Seduced, Tied Up, In Love (F/F)

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Seduced, Tied Up, In Love (F/F)

Post by GirlBondage »

My name is Edelina and at the age of 29 I moved from Bangladesh to the Netherlands because of better earning opportunities, where I found a job in a medical institution. Except for my work colleagues, I had not yet found any friendly contacts in the Netherlands and my language skills were also still very poor.

Another reason I moved to the Netherlands from Bangladesh was that I was more attracted to women than men. This is rather unusual in Bangladesh, but I heard that it was nothing unusual in the liberal Netherlands.

I was very small and petite, even for a woman, with my height of 147 cm and my 38 kg. Like most women, I was looking for a tall partner with whom I could feel safe and secure. The Netherlands is home to the tallest women in the world, which was another plus for my new home.
So I browsed the Internet and one day I registered with an online dating site, where after a few days I came across Monique. Monique was like you imagine a Dutch girl to be. 26 years old, 186 cm tall, blonde, with blue eyes and weighed 88 kg. She was exactly what I was looking for and despite my language problems we understood each other very well right away. She was very charming, cheerful and always made a nice joke or a nice compliment. I just felt comfortable right away when I talked to her.

So we arranged for a first date in an ice cream parlor. On the way to the ice cream parlor I was very excited, but the feeling quickly dissolved into thin air when Monique saw me coming around the corner. She immediately jumped up from her chair and ran towards me full of joy to take me in her arms and give me a hug. For the bystanders, it must have looked like one of those "big girl, little girl" photo compilations. Despite her 88 kg Monique was not chubby, but much rather really athletic and trained. She already had quite strong thighs, but also a nice waist and her arms showed clear muscle beginnings. Most of all, however, I liked the charisma of this cheerful nature.

So we sat down in the ice cream parlor and ordered a milkshake each. While we sat there, we talked about this and that. Monique was very interested in the life in Bangladesh and when she told something, she spoke slowly and clearly so that I could understand it better. Monique always had a smile on her lips and she never missed an opportunity to touch my hand or to tap me with her feet and legs. I enjoyed this kind of discreet touch that I longed for so much.

Our milkshakes were eventually finished and Monique settled the bill without giving me a chance to pay for my own milkshake. "Now what?" asked Monique, taking my little fingers between her thumb and forefinger to play with my fingers a bit. I hesitated, having no idea what we could do now, when Monique next asked me if we could go to my place. A voice inside me said that it was a bit too fast because, after all, she was still a stranger to me from a country that was foreign to me. On the other hand, I was already wrapped around her finger and when Monique then said that it was bad with her because she lived in a shared apartment, I simply nodded.

We went as to me in my small attic apartment. At this point I could still mention what we wore. Monique wore a black leggings in leather look and a white tank top. I wore a tight gray sweater, which went to me under the butt, with colorful color elements and black nylon tights underneath.

We sat down on the couch and continued our conversation at first. When at some point our conversation paused because at that moment no one knew what to say, Monique asked me if she could play with me. I didn't know what she meant and asked what she wanted to play.
Monique laughed in response, grabbed me by my hips and pulled me without effort on your lap. That went to me then nevertheless somewhat too fast in such a way that I became somewhat restless. When she opened her bag, which she had put on the other side of the couch and took out a white cotton rope, I was irritated and wondered what she was going to do with it.

Monique didn't answer my question, instead hugged me from behind and with her hands in front of me calmly took the white rope twice. She made sure that the ends of the rope were flush and then took my left hand. Then she put the double taken rope once around my wrist and pulled the open ends through the loop of the rope. A thousand thoughts flashed through my mind. Was she going to tie me up? And why? I asked myself while she simultaneously tried to pull my left hand on the rope to my back and my right hand with her right hand.

She must have really wanted to tie me up! I started to build up strength to keep my wrists in front of my body. She gently increased the pressure and eventually had no trouble pulling my hands onto my back. She crossed my hands and I felt the rope being pulled horizontally and vertically around my wrists. I felt her tie a knot and then let go of my hands. I immediately pulled on the rope in a panic, but even though it wasn't that tight, the rope held my wrists together.

