Mary expert burglar and the student house (F/F)

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Mary expert burglar and the student house (F/F)

Post by Nevisben »

Hello all

Hope everyone is safe and well, been a very long time since my last posts, feel a bit out practice but I’m looking to make a bit of series out of this one.
Hope you enjoy the read and the continued stories.

Mary was expert burglar, the thrill of sneaking into a premises and stealing Her victim’s belongings. But she was a different sort of burglar as she loved to capture the occupants and tie them up, this she enjoyed the most.Mary treated it like a sport and no business or building was off limits to her.

Tonight she was going to hit a student house just off the college grounds, Mary was dressed in all dark clothing and drove her bike to the address. It’s was a summers night so she knew a window would be open.
As she drove up to the house she could see the lights on, “ this is great” Mary said to herself.She parked up and checked her shoulder bag. The bag contained zip ties, duct tape and ball gags. She had some a coils of rope and some bandanas just in case anyone got really out of hand.
Mary crept through the garden and hid in a bush and scanning the area, Mary saw a window open with the lights off. She silently moved to towards the window and peered in. She saw a girl laying on the bed dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. She looked around the room and saw laptop and smart phone.

Mary then climbed through the window into the room, she looked at the girl on the bed who was fast asleep. She’s perfect to pounce on thought Mary. Mary crept up the side of the girl and lent over her. Mary used her hand and placed it over to the girls mouth, quickly hand gagging the girl making her jilt up but Mary with her left arm pushed and her knee pushed the girl her back down. Were Mary had hand gagged the girl this muffled her attempts at screaming.
“You behave yourself girl or it’s going to be worse” Mary whispered in the girls ear. Mary can have quite a menacing voice even though she spoke softly.

“Mmm mmmm” was heard coming from the girl but Mary continued to hand gag the girl
“Now your going to do what I say is that understood”. The girl nodded.

“I’m going take my hand away from your mouth as you better not talk or scream. I’m going to give instructions and you follow them without making a sound ok.” Mary told the girl.
The girl nodded in agreement . Mary took her hand away from the girls mouth.” Right now turn over your and put your face down in the pillow. The girl complied With Mary’s instructions . Mary then got on top of the girl, “ Now put hands behind your back and cross your wrists”. The girl did exactly as asked. Mary then took a zip tie and secured the girls wrists.
Mary then got off the girl and went turned towards her feet. “Now across your ankles” Mary said to to the girl. The girl did as she was told. Mary then secured her ankles with a zip tie. “ “ good girl, it will be over soon” Mary then grabbed the girls zip tied ankles and pulled her the down the bed moving the girls face off the pillow. Mary then walked around the towards the girls head, she pulled out a red ball gag and leaning over to the girl. “Open your mouth dear” Mary told girl. The girl open her mouth and Mary put the ball gag in the girls mouth and then did up the buckles around the back of the girls head. Mary then went over to the desk and bagged up the laptop and smart phone.

Mary then walked towards the door and slowly opened it and poked her head around the door to check if the coast was clear. As Mary crept quietly into the corridor she closed the door behind her, she saw the girl face down on the bed, hands and ankles zip tied and a ball gagged in the girls mouth. She herd slight “mmmmmmm “ coming through the gag from the girl. The door shut will keep that noice down, Mary thought.

Mary then moved down the corridor were she could see a door slightly open and the lights on. Mary backed against the wall and crept towards the door peeping through it. She saw another girl sat at a desk typing away whilst wearing headphones. Perfect she won’t hear a thing while I creep up on her. Mary then bent down on all fours and in very cat like movements crept into the room and towards the girl. As Mary got closer she prepared herself to pounce on her next victim. Mary jumped up from the floor and wrapped her hand around the girls mouth to prevent any her from sounds and with her other arms grabbed the one of girls arm. “Right young lady no trouble from you or things go bad, your friend next door is already tied up so no ones coming to help you understand ” Mary told the girl. The girl nodded in agreement.

“I’m taking my hand away from your mouth and all you have to do is follow my instructions ok” In a muffled voice the girl said “ok” .Mary took her hands off the girls mouth. Put your hands behind your back, Mary produced a roll of duct tape and started wrapping tape around the girls wrists and then started wrapping tape around the girls waist pining her to the chair.
“ Good girl so far but I can’t have you screaming out you need a gag” . Mary then ripped off a strip of duct duct and placed it firmly over the girls mouth. “Now put your feet together” said Mary, the girl complied with Mary instructions . Mary then wrapped duct tape around the girls ankles . “ that will keep you secure” she then pattered the girl on her head.” Mmm mmmm “ was heard through the girls tape gag.
“Well you won’t need this“ Mary said as she put the laptop in her bag.” Let’s see what else you got in her for me”. Mary then started rummaging through the girls draws. “Not much is there” Mary said.

