Winning at Any Cost FFFF/F (story request by Ducttapelover93)

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Winning at Any Cost FFFF/F (story request by Ducttapelover93)

Post by Driverman »

(Disclaimer: This is a purely fictional story. The universities named here are completely made up, as are the characters, and any resemblance to any real universities or athletes are purely coincidental.)

Dani Ledger stretched. She was the star of the University of West Rutledge volleyball team, and thus spent a good deal of extra time putting in work to stay in the top spot. So it was often that she was the last one to leave the gym, and that happened to be the case on this fateful night.

Her team was good, but it was clear they were reliant on her skills to be in the position they were in at the moment. A tournament was coming up to determine the top playoff seeding for their conference, and West Rutledge and Wilkerson State were the heavy favorites for the top 2 spots, and it was widely held that whoever came out on top of this tournament would be playing for the national title when it was all said and done. With a team that lived and died by her contributions, Dani was determined not to let her team down.

After finishing her stretching, Dani took a moment to look in the full length mirror that was next to her locker at the end of the locker room. Pretty and athletic, she had big blue eyes and had her brunette hair tied back in a ponytail. Her athletic figure featured a toned body, her black and orange underarmour long sleeve t-shirt accentuating her B-cup breasts, displaying the outline of her sports bra, and her short and tight black spandex shorts accentuating her curves. Not normally a vain person, she amused herself, striking a couple poses and feeling confident that she looked as good as she felt.

Stepping back to her locker, she glanced up, surprised to hear the outer door opening. It was not completely unheard of for her to see others in the locker room at this hour, but it was unusual. Even more unusual, Dani vaguely recognized the girls that walked in, but was sure they didn't attend West Rutledge. Still, she offered a cursory smile towards them and prepared to go back to her business of changing and heading home. She was tired, had homework to do, and desperately needed an hour or so of R and R before she started it.

She had just managed to untie a shoe when she noticed the four girls were coming towards her. This was very unusual, her locker was at the far end of the locker room, near the showers, and she knew everyone whose locker was in the same area. She stopped and looked up as they approached, and something about the expression on their faces gave her a sense of alarm. She straightened up and faced them.

"Hey, can I help you?" she asked, trying to appear confident and friendly even as a sense of foreboding washed over her.

The girl that stood closest to her addressed her first. "You're Dani Ledger, right?"

Dani nodded. "Yeah, do I know you? I know I have seen at least a couple of you before somewhere." Her confidence was shaken but she still tried to remain stoic, trying to discern their intentions.

The girl gave her a wicked smile. "We play for Wilkerson, you have seen us on the other side of the net. Usually flailing, trying to stop you from racking up kill after kill."

The light went off in her head and Dani recognized all four of them now from facing them on the court. She only knew the names of the one that was in the lead, Lindsay Grace, and one of the others, Cassidy Nagle. But that just made their presence here and now more alarming to her. She stiffened a little, unconsciously taking a step backwards.

"Oh, right, now I recognize you. Um ... is there something I can do for you? Why are you here?"

The lead girl smiled, and made a barely noticeable gesture, and with a little more alarm, Dani looked back and forth as the other three girls fanned out, staying a little distance away, but surrounding her nonetheless. She figured out she was in trouble now and her eyes glanced to her locker and her cell phone on the top shelf. She quickly tried to determine if she could get to it and somehow get away from them long enough to hit the emergency call button before they could overwhelm her.

Lindsay finally broke the uncomfortable silence, still smiling. "We need to talk, Dani. We need you not to play in the tournament. We need this win way more than you do. It's time you shared some of the success West Rutledge has enjoyed for too long.

Dani's worst fears confirmed, she tensed up even more. She had determined a lunge to her locker would get the phone in her hand before any of them could get to her, but she wouldn't have time to do anything before they were on her. So she glanced around again, seeing Cassidy and one of the other girls positioned behind her and on either side, about 5 feet back, and Lindsay standing about 6 feet in front of her, with the other girl at Lindsay's side. She hesitated before she spoke, her voice wavering a little, and she cursed herself for it.

