A Date Night (?/M)

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A Date Night (?/M)

Post by cj2125 »

February 13th 4:50 pm

“Do you know what day is tomorrow?”

Danny didn’t lift his eyes from the game he was holding, but his finger froze for a moment as he pondered my question “Tuesday?”

“I know it’s Tuesday! But do you know what date it is?”

He remained still, curled up in the couch with his face practically glued to his screen. I could see the game his was playing reflected in his square glasses! “… the 14th…?” he asked with his soft voice.

“February 14th!” I reminded him. Yet to my frustration, there was no visible reaction from him so I decided to drop the subtleties “St. Valentine’s!”

“Oh…” he said, his head remained hunched yet his eyes darted up to meet me “You are going to mass?” Okay, he was pulling my leg!

“For real, you got any plans?” I asked. I love that guy, but sometimes I forget subtleties don’t work on him! He looked back at his game and shook his head “Me neither” I looked at him expectantly. Not even he could be that dense right?

It took him almost a minute to realize I was expecting him to answer! But eventually it hit him, he put his game on pause and finally lifted his head, looking me straight in the eyes “Well… you could drop by after work…” yes! “Maybe get some Chinese on your way here…” a little underwhelming but I’ll take it! “You can even take the couch to watch Ru Paul’s, I’ll just be in my room. There’s this game I haven’t finished…”

Well fuck.

February 14th 6:10 pm

I’m pretty sure Danny wasn’t expecting me to be back so soon after I threw his flip flop at him and stormed out of his apartment. He sounded confused when he answered the intercom but reliably let me in. He looked even more confused when he opened the door and saw me all dressed up, ready for the date he had no idea we were about to have.

He just stood frozen, his jaw hitting the floor as I strolled into his flat. We couldn’t look more different at that moment. He looked like he had just gotten out of bed. His dark curly hair was shotting in every direction, there were bags under his eyes and he just wore his black anime t-shirt and a pair of grey boxers. He could barely mutter what I was doing there while I dropped my gym bag on the floor and closed the door behind me with my foot. Any other questions he might have had were promptly silenced with a kiss on his mouth. A kiss he eagerly returned once got over his initial shock.

“Today, we are doing something different” I said breaking our embrace “But I’m pretty sure you are going to enjoy it!” I crouched on the floor and opened the bag, letting him take a peek at its contents.

February 14th 6:35 pm

Though I was no stranger to working with ropes, this was my first time trying them on Danny. He made a few weak protests when I showed him the ropes, but obediently lay down on the floor upon my orders.

“How does it feel?” I asked once I had tightened the last rope. Danny closed his eyes and flexed his fingers before admitting that it was strange. Okay, not hating it so that was a good sign! I had a feeling he’d be into it based on our previous interactions. I noticed he seemed to enjoy when I playfully clamped my hand over his mouth and he had positive reactions whenever I pulled some amateurish wrestling moves while on bed. But this was the first time I fully restrained him. Nothing too fancy, just a simple hogtie. I didn’t want to push it too far. Besides, I would soon have to undo it so no point in going crazy.

I crouched in front of Danny and carefully removed his glasses. He looked up at me with puppy eyes. His face betraying a mixture of curiosity and fear of the unknown. Even though his vision was blurry without his glasses, his eyes followed me as I open one side pocket from my bag and pulled out a crumpled cloth. He couldn’t see well enough to figure it out what it was, it wasn’t until I was holding it in front of his face and ordering him to open his mouth that the smell clued him on what it was.

To my pleasant surprise, this was what pushed him in his first act of rebellion in the evening. He frowned and shook his head, refusing to part his lips despite my best attempts to shove my underwear inside his mouth. He even starting tugging at his bound arms and tried to move his head a way from me. His rebellion was short lived though, soon I got tired of this charade and just pulled his hair, yanking his head backwards. Out of pain and surprise, Danny let out a gasp which provided me with an opening to shove my underwear inside his mouth. While he was choking on the fabric, I pressed one end of the strip of duct tape over his lips and unceremoniously wrapped it around his lower face. I tried to be careful not to touch his hair but I’m pretty sure a good chunk got stuck in there.

