Boy, did I pick the wrong man to 'chat up?' ( F/F )

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Boy, did I pick the wrong man to 'chat up?' ( F/F )

Post by LunaDog »

Firstly, a VERY Merry Christmas to everybody here. And as i explained on another thread, because it's the Christmas holiday from work, and being Winter that means it's cold and dark outside, I've had some time available to write some stories. So, here's one, it is quite short, i must admit. Hope you all enjoy.


No doubt about it, this evening I was ON THE PULL! My pussy absolutely ACHED from a lack of sexual action, a pain that I’d fully set out to eliminate. Oh, I’d ‘dressed to kill’ as it were, a lovely blue satin blouse, that covered a bra and panty set, complete with a VERY sexy suspender belt, manufactured from the same delicious material. Legs covered in ULTRA sheer nylon, and NO, I wasn’t wearing tights! Finished off with a delicious leather suit, featuring a short skirt that only just concealed the fact that my pins were coated in stockings. Boy, DID I LOOK GOOD, or what?

Rather purposefully I strode into the large pub near to the centre of town, that was well known as a ‘pulling venue.’ And spotted a potential ‘target’ very quickly. Tall, well ‘proportioned’ with a lovely smile, yes, he sure attracted my attention all right! And more to the point, he appeared to be utterly alone, no ‘girlfriend’ in sight whatsoever. ‘Well, here goes, then!’ I thought to myself.

I sauntered over, full of confidence, I mean why not, I was utterly gorgeous after all! “Good evening, Darling! Would you like to buy me a drink?” He turned to face me, completely confirming that he was just as good looking as I’d thought.
“Sure. What would you like?”
“A small dry white wine, please.” No point in ‘taking the piss’ now, was there? And if this evening went just as I planned, then it would be shagging as opposed to drinking that I’d be engaging in, after all. So far, so good then.

I gratefully accepted and introduced myself, sitting on the stool next to his, he informed me of his name, and didn’t mention ANY girlfriend at all, allowing me to believe that he was indeed single, and just ‘ripe’ for ‘picking.’ And, as the conversation between us flowed I began to believe that I’d get this man into my bed for the night, and not necessarily just ‘in it!’ For I’m a girl who’s happy to indulge in a bit of bondage, with ME doing the tying!

However, although it was clear he was perfectly happy to be in my company, I didn’t seem to be making much progress regarding my primary aim, getting this man’s cock into my pussy! Indeed, those first drinks became consumed, meaning it was MY turn for the next round. Now I was becoming a little ‘restless,’ no it wasn’t the expense that concerned me, rather the fact as I’ve said already, heavy drinking and sex do NOT mix! After all, if I was to tie this male up, visits to the bathroom would be the LAST thing I needed!

Then another girl arrived on the scene, and he simply became silent. I realised that I’d got this whole situation completely wrong, he wasn’t single after all, although this new ‘arrival’ wasn’t his girlfriend, merely a relation of hers. Cue for me to leave, I now KNEW I’d been ‘flogging a dead horse’ all along!

Feeling extremely annoyed I went to the ‘ladies,’ partially to ‘lick my wounds’ as it were. Having done the ‘business,’ when I left the cubicle and washed my hands, I suddenly became aware of being surrounded by a group of girls, who didn’t seem to be pleased with me.

The one who appeared to be their ‘leader’ appeared, to shove her face right into mine. “What the hell do you think you’re up to, chatting up MY boyfriend, TART? I mean just look at the way you’re dressed, what you think EVERY man is going to fall for you? DO YOU?”
“I’m sorry, he NEVER once stated he was in any relationship, with you or anybody else.”
“LIAR! He quite clearly stated at the very first, when you made your moves on him that he had a girlfriend, ME! Elaine Roundhouse.” Of course, he hadn’t said that to me at all, but he’d clearly told Elaine so, and she’d believed him. “Who doesn’t like tarts like you trying it on with MY MAN! Grab her girls! You’re going to find out just how much you’ve pissed me off!”

I felt two of Elaine’s ‘companions’ grab my arms, pull them behind me, and attach a pair of steel handcuffs, fir lined admittedly, to my wrists. Then Elaine herself produced a rag, soaked in chloroform, gosh what sort of girl carries this sort of stuff around with her, and placed it firmly over my mouth and nose, despite my best efforts to avoid it. Handcuffed and heavily outnumbered I’m sure it will surprise nobody to learn my efforts to resist came to nothing, and it wasn’t long before I completely passed out. I was now these girl’s utterly helpless captive, totally and completely in their power.