“Ellie can I borrow your usb stick please” , was heard from the outside the room .Mary turned to the girl. “ Is that you” Mary said to the girl. Right I’m going to have to improvise here Mary thought to herself, Mary hid behind the door and turned the lights off. She then heard the creeks of the door handle turning and then the door open and the light being flicked on.

“WHAT THE HELL” yelled the girl and she ran immediately went to towards her friend who was tied and gagged to a chair.

Mary went straight for for the girl, hand over mouth to stop any screaming and then tried wrestling the girl to the floor but she was putting up quite a struggle. Mary got the girl to the floor but she was still resisting. Mary had to think quickly . She managed to get to her pocket were she had the roll of duct tape and pulled it out. As she rolled on to her back with the girl now on top of her. She then forced the roll of tape into her back “ I’ve got a gun your better behave yourself or your done” the girl stopped struggling and Mary rolled the girl over “Ok don’t hurt me I will do as you want” said the girl. “That’s what I want to hear“ replied Mary. Mary then rolled the girl over on her front. Mary who was now on top of the girl and still had duct tape roll pressed against the girl back. “You will follow my instructions or else”.
“ I understand“ said the girl.

Mary grabbed the girls arms and forced them behind her back, she crossed the wrists and began wrapping tape around them. Mary then turned around facing the girls feet. “Cross your ankles and bring them towards me” said Mary. The girl did as she was asked and Mary started wrapping tape around them. Mary then got off the girl and then pulled out a zip tie and looped it under and though the girls ankles and then pulled her ankles towards to the girls wrists, then looping the other end of the zip tie around the girls wrist and securing them putting the girl in a hogtie.

“Ouch that hurts it too tight “ said the girl. “Be quite or else” replied Mary.

“Hey were’s your gun, you don’t have one you lied. Protested the girl. “ I thought I told you to shut up or else” said Mary.
“ I don’t think I should now cause I would have taken you if had not lied” said the girl.
“Right you need shutting up with something” replied Mary.

Mary looked around and then at the hogtied girl. The girl was wearing black ankle socks. Perfect thought Mary. So she took off the girls socks and balled them up. “Hey what you are taking my socks off for.

“ Open wide” said Mary ,as she went towards the girl with the balled up black socks. The girl refused to open her mouth, so Mary pinched the girls nose and after a few seconds her mouth opened nice and wide. Mary shoved the balled up socks in the girls mouth and started wrapping duct tape around the girls head to securely gag her.
“That’s what you get you for not cooperating “ . The girl was wiggling around in her hogtie and “ “mmm mmmm “ could be heard through her sock gag.
Mary then went into her bag and pulled out a black bandana and tied it across the girls head blindfolding the girl. “little extra for you since you are a trouble maker”. Said Mary

Mary then walked towards the door and tuned the light off. Just as she closed the door behind her she could see the silhouette of the the girl tied to the chair and the hogtied girl thrashing around in the darkness. Mary then went into the corridor towards the front of the house.

Mary continued down the corridor, as she got to the end she saw a staircase, to the left was a kitchen and the right was the living room. Mary crept into the kitchen to check the area out.

“I will grab two cokes from the kitchen” Mary heard this coming from the top of the stairs. Mary quickly hid behind the kitchen door, as she heard foot steps coming down the stairs. A girl came into the kitchen walking straight to fridge and open the door. Mary silently came up behind her and put her left hand over the girls mouth hand gagging her. Mary used her right arm grabbing the girls arm twisting it behind the her.

“Don't struggle and cause me any problems you understand that ” Mary whispers into the girls ear. The girl nodded in agreement.
Mary took hold of both of the girls wrists with one hand and held them behind her, while still hand gagging the girl she forcefully led her to the kitchen table and bent her over the table. Mary bent over the girl releasing her hand from the girls mouth and grabbed a dish cloth and shoved it into the girls mouth. “Don’t you dare spit that out”. Mary told the girl.

The majority of the dish cloth was still hanging out of the girl mouth, so Mary then shoved just a bit more in the girls mouth. “Mmmm mmm “ was heard from the girl. Mary then pulled out some zip ties and bound the girls wrists behind her back. Once she was secured, Mary then took hold of the girls arm and pulled her to follow her. Mary led the girl towards the stairs. Mary planned to throw her in the room with the other girls but just as she passed the stairs, Mary saw a reasonably size cupboard under the stairs and thought this would be a good place to store the girl.

Mary open the door and pushed the girl in cupboard. “ mmmm mmmm” was heard from the girl . “O be quite and do as your told” . Mary told the girl.

“Right get on your knees and across your ankles”. The girl complied with Mary’s instructions. Mary then zip tied the girls ankles together. “That dish cloth won’t do” Mary said
Mary produced a ball gag from her bag, she pulled out the cloth and instructed the girl to open her mouth. The girl did as asked and Mary put the ball gag in the girls mouth and and secured he straps behind the girls head. “Good girl and enjoy yourself”. Mary said and closed the cupboard door.

