Household Tasks F/F

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Household Tasks F/F

Post by BoundJana »

(This is the translation of another story I've written on a german storyboard. This is part fiction, part true event, but I think it's more fitting in the Fictional Stories section. Feedback is always welcome ^-^)

"No, that's so unfair!" I stomped angrily with one foot on the light brown cork floor, while I crossed my arms in front of my chest and pulled my narrow lips to a pout.

Lara sighed and twisted her beautiful brown eyes. "Jana, don't act up like that now! We've clearly fixed it from the beginning, when you have semester break or generally free, you do the housework and cook while I have to work."

"Yes, but I also have to do something for the university..." I replied and looked at the floor with my blue eyes. I crossed my arms a little tighter so that Lara couldn't see me nervously rubbing my thumb against my index finger.

"Oh really? You studied all day for university? Have you read excavation reports, prepared papers and written your homework? Or did you just sit in the living room all day, played at the PlayStation and forgot about time?" This time it was my girlfriend who crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised her eyebrow questioningly.

I snapped up in outrage and looked at my girlfriend with surprise and pretended indignation. "I would never do that-"

“Shall I have a look?" Lara interrupted me and looked deep into my blue-green eyes, with which I desperately tried to avoid her gaze. She sighed and rolled her eyes. Before I could raise any objections, she pushed past me through our narrow hallway and into the living room of our shared apartment. She grabbed the blue, state-of-the-art PS4 controller lying on the small white IKEA table and dropped into the grey couch cushions.

"Hopefully you realize that if I can now prove that you weren't learning, your sentence will be doubled..." Lara didn't even turn to me now, while I stood behind the couch and looked nervously at the TV. I took a strand of my blonde hair from my face, my heart pounded excitedly.

Lara called up the main menu and was in no time at all in the settings, where she went to the activity list and scrolled all the way to the top.

Last online: Friday, 03.05.19. 18:23 o'clock. Or rather, 10 minutes ago. Last played: God of War (2018), 9 h 17 min 49 sec. Or rather, since I got up this morning.

I bit my lower lip and the blood went into my head, my face ran red while Lara slowly turned around and looked at me. In her eyes there was a mixture of anger and disappointment, but also a spark of sadistic anticipation. I quickly interrupted the eye contact and fixed the floor, a gentle whimper was heard from me.

Without warning, Lara suddenly grabbed me by my blond, slightly curly hair and pulled on them so tightly that I gasped in the air loudly in pain. "First you ignore clear agreements, then you lie to me and then you play my own game while I struggle at work?!" My girlfriend hissed into my ear.

"Ouuuuch! I'm sorry!", I howled and tried to loosen her grip on my hair with my hands, it was in vain. Despite my regular visits to the gym Lara was much stronger than I was. I looked at my girlfriend with pleading eyes. "Please, I'll make it up to you and cook something quickly!”

The eyes of my girlfriend sparked. "Oh, and that's how you intend to escape your just punishment? By the time you've finished cooking, we'll have it at half past seven, but I'm hungry now!" Lara held her firm grip around my hair while her other hand took my wrists and fixed them.

I faltered briefly and looked at my girlfriend, who looked at me angrily. Between my legs I felt again this tingling sensation that grew with every unsuccessful pull of my hands. My eyes wandered over her work outfit, despite the warm weather she had chosen a black blazer and a wine red blouse, while she showed a lot of skin with her black pencil skirt. Her brown hair was still in a stern bun, only one or two stubborn strands sticking out of her knot. My girlfriend just looked gorgeous, while my fitness shorts and white flower top made me look more like the shy girl next door.

"Please... I... I just forgot the time... come on..." My eyes formed into buttoned dog eyes and I pulled my mouth corners slightly down, exhaling a slight whimper. I have always been good at begging and my time with Lara has turned my pleading face into a perfect automatism. I stared deep into her eyes, those beautiful brown eyes that sparkled at me so angrily.

But this time it wasn't a game night, this time Lara didn't have any fun, this time I had screwed something damn hard. Even worse, Lara was hungry. "You undress right now! You stop your damn whining and whining, or you’ll get a gag! Have we understood each other Missy?!" Her question was followed by a hard jerk on my hair, which I could only comment with a tortured squeak. Quickly I nodded my head so that Lara let go of my hair to my relief.