"So I am guessing you all know I am not just going to abandon my team, so what is your plan here? Are you going to try to injure me or something? I am just going to tell you right now that you are all on camera and if you just get the hell out of here right now, I will forget you ever came in." Her words came out weaker sounding then she wanted to, and she was hoping they wouldn't call her bluff. There were no cameras in the girls locker room, of course.

Lindsay grinned. "That's cute, nice try, Dani, but there are no cameras here, and even if there were, no university could ever admit to having cameras in the girls locker room. Do you realize the implicatons that would carry?"

She paused and Dani pursed her lips, staring at Lindsay while still trying to keep the girls behind her in her peripheral vision. Lindsay continued on.

"And to answer your question, honestly, this is not personal, so we really have no desire to hurt you. That is basically up to you, if you are cooperative, it won't come to that. If you get hurt, it will be because you forced our hand."

Dani was scared, but was losing patience and also getting angry. While Lindsay was talking, she was formulating a plan of escape. She figured if she was fast enough, and moved suddenly enough to take them by surprise, she might be able to push past Lindsay and the other girl in front of her and bolt for the door.

"All right, so you don't want to hurt me, what are you going to do then?" she asked, an edge of irritation in her voice, tensing up a little more as she tried to gauge the best time to make her move.

"You're going to be our new best friend, Dani. For the length of the tournament, you get to hang out with us. We'll keep an eye on you and we won't hurt you at all, but you will be staying with us until the tournament is over. Then you can go on with your life as you see fit." Lindsay took a small step forward, and Dani could sense the girls behind her doing the same thing.

"And what if I refuse?" she asked, tensing as she prepared to try to make her break for it. The other girls noticed her body language as her knees bent a little and she was clearly about to do something. They waited for the cue from Lindsay.

"You don't understand, Dani, this is an easy way or hard way situation for you. If you come without a fuss, then we will literally hang out like old friends. We might even get to like each other. But if you put your team first and act all holier than thou about this and try to fight us, then we are going to take you by force. Your choice."

With that, Lindsay nodded slightly, and before Dani could react, Cassidy and the other girl were on her, each grabbing ahold of an arm and holding tight. Dani grunted as they grabbed her, trying to yank her arms free, but each girl had a strong grip on her. Her breathing became heavy as she glared at Lindsay, anger beginning to overwhelm her fear.

"You can't do this!" she snarled. "This is kidnapping, get your fucking hands off me!" She renewed her struggles, but the girls held her fast, and Lindsay stepped up to her, grabbing her face in one hand and squeezing her cheeks as the other girl began to go through her bag and her locker. Dani made a mental note that she didn't seem to see her phone on the top shelf.

"I am going to give you one more chance to calm the fuck down. It doesn't have to be this way." Lindsay was still calm, and let go of Dani's face, gently slapping her left cheek a couple times, more to mock her than to hurt her. She stepped back. "So what's it going to be, hot-shot? Are you going to be our friend or our victim?"

Dani could feel the girls grip on her arms tighten. She swallowed hard, breathing heavily, and again, tried to bluff. "F ... friend ... now please let me go, ok? I will cooperate." She tried her best to sound defeated, but figured if she could gain their trust, she might be able to slip away.

Lindsay looked at her suspiciously, then nodded her head at her friends and they let go of Dani's arms, although they stayed right behind her.

"I don't know if I should be disappointed or not, you looked like you can get pretty feisty, it would have been fun to humble the great Dani Ledger a little bit. Ok, so introductions are in order. Your new temporary roomies are myself, Lindsay, and my teammates and besties Naomi (the girl to the left of Lindsay nodded), Cassidy and Kate. Now get your shit together, we have to get going."

