself. It quivered on four impossibly thin legs. Hollow-eyed. Desperate. Dangerous.

It snarled again and crept toward the boys.
They scattered apart, leaving Jonathan in the center.
The boy was transfixed at the sight of this horrid, shell of a beast.
“Jonathan! Run! Get out of there!” they called.

The coyote fixed its rage on the boy, bared its broken teeth — and leapt!

A shot rang out.
The coyote’s head exploded out one side.
It folded into a heap and dropped dead.

Jonathan turned toward the direction of the shot. The tall ranch hand, Russell, ejected the spent shell from his shotgun. He glanced to Jonathan. And winked.

Crowley stood over the carcass as the others moved around to look.
“It must’ve fallen in from someplace above and couldn’t find its way out,” Crowley said.

The nervous system of the animal sent a final electric jolt through its body. The hind leg kicked one last time. The boys jumped. The animal was still.

There was a long moment, then Mayor Howell spoke up.

“Who’s ready for bar-b-que?”

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Last edited by Deleted User 3263 5 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
Deleted User 3263

Post by Deleted User 3263 »


At the town bar-b-que, the boys met the Council and received many supportive words from the residents. In return, they thanked them for the gifts they had dispensed earlier in the day. Luis tried to find the kind ladies to complement them on the delicious tamales — and ask what they had meant by “Miracle of the Fours” — but he never saw them.

Micah thought everyone they met in Colorado City seemed nice and elated to have them working on the mine project. Only, there was always something behind the people’s eyes.
Something sad, strained — unspoken.

The mayor led them on a tour of the town — which took all of forty minutes — then he couldn't figure out what to do with the remaining rest of the afternoon. Finally, he decided the best thing was to let the students go back to Lake Beckwith and get settled into their cabins. There were no objections from the college boys who secretly just wanted time on the lake. The mayor must have sensed it, because when he and Russell dropped them off, he bestowed a gift of several six packs of canned beer (they were over twenty-one, after all). The guys promised they would put the gift to exceptional good use.

It was heaven to be on the lake — and to have it all to themselves!

Micah, Luis, and Isaiah practiced dives off one of the docks.
Austin and Jake swam together, separate from the others.
Jonathan kept to the shallows, taking pictures along the shore and of the lower parts of the dock.
Marcus hung out mid-dock, mostly so he could watch Micah and Luis and Isaiah run around half-naked in their swim trunks. When Micah left to see Professor Neal, the other boys pressed Marcus to join them, but he refused. He didn't want to get his hair wet. Of course, this prompted Isaiah to toss a fully-clothed Marcus into the water. Words were exchanged, but it all smoothed over. Secretly, Marcus loved when Isaiah made him the center of attention. He didn’t mind a little roughhousing — especially from someone as good-looking as Isaiah.

Micah sat with Professor Neal at one of the picnic tables and pored through the survey reports and blueprints and data. He wanted to double check that the work team would be there in the morning, along with the safety inspectors from nearby Rye. Nothing could go wrong. He was responsible, so everything had to be checked and re-checked and double-checked again.

“Micah, it’s taken care of,” Neal said calmly, and he moved the boy’s hand from the paperwork, keeping hold of it. “Enjoy the evening.” He gripped the boy’s hand tighter. “We're on the verge of something amazing here. Don't over-think it. Go with the flow.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Micah said, taking back his hand, and opening his now-warm can of beer. He laughed. “I need to give up control a little more often.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Neal smiled. Then he breathed in quickly and pointed. “Look!”

A bright orange line of setting sun burst, dwindled, and disappeared over the top of the Greenhorn Mountains.

Somewhere, from the direction of the town, a church bell rang.


It was dark, and Jonathan and Austin were stoking the fire pit with more kindling.
“But why do I have to room with Marcus?” Austin asked again. “Can’t we just choose who we’d like to be with?”
He looked over at Jake who had brought more sticks to Professor Neal.
“Sorry, Austin,” Neal said as he sharpened the stick ends with his long knife. “The assignments were random to make it fair. I put Micah and Isaiah together because we’re meeting early at the site and don’t want to wake the rest of you.”
“Anyone know what tomorrow’s weather’s supposed to be?” Marcus asked.
Jonathan checked his phone. “Seventy and clear.”
Marcus’ eyes grew. “You have phone service? They said the lake’s router was out!”
Jonathan produced a battery-powered router from his bag. “Mine’s not.”
“Bless your sweet little twinkie-techie head,” Marcus sighed. “Give up those digits — now!”
Everyone updated their phone settings.

