The Files of Art. Inc: Single Case Files (31.05.24) "Tying the knot" Chapter 8 (FFFF+/FFFF+)

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The Files of Art. Inc: Single Case Files (31.05.24) "Tying the knot" Chapter 8 (FFFF+/FFFF+)

Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @banshee @Bandit666 @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @slackywacky @Pantyhose971 @Mineira1986 @wolfman @mrjones2009 @TightsBound @Nainur

Dear Readers,

in this thread you will find, starting today, single case files from the Database of Art Incorporated. Each Story will feature Members of the Cast of Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection. They can be read independently from the multi part Stories:

The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection (finished):


The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls (ongoing):

The first case file will be an Adventure of Anna:

Anna Romanova and the Men in Black

Late August Chelsea Manhattan New York: The Dakota

Around 0900 AM

Anna stepped into her shimmering black high Gianvito Rossi heels, eyed herself critically in the mirror and liked what she saw: The black power suit fitted her perfectly, her dark hair for practical reasons in pony tail, which fell down between her shoulder blades. She fetched her violin case with her priceless Stradivarius, Lord Dunn Raven. Nobody was allowed to touch the violin, and the Russian left it almost never out of her eyes.

At 1030 she was supposed to hold the first of a series of lectures about playing Bach´s Sonatas and Partitas for violin solo at the prestigious Julliard School, one of the best conservatories in the States and abroad. The Juilliard was legend. The Russian considered it a high honour to hold those lectures this year.

She was about to leave as the intercom system at the door of the apartment buzzed and the face of George the Concierge appeared on the screen “Yes, George, what is it?” Anna looked at her watch, she had still time but not much “Miss Anna there are three gentlemen and one lady who want to speak with you”

Anna wondered, she had no other appointment today “Where are they from George?” The concierge sounded nervous she thought, that was so unlike him “They are from a Government Agency they say and that they are not at liberty so say more, their credentials look authentic though”

The Russian´s frown deepened “Government Agency?” Aloud she said “Send them up George” and sighed. One of those days …

Anna set the violin case down on the floor and racked her brain “Government Agency?” That sounded fishy, the only reason why she was here in New York was the series of lectures she was to deliver at the Juilliard today; she was supposed to meet Kate and Castle in the evening for dinner. Kirsty and Hayley were working on a case in Chicago, so why wanted some agents talk to her out of the blue?

The sound of the buzzer broke her out her reverie. She looked at the screen: There stood indeed three men and one woman “Men in Black” shot it through Anna´s mind. The men clearly looked the part. Perfectly tailored suits, crew haircuts, dark sun glasses, the woman wore the same uniform – except that her blonde hair which was cut into a stylish bob.

“Yes?” Anna pressed the intercom “Miss Romanova?” the leader, with short black hair spoke into the microphone “we need to speak with you in an urgent matter” “Why don´t you show me some credentials first?” Anna demanded, not inclined to open the door to strangers.

The Agent flipped his badge open and held it in front of the Camera “Special Agent in Charge Gus Simmons Department of Homeland Security” Department of Homeland Security …. she had never had any dealings with the DHS but she knew, those Guys were not to be trifled with, and four of them meant: This was no social call, that meant trouble. Anna´s uneasiness grew but reluctantly she opened the door.

She stood in the doorway blocking it with her body “To what do I owe the pleasure Agent Simmons?” The Agent replied calmly in a cool professional manner “In a matter of National Security – but why don´t we continue this conversation indoors?” “I don´t think so” Anna countered, her distrust evident “and let us cut this short, I have a lecture to give at the Juilliard” her patience already wearing thin.

Simmons seemed unmoved by Anna´s reaction.

“Very well then: Miss Romanova, your name has come up in a joint investigation of different law enforcement agencies regarding violations of sanctions against Russia –and we need to conduct a formal interview at our Bureau here in New York”

“That must be a mistake” Anna shrugged – I have been in New York for just 24 Hours, hardly enough to conduct any serious crimes” she added “And if I don´t come with you willingly?” “Will you bring me in then by force?” The Russian smiled a bit coyly.

Simmons was not impressed:

“Then” Simmons explained in that cool professional manner, which Anna found more and more infuriating by the minute “We are authorized to use the appropriate measures” The Russians dark eyes seemed to drill a hole in him “Right Agent Simmons, I will come with you, I will make a call though first – if you have no objections” The DHS Agent nodded “You may do that but leave the door open”

Anna pulled her smartphone out of her jacket and opened a contact, after two rings the call was taken “Hi Espo, it´s Anna, is Kate available? No? Please tell her that the DHS wants to have a chat with me, yes, the DHS – oh and give Chris a call, she should call the German Embassy, the Ambassador –if need be” she listened to the homicide detective “Yes, thank you Espo” and ended the call. The part about the Ambassador had been pure bravado – she did not know if Chris had the Ambassador on speed dial, but it could not hurt.

The Russian folded her arms under her breasts, radiating defiance “Can we now get this over with Agent Simmons?” Simmons nodded “There will be some security protocols to adhere to, and I advise you to follow them, they are for your own safety”

“If you would clarify, I am just a bit slow on the uptake” Anna countered

“We have a warrant for your Violin” Simmons replied calmly “You are to hand it over” “The hell I will” Anna was definitely not pleased “Nobody touches that Instrument” her body language made it clear she was poised to strike.

“I can assure you we will treat your instrument utmost care Miss Romanova” the blonde Agent next to Simmons spoke for the first time, his accent betrayed the fact, he came from the South.

“You better be” Anna huffed obviously less than mollified “If this Violin has only one scratch, I will sue the government to hell and back again – after I have broken the fingers of the one responsible” the violinist eye´s blazed with fire now.

With utmost care she took the case and handed it to the blonde agent “I will hold you personally responsible” and turned to Simmons “What next?” she almost spat.

“The regulations state, we will have to conduct a body search first” Simmons stated “Agent Briscoe?” he ordered the female Agent, who stepped forward, Anna heaved a sigh and turned her back to the Agent arms above her head.

Briscoe searched her quickly and professionally, though her hands rested on Anna´s breast longer than necessary, the Russian fumed inwardly “In what mess I have myself gotten into?”

“She is clean” Briscoe informed her superior brightly “Very well” Simmons nodded and turned to Anna, who had turned around and stared furiously at him “Follow the instructions of Agent Briscoe, and don´t forget this is for your safety

“Somehow I doubt that” Anna muttered.

One of the other agents had opened the trolley in the meantime. “Arms front Miss Romanova” Briscoe ordered her, with a sigh Anna complied. With the bondage mittens the agent rendered her hands useless, the Russian was familiar “I didn´t know the American Government has dealings with a criminal” she quipped, the mittens looked very much like those Elizabeth Crawford used. Next her wrists were shackled together with broad heavy manacles, which were heavily padded, so they were quite comfortable.

“Lift your Arms up” the Agent advised her and produced a heavy belt which was fastened around Anna´s waist, the Russian was deep in thought, so she registered too late that the belt, featured a crotch strap, and the Agent pulled it tight, way too tight.

“That hurt you bitch” Anna finally lost her temper and made a move at the agent, ramming her bound hands in Briscoe´s stomach with such force, that the agent toppled over– but the Russian was grabbed from behind “Calm yourself and nobody needs to get hurt” “The hell I will” the Russian fumed, continuing to struggle, bringing down her left heel down on the right foot of the agent keeping her – the man grunted in pain, but did not let go.

Too late Anna registered another movement behind her a large foam ball was pressed against her lips. Anna fought like a wild cat, but could only postpone the inevitable. One of her assailants pulled the strap tight behind her head and the heavily padded panel gag was pressed tightly against her lower face. Anna cursed into her gag as the gag was pulled tight, very tight. But only a barely audible mumble could be heard.