"Ouch..." I complained as I stroked through my maltreated hair and looked at Lara through some loose strands. But my girlfriend only had to pull her eyebrows up and give an unsatisfied throat, so that I whimpered slightly, I knew what she wanted from me now. I first pulled the dark fitness shorts down, exhaling a melodramatic sigh, so that my grey string was brought to light. To my shame there was already a small stain on the soft fabric, Lara's charisma was just too much for me. Although I had lowered my eyes submissively, I could see from the corners of my eyes that Lara was now smiling.

"I'm just going to get something when I come back, I want to see you standing completely naked in the middle of the room. If not, you will feel the consequences, I promise you! Without saying another word, Lara walked out of the living room directly into our shared bedroom. I had to swallow. Of course, she would punish me somehow, that was inevitable after my misdemeanour, but I had rather thought of a light spanking with my hand. But now Lara would go into our room and open the large wooden box in the walk-in wardrobe and take from our generous collection of toys a suitable tool for my punishment. No matter if paddles, crops, canes or whips, our box was very well filled with percussion instruments. This would lengthen both the duration and the intensity of the punishment, which would not really be in my interest.

In order not to be punished even harder now for my disobedience and inability to undress quickly enough, I quickly undressed myself completely. My panties wandered down my thighs and I quickly pulled my top over my head. As usual I didn't wear a bra at home for comfort, so my small round breasts were freely accessible. Despite my nervousness I saw that my nipples were slightly erect and felt my tummy performing roller coaster rides.

"Turn your back to me!" Lara's cold voice made me flinch and ripped me out of my thoughts, I followed her instructions without hesitation. Then I heard the clacking of Lara's shoes on the floor as she came back from the bedroom. She stepped right behind me and I was startled and shrugged a little as she suddenly put a long piece of cloth over my eyes and tied it. Taken from my sight I whimpered again and was about to make a complaint when Lara hit me hard on the naked butt. I howled loudly once.

"No, you won't complain now, the blindfold stays on," Lara whispered in my ear, so that my neck hair stood up. I really hated it when she blindfolded me before the punishment, so I couldn't even see what she had thought up for me.

Lara then grabbed my wrists and joined them behind my back. Just a moment later I felt my wrists being tied very tightly with a rope, the thickness and feel of the rope suggesting it was a cotton rope. I rubbed my hands against each other for a moment, frustrated to find that the bondage was flawless and the knots out of reach of my fingers.

After my hands had been tightly laced behind my back, I could feel Lara's hand dancing over my naked skin, caressing my back tenderly at first and then squeezing my round breasts from behind. I pushed out a light groan and nailed my back against Lara, her soft hands on my sensitive skin felt so good. Suddenly Lara's thumb and index finger laid down on my meanwhile hard nipples and pinched and pulled at them, I threw out a surprising and painful scream.

"Oooouuuuch! No please don't!" I begged and rubbed my hands against each other in vain as the stabbing pain twitched through my breasts. Immediately Lara let go of my nipples, only to hit my ass very hard again.

"I warned you what would happen if you whimpered around again, didn't I?" Lara hissed and before I could even bring a word of apology over my lips, a ball gag was pressed into my mouth. I could only groan when I felt the strap of the gag fixed tightly behind my head, and my jaw was pressed a little apart, the taste of rubber spread in my mouth.

"I warned you, so don't complain. If you had cooked instead of doing nothing all day, I wouldn't have to punish you now! Lara's certain voice roared into my ear as she put a collar around my neck. The cold leather made a shiver run down my back, the tingling between my legs became even stronger. I grunted as I felt Lara attach a short leash to the collar and then set off, slowly leading me through the apartment. I braved and stumbled blindly behind my girlfriend before my legs hit a cold, hard surface.

"That's the kitchenette, put your upper body over it and spread your legs!"

I followed Lara's command immediately and laid my naked torso on the cold marble while spreading my legs as much as possible. I breathed heavily through the ball gag, the deprivation of several of my senses I felt very intense. "What are you doing? What's the matter with you?"

