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The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 31 added)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:17 pm
by banshee
Chapter 1

This story takes place in a faraway land, during a bygone era, a time of legend one may say, although times of legend rarely feel as such for the people living through them.

It is a story about a prince and his journey to through, a story about the many people whom he met and made his journey either possible or harder. But maybe most importantly, it is a story about how much said prince learned from being in bondage.

The birth of prince Lothair was an event that eased the hearts of the kingdom of Drael. Only months after a bloody war which had taken the life of the king and many of his subjects the birth of a new heir to the throne was quick to appease the tired and anxious masses.

The prince’s mother was perhaps his most influential figure of his early life before the tragic events that befell his as he aged took place. Her name was Eliza, she was a noblewoman who had married the king long ago and who had conceived his heir during her last meeting with her husband.

She was a really pretty woman, and at the age of thirty when she had Lothair she was probably at the peak of her looks, although it took really long for her youthful beauty to fade away.

Her hair was long and blonde, falling down her back as a cascade of gold. Her eyes of deep blue color and her skin pale. Her body a sculpture, with features that could entice any men and a good number of women.

But beauty was far from the queen’s only asset, although it was undeniably that being pleasing to the eyes helped her reach the heart of the king, Lothair’s deceased father was not the type of man to be enticed by just beauty.

Truth is, Eliza was a really capable woman for being a queen. The king never shied away from admitting that without her, his rule would have probably been much worse, and when he had to leave to lead the armies in the war, it was only thanks to her that the kingdom managed to stick together through those dark times.

But one thing that many reproach the queen with the advantage of hindsight is her apparent lack of motherly love. Although many would like to disagree with this, the truth is that Eliza always thought of her son as an heir to the throne first and a son later.

The queen had her reasons though. As one can imagine, a woman of her stature raising her child alone was controversial among the high spheres which surrounded the politics of the kingdom. Eliza feared people would think she was spoiling her son in a way his father wouldn’t have done. So even though it’s hard to justify, perhaps we should understand the reasons for Eliza’s actions.

As Lothair grew up many began to speculate that his appearance and behavior were due to his mother’s influence over him, because no matter how strict Eliza was with her son, some still refused to believe that she was not spoiling him.

The prince grew up to be pretty, some may say handsome, but I believe that would be wrong. Handsome is usually meant to describe good looking men, and although nobody would deny the good looks of prince Lothair’s beauty was far from what is considered masculine and far more akin to what tradition deems as feminine.

His body was always slender and delicate, something that his physical training only seemed to enhance rather than reduce. His hair was very much like his mother’s, and although he kept it slightly shorter, having it at shoulder height was a thing that many considered feminine.

His face was, much like his body, soft and delicate. While his father had grown a full set of beard at the age of fifteen, long past that age the prince’s skin remained hairless and soft. And while his face was rather chiseled, he very much lacked the broad and prominent jaw and aquiline nose of his father which were very much absent in his face, with her mother’s features being far more prominent.

The only way in which his father could be seen through him was in the prince’s eyes, two green irises in which many of the people who had met the king saw his eyes and gaze still living through his son.

Five years after the prince was born another one of the prominent women in his life showed herself. From far away, a land that in Drael was known through legend and myth deep in the south, came the sorceress Tanis.

She was a tall woman of brown skin and short raven black hair, but while those features where slightly uncommon in Drael during that time that wasn’t what surprised the people of the kingdom, after all they knew of different skin colors, they were surprised by her eyes.

While people from the region she allegedly came from usually had dark brown or golden eyes, Tanis’ eyes were of a deep purple color, which immediately caught people’s attention.

And needless to say, the sorceress also attracted many looks with her exotic beauty, her shapely feminine figure perfectly highlighted by the tight black robes she brought from her land, her soft skin which seemed to shine under the sun... And let’s just say that before people took notice of her eyes they were looking at a different part of her body.

With her sorcery Tanis became news across the kingdom quickly, her magic was something akin to nothing that the kingdom had seen before. She could turn bulls into frogs, burn whole trees and freeze whole lakes, call lightning from the tips of her fingers and become invisible to the eye by just standing still.

News like those first reached the high mages who wanted to study the mysterious woman’s magic, and said mages soon took the news to the capital of Lionstrand, where they reached the ears of the queen.

When the queen invited Tanis as entertainment for a dinner in the castle she never imaged the consequences her simple invitation would have. Although one could argue that Tanis would have done what she did regardless of the queen’s invitation, it is hard to deny that with it the queen set in motion the events that encompass this whole story.

Impressed by Tanis’ sorcery at first and knowledge later, Tanis was invited to stay for periods of time which kept growing longer until she was finally hired as an advisor for the queen. From that position Tanis rose up the ranks of the court until a few years after her arrival to the kingdom she stood as Eliza’s closest and most trusted advisor.

Tanis was certainly useful to have, not only because of her magic but mostly because of her knowledge and intelligence. She had advice for seemingly every situation which she seemed to be able to back with examples from eras and places the queen barely knew existed.

But the queen was not the only one impressed by Tanis, Lothair took quick notice of her too.

Impressed by the sorceress’ magic, Lothair quickly became close to Tanis, whom she lovingly called aunt for a few years. Tanis always seemed to have a story for Lothair, and in case the prince got bored, she could always recapture his attention with a spell.

And even though the queen was slightly skeptical of letting her son be with Tanis, who could be a rather dark woman from time to time as some of her advice showed, she was unwilling to overstep on her son’s free time, which was already sparse from a young age as Eliza strictly pushed for the prince to have the best formation possible for his future role as the king.

But Tanis was very different from the kindly surrogate aunt Lothair seemed to think she was.

Tanis’ goals were dark; some may say unequivocally evil. She had arrived to the kingdom long before she had announced her arrival with fanciful spells, and she was far older than forty something years people seemed to think she was.

At first, she wanted to use the queen to advance her goals, which at first seemed possible since the queen kept giving her more and more power, but it eventually became clear that it was impossible. Eliza paid no attention to Tanis’ crueler advice, and every time Tanis wanted to advance her goals through her the queen quickly shut her off.

And so Tanis’ eyes turned towards the prince. When she met him he was still young, malleable, but in a time which could be seen as short for someone like Tanis he would be king and have all of the power in the kingdom, and if she could get to him early she had no doubts that she would one day become able to control such power.

At age ten was when the prince got his first taste of Tanis’ true nature, when under the guise of showing him something special, Tanis convinced him to delve deep into the castle’s dungeons, a large set of dark stone corridors left abandoned as the castle grew in size and new iterations of the building were built over the old dilapidated ones.

Tanis held the young prince’s hands as she lead him through the dungeons under the sole light of a small green flame which she conjured in the tip of her index finger and a candle Lothair had been told to bring.

Eventually they reached the place Tanis had designated to be the one to start her years long plan to take over the prince’s body and mind. A large cylindrical room where many hallways crossed, dimly illuminated by a barred skylight far above them.

“Here, sit down and I’ll tell you a story” Tanis ordered the prince as she let go of his hand.

“Why here?” Lothair asked fearfully as he gazed at the seemingly endless darkness that surrounded them “I don’t like this place”

The following moments lived on in Lothair’s memory for his whole life. The sound of a heavy steps and a slow deep breathing went from something Lothair could pretend to ignore to an undeniable reality as it got closer, next a pungent odor filled the room.

“I think we have to leave auntie; I don’t like this place” Lothair said as he turned to look at Tanis.

But dread filled the kid’s body when he saw that Tanis was no longer there.

He fearfully looked back at the dark hallway, and his body began to tremble as he saw a bestial figure emerge from the darkness. The reptilian head of a lindwurm emerged from the darkness, next the beast revealed its only limbs, two strong front legs which ended in sharp claws.

The prince remained frozen in fear as the beast approached him, but his instincts kicked in when it let out a high pitched roar, nearly deafening the prince as it showed its sharp teeth and snake tongue, splashing its slimy saliva all over him.

The prince ran away as fast as he could while he did his best to protect the tiny flame of his candle, he ran through twists and turns that hadn’t been walked through in centuries, descending deeper and deeper into the forgotten hallways of the castle.

Once the beast took off chasing the prince Tanis became visible again as her spell of incivility was broken with movement. She had to go through a lot of trouble to get that egg from which the lindwurm hatchling emerged, so she was going to let the beast have its fun before she disposed of it.

But she underestimated the prince, whom she expected to soon be caught but instead hid so well that the best could not find him. But he didn’t have the hindsight to know that he would make it, so the hour he spent hidden in that secret passage became the most agonizing one he ever lived, at least until then.

When Tanis found him he was on the verge of tears as he did not want his cries to alert the beast, and his candle had been blown off by his run, so he was in pitch darkness when he saw the green light of Tanis’ flame get closer.

Immediately when he saw Tanis Lothair ran at her, hugging her with a tightness with which he had never held on to something. This came off as great news for Tanis, who realized that part of the job was already done.

“Don’t worry my prince, I already took care of the beast” Tanis said as she stroked the prince’s hair “I’m sorry for getting distracted, I promise it won’t happen again”

“Thanks for saving me” Lothair said as his hug became even tighter.

“I’m glad you’re okay” Tanis said as she returned the hug “But just like I promised not to do this again, I want you to promise something”
“What is it?” Lothair asked as he looked up at Tanis and let his hug become slightly less tight.

“I want you to promise not to tell this to your mother” Tanis said “I know you want to, but if you do she won’t let us be together again, maybe she would get rid of me, you wouldn’t want that would you?”

Lothair shook his head as he feared a world in which Tanis was not by his side to entertain him with her magic and her stories.

“Do you promise to keep quiet then?” Tanis asked.

“Yes I promise”

“Good boy” Tanis said as she hugged the prince.

As the sorceress looked down on the prince a grin drew itself on her lips, she began to think that getting the prince under her control would be easier than she expected.

But the prince’s first experience with bondage didn’t came by the hand of the sorceress who enjoyed toying with him, it came from a far less expected place.


It came from Jean. She was a girl which Lothair met through his fencing instructor Hartgard Beaumont, she was his daughter and she was very much like her father.

Although it would be a lie to call Jean masculine as she was quite feminine, it is true that she engaged in quite a lot of activities which are traditionally considered to be of men. She was a prolific athlete, something her muscle-hardened body showed, had an interest in the history of war and was really good with the sword, something she had learned from her father and an activity through which she meat Lothair.

At first Jean regarded the prince as an awkward entitled boy who probably thought too highly of himself. But as she slowly got to meet him through her fencing practices, she began to grow fond of him. With his awkwardness soon becoming cute to her eyes and his already developing body becoming enticing as she watched him give his all during training.

Jean was bigger than Lothair in almost all sense of the word, two years older, much physically stronger and quite a few inches taller, and Lothair quickly took notice for her more developed features as soon as he began to eye girls with different eyes.

But both knew their relationship was impossible, or at least they were both lead to believe that it was that way. Lothair was convinced that an older girl like Jean would see nothing in someone younger, weaker and less experienced at her, while Jean thought that the sole title prince placed Lothair above her reach.

But that didn’t stop them from being good friends, and while their parents were always skeptical when they saw them hang out as such, neither Eliza nor Hartgard wanted to overstep their authority as parents, and allowed their kids’ friendship to flourish.

They remained as just that, mere but very good friends, for a good while, but from time to time they showed each other slim glimpses of their true feeling that both refused to confess to each other. But without a doubt the most notable among these occasions was that night in the castle grounds…

Lothair and Jean were camping in the castle grounds, by this time Lothair was already fifteen which made Eliza more willing to let him be on his own as long as he fulfilled his obligations as prince, and the same thing could be said for Jean’s parents. Although both parents made sure to let their kids know that anything past a kiss on the cheek to greet each other was past the limits they would allow.

The reason why they were there and not somewhere more fit for a prince was because they both knew very well that neither the queen nor Jean’s parents would allow them to sleep together anywhere near the castle, but the place they had chosen was discrete and safe enough for their parents to allow them there.

Lothair was taking care of the food being cooked on the fireplace when Jean spoke the words which, unbeknownst to him at the moment, would unravel so much within him later in his life.

“I want to play a game” Jean said.

Lothair looked away from the food and towards his friend, at the time he was already seeing her with different eyes than before, he was, after all, entering puberty and looking at pretty much everyone with a different gaze.

“What game?” Lothair asked.

“I can’t tell you exactly” Jean said as she began to rummage the bag where she had brought her equipment “But I’ll have to tie you up, do you want to play?”

Even though Lothair was convinced that he would have answered yes to whatever Jean asked him to do, that detail about tying him up made him stutter a bit, but he was still as determined to accept as when Jean first proposed the game.

“Sure...” Lothair answered shyly “What do I have to do?”

Jean took coils of rope from her bag, she had been trying to get a chance to do this for a long time so she had come prepared.

“For now just stay still” She said as she approached Lothair.

The prince was kneeling over his bedroll and when he felt Jean grab him from behind he visible shook. Jean could see how the hairs on his nape were bristling and it was easy for her to tell that he was nervous.

“Relax, you have nothing to fear” Jean said as she laid her hands over the prince’s shoulders.

“Sorry, its just that I have never been tied up before” He answered as he tried to get a hold of himself.

“Well there is a first time for everything isn’t it?” Jean replied “Now calm down and put your hands behind your back.

Just slightly calmer than before Lothair did as Jean instructed him and crossed his wrists behind his back. The slight calm he had acquired banished the moment he felt the ropes on his skin, twisting around his wrists and binding them together and a rope cinched between them for good measure.

Convinced that his friend was done Lothair began to twist his wrists, hoping to find that the knots weren’t as secure as they seemed.

“Stop that, I’m not done yet” Jean said to him.

Before Lothair could ask he was pushed onto the bedroll by Jean, who sat atop his legs and grabbed his ankles, facing away from him. He was shaking, even though Jean had been close to him it was never this close, and never in this situation.

“Can’t have you running away can I?” Jean said jokingly as she began to tie Lothair’s ankles together.

By the time she was Done all movements Lothair could make were pathetic squirms, much more akin to the movements of a maggot than those of a man. He rolled over to lay on his back but found out that it was quite uncomfortable to lay over his bound arms, so with more effort than usual he sat down.