“Calm down” it was the Southern Gent who spoke again “We have no intention to hurt you” Anna did not know why, but she stopped struggling. Her world became black as a heavily padded sleep mask blinded her. Ears buds in her ears cut every noise out. She was panting heavily.

But that was not the end; some sort of mask – made of Kevlar? - was pressed on her face and fastened behind her head, it covered her face completely. A heavily padded hood was pulled over her head, it was padded especially across her mouth, her eyes and her ears. She felt that her manacled wrists were fastened to the belt around her waist. Anna cursed into her gag again.

Agent Simmons calm voice broke into the silence “Miss Romanova, please calm down, we will escort you down to the garage now. We will take care that you don´t fall” White noise cancelled any sound out. She felt that two persons took her firmly but gently by her upper arms and leaded her down the floor.

Anna s mind was racing “What is this all about?” She felt that they entered the elevator. In the parking garage she was helped into a dark van, “Arms up” Briscoe commanded said. Once Anna did as instructed the agent pulled straps from over each Anna´s shoulders and clipped them into a central buckle that was on one of five straps.

The seat seemed to have been specially designed to restrain people as these first two straps were followed into the central buckle by another strap from each side of her chest and a thankfully heavily padded strap from between her legs. Briscoe then tightened all of the straps to hold Anna in place.

“That bitch surely enjoys this Anna fumed. And they drove on.

Anna quickly lost count of time. She was in her own world of silence and darkness. The hood was stifling, the mask covering her face more than uncomfortable. The crotch strap cut into her. Surprisingly enough the shackles were very comfortable. Those around her ankles were bolted to the floor.

DHS Bureau New York, later:

How long the drive took the Russian did not know. “I must have dozed off” Anna jolted as the van halted. The shackles around her ankles were loosened and she was helped outside.

The manacles around her ankles were replaced with another model, so that she could make small steps. Anna was led down a long corridor. Another elevator, another floor, they entered another room. She felt that she was pressed down, gently but firmly on a padded chair. A complex harness of straps held her firmly in place. Her Ankles were cuffed together again.

Someone pulled off her right heel and then her left. Her big toes were cuffed together, and fastened to a ring on the floor which felt cold unter her soles. She protested into her gag “Your heels are considered a weapon Miss Romanova” a cool voice rang into her ears “You will get them back” Anna fumed, her beloved Gianvito Rossi heels were dear to her.

Then silence again. She was alone. Time passed agonizingly slow. While the floor under her soles was cold, the overall temperature of the room was warm, even hot. Anna had already begun to sweat, while the cold crept slowly through the thin nylon of her hose. Since her toes were connected to the floor, she could not even keep her feet of the floor.

The Russian was not scared, but furious. She tested her bonds “I am stuck”. Her handlers were professionals – that was much clear. And her only hope was that Kate could sort things out – or Chris, she sighed. The gag hurt and under the mask it was incredibly hot, she continued to struggle.


Anna sensed that one or two persons had entered the room. She felt that the hood was removed. Someone fumbled at the straps of the dammed mask, the sleep mask came off. It took a while till Anna´s eyes had adjusted to the sudden brightness:

She sat in some sort of interrogation room, which could have been anywhere between Moscow and New York. Across her at a table sat agent Simmons and a female agent she had not seen before.

Simmons regarded her with a long calculating look of clinical interest “Miss Romanova I apologize for the inconveniences – but they are necessary” “Liar” Anna stared angrily back at him “I take it, you are thirsty?” Anna nodded “Right”, Simmons turned to the female agent who stood and came back with a large plastic bottle of water with a long drinking straw.

The female agent loosened the straps which held Anna fast on the chair so she could lean forward, eased the heavy panel gag gently out of her mouth. Anna forgot all etiquette as she bowed down and sucked the water greedily through the straw that was embarrassing she knew, but she had to drink.

When she had finished she stared Simmons straight in the eye “Why don´t you tell me, what this is all about?” Her voice was still a bit hoarse, but firm.

“All in due time Miss Romanova” Simmons returned calmly “If you cooperate, this will go much faster” Anna fumed, but kept her silence. Simmons sensed the tension- he opened his tablet “Let us begin with something easy “Your name is Anna Alexandrovna Romanova, born in Sankt Petersburg?”

“For you: Grand Duchesse” Anna replied calmly, her anger lurking under the surface “You should check your sources”

The agent was unfazed, calmly he asked question after question, covering Anna´s biography from her birth to passing her A-levels.

The agent closed his tablet “We will continue this conversation, when you had some rest” Agent Brown applied the gag, the dreaded mask, the earbuds and the hood again and left Anna again in her own world.

This had been only the first round, that much was clear “But all I can do, is sit and wait” Anna sighed. Her feet were icy cold by now, she shuddered but could move her feet not an inch, just flex her toes, the dammed crotch strap irritating her. The sensory deprivation was most unnerving, which those SOB´s knew, but she would not give in.

In her mind she went over the conversation all over again, but found she had held her ground. She estimated that another hour had passed, when the hood, the mask and the buds and the gag were removed again

“Agent Simmons, before we continue: I need the loo, or I make a mess here right on the floor” Anna stated flatly. For a moment it seemed as if Simmons was inclined to take her up on her offer, then the Agent nodded

“Right, Agent Baker, escort the Grand Duchess to the Loo” If Anna had hoped she would be left ungagged she was disappointed. Back in went the gag and the sleep mask and the ear buds. The straps which held her down on the chair were loosened and the toe cuffs removed. She got some bathing sandals for her feet at least.

Firmly but gently she was led by the agent. They stopped before a door. Anna was led inside. She felt that the belt around her waist was loosened and sighed as the crotch strap was removed.

Someone pulled her trousers, her hose and panties down and sat her unceremoniously on a cold steel toilet. Obviously she was supposed to do her business. The Russian felt, that her face turned beetle red. With a lukewarm wash cloth the agent cleaned her up, after the deed was done and adjusted her clothing - including the crotch strap.

15 Minutes later Anna sat again across the two agents. It costed Anna some effort to keep her cool, to answer Simmons questions calmly. This time he focussed on her years at the conservatory at Vienna, when she had met Chris for the first time.

Obviously the man had done his homework: He pressed her about her training with Russian Special Forces, the founding of Art Incorporated “You are doing well Grand Duchesse” Simmons reassured her “If you stay cooperative we can clear this up in no time” Anna just stared back, before she was gagged and restrained fully again.

By now she was tired – very much. She did not know how much time had passed. Her feet were chunks of ice now, the toe cuffs hurt. Anna felt sweaty and dishevelled – and she was hungry. Except the occasional drink of water, she had gotten nothing since breakfast. The heating in the room had gone up, so she sweated profusely, her jaws hurt like hell. Anna was miserable.

To keep her mind occupied she began to play Paganini´s Caprices in head, moving her body in rhythm with the music as much as her restraints allowed that, which was not much.

“What is she doing?” Simmons asked the woman next to him in the control room “Playing the violin I guess” she answered “She is trying to keep her mind occupied”

“You can do that?” Simmons asked curiously “Without an instrument?” “A musician of her calibre can” came the swift reply “Why don´t you continue Agent Simmons?” she is ready for the final round now – and don´t overdo it”

Anna had just reached the Capriccio in b-minor, when she felt another presence in the room. After the mask, the gag, the hood and the buds had been removed – “been there done that” she thought - Anna stared flatly at Simmons “Let us get over with quickly, I am fed up with your tiresome questions” The Russian sounded tired Simmons thought and felt a little bit sorry about he was about to do now, but just a little. Business was business – and he had his orders.

“Right, Grand Duchesse Romanova let us get things wrapped up – let us talk about your involvement in the Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection” Anna became tense as he Agent poised his first questions. He was obviously very well informed.

With forced calm Anna asked his questions, she wanted to get this over with – and quickly. The agent was obviously very interested in the incidents, when Anna had acted as sniper: In Nuremberg and in Vienna and in the Alps.