Although the gag severely restricted my articulation, Lara seemed to have understood me. "I am hungry, so I order pizza now. Would you like some?" I grumbled and nodded my head. Then I heard my girlfriend take out her cell phone, make a quick phone call to the pizza shop just around the corner and order two pizzas. When the food was ordered, her attention turned to me again, her fingers gliding gently over my thighs and buttocks, which was easily accessible from my position and stretched out towards her. I moaned with excitement as one of Lara's fingers briefly touched my labia, which were already wet.

"The pizza should arrive in thirty to fourty minutes, so long you will be punished, Missy?" I whimpered and nodded my head as best I could.

"Very'll get fifteen blows for not cooking and another fifteen for lying to me, so all in all thirty blows. One half belongs to the riding crop, the other half is made with the cane".

I moaned loudly protesting and complained, thirty beats were really not few and close to my pain threshold, and while the crop was still relatively pleasant for me or at least endurable, the cane was really a torture. I shook my head hard and tried to get rid of the gag and blindfold, but both were really tight and didn't move a bit. After a few seconds and a very hard blow with the crop on my butt, which stole the air from me, the spectacle was over and I howled and whimpered.

"This is a punishment, Missy, a punishment because you didn't cook! Yes, it will hurt, yes, you will scream and squirm and curse me, but you have all that to blame yourself! In the meantime, I had finally calmed down and I just whimpered, but I knew that Lara had made a decision and there was no shaking it anymore.

"Ready?" Lara asked with a stern voice. I nodded my head and sobbed slightly.

The first five hits with the crop were still fine, Lara had held back and only warmed my ass. The remaining ten hits with the riding equipment were already really bad, I screamed and pulled at the chains and my ass burned. But that was no comparison to what came with the cane. I howled and tears filled my eyes, I felt pain around me and Lara had to fix my feet with cuffs on the kitchenette so that I didn't wriggle too wildly and hurt one of us in the heat of the moment. My ass was beaten red and blue and hurt incredibly hard, I trembled with pain all over my body.

Just as Lara was rushing down the cane on my aching ass for the fifteenth time and I let a pain-filled scream ring through the gag, the doorbell rang loudly. I let a relieved groan sound through the gag and released my tension from my back so that my upper body rested on the cold marble. Without saying another word, Lara laid the cane beside my trembling and maltreated body and went to the apartment door to fetch our dinner. I heard Lara reject the pizza delivery man's flirting attempts as usual and return to the apartment a few minutes later. The smell of pizza rose directly into my nose as she placed the warm pizza boxes right next to me on the kitchen counter. My stomach growled loudly and Lara giggled as she gave my burning ass a light fold.

"Well, hungry?" Lara's question I answered directly with a moan, during the day I had eaten very little and accordingly hungry. The chastisement had strained my strength, I was just done.

I just laid breathing heavily on the kitchen line and heard Lara open the fridge and take out a tube of pain ointment. Relieved, I groaned as I felt Lara distributing the cold ointment on my red butt. The feeling was simply wonderful and the pain was directly reduced considerably.

"Come on, little one, let's eat." Lara loosened the cuffs around my ankles and took off the blindfold and the ball gag. First, I had to blink once or twice and stretch my jaw a little to get used to the light again after a long darkness. With shining eyes, I looked at Lara, who was still dressed in her work outfit, only the blazer she had taken off. Then Lara grabbed the leash from the collar and led me back into the living room. There she laid me on the soft couch and stroked through my blond hair before finally loosening the rope that held my wrists together. I rubbed my stiff wrists, the rope had already left some red striae behind, but all in all my blood circulation had returned after a few seconds again somewhat into the hands. Lara put a strong steaming pizza box on my lap before she sat next to me, her own box on her knees. Tenderly she put her arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You took the punishment very bravely, I am proud of you... but next time you remember cooking us dinner..." Lara whispered into my ear and began to eat her pizza.

I grinned and my cheeks turned red, nearly as red as my ass cheeks. "I won't forget..." But as I knew myself and my scabbiness, the next punishment wouldn't have to wait long.
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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Post by OldTUGger »

A tale nicely told, Jana!
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Post by Melanie »

I love it. Quite a lot of details. It was easy for me to picture the scene and actions. And what I always love is when a story contains some true elements.
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Post by wolfman »

Excellent work, really nicely written. Thank you.
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Post by JulieG »

:D :D An awesome beating you endured. Well done girl.
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