How they took me out of the pub unsighted, or took me to one of their homes, I’ll never know as I was completely ‘out cold’ for the entire process. When I finally began to ‘stir’ I discovered that I’d been placed in a rather uncomfortable and compromising position. I found myself standing at the foot of a large bed, facing it. I’d been stripped down until all I was left wearing was my suspender belt and stockings, God, even my panties had gone. Not that I could see anything, mind, a very effective blindfold had been placed over my eyes. My legs had been ‘spread-out’ and I felt leather cuffs around my ankles, clearly part of a set that had also been secured to the outer bed posts. Another pair of leather cuffs bound my arms behind my back, with a chain connected to the one linking them, reaching upwards to a pulley mounted on the top rail of the bed’s full frame, and then connected to a hook. This is what held me upright, as I ‘came to.’

It wasn’t long after I’d regained consciousness that I became joined by a ‘companion,’ as a voice told me that my ‘visitor’ was none other than Elaine herself. “Comfortable?” I didn’t deign to reply. “I asked you a question, TART!”
“I’ve been in better positions.” Feeling I’d better issue some sort of reply.
“I’m sure you have. But it’s your OWN fault you’re here, nobody else’s. This is your punishment for ‘chatting up’ MY boyfriend, TART! But of course, you don’t know the FULL extent of your situation yet, do you! Let me allow you to see just where and how you are?”
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Post by LunaDog »

With that Elaine lifted, not removed note, the blindfold. Now I could confirm in my own mind that it was a bed that I was chained to, and that I was at one end. For the bed held another ‘captive,’ but this one was lying, spread-eagled and secured with four more leather cuffs, on its black satin covered surface, in the ‘normal’ manner, well as normal as being chained to it can be, I guess. With a large red ball gag in his mouth. Said captive being none other than Elaine’s boyfriend! No wonder he’d wanted to talk to someone else, if just for a while.

Elaine, just clad in some satin panties, stockings and suspenders herself, addressed me. “Right tart, in a short while I’m going to demonstrate just how strong the love between Terry and myself is, as we’re going to shag each other half to death, with you being granted the privilege of a PERFECT view. But that will only be AFTER I’ve had some fun with you. I told you that I intend to punish you, and I meant it. However, I’ve a few ‘preparations’ to complete first!”

With that she proceeded to lay herself on top of her bound man and having moved her satin covered pussy over his cock, worked herself upon it. Which did result in her obtaining a, mild admittedly, climax for herself, coating those panties in her juices. She obviously had a destination in mind for them, now. MY MOUTH!

Elaine rose from the bed, and IN THEY WENT! To be tied in place with a bondage tie. Now I have to admit that when I’d set out that evening, with sexual action in my mind, having my sense of taste, and to a large degree my one of smell too being utterly dominated by another female’s sexual juices had NOT been the foremost aim of my plans. But once the initial shock had somewhat dissipated, I rather found it wasn’t SO bad after all.

However, what Elaine did next completely filled me with dread. For she went to a chest of drawers, opened one, and withdrew a LARGE ‘strap-on’ from within. “Yes, tart, if you WANTED to ‘chat-up’ MY man, why don’t I let you get to know THIS instead!” She fitted it around her mid-riff, and I noticed that it featured an ‘attachment,’ clearly intended to stimulate HER pussy as she was using it on her ‘victim.’ Which, in THIS case, was going to be ME!

But not yet, Elaine had one more little ‘surprise’ in store for me. For she released the chain connected to my wrist cuff arrangement from its wall mounting and began to ‘pull’ upon it! Resulting in my arms starting to ‘rise,’ forcing my upper body down and forwards. Elaine continued to pull until my body was now getting on to being close to ninety degrees to itself, a position I believe is called a ‘strappado.’ Now she secured the chain to the wall hook again, using a small padlock, to hold me in that, very uncomfortable, position.

I was now looking almost directly at her bound boyfriend, but not for long as now Elaine replaced the blindfold, meaning my world become totally dark once more. And, although she COULD reach my pussy with her ‘strap-on,’ she chose to ignore it. Instead, I felt her rubbing lubricant into my anus! She was going to take me UP THE ARSE!

Thankfully although Elaine WAS cruel, she had NO intent to do me any real harm, and was FULLY aware of the need for lubricant, and plenty of it. Thus, she given her ‘cock’ a good coating of this as she began to insert, and said penetration was conducted very slowly, until she’d fully emersed her ‘cock’ into my arse.