“How does it feel?” Jean asked.

“I don’t know...” Lothair replied as he began to settle on his restraints “Weird I guess”

Jean kept watching Lothair’s struggles for a while, by this point she expected him to have realized that she didn’t wanted to play any game, she just wanted an excuse to tie him up. And he seemed content with providing her the entertainment she wanted, Jean was entranced by the squirming and struggles of the prince.

“This really is weird...” Lothair chuckled awkwardly.

“What is so funny?” Jean asked as she approached the prince again.

“I’m just... laughing at how weird this is....” Lothair cowered.

“Well, I think that I should be the one laughing” Jean said before pushing Lothair onto the bedroll again “After all, I have the prince of Drael tied up at my mercy, all to myself”

Fear and nervousness grew within Lothair as he heard those words, even though he really liked Jean he was easily scared by her, and those words she spoke not only were the truth but also showed that she was a lot more content with doing this than he had expected.

“I just thought that this was kinda weird, that’s all” Lothair awkwardly tried to explain himself “You know, in stories it is mostly damsels like you who get tied up, and princes like me who have to rescue them”

Upon hearing those words Jean made a quick move to sit atop Lothair, straddling him below his chest, her legs and overall weight pinning him down on top of the ropes that already made it difficult for him to move.

Lothair felt like his heart was about to explode, he could almost see his chest move as his heart rapidly palpitated. If he was scared before now he was terrified, never before had Jean done this to him. But aside from fear and overwhelming nerves there was another feeling in Lothair’s heart, one which he couldn’t identify, or better said, he was trying not to identify.

But he knew what it was, and that was why his conscious mind refused to linger on it. He was enjoying this, he was enjoying being tied up, he was enjoying seeing and feeling Jean sit on top him, he was enjoying being at her mercy.

“Don’t be silly” Jean said as she rested her hands on her hips, snapping Lothair out of his trance “I think princes can need rescuing too”

Lothair was too overwhelmed by the situation to respond, his lips moved but no sound came out of them, he could barely breath, there was no hope for him speaking.

“Just look at yourself now” Jean said as she leaned forward and laid her hands over Lothair’s chest “Tied up, in the middle of the forest, with me sitting on top of you”

With a swift movement Jean grabbed Lothair’s head with one hand while with the other she tightly covered his mouth.

“If I do this nobody would even hear you” Jean said as she leaned even closer towards Lothair’s face.

Lothair could barely control himself anymore, somehow, when Jean clasped her hand over his lips so tightly that it prevented him from speaking he felt even more aroused than he was feeling before, and by this point he was sure that it was showing, which made him extremely nervous.

“What do you think?” Jean asked as she moved her hands and laid them on the bedroll beside Lothair’s face.

Again he couldn’t speak, it was like if Jean had never removed her hand from his mouth in the first place, fear and arousal had combined within him to a point which he couldn’t describe and which also left him completely stunned.

Jean was about to kiss him at that very moment, and she desperately wanted to, the mix of fear and arousal and fear (Which she very much knew she was causing) in Lothair’s eyes, his delicate slender body laying bound beneath her, his face red beyond belief and his warm breath, everything made his lips so inviting.

But against her instincts prevailed her reason, and she moved away from Lothair to sit beside him. Years after she couldn’t find a reason to why she had done that, but at the moment it seemed very clear, she knew very well that the prince’s lips had never been kissed before, and to her it felt wrong to steal his first kiss while he was tied up at her mercy.

“I was just joking, calm down” Jean said, trying to get a hold of her emotions as much as Lothair “I’ll untie you now, the food must be ready”

Lothair’s mind lingered on that experience during dinner and manifested itself in the shape of dreams during the night. For weeks he was permanently distracted, with his mind apparently locked in that moment which he kept secret from everyone else, trying hard to decipher what it was that he felt and how could he come to feel like that again.

Lothair and Jean kept getting closer and closer in the following years, but never close enough for either of them to be satisfied. Lothair was always too scared to make a move and take the step needed to get what he wanted with Jean. And Jean herself was always too worried about overstepping Lothair’s boundaries and doing something which could ruin what they already had.

This frustrating yet, in my opinion, cute state of affairs between the prince and Jean remained like this for a good time, until they both began to regret their decisions during the events which would reshape their lives forever.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:19 pm
by banshee
Hi there, hate to break through the story to interject with excuses but I just wanted to say that this is my first venture into the Adult's section, so needless to say I'm quite a novice with writing what makes these stories adult (aka sex). I'll try my best of course, but even though sexual parts wont be sparse in the story I must clarify that they won't be on every chaper.

Hope you enjoy the story.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:05 pm
by DallasNotAustin
I liked it a lot! I think you've got a really rich setting here and Jean and Lothair are both really sweet, I'm excited to see how their relationship pans out. I'm also curious what's going on with Tanis, hopefully she comes back soon. Excellent work like always!

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 12:31 am
by TripleZero
banshee wrote: 11 months ago Hi there, hate to break through the story to interject with excuses but I just wanted to say that this is my first venture into the Adult's section, so needless to say I'm quite a novice with writing what makes these stories adult (aka sex). I'll try my best of course, but even though sexual parts wont be sparse in the story I must clarify that they won't be on every chaper.

Hope you enjoy the story.
So far I really like where you are taking it. I wouldn't worry too much about "forcing" the sex component. Just write it how you would want it to play out if you were there

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:28 pm
by banshee
[mention]TripleZero[/mention] [mention]DallasNotAustin[/mention] Thanks for commenting! Enjoy part two.

Chapter 2

After that night rumors about the prince and his relationship with Jean began to spread even faster than before, and it was only a matter of time before they reached the ears of prominent people that would certainly begin to ask uncomfortable questions about the matter, so queen Elzia had to think about a way to solve this issue before it became a dangerous problem.

Her opinion on the matter was clear, she didn’t mind her son and whatever she did with Jean, maybe if he hadn’t been the heir to the throne she would have allowed him to do as he pleased, but that wasn’t the case. An adulterous king would certainly be something that enemies both in and outside of the kingdom wouldn’t tolerate, and Eliza couldn’t afford to give such weapons to her enemies.

So she became adamant about her son keeping to himself until his eighteenth birthday, then he could marry her and do as he pleased, but until then she would rather have the two barely see each other, which of course didn’t sit right with neither parts of the young couple.

When it came to Jean’s parents, her father Hartgard was without a doubt the most opinionated one. While her mother was too happy about her daughter being close to the prince to ask questions, her father was not.

Jean’s father, who was also Lothair’s fencing instructor, was a tough man who had always been on the side who thought the prince was a soft, effeminate man, and even after training in him and witnessing the prowess that he had acquired, he still didn’t think that such a man was what her daughter needed.

But Hartgard wasn’t the type to get overly involved in other people’s lives, and that included the life of his daughter. He never pronounced disapproval for her relationship with the prince nor did he try to stop her from getting involved with him, but he was very clear about something: they needed to keep to themselves until marriage.

This wasn’t something that particularly worried Hargard, after all he had not been one to take that principle very seriously nor had been his wife and he would probably not have instructed her daughter to follow that rule had circumstances been different, but Lothair was the prince, and if the queen found out that he was engaging with his daughter before marriage he feared his head may roll.

But if there was someone who really wanted Jean from ever getting anywhere near the prince it was Tanis. The sorceress had felt a particularly big disdain for Jean from the moment she began to get closer to the prince, and since the night when the two had gone out to the forest together that hate had only grown.

Even though she never told anyone, Tanis thought of the prince as hers, as a precious tool she needed to achieve her goals, so of course when Jean began to approach Lothair she was quick to feel as if someone was taking something away from her.

But since this was her secret, Tanis couldn’t put any of her disdain towards Jean in words, she had to operate in more discrete methods to spread her disdain to others and make them take the choices that she needed yet couldn’t ask for, since if they were put into words she knew she would never be able to set foot in Drael again.


The next time Lothair found himself tied up was also lighthearted, very much so when compared to what followed.

It was the prince’s fourteenth birthday and like it was customary a party was celebrated in the castle for the young prince, people from within and without the boundaries of the kingdom of Drael gathered to celebrate the occasion, and while the young prince did not have interest in most of the important figures who made themselves present, which to him appeared as boring adults at the time, he had been taught to be cordial, so he entertained every single guest at least for a few minutes.

When the party was ending, her mother allowed him some more leisure to do as he pleased, and so seemed to do the parents of the other youths in the party. Jean was the first to come to the prince, with whom she shared a few moments before more kids began to gather around them.

While naming them all would be a waste of time, Lothair did encounter a lot of figures who would later become important in his life there. First among them was Emelia, the daughter of her instructor Amelina, who shyly approached the crowd as unlike most of the kids there, she was not of noble birth, and unlike her mother who had always bore her common birth as a mark of her achievements, her daughter took much longer to acquire that view of herself.

She was the same age as the prince and at the time, like most girls, she had a crush on the prince despite barely knowing him, although it should be said that due to the condition of her mother as the prince’s instructor, she knew him much more than most of the other girls crushing on a kid who they had never seen. And while Jean was too confident to bother noticing her presence whenever she shyly tried to approach the prince, Emelia would have been lying if she said she never felt even slight jealousy for Jean, who seemed to take her relationship with the prince for granted.

At the time Emelia wasn’t much different to how she would come to look past those years, aside from the developments which come with later maturity and a few inches, her short red hair, freckled pale skin and deep blue eyes were already there, and wouldn’t change much in the coming years.
While Lothair could’ve never imagined the positive role Emelia would come to play in his future, neither did he imagined that he was standing very close to one of the people who would come to hurt him the most.

Athela, the daughter of an important duchess in the kingdom, was standing among the many kids surrounding the prince. One year older than her, she had her eyes set on him, as her mother was quick to fill her mind with all sorts of ideas of how much she would be able to do if she married him. The truth was she didn’t have a particular liking for the prince, but if what her mother was saying was true, she knew she wanted him.

While at age fifteen Athela’s features had yet to define, hits of what would become a face engraved in Lothair’s mind were already showing. Hints of a sharp face, and blue eyes which seemed to be perpetually locked in a judgmental look, red hair which at the time was darker, and was perhaps better described as brown, braided down to the middle of her back.

The last figures worth mentioning there were perhaps the few male influences Lothair had in his early life in the absence of his father. One was Adelard, long behind in the line of succession of a foreigner duke distantly related to Lothair, at the time he thought himself to be too old to partake in the game the kids wanted to play, so he stood aside. His influence over Lothair wouldn’t come until much later in his life.

The other one was prince Durand of the neighboring kingdom of Beroux, who had come with his mother in an attempt of his kingdom to befriend their once rival Drael. He quickly earned the liking of the prince, who was surprised to see someone of similar age being confident and assertive, a distant cry from his shy and fearful self.

But enough about them, after all they will all make their influence in the story clear at their due time, all that concerned them at that moment was how they were going to spend the remaining of the afternoon.

They ended up settling with a game of capture the flag, which seemed to please everyone, but quickly gave way to the discussion about who should team up with the prince, which was only settled when Athela suggested making a gender based split that the discussion was settled. Even though the teams were left uneven in numbers, with six girls against four boys, that was something the most arrogant of the boys were willing to accept.

Before settling camp on the castle grounds, the kids established the simple rules, as that game seemed to have all sorts of rules depending of who was playing it. The games end when a team takes the enemy flag to their base, as it is expected, and as it wasn’t as expected, was that teams could capture members of the enemy team to take them out of the game until they were rescued by their allies.

“And what happens when a player is captured?” Lothair asked.

“He’s tied up of course” Jean replied as if stating an obvious fact.

Jean also shared a furtive look with Lothair, who quickly began to wonder if loosing was worth it if it meant repeating what had happened in the forest a year ago.


After the game started the boys’ team decided it was a good idea to leave two team members defending the flag, which they placed atop a small pile of rocks near the creek that ran along the castle grounds, while other two went looking for the girls’ flag. ‘they are just girls, it can’t be hard’ one of the boys said.

Lothair suspected that overconfidence to be their doom, after all a girl had once made it very clear for him that his gender could be of little or no advantage if he was captured. But he stayed quiet, not daring to contradict his teammates despite being the prince.

He teamed up with Durand to go look for the enemy flag, which he thought to be way more fun than sitting around the flag waiting for something to happen. So armed with blunt wooden swords the two walked around the forest in hopes of seeing the red flag of the girls’ team.

Lothair had a lot of fun talking to Durand, to whom he was able to relate a lot since he shared a lot of the tasks he had to do as a prince. The prince almost saw Durand as a big brother he wished he had, and the words he spoke to him that night served as guidance to him for far longer than the Berouxian prince would have ever suspected as he spoke them.

Sadly, for the prince, his time with Durand was interrupted. A group of three girls surrounded them, taking advantage of how distracted they were by their conversation. They playfully fought each other with the wooden swords they had been given, and Lothair was able to tell that his rivals as well as his ally were all as trained ins swordsmanship as he was, so despite it being play, it was no easy fight.

The only one who didn’t engage was Amelina, who didn’t knew how to even get in the fight, so she sat confused at the edge of it until one of the girls spoke to her ‘don’t stand there, do something!’, she demanded. Not wanting to disappoint those who even in her mind she saw as above her, Emelia dropped her sword and risked it all.

She joined her hands after extending them before herself and nervously uttered some words in a language not spoken by any of the ones present, who even stopped fighting just to see what she was doing.

Despite the nerves put on her by the pressure of the many eyes laid on her ‘two princes looking at me!’: Emelia thought to herself as she finished speaking the words of her spell.

A gust of wind erupted from the girl’s hands and it knocked both enemies and allies to the ground as both were equally unprepared for what Emelia did. Not wanting this to be for nothing, Emelia quickly grabbed her sword which she had dropped to the floor and pointed it to the prince’s neck.
Durand was about to stand up when he saw this, and not wanting to ruin the girls’ fun he raised his hands as he looked at Lothair, who was still in shock as to what had happened.

“Can’t be sore losers” he said as he shrugged.