Isaiah and Luis brought the extra chairs over and put them around the fire pit. Luis plopped down next to Micah and playfully bumped him.
“Pretty sweet, huh, holmes? We got the whole world by the shorties,” he said.
“Pretty sweet,” Micah nodded, but he still felt that twinge of uncertainty welling inside. Luis saw it in his eyes.
“You’re gonna lead us great — hell, you were born for this. This week’s gonna be sick. Proud to be doing this with you, dude.”
“Thanks, Luis. Me, too.”

Professor Neal handed out the sticks, dropped the marshmallow bag in Luis’ lap, and put his knife in the sheath at his side.

“I’m turning in. Don’t eat too much. And don’t burn down the camp,” Neal joked. “Get to bed early, you hear? We start at sunrise.” There were groans from the boys, and Neal joined them in sympathy. Finally: “Micah, swing by my cabin in ten. There’s one last thing we need to do.” Micah nodded. Professor Neal left the circle for his cabin.

“A late night ‘summoning’,” Marcus intimated to Micah. “Tres excitant.”
“Stop it,” Micah said.
“You know, I was the golden boy my first year in the program,” Marcus went on. “Then your cute little ass came on the scene. I’m just lucky Professor Hottie still remembers my name.”
“Micah got this position fair and square,” Luis defended.
“Wonder how he’s expected to keep it?” Marcus smirked.
Luis pelted him with marshmallows. Marcus put up his hands.
“Stop! I surrender!” he said. “I’m sorry. I always get bitchy after a couple of beers.”
“Man, you must drink all the fuckin’ time,” Isaiah said, and everyone laughed.

Austin was putting a marshmallow on a stick. He leaned into Jake who had taken out his book.
”You want one?” Jake nodded, trying to read by his fading phone light. Austin added another marshmallow to his stick and stretched it over the fire.

Jonathan was scrolling through photos on his phone.
“Did you get one of that nasty coyote?” Isaiah asked.
“The hell beast?” Jonathan said. “No, I pretty much have that one burned into my memory.”
He flipped through more photos.
“Got a few of that hunky rifleman, I see,” Marcus said. “Careful. That one’ll break you in half.”
“Marcus,” Micah warned.
Marcus made a gesture of sticking a key in his mouth, locking it shut, and tossing the key away.
Jonathan held on some pictures of the dock.
“What’s that one?” Jake asked.
“I dunno. Carvings I found under the dock,” Jonathan said. The carvings showed crosses made of what looked like branches.
“They look like the one that old dude was carrying back in the street,” Luis said.
“What’s that down below?” Isaiah asked. “Is that —”
“A church,” Micah said.
Jonathan swiped again and stopped on images of the townspeople. The boys went silent.
“Look at ‘em, man,” Isaiah said in a hush.
“Look at their faces,” Luis managed.
“It’s like — they’re dead inside,” Austin finished.
“Takes a lot to live out here,” Isaiah said. “Nothing to break up the monotony.” He stood. “Or is there? Why hello, there…”

Siah emerged from the shadows and approached the fire. She was wearing a light, airy shift dress. Isaiah thought she looked even finer than before. Her breasts were fuller. She seemed more alive. Her eyes were on fire.
She stepped to Isaiah and kissed him long and sensually.
The boys reacted vocally, covering their mouths, shaking their heads.
Siah took Isaiah’s hand and began to lead him away from the fire.
“Fellas, I’d introduce you,” he called back, “but we’re about to get serious.”
“Where’s your sister?” Luis called to Siah. “Hey, where’s — Isaiah, you prepared, man?”
Luis dug in his pocket and tossed a stack of condoms. Isaiah caught a couple one-handed as he left the light. Luis rounded up the rest of the packets and put them back. There was a beat.
“You keep them in your pocket?” Micah said.
Luis shrugged. They all laughed and ate marshmallows off sticks.

They finished dessert and put the sticks away. After a few more minutes, Jake closed his book.
“My phone’s dead,” he announced.
“You mean, you’ll actually have to speak to us?” Marcus smiled. “Unless, of course, Jonny’s got a charger in his magic bag —” Jonathan reached, but Marcus stopped him. “Don’t. Even.”
“I’d better go see Professor Neal,” Micah said, standing. “Last one put out the fire. I’ll see you all later.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Marcus threw over his shoulder as Micah went.