"What are you doing to me?", I asked Monique in a panic as she pulled something rustling out of her bag again. I couldn't see what was rustling because she had already taken it behind my back. She pulled lots of white cotton rope out of the bag with it. "Let me mmmppppfffff please" I tried to shout, but Monique shoved a ball into my mouth as I did so. I protested into the gag, but Monique just made "shhh, shhh" noises while locking two straps behind my head, which apparently held the ball in my mouth.

"What does it look like, my dear, hahaha? I'm tying you up," Monique said in her usual cheerful voice and reached to the side again to get more rope from her bag. She reached around me again and started untangling a really long piece of rope in front of me on my lap. I figured I should try to escape now before she tied me up completely motionless. The problem was that I was sitting on her lap and my feet had no contact with the floor. So I tried to push off with my thighs and hands to jump out of her lap. Monique had already expected this, however, and simply lifted her knees a bit, causing me to slide back into her lap.

I didn't give up so quickly and now used my calves to push myself away to the side by her legs, but Monique had a recipe for that too. She simply held me in the middle with her arms passing right and left of my body and untangled the rope at the same time. At the same time she worked her legs to hold me on her lap.

The long white cotton rope was meanwhile untangled and taken double. Then Monique started to loop the rope around my body including my upper arms. Four layers ran below my breasts and four layers ran above my breasts. I sat like a small child on the lap of an older woman and was tied up by her against my will and without being able to do anything.

However, I did not want to give up without resistance and so I continued to resist to the best of my ability against being tied up by her. I slid on her lap back and forth, but she balanced me again and again, so that I landed again and again in the middle of her lap. I also kicked my heels lightly against her shins at times. I didn't want to hurt Monique, because I was afraid that I could make her angry, but Monique didn't seem to mind that much and so she just kept on tying me up.

On the contrary, Monique even seemed to have a lot of fun with my escape attempts. She laughed and whispered in my ear that she loved it when her victim resisted to the best of her ability and added that I was the insect that was now being spun in by the spider to the point of absolute helplessness.

And so I watched as her hands reached around me right and left and up and down, passing the rope to each other. The rope came forward from my back on the right between my arm and body, wrapped around the lower chest rope, and was passed back to my back. The same was repeated on the left side. Then she threaded the rope under my right armpit and upper chest rope, passed the rope in front over my right shoulder, along behind my neck, and over my shoulder and left armpit back onto my back. Once on my back, she pulled the rope through a loop and tied it to my neck rope before knotting it in the middle of my back.

Each of these bindings caused the rope strands around my chest to become tighter and tighter. At the same time, I was moaning louder and louder into the gag as the increasing restriction of my movement made it more and more strenuous to resist, so I decided to protest into the gag.

However, Monique also seemed to have a very emphatic streak because she seemed to notice my panic and then told me to trust her and kissed me tenderly on the cheek. I didn't know what to make of this. It was so scary on the one hand to completely lose control, but with her manner and unwavering positive charisma, Monique didn't seem too threatening either.

"Here I'll show you something" Monique snapped me out of my thoughts and took her phone out of her pocket. She pressed around on her phone behind my back and then held it in front of my face. She slowly went through a picture gallery on her phone and there were several different women tied up in different positions as well. I went wide-eyed and tried to say something into the gag, whereupon Monique took the floor and told me that being tied up was her big fetish.

The women in the pictures were not simply tied up, but were literally tied up with ropes from the soles of their feet to their shoulders. One was tied to a post; another was tied to a chair in such a way that her feet could no longer touch the floor. Still another was caught on the ceiling or Monique had tied it to her in such a way that she carried it like a handbag.

I was probably her next victim and it seemed that I had already lost. I was a bit encouraged by the fact that some of the non-gagged women in the pictures were smiling. Did the women like being tied up so helplessly?

Then she asked me if I had read her profile on the dating site. I shook my head, whereupon she called up her profile on the partner exchange and now everything became clear to me. Under her preferences were things like bondage, tie up, gag, blindfold and so on. I groaned and she laughed. "Then I guess it was a misunderstanding". In fact, I didn't know those terms and I guess I wasn't aware that this was a fetish singles exchange.

She said that for now I will remain her prisoner and repeated again that I should not worry. She also added that all the tied up ladies on the pictures on her phone would be fine.