With both of the boys defeated the two girls approached them and began to do exactly what Jean had suggested, all after praising Emelia’s action, which they barely understood beyond knowing that it had earned them the capture of the two boys.

Emelia, and also her two teammates would have been lying had they denied that they felt any particular pleasure while tying up the two princes. They bound their hands behind their backs with rope and made them walk to their base, which they had made on some old ruins hidden amongst the foliage of the castle grounds.

Once in the girls’ base Lothair was disappointed to see that Jean was not present, but before he could lament her absence he was made to kneel on the ground before a broken pillar, atop which sat Athela in a situation which would have a much less innocent parallel in the future.

Athela laughed with overacted dramatics as the two princes were made to kneel in front of her, even at that young age she knew that she liked having other people at her mercy.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” She said with smugness as overplayed as her laugh “If it isn’t the two princes of the boys’ team”

Athela stood up from her stone seat and walked around the princes, and while the older Durand was trying his best not to laugh at the girls acting, knowing very well that he was in no danger since he could easily break free of the ropes which the girls had loosely tied around his wrists, Lothair was genuinely afraid.

To him, being tied up by this girl wasn’t anything like being tied up by Jean, when it was her she knew he was in caring hands, so being helpess wasn’t that scary, but from this girl he didn’t knew what to expect.

“Mind telling me where you hid your flag boys?” Athela asked.

“We won’t tell you anything!” Durand replied with the same overplayed dramatics as her captress did.

“You may not, but I feel like your little friend over here might be a bit more helpful…” Athela said as she grabbed Lothair by the jaw and forced him to look at her “Are you going to talk little prince?”

Lothair looked besides him, as much as Athela’s look allowed him, and was able to see Durand shaking his head to him.

“N.., Never…” Lothair said fearfully.

“We’ll see about that” Athela said as she roughly let go of the prince’s face.

Angered by how Athela had quickly began to boss around the team, Jean had left on her own against the orders of her self-proclaimed boss. She was determined to come back with victory on her hands in the shape of the boys’ flag, and while she would eventually do so, she first had to face an obstacle she would have never imagined she would have to face.

As she walked alone through the forest, she heard someone step behind her and she quickly turned back. Once she did she was met by the dark figure of the sorceress Tanis, clad in her tight black robes and looking down at her with those characteristic purple eyes,

“You’re Tanis right?” Jean asked “The queen’s sorceress”

“My, you are perceptive” Tanis replied as she stepped near the girl “I believe we haven’t gotten the opportunity to introduce ourselves, but seeing how you already know me, why don’t you introduce yourself to me?”

“I am Jean” She replied dryly “And I’m busy”

Jean attempted to leave but she felt something preventing her from doing so. She looked below her and was met by the sight of dark tentacle of indiscernible composition and which seemed to come from the ground itself holding her by both of her ankles and pinning her to the ground.

“What is this!?” Jean asked as she struck the tentacles with her wooden sword.

“I understand you are in a hurry, but I have important matters to tell you” Tanis said as she bowed forward to look at Jean in the eyes.

Jean did not pay any attention to the sorceress words and remained adamant about hitting the darkness made tendrils until she was freed. This Tanis did not like and annoyed by the girl’s gesture she snapped her fingers, to which a new pair of tentacles responded by emerging from the ground and grabbing Jean by her wrists.

While Jean tried to fight them, her strength proved to not be enough and soon the tentacles had forced her to drop her toy weapon and pinned her arms to her sides.

“Much better” Tanis said as she noticed her victim become much more still despite her insistence in struggling.

“What do you want?” Jean asked, perfectly hiding her fear behind the anger her voice expressed.

“Like I said, I want to tell you something important, and since you claim to be in a hurry I won’t rob you much time” Tanis moved even closer to Jean and spoke to her ear “Stay away from Lothair”

“What?” Jean asked, confused by the sorceress demand.

“You heard me young Jean” Tanis said as she reassumed her regular stance “Stay far from the prince, or you will suffer consequences you cannot imagine”

“You don’t scare me!” Jean said as she watched Lothair walk away and disappear among the foliage.

Once the sorceress was out of sight and screaming at her would only mean scaring away birds Jean resumed her struggles against the tentacles, which despite noticing that their strength was fading, were relentlessly grabbing on to her ankles and wrists, pinning her in place.

Jean had trouble believing it was coincidental that they only let go of her to later completely disappear when the other two members of the boys’ team drew near her. But not being one to be afraid by odds, Jean quickly grabbed her sword and prepared to fight.

After being taken away by Athela Lothair was tied to a tree near the ruins, his wrists pressed behind his back and the tree bark while his torso and legs were tied to the tree, wrapped by ropes pinning him to it. He was still scared, and the sight of Athela, looking down on him with her hands on her hips and a smug grin on her face did not help him.

“So, are you going to talk little prince?” She asked “Because if you’re not, I’ll have to make you talk”

“What do you mean by that?” Lothair asked fearfully.

“Oh believe me, you don’t want to know” Athela replied threateningly.

Lothair gulped, he was afraid to find out but he didn’t want to disappoint Durand, who had explicitly told him to stay quiet. Thankfully for Lothair, and sadly for Athela, before he could find out what his captress meant the sound of cheers from the girls coming from the ruins alerted them that the game was over.

Jean had returned with the enemy flag and the two boys with their hands tied up walking in front of her, the victory of the girls was absolute but somehow Athela seemed disappointed, not only Jean had proven her wrong but she had also robbed her of the chance of having time alone with Lothair.

After victory was made clear, the girls freed the boys, aside from Durand who quickly managed to free himself to join in the claps to the victorious girls. But Athela didn’t felt compelled to free Lothair until Jean approached her with Durand, only then did she reluctantly do it.

After being untied Lothair quickly rushed to Durand and Jean, who at the time seemed like his rescuers from something that he still could not image, and under Athela’s envious eyes Jean gave Lothair a tight hug, since she was able to tell that whatever that other girl had done to him, it had put him in fear.

Perhaps the biggest irony of this story is that due to Tanis being so concern about Jean, she never caught wind of how Athela had actually tied up Lothair while she was only a short distance away from him, something that she would have never allowed Jean to do and come out unscathed.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 2 added)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:49 pm
by DallasNotAustin
I loved the setup of all the characters who have their eyes on Lothair and I'm still curious as to what the more nefarious side to Tanis has. Also a potential conflict between Jean and Athela sounds really fun. Can't wait to see how it all shakes out.

Also you're a truly wonderful writer. I know you've said that you're nervous about including sexual themes in your stories, but as long as you stick to your guns and do what you feel is best and I'm sure it'll turn out awesome!

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 2 added)

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 12:08 pm
by banshee
[mention]TripleZero[/mention] [mention]DallasNotAustin[/mention] Thanks for commenting! Enjoy part three.

Chapter 3

One spring day when Lothair was sixteen years old he was studying with his latest instructor, professor Amelina. She was a wise woman of median age who during Lothair’s last years as prince served as his teacher for many of what he had left to learn. The laws of people, nature and magic were all things Lothair had to learn with her, but this particular day it was the first among them which sparked trouble.

Amelina was reciting the law which dictated that, in Drael, relationships before marriage were thought of as bad, something which she had been specifically asked by Eliza to do as to discourage her son even more from trying to do anything with Jean.

“You’ve already told me that” Lothair sighed, interrupting his instructor “Is my mother asking you to tell me this?”

Surprised by the wit of her student Amelina closed down the book and laid it on the desk before her before addressing what Lothair had said.

“Would it change your opinion on the law?” She asked.

“In fact, yes” Lothair replied “Because now it just seems to me like a way for my mother to keep me from doing what I want”

It was rare for Lothair to argue in such a way, so he soon found his heart beating rapidly as he realized that he had done something that he maybe shouldn’t have done. So he leaned back onto his chair and sighed, hoping that maybe he was not yet in trouble.

“Can we continue the lesson now?” Amelina asked.

“Yes, sorry about that”

During the hours that were left Lothair was too nervous to pay much attention, he feared that his mother may catch wind of what he had done which would surely prompt a response from her. Which it did, but it was not anything he had expected.

Like it was usual, Amelina sent a report about the lesson to the queen that same day. These reports came in the form of a letter which the queen usually read without giving much thought to, after all, it wasn’t common to find something worth her concern in the words written there. But the letter she received that day proved to be an exception.

The queen remained pondering about what she had read long after her usual bedtime. She stayed up in her nightgown in front of the fire of the dining room when nearly everyone in the castle had already gone to sleep.

Knowing very well that the queen was there and never missing a chance to advance her goals, Tanis walked into the room pretending to be expecting to find the queen inside, even faking surprise upon seeing her despite the queen barely turning to look at her.

“You seem stressed your majesty” Tanis said as she walked towards the fire “Is something concerning you? Excuse my manners but, perhaps something regarding your son?”

“You haven’t been using your magic on me haven’t you?” The queen asked as she turned to look at the sorceress.

“Oh If only magic could be used to read minds..., maybe things wouldn’t be so difficult” Tanis sighed “But it seems that I guessed correctly”

“Take a look for yourself”

Eliza handed the letter to Tanis who pretended to read it for longer than it actually took her so she could think of a way to turn this situation in her favor, but the idea came to her quickly, so she soon handed the letter back to the queen.

“What do you think?” The queen asked after showing the letter which Amelina had sent her to Tanis.

The contents of the letter were a rather clear and matter of fact description of the events that had transpired during the lesson. Amelina always informed her of it as she was instructed to do, but rarely did she had anything to write which could interest the queen.

“Should I be concerned?”

“Maybe not now” Tanis replied as she laid aside the letter “But if left unanswered, these dangerous questions that are poisoning your son’s mind may grow to be a matter of serious concern”

“What do you mean?” Eliza asked.

“What your son has done today may seem unimportant and rather petty, but if he sees this go without consequence he will likely up his concerns until they cannot be dealt with” Tanis explained “So I suggest you take care of this matter now your highness, cutting out the roots of this problem before it grows into a tree too large to be cut down”

“What do you suggest I do then?” Eliza asked “Any suggestions?”

A smile drew itself on Tanis’ lips, she indeed had a suggestion.

Lothair was alone in his room in the sole company of a book and a candle lighting it when his peace was interrupted by his door being opened. This was something he wasn’t used to since as the prince almost nobody had the authority to even knock on his door to disturb him, let alone opening announced. So he quickly raised from his bed to have a look at whoever could be the one doing that.

He was expecting his mother, after all if there was anyone with the authority to do that it would have been her, but Lothair saw a rather different figure when he looked at the door.

It was the unmistakable Tanis, standing at the door with her tight black robe and raven black hair making her seem like another shadow in the night, only distinguishable by the glint of her soft skin and her piercing purple eyes.

“Tanis?” Lothair asked as he moved to sit at the edge of his bed “Why are you here?”

“There’s something I must show you” Tanis said as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her “Care to leave you book for a moment?”

Lothair left his book aside and stood up, Tanis had never showed up to his room like this so he was very curious about what to expect, and even though Tanis had stopped trying to scare him to death a while ago there still was some fear in him left by those experiences that he couldn’t ignore when he saw Tanis show up to his room in the dead of night.

“I need you face away from me Lothair” Tanis requested.

“Okay but why?” He asked as he obeyed the instructions.

“None of your concerns”

After saying that Tanis took a step forward and Lothair felt her grab his arms and force them behind his back, and just when he thought this was reminding him too much of his time with Jean on the forest he felt ropes on his wrists.

Lothair felt a strong tingle over his whole body but particularly centered on the parts where Tanis had touched him. A sensation so strong that it made him arch his back and try to step away from Tanis.

“Stay still” Tanis said as she grabbed the prince by the shoulders to keep him from moving away.

“I’m sorry…” Lothair said with his voice shaking “I just want to know why are you doing this?”

“Like I said, none of your concerns” Tanis said as she began to wound ropes around Lothair’s wrists and them tie them off with a tight cinch at the middle.

Lothair’s heart was racing, he had never been in a situation similar to this since Jean had tied him up in the forest and now he was feeling extremely close to what he had felt back then. Fear and nervousness mixed in with an arousal that he desperately tried to ignore.

For some reason Lothair already expected Tanis to keep tying him like Jean had done, but he was surprised to see that the next part of his body where Tanis began to tie ropes around were not his ankles but his elbows. After wounding some loops of rope right below them Tanis began to tie them together which quickly brought pain to Lothair, who yelped and again tried to step away out of instinct.

“Stay still, I won’t repeat it again” Tanis said as she tightened her grip around Lothair, pinning his back against her chest.

“I’m sorry” Lothair almost moaned.

Another feeling was mixing in with the nerves, fear and arousal, and it was one of a much more physical nature: pain. For some reason it took him a few seconds to realize it, but he was in pain and it was impossible to ignore, the way in which his elbows were forced together brought him a pain akin to nothing of what he had already felt. But he remained silent, even though Tanis had told him to stay still he had a strong suspicion that she wouldn’t take kindly to him speaking either.

“On the ground” Tanis ordered as she practically forced Lothair to follow her instructions.

Lothair was left lying on his abdomen over the ground and before he could even try to find out what sort of movement his body had left to perform he was restrained even more.

Tanis knelt by the prince and began tethering his legs together, tying them not just at the ankles like he had expected, but also above and below the knees, which made him twitch at the touch of Tanis’ fingers on her legs. But by the time Tanis was tying off those restraints there wasn’t much movement Lothair could perform, so she didn’t even bother to pin him down.

And when Lothair thought it was over he felt Tanis wound rope around the restraint tied around his ankles, he tried to look over his shoulder but there was nothing that he could see aside from an incomplete picture of Tanis tying something behind his back.

But he didn’t need to see what she was doing to know what it was, because when the time came he felt it strongly. The rope that Tanis was tying between his ankles she then tied to his elbows, and she did so tightly, leaving very little slack and forcing the prince’s body to arch substantially.
Then Tanis stood up to walk before the newly bound prince, he could barely see anything of her that was above his knees and even trying to look up was lot of painful effort.