There was a pause, and Marcus observed Austin and Jake whispering to one another. Finally:

“Oh, very well, I’ll bunk with Jonathan and you two can take my cabin. Jonathan doesn’t mind, do you, Jon?” Jonathan looked like he minded very much. “Only, you have to do a teensy thing in exchange.”
“What?” Jake asked.
Marcus sighed out. “You have to kiss — and finally break…this…tension!”
“Kiss?” Austin said, dry swallowing.
“Don’t make them, man,” Luis started.
“Luis, we’ll all be better off if they just get it over with. Go on. Kiss.”
Austin and Jake flushed red with embarrassment, then exchanged quick looks back and forth. They ended up staring at each other for a beat, swallowed, leaned close, and kissed.
Marcus applauded.
“Now I can die a happy queen!”

“I’m out,” Luis said, grabbing his stuff and going. Jonathan put on his book bag and followed. Marcus glanced around.
“Looks like it’s just us girls,” he said to Jake and Austin. “What should we do next?”
Austin and Jake stood quickly. Jake took his book.
“Thanks for the room swap,” Austin said.
Jake put out his hand for Austin who smiled and took it. They hurried away into the night.
Marcus leaned against a log.
“A fairy godmother’s work is never done.”
He popped a marshmallow in his mouth, munching. Then he spat it out in the fire.


The girl led Isaiah through the dark woods. She seemed to glide along the undergrowth. He was having a more difficult time of it.

“You, uh, you sure we can’t call your sister?” he said. “My friend Luis is real nice.”
“She didn’t win the lottery,” Siah said. “I did.”
“Yeah, okay, lottery, huh? That’s — damn, these are some serious brambles — you know, I play the scratch-offs, never really win nothin’, you must be real lucky…”
“I am.”
“Guess that makes me lucky, too.”
He laughed, then cursed when he kneed a fallen tree limb. He stepped over it, and they kept going. It was dark. Isaiah dug in his back pocket and got out his phone. He activated the flashlight feature and trained the light around. Strange shadows played everywhere.
“So, we goin’ some place nice? …’cause we passed a couple open spots back there, I can make that shit work.”
They crossed and slogged and ducked some more.
“Up against that tree is fine by me…” he added.
They went deeper into the dark.


Professor Neal answered the door to his cabin and smiled when he saw Micah standing there.
“Come on in,” he said, and the door opened wide.
Micah looked around the room.
“Okay, just a little bigger than ours,” he teased.
“Yes, well, the mayor is generous.”
“No, it makes sense. You’re the teacher.”
Neal smiled. “Have a seat.”

Micah sat on the leather couch. Neal crossed to a serving bar by the kitchen table.

“So, Micah,” he started, “I thought it would be a good idea to toast our new endeavor here.”
He brought over two glasses of champagne.
“Oh. Professor, I’m — I’m kind of a light weight,” Micah admitted, laughing. “I mean, you saw me earlier, I didn’t even finish my beer.”
“Well, you can’t make a toast without champagne,” Neal said, handing Micah a glass. “It’s tradition.”
Micah nodded and stood as they raised glasses.
“To you — and me — and the future.”
Micah smiled, nodded, and took a sip. Neal slowly drank down his champagne, and he gave Micah a look loaded with peer pressure. Micah gave in and emptied his glass in three swallows. Neal took his glass.
“That’s my boy!”


Isaiah felt an overwhelming need to alert Siah to his present condition.
“Y’know, I hate to waste what I got going on down here,” he said. “Maybe we can start a little something now, then when we get to wherever we’re —”
Siah suddenly let go of his hand and ran off into the dark.
Isaiah stopped and laughed at the unexpected move. He pointed the phone light after her, but it fell off a few feet in front of him.
“Hey, Siah? Where’d you go? You want me to follow you? Is that what —?”
He inched forward, mumbling to himself.
“Why do the weird ones always gotta be so frickin’ hot?”


“Is this what you wanted to see me about?” Micah asked, “for the toast?”
“No, no,” Neal said, putting a hand on Micah’s shoulder, “thanks for that. I printed off an email I want to show you. Go ahead, look around. I’ll be back.” He went into the kitchen.

Micah walked the room. It was decorated in typical western style. Pictures of elk and bear on the wall. A fire crackled in a stone fireplace. Above the mantel, the antlered head of a buck stared at the boy, unblinking. He moved away.

Then Micah noticed another door leading to a second room. The door was closed. A dim light pulsed from the gap below…


Isaiah was caught up in a couple of low-hanging branches, and he swatted them away, spun, and tripped over something, falling.