“You wounded one man in Nuremberg, in Vienna several more, probably you killed somebody, you shot several people at the Adlernest and during the attack” Simmons concluded.

“Yes, I did” Anna returned with forced calm “I did what was necessary” and added in a dangerous low voice “And I dare say that is none of your dammed business Mister, none of this happened on American soil, so you have none, zero, zilch reason to hold me here”

Simmons cold smile was like an icy cold shower:

“That is where you are sadly mistaken Miss Romanova – or should I call you Red Sparrow?

Anna´s face grew white.

“It is the business of DHS and therefore my business when we have reason to believe the person in question is an asset of the FSB and acting on behalf of a foreign power, in your case as a contract killer” Simmons continued

“We have credible evidence, that you use your profession as violinist as cover to work for the FSB – in fact there are grounds to believe, the money for your Stradivarius came from the Russian intelligence services – so I fear you won´t see your violin ever again, and you will simply vanish from the earth – you know, I am sure the CIA will find a nice cosy cell where you can rot – and keep playing the violin in your head – when you are not interrogated.

While he had spoken, Anna had grown more and more tense. The longer the agent had spoken the more trouble Anna had to keep her temperament in check. When Simmons told her she would not see her violin again, she lost finally her temper. Wouldn´t she have been so tightly restrained she would have jumped over the table. Anna erupted in a volley of curses:

Instinctively she fell into her mother language as she cursed and screamed at Simmons like a mad woman, straining with all her might against the bonds.

“You must calm down Grand Duchess” she heard a soft voice – and it was not Simmons. “The hell I will” Anna spat. Simmons pressed a button and another two agents charged into the room holding Anna down, will Brown applied the restraints again,

She barely registered that she was restrained fully again, that she was alone in her world of darkness and pain again. Her pulse raced. Only slowly she calmed down.

The woman in the observation room turned to Simmons, tersely “That is enough Special Agent Simmons that is not what we agreed on, you should have told me beforehand - let her calm down and bring her to my apartment in 30 minutes – be gentle with her, this had been a tough day for her Agent Simmons do you get me?”

Simmons nodded

Anna did not know how much time had passed - she only reacted, when the straps which held her to the chair were removed, as were the toe cuffs and the ankle cuffs, which were replaced by the manacles, which allowed her to make slow steps. Some Slippers were pulled on her feet. Gently she was grabbed by the upper arms and led out of the room.

She just shuffled along. She was immensely tired, all fight had left her. They entered an elevator, the cool air became warmer. Anna and her escort stopped before a door. Someone removed the slippers from her feet and led her in another room. The lush carpet felt soft under her nyloned soles “I am so tired” – they halted. Her Ankles were shackled together again her toes cuffed again – the other person left.

Obviously her ear buds had been set on listening modus again. She could hear birds, the sounds of a water fountain. Time passed. The door opened. The clicks of High Heels came nearer.

Came to a halt behind her; gently the stifling hood was removed. The face mask too. The air felt cool and fresh on her face, she sighed into her gag. The buds came free. Someone fumbled at the strap of her sleep mask - when it came free, Anna had to blink several times till her eyes had adjusted: She was in a comfortable suite of sorts. Finally she could here clearly again.
A woman stepped into her sight: “Hello Anna” she spoke softly

She would never forget the look on Anna´s face: Confusion at first, disbelief – and then anger, no, rage, in quick succession - the heavy gag muffled Anna´s curses effectively – Kate Beckett was relieved that her friend was gagged and tied up – but she understood her reaction. So she waited till Anna had calmed down somewhat and just glared at the detective, panting heavily.

Kate looked Anna deep in the eyes “I understand you Anna, and I must apologize, things got a little out of hand …”

“Let me untie you” very gently Kate removed the shackles around Anna´s ankles, then the belt, then the mittens – and at last the manacles around her wrists but left the gag in place. Anna rubbed her wrists as someone knocked at the door: It was Agent Simmons in his hands Anna´s violin case and her high heels. “Put them there” Kate bade him.

Then things happened very quickly. Still gagged Anna strode purposely towards Simmons and slapped him squarely in the face. The sound reverberated in the room. She glared at him “Bastard” The gag muffled her speech, but the meaning was clear.

To his credit Simmons took the slap in stride. He held Anna´s gaze and nodded at Kate “Call me if you need anything” He bowed slightly to Anna “Grand Duchesse” and left.

Anna began to fumble at the gag “Let me help you” Kate told her calmly. Anna glared at her still, but allowed her to remove the gag, she coughed and the detective returned quickly with a glass of water.

The Russian drank greedily and then looked her friend directly in the eye “I could kill you right now Kate Beckett” she whispered “I missed my lecture at the Julliard, got tied up, gagged the whole day … and then I am accused of being a Russian asset and the Lord-Dunn-Raven confiscated – that shook me to the core … you how much I despise the current Tsar in the Kremlin, you know, that instrument is a part of me, it´s my soul.

Kate nodded, “I know, but Anna, there was a good reason: There was a threat against you, which we took very seriously, and you wouldn´t have never left the apartment, you would have gone after the Assassin on your own – and we couldn´t have that, and so we came up with the Arrest …

Kate looked at bit sheepishly at her feet “I apologize for that, I really do I did not know that Simmons would go that far – I just told him to be creative – obviously he got carried away…and as for the Julliard: You can continue your lectures the day after tomorrow, I cleared that up …”

Kate looked her friend straight in the eye “Anna, I am sorry, very sorry”

Anna did not say something for a while before she answered - calmer now, but not appeased

“You must do a lot more to appease me, way more Kate Beckett – and a long hot shower would be a good start … and then we will see …I hope you have something to eat, I am famished ….”

“But before I have to look after my violin” she walked over to the violin case and opened it with utmost care. A warm sensation filled her as she looked down on the Instrument. Tenderly she stroked above the wood, like a lover caressing the skin of his love. It felt warm under fingertips.

Everything was alright know.
Last edited by Caesar73 3 days ago, edited 59 times in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Well, definitly looking forward to it, yet I'm a bit fearful that I might loosing track... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago Well, definitly looking forward to it, yet I'm a bit fearful that I might loosing track... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fear not! :) The first file is online and another one will be due in the next days. A third one is already complete - but will be posted at later date, due to spoiler alarm :)
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Post by Beaumains »

Nicely written. It was great to see a lot more of the personality of Anna.

Only, I really doubt this abduction was the best solution. Put her in jail for a day is a lot less stressful and far more realistic. Now it almost seems like a bad prank, and the involved officers are a liability. As I said in the other story, these bondage-games are getting out of hand and these girls are losing touch with reality.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Nicely written. It was great to see a lot more of the personality of Anna.


As I said in the other story, these bondage-games are getting out of hand and these girls are losing touch with reality.
Thank you Beaumains, to focus on Anna´s personality was one thing I intended to do:

Regarding the realism of the games you have a point. That is certainly a fact. But in these Stand alones I focus less on realism, than in the long term Stories. The main purpose of these Short Stories is to show a damsel in distress - mostly :) And I consider them as a place to try out things, to experiment, letting my imagination run wild.

So I am really curious what you will say about the next stand alone, which will probably up, the end of the week :)
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Post by TightsBound »

Great writing as usual. The bondage is always always top notch, and you always leave a little something something for us pantyhose feet lovers.

I like the individual chapter anthology idea. It’s great for those of us with short attention spans who get easily distrac- squirrel! 😁
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Post by Caesar73 »

TightsBound wrote: 2 years ago Great writing as usual. The bondage is always always top notch, and you always leave a little something something for us pantyhose feet lovers.
Thank you :) I thought you might like this - and there is more to come in the not so far future - the next one may have another focus, but I hope you like it nevertheless :)

To be online probably at the end of the week :)

Another one is in the works ...
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Post by Bandit666 »

Wonderful as ever my friend. As others have already said. It’s nice to explore Anna’s personality in more depth. And see her adventures away from the others. Keep it up. This is another hit. No doubt about it
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago Wonderful as ever my friend. As others have already said. It’s nice to explore Anna’s personality in more depth.
Thank you dear [mention]Bandit666[/mention] :) I enjoyed it to show more of Anna´s personality.