I stepped back and watched him grunt and squirm helplessly on the floor, contorting his face in futile attempt to spit the cloth out. “Enjoying the taste?” I teased him getting an angry grunt and more vigorous head-shaking. He even dared to glare at me! But Danny is a smart guy, it didn’t take him too long to realize any struggle was just a waste of energy, and if there is something he hates is doing pointless physical work. It didn’t take long for him to stop resisting and just give up, slumping his shoulders and resting his head on the floor, all the while giving me puppy eyes.

Time for the truth! Now that he had calmed down, I push him with my foot until he was lying on his side. I was pleased to see the tent under his boxers. He didn’t object to me pressing his crotch with my foot. “If you could only see how helpless you look!” I tease him and pulled out my phone, snapping a picture of him “I could send it to our friends…” he shook his head, making puppy eyes though I could feel his member growing under my shoe “Oh, you’d like that! What a pervert you are!” I could tell my teasing was working on him as he started thrusting his hips, trying to get more friction for his member.

Even though he was clearly enjoying this, I wasn’t close to be done with him. After playing with Danny for a few more minutes, I pulled my foot away from him, getting a soft whimper in response “Oh… don’t worry darling. We’ll have plenty of time to play later. But right now, I need to get you ready for our date!” he cocked his head confused “remember? Is Valentine’s!”

February 14th 7:20 pm

“Seriously, what kind of grown man are you?” I asked aloud, looking at the t-shirt with a Pokemon logo on it and throwing it at the rejected pile. It’s not that I didn’t like his dorky style of clothing, the issue was that… “How is it that you don’t have a single necktie?” I rolled my eyes, making a mental note of dragging him shopping as soon as possible. Finally, hidden in the back of his closet, I was able to find something that would work.

“I mean it Danny, get yourself a necktie!” I announced as I walked into his bathroom, getting an angry grunt in response. Careful not to get my own clothes wet, I slipped my hand behind the shower curtain and turned off the water flow, hearing a visibly sigh of relief from Danny. I pulled the curtain away to reveal a very much naked and wet, kneeling, grumpy puppy.

Danny glowered up at me, completely drenched and trembling. Might be a little bit mean but nothing like a cold shower to deal with a horny guy! Given that I didn’t want to go to the trouble of drying my ropes, I had decided to just duct tape his hands behind his back. Of course, I never bothered to remove the gag!

Carefully not to get myself wet; I helped him stand up and step out of the shower. There was a puddle already forming around him by the time a wrapped a towel around his torso. “Careful, don’t you dare splash me!” I warned him. In hindsight that only gave him an opening. Even though his face was almost covered by wet hair and tape, I saw a spark in his eyes and a smile under the tape “Danny… don’t! I’m serious Danny, don’t you dare!” I tried to step away from him but it was too late since he already had was shaking his body, splashing water everywhere. He chuckled softly and grinned at me, happy with his small victory, though his triumphant face turned to a worried one when he saw how I was scowling at him.

You think it’s funny messing with my outfit?

February 14th 9:15 pm

“You hungry?” Danny replied with a desperate moan. Yeah, hunger might have been driving him crazy, not the vibrator I attached to his crotch. I have to admit he looked dashing in that navy blue suit! True, I’ll never get over his lack of neckties, but that white shirt looked great on him with the top three buttons undone!

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, making him flinch and strain his muscles against the ropes. After his little prank in the bathroom, I decided to go crazy on him! His hands were bound behind the backrest of the chair, secured to the several anchor points the wood made. I wrapped more ropes around his upper, lower chest, and waist. His ankles were bound to each side of the chair, along with his knees, while his thighs were secured to the seat. In essence, Danny could only move his head and fingers. I also took the liberty to unzip his pants and press the tip of the vibrator against his boxers. It was nice seeing the few wet spots on the fabric! Of course I didn’t bother removing the gag, though his puppy eyes were starting to get me so I had to wrap a scarf over them.