“Why did you do this?” He asked between breaths “It hurts”

Tanis knelt in front of the prince again, but even still he could not raise his gaze enough to look at Tanis in the face.

“Silence” Tanis said.

Lothair saw the sorceress grab a white rag which she then put inside his mouth, taking advantage of the fact that he already had it open to keep up the heavy breathing he had fallen into.

“Mpghghg?” Lothair tried to ask.

Tanis lost no time with the prince’s muffled complaints and tied another white cloth around his head, forcing the strip between his lips to keep the rag inside his mouth from being spat out in an attempt to ungag himself.

Once again Tanis stood up, so yet again all Lothair could see of her were her feet clad in black leather boots with high heels and little else unless he forced himself to painfully look up.

“I know you’re wondering why I did this Lothair” Tanis said “But I hope that when I tell you the reason it will make sense to you”

Lothair had not yet thought of what could be the reason, he was too distracted by his feeling to think about it.

“It seems like you questioned your instructor about a particular set of laws” Tanis spoke.

As soon as he heard those words Lothair knew what had happened, his mother had caught wind of what had transpired during his class and was now angry at him, which somehow ended up with him hogtied on the floor of his room. And his assumption was right, when Tanis explained the reasons to him there wasn’t much different in what she had told him and what he had suspected.

“This is your punishment for those actions Lothair” Tanis concluded “You will remain like this until you apologize to your mother and sincerely promise to her not to do this again”

Then Tanis walked away, Lothair saw with disbelief as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving his alone in the already dim light of the dying candle which illuminated his room.

“Mphgh?” He moaned through his gag, somehow expecting to accomplish something.

Not long ater being left alone Lothair began to struggle, he twisted and turned trying to reach the knots keeping him bound but it was to no avail, the knots were not only tught but also way out of his reach, and all he accomplished by trying to reach them was making his predicament worse.

But even in the pain that his restraints caused him and in the desperation brought by not knowing when was he going to be released Lothair still could not get a grip of his emotions.

Instead of clouding his other feelings towards the situation, the pain being brought by his bound shoulders and tight hogtie only made them stronger, which went for his fear and nerves as well as for his arousal. He couldn’t explain it, much like fear, maybe even more, pain should be a negative feeling, and it sure felt negative, but he was somehow, in a way that he couldn’t understand nor put into words, enjoying it.

And the confusing mixture of emotions which was brewing inside Lothair only began to calm down once another feeling took over and overwhelm the others, boredom. He didn’t know how much time had passed and since he was facing away from the candle he couldn’t know how much time had passed, but it felt long.

Lothair felt like he had been there for hours, a time which had been long enough to cool him down and allow him to just experience boredom and pain. He was no longer curious about what he was feeling, he just wanted out, he wanted to be free of those ropes restraining him and causing him pain, but he of course couldn’t do it on his own and he had no idea of when someone would put an end to it for him.

He resumed his struggles, this time with no other intention other than getting out, but again he found his efforts to be futile. Much like when he had struggles just to explore his bondage Lothair could not lay a finger on any knot nor could he even hope to make a dent on the ropes holding him by force.

He was stuck and he would remain so until someone decided to release him.

That was when he began to wonder not only when will he be released, that he was wondering already, but who will it be. Even though Tanis had been the one to put him on this situation in the first place he still hoped it would be her who would eventually release him, because the other options seemed awful.

He couldn’t even bare to think about his mother seeing him in this situation, the mere thought of seeing her step inside the room while he squirmed bound and gagged on the floor was enough to compress his stomach out of shame.

He wanted it to end but he couldn’t even think about who was going to end it.

After an amount of time which Lothair was never able to determine but which definitely felt like an eternity the door to his room opened again and in stepped Tanis. Again Lothair was only able to see her up to her knees, but the mere sight of her black boots was enough for him to tell that it was her.
“So, ready to apologize my prince?” Tanis asked, tauntingly using the formality to mock the prince.

“Mphhgh…” Lothair asked as he tried to nod while his back was affixed to his ankles.

Tanis knelt down in front of Lothair and removed his gag, untying the cloth tied behind his head and taking out the rag she had put inside his mouth, grabbing it with just two fingers to avoid getting much of the saliva in her.

“Yes, I will apologize” Lothair spoke with difficulty.

“And will you do so sincerely?” Tanis asked “Will you promise your mother not to repeat this?”

“Yes, I promise never to do this again” Lothair replied.

Eventually Tanis untied the prince, who was gradually more relieved as more of his restraints were undone, but felt an incomparable relied when his elbows were untied. When he was completely free he sat down on his bed, his body still ached and he wanted nothing but to sleep.

“Get up, you need to go apologize to your mother” Tanis ordered “Or I could tie you up again if you prefer”

Lothair was quick to get on his feet and walk towards his mother’s room with Tanis following him from behind. She secretly wanted the prince to have been a bit more rebellious, to have raised his voice, give some unsatisfactory answer or even moan a bit too much through his gag, anything that would have given her a reason to keep him tied up for longer, but much like he always did, the prince was quick to apologize and do as he was told.

When they got to Eliza’s room Lothair apologized to his mother on his knees. His mother accepted his apologies but left something very clear, if this ever happened again she would again make sure that he would regret it.

“Do you think this would be enough to deter him?” Eliza asked after her son had walked out of her room.

“For now let’s just see” Tanis replied “And if you see him repeat your behavior, make sure to contact me again for a new solution”

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 3 added)

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:55 pm
by DallasNotAustin
Another excellent chapter! Short but to the point and I love the idea of Tanis as a domme. Can't wait to see if the prince is deterred.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 3 added)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:11 pm
by banshee
[mention]TripleZero[/mention] [mention]DallasNotAustin[/mention] Thanks for commenting! Enjoy part four.

Chapter 4

As time passed by Lothair’s training to become the king of Drael got more intense and heavier, he would spend hours in lectures and training, learning things that he often questioned the utility of, but he understood that it was his duty, after all, he was considered to be above in the kingdom above all others aside from his mother, those privileges should require him to do something in exchange he thought.

But if there was something that he regretted about these circumstances above all else was how much the time he spent during training had cut down the time he had to spend with Jean. During the last years of his training he only managed to find time to see Jean during brief periods between lectures and after them, but not much else. It also didn’t help that most of the times they got to see each other they were in company of someone else, whether it be simple soldier standing guard on the castle or Jean’s father waiting to resume training with Lothair, Jean and the prince rarely managed to spend time in the company of each other and nobody else.

In the first months of Lothair’s last year of training, when he had just a few months left to be able to be crowned king and therefore marry Jean, which at the time seemed like a higher priority for him, he was enduring the rough lessons in alchemy given by his tutor Amelina.

Eliza had been clear when she had told Amelina that his son must have all of what he learned validated by the institutions of the kingdom, which meant that in this case he had to study for one of the most complicated exams which could be taken in the kingdom. Granted, he would take the exam at age seventeen while most graduates in alchemy were well past that age, but that didn’t made it any easier.

Since the date of the exam was nearing and Lothair feared the consequences that failing the exam could have for him he studied harder like never before, but the subject was slowly proving itself to be more than he could understand in his current circumstances, so he was forced to seek help.

He had given up hopes in receiving any help from Amelina, he spent hours with her each day and that hadn’t made studying any easier, he didn’t thought that spending even more hours with her would change things. But that left him with only one option as for people who could help him: Tanis.

So one particular night after he had diner and was done with his classes the prince decided not to change into his sleeping clothes and stay in his white poet shirt and tight black pants, he put on his boots and gathered the courage to go ask the sorceress for help.

By the time Lothair arrived before the door to Tanis’ room he was immensely afraid. Tanis had slowly but surely become the executioner of all punishments that were administered to him, and he was sure that if he were to fail the exam he would quickly find himself in a weird contraption prepared by Tanis at the request of his mother.

So when Lothair planted himself in front of the door to Tanis’ room his legs were shaking and he took a few seconds to rethink his decisions before knocking on the door.

When Tanis opened the door she seemed more than happy to receive the prince, she eagerly invited into her room where she allowed him to look around as much as he pleased, after all, her room was full of curiosities.

She was seen wearing her usual black robes with a leather corset of the same color which was loosened at the time, after all even though she was pleased to see the prince she wasn’t expecting visitors. Her legs were clad and she was barefoot, but her hands were completely exposed which wasn’t that usual since she was usually seen wearing black leather gloves.

A whole tower of the castle had been dedicated to the sorceress and during her years serving the kingdom she had amassed quite a few strange sights there. Masks, engraving and small statues of remote lands, books upon books in languages that Lothair had never heard of in his life, some with knowledge that he couldn’t even begin to comprehend, strange embalmed animals and ancient exotic weaponry filled Tanis’ room nearly everywhere Lothair could look.

When the prince told Tanis what brought him there she was glad to offer her aid to the prince, after all and regardless of the true nature of its origins, Tanis still liked the prince and she would gladly spend time with him. And like it has been said, she was not someone to let go of a chance to advance her goals.

Lothair remained looking around the room for quite a while, his eyes were captivated by the sight of a bronze statue of a chimera, a large birdcage with a winged serpent inside and and the creepy sight of the mummified body of a fairy stored inside a small glass case.

Tanis noticed the interest of the prince in her collection, but she made no comment about it, she remained observing the prince in silent until she saw him stop to contemplate something in particular.

“I see you’re quite interested in these” She said, snapping Lothair out of his trance “Any reason for that?”

As she said that Tanis took the object which had caught Lothair attention from the desk it was laying on. That particular piece was a pair of shining bronze manacles.

Ashamed about being caught staring at that, the prince recoiled in shame and his face turned red, he didn’t expect to be noticed, and he didn’t knew what to do now that it had happened.

“Would you perhaps, want to try them?” Tanis asked as she played with the manacles in her hands.

Lothair looked down trying to hide the fact that he was blushing, which he could easily tell by how hot his face was getting.

“Its nothing to be ashamed of my prince” Tanis said as she hugged Lothair, taking him by surprise “Just tell me, do you like being tied up?”

Lothair nodded shyly in response, he was to nervous to even try to deny it.

“I have an idea then” Tanis said as she softly grabbed Lothair by the chin and forced him to look up at her “After we study I will give you a test, if you pass it, I’ll tie you however you want”

Lothair could not believe it, he had not been bound in a context which didn’t imply painfully punishing him since that night he had spent with Jean on the woods, so when he heard those words being pronounced by Tanis’ luscious lips he was ecstatic.

He nodded, at first shyly but then frantically, he wanted that to happen no matter the cost.

“Well, let’s get to studying then” Tanis said as she went to sit on her desk.

During the night Lothair had to struggle not to distract himself by the prospect of the reward which Tanis had set for him, if his mind was allowed to meander even slightly it would immediately go back to those manacles which were still in sight and the reward Tanis had promised.

By the time the test came Lothair was incredibly nervous because he knew what would happen if he passed it and that only made him want to pass the test more than ever. For almost an hour he was affixed to the piece of paper Tanis gave him and by the time he completed the last part of the test his nerves barely fitted inside his body.

The test truly wasn’t impressive, in fact, it most likely was below the expectations Amelina and Eliza had set for the prince, but it was sufficient, were it to be presented before a council of alchemist they would all agree that the job done was sufficient, no matter if only barely so.

“Good news” Tanis said as she laid down the paper “You’ve passed”

Lothair’s legs began to shake, all he could think about was what came next.

“You’ve earned your reward my prince”

Tanis stood up and with a swift moment of her right hand cleared the desk of any objects using a spell, she then used that same magic which allowed her to move objects without touching them and brought some coils of rope to her hand from somewhere inside the room.

“Ever been tied to a desk before?” Tanis asked as she began to uncoil the ropes.

“N… no…” Lothair stuttered.

“Would you mind me giving you your first time?”

Too thrilled by the prospect the sorceress was setting, Lothair found himself unable to utter any word, so he nodded frantically in response.

“Good then” Tanis said as she laid her hands on the desk “I want you laying here, now”

Even though hearing Tanis in an imperative tone should be something that scared Lothair due to his experiences with her, this time he found her demands exciting, which only made him even more thrilled about what was about to happen.

Like Tanis had instructed him, Lothair laid on his back over the desk, his legs below the knee fell down one edge while his arms, which Tanis ordered him to extend over his head, hung down the opposite edge at the forearms.

“Stay still now my prince” Tanis said as she knelt at the end of the desk and began tying down Lothair.

The prince’s legs were tied to the legs of the desk at the ankles with enough tightness to affix them in place apart from each other, but not with so little slack that it would hurt the prince. His hands were tied together, parallel to each other over his head, and then they were tied to the bottom railing of the desk, which began to seem awfully convenient to tie the prince to.

After Tanis was done Lothair began to struggle, it was not any attempt to get free, he had no care for getting free, it was an idle struggle to test the restraints Tanis had tied and feel the bondage on his body. Needless to say the restraints were strict and he had no hope of undoing them, he was truly stuck and he would only get out when Tanis wanted it.

Tanis very much enjoyed the show, the fact that the prince was enjoying this was a good prospect for her future plans with him, after all he would be much more docile towards her interests if she could keep him tied up most of the time, which was something Tanis would’ve really liked to do to the prince.

“Mind being gagged my prince?” Tanis asked after a few minutes of watching the prince struggle and hear him moan.

“What?” Lothair asked, too distracted to have payed attention to the question.

“Oh, you know, some people who share your interests also like being gagged on top of being tied up” Tanis explained “I can imagine that it adds a lot to the feeling of helplessness, after all, even in your precarious condition you can still scream for help, but if I gagged you wouldn’t be able to do even that”

Even though he had said yes to anything Tanis had asked him until then this time Lothair actually stopped to think for a few seconds. It seemed like only then he had realized that he had allowed himself to be tied up by the woman who usually punished him when he did something wrong and who used to love terrorizing him as a child.

That and the way she had worded the question, about how he would not be able to even scream for help should she gag him, made him think his answer through a bit more. But he took more time than Tanis wanted.

“So, do you want to be gagged my prince?” Tanis asked him again.

“Yes…” Lothair replied, his answer forced by the pressure and the fact that he felt like he wasn’t in a position to say no to Tanis.