Cassidy and Kate stayed close to Dani, but Lindsay and Naomi stepped aside as she gathered her stuff together, trying to act as cooperative as possible. She tried to make it look as casual as possible as she reached up and grabbed her phone, but was startled when Lindsay snapped "STOP!"

Dani straightened up and faced her, and Lindsay had her hand held out. "Give me your phone. As a show of good faith. I won't do anything to it, I will turn it off for the duration of your stay with us. But to prove you are going to be a good girl, hand it over. Now."

Noticing the mocking tone Lindsay had, Dani tensed, feeling like she was being teased. She hesitated as she knew handing over her phone would be equivalent to watching her plan going up in smoke. She tried to stall.

"Look, I have to at least tell my real roomies where I am, or make something up, so nobody gets worried or goes looking for me, right?" As she spoke, she locked eyes with Lindsay, trying to draw her attention away while she tries to unlock her phone by feel.

"I don't trust her," Naomi said, eyeing her suspiciously.

"She has a good point, though," responded Lindsay. "So we'll do this, Dani dear. Give me your phone, and tell me who your contacts are you need to get ahold of, and we will all dictate a message to text them when we get home to explain your absence. Between the five of us, we can come up with something convincing, I am sure." Her hand reached out closer.

Dani glanced down and back up quickly, seeing she had her thumb about a half-inch from the emergency call spot. "Wouldn't it just be easier and quicker for me to call someone?" She tried to sound as if she were being helpful while edging her thumb to the spot.

"BITCH!" Kate yelled suddenly as she smacked Dani's hand from behind, sending her phone flying. "She's trying to call 911!"

Dani made her move. She saw Naomi watch where the phone landed, and seeing her distracted, lunged into her, shoving her into the lockers and sprinting past Lindsay. She thought she made it, her hand was on the handle of the door, when she felt her head jerked backwards by her ponytail and she was flung against the wall. She grunted hard as she hit the wall, it took her breath away, but she still stumbled away from it, just to feel the now familiar grip of Cassidy and Kate grabbing her arms and pulling her backwards, holding tightly.

Dani struggled ferociously, kicking her legs out and desperately trying to yank her arms free, screaming "LET ME GO! SOMEONE HELP ME!" at the top of her lungs, hoping maybe a custodian or security guard would be somewhere nearby. "PLEASMMMMPPPHH!" she attempted, but found Cassidy's hand tightly clamped over her mouth. She fought their grip, but they held her tightly, Cassidy pulling her head back by her mouth. Lindsay stepped near, and Dani's right leg shot out, trying to connect and hurt her, but Lindsay caught it and held it tightly with both hands, stepping right up to Dani's face. Dani continued her muffled yelling under Cassidy's hand, trying to get her leg free, but Lindsay had it gripped tightly. It kept Dani off balance.

"We tried to be nice and do this the nice way, you entitled bitch, but you want to do it the hard way. Fine. Naomi? Do you have some jewelry to give our new friend as a welcome to our group gift?"

Naomi smiled and came over, and reached into her back pocket and dangled a set of steel handcuffs in front of Dani's face. "You like bracelets, don't you sweetie?"

Dani's eyes widened and her struggles renewed with greater vigor, and she screamed a muffled "NO" into Cassidy's palm, but the girls just laughed at her.

"Let's see if they fit, shall we?" Naomi mocked and Lindsay let go of Dani's leg as Cassidy and Kate turned her around so she was pushed face first against the lockers, pulling her arms close together behind her. Dani fought hard, but she soon felt a cuff circle her left wrist and heard the ratcheting sound as it closed securely around it, followed a moment later by her right wrist. Cassidy and Kate loosened their grips on her arms, but still held her, and turned her around. Cassidy kept her hand clamped tightly over Dani's mouth.

"We need to shut her up, I can't hold her like this forever," said Cassidy.

Naomi lit up. "I saw just the thing. Hang on." She went back to Dani's locker and bag and began to fish through her stuff.