Gently she retracted it, only to re-insert it, slightly faster this time. Gradually she accelerated the pace of her ‘pumping’ of me, until she was doing so at ‘full throttle,’ as it were! In the meantime, one of her fingers began to play with my ‘clit’ meaning that as that attachment bought her to climax, so her fingers induced one for me too! Not that I enjoyed it at all, I had NEVER felt so low, or violated, EVER in my life. I shook there, held firmly in the bondage of my tormentor, my EVERY sinew just full of hate, wanting to KILL her!

And therefore, the rest of that session passed in somewhat of a blur. Elaine removed the blindfold from my eyes, restoring my power of sight. Which enabled me to completely view, as, ‘strap-on’ now removed, she now laid herself on the bed and having also removed his gag, shagged her boyfriend, again and again, right in front of me. Not seeming to care at all for HIS desires and needs. And to be completely honest it wasn’t as if I REALLY noticed at all, the hurt of what she’d done to me was FAR too strong for me to care just what she did to her ‘man.’ Who seemed as trapped in HER power as did me, to be realistic about the whole situation!

Having clearly decided that SHE had finished with the pair of us, Elaine again shoved her face into mine. “Had enough, tart? Learned your lesson?” Still utterly seething with anger, I nevertheless realised that THIS was not the time to show that, I was still helpless in Elaine’s power after all. So, I nodded, doing my best to appear apologetic. And it worked. Once more Elaine held a chloroform filled rag over my mouth, and I passed out. Completely.

When I awoke again, I had been placed back into my clothing, and was lying on a park bench near to the pub that I’d been abducted from by Elaine. Gathering myself together, I managed to stagger back home, peeled off, yes THAT is the right expression, my clothing and showered, scrubbing myself clean with the utmost vigour! As if THAT could erase the shame of my torture at the hands of Elaine Roundhouse! Which, of course, it couldn’t.

Before I collapsed upon my bed, I placed my leather suit in a black bin-bag, it was far too expensive to throw away, although despite being completely clean, I’d HAVE to get it FULLY dry-cleaned before I could wear it again. As for every other item of clothing I’d worn that night, they would be burnt. A waste I know, but they held TOO many painful memories. Having put myself into a nightdress, I dropped into bed, grateful that today was Saturday, meaning there was still another day to pass, Sunday, before I needed to ‘show my face’ to the world and report to work.

By the time Monday morning arrived and I’d have to leave my small house, the pure ‘physical’ pain HAD passed. I was fine again, from that physical point of view, if not in the equivalent emotional side of things. However, the sense of pure shame that had completely dominated me on that Saturday morning, had begun to diminish to a large degree. To be replaced by something else, a COLD, HARD desire for REVENGE! Elaine Roundhouse was going to PAY for what she’d done to me! Make NO mistake about THAT!

One thing that needs to be born in mind here, is that this ‘thirst for revenge’ was firmly controlled by my ‘HEAD’ as opposed to my ‘heart.’ Meaning that I was fully in control and completely accepted the fact that I’d NEED to be patient, I’d have to bide my time and not rush into anything. In fact, I allowed several months to pass before I even tried anything, time that allowed Elaine to believe that she’d ‘got away’ with what she’d done. Believe it or not, I even bumped into her over the Christmas period, even wishing her a ‘Merry Christmas,’ and doing so in such a convincing manner that she actually believed I’d meant it! Resulting in the VERY desirable situation where she began to ‘drop her guard’ a little.

Still my head decided on patience, and allowed some more time to pass before I made a move. In the meantime, I did my homework, I began to track my intended ‘victim,’ learning everything I could about her habits and patterns of behaviour. So, discovering the best chance of ‘taking’ her without attracting any real attention at all. After all, I didn’t want any REAL repercussions to result, especially in any LEGAL sense. Like I say, my HEAD was in charge of this situation, NOT my heart. Oh, by the way, her and Terry HAD split up by now. I wonder why? Perhaps he wasn’t THAT much of a wimp after all!

So, when I struck it was on a Saturday morning. Early, so nobody was really about. I knew Elaine often went out to her local shop at that time, and it was during her normal routine that I rapidly came up behind her, holding a rag soaked in chloroform over HER mouth and nose.

She didn’t take this lying down at all, but as the chemical begun to take its desired, well for me anyway, effect and her struggles diminished until they ceased completely. Good, nobody appeared to be around, it looked like my capture of Elaine was completely unobserved, in fact that proved to be the case. I pulled her form through a gap in a nearby hedge to my car, which I managed to heave her into.