“Good, I will use a special gag for you my prince” Tanis said as she moved towards the many drawers of her room and retrieved a roll of bandages from between a large group of objects.

“In lands far to the south these are used to seal bodies completely as part of a ritual” Tanis explained as she walked back towards the desk “If one is sealed by them they have very little hope of ever getting free, they are sticky and hard to cut, a complete nightmare to get out of”

Lothair was getting scared by what he was being told by Tanis, it wasn’t the scariest or outlandish story she had told him about her travels, but given the context it scared him much more than it would have done otherwise.

“But don’t worry, with you I’ll merely use a single strip” Tanis said “Close your lips now my prince”

She cut a piece of the bandages and grabbing it by its edges laid it over the prince’s lips, sticking it in place and sealing his mouth shut.
“Mphhh” The prince moaned shyly trying to test out the gag.

“Feels strange doesn’t it?” Tanis asked as she watched the prince inspect the gag over his lips to the best of his reduced abilities.

Tanis moved away from the desk and Lothair heard her grab some things, but he was too distracted enjoying his bondage to which a gag had been added. It was a truly majestic sensation, and since Tanis already knew that he was enjoying it he didn’t felt as ashamed as usual of enjoying his predicament.

“I have some matters to attend to now” Tanis said as she tightened her corset a bit “Mind waiting here for me?”

“Mpghg?” Tanis asked.

“Oh don’t worry, It won’t take long and I will let you go when I get back” Tanis said as she caressed the prince soft hair “Think of it as some time to enjoy your bondage alone, okay?”

Lothair nodded in response, even though being left alone tied up sounded scary, especially so since the last time it had happened it had meant being left alone for quite a while, Tanis’ pampering made it sound far less scary than that.

“And before I leave…”

What Tanis did next surprised Lothair like nothing had surprised him until then. Tanis leaned in and planted a kiss over the prince’s gagged lips, it was short in time but not of passion, and for Lothair it felt far longer than the brief second it had taken.

“We’ll do the rest when you’re king” Tanis said before leaving the prince alone.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 3 added)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:30 pm
by DallasNotAustin
Big revelation here about Tanis' true intention, and my interest was definitely piqued with those bandages. Really excited to see what happens with coronation just around the corner, excellent work!

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 4 added)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:43 pm
by banshee
[mention]CowboyStud[/mention] [mention]DallasNotAustin[/mention] [mention]TripleZero[/mention] Thanks for commenting! Enjoy part five.

Chapter 5

Even though that night Lothair found himself in dazzling pleasure, eventually something made that feeling wane to the point that it became hard for him to keep enjoying the predicament Tanis had put him. It was guilt.

Somehow he had never thought about it before, but in his situation, tied to the desk and gagged, he began to think that allowing himself to be tied up with the express motive of getting pleasure out of it was not right, at least not in this given context.

Until then, the only one who had ever put him in a situation like this was Jean, she had been the only one who had tied up with the, at the time, hidden purpose of enjoying the experience. The other times Lothair had found himself tied up had been when being punished, which he found hard to enjoy in the same way and on which he had no say whatsoever.

So he began to wonder, was it right for this to be done to him by someone who wasn’t Jean? Should he have accepted Tanis proposal? What would Jean think about it? Those questions quickly began to plague his mind and eventually he heard them be screamed inside his head so loudly that he couldn’t derive any enjoyment out of the bondage Tanis had put him into.

He soon began to want out of those ropes holding him to the desk, and he began to feel slightly disgusted by the gag plastered over his lips which Tanis had kissed.

And that was another quandary on his mind, Tanis’ kiss. Lothair had never been kissed until that day, he had always imagined that his first kiss would be something special, so he couldn’t help but linger his thoughts over the event.

Was it a real kiss? After all, Tanis’ lips had not touched his, she had only kissed his gag, but he couldn’t deceive himself and pretend that he had not felt the sorceress’ full lips on his own, but he still wanted to deceive himself and pretend that he had not enjoyed it.

Truth was that Lothair had always found Tanis attractive, and he would still do so in the later years of his life despite all that transpired between them. After all, to him she had always been an undeniably beautiful woman. Her features were soft but defined in a very distinctive way which set her apart from most of the other women he knew, her raven black always looked so silky that he wanted to touch it, and it smelled splendidly and her eyes, tinted with that strange color that he had never seen in any other pair of eyes never failed to captivate him just as much as her bondage did.

And as Lothair got older he began to appreciate other features of Tanis’ body, her wide hips, thick thighs and perfectly round bottom were chief among them, features that he had learned to notice even through the robes the sorceress usually wore. And he had never failed to notice her breasts, which despite not being the biggest that he had seen were definitely close and always captivating to his eyes.

Needless to say, Lothair often had to make a conscious effort not be too distracted by Tanis, lest he would end up distracted and daydreaming at the sight of her beauty. So it retrospect it isn’t really surprising to see that when she offered to tie him out he was very quick to accept.

But at that time all that his restraints and gag gave him was a place where he could only think about what he had done and nothing else, all he could do was stare at the ceiling and wonder whether he had done something bad or not, and to him, it seemed like he had.

Regardless of never having specified any official relationship status with Jean, Lothair still felt obliged to her in some sense. She was basically his only friend, and she had always been there for him, not to mention that it had been thanks to her that he had discovered his taste for being tied up.
Those thoughts plagued his mind for the best part of his captivity and turned what began like an excitingly enjoyable experience into one which neared on depressing.

By the time Tanis came back to untie him the prince could barely utter a ‘thank you’ before leaving to his room and nearly crying himself to sleep, only holding back tears because he feared someone would hear him.

In hindsight, the only good thing which came out of that night for the prince was the fact that he ended up managing to succeed o the exam he was studying for, but he felt like the guilt which he had amassed from having engaged in consensual bondage behind Jean’s back with Tanis’ of all people was something that far outweighed her success at the exam.

In the following months Lothair began to avoid Tanis as much as he could, he would shyly greet her if they walked past each other in the castle and little else. He avoided talking and even looking at her, since she reminded him of what he had done that night and that was something he would have rather forgotten about.

His sporadic and sparse meetings with Jean turned out to be a blessing in disguise at that point, since he struggled for months about whether or not telling her about what had happened that night, since even though he wanted to be sincere with his friend he feared making her angry or worse.
But a meeting with her was already expected in the near future. Lothair’s seventeenth birthday would mark the day when he would be only one year away from being king, and therefore, one year away from being able to finally marry Jean, so it was clear to him that by then he should already have an answer to the question of whether or not tell Jean what happened.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 5 added)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:01 pm
by DallasNotAustin
I love how soft Lothair is. This chapter might be light on bondage but it’s a great exploration of his character and I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to do that. Wonderful work!

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 5 added)

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:54 pm
by crow3467
Wonderful story. I love the details of the and the way it's written, taking your time and not rushing things.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 5 added)

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:32 am
by banshee
@CowboyStud @DallasNotAustin @TripleZero @crow3467 Thanks for commenting! Enjoy part five. Thanks for commenting! Enjoy part five.

Chapter 6

Lothair’s seventeenth birthday was a big event, the whole castle celebrated and people from all around the continent came to give their best wishes to the future king. He was surprised to see how loved he was even though he had not taken any actions in the government yet, but it quickly became clear to him that most the people there were more concerned about putting themselves on the good side of the future king than of making friends.

He couldn’t blame them, after all, his father had certainly put his nation on the map so it made sense that people from everywhere in the world would want to stay on the best side of the kingdom which had come out victorious out of an invasion which seemed determined to win.

And this could also be extended to the many women who made a point to show themselves to the prince during the party, he couldn’t help but be captivated by many, but in the end he only had eyes for one of the girls who assisted and who didn’t even made a grand effort to introduce herself, after all, he already knew her.

But before getting to her, there was one woman who showed herself to the prince that day who is also worthy of mention. She was a thin woman of pale skin and a face covered with freckles, her hair was short and red and her eyes were blue. Lothair had only seen him once in his life but when he saw her that day he could barely recognize her.

This woman was Emelia, the daughter of her tutor Amelina. The first time Lothair had seen her had been years ago, and all she remembered was small shy figure who rapidly paced behind her mother as if she didn’t want to be seen. He had heard from her from his tutor, who always had good things to say about her, always praising the academic endeavors of her daughter.

That small girl had grown into an elegant woman, who despite not being much taller than the last time he had seen her had definitely developed far away from her early girlhood.

But her proper introduction to the prince was far from graceful or elegant, so much that it prompted subtle laughs from all the other women who had introduced themselves to the price as they saw Emelia fall to the floor, betrayed by her heels, and dropping a cup of wine which shattered and made a mess upon hitting the floor.

But the mockery of the other women quickly turned to envy as they saw the prince’s reaction. He extended his hand towards the girl and helped her stand up in gesture many would have liked to be in the receiving end of.

“T… Thank you…” Emelia stuttered, clearly racked by nerves “I’m sorry to bother you, please don’t mind me!”

Emelia was going to run away when the prince laid a hand on her shoulder, which her red dress left exposed. Emelia squirmed upon being touched, clearly not used nor expecting such gesture.

“I’m sorry, did that scare you?” Lothair asked as he removed his hand from her shoulder, genuinely concerned for the girl.

“N.. No, I just…” Emelia tried her best to speak as nerves were starting to make her tremble.

“Stay calm Emelia, it’s nothing to be concerned about” Lothair said as he again laid his hands on the girl’s shoulders “No need to be so nervous”

“Do you remember me?” Emelia asked as her face turned red upon hearing her name being mentioned by the prince.

“Of course I do, your mother always has nice things to say about you” Lothair replied.

Emelia and the prince parted ways soon after when Amelina came looking for her daughter and didn’t saw each other again during the party. But Emelia will fondly remember that day and the touch of the prince’s soft elegant hands on her bare skin.

Because despite not knowing him, the prince had always been an object of fantasy for her, and even though after that day she didn’t felt like he was anywhere closer to her grasp, the sole memory of his touch and calming words would stay win her for a long time.

But as charming as the prince found that experience, his memory of it wouldn’t be anywhere near as strong as Emelia’s. His memories of that birthday party had to do with another girl of whom I suspect you already know her identity.

That girl was obviously Jean, and Lothair had never seen her as beautiful as he saw her that night. She stood out among the women in the party for obvious reasons, she was not wearing a dress and was instead dressed more akin to the men who assisted. Jean was wearing tight black pants and leather boots of the same color which went up to her thighs. The white chemise she was wearing was rather loose but her athletic figure was perfectly hugged by a blue jerkin.

Her skin looked softer than usual, it was clear that she had put at least some effort in her appearance before attending because those looks were out of the ordinary for her, but Lothair had no complaints.

Her blonde hair was let loose, it had been well combed and it glimmered in the light, but it still retained those waves and subtle curls which gave it its usual wilder aspect.

And Lothair was not the only one to find himself ogling at her friend, because the feeling was very much mutual.

Jean had her eyes on the prince during the whole ceremony and even though she had not interrupted him during the many affairs that kept him busy she couldn’t wait to get some time with him. She had not seen the prince in moths and he seemed to look even better than he did the last time she saw him.

Even though he was wearing a rather big trimmed overcoat, his figure could still be seen in the tight hoses and doublet he was wearing. The results of his intense training and eating nothing but the best the kingdom could offer were showing. Even though his figure remained delicate and slender she found it easy to tell that there was quite a lot of muscle in his body.

His blonde hair was loose and ran rust at height of his neck, whenever she saw it wave she wanted to run her fingers through like she had done many times before. If she had less restraints, she wouldn’t have minded to catch the prince by the hair and get him out of all that was keeping him busy to take him with her, but sadly that was far from what Jean could do.

But eventually the party calmed down and the prince was allowed to get some air, and Jean lost no time approaching him. She saw him sitting on his own on a bench in the gardens and she quickly go to sit beside him.

“How is the prince doing?” Jean asked as she sat very close to him.

Lothair took some seconds to answer and lean into Jean, she needed no words, that had already told her enough to know what his answer was.

“Much better now that you’re here” Lothair said as he rested his head on Jean’s shoulder.

Jean draped an arm over Lothair and pulled him closer to her, she wanted to do much more than that but there were still a few people around which would raise an eyebrow if she did anything more and who were probably already making up stories in their heads from just what they have seen.

“Do you want to go somewhere more private?” Jean asked “I think we both know of place where we can hide from prying eyes”

Lothair looked up and saw Jean smiling at him, he already knew of which place she was talking about so he was quick to accept and get up from the bench.

Since both knew that being seen together would already cause enough problems they did not want to find out what would happen if they were seen leaving together, so they took separate ways. Lothair’s knowledge of the castle proved itself to be of use since he arrived to the forest a few minutes before Jean.

He sat atop a fallen long as he contemplated the scene, the castle grounds were a beautiful place in early spring and he soon became captivated by the blossoming flowers amidst the greenery, the birds flying and chirping by, he even caught a glimpse of a few of the deer that inhabited the place.
So when Jean arrived and found him distracted she took the chance to give the prince a slight surprise, and instead of greeting him she poked his ribs from behind, making him fidget suddenly, arching his back and nearly falling of the log.

“Did I surpise you?” Jean asked as she sat beside Lothair while he recovered.

“What do you think?” He chuckled.

His laugh was shared with Jean, who was just as happy as the prince about finally being able to be alone with each other.

“This place brings back memories doesn’t it?” Jean asked as she looked around “The days we spent playing here, catching bugs, watching animals, climbing trees…getting tied up”

Lothair snapped out of the trance Jean’s voice had induced on him when he heard her say those words. He looked at Jean and was met by her eyes looking back at him and a smile on her lips.

“Seems like I’m not the one who fondly remembers that night” Jean said as she slid closer towards the prince “You liked that too didn’t you?”

“What do you think?” Lothair asked back as he leaned closer towards Jean, resting his head on her shoulder.

“So, how about we reminisce about that day a bit more?”

Lothair was so surprised of what he saw Ann do that he had to move away slightly to take a good look. She had just pulled out coils of rope from below her jerkin, it was soft and rather thin, enough to seem inconspicuous while hidden underneath her clothes but also enough to bind the prince.

