Self-Bondage Discovery - Helpless With a Stranger (F/M)

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Self-Bondage Discovery - Helpless With a Stranger (F/M)

Post by puddy300 »

Just a little story about being found in the middle of a self-bondage session. I used to tie myself up and this is a sort of "I wish this had happened" sort of thing. If you want to imagine what I look like, I'm 5'11", average body type, and would be around my early 20s in this story.


It was 10AM on a Thursday. The roommates were gone, off to work. I had the day off, and the house to myself for the first time in a while. So, naturally, I decided it was time to scratch my self-bondage itch.

I prepared all the necessary goods in the living room where I was planning on using the space. Several pieces of rope. Duct tape, for my gag. A blindfold, since I hadn't used one in a while. My camera, since I liked taking video and watching myself struggle later. And of course, safety scissors. Usually, the technique I used to tie myself allowed me to easily escape when I was ready. It was more about pretending to be helplessly tied than actually helplessly bound. But sometimes things happened and the scissors were the safety valve.

I was wearing my usual attire for a tie-up: comfortable sweatpants. Shirtless, because I wanted to do a chest harness and feel the ropes on my skin. Barefoot, because I always was.

Since I thought I had plenty of time (neither roommate would be home from work before 5PM), I decided to be elaborate. Fancy-looking chest harness I'd been practicing to go with a hogtie. Hogties were my favorite, I loved the way they looked and they were easy to set up. A little cinch knot around the ropes I wrapped loosely around my wrists could be tightened by pulling my tied up feet. And then as long as I didn't pull too tight, my fingers could loosen it back up enough to slip out. Easy.

I was pretty excited as I finished tying myself up, slipped into the cinch knot, and tightened it. I had used a few strips of duct tape, so the gag was effective. Being blindfolded meant that I could focus on the sensations of being bound. I wiggled around for some time, enjoying myself. I'd even tied my big toes together, and waved my bound feet back and forth. It was going to be a fun video, I thought.

Apparently, I wiggled a bit too much, because I'd tightened the cinch knot too much. When I was done and ready to let myself go, I found I couldn't loosen the knot. Well, no matter, that's what the scissors were for. They were set up a bit to the side, off camera. I dragged myself over to where I'd left them, feeling around with my fingers. Weirdly, I couldn't seem to find them. I thought maybe I had been off a bit, it was easy to miss the right spot with the blindfold on. I kept at it, but still couldn't find them.

"Looking for something?"

I froze. There was someone else there, a woman who sounded quite amused. I hadn't heard the front door open, nor had I heard anyone come into the living room. That's when I remembered one of my roommates, as he was wont to do, had had someone over the night before. I hadn't really checked to see if she'd left, because he usually (I thought) had them leave before he left for work. I guess she hadn't. And now she was here, watching me having hogtied myself.

Now embarrassed, I mmphed something into my gag that didn't make sense but was intended to ask for the scissors. "I'll assume you want the scissors," she said. "Well, I have them. And maaayyybe I'll give them to you. In a bit."

What? I thought. I lay in my hogtie, not sure what to do.

"I'm enjoying watching this too much for it to end now," she said. "You haven't even really tried hard enough to get free. But you know what? I think I want to make this a bit more interesting." I felt her grab my wrists. "This little knot here looks too easy, let me help you." She wound more rope between my wrists. Now I was really tied up, proper.

I protested into my gag. I didn't know this person, and suddenly I was helpless at her hands.

"Oh, don't pretend like you don't like this," she said. She wasn't totally wrong.

I wasn't sure what she wanted, so I lied there. I felt her kick me, lightly. "Try to get out, bondage boy," she said. "I'll let you out eventually, but like I said, I was enjoying the show, and I want to so you really try. Are you really stuck? Can you really not escape? I want to see. Oh, and I saw you were filming yourself. How vain." She laughed. "Hopefully you don't mind if I get some better angles for you."

I supposed I didn't have a choice. I was really, truly, helpless, at her mercy. I couldn't see, I couldn't talk. Truthfully, in spite of the potential danger of the situation (or maybe in part because of it), I was pretty excited. I couldn't help that.

So, I decided, if it was a show she wanted, a show she would get. I put all my effort into struggling on the floor, trying to get at any of my ropes. I always put my knots out of reach of my fingers though, except for the one around the wrists. And for the ropes she had applied she had cleverly placed the knot in a place I couldn't reach, either. My guess was she had done some bondage before herself.

After some time, I had gotten basically nowhere, and was getting tired. I'd been tied up for a while, so my muscles were getting sore, and since I could only breathe through my nose I was breathing a little heavily.

"Very good, very good," she said. Apparently I'd pleased her. "Yes, take a little break." Break? I thought. It was time for her to release me. "I bet you want out now," she said, as if she'd read my mind. "Which is exactly why I won't quite yet. You aren't truly in bondage until you're tied up past the point you want to be free."

I tried to beg in my gag but she just laughed and pretended she couldn't understand me.

After she'd given me a break, she said, "I'm going to have a little fun with you. Don't worry, I think you'll like it." She started by tickling me, testing for ticklish spots. I was only ticklish on two spots, my sides below the rib cage and the soles of my feet. I giggled into my gag, but fortunately she didn't do it for long. "I just wanted to see, ticklish guys are so cute."

I was on my stomach, but she pushed me onto my side. She reached her hand down into my pants and started touching down there. I was instantly responsive, going fully erect almost immediately. "Easy," she said. "You want me to do this, don't you?"

I had to admit that I did. I grunted affirmative. She took her damn time, working me slowly, edging me a couple of times. "Moan for me," she said, and I did. She'd already found I'd obey her, and at that point, I wanted to be released so bad I would have done a lot of things. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I came in her hand and my pants.

She let go and moved away, leaving me lying there spent. "This was fun. I should have been with you last night instead." I felt scissors being placed into my hands. "Here you go, you've earned it. Thanks for the good time. You got some good video of yourself, but then, so did I. Don't worry though, it'll be just for me. Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again some time." I felt a kiss one my forehead, and then she walked away. Before I could use the scissors on the rope binding me, I heard the front door open and she was gone.

I never did find out who she was. She was right, the video was great. I love watching it, even to this day. She never appeared in the video, except for her hand at the end, and I was too embarrassed to ask my roommate about her. When he brought women over, I always wondered if she ever returned, but if she did she never said anything about that day. But the memories were worth it.
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Post by Red86 »

Enjoyed reading this little story! But damn, that would bug the hell outta me, not knowing who she was and not knowing if she was still coming around to see your roommate. I have since moved on from my self bondage days but it's definitely an interesting situation for anyone into it, to find themselves in 😅
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Post by puddy300 »

Thanks! Yes, it would be crazy to keep wondering if the person who did that was coming back but you didn't know. Something like this is pretty clearly in the realm of fantasy, though, in real life this would be a lot less acceptable!
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent little fantasy. Well written, fun, and short. Just how I like 'em
Thanks for posting!
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Post by puddy300 »

Thanks MaxRoper, yes, that's how I like them too!
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