From there it was a short drive to my house and thank God it has an integral garage. Which meant I could take her body into the house, and up to my bedroom completely unobserved.

Once there, it was simply a matter of stripping her down to HER stockings and suspenders, laying her spread-eagled on its surface, and then VERY securely tying her wrists and ankles to the outer bed posts. There was nothing more I could do until she awoke, to find herself in MY bondage!
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Post by LunaDog »

Meanwhile I could and did strip off to stockings and suspenders myself, fetching MY ‘strap-on,’ one I’d purchased JUST for THIS occasion. Then I sat down in a nearby chair, waiting for MY captive to return to the ‘land of the living.’ Which did take some time, so much that I began to wonder IF I’d ‘overdone’ the dose a little.

Eventually, accompanied by some coughing, Elaine did so. I waited for a bit, for the reality of her new situation to ‘sink in,’ before announcing “good morning, Elaine. Sleep well?”

“What’s going on?” she shook her head a little.
“What the hell do you mean by that?”
“Oh Elaine, surely, you’re not THAT forgetful, are you? You DAMN WELL violated me! And now is the time that you PAY for that!”

It seemed to sink in. And her face appeared to acknowledge just where she was, and who SHE now BELONGED to! “Yes, Elaine, YOU are MINE now! And now we will ‘dance’ to MY tune!” I grabbed my own ‘strap-on,’ showing it to her. “Say ‘hello’ to MY new toy, Elaine. One that I’m SURE you’ll enjoy ‘talking’ too. WON’T YOU!” Like hers it too had an ‘attachment’ to stimulate MY clit whilst I was shagging her, one I INTENDED to enjoy. And I’m sure the look on my face, as I fitted my ‘tool’ around my mid-riff, making a REAL show of doing so, terrified MY captive. Good! I sure HOPED so!

“Now I’m ready for you, Elaine. Because I’m now going to shag you again AND again AND again! In fact, I’m going to keep shagging you until you can take NO more and beg, YES BEG, me to stop. When, of course, I won’t, I’ll still demand more SEX from you! Oh, and just in case you think that I’ll crack first, after all I’ll be the one working hardest, I can just stop and torment you with just my fingers. Can’t I?”

In fact, after blindfolding her, I started on her WITH just my fingers. Bringing her to climax, and to be honest I was WELL impressed with the level of passion displayed by her. “Very good. But now I need to join in the fun!” With that I climbed on top of her, and SLOWLY began to insert my strap-on inside of her pussy. She treated ME with respect in THIS regard beforehand, so I repaid the favour.

But it wasn’t long before I was REALLY pumping her, good AND hard! And thoroughly enjoying it to be totally honest. As funnily enough, so was Elaine, well, fancy that? And we brought each other to a FANTASTIC climax, almost at the very same time! Cries of ecstasy from BOTH of us filled the room! God, it had been a LONG time since I felt THIS good!

It occurred to me during the second and third shag that I subjected Elaine to that I’d NEVER felt so alive or turned-on as I did whilst in HER company. And not only me, but it also certainly seemed that my captive was fully turned on too, and during the final one of those couplings, I’d been able see fully view the joy in her eyes, as I’d removed the blindfold. She wanted to be with me as much as I wanted her! Yes, daft as this might sound, both of us now realised that we WANTED to be together, we were falling in love with each other!

Therefore, I immediately released Elaine from her bondage to my bed, and we cuddled and held the other in a manner that only people in true love with each other can. And then ‘made love’ to one another, with emotions that were completely REAL. Crazy, I know, a few hours ago I’d bought this woman here to PUNISH her, but now, as I looked into eyes, and she mine, I KNEW that THIS was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

But now there was something I wanted her to do with me. So, I laid back on my bed, spread myself out, and after kissing my Elaine frantically once more, I simply said to her. “Tie me to this bed Elaine. Make me YOURS!”
“With the utmost pleasure, Darling!”

She was as good as her word, as she travelled around my bed, stopping in each corner to secure my respective limb to the bed post there. Each bond being TOTALLY secure and inescapable, but Elaine made sure that NONE were too tight or uncomfortable. Finally, she’d visited all four of the bed’s corners and I was completely held by it, I completely belonged to my own bed now. And to Elaine. Just as I WANTED to.