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Post by Driverman »

Author's note: This is part one of what will be a fairly lengthy story. I work two jobs and am in school, so please be patient for subsequent posts. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Can’t wait for part 2!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Amazing start!! Thank you for writing this story! I am very excited for the next part. It already has me so captured. Hreat work.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Ducttapelover93 wrote: 5 years ago Amazing start!! Thank you for writing this story! I am very excited for the next part. It already has me so captured. Hreat work.
I do agree totally! Please continue!
Last edited by Caesar73 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 2162

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

This is amazingly well written and a great scene! Please continue!
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Post by DTbound »

The level of detail in this story is great! I’m excited for part 2!
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Post by Driverman »

Thank you so much everyone for the positive reviews! I am humbled and grateful. I am going to try to have the next part up by the end of the weekend, thanks for bearing with me!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Take your time! It is worth while waiting!
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Post by brashieel »

Excellent first chapter! Nice level of detail and interactions.
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Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Nice job! A well written start.
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Post by Driverman »

Thanks again, everyone! Chapter 2 is in the works and will be up tomorrow or Sunday!
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Post by Solarbeast »

As others have said this is a great start to what I hope will be a great story. I can't wait to read more.
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Post by Driverman »

Even though she knew it was pointless, Dani twisted her wrists a little, testing the handcuffs, and of course, finding them secure. In another situation, she might have been curious about them, but in this one, she was panicked. Breathing hard through her nose, she still resisted the grip Cassidy and Kate had on her arms. One thing about Dani Ledger, she was not going to make this easy for them.

Naomi returned with a wicked grin on her face and Dani's eyes widened and her struggles kicked into high gear as she saw what Naomi was holding, ostensibly to gag her with. Cassidy and Kate tightened their grip on her and Cassidy once again pulled her head back by her mouth, as Dani tried to cry out with a muffled "MMMMPPPHH!"

Lindsay, clearly the leader of the group, nodded slightly again and Cassidy reluctantly let Dani's head back to it's natural position, and she very slowly and deliberately slid her hand off of Dani's mouth, letting it slide down to her neck briefly, a subtle threat, before withdrawing it.

Dani took a couple much needed breaths, her chest rising and falling rapidly now both due to nerves and being able to finally breathe through her mouth again.

"You can't do this to me. This is kidnapping, you have to let me go." Coming out between breaths, her words sounded scared, and not nearly as strong as she heard them in her head.

"Can I shut this dumb bitch up, please?" Naomi asked, not taking her eyes off Dani's, an almost sadistic look crossing her face.

"Just a second, Naomi. I like hearing her beg." Dani trembled slightly as Lindsay stepped up so she was nose to nose with her. She placed her hands firmly on either side of Dani's hips, sliding them slowly up her sides, briefly stopping at her breasts, cupping them for a split second through her under armour top before finishing their journey up her chest, to her neck, and then cupping her face on either side, holding tightly and squeezing her cheeks in just a little.

"It didn't have to be this way, dear, this is your doing," she said in a mocking tone. Dani swallowed, feeling Lindsay's breath right in her mouth as she tried hard to hold her composure. "I promised I wouldn't hurt you, unless you forced our hand. That little stunt with the escape attempt and the phone, well, seems to me you deserve a little punishment. Maybe just a little reminder that you are not in control of this situation. Or do you think you have learned your lesson?"

Lindsay slowly slid her hands down Dani's cheeks, letting her left hand glide over her lips, pressing one finger down on them for a long moment, before she stepped back, raising her eyebrows questioningly at Dani.

Dani just glared at her, a mixture of both anger and fear overwhelming her rational thought, rendering her unable to answer. Kate used her hand that was not holding Dani's arm to motivate her a little bit, reaching down and quickly pinching Dani's left ass cheek through her spandex shorts, laughing as Dani squealed and squirmed, and doing it a second time, even harder than the first. She leaned into Dani's ear.