Sensations amassed within Lothair until they mixed up in a vertigo which he could barely handle, had he not been sitting down at the moment he would have most likely fallen, His face was thoroughly blushed and felt extremely hot. Lothair was being overwhelmed, but he needed to calm down, after all, he had decided that he had something to say to Jean.

“I’m sorry but, can I tell you something first?” Lothair said with difficulty.

“What is it?” Jean asked as she let down the ropes she was holding.

She feared the worst, she feared having scared the prince away from her and had that been the case maybe she wouldn’t have been able to live with such mistake. But even though she didn’t liked what she heard, it was nowhere near as bad as she had feared.

“It’s about something that happened a few months ago…”

The first one to notice the absence of the prince at the part was not Eliza, the prince’s mother, nor was it any other of the many attendants from the court or elsewhere in the continent, the first one to notice that Lothair was gone was Tanis.

She quickly informed the queen of it but told her to stay calm and let her figure this out, which Eliza did without any trouble since she already felt overwhelmed enough by the many people who had come asking her for favors with her son.

Tanis walked into her tower in the castle and rummaged through her many odd possessions to find a very particular one. She tossed away books with spell, ancient weaponry and empty and not so empty vials in her search, her winged snake hissed at her upon having its cage shaken in an attempt to find this object.

Eventually Tanis laid her fingers on the object she was looking for, she found it encased in a golden case with small ornaments in the shapes of dragons on the inside, which she took to her desk before sitting down in front of it.

Upon being opened the case revealed its contents, sitting atop its velvet cushioned interior was a crystal sphere of dark color, it was slightly smaller than a human head, its shape was perfectly spherical, its surface perfectly soft, and its insides dark despite being crystal clear.

“Show me…” Tanis said as she extended a hand over the sphere “Show me prince Lothair!”

A dim light began to glow at first dimly from within the dark insides of the sphere. The light quickly grew in brightness and size and soon began to form itself into an image.

The sight the sphere showed enraged Tanis so much that she wanted to take her anger out on the object, to punish it for showing her lies despite knowing very well that a crystal sphere couldn’t show images of something which was not real.

Even though Lothair did not know what to expect from Jean’s reaction upon telling her of what had happened between him and Tanis that night, he was still surprised to see that she was more understanding than mad.

He couldn’t know, but Jean was incredibly angry about what she had heard, her insides felt like a raging volcano which erupted into a devastating explosion after spewing out lava for hours when Lothair told her that Tanis had kissed him.

Since before this event Jean already disliked Tanis, she saw her as a deceitful, cruel and sadistic woman who could be nothing but a bad influence for the prince and his mother. But even though most would agree that she was right, at that time her disliking was mostly based on feelings and tales more than in experience.

But when she heard what she had done with Lothair her dislike turned into visceral hatred, a primal and blind rage which made her heart burn and her vision become red.

“Are you angry with me?” Lothair shyly asked after he was done with his retelling of events.

But as angry and filled with hate as Jean was she could not really project her anger towards the prince. Even though she was mad at him for letting Tanis do to her, a detail which he had not excluded, she felt like she had to be understanding.

Lothair was a sheltered boy, riddled with insecurities and fears which he did his best to hide behind his noble manners, but of which Jean knew very well. Even though she did not like what he had done with Tanis, or better said, what he allowed Tanis to do to him, she understood that what really had happened was that a grown woman had taken advantage of a vulnerable boy over whom she had much leverage on, and she couldn’t get angry at Lothair for falling into that trap.

“No” Jean eventually replied with a sigh “Just promise me something”

Jean grabbed both of Lothair’s hands and looked at him in the eyes.

“From now on we’re together, just the two of us” She saw Lothair break eye contact probably because of his nerves, but she grabbed him by the chin and forced him to look into her eyes again “Do you promise?”

“I do!”

As soon as he was done saying that Lothair leaned in for a kiss and shyly laid his lips on Jean’s, a gesture that surprised her like the prince had never done before, but with which she was extremely happy. But due to his shyness the prince was quick to pull out of the kiss, and when he did he didn’t even dared to look at Jean in the eyes again.

“Don’t be shy” Jean said as she lifted Lothair’s face by the chin “That was lovely”

Lothair felt like his heart was about to explode, truth is that even himself was surprised of having gathered up the courage to do that.

“Mind if we use these now?” Jean asked as she showed the ropes to the prince “I think they will help you loosen out a bit”

Needless to say the prince accepted, and he soon found himself with his hands tied up behind his back and his ankles tied together, all while he was laying on the grass and Jean was straddling him.

“You know, back when I first had you like this there was something I desperately wanted to do…” Jean said as she laid her hands over the prince’s chest.

“What was it?” Lothair asked with a naivety that Jean couldn’t help but find cute.

Jean planted kiss on Lothair’s lips, and unlike the prince’s shy peck Jean’s kiss was deep and passionate, so much that at first Lothair was overwhelmed, but soon enough he found himself enjoying the kiss just as much as Jean.


This was the sight Tanis was met with when she gazed into the orb, and she did not like it one bit. She needed the prince to herself, she wanted him to herself, and could not bear the sight of someone defying her dominance over him.

So when the party was done and the prince had returned, wisely alone, Tanis was sure to let his mother know what he had done, needless to say Eliza was not happy with what she heard, so she came to a quick conclusion, her son needed to be punished.

While the two women discussed what should be done to the prince for his transgression Tanis was more than happy to suggest ideas of sadistically cruel punishments for the prince, hanging him by the wrists all night, flogging his back, waterboarding him, nothing seemed to be off limits of what Tanis could suggest.

“He is still my son” Eliza had to remind Tanis.

“Oh, I understand your majesty” The sorceress replied “But you must know that just because of that he shouldn’t be getting away with his crimes”
“I understand” Eliza said regretfully.

Tanis looked expectantly at the queen, waiting for her to give the order to apply the cruelest of the punishments she had suggested to the prince, but with expectations so high she quickly became disappointed by the queen’s resolve.

“Just tie him to a chair in his room, I will talk to him” Eliza explained “That will be her punishment”

“My queen I…”

“I believe being seen by his own mother while in that state will be enough of a punishment for what he has done” Eliza interrupted Tanis before she could say anything else “At least let me hope so”

When Tanis arrived to the prince’s room she found him asleep, which made her job easier. Lothair was usually of light sleep, but apparently whatever he had engaged in at the party had left him tired enough not to wake up while Tanis was handling.

When the prince woke he found out that when he felt himself be tied up he was not dreaming, because he woke up very tied up. He was laying on his abdomen and his arms had been tied behind his back while his ankles had been tied together. In his dream he was being tied up by Jean, so he was more than disappointed when he saw who it was that actually did it.

“Tanis? What’s happening?” Lothair asked as he began to struggle.

“Oh you know very well what happened Lothair” Tanis replied “So be a good boy and get on this chair”

Lothair saw Tanis turn the chair that was near his desk towards him. With difficulty he sat up on the edge of his bed, but then he looked down to see his bound feet.

“I can’t you tied my feet…”

“Hop then” Tanis ordered “Come on, hop”

With not much else to do and too afraid to argue Lothair did as he was told and cleared the distance between him and the chair with two jumps, then he turned, nearly falling as he did so, and then he sat down.

“You don’t have to do this Tanis I…”

“Silence” The sorceress interrupted him “Or I will have to gag you”

Not thrilled about the prospect of being gagged, the prince remained silent as Tanis tied him to the chair. She draped his arms over the backrest, tied his back to the backrests at the waist and joined the restraint around his ankles with the one around his hands, leaving his feet barely touching the ground.

When Tanis was done she walked in circles around the prince a few times, looking down at him while the fearful prince tried to avoid looking at her as much as he could. His gaze was nearly fixed on the ground; he could not gather the courage to look up.

After encircling him one last time Tanis decided to surprise the prince and sat on his lap, she then joined her hands behind his head while she leaned closer to him.

“Did you really think you could get away my prince?” Tanis asked with a grin on her face.

Lothair stayed silent, he knew Tanis was talking about, he thought he would get away, after all it really seemed like nobody had seen them, but apparently he was wrong.

“Remember this for the next time you think about trying something” Tanis then leaned closer to Lothair, resting her chin on one of his shoulders to speak to him in the ear “You can’t hide from me”

Seeing how she had found out about his actions, Lothair had no trouble believing that Tanis was telling the truth to him, how could she see him evaded him and would continue to evade him for a long time. But the powerlessness he felt at that moment, brought not only by being tied up but also by having those words spoken to him, was unmatched, it made him want to cry, it made him shiver with fear.

“Just remember that my prince” Tanis said as she went back to standing up “Just one more thing before I leave…”

Tanis gagged the prince by shoving a rag inside his mouth which she prevented him from spitting by applying a black cleave gag on him using a handkerchief.

Lothair was left alone to process his fear for an amount of time that he never managed to figure out if it had been a few minutes or a few hours, time passed by in strange manners while he was not only tied up but also riddled with fear.

And what came next did not easen his fear one bit.

Queen Eliza, his mother, entred his room. She was wearing the same blue and white dress she had worn in the party and her hair was still tied in a chignon behind her head, which still had the crown above it,

Lothair felt as if he had shrunken down the moment his mother entered the room, being seen in that state, bound, gagged and riddled with fear by his own mother who relentlessly tried to make him into a king was humiliating, the shame he felt at that moment was something that he had never felt before.

“Son, I’m very disappointed in you…” Eliza sighed.

Lothair couldn’t look at his mother, he could not bear the sight.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you!” Eliza chided as she noticed Lothair look down.

And since Lothair could neither bare hearing his mother being angry at him, he had no choice but to comply.

For the following minutes, Lothair was scolded like had never been before, the shame this brought to him was without pair, while tied to that chair his mother’s words seemed to hit him much harder than usual, he felt so humiliated that he could barely keep his look up to see his mother, but he knew that if he didn’t things would only get worse, so he looked at his mother during her whole peroration.

But nothing that she said struck him harder than the punishment she decided to impose on him, which she spoke with crystal clearness while her voice sounded more severe than ever before.

“You won’t be allowed to see Jean until you’re king”

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 5 added)

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:16 am
by charliesmith
Just caught up with the story. You have done a fantastic job in world building and character development. The story is very interesting and nice to read. Excellent work!

I can’t wait to read the future chapters to know what happens to our submissive prince Lothair. I also like how the characters like Jean and Tanis were developed.

I hope there is much more to come :D

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 6 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:51 pm
by banshee
@CowboyStud @DallasNotAustin @TripleZero @crow3467 @charliesmith Thanks for commenting enjoy part seven!

Chapter 7

The punishment was undeniably severe, but to Lothair it sure seemed far more severe than it actually was. Which makes sense, after all, the younger you are the slower time passes by, or so say some, and to Lothair a year certainly seemed like a lot more time than it actually was.

But there was someone who thought of the punishment as too soft, someone who would have liked for the prince never to be able to see Jean again, and I feel like I don’t need to say her name for you to imagine who she was.

Tanis had been left unsatisfied with the queen’s resolve since that night after the prince birthday party, but as displeased as she was with the events that took place then she had realized that she could no longer convince the queen to enact whatever punishment she deemed fit for her son. Apparently there was a barrier the queen was not going to allow Tanis to cross, so the sorceress had to go around it.

And so began her yearlong plan to get Jean out of the prince’s life, and therefore, out of the way towards her goals.

It all began with the spreading of rumors. Tanis spoke to many members of the court about the prince’s “secret forbidden affair” and how the queen and Jean’s father were working to prevent the younglings from enacting their desires.

Her story was true to an extent and a lie to another. While the prince was indeed more than friends with Jean as I hope it has been left clear in the previous chapters, some of the things Tanis said about theme were far from true. Chief among them was the part of the story that said that Hartgard, Jean’s father, wouldn’t allow his daughter to marry the prince. This lie which may seem like a small detail was actually crucial for her plan to work.

Of course she always started such gossip with a: “don’t tell anybody” or ended them with a “remember that this is a secret”. She wanted those rumors to be known but she also wanted them to be discrete, she didn’t wanted anybody going to tell the queen about them, but she definitely wanted to have them be known by the people around the queen.

After a few months the story about the prince and his forbidden affair were an open secret, it was likely that even the guards and maids of the castle knew bits and pieces of the story, and that was exactly what Tanis wanted, she needed them to be prepared for what she had prepared to come next.

For the next component of her plan Tanis had to wait until the queen decided to drink, which she had begun to do more often as governing tasks became heavier and heavier as she worked to prepare to leave the throne to her son.

To calm down after long days of listening and giving orders to ministers, courtiers and advisors, the queen calmed down in her room with a bottle of wine, and not any wine, she drank out of the exclusive reserve of the crown.

One night the queen decided to share her drink with Tanis, after all, she was one of the few members of her original cabinet that was left by that point, and if that didn’t made her think of the sorceress as her friend it made her thing something similar.

This played right into Tanis’ plan, and when the queen inevitably fell asleep due to her drinking the sorceress took the chance to take the bottle of wine for herself and leave the queen to sleep. Usually bottles of the crown’s reserve would be taken back to the castle’s cellar, but Tanis took the bottle to her room and made sure nobody saw it.

Once inside, Tanis mixed the leftover wine with cheap wine she had saved for this occasion, but she needed to add something else for her plan to work as intended.

She put on a thick leather glove and opened the birdcage which hung from her room’s ceiling with extreme care. Once her hand was inside she methodically grabbed the animal trapped in the cage, her winged serpent.

With a secure grip over the animal Tanis took it outside and put it in front of an empty flask, then she squeezed the animal, forcing a response from it which in the case of this snake, was to bite. Tanis made the animal bite the flask and then forced it to pour every last ounce of its poison inside, and once every last drop of the yellowish liquid had fallen out of the beast’s fangs Tanis put the serpent back into its cage.

And to finish her deadly concoction Tanis added the poison to the bottle of fine wine she had taken from the queen, she closed the bottle and hid her inside her room, where it would remain for months.