The phone buried itself in a pile of wet leaves. The light switched to strobe mode. It pulsed under the decaying leaf stack, making the ground look like a massive beating heart. Isaiah cursed, dug out the phone, stood.

Something was dripping from his arm.

“What the hell —?”

Isaiah swung the strobing light to look. His arm was soaked in black blood.


Faint light flickered from under the door. Micah tried the door knob. It turned.


Isaiah pointed the strobe to where he’d fallen —
— into a rotting mass of flesh and sinew and bone and matter!
He screamed and jumped away, wiping the goo on his t-shirt and shorts.


Micah glanced over his shoulder to make sure Professor Neal hadn’t come back yet. He turned the door knob and stepped into the pulsing light.


Isaiah trained the phone for a closer look at the carcass.
“Is that…is that the fuckin’ coyote, man?”
Annoyed by the strobe, he banished the feature and stood in the dark.
He heard Siah giggling. She was near. He followed the sound.

When he broke free of the woods, the full moon helped him see better. There was a kerosene lantern burning on top of a metal cart. He recognized this place. It was the mine.

The wooden gate was open. That same rotten egg smell hit him again, and he raised the crook of his arm to cover his nose and mouth.


Micah stood in Professor Neal’s bedroom.
There were candles everywhere, providing the only pulsating illumination.
Lit candles dripped wax from the window sill, the dresser, the desk and arms of a chair, and on the vanity and tub in an adjoining bathroom.

There was a canopy bed pushed against a wall.
A ringed curtain of mesh fabric, linked to a top runner, surrounded the bed.
The curtain was closed.

Micah could see through the mesh.
There was something on top of the bed.

He stepped forward and hesitantly reached to draw the curtain.


Siah called to Isaiah.
“Over here.”
Isaiah took a few steps toward the direction of her voice. He looked down.
Siah’s shift dress was at his feet, discarded on the shore.
He heard splashing, and he looked up.

Siah was in the lake, naked, the black water rippling at her small waist. Her skin gleamed in the moonlight.
“Time for the opening,” she said.
Isaiah paused.
“What, in there? In that cold water?”
“Come,” she cooed, tracing the ripples with her slender hands.
Isaiah shook his head in acceptance.
“Good thing I’m twenty-one…”
He stripped off his t-shirt, and danced one-legged out of his shorts, kicked off his shoes, all the while intoning:
“…young, dumb, and most definitely hung…”

He ripped the condom from its packet, rolled it on, tossed the wrap, and waded out.


Micah drew the curtain aside.

The bed comforter was populated by tightly wrapped coils of white clothesline.
There were stacks of rags.
And several rolls of shiny, black duct tape.

The boy stared speechless at the tools spread out before him.


Isaiah joined Siah in the water.
She was so unbelievably hot, he even forgave the chill of the lake.
“Now, you were saying something about an opening?” he said seductively, and he stroked her breasts and kissed her neck.
“It’s my offering,” she whispered, accepting his kisses. “My sacrifice.”
He stopped.
“Baby, this ain’t no sacrifice. Ladies be lining up to get some of this.”
Siah pulled away and began to rub some of the lake mud over her upper body.
“Oh, so, now we gonna do a spa treatment, is that what —?”
She approached him and rubbed mud on his well-defined chest. Slowly, sensually, her hands moved below the water.
Isaiah’s eyes rolled back. “I can be down with this.”


Micah turned to go, and Professor Neal was suddenly behind him, closing the door.
“Like what you see?” he asked.
“I, uh — why — what’s all this for?” Micah asked haltingly.
“For you, Micah,” he said with a smile. “It’s all for you.”
Neal stepped forward and put both hands on Micah’s shoulders.
“I get to pick one, for payment. Whomever I like.” Neal leaned his forehead to touch Micah’s. He whispered. “And I picked you.”


Siah’s hand came back from under the water. Isaiah leaned in for a kiss, and she playfully slapped thick mud across his mouth.
He snorted.


Micah exhaled, and Professor Neal quickly spun him around and forced his wide hand over his mouth.


Isaiah tried to speak. But his lips wouldn’t part.
The mud was like cement across his lower face.
His brows knotted.
He used both hands to try and peel the mud away, but it wouldn’t give.


Neal pushed Micah down on the bed, and he quickly stuffed a couple of rags into his mouth.
Micah tried to cry for help, but the rags absorbed the sound. There was a struggle.
Neal pulled out his long knife and pressed it to Micah’s cheek. Micah saw the blade glinting in the candle light.
“Don’t fight me!” Neal rasped in his ear. Micah slowly nodded, beyond frightened.
Professor Neal sheathed the knife and yanked the boy’s hands behind his back, pressing firmly down with his body to keep them in place. He began to seal the rags in place with the shiny black duct tape.
The tape wrapped and stretched and wrapped again six times around the boy’s head.
Fear grew in Micah’s eyes.