"Answer her!"

Fighting back her rage at being humiliated and her fear, Dani answered as levelly as she could, trying to remain as calm as she could while inside she was a mess.

"I ... I learned, ok? You have me, I get it. So I am going to just go with you, ok? You don't have to gag me, you can even take the handcuffs off now, I am just going to cooperate. You win."

She nodded and looked hopefully at Lindsay, who nodded back. "That's more like it. You know, for someone so fierce on the court, you sure are a little lamb when you're outnumbered and your hands are taken away from you. It's almost cute. Ok, Naomi, I just wanted to hear some pathetic begging. Shut her up for now."

"Gladly!" Naomi said, a little too eagerly, and advanced on Dani. Dani pursed her lips tightly shut, and once again her struggles renewed, with Cassidy and Kate starting to have a hard time holding her still. Naomi grabbed her face and squeezed it hard, holding up the first item she planned to stuff into Dani's mouth, a pair of her own panties taken from her bag.

"Open your damn mouth and get this over with, you're going to be chewing on your own panties one way or another, you won't win," Naomi taunted as she held the panties in front of Dani's face.

"Those are cute ," Kate commented and the other girls laughed, other than Naomi, that is. She got that sadistic look on her face again as she let go of Dani's face.

"Ok, I am going to give you a choice. We have to hurry up here, so behind door A, you open your damn mouth, let me shove these panties in there, along with this cute little sock, and tape it closed." At this point, Naomi tilted her head at Dani, who was still pursing her lips, and suddenly reached down and cupped her crotch, pressing upward, causing Dani to stand on her tiptoes for a moment while squealing, but taking care to keep her lips sealed.

Keeping her hand on Dani's crotch, Naomi continued. "Behind door B, you piss me off, and we strip these tight little shorts off, take off the panties that I am currently pushing up in you, and you can chew on them instead. You pick." Naomi let go of Dani's intimate area and dangled the panties in her face again.

"Fuck you," a defiant but defeated Dani said, then closed her eyes and parted her lips slightly.

"Damn," said Naomi. The other way would have been fun. Kate pinched Dani's ass again as Cassidy pulled her head back by her hair, causing her to squeal, but it became an "Owwmmmph!" as Dani suffered the indignity of having her own green silk panties shoved into her mouth. They were followed by a light ankle sock, and Cassidy's hand returned to hold her mouth closed while Naomi picked up a roll of silver duct tape.

Dani shook her head no, which of course made the other girls mock her, as Naomi tore off a strip and pressed it over Dani's lips, smoothing it out in a very exagerrated manner. She then followed it up by wrapping the tape around her head once and sealing it on her cheek.

"Go get the car and pull it around to the back door, there should be no one around to be suspicious by now," Lindsay instructed Naomi. Dani moaned a few muffled noises, she could breathe fine through her nose, but she was humiliated.

"I'm sorry about Naomi, she gets a little overzealous sometimes," Lindsay laughed. "But you should know, she means what she says. So if you try any more of your stunts, I might just turn her loose on you. Kate, go stand by the door and let us know when she gets there. I want to make sure our new roomie knows we don't play."

Kate went over to the back door of the locker room while Lindsay whispered something into Cassidy's ear. Cassidy grinned. "Let's go," and she took Dani by the arm and pushed her towards a desk in the corner, and into it, doubling her over at the waist so she was laying stomach down over it. "MMPPPH!" Dani grunted, it hurt a little, especially with her hands cuffed behind her since that made her unable to brace herself. Cassidy pulled her hands a little farther up her back, and Dani turned her head just in time to see Lindsay walking towards them, holding a leather belt she took out of Dani's bag.

Dani tried to push up, but Cassidy held her down on the table. She kicked her legs a little but was unable to get any purchase, bent over the desk, she knew what was coming. She struggled hard, yelling under her gag, but of course, it came out as "MMMPPHH! MMPPH!"