For the next step of her plan Tanis waited until a hot summer night, the type that made people want to sleep with their windows open just to be slightly less hot when trying to sleep. And even the queen was no exception for this.

One of these nights, Tanis went to the upper floors of her tower, an attic where she rarely stepped in and where almost never a candle was lit. Those conditions were perfect for a certain type of vermin to gather in, and Tanis had been amassing there purposefully.

Upon making a small fire on the tip of her index finger, countless bats hissed from high on the ceiling, and some began to fly in hopes of finding a way out of the light.

With incredibly dexterity, Tanis grabbed one of the fleeing bats and once she forced the animal to calm down under her tight grip she began to cast a spell on the creature, a charm which would force it to follow her commands.

With its reduced mental capacity, a bat could only follow a small amount of instructions, but Tanis didn’t need much.

“Bring a me a hair and a drop of blood from queen Eliza” She instructed to the bat as she charmed it.

The animal shook its head a few times, and when Tanis was certain that the spell had fully affected the creature, she let it go.

Later that night, when Tanis found herself reading one of her many alchemy books, the bat arrived back into Tanis’ room. Once she took notice of it she carefully grabbed the hair which the animal had methodically brought to her and then gave the animal a tiny flask.

Inside the animal vomited a good number of drops of blood and upon ending its task the charm ended, and it flew away probably not knowing how it had ended up there.

Tanis spent the rest of the night working on a potion which would land anyone found making it in trouble, but she knew she was above that, so she didn’t fear, and using the hair and the blood she finally had the last piece her plan needed to work. By the morning the potion was done. She took a well-deserved rest and when she woke up from it she sprang into action.

Tanis left the castle during midday when guards were too bothered by the heat to pay much attention to who left and who entered the castle. As she walked through the castle grounds she spotted the prince in the distance, sitting beside a small stream. Tanis couldn’t help but smile at the sight, seeing the prince so oblivious about what was going to happen somehow filled her with joy.

Tanis then walked through the city of Lionstrand, where the castle was, hiding her identity below her dark cloak and walking through back alleys to reduce her chances of being seen.

Eventually she left the city and once she reached a tiny forest far enough from the city, she drank the potions while beneath the shadow of the trees. Upon drinking it, Tanis assumed the shape of queen Eliza, and not just her shape, but also her voice, smell and everything else that one could relate with the queen.

Tanis made the rest of the way in her new form and still hiding her identity, she was only interested in one person seeing her as the queen and she had yet to see her.

Eventually Tanis arrived to her destiny, the Beaumont manor, where she conveniently found Jean sitting a while away from.

The young woman seemed to be lost in thought, sitting at the edge of a pond and staring at her reflection in the crystal clear water, she didn’t noticed the woman who had come near her until her reflection appeared in the pond beside hers.

“No need to be alarmed my dear…” Tanis spoke in the the queen’s voice as she saw Jean take notice of her “I just came here to bring you a gift”

Tanis could see Jean’s surprise when she removed the hood from over her head and she saw that, apparently, it was the queen talking to her.

“A gift?” Jean asked with confusion and surprise.

From below her dark cloak which loosely fitted the queen’s body, Tanis retrieved an ornate glass bottle filled with a wine of deep red color.

“It seems your family has an admirer in the castle” Tanis said as she winked at Jean.

Jean inspected closely the bottle, it was clear that whoever had sent this to her was indeed in the castle, after all, this bottle was of a type only made for the exclusive reserves of the crown.

“Lothair…” Jean whispered to herself.

“You are a very lucky young woman” The woman said as she laid one of her skeletal hands on Jean’s shoulder “You will soon be able to marry him, which I hope is what you want”

Jean’s face turned red, for all that she liked Lothair she had barely thought about marrying him at that time, but those words immediately made her daydream about it.

“No need to answer my dear, I don’t doubt your intentions” Tanis replied, thinking it better not to hear what Jean had to say.

“Thank you” Jean said as she turned to look at the mysterious woman who delivered her that gift.

“Oh, no need to, I was just about to leave” Tanis replied “Be sure to share this gift with your family”

With that said Tanis left and a few hours later while hidden in the woods she reassumed her real form and used a spell to teleport herself back inside her room, not fearing being spotted since she knew everyone in the castle was too scared to go inside there.

Once inside the room she laid comfortably on her chair and sighed, the last gear of her plan had already been set in motion, all she had to do now was wait.

When the city guard was called to Jean’s residence Tanis couldn’t help but smile, her plan had worked, but she was surprised, and nearly enraged, to see that she had missed her prime target.

Tanis was so intrigued about how that could that have happened that she rode to the Beaumont manor with the city guards where she got a clearer picture of how things had played out.

Tanis had failed to consider that Jean did not like wine, so she happily shared the gift she received with her father, who at that time was her only family member in the manor. Hartgard, despite his toughness as a warrior, was still human, so he quickly succumbed to the poison overnight.

As the guards stood around the man’s dead body in his bed they began to murmur, ‘how could this have happened?’ they wondered. Tanis, who was looking from the distance, had to restrain herself from smiling when she heard one of the guards scream ‘this was an assassination!’

The investigation soon found traces of an unrecognizable poison in the body of Hartgard and the wine he had been drinking. This explained a lot about how a healthy and not so old man like Hartgard could have died so suddenly.

But this explanation had left Jean with more questions than answers, while she no longer had to think about how her father could have died, she had the much more pressing concern about someone out there who was willing to kill them, and to make things worse, that someone seemed to be the queen, against whom she could do little more than nothing.

But before Jean could think too much about it suspicions fell on her. It was logical, or it was after months of rumors being spread by Tanis. The story that was already being told by nearly everyone who caught wind of the news went as following: ‘Jean murdered her father with poisoned wine she had stolen from the castle because he wouldn’t let her marry the prince’.

Even though the story had quite a few matters without a solid explanation, the most glaring of them being how was Jean able to get the wine, people didn’t seemed to care much. All they saw was an entitled woman who murdered her father out of selfishness, and that story did not garner any sympathies.

One late summer day Jean was mourning the death of his father at the edge of the pond which sat afar from her house. It reminded her of how in that very same place she accepted the poison that killed her father and could have killed her as a gift, and too persuaded by the presentation of the bottle’s fine glass and the presence of the queen she didn’t thought about asking a single question which she now thought that could have saved her father’s life.
But her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of horseshoes against the road, and when she looked up to see the source of the noise she saw many guards on horseback escorting a carriage. The one who seemed to be in charge stopped a few meters away from Jean and got down from his horse while two others did the same behind him.

“What is this?” Jean asked as she watched the guards walk towards her.

“Lady Jean, you are under arrest under suspicion of murdering Hartgard Beumont” The guard announced as she showed Jean a scroll ordering her arrest.
“You can’t be serious…” Jean said as she took a step back “He was my father!”

“We have orders to take you to the castle to be interrogated and put on trial” The guard spoke, ignoring Jean’s plead for sympathy “We can do it the easy way or the hard way”

If Jean had a sword with her at that moment she may have become short sighted enough to do something violent, but she did not have any weapons with her, and since running away from men on horseback did not seem like a good idea she was left with just one option.

Jean put her hands together in front of her and sighed.

“Just take me…”

After she spoke those words one of the guards went over to her and shackled her hands in front of her. After he was done she was escorted inside the carriage, where her ankles were shackled together and she was taken to the castle.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 6 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:07 pm
by crow3467
I love how you take the time to build the plot as well and not just focus on bondage parts. Great story so far :D

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 6 added)

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:17 am
by charliesmith
Another great update!

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 7 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:55 pm
by banshee
@CowboyStud @DallasNotAustin @TripleZero @crow3467 @charliesmith Thanks for commenting enjoy part eight!

Chapter 8

A few moments after the carriage stopped Jean was taken out of it by two guards and escorted inside the castle. She thanked the fact that she was being lead inside through dark passages instead of the main gates, there she could only be seen by guards who didn’t seemed to care much for her presence as they were used to seeing people being taken inside.

After entering the guards handed Jean to a pair of female guards, it was customary that female guards handled female prisoners in Drael, at least in high profile cases like this.

Her two new guards were not much different from her previous one, in fact it was not hard for Jean to think of them as a gender swapped version of them.

One was an older woman who probably appeared to be older because of her line of work, she was large in every sense of the word and was probably wearing one of the bigger uniforms the castle guard could offer. Her hair was already gray and Jean had difficulty telling the color of her eyes because of her expression.

The other woman was slightly shorter than her companion, but still taller than Jean. Unlike her companion whose muscle was hidden below quite a few inches of fat, her body was rock solid which Jean could easily tell when one of her arms was grabbed by her. She seemed young, only slightly older than Jean, and her black hair was cut really short.

“Get moving” The larger woman said as Jean took too many seconds waiting.

Jean still couldn’t believe that she was there, that all of this was really happening. She wanted to wake up and find out that it had all been a bad dream, but as she descended into the dungeon things began to seem more and more real for her.

Eventually Jean was thrown inside a small cell by her two escorts, she was then locked inside it, leaving her in a darkness which was not absolute just because there was a tiny barred window on the door, which could be closed at any minute.

Jean sat inside her cell for an amount of time that she couldn’t tell, her thoughts were lost trying to make sense of what was happening and failing every time.

But her jailers were busy, to them they had just taken a murderer into custody and they needed to get a confession for the trial to proceed, and since the news of the case had become so widely spread they felt it better to act quickly, lest people began to suspect any preferential treatment of the woman because of her condition as a noble.

So the head of the guards contacted who they felt most likely to make Jean confess, someone who could use words to persuade her with charm or with threats that she would have no doubt in enacting. Tanis.

The sorceress was more than pleased to hear that she had been called on to interrogate Jean, she gladly left her room during the night and walked down into the dungeons to meet with Jean.

Like it has been said, Jean was far from the good graces of Tanis. At first she saw her as a mere annoyance, someone who stood in her way out of mere ignorance and stupidity, because it would take either or both of those qualities to stand in her way, Tanis believed. But as time went on Jean had become much more than a mere annoyance, she was someone who stood in her out of her own will, and no matter if that made her stupid or not, it had become clear to Tanis that it could be a danger to her goals.

Whenever she was with the prince Tanis was unable to reach her no matter what she tried, and if the prince married her it would spell and end to her plans, since it would mean that he would forever be out of her grasp.

So of course Tanis was happy to interrogate her, she was happy because she knew that everyone would turn a blind eye if she decided to inflict pain on the young woman which she really wanted to do, after all, they thought she was a murderer, what sympathy could people possibly have for her.
Jean’s jailers opened the door to her cell and imperatively asked her to stand up, which she obeyed.

“You will now be prepared for your interrogation” The younger woman spoke.

Jean was taken out of the cell by the two women grabbing her by her arms and she was then taken inside a larger cell. This one was cylindrical and had a few small openings on the higher parts of its tall walls, through which Jean could tell that it was nighttime due to the dark skies she saw.

The room was well equipped with a myriad of devices and contraptions which Jean decided not to give much thought to, racks, stocks and other ones which Jean decided to ignore, lest paying to much attention to them may land her in one of them.

Thankfully for her, Jean was instead chained in the middle of the room, her hands were individually manacled to two of the many chains which hung from the ceiling and her feet were chained to the floor. Using pulleys, the two women then raised her arms far above her head, leaving her stretched upwards in the middle of the room.

After that was done, the larger woman walked behind Jean where she could not be seen by her, Jean heard her grab something which she could not see and then walk behind her.

“Open your mouth” The woman ordered.

“What?” Jean asked, surprised by the order.

“We’re not going to repeat that ma’am” The other guard threatened “Open your mouth”

Not wanting to provoke the rage of her jailers while she was tied up, Jean reluctantly obeyed and as soon as her mouth was open enough the guard behind her put a ballgag inside it, which she buckled tightly behind Jean’s head.

“Mpghghg!” Jean complained as the woman had been rather rough with her methods.

Neither of the guards cared of course, and the two quickly prepared to leave the room after Jean was properly gagged.

“Your interrogator will arrive shortly” One of the guards said before the two left the room.

While before Jean was worried, now she was genuinely afraid, never had the threat of something really bad happening to her had been greater than this time, and although that could be said about her time in the cell the contraptions she was surrounded by most likely helped to scare her.

Things did not get better when her interrogator arrived, Jean had spent so much time trying not to think about what could happen to her that she hadn’t even thought about what was coming.

“Well, well well…” Tanis said as she laid her eyes on Jean “What do we have here?”

“Mpghg…” Jean grunted as she laid her eyes on Tanis.

The sorceress was in her usual black robes, but she had prepared for the occasion like if she had plans to go to a lavish diner afterwards. Her black corset was tightened, her black leather boots resplendent and her hands encased in perfectly clean black leather gloves.

“I’ve been informed that you have committed something terrible young lady…” Tanis said as she began to walk around Jean “That you are a parricide”
“Mpghghg!” Jean grunted, she would not tolerate those accusations, especially not if made by that woman.

“Who would have thought that the prince would have such a bad taste in women” Tanis said as she stopped before Jean to gloat over her.

“Mpghgg…” Jean grunted again as she pulled against the chains to no avail.

Tanis took a step forward, putting herself uncomfortably close to Jean, and to make things worse she grabbed Jean from her waist and pulled her even closer to her. Jean felt her breasts and abdomen be pressed against Tanis’, she was disgusted by this woman’s touch but she couldn’t get away from it.
“Such a bad taste really” Tanis said as she pushed her breasts against Jean’s “What could he possibly have seen you?”

Jean was going to grunt again but when Tanis heard the sound beginning to form deep in her captive’s throat she slapped Jean’s ass with an open hand, landing her hit right in the middle of her left butt cheek and turning her defiant grunt into a surprised yelp.

“You can stop being defiant now, there’s no way you are going to escape this” Tanis said “As soon as you accept that, I will remove the gag”

Tanis then let go of Jean moved to one one the tables which was riddled with instruments that Jean preferred not to look at.

“But perhaps you need me to strike that defiance out of you” Tanis said as she playfully padded one of her palms with a black ridding crop, which was far from the worst that she could take from that table “Do I?”