Another stand alone, featuring two members of the cast will be probably online at the weekend - if you have missed the Dark Lady from the first parts of the Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection, this will be right up your alley - but I will say no more :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Driverman[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Hi folks, this is the second case file - there is a cliffhanger at the end - but the second part will follow on Sunday, so I hope you are not too cross with me :)

The idea for this story was provided bei [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] who made a few suggestions along the way and undertook the ardous task to read it beforehand, thank you for that [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] :)

This story goes back to the very beginningsof the Adventures of Chris and her friends, when Chris had her first altercation with the Dark Lady. Those of you, who missed the "old" Dark Lady, will enjoy this Study in Gold

From the Files of Art Incorporated:
Christine von der Marwitz and a Study in Gold, Part I

Vienna, July, Heldenplatz, Thursday, late afternoon:

It was a hot day in July the stones of the pavement radiated the heat of a hot summer day. In front of the large equestrian statue of Prince Eugene of Savoy a woman was waiting: Tall, blond, her yellow flowery summer dress fell wide around her well sculpted calves. On her feet she wore Wedge Espadrilles of Castaner, the right choice for a long day on the hot pavement of the Austrian Capital. The dress left her shoulders bare and accentuated her cleavage nicely. Her tanned shoulders and legs showed she had been outside frequently of late.

Her dark sun glasses hid a pair of the most astonishing emerald green eyes. The blonde wore her long mane in a lose ponytail, on her head a straw hat. She had spent the day with three friends visiting the Belvedere and doing some serious sightseeing. In Vienna´s first district every stone breathed history.

The day after tomorrow she was supposed to give a concert together with a friend of hers and the Vienna Philharmonics. She would accompany another friend singing a recital of Handel-Arias, the day after that.

Now she was waiting for somebody else, an old acquaintance of hers: she looked at her watch. Two minutes. Exactly after two minutes she could make out a woman walking towards her: Dark sun glasses too, her black hair cut into a stylish bob, wearing a short black summer dress, which left her muscular shoulders and upper arms bare, flat black sandals, dark sun glasses and a black straw hat against the blistering sun.

“Always the practical” the blonde thought as she walked towards the other woman “Chris!” the older woman in black beamed at her “So glad you have come!” They exchanged pecks at the cheeks “You do look good!”

“You too Sarah!” the blonde beamed back “How are Sophie, Anna and Sybil doing?” the Dark Lady inquired “Probably cooling their heels literally, after a day of serious sightseeing and shopping, you know Anna: she bought at least five pairs of high heels – and you won´t believe it, two pairs of Birkenstocks”

“That sounds like the Grand Duchesse we all cherish and love” the thief chuckled.

“The day after tomorrow Anna and I will give a concert with the Vienna Philharmonics and the next day I will accompany Sophie at her first solo recital in Vienna” Chris elaborated further.

“As a matter of fact I have purchased tickets for both concerts, I wouldn´t miss you and our favourite Russian on stage, and hearing Sophie sing is always worth the while” the Canadian teased the blonde “Come Chris, the KHM (Museum of Art History) has opened till 0900 PM today, so we have enough time to visit the Old-Masters-Collection”

“Planning a heist Sarah?” Chris chuckled “Not today Chris, not today” the thief replied nonchalantly and for a fleeting moment a small smile crossed her lips, which went unnoticed by the blonde. Animatedly chatting they walked the short distance to the KHM – which housed one of the most important collections of the Old Masters in the world.

“You know tomorrow a new exhibition opens for the public?” Chris asked the Canadian “You mean the presentation of the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire” after its restauration?” the Dark Lady returned “You know me, I do” she smiled “And I plan to be present tomorrow at the opening of the exhibition” “I suspected as much” Chris nodded “We will be there too – if Anna gets up in time” the pianist added smiling. Grand Duchesse Anna Alexandrovna Romanova was anything but a morning person.


While they chatted they had crossed the Burgring, the broad avenue, which separated the Heldenplatz and the Hofburg from the Museum and walked now towards the main entrance of the KHM an imposing building reflecting the power and the might of the old Austrian Monarchy, they walked up the steps of the main entrance and entered the foyer.

The vast entrance hall never failed to impress the pianist. During her studies at the conservatory she had spent many hours in the vast halls of the museum, admiring its collections of paintings.

The time passed quickly as Chris and Sarah strode through the halls – and through the centuries. Chris was once more impressed by the knowledge of the thief, who possessed a degree in history of arts, of the Sorbonne, with a focus on the Old Masters. The pianist found that the Canadian could unlock the secrets of a painting as easily as picking the most sophisticated lock.

They had stood before the famous Raphael-Painting Madonna del Prato and Chris had listened intently, as the thief explained the painting. The enthusiasm of the thief had been contagious.

It was around half past nine by now “Why don´t we call it a day and have a drink somewhere?” Chris proposed “Not yet Chris, there is something I want to show you” the museum was already deserted by now.

The Canadian strode ahead and the blonde followed her guide, the thief seemed to be exhilarated “You must see this painting the director has in his office” “You must be kidding me” Chris sighed “You want to break in into the office of the director? Honestly?”

“This will be fun!” the thief grinned – “and the lock is so archaic, he won´t even notice that we have been there, are you getting cold feet?” the Dark Lady dared her “So you think I do not have the guts?” “Yes, I do” “Then I shall have to prove you wrong” The thief smiled “You may try”

They came to a halt before an imposing wooden door “This lock is so simple to pick, a child could do it” Sarah McKenzie scoffed and set to work, indeed it took not long till a soft click told Chris that the thief had picked the lock, carefully they crossed the threshold:

A large wooden working desk and cupboards with hundreds of leather bound volumes covered the walls. The Office was vast, befitting for the Director of one of the most prestigious art collections of the world.

McKenzie switched on the light and Chris looked around a bit puzzled “And what do you want to show me Sarah? There is no painting here!” “It is in the safe over there” the thief pointed to a place among the shelves. Chris walked nearer to take a closer look. There was nothing “Sarah?” Chris wanted to turn, but felt a sharp prick in her neck and everything went black she crumbled to the floor in an untidy heap.

Smiling the thief looked down on the unconscious blonde “I told you Chris, I planned no heist today, but I said nothing about tomorrow! …” and set to work “Let us make you a little more comfortable” the Dark Lady bowed down and removed the Espadrilles-Wedges from Chris´ feet and let her fingers glide above the soft warm and slightly sweaty soles of the pianist and purred contently.

The feet of the pianist were really beautiful the thief knew from intimate experience and she had worshipped them several times. She marvelled at the red nail polish and the golden toe rings, which the blonde seemed to love.

The Thief bowed down and inhaled the intoxicating aroma of Chris´ warm and slightly sweaty feet and sighed “Don´t get distracted Sarah!” she admonished herself “There will be time to play enough later, in fact we will have almost the whole night Chris!” she addressed the still unconscious pianist.

With practised motions McKenzie tied Chris´ Ankles together then her legs under the knees. That would suffice for the moment she decided. Next she tied the blonde´s wrists and elbows. She took care to tie the elbows not all the way together. Her prey would have to stay tied quite a while and she wanted Chris not to get too tired out for the main event.

The hog tie was also one of no nonsense variety: tight and secure but not tight enough to cause harm – though with little effort the pianist would be able to grab her heels with her hands.

True to form the Black Lady tied Chris big toes together but tied the toes not back to her elbows: She liked Chris wiggling the soles of her feet way too much and wanted not to cause her captive too much discomfort prematurely – there would be more of that later.