Lindsay folded the belt and the fear she saw in Dani's eyes actually disappointed her. "Oh now, where's our little fighter?" Lindsay flicked her ear, and it had the desired effect. "MMPHH MPH!" Dani yelled, which was clearly enough a "FUCK YOU!" and she braced herself and damn near slipped out of Cassidy's grasp, but Cassidy, grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her head down hard, and wrenched her hands up a little farther up her back, taking back the bit of leverage Dani had regained.

"Well, we don't have much time before our ride is here, but your jersey number is 9, and since this is your belt, seems we should keep things in the family, right? I'm going to give you 9 reasons to be more cooperative, sweetie." Lindsay, mockingly pet Dani on the hair, then without warning, reached back and Dani heard a quick whoosh followed by a sharp stinging sensation across her ass, the spandex shorts and her panties offering just a little protection. Still, it hurt, and she screamed under her gag. The pain was not as horrible as she feared, but the embarrasment of being spanked by her own belt was humbling.

"WHACK!" Three more successive strikes of the belt to Dani's ass had her starting to feel it more, Lindsay was not holding back, and while her shorts and panties were still offering a level of protection, the stinging sensation was starting to linger.

Lindsay counted off "FIVE" and "SIX" as she aimed these two at the tops of Dani's thighs. Most of the belt still hit the spandex shorts, but the bottom of it hit skin, and Dani yelped under her gag, making Cassidy giggle and Lindsay smile.

"Naomi is going to be a little pissed she missed this," Cassidy said to Lindsay.

"Oh, I am sure our little heroine here is going to get a head full of steam and think she can escape or fight back at some point, I am sure Naomi is going to get to have her fun. Isn't that right?"

Dani started to turn her head but her body jerked with the next, and hardest so far, smack of the belt across her ass. She was fighting back tears, but fighting hard, she would not show them that level of weakness. Still her now constant gag-moaning and groaning along with the heavy breathing through her noise made it clear she was feeling serious distress.

Dani squealed under the gag as the 8th stroke of the belt hit it's mark, her ass was stinging constantly now, her humiliation total, but Lindsay had one more ace up her sleeve as far as that goes.

"Let's go!" Kate called out from the back door, and Lindsay leaned in close to Dani and patted her cheek. "Here's one more to remember this moment." Boldly, Dani glared at her, shooting daggers at her with her eyes, which just made Lindsay laugh.

For effect, Cassidy pushed down hard on Dani's neck and Lindsay kicked her legs apart, and reached back and underhanded the last stroke of the makeshift whip right between Dani's legs. Dani screamed at the unexpected and painful intrusion on her womanhood, her spandex and panties again saving her from feeling really intense pain. But the message was sent and Dani felt rage and defeat battling within her for an upper hand.

Lindsay grabbed the rest of Dani's belongings and Cassidy pulled her off the table.

"Hurry up!" Kate hissed, it was dark out, but she was still nervous at being seen. Cassidy held her arms tightly, but Dani was already alertly looking for a chance to make a break for it between the door and the mini van with the sliding door open she saw parked a few feet outside.

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Post by Caesar73 »

The second part is as good as the first, even better! The Interactions between Danni an her captors are very well written! Very good! Keep it going! :D :D
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Post by Deleted User 2162 »

Falling in love with all these characters! Great second addition!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Hojojutsutengu wrote: 5 years ago Falling in love with all these characters! Great second addition!
I agree! Pls go on!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Great addition! This story is come oht better than I ever hoped it would! Thank you Cant wait to read more!
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Post by Driverman »

Thanks again for the great feedback! Unfortunately, I had most of the next chapter written, and forgot to save the draft, so it will be a couple more days before the next is posted.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Take your time! Unfortunate. But things like that, they can happen. I'm curious what happens to Danni in the Van. I imagine some more heavy restraining is in order :)
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Post by Driverman »

You'll find that out 2 chapters from now, first, a dramatic escape attempt! I will say no more.
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Post by Caesar73 »

You made me very very curious :D :D I have deep Sympathy for Danni! I like her indomitable Spirit!
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Post by Caesar73 »


First: Congratulations on your Storywriting so far! Keep it up!

