Manhandled Robin Faces a Caustic End (F/M and MMMM/M)

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Manhandled Robin Faces a Caustic End (F/M and MMMM/M)

Post by rtbw »

This is a continuation of the story when Catwoman left Batman, Robin, and Batgirl tied together with another woman in a bikram yoga studio. ( As usual, I imagine myself in my Robin outfit in this story. And I hope this satisfies [mention]KinkyLily[/mention]'s desire to see some masculine villains take part in the fun. Here we go…

A few weeks have passed since I escaped from Catwoman’s nefarious scheme for me to be steamed to death while tied to Batgirl in the hot yoga studio. The string of bank robberies abruptly stopped, so Batman, Batgirl, and I have settled back into our usual everyday crimefighting rhythm of patrolling Gotham City and apprehending lesser criminals.

When I’m done with my work for the day and the sun sets, it’s time for my alter ego Robin to make the rounds for the night. I take off my street clothes and begin my transformation by stepping into my tights, and then I put on my mask, shirt, and gloves. I fasten my cape around my neck, pull into my briefs, and buckle my utility belt. I’m now ready to start the evening.

My first stop is the university museum. I greet the security guard working the overnight shift and walk in to make sure that all of the security protocols are being followed. I start from the top and clear each floor one by one as I make my way down. I’m just about to clear the basement when I hear some shuffling in the adjoining exhibit hall. I quietly make my way there when I’m startled by a voice behind me.

“Long time no see, my perrrrrtly little Boy Wonder.”

I swing around to see Catwoman, and before I can respond, she yells at her henchmen, “Get him, boys.”

I square to fight four of them, and although I have the upper hand at first, I can’t defend myself against so many of them. After being punched in the face, I wheel around into the arms of a henchman. He turns me around so my back is against him and then locks my arms behind me. Another henchman steps up and punches me in my stomach. I’m totally unable to defend myself as he deals me blow after blow just above my utility belt.

Finally, the one holding my arms releases me. I’m able to remain on my feet, but I bend over to catch my breath and ease the pain of all the punches to my abs. I feel like I can begin standing up straight when another henchman walks toward me with a chair. He swings it against my back, and I collapse in a heap.

My whole body feels shattered as I try to recollect myself on the ground. I roll over so that my body is facing up, and Catwoman saunters up to me while clapping her hands, applauding the work of her goons. I look up at Catwoman from the ground and tell her defiantly, “Catwoman! You’re under arrest for unlawful entry and your role in all of those bank robberies. You have the right to remain…”

I can’t finish because she steps on my crotch with the stiletto of her heels digging into the bulge of my briefs. I wince in pain and grab her foot with both hands trying to pull it off, but she is surprisingly strong. Catwoman pushes down even harder and digs her heel into my sensitive area even more. I let go of her foot because I’m in so much pain.

With her foot still between my legs, she looks down at me and says with a smirk, “I don’t think you’re in a position to do anything to me.” She lifts up her foot, and I instinctively grab my crotch with both hands to control the pain. But suddenly, one of the goons flips me over, ties my hands behind my back, and binds my feet together. He then blindfolds me, picks me up, and slings me over his shoulder.

I can’t see anything, but I can tell the group is leaving the premises. As the goon carries me, he rubs my legs and bottom nonstop. He even sticks his hand into my briefs and squeezes my rump. After a long walk, I’m thrown down and I hear car doors closing around me.

When the vehicle reaches the destination, the goon picks me up and carries me, fondling me the same way he did before. He sets me down on my feet, unties my hands only to stretch my arms above my head and ties my wrists back together. He removes my blindfold, and I’m standing with my arms held above my head with a chain going up to a crane system in the ceiling of a warehouse.

Catwoman meows as she paws at my body from my chest down to my legs, and then works back up to my bulge. While her hand is cupped around my bulge, she explains, “I’m sorry this is going to be the end of the line for you, Robin. I need to dispose of you while I have the chance so I have better odds against the remaining two-thirds of the Terrific Trio. But this will be quick. You’ll see that you’re fastened to a crane system, which one of my dependable assistants will operate to lift you up and drop you into that vat of acid. I don’t know what it’s for, but it’ll do the trick to get rid of you.”

I retort, “You fiendish feline! You’ll never get away with this murder!”

“Maybe they’ll charge me with your murder if they find your body, but it will be perrrfectly disintegrated in that solution. You’ll be completely gone!”

Catwoman continues, “But I feel like I should have a keepsake so that you’re not completely erased from this earth.” She nods at one of the goons and orders, “Remove his cute Bat-briefs for me.”