Now for the gag: Sarah McKenzie took a soft pliable foam ball out of her bag and a pair of used panties, which she wrapped around the foam ball. Gently she pressed and prodded the large ball into Chris´ unresisting mouth. As always the thief was fascinated how large Chris´ mouth was.

She could still close her lips. Staying with the no nonsense approach the thief produced a role of translucent tape, which she wrapped between the blonde´s teeth first, creating an effective cleave gag, before she enshrouded Chris´ lower face from chin to nose with thirty or so layers.

“Sorry to leave you alone Chris but I have to make some preparations” the thief waved at the unconscious blonde.

In the meantime the museum had closed and except the night guards they were alone in the vast halls of the KHM. The thief stepped out of the office and followed a corridor to a secluded chamber. There she retrieved a black trolley – a small smile curled her lips: time to pay the security centre a visit …. “yes” the thief told herself, she would have much fun till the morning!


Chris groaned softly “Why I am lying on a scratchy carpet?” the thought groggily. Her left cheek rested on something scratchy, no doubt. It took her a while till she became lucid enough to take stock of her predicament “Not again!” she groaned.

Again knocked out, again knocked out by the Dark Lady, again tied up, again hogtied on a floor. This seemed to get a bad habit of late. Small favours this time? The Dark Lady had her not presented with a crotch rope, or put a vibrator in her vagina or taped electric tooth brushes against her soles.

No, this time she was just hogtied and gagged – with a foam ball and used panties – she growled angrily into her gag. And surprisingly enough the fact that the thief had shown some leniency did not calm her, on the contrary in fact: Chris knew the Canadian well enough by now: If the thief had tied her so lightly, there had to be a reason and the thought made Chris shudder and struggling against her bonds with force.

Whatever the Dark Lady had planned for her: She doubted seriously she would enjoy the experience. And another thought crossed her mind: Whatever the thief was up to: she would have planned that very carefully – in advance: She had been played cleverly. Chris cursed into her gag and continued her ineffective struggles: She was here to stay.


Like a large feline predator the Dark Lady prowled along the dark corridors of the museum. The nightshift in the security centre was two guards, which posed no real challenge – at least not for her.

She allowed herself to be distracted for a moment: A certain blonde must have regained her consciousness by now. The thief imagined the wiggling feet of the pianist, her heavily muffled curses her struggles. Probably she showed a lot of leg by now. Another thing she admired: the long, toned and sculpted legs of Chris´ - next to this firm butt, the ample bossom …

“Concentrate” she admonished herself – by now the security centre was not far away anymore … as she could see, the door was not entirely closed – “how sloppy!” the thief hated unprofessionalism in the line of work.

Well, that was not her problem and if her opponents made her work easier – she would be the last to complain. McKenzie drew her Tranquiltazer gun.

She listened: Obviously the security guards were watching a soap opera.

The thief pushed the door gently open: So engrossed were the two female security guards that they did not register her presence, their fault, she thought mercilessly as she pulled the trigger twice.

The two guards crumbled to the floor. 15 minutes later the two women laid in their underwear tightly hogtied, each gagged with her partners socks, and a 2 inch ball gag on top and crotch roped on the floor – with a vibrator in their pussies. Skillfully she manipulated the security system. 10 Minutes later she left her mute and dumb audience.

“Bye Ladies! The pleasure was all mine!” the thief mocked the unconscious women and left “See you later!”

She had the guest of honour to take care off!

The Directors Office:

Chris was sweaty and dishevelled by now. She had made no progress. Her dress had ridden up her thighs and so she showed a lot of leg. In frustration she wiggled her feet and cursed into her gag as the door of the office opened.

“Having fun? Haven´t we?” a mocking voice greeted her “You know Chris, you look so delicious, I could devour you on the spot!” The thief continued “You surely want to know what plans I have for you”

The pianist growled something in her gag “Yeah I know Chris – if I were in your place know, I would be curious too – alas I am not!” McKenzie mocked the blonde further, which did nothing to improve her captive´s mood.

“I will not spring the surprise prematurely, so let me tell you just this: We have all the time in the world – so I will have lots of fun, before we come to the main exhibit, doesn´t that sound good?”

“No” Chris thought “That does not sound got, not good at all. If I have to guess? Sarah will have fun at my expense first – and then do whatever she wants to me” the blonde intensified her fruitless struggles.

McKenzie enjoyed the view for a time: Chris wiggled her feet, cursed into her gag and struggled against her bonds, a fine sheen of sweat on her skin, her face red by her exertions. The aroma in the air was intoxicating. Chris perfume, the sweat and an ounce of arousal made for a strong cocktail.

With a wicked grin the thief knelt behind Chris and grabbed her ankles firmly. To Sarah´s amusement the pianist did not stop struggling – on the contrary. The Dark Lady raked her sharp nails across Chris left sole, beginning at the heel, under the high arches and the soft sensitive flesh of her balls – then with relish between her toes, once, twice …. Chris tried to escape Sarah´s firm grip, but in vain. Soon her heavily muffled giggle fits filled the room.

The Canadian had to admit, that the blonde fought a lost battle valiantly. Her legs were strong, she knew that. With skill she tickled first the left than the right foot, then both. Chris trashed around as much as her bonds and the firm grip of her tormentor allowed.

After ten minutes of the relentless assault the Dark Lady decided to grant her prey a short reprieve. Only slowly Chris giggle fits subsided and her breathing frequency returned to normal. She craned her neck and stared at the Dark Lady. Tired but defiantly, her green eyes said it all: I will kill you!

The thief loved that fighting spirit, she admired it, Chris would never submit. And that added to her fun.

“We have some time to kill before we have to begin with the preparations Chris” McKenzie explained loftily. “So why don´t we play another game?” Chris rolled her eyes she had some ideas, what games that could be. Definitely she wouldn´t like any of them!

Out of her backpack the thief produced a torpedo styled object - Chris groaned “Why do I have to have right?” and steeled herself but the thief had different ideas

“You are awfully sweaty dear: let me help you out of this beautiful dress!” That was not very difficult since the dress left Chris shoulders bare. “Done a lot of skinny-dipping lately? I suspect no tan-lines!” the Thief teased the blonde further, who intensified her struggles.

The Thief folded the dress neatly and laid it aside “you get it back eventually” the relief after the Black Lady had loosened the hog tie rope was short lived as the blonde found out soon enough.

Like a large rag doll the Canadian turned her captive on her back. Angrily Chris starred up to her and mumbled something not very polite in her gag.

Mockingly the thief wagged a finger at her “Naughty girls deserve a good spanking you are a naughty girl Chris?”

“But first things first!” Unceremoniously, the thief pulled Chris´ panties down, inserted the vibrator in her vagina and pulled her panties back up “I was right, no tan-lines!” That McKenzie applied a tight crotch-rope next did not really surprise the pianist and it was a tight one. But that was just Sarah.

The Canadian smiled at her prey “You remember what I said about naughty Girls?” Chris glared at her “I see you do” the thief complimented her. Without any obvious effort the Black Lady bent Chris over her knees. The Thief let her hand glide above Chris´ bare back, resting on her firm butt – squeezing it, pinching it. Her hand wavered in the air now, poised to strike.

The blondes face turned red with embarrassment “What do you think? How many slaps did your unruly behaviour earned you?” McKenzie asked almost conversationally. Chris mumbled something in her gag “Did you say ten?” the Canadian smiled. Chris shook her head “Let us make this fifteen!” the Dark Lady smiled ominously

The pianist steeled herself “Smack! One!” counted the thief “Two!” When it was over Chris butt glowed brightly red, and she panted heavily. McKenzie had not held back “Probably her hand has left an imprint on my butt” Chris winced.

The thief looked at her watch “As much as I would like to continue this game, I have some preparations to make. But do not worry I will take care to entertain you!”