I do not know, what finish do you have in mind for your Story. Well I imagine Danni getting the better of her captors in the end :D And Danni making the difference in the end, by winning the Tournament for her Team :D
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Post by Driverman »

Thank you so much for your support, Caesar, I hope I continue to rise to it!

The end is quite a ways off, but the next chapter will be up by Saturday.

Also, I plan to start the other story, which will be PG, in Fictional Stories for Everyone, so that first chapter should be up by the end of the weekend.

Thanks again!
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Post by Driverman »

As they neared the door, Dani started to formulate a plan. She slumped a little bit in Cassidy's grip, letting her body language communicate defeat. She stopped resisting completely, and as they stepped up to the door Kate was holding open, it worked. She could feel Cassidy's grip lighten up considerably.

As Cassidy guided her through the door, Dani quickly assessed the situation. They were behind the locker room, to their right is a dead end except the vehicle turnaround, but to their left is a long corridor with a building barrier on either side. If she headed down that corridor, she would have two options. The end of the gym building would be on her left and around that corner would be a short path to an open area of campus. At this hour, it would be unpopulated, but there was a slight chance of a stray student or professor heading home or lingering. However, the gymnasium is a long building, and she wasn't sure how her hands being cuffed behind her would effect her running, but she didn't love her chances of making it to the end of the building without her captors being upon her. And even if she did make it, would there be anyone there to help her?

Her other option was a narrow opening to the right of the corridor, about 30 feet from where the van was. If she could get through it, and maybe another 30 feet between buildings, it opened into a recreational field that was lined with several small groves of trees. It would not be ideal, and the chances of anyone being out there would be even less, but she had a better chance of making it there before they could catch her, and hiding in one of the small groves of trees would buy her a little time to think of her next move.

She processed all of this in the time it took her to step through the door. Lindsay had already gotten in the front passenger seat and Naomi was driving. Dani glanced over and saw Kate was looking around nervously and watching the door, so she was distracted. It was time to make her move.

With one more glance to make sure Kate was not paying attention, Dani lifted her right leg and brought her heel down on Cassidy's foot as hard as she could. She tried to stay quiet while she did it ... every milisecond was precious to her ... but she did let loose a little "MMPH!" as she did it.

"OWWW FUCK!" yelped Cassidy as she immediately let go of Dani's arms out of reflex from the pain. Dani took one more precious second and planted her feet and shoved her body back into a now off balance Cassidy, who stumbled and fell into Kate, who tried to catch her and largely failed. Dani didn't hesitate and took off.

Lindsay heard the commotion and looked back to see Cassidy and Kate scrambling to get up and Dani nowhere in sight. "What the fuck, you two!" she yelled as she burst from the van and glanced around, not seeing Dani anywhere.

"She ambushed us," moaned Cassidy as she rubbed her foot, furious and embarrased.

"Where did she go?" demanded Lindsay.

"She went that way," Kate pointed down the corridor, "but I didn't see where she turned off. She can't have gotten far."

"SHE WAS HANDCUFFED!" Lindsay yelled incredulously at them, then realizing the trouble they could be in, she grabbed their arms and pushed them forward. "Let's go, we have to find her right now!"

Cassidy was limping a little, and stayed behind by the van as Kate and Lindsay both began running down the corridor and towards the end of the gym, figuring Dani would go to where there might be people and knowing they had to stop her before anyone sees her.

What they didn't realize, was Naomi had already slipped out of the van and headed down the corridor, where she had seen Dani take a right through a narrow passageway in the rearview mirror. She smiled, calm and determined, as she made her way through it and stopped at the end, peeking around and seeing an open area with a few groves of trees along the border. She sensed a movement in one a little ways away, and smiled again, quietly and stealthily sliding around the building and using the trees leading up to that one as cover.