Even though Jean’s pride ached with the mere thought of conceding to the demands of that woman she had to be real, she did not want to suffer, even less to suffer at her hands. So she ceded.

“Good…” Tanis said after seeing Jean shake her head “Let’s hope you keep that promise once I remove the gag, you wouldn’t want to make me angry would you?”

Tanis removed Jean’s gag, which came out soaked in saliva, and placed it on one of the tables in the room. Then she stood in front of Jean, this time at a much less uncomfortable distance, crossed her arms below her breasts and waited for her to talk.

Only then did Jean realize that she had no idea of what she was going to say, she knew her story was outlandish, but that was because what had happened to her was unbelievable! At the moment she was still struggling to believe that all of what she was seeing around her was actually happening, and now her wellbeing depended on her telling those events to someone who was clearly not inclined to believe her.

“What do I need to tell you…?” Jean asked as she looked aside.

“Just tell me what happened” Tanis said with a subtle grin on her face “Maybe you are not guilty after all”

Tanis clearly mocking tone made Jean lose all hopes, if she was going to get out it was not going to be through her interrogator, but she thought that since Tanis had showed herself in the room.

“Someone gave the poisoned wine to me a few days ago while I was near out house” Jean began.

“Who was this someone?” Tanis interrupted “You wouldn’t want to hide information from me, would you?”

Again Tanis playfully struck her right palm with the riding crop, sending a clear message to Jean.

“It was the queen” Jean murmured, as she already knew she would not be believed.

“Who?” Tanis asked despite clearly being close enough to hear what Jean had said.

“Queen Eliza gave me the poisoned wine!” Jean repeated.

A smile appeared Tanis’ lips, the joy hearing those words from Jean’s mouth filled her with joy, her plan had been so perfect that not even the victim believed what had actually happened. Tanis broke out in laughter, which to Jean seemed like the reaction she expected, she was not taking her story no matter how true it was.

“I know, I know” Tanis said, knowing that her tone would make Jean think she was joking despite saying nothing but the truth “Your story sounds fun, so I will give you a little prize”

Tanis moved to the table again, she grabbed the ballgag and something else which Jean couldn’t tell what it was.

Jean was gagged again, which this time surprised her much less than before, but she had to admit that Tanis’ method of doing so was much less rough than of her guards despite buckling the gag with the same painful tightness as them.

Again Tanis smacked Jean in the butt, this time with the riding crop which made Jean recoil as much as she could and arch her back in a futile attempt to get away from Tanis.

To make things worse, when Tanis walked back in front of Jean she again stood uncomfortably close to her and again grabbed her by the waist to force her to stand even closer. Again their abdomens and breasts were pressed against each other, with Tanis’ overwhelming Jean’s.

“With that story you will be quickly deemed insane and sent to far away monastery where priests will futilely experiment with you to cure your insanity” Tanis explained as one of her hands began to slowly creep down Jean’s abdomen “So I will give you some motivation to change it for something less believable…”

Jean felt Tanis’ hand creep down her abdomen and dangerously close to her crotch, when she felt Tanis’ leather clad fingers sneak below her clothes she tried to squirm away, but in her current state her attempt was futile and the sorceress hand was soon right over her privates.

“Don’t be scared, I believe you may find this torture enjoyable” Tanis said “At least for a while”

“Mpghghgh!” Jean moaned as she felt Tanis slide something inside her, it was small and soft, and it felt really cold.

“This will keep you entertained while you think of what to say in the trial” Tanis said as took her hands out of Jean much quicker than she had laid them on.

Tanis took a step away from Jean, who was still trying to make sense of what had happened, and then snapped her fingers.

As soon as she heard that gesture Jean felt waves rush through her from her crotch which would have made her fall to her knees had she not been chained to the ceiling. Whatever Tanis had shoved inside her it was now vibrating, and it made Jean feel a pleasure that she had never felt before.

“Mpghghgg…” Jean moaned.

“Interesting don’t you think?” Tanis asked “A tiny gemstone made by Amazonian runesmiths, a very interesting find if I may say so”

Jean could barely manage to pay attention to what Tanis had said, she was edging on orgasm and even though this would be far from her first time that gemstone made her feel like if she was going to orgasm like never before.

“It may make you orgasm, or it may leave you on edge” Tanis said “That I cannot control”

Tanis walked away as Jean struggled to stay on feet, she wondered if what Tanis had said was true, but she couldn’t think much in her current circumstances.

“I’ll leave you alone for some timeTanis said before leaving the room.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 8 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 9:31 pm
by crow3467
Thanks for the new addition to the story :D

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 8 added)

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:39 am
by charliesmith
The interaction between Tanis and Jean was very good to read!

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 8 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:41 pm
by banshee
@CowboyStud @DallasNotAustin @TripleZero @crow3467 @charliesmith Thanks for commenting enjoy part eight!

Chapter 9

At first Eliza tried to keep the news about Jean, her father and the accusation against her, secret from her son, she thought that it would distract him from his real task which was to become king, and since the date of his crowning was merely weeks away it was understandable.

But soon she began to hear everyone else in court talk about it, and given those circumstances it was only a matter of time before Lothair, who after his eighteenth birthday was spending nearly all day in the court, caught wind of what had happened.

So Eliza decided that it would be better to have Lothair hear the news first from her, so she told him everything and told him that he could take a few days to rest, because she could no longer expect him to prepare for his tasks as a king when bothered by those news.

Since he heard about what had happened Lothair refused to believe Jean was guilty, he knew her to be incapable of doing something like that, let alone to her father, whom she deeply loved.

During the days her mother had allowed him to rest from his tasks and process the information in peace Lothair spent a lot of time in the forest in the castle grounds, thinking deeply about what could have actually happened, but arriving to no conclusions at all.

His thoughts remained aimless and without purpose until the day when he knew of Jean’s arrest. Like every high profile criminal, or suspected criminal, Jean had been taken to the castle dungeons. Even though Lothair was not the one to take advantage of his privileges as a prince, he decided to make an exception this time and force the guards to let him have some time with Jean.

The guards didn’t asked much questions when Lothair asked them to let him in, aside from an ‘are you sure?’ only few dared to ask, the prince was allowed inside the dungeons and then inside Jean’s cell without much trouble.

When he stepped inside Jean’s cell he could barely stand what he saw. The Jean he knew was nowhere to be seen, the usually proud and dignified young woman he knew was just not there. Instead, Jean seemed tired, crestfallen and with barely any light in her eyes. Her clothes were dirty and had been torn and her hair was a dirty mess.

Jean was also bound, chained with her hands above her head and chained to high on the stone walls while her feet were chained together to the floor.
“Jean!” Lothair said as she rushed towards her “What happened?”

“Lothair…” Jean said as she raised her gaze “It’s good to see you”

Even in those dire circumstances Jean managed to smile, that gesture party warmed Lothair’s heart, but it also made him sad and angry, he could not conceive of how someone could put her, the owner of that smile, in that dark cell.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to help you” Lothair said as he hugged Jean in a gesture she couldn’t reciprocate “Just tell me everything”

“You wouldn’t believe me…” Jean spoke lowly.

“I will” Lothair replied “No matter what you tell me”

Jean looked aside, she didn’t know how the prince could react if he were to be told that the one who murdered her father and who had landed her in that situation was his mother. But she had no other option, it was either staying quiet and ending up in jail or speaking, and risking that the same would happen.

“Your mother gave me the wine” Jean eventually said as she got to that part her story “I know you won’t believe it, but It is what I saw”
Lothair was taken aback by what he heard ‘was his mother capable of doing that?’ he wanted to think that she could not, after all she had always told him that he would be able to marry Jean when he became king, why do this then?

“When did this happen?” Lothair asked.

“Exactly one week ago, on Monday a few hours after midday” Jean replied, surprised to see that Lothair had not left the room immediately after he heard that his mother was to blame for this.

“Then it couldn’t have been my mother, we were in a court session at that time” Lothair correctly reasoned “But I still don’t believe you are lying, I know you cannot”

Jean raised her gaze, she couldn’t believe that at least someone was believing her, although if someone was going to do so, she hoped it would be him.

“What do you think happened then?” Jean asked.

“Maybe there’s someone out there who wants to blame my mother for this too” Lothair guessed as he scratched his chin “Someone who hates you as much as they hate my mother”

“But how could she look like your mother?” Jean asked “I know its hard to believe but I know what I saw, it was your mother who gave me the wine!”

Lothair kept thinking, even though he now had a lead it did not get easier to arrive to a conclusion, in fact, it may have gotten harder for him and his already confused mind.

“There are ways for someone to change their aspect…” Lothair mused out loud “Forbidden potions and dangerous spells, I learned about them in alchemy and magic classes, but nobody knows how to perform them…”

Jean had no doubts in the prince, after all he had spent a good part of his life buried textbooks for his studies. Like him she could not think of someone who could perform this apparently forbidden rituals, but her dark memories of the events that had taken place in that cell the previous night gave her a hint.

“I think there’s someone who knows how to” Jean spoke with a slight hint of fear in her voice which she tried to hide.

Lothair raised his gaze at the perfect time to see Jean’s cracked lips spell out a name that sent shivers down his spine.


The fear the name invoked on him nearly made him fall to the floor and he had to rest against a wall to prevent so. What Jean had said made sense, Tanis was the most powerful and most experienced magic user in the kingdom, and she had intimate contact with both him and his mother, the more he thought about it the more sense it made and that scared him even more.

If Jean was right it would mean that he would have to go against Tanis to save her, and even though he was determined to save Jean no matter the cost the idea of going against Tanis scared him to death. It meant going against someone who had been administering punishment to him almost since he had memory, someone who had feasted on his fear since he was a child and someone who was close enough to him to know exactly how to hurt him.

Lothair’s legs began to shake, his vision was slowly becoming blurry and he felt like if he was standing above clouds.

“Lothair calm down” Jean said as she noticed fear overrunning the prince “I know you are afraid, I am afraid too, but we can’t let that stop us, not now”

The prince took a deep breath; Jean was right (To him she usually was), no matter how right he was to be afraid, he could not let fear win. And seeing how Jean was much more calm and composed despite her undeniably direr circumstances motivated him to follow her steps.

“If Tanis indeed made a potion to transform into my mother I need to find proof of it” Lothair explained “If I find proof you will immediately be found innocent”
“I wish I could help you but…” Jean rattled her chains after she said that, signaling the fact that she was tied up.

“Don’t worry, you’ve done enough, let me take care of the rest” Lothair said “But just in case things go wrong…”

Lothair got nearer Jean and stood on his toes to reach her hands which were far above her head, and with some difficulty she slipped a tiny key onto her right hand.

“This key works with all of the dungeons cuffs and doors” He explained “Use if you deem it necessary”

“Thank you but, aren’t you forgetting something?” Jean asked as she gave Lothair a subtly lustful look.

“What could that be?” He asked.

Finding his obliviousness cute, Jean leaned forward and kissed the prince’s lips, she could tell that he was surprised, but she could also tell that he was far from displeased.

“Go now, I know you can do it” Jean said after she unstuck her lips from Lothair’s.

Feeling like the kiss had given him a strength he didn’t knew he had Lothair left the cell and the dungeons without the guards paying much attention. The fear had not left him, but it was now overshadowed by his determination.

He knew that Tanis was not in her room, she was caught up in a court session with his mother, otherwise he wouldn’t have dared to break inside her room.

Tanis’ room was dark, with the light coming through the window struggling to illuminate the place through the many objects that hung from the ceiling.

The winged serpent which Tanis kept as a pet hissed at Lothair and scared him enough to make him stumble with a rolled carpet, making him land on the floor where his fall was thankfully cushioned by a few exotic and dusty cloths.

Once he had dusted himself off Lothair began to inspect the room, trying his best to avoid laying eyes on the manacles which brought him so many bad memories. He searched through Tanis’ books and her closets until he found something that he thought could be useful, a pair of vials.

Even though Lothair barely knew what he was looking for, much like almost everyone else, he didn’t actually know how to make a potion of shape changing, the vials and flasks seemed like a good place to start.

He recognized most as mere healing ointments, he had never thought that his alchemy classes would become useful at that time. But among the vials of well-known concoctions he found one of one filled with a seemingly innocuous if not slightly disgusting liquid, blood, and upon closer inspection he could see a few strings of hair floating above the liquid.

Whatever that potion was it was undeniably suspicions, after all he was well aware of the taboo around engaging in alchemy using human body parts, even if innocuous like blood and hair, and why such taboo existed. Little to no well-meaning potion could be made using them.

After his examination of the mysterious potion which Lothair set aside from the others to recognize in case he needed it as evidence, Lothair moved on to the next set of vials, which he quickly noticed were filled with poisons.

Almost nobody would have been able to read the language in which the labels were written, but Lothair had been learning languages since childhood, and he was able to decipher a few of the scriptures that labeled each vial.

In ancient Catarran, a language which he doubted anyone actively spoke, he read: ‘rattlesnake’ ‘cobra’ ‘black scorpion’ and names of other poisonous animals.

The collection of different poisons was already suspicious enough to at least be investigated, but what almost convinced him of Tanis’ guilt was seeing an empty vial with a label he didn’t managed to read. That was a very good candidate for being the ‘unknown poison’ that had killed Hartgard.

The winged serpent hissed again and Lothair turned to look at the beast, he began to make a connection between the empty vial and the exotic animal Tanis kept inside her room, but before he could arrive at any conclusion he became distracted by bigger problems.

With a silence that was uncharacteristic of the heavy door that lead to Tanis’ room the sorceress entered the room and quickly laid eyes on the prince.

“Well, well well…” She said with a smile on her face.

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 8 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:04 pm
by VoidEmperor224
Thanks for the new chapter
Also, oh no, she found him, hehe, hopefully he'll be tightly bound, gagged, and punished by tanis

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 8 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:34 pm
by Simo
Amazing! I am on the edge of my seat and cant wait for more, keep it up!

Re: The Fallen Prince (F/M) (Fantasy) (Part 8 added)

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:26 pm
by crow3467
Great chapter! Cat wait to read more