Entertainment meant that this time the thief hogtied Chris very tightly, hair and toes tied to her elbows, her hands wrapped in duct tape, her insteps had been tied together too. Chris´ heels rested on her firm butt – held their by the hog tie rope and rope bands around her thighs and calves, which pressed her heels down.

“Of course she has “improved” my gag!” the blonde fumed “At least she had given me a drink of water before” “But one word and you go thirsty” the Black Lady had admonished her victim, and Chris was clever enough not to test the Canadians resolve.

So she had kept her tongue in check, her respite was short lived though: “Look what we have here!” the thief had teased her and dangled a pair of large dirty smelly white crew socks in front of her nose. Chris nearly gagged as she smelled the sour odour “You know Chris, I stole those from one stuck up young rich bitch last week, she had worn them in the gym and I let them ripen in my laundry hamper” The blonde rolled her eyes.

“I may not hinder you from gagging me, but I will not go down willingly” Chris vowed to herself. And so she put up quite a fight, the thief had to work hard, till both socks had been vanished inside her mouth. Gaggee and Gagger panted heavily.

“That” the thief panted “deserves a reward”. The reward in question was almost a whole role translucent tape and pair of worn hose, which covered Chris face from the chin till above the nose. The crotch panel rested above the blonde´s nose.

“Now I will really have to go Chris - I will be back in roughly an hour! Till then have fun!” The thief left and Chris was alone … she tugged at her bonds, fully knowing it was useless – but she felt compelled to do so. Angrily she chewed on the foul socks in her mouth

And then vibrator sprung to life! “Damn it!” Chris cursed “One day I will kill her – as slowly as possible!” This was her last coherent thought for the time being as the vibrator sprung into high gear ….”

She strained soon against her bonds – her body taking control. As the first orgasm hit home, one could see her muscles strain and ripple, then her body became limp. Chris panted heavily in her gag.

At another room in the museum roughly an hour later:

The Dark Lady was very pleased with herself, the preparations were complete – and the best thing? Chris had no idea what lay in store for her …! “The look on her face will be priceless, when she will realize what will happen!”
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by slackywacky »

Darn, I hate cliffhangers...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Nainur »

ahhh, this is so greatly composed and carefully desibed. Loving the scenes and the odd picture!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention]

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Darn, I hate cliffhangers...
I I do to :) But I could not resist, I have to admit, but the veil will be lifted now :) And Chris is in for a surpise ... but read for yourself

ahhh, this is so greatly composed and carefully desibed. Loving the scenes and the odd picture!
Thank you very much [mention]Nainur[/mention] - and I do hope you will enjoy the conclusion :)

And another Thanks to [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] for suggesting this scenario, it got my wicked mind going :)

From the Files of Art Incorporated:
Christine von der Marwitz and a Study in Gold, Part II

By now Chris had lost count how many orgasms she had had. She was sweaty, she was dishevelled, she was exhausted – and she was angry, even more than before. The door opened, the thief looked down on her “Did you have fun? Time for a change of scenery, don´t you think?”

Obviously the pianist did not share that sentiment and growled into her gag.

McKenzie was clearly amused by that display of defiance “You are soo cute when you make those angry noises!”

Which did nothing to mollify Chris, on the contrary; the blonde cursed into her gag and strained with all her might against her bonds.

The Canadian busied herself with something but from her position on the floor Chris could not see what she was doing: The Dark Lady pulled some sort of stretcher in, which was heavily padded.

The Canadian undid the hog tie, and let Chris stretch her legs for a minute or two. After Chris had recovered somewhat the thief hefted Chris without much effort face down on it. Several straps took care, that the unwilling passenger would not roll down “We don´t want you to fall off the Waggon” the thief quipped” Chris talked agitatedly back through her gag. It was unintelligible, but the meaning was clear: “Fuck you!” what earned her five slaps on her butt – and a thorough tickling of her feet – with a Wartenberg Wheel.

Suddenly all went black as a heavily padded sleep mask took away her sight! The journey went on through the long and silent corridors. After the heat in the Office, Chris almost welcomed the cooler air on her hot skin “What is she up to this time?” the blonde racked her brain “Why does she go to all this trouble?” She willed herself to calm down.

They had entered an elevator. Down. Then another corridor, obviously they had reached their destination. The thief loosened the sleep mask: it took Chris a while till she could see clearly what was in front of her.

They were in a vast empty room, with high ceilings, as she could see from her prone position
“Look Chris, do you see that instalment in front of you?” the thief sounded excited. Chris did not comprehend at first what she was seeing: The parquet had been covered with white cover sheeting. On it stood a metal frame. In each corner a heavily padded leather manacle.

On the tarpaulin stood several containers, normally used for paint – and an assortment of brushes … “What the heck?” Her consternation must have shown of her face “You have no idea Chris, don´t you?” the thief was clearly very amused. Chris shook her head “I give you one hint” McKenzie teased her

“You do know the James Bond Movie “Goldfinger?” Comprehension dawned on Chris´ face “Now you got it!” the Canadian mocked her “We will do some serious body painting you will be a wonderful canvas!”

Obviously the blonde didn´t share that opinion, because she renewed her struggles. McKenzie watched the show for a while “That won´t do Chris, we will have to do something to keep you still you know” The pianist froze, she could not see what the thief was doing, till she felt a sharp prick in her left thigh – a warm sensation floated through her body, she wanted to struggle again. But nothing happened “I am paralyzed!” The thief stroked her gently above her forehead “Nothing to worry blondie, the effect of the drug will last for three or four hours, then wear off – now let us get this show on the road.

15 Minutes later Chris found herself in a hanging spread eagle. She was not in pain the manacles were heavily padded. Her hair was bound in a ponytail and fastened to the frame, so that her head was held upright.

Unblinkingly she stared ahead, while the thief made some preparations: Paint, brushes of different sizes. The Black Lady came in her field of view: stark naked herself in one hand a large brush.

“Before we begin” the Canadian told her soon to be object of art: “Our session will be recorded by a high end recording system – I will send you a copy – along with your personal effects”

“How very gracious of you” Chris thought.

McKenzie produced a remote control and soon piano music filled the vast room: The aria of Bach´s Goldberg-Variations – and Chris would have recognized the pianist under thousands: It was her own live-recording, made in Berlin last year”
Lang Lang plays the Aria of the Goldberg-Variations BWV 988

The Dark Lady seemed to read her mind: “I thought you would like that” she smirked “You remember “The Silence of the Lambs”? Lecter listens to this music while slaughtering the guards? But you need not to worry Chris, I have no intention to harm my canvas, in fact I intend to embellish it!”

Chris starred just unblinkingly ahead.

Like a painter appraising the canvas, the thief seemed to contemplate where to begin. Obviously she had made a decision. She unbuckled Chris´ left ankle and took Chris´ left ankle gently in her hand. With surprising gentleness she let her hand glide gently above the smooth skin of Chris´ sole.

“Repeating myself here Chris, but you really do have beautiful feet!” she whispered and to the blonde´s surprise the thief kissed her softly on her high arch, once, twice … sending showers of exaltation through Chris´ paralyzed body.

McKenzie took the brush, dipped it into the golden paint, and began to paint Chris left foot. As Chris found quickly out the painting process was a mixed blessing. Between the toes, the tickling sensation was almost unbearable, but the long and regular strokes felt good across her sole – somewhat.

Obviously the thief was well versed with the brush Chris thought “I had lessons in painting, thought it could not hurt in my line of business” it was as if the Canadian had read her mind – again, this was unnerving.

When she had finished painting Chris left food, it was covered in golden paint till right above the ankle. Painting her leg up to the knee was easier and the thief worked quickly and efficiently, with long and elegant strokes. This was an art Chris thought, the way the thief handled the brush.