He cuts the rope that was tying my feet together, and trying to seize the moment I try to kick him. He dodges the kick and then punches me in the stomach to calm me down. I hang limp by my wrists after the blow. The assistant unbuckles my utility belt, grabs the sides of my green briefs, and slides them down the tights that are encasing my legs. He then tosses my briefs to Catwoman, who bunches it up in her hands, puts it into her face, and inhales deeply. “I can smell your raging hormones, my little Boy Wonder. This will be a wonderful memento of our times together.”

Turning to the henchman who pulled off my briefs, Catwoman orders him, “Put the utility belt back on Robin. I need that fully dissolved too with the rest of his body.” Turning back to me, Catwoman whispers in my ear, “It’s a shame I need to do this to you. You could have pleased so many women with this hot body of yours, but I do need you gone. Ta-ta, Robin.”

After Catwoman turns around and leaves the warehouse, the goons converge on me. One of them remarks, “Well, well, well…our little Robin is in the clutches of a herd of cats. I’d like a memento too. Since we can’t have your utility belt, we’ll have to settle for your tights.” As he reaches for my waist, I try to squirm away, but I don’t have enough strength to do anything. He grabs the waistband of my tights and peels it down my thighs, knees, and ankles. He then swings my tights above my head like a lasso and the rest of the gang yells in laughter cheering him on. Meanwhile, I feel completely ashamed with my privates fully exposed before them.

One of the henchmen begins walking to the crane’s operating room, and another walks up to me and says, “I wish we could torment you longer, but our boss’s order was to dispose of you quickly. But here’s one parting shot.” He then knees me between my legs, and I squeal in pain, which feels magnified because I’m totally helpless with my hands tied above my head.

I hear the gears of the crane churning and feel myself being lifted off the ground. Before I know it, I’m about 30 feet in the air, and Catwoman’s goons look up at me in my suspended state with my private parts dangling above them in full view. My ascent stops, and I now glide in the air toward the vat. I try in vain to free my wrists from the rope that’s attached to the hook of the crane, but it’s no use. I don’t see any way out of this!



Last edited by rtbw 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Reidy »

I do love any wicked plans that Catwoman is involved in.
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Post by rtbw »


I’m frantically looking up toward my wrists suspended above me as I try to free myself from the rope tying me to the crane. As the crane moves me closer to the vat of acid, I begin to lose hope when the crane suddenly stops moving. I look down to see Batman fighting a bunch of Catwoman’s henchmen. And outside the control room, I see the henchman who was operating the crane on the ground. Batgirl is in the room at the controls. I yell out in relief, “Holy nick of time!” But then I remember that I’m completely naked below my utility belt and can’t help feeling very humiliated with my manhood on display.

As the crane slowly unwinds the spool of rope to bring me to the ground, Batman is still finishing off the henchmen, so Batgirl runs over to untie my wrists, after which I instinctively cover my privates with my hands. In the background, Batman’s fight with the henchmen comes to an end as the bad guys retreat and run out of the warehouse.

It’s just us Terrific Trio now, so Batman runs over asking me if I’m all right and how I ended up half-naked. I tell him it’s a long story but summarize what happened by saying that Catwoman and the goons took my briefs and tights before initiating the trap.

Just then, Batgirl exclaims pointing toward the corner of the warehouse, “Robin, are those your tights?” She runs over to retrieve what are indeed my tights. I grab them from her with one of my hands while the other still covers my crotch, and I back into an area behind some machines so I can put the tights on. But I feel uncomfortable wearing just my tights because they’re still somewhat see-through in my private area, so I stay behind the boxes.

Batman remembers that we have extra outfits in the Batmobile, so he runs out and returns with an extra pair of briefs. I gladly receive them and pull the briefs up my legs and center them with my utility belt, and then I smooth out my tights. I can finally stand without shame in front of Batman and especially Batgirl.

As we try to figure out our next steps, I remember that Catwoman walked into an adjacent room to leave my fate in the hands of the henchmen. As we walk into that room and examine it, Batgirl finds a business card on the ground for a place called “Gato and Chat.” I recognize immediately that the name of the business uses the word “cat” in Spanish and French, and we decide we need to pay that place a visit. We run outside, and Batman and I board the Batmobile while Batgirl gets on her Batgirl-cycle. We turn on the ignition on our respective vehicles and head to Gato and Chat.

That’s the end of this episode. I’ll keep this going in another thread shortly!
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Post by Reidy »

Something tells me the terrific trio may all be losing part of their costume soon.
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