Danny let out a sigh of relief when I finally turned off the vibrator, though that sigh quickly turned into a frustrated whimper when I zipped up his pants. That’s adorable! He really thought I was going to help out with his hard on!

“Okay Danny, here’s the deal. You must be hungry” he nodded “so I’m going to remove the gag. You can only speak if I ask you anything. Otherwise, not only will the gag go back in, but I’ll have you spend the night tied up in the closet. Get it?” Danny slowly nodded and I started working on removing the gag. I even forgave the scream he let out when the tape predictably ripped a chunk of hair.

To his credit, he followed my instructions to the letter. He stayed quiet, listening to my ramblings and only answering whenever I asked him something. I’m pretty sure he knows I was being serious with my threat! For the next hour or so, I alternating between taking a bite myself and feeding him. Occasionally stopping to wipe his face with a napkin and give him some wine. I don’t consider myself a great cook, so I was glad when he voiced his appreciation for the food (after I asked him of course).

“Ready for the dessert?” he nodded. I leaned closer to him and gently undid a few more buttons from his shirt, sliding my hand inside and feeling his almost hairless chest, until I reached his nipples. He instinctively leaned his head back, allowing my lips to reach his neck. I’m not sure if this was the dessert he was expecting, but judging by his hip thrusts, he was enjoying it equally.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Danny” I whispered in his ear and waited for his answer.

And waited…

And waited…

The fact that I had stopped playing with him probably clued him that I was expecting something from him. “Uh… thanks?”

Well fuck…

February 14th 11:30 pm

I really didn’t plan for this evening to end with me doing the dishes while Danny was still tied to the chair, but things don’t always turn the way we expect it! Danny just kept looking around, since he was unable to see, he could only turn his head in the direction of my footsteps. He was nervously squirming on the chair and several times I noticed him opening his mouth, yet probably wasn’t sure if my early command about him staying silent still applied. I’m not even sure about that myself.

But even someone like Danny could tell that something was wrong and finally he decided to bravely break my rules and ask me if something was bothering me. Gee! What made you think that?

“I like you Daniel” his head perked up when I started speaking “I have fun hanging out with you. Yes, you’re weird and a dork, but you are kind, smart, funny, and even hot. And yes, I’m being serious! I know that when we started this, it was just us blowing some steam. Just two friends occasionally hooking up, no strings attached. Neither of us was ready for anything more serious and I get it. But things change. Danny, I want to be with you. I want to hold your hand while we walk down the street, I want to go on dates, I want to cuddle while watching Ru Paul, I want to go with you to your anime conventions, and I want to only be with you and no one else. But I really don’t know how you feel…” as I spoke, I got closer to him and gently placed my hands on the sides of his head “so this is my ultimatum” I pulled the blindfold up. His big grey eyes looked up intensely at me as I placed his glasses back on his face.

“If you don’t feel the same way, ask me to untie you. Don’t worry, there won’t be hard feelings. But if you want to be with me, then I’ll put the gag back on. So, what’s going to be?”

Danny looked up at me, his face stone cold. I don’t think I ever felt more nervous before. I wanted to throw up. Then my heart stopped when he took a deep breath and parted his lips.

February 15th 7:20 am

I woke up alone in the bed, wishing there was someone besides me to cuddle. The sunlight filtering through the blinds. It was still early, yet I dutifully stood up, not bothering to get dressed, and headed for the closet.

I was greeted with Danny’s angry yet tired scowl. “Good morning honey” I smiled and gently peeled the tape off his lips. It was just a single strip, more to symbolically shut him up than an actual gag. “How was your night?”