Terrified, Isaiah’s eyes searched into Siah’s.
There was a flash of green light behind them.
She felt a change.

Siah began to tremble. At first gradually, then more violently.
Water splashed and roiled around her.
Terrified, Isaiah scrambled back, out of the water, and up onto the shore.
The naked girl thrashed violently and uncontrollably in the water.
She suddenly stopped, stood still, and peacefully stretched out her arms from her side.
Then she exploded.

Black viscous tendrils — oozing oil, but dangerously alive — shot out of Siah’s ravaged form and wrapped up the naked boy on the shore.

Like a spider encasing its victim, it bound him fast.


Professor Neal spun Micah and roped his hands in front of him.


Isaiah struggled as the tendrils looped, caught, and squeezed around him,
Feet cinched together tight.
Legs drawn taut in thick black loops.
Wrists strapped behind.
Muscled upper arms firmly bound to their sides.


Micah was tossed onto the bed, and he tried to scurry away, but Neal grabbed his pants and pulled. The waist button popped, and the khakis ripped free of his bare legs, exposing his skinny briefs beneath. Neal flipped the boy on his back and climbed on top. Micah tried to fight him off with his tied hands, but Neal buried the hands above Micah’s head and into the mattress.


Isaiah shook his head in a feeble effort to deny the coils from growing around his thick chest.
Dangerous black fingers teased and threaded up the sides of his face.


Micah shook his head and screamed into his gag as Neal took a length of rope and tied the boy’s hands to the head board. He ripped open Micah’s shirt and tossed the tattered fabric aside, leaving his bare chest exposed.

He grabbed another length of rope and secured Micah’s elbows above his head.


The oozing tendrils coiled and slithered around Isaiah.
They reversed direction, and went back the other way again.
They tightened, and the boy cried out in pain from behind his sealed mouth.
The black entity lifted him five feet off the ground.
A green electric charge sparked from the oily form.
It began to drink.
It began to feed.


A tear rolled down Micah’s cheek as Professor Neal tied his bare knees together.
The room had begun to spin. Micah caught his breath.
There was something in that drink, he thought. He drugged me!
Micah began to slip in and out of consciousness.


As the creature fed, Isaiah’s mind jolted and snapped back.
He saw himself as a young boy. At his mother’s graveside.
Shuttled in and out of foster homes.
Getting the scholarship to State. Meeting Professor Neal.
Another jolt, and he could feel his mind snap forward.
It was nothing but a black void.
He grew older.


Neal lashed Micah’s ankles together, and he threaded the loose end through the bed frame at the foot of the mattress. With a final powerful tug, Micah was stretched from headboard to footboard.

He cried behind the gag, but the sound was lost — as was any chance of his freedom.


Just when Isaiah felt his spirit might drain completely, he saw a quick flash of fiery light.
It came from the side of his vision.
It was the kerosene lantern, and it smashed against the slithering black mass.
Fire exploded, spread, and seared the oily surface of the creature.
The entity screamed and uncoiled from the boy, dropping him heavily to the shore.
It rolled to extinguish the flames and snaked in a half circle, retreating back into the mine.


Professor Neal climbed back on the bed, straddling the bound boy at his waist. He couldn’t resist running his hands down the smooth warm chest. He brushed away Micah's tears, smoothed the wild hair to the side of his forehead, and watched with a contented smile as Micah’s beautiful brown eyes fluttered, opened, fluttered, and finally closed to sleep.


Isaiah recovered, and he found himself face-to-face with his savior kneeling down to him.
It was Judah, the blind man from the stand-off in the street.
The old man wheezed and caught his breath.
Isaiah’s face filled with appreciation.

Isaiah started to thank him, but he realized his mouth was still covered.
Not by mud —
— by black coils!
His eyes went wide.
Judah sensed panic.

A powerful black tendril whipped around and knocked Judah into the lake.

The entity circled Isaiah three times around the waist and pulled him away. The boy’s muffled cries echoed as he disappeared into the mine far below.