“Well then my Darling,” she started, “it appears that things are a little different now, aren’t they? It’s now YOU in MY hands, somewhere I can see that you’re delighted to be!”
“Yes, Mistress Elaine, I want and NEED to be yours!”
“Mistress Elaine, eh? YES, I rather like the sound of that term. Get used to saying it, for I can perfectly see that you appear to like being mine. As I’m delighted to have you as my slave. For THAT is what you ARE now Darling, now it’s going to be ME shagging YOU, until YOU beg me to stop! Which is JUST what you WANT, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Mistress Elaine! Do with me just what YOU will! I am yours forever!”
“I KNOW you are Darling. And I will KEEP you as mine for the rest of our lives together. But that’s enough talk for now, where did you leave that ‘strap-on?’ I need it now!”

Her question was purely rhetorical as she knew exactly were said ‘weapon’ was, and boy did she make a SHOW of fitting it? Not that I was going to be permitted the use of my eyes for long, Elaine also retrieved the blindfold, and soon had it in position over my eyes. As if to simply reinforce her message to me. YOU ARE MINE!

Yes, I was, and it’s EXACTLY where I WANTED to be. Elaine started VERY slowly on me, running her hands over my bound form, rubbing her nylon covered legs over mine, resulting in electricity flowing throughout my form, completely at her mercy now!

Gently and slowly, Elaine penetrated my soaking wet pussy with her, yes I own it but she was the one now wearing it, ‘cock’ and the further in it went the more delicious it felt! When she was fully ‘in,’ she smiled, not that I could see. “Well then, my Darling; you have ALL of Mistress Elaine’s cock inside of your pussy now! Does it feel good?”
“Good Mistress? I have NEVER felt so alive and turned on. Please give me a RIGHT GOOD SHAGGING, NOW!”
“OH, I INTEND TO, don’t you worry your nylon stockings over THAT!” (An adaptation of the expression ‘don't worry your cotton socks.’) “I’m now going to shag you half to death! Again and again, as you were planning to do so with me. Until YOU beg ME to stop!”

Elaine started to perform her ‘sex cycle’ upon me, in and out, in and out! With her gradually accelerating the pace of her motion, achieving the desired result for BOTH of us. Resulting in possible the MOST intense and satisfying climax that I’d EVER ‘sexperienced’ in my ENTIRE life! As I screamed out, “ELAINE! ELAINE! ELAINE! OH GOD, ELLLAAAIIINNEEEE!”

When I’d finally calmed down, I gently asked her. “Please Elaine, please lift the blindfold for a moment. I want to look into your eyes as I tell you something.”
“Certainly Darling.” As she promised, so she now does, I could now see into her eyes. Which, just like my own, no doubt, were FULL of lust AND love!
“Elaine, my love, I now KNOW that just as you have full control of my body, and pussy, I want you to take hold of my heart too. I LOVE YOU, ELAINE!”

Her response didn’t come in any verbal form, well not at first anyway. For her lips now ‘attacked’ mine, with a level of passion that simply took my breath away! When she finally finished, she looked straight into MY eyes and answered. “I KNOW! As I do you Darling, AS I DO YOU! Will you stay mine for ever?”
“Yes Elaine, YES, I WILL! I WANT nobody else now, I WANT TO BE YOURS!”
“Well, you ARE now, Darling! For EVER!”

With that the blindfold was replaced over my eyes, plunging me back into total darkness, and that beautiful feeling of being utterly helpless and completely subject to Elaine’s immense sexuality which fully took me over again! She wasted NO time in resuming the ‘action,’ gently at first inserting her ‘cock’ into my soaking wet and aching pussy!

Now I FULLY realised that my life was now complete! I had NEVER felt more wanted, happy and blissful before. I’m EXACTLY where I WANT to be, in the total grip of my Mistress Elaine, tied securely to the bed by her, as she’s shagging me with ALL of her considerable skill and passion. If there is such a thing, claimed by Belinda Carlisle of course, as ‘Heaven being a place on Earth,’ well now utterly helpless in Elaine’s hands I knew.


And to think, THIS whole affair as started because the gorgeous Elaine and I were fighting over a mere male! Men! Who needs them? Elaine and I surely don’t! Roughly a year later we became 'wife' and 'wife.' She still ties me to our bed and shags me utterly senseless. even now!
Last edited by LunaDog 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really good and fun story! Thanks for posting it
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Post by LunaDog »

harveygasson wrote: 5 months ago Really good and fun story! Thanks for posting it
Thank you for those kind words. Makes the story worth writing.
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