“I’ve had better” Danny grunted. Not going to argue that. He looked lie a hot mess! He didn’t even accept my help to get up, instead he pressed his back against the wall and pushed himself up, until he was able to bunny hop out of the closet. Which gave me a good view of my naked boyfriend bouncing towards me. “You didn’t have to put me in the closet all night!” he straightened his body, allowing me to admire the ropes that bound his arms to his chest, his thighs and his ankles.

“You broke the rules” I shrugged while he turned around so I could untie his wrists. I was just happy of how the night had turned out. And baring spending the night tied up in the closet, I could say the same about Danny.

“What?” I asked when he let out a snort while I was untying his arms

“It’s just funny” he said rubbing his sore wrists “you’re the only person who managed to make me go on a date for St. Valentine’s”

“And I only had to tie you up and held you hostage!” I chuckled while he smirked and nodded “which makes me wonder… if you fell the same way about me, why you never said anything?”

To my surprise, Danny didn’t think about his reply, instead he asked me to open his nightstand drawer. Inside there was a crudely wrapped box addressed to me. At his insistence, I opened it and found two concert tickets.

“Wait, are these for…” Danny nodded “they are my favorite-”

“I know” with his legs still tied, he awkwardly hopped to the bed and plopped down, throwing the sheet over his lower body, even though I was standing naked in front of him. That’s when it dawned upon me. The tickets had been sold out months ago. That could only mean he had to be planning this for ages!

“Sam” he said my name “I’m not the greatest person when reading social cues. And you know that I’m a walking disaster when we are talking about romance. But I know I like you a lot. I was scared you would be repulsed if I asked you out. I didn’t think you’d feel the same way. Even yesterday I wasn’t sure what was going on until you spelled it for me…” his cheeks turned red, and he turned his attention to wiping his glassed with the bedsheet “but I wanted to come forward. That’s why I bought the tickets. I know you’d love them and it would also give me a deadline to… as they say, man up” he put on his glassed and looked at me with a sheepish smile “so… happy St. Valentine’s Day”

“That was yesterday” I laughed

“Then, happy St. Sigfrid’s day”


“St. Sigfrid of Sweden, today is his feast” he said in the tone makes me wonder if he is being serious or joking.

“You’re a dork!” I rolled my eyes and tossed a coil of ropes at him. He remained still as the ropes hanged from his head.

“Yet you fell for me” he gave me the closest thing to a cocky smile I’ve ever seen in his face

“Only because you make an adorable hostage” he shrugged, taking in that odd compliment. Well, if he wasn’t going to argue me about that… “Well Daniel, what are you waiting! Get down and hands behind your back.”

His eyes opened wide and he finally acknowledge the ropes in his head “wait… I’ve been tied up all night!” I teased him by implying that he hadn’t earned his freedom yet “but… but I have to leave for work in forty minutes!”

“Text them and call in sick” I ordered him

“I can’t just do that! It’s dishonest!”

“And that wasn’t a suggestion” I added. He sighed, slumped his shoulders and picked up his phone, furiously typing on it. Yet despite his obvious attempts at a frown, I could see the corners of his mouth breaking into a smile.
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Post by FelixSH »

Aww, that was sweet and cute. Lovely story, as always from you. Probably unsurprising, the idea of forcibly being dressed up is very appealing to me, even though I agree with the protagonist - Danny needs a tie. Dressing up for a date, even just for home, is a fun idea.

Nice idea, making the gender of the protagonist unclear. I do prefer when it is spelled out (that it's a guy), but it works pretty well.

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Post by Rtj65 »

Nice story, I think the characters come across as authentic and relatable, and I like the ambiguity you've added to the protagonist's gender, it's a refreshing choice. Thanks for sharing!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by gag1195 »

A very sweet and adorable hostage situation! A great little holiday treat!
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Post by Svpmissive »

I don't know if that gave me hope or made me feel worse...

But that was an absolutely amazing story. Thank you for sharing it.
Either wishing to be tied up or currently tied up.
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