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Post by fratboydanny »

[mention]boygagged[/mention] this was an enjoyable read for Episode 1. It introduced us to the characters and set a good pace. I look forward to future episodes!
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Post by MaxRoper »

Wowie, lots going on here. Good characters, young love, monsters, and of course bondage. Well done, as usual. I'll be watching for updates.
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Post by Deleted User 3263 »

fratboydanny wrote: 5 years ago @boygagged this was an enjoyable read for Episode 1. It introduced us to the characters and set a good pace. I look forward to future episodes!
Thanks, fbd, I had a great time with these characters and hope to continue soon!
Deleted User 3263

Post by Deleted User 3263 »

MaxRoper wrote: 5 years ago Wowie, lots going on here. Good characters, young love, monsters, and of course bondage. Well done, as usual. I'll be watching for updates.
Thank you, sir!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

What a treat. Fun characters, great suspense and an interesting setting. Plot-heavy TUG stories aren't common, but they are always welcomed, especially horror with a healthy dose of humor at side.

Thanks for sharing this story with us, I can't wait to read the rest.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by LK3869 »

Wasn't sure you'd post it here too, because of the 'ambitious' plot but previous comments show we got serious readers ready for it. Like I said on DA, it's all good and you sure want to know what happens next, 8-) or :o ...

You talked about Joss whedon influence on you, a good reference in popular and efficient story-telling IMO; combined with the edgier Lynches and Cronenbergs (wink wink!) that makes intense stuff.

Can't thank you enough for your work on the field.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
Deleted User 3263

Post by Deleted User 3263 »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 5 years ago What a treat. Fun characters, great suspense and an interesting setting. Plot-heavy TUG stories aren't common, but they are always welcomed, especially horror with a healthy dose of humor at side.

Thanks for sharing this story with us, I can't wait to read the rest.
Thank YOU for reading and commenting! We love hearing feedback. Keeps us stoked and wanting to generate more. Really appreciated!
Deleted User 3263

Post by Deleted User 3263 »

LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago Wasn't sure you'd post it here too, because of the 'ambitious' plot but previous comments show we got serious readers ready for it. Like I said on DA, it's all good and you sure want to know what happens next, 8-) or :o ...

You talked about Joss whedon influence on you, a good reference in popular and efficient story-telling IMO; combined with the edgier Lynches and Cronenbergs (wink wink!) that makes intense stuff.

Can't thank you enough for your work on the field.
...just following my twisted bliss! :twisted:
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Post by LK3869 »

I checked Colorado City on Google Earth, 'street-viewed' around the Beckwith reservoir... Not sure the local chamber of commerce would approve of your description of the sad zombies locals; but then, you don't get to chose who writes about your town :lol:
The scenery does looks like how I imagined it from your words. Couldn't find a mine, though. (and there's less trees than I thought...)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
Deleted User 3263

Post by Deleted User 3263 »

LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago I checked Colorado City on Google Earth, 'street-viewed' around the Beckwith reservoir... Not sure the local chamber of commerce would approve of your description of the sad zombies locals; but then, you don't get to chose who writes about your town :lol:
The scenery does looks like how I imagined it from your words. Couldn't find a mine, though. (and there's less trees than I thought...)
Pulling out my dramatic license...
I liked the name. "Old Colorado City" is actually in Colorado Springs. Which is pretty urbanized.
But closer to Pueblo, there are these small towns on the edges of I-25 that have been passed over by modernity. They have a lake...and I'm sure there are caves...but you may find out more than one secret about this "mine" before the whole story has played itself out...

Wouldn't it be funny if someone from Colorado City actually frequents this site???
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Post by benji2387 »

I love the originality and intricate details in your stories! Makes it hard to stop reading and always leaves me wanting more!
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Post by Deleted User 3263 »

He's a genius, that LK3869!

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Post by MaxRoper »

The writing genius of [mention]boygagged[/mention] combined with the artistic genius of [mention]LK3869[/mention] is an unbeatable combination. Way to go, guys!
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Post by Tsuhaya »

I'll not tire of saying, YOU ARE AMAZING!

I see here another story with an incredible plot, with characters that captivate the reader. I simply can't wait for more of this

I'm really curious to see what wrath happens to Isaiah
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
Deleted User 3263

Post by Deleted User 3263 »

Tsuhaya wrote: 5 years ago I'll not tire of saying, YOU ARE AMAZING!

I see here another story with an incredible plot, with characters that captivate the reader. I simply can't wait for more of this

I'm really curious to see what wrath happens to Isaiah
You are too kind! I knew you'd like the suspense! Right up your alley. I'm excited to continue this tale in the very near future.
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Post by Boundguys97 »

I’m sorry this story was never finished. It was one of my first favorites on the site.
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