Dani ran, hobbled by the fact that her hands being behind her kept her off balance, and stood behind a large tree, hidden from the buildings. She was breathing hard through her nose, and heard some yelling but there was no sign she was being followed. She leaned against the tree, twisting her wrists uselessly against the cuffs, and trying to use the bark of the tree to pick at the tape around her head, which also proved useless. Her ass was sore from the whipping by her own belt, and even her pussy still could feel the lingering effects of the shot of the belt. But her adrenaline was up and keeping her alert. She peeked around the tree carefully, still not seeing anyone emerging from where the buildings are. She thought about what to do now, she could try to head across the field, it would be much quicker, but it would leave her out in the open. If she moved through the trees it would give her more cover, albeit it would take a lot longer. A road and a few stores and help were about a half mile away, that way. She decided to take the safe route, the field would be so much faster but she would be a sitting duck. Glancing around the tree trunk one more time and seeing the coast seemed clear, she stepped away from her tree and started to head in the direction of the road. She moved cautiously, her head on a swivel, and something about how quiet it was made her more nervous.

Naomi was only about 20 feet away when she saw Dani step away from the tree. She sunk into the shadows and watched her prey begin to move away. She noticed Dani was staying low, being careful, staying hidden, and she almost wished Dani wasn't handcuffed, it would make this more challenging, and to Naomi, fun. But her prey was formidable, as her escape proved, so she wasn't going to take her lightly. She followed Dani, staying in the darkness and quickly closing the gap between them.

Dani proceeded along, making better time than she had expected, constantly looking around, staying low. A couple times she thought she saw movement in her peripheral, but when she stopped and looked, she saw nothing. Still, she couldn't shake the sense that she was not alone. It made her quicken her pace a little. She was about halfway there.

Naomi changed her tactics. She slipped to the other side of the grove of trees and decided to get past Dani. She had considered attacking her from behind, but she wanted to see the fear in those pretty blue eyes. She moved quickly and with a purpose, and picked up a rock and a small but sturdy fallen tree branch along the way. Watching her prey carefully, she got ahead of her, and slipping back on the same side of the trees, she lay in wait.

Dani was getting closer, and she was starting to feel real hope for the first time. She quickened her pace yet again, and could see the streetlights and her rescue approaching fast. Her mind started to go to what she would tell the police, and her friends and family, when all of a sudden she was startled and gasped an "MMPH!" as she heard a sharp rap on a tree behind her! She spun around, and saw nobody there, but a rock was lying on the ground near the tree that she didn't remember stepping around. Dani started to tremble a little, getting nervous, and spun back around, starting to make a run for it, when she saw Naomi step from around a tree. Her eyes widened as she yelled "MMMMPPHH" and tried to stop in her tracks and turn around, but she had no balance with her hands locked behind her and she stumbled to a stop, just in time to see Naomi rearing back and bringing what looked like a tree branch forward and straight shotting it right into her mid-section, doubling her over, eliciting a muffled scream, and knocking the wind out of her.

Dani stumbled and fell to one knee, trying to regain her breath. Her hands tugged helplessly at the handcuffs, wanting to clutch her stomach. She felt a hand grab ahold of her hair, as Naomi stood over her, still brandishing the branch.

"Stand up," she ordered calmly, pulling Dani up by her hair, maneuvering behind her, and bringing the branch up to her neck and pulling back, not choking her, but holding it tightly enough to threaten it.

"You've been a very bad girl, Superstar," she mocked.

Dani moaned, and she could hear Lindsay's voice a ways away faintly say "I see someone, come on!" from somewhere behind them. And then she groaned loudly as Naomi heard the same thing and pulled the branch into her neck harder.

"We don't have much alone time before they spoil my fun. Relax, this is only going to hurt ... you."
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