As the Dark Lady applied the paint on the soft skin of Chris´ inner thigh, the Pianists breathing got quicker, she could not deny it: she got more and more aroused. And her body reacted: The musky scent of her arousal hang heavy in the air.

The Dark Lady felt excited as the firm muscles of Chris´ thigh quivered under the touch of her brush.

The soft touch of the brush felt like the gentle caress of a lover, but instead to continue with her groin, Sarah proceeded with the right foot, and the right leg. 30 minutes later, it was covered in golden paint too.

Chris had resigned to the fact that she could do nothing. She could feel every touch of the brush, but not even wiggle her toes. Every fibre of her body screamed for release. She wanted to scream, she wanted to rage – and tears rolled down her cheeks. Gently the thief dried them “Do not get upset darling, no pain will come to you, just enjoy the experience”

The Dark Lady did not proceed with the groin, no, she continued with the waist upwards, but left Chris´ heaving breasts out. Instead she kissed her on her nipples, let her hot tongue glide around the base of both breasts, gently squeezed them which aroused Chris even more – but she could not move one muscle. She could only endure – and enjoy?

Half an hour later only three areas of Chris´ body were not covered by shimmering gold: Her groin, her breasts and her face. The blonde felt as if her whole body had been massaged by the soft hands of a lover. She had to admit. She felt incredibly relaxed and aroused at the same time. Chris felt embarrassed but she had enjoyed the feeling of the brush gliding softly in long strokes above her back, her butt.

The voice of the Canadian broke her out of her reverie: The thief looked her deep in the eyes and whispered - her voice dark with desire, “I will make you truly a piece of art my precious! “Close your eyes Chris, I will paint your face now

The blonde did as she was told. With very gentle and soft strokes, Sarah covered her beautiful features with gold – and Chris did enjoy the sensation of the soft brush on her face. The brush followed every curve of her face, softly and gently like the soft touch of a hand.

After a while the Dark Lady whispered softly in Chris left ear “You can open your eyes now, look in the mirror dear” Chris opened her eyes and looked at her mirror image: The body of a beautiful woman almost entirely covered in gold now. Only her groin and her breasts were not covered in gold.

As the thief let the brush glide above Chris´ full and firm breasts, Chris´ breathing accelerated, and as the Canadian applied the colour on the blonde´s carefully trimmed Brazilian landing strip, she reached nearly Orgasm Land, but barely so – and that was what Sarah obviously intended.

“Sorry, no release for you!” the thief grinned coyly. She scrutinized her work critically and made a few corrections here and there. Then she nodded: “Only one thing left to do Chris: Your hair!”

She released Chris hair, so that her mane fell long above her shoulders, then she produced a tube and poured some ointment on her hands. In the next 20 minutes the Dark Lady worked on Chris hair and scalp. The massage of her head felt heavenly Chris had to admit, she relaxed Then the thief used a comb and a hair dryer.

What saw Chris in the large mirror now: A golden statue, her golden hair in braids piled atop her head “You are a piece of art in every aspect” the thief told her with admiration. If she had not been paralyzed Chris would have had to say a word or two to that.

The thief looked on her watch “Sorry my love, but I have to let you hanging here to dry while I must take care of some other things. If Chris had been able to do so, she had rolled her eyes.

Quickly the Canadian dressed. Before she left she blew Chris´ a kiss “Don´t go away!” Even if she had been not shackled to the frame: her body was still totally paralyzed: Chris just could stare ahead – and waited, and waited. The paint felt strange on her skin – somehow comforting her, or so she felt it.

The thief paid the control room a visit: the two guards were awake now and struggling against her bonds “Save your energy” McKenzie admonished them “Anybody I tie up stays tied, but we will stow you elsewhere later …. I have found a nice cosy closet for you – no need to worry though, I will take over your shift!”

She sat down at the console and her fingers flew in dizzying speed above the keyboard that would be so much fun!”

When she returned to Chris, she found the latter exactly as she had left her – for obvious reasons. The pianist stared at her with wide unblinking eyes. The thief smiled “Now we must prepare you for the exhibit!”

“What is the talking about?” Chris still had no clue. She was not in actual pain, but tired and bored. The Thief returned with an arm full of golden rope and uncuffed Chris´ legs, so that she stood like a Y in the frame. McKenzie could not resist stroking above the blonde´s breasts “The paint is dry” she stated.

McKenzie began with the crotch rope, which was tight, but not cruelly so. 20 Minutes later six perfectly symmetrical rope bands adorned Chris´ legs, the ropes matched the colour of the paint perfectly. The bands around her thighs were a bit loose, but if Chris´ suspicions were correct, that would change in the near future.

Another rope band across her insteps and a toe tie – and her leg bonds were complete “This is overkill” Chris fumed “No she ties not only my big toes, but all ten!”

Next was a tight breast harness. Before the Dark Lady tied Chris´ arms she applied a belt around her waist to hold her steady, while she tied her arms. 30 Minutes later the thief stepped back and appraised her work critically.

What Chris saw in the mirror was this. A golden sculpture of a tied-up woman. The breast harness and the elbow bonds enhanced the statues already impressive bossom. “Will she leave me here?” Chris racked her brain, but why then all the effort?

The Black Lady´s expression was one of utmost smugness “You still haven´t figured it out? Then it is not my place to spoil the surprise!” This was one of those moments when Chris vowed herself to kill the thief – not the first time this evening.

Gently McKenzie laid her bound body on the stretcher and secured her with belts. The heavy sleep mask took care that she could not see a thing.

“Believe me Chris! This will be sooo much fun!” “I doubt that seriously” Chris fumed inwardly, about all she could do, her body was still totally paralyzed, which was unnerving to say the least. Being reduced to impotency did not sit well with her – and the Black Lady knew that.

The Dark Lady was in excellent spirits as she hummed a ABBA Song under her breath “The Winner takes it all”

They reached another elevator. Wherever they were: the air was significantly cooler down here. Goosebumps were forming on Chris skin.

Judging by the echoes they were in a large room by now. Two minutes later they had obviously reached their destination. Chris heard an electro motor, the gurney she was stretched to, moved upwards till she stood upright “Like Hannibal Lecter in the Silence of the lambs” she mused darkly.

“Look!” McKenzie removed the sleep mask and slowly Chris realized where they were: In front of her was the revolving circular podium with the crown on it. The crown …. The truth hit Chris like a sledgehammer: There was no crown! She was supposed the main exhibit! Chris wanted to rage and scream – but nothing happened.

The Thief smiled broadly “Now you got it, took you long enough – you know what they say about blondes ….and I thought you an exception to the rule”

“You will be the main exhibit! When the veils go up tomorrow – they will see you! You will be famous! You will go viral! Isn´t that great!”

Chris could not move a muscle – but she didn´t want to be famous!

“Why the long face Chris? Probably nobody will recognize you under the paint anyway!”

That notion did not exactly calm the pianist “I will strangle you slowly, very slowly”

McKenzie clapped in her hands “let us make you ready!” That meant first a gag: a very large sponge was crammed in her mouth - the translucent tape was practically invisible.

Invisibility was the key explained the thief. Chris was positioned in the centre of the podium in a kneeling hogtie, with a soft cushion under her knees. A complex web of practically invisible straps held her in that position and forced her to look straight ahead.

“I will administer now the antidote so you get the full experience” Chris felt a sharp prick in her neck. The same strange sensation filled her body. Her toes began to tingle. It took a few minutes till the effects of the drug had worn off.

With barely hidden amusement the Dark Lady followed Chris´ attempts to move – to no avail

“Save your energy Chris you will need it! I will have to take care of things – but I will look after you before I go! Cheerio!”

The podium with Chris on it was slowly rotating as Chris tried to come to terms with her predicament: She dreaded the moment when the veils would go up and she would be on full display in her naked glory “A Study in Gold” she fumed. This time, Sarah had crossed more than one line, and definitely one to many. A game of bondage was one thing, to put her on display this way another.