From Mary stakeouts of the house she knew there was only one more person left in the house and they were upstairs and she would need to get to them quickly as the last girl who came down for the two cans of coke and would be missed and someone would soon come looking for their friend.
Mary made her way upstairs and she could here music coming from one of the rooms, this must be were the last girl was. Mary walked to towards the door at stood outside it. Mary knocked on the door “Hey I’ve got your drink” Mary heard shuffling around and foot steps coming towards the door. The door flung open and the girl with a very confused look on her face attempted to speak. Immediately Mary put her hand over the girls mouth and forced her way in the room and pushed the girl on her bed and pinning one the girls arm above her head.

“Right now listen to me, your the last and so there’s no help coming for you “ Your friend who was down the stairs getting your drink. Well she’s tied up and gagged and in the cupboard under the stairs. The rest of your house mates including Ellie she’s all duct taped up to her chair. So your going to do what I say ok” the girl nodded in agreement.
Mary removed her hand from the girls mouth. “ No talking and put arms out in front of your and cross your wrists” . Mary then zip tied the girls wrists. Mary then moved down to the girls ankles and put a zip tie around the girls ankles. “ You stay there all comfy on your bed while I help myself” Mary told the girl.
Mary put a tablet and mobile phone in her shoulder bag. “ I had a real good haul this trip and now I’m of but not before I secure you a little better, put your hands above your head”. The girl did as instructed. Mary then put and another zip tie around the girls wrists and then looped around the bed frame securing the girl to the bed. Mary then ripped off a strip of duct tape and placed it over the girls mouth to gagged her. “Don’t need your screaming for help”

“Mmm mmmm mmm “ was heard from the girl.

Mary made her down the stairs and towards the back of the house and out the back door towards her bike. Once she was far enough away she will call the police, so her captives are not left too long.

Mary got back to her hid out and started going through her stolen loot, laptops and phones are good but she thought somewhere that holds cash would be better. Mary switched on the TV too the news, she enjoyed watching about her escapades.

A new reporter standing outside the students house “ We are here at scene of a burglary at a student house were one female broke in and tied up the occupants and stole their belongings. Police got a tip and searched the house, were the they found one girls in her room with her hands secured behind her back with zip ties and ball gagged , another girl was found hogtied and her socks removed and shoved in her mouth then secured with duct tap. Police so far have no leads”

Proud of her work Mary sat back and chilled but looked over at her desk, it was her plans for her next job. The green school academy, a private school for girls. She had a tip off that they keep cash in the safe.

Mary smiled with excitement
Last edited by Nevisben 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by BlackCape »

There's a lot of punctual and grammar mistakes that I think it may need to be re-edited. I'll PM you the edited story, courtesy of me. This story is great for a laid-back burglar story, and if you edit the grammar mistakes, people, including me, can have an enjoyment reading through it without any annoyance.

Keep up the good work, and stay safe :)

- BC
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Post by LatexLover »

BlackCape wrote: 4 years ago There's a lot of punctual and grammar mistakes that I think it may need to be re-edited. I'll PM you the edited story, courtesy of me. This story is great for a laid-back burglar story, and if you edit the grammar mistakes, people, including me, can have an enjoyment reading through it without any annoyance.

Keep up the good work, and stay safe :)

- BC
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Post by Dpsiic »

Nice story
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Post by OkDokey »

Great story!
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Nice and Good story
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Post by Nevisben »

Thank you all for the comments 👍

I hope to continue the story
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Post by sophie »

Catburglar and innocent girl. Thats my Favorite stoty
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Post by Lost_the_keys »

I loved the story and how you had her work from room to room, finding different ways to restrain each of the girls.

I do have to agree that all the typos and grammar problems made it a difficult read, but that is easy to fix with some proof reading next time.

I'll be looking forward to the next part!

Post by TieMeUpPls »

Mary sounds creative for sure, my kind of girl!
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Post by Foryourpleasure113 »

Mary missed a couple of good opportunities to enhance the housemates bonds if you ask me.

Great housemate story!
30 Male Seattle I wonder what you are thinking of doing?..
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Post by JulieG »

Nice story. Will Mary try a boys week?
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Post by Caesar73 »

JulieG wrote: 2 years ago Nice story. Will Mary try a boys week?
I agree: A nice story and Mary raiding a boys block? Interessting notion :) Please carry on [mention]Nevisben[/mention] !
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Post by mikejones12989 »

Fun story!
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Post by emca753 »

sophie wrote: 3 years ago Catburglar and innocent girl. Thats my Favorite stoty
I bet you would be a good burglar if you knew ju jutsu
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