Even if nobody recognized her: To be the centrepiece of an exhibition was not her kind of thing. Tears of rage filled her Eyes. She wanted to blink them away but couldn´t “What has that bitch done to my eyes?” Chris fumed, another reason to kill the Black Lady.

Chris felt a soft touch as someone dried her eyes with her handkerchief, she hadn´t registered the return of the Dark Lady “Shhh .. calm down” the thief spoke softly and stroke her above the crown of her head – “this is nothing permanent – the solvent for the glue is hot water. Same goes for the paint – I would never hurt you, you know that”

“But I will hurt you, when we meet again!” It costed Chris some effort to get a grip. In impotent rage she stared at the thief “I know you would like to kill me know, but you must admit that I was very creative? And I am not entirely heartless – I will inform Anna and the others where to find you, eventually!”

“Sorry dear I have to go now – I have an invitation to an exhibition at 1030!” The thief turned on her heels and Chris was alone. By her estimation it was 0500 or 0600 AM – it would be a long morning.

She could not move much. The cushions under her knees made it easier. But time passed so agonizingly slowly. Her jaws ached – the ball was very large and the crotch rope was tight. Sarah had set the vibrator on a constant medium setting, so she was constantly on edge. But not more, she could never relax completely.

The Thief had been kind enough to tie her toes not to her elbows. Wiggling her toes, and flexing her feet relaxed her somewhat – no comparison to what Anck-Sun-Amun had done to them. On the plus side: McKenzie had taken care of that her circulation was not impaired “I guess I have to thank Sarah for that” She could still feel her fingers and toes.

To be condemned to impotency was hard. That was something she absolutely hated: That she could do nothing to change her predicament. So she concentrated on what she would do to the thief, when she got out of this. Chris imagined how she would tie McKenzie, till she could not move a muscle – after she had delivered a generous ass kicking free of charge.

She struggled again, tried to get some leeway – but the invisible straps held her fast “I would give much, if I could move my head of close my eyes to doze off”

The minutes trickled by. The minutes became hours. Chris tried all the techniques she had learned from her Sensei – and did use all her training to good effect. Focused, concentrated, retreated to her safe haven.

Chris was not in pain, real pain but she was incredibly tired by now: She had been tied up one way or the other till 0900 AM the previous evening. Time seemed to trickle ever so slowly. The sounds around her told her that the daily routine in the museum had set in - the rotating platform was completing another circle.

Around her, people were obviously busy with preparing the presentation of the main exhibit: the Crown of the Holy Roman Empire. If they only knew …. And she could not make a sound: the thief had explained that the foam ball had been doused with a drug which paralyzed her vocal cords “We don´t want to spoil the surprise prematurely!” McKenzie had told her with barely hidden irony.

The time crept by in slow motion or so it seemed to Chris. The Exhibit Room was obviously packed with people by know. She heard the excited whispering, the chatter, the clicking of high heels on the marble floor. And she was condemned to impotency. How she hated that.

Another hour had passed after her estimation. Somehow she had managed to doze off, when a well-modulated voice roused her from her stupor

She heard the Director delivering his speech – a tedious one - “…. and so it my great pleasure to present you now the Crown of the Holy Roman Empire – the veils lifted, a moment of stunned silence then hell broke loose – and directly in front of her stood the Dark Lady smiling broadly at her, winked, turned on her heels – and disappeared in the crowd.

“I will kill you Sarah!” Chris thought as the podium completed another circle.

The YouTube-Channel of KHM never had had and never would have ever again so many viewers.

As the Dark Lady had promised: Chris had gone viral.

She wanted to cry – but she wouldn´t do that for all the world to see. No, she would not – and then she registered two familiar faces in front of her: Anna and Sophie. “Stay strong Chris” Anna mouthed – and even from her position behind the glass, she could sense the hot boiling anger of the Russian.

Anna looked furious and Sophie shocked. Anna said something to Sophie, the lawyer nodded curtly and left

And in this moment Chris vowed to herself: “You will so regret that Sarah, and if I must turn every stone, I will find you and you will rue that night and that day! And that thought helped her to endure and she became calm amidst the tohubohu around, a steely resolve replaced her inner turmoil. Her time would come
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Post by Nainur »

oh, that's not mean, but bad! That calls for revenge, but the net won't forget!

(lovely read yet again! excellent job!)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

You had me fooled! Not what I was expecting but very enjoyable all the same!

A nice little addition to this world [mention]Caesar73[/mention] Keep up the great work
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Post by slackywacky »

Loved it. The detail, the story, all great. Thank you for sharing that with us.
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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago Loved it. The detail, the story, all great. Thank you for sharing that with us.
Thank you for your kind words - writing the painting Scene was absolute fun :)

[mention]mrjones2009[/mention] I will do my best :)

And I can tell you, that this adventure will have consequences for the relationship between Chris and Sarah. It may very well be that all bridges are burnt. The consequences will be relevant for the third Part of the Hunt - I can tell np more at this point :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Awesome update as always [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I do enjoy the images you portray. The detail of your descriptions are perfect. Detailed enough to delight. Whilst still leaving a little to the reader’s imagination. Great work my friend
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I just want to mention that this is THE FIRST TIME we actually get to see Sarah McKenzie stealing art stuff. During the main story, we've seen her capturing people, picking locks, even killing people... but never stealing art. It's good to see an art thief doing her profession.

Great short story, good detailed descriptions. I would have chosen a more gentle treatment to Christine in the terms of... at least let the poor woman close her eyes! Heh. But the rest is good. The taunting, the teasing, the restrains... all of that makes Sarah one of my favorite characters.

On a side note, I'm not a big fan of the standalone story impacting the main story, because the reader would now need to jump to this story in order to understand the other one (in case they haven't read this). One thing is to read one story prior to understand the next one (such as a prequel) and other is to interrupt the story so the reader has to move to another topic in order to follow the main plot.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 1 year ago On a side note, I'm not a big fan of the standalone story impacting the main story, because the reader would now need to jump to this story in order to understand the other one (in case they haven't read this). One thing is to read one story prior to understand the next one (such as a prequel) and other is to interrupt the story so the reader has to move to another topic in order to follow the main plot.
Thank you for your kind words [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] - the treatment of Chris was maybe a bit harsh, but I find the painting scene very sensual :)

About inflicting the main plot - my reasoning was this: What the Dark Lady does to Chris crosses a line in more than one way. That this encounter would not have consequences seemed just not plausible to me. As Christine thinks: One, even hard game of bondage, is one thing. To steal the crown and put Chris on open display another another. And in this case I think, the problem is not that great: There will be an estrangement between Chris and the thief - but this opens ways for character development :)
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Post by GreyLord »

I knew that I would have some catching up to do. I have only been able to visit this site briefly recently. But, my goodness, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], you have produced a treasure trove in my absence. Perhaps Chris did have to be super humanly tough to endure all of this. It was certainly a vehicle to give free reins to your very active imagination. Great work.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I feel deeply honoured by your most kind words [mention]GreyLord[/mention] - maybe I got carried a way - a bit :)

But the scenario [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] suggested inspired me. And yes, Chris had to endure quite the ride - but she will carry on. I am sure nobody recognized her, but Sarah McKenzie and Chris have to work out some stuff.
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago ... I am sure nobody recognized her, but Sarah McKenzie and Chris have to work out some stuff.
I would think that Chris will have to work and Sarah will have to endure, some stuff.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago ... I am sure nobody recognized her, but Sarah McKenzie and Chris have to work out some stuff.
I would think that Chris will have to work and Sarah will have to endure, some stuff.
We will see what the future will bring, but something along that lines :)
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Post by Trammel »

Very creative narrative. As always a bit racy for my taste but spectacularly creative and engrossing nonetheless.
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