With the pictures on her phone and her words, I calmed down and faced my fate. She seemed to have looked at me that this made me feel better, smiled and rubbed my cheek with her nose.

Monique next told me that she was far from finished and grabbed another rope. She took the rope double again and attached it to the ropes centrally on my back with a loop. From my upper back she led the two strands of rope down to my hands which were tied crosswise. There, the two strands of rope were passed through the ropes, tying my hands with them, before she tied the two strands of rope around my stomach in opposite directions. Before the rope was used up, she passed the rope strands through the ropes of my wrists again. Monique suddenly apologized and smiled and said "I'm allowed to do it". A moment later I knew why, as I felt her hands in my crotch, passing the rope ends from back to front through my crotch.

While Monique reached around me with her arms to knot the rope in front of my stomach with the waist rope, I leaned with my back against her chest. I looked down at myself at all the ropes and even though I was still very insecure and tense, I began to feel secure with Monique. She tightened the knot in front of my belly and then hugged me with her arms from behind while at the same time cuddling my cheek with her cheek.

She started pulling and releasing my crotch rope with her left hands over and over again, while she massaged my right breast sideways with her right hand, without really touching my breast. I tried to suppress it, but eventually had to moan into my gag.

She then leaned further around me to play with her lips and tongue on my gagged mouth. I turned away to avoid her mouth, but Monique then simply came over my other shoulder with her head, seeking contact with my ball-gagged mouth. I dodged her a few more times, but for Monique this seemed to be just a fun game. So at some point I surrendered to her mouth and let her suck my lips with her lips or go over the edge between my lips and the gag with her tongue.

She continued for a while and I went into a trance until she suddenly stopped and told me that she would also like to continue with this, but at the same time wanted to tie me up even more. Monique put me without much effort next to her on the couch and took another long rope from her bag. She took my legs and put them on her lap.

Because I suspected that she wanted to tie my feet and legs as well I started to kick and to prevent that. Monique took my resistance calmly and said only: "all right", stood up and turned me so that I lay with my belly on the couch. She then bent my legs so that my feet were sticking up in the air, sat behind me and clamped my thighs with her knees.

I then felt a noose wrap around my ankles, which were wrapped in nylon. Two more wraps of the double taken rope followed before she wrapped the rope between my ankles to tighten it. Without tying a knot, she passed the rope to my calves just below my knees and repeated the bondage.

To tie my legs in the same way above my knees, she just unceremoniously lifted my legs with one of her hands on the ropes of my ankles to pass the rope between my thighs and the couch with her other hand. She did the same again with my thighs just below my bottom.

It seemed like she was taking extra time to do this, because I could feel her hands going extra deep between my thighs to perform the rope. The play with her fingers between my legs made me moan into my ball gag and I could literally feel the smile on her face.

The rest of the rope she led along below my wrists to my waist rope where it was looped around once. With one hand Monique pushed my feet to my hands and with her other hand she looped the rope between my ankles. The rest of the rope was still a bit too short to knot in the middle of my back. Monique helped by pushing my feet towards my back until they almost touched my bottom. I felt her fingers tying the knot on my back and heard the friction of the rope as she tightened the knot with a back.

Monique stood up and contentedly put her hands on her hips. I, on the other hand, lay on the couch practically bound to immobility and gagged with a ball gag. Monique playfully tied me up into a little package without me even having any chance to escape her captivity.
When I saw her take her phone and start taking pictures of me in my helpless position, I turned my head away in shame. Monique then knelt down in front of the couch and stroked my head. She asked me to look into the camera and promised to be discreet with the photos. The photos would be there to take away the fear of other women inexperienced with bondage and would not be published on the Internet.
She could certainly force me to look into the camera, but Monique did not do that. She just said that they can't force me to do anything and giggled a bit.

Next, I felt her grab the cluster of ropes on my back with one of her hands and grab the ropes around my thighs with the other. I was playfully lifted into the air by her and Monique spun me once around her own axis. She sat down on the couch and put me down on her lap so that I was lying with my belly on her thighs.

Monique started to play with my small feet (size 34), which were now for her like on a platter and told me that she does not like her feet because of their size.

So time for a little photo shoot, Monique said smugly and took a smaller piece of rope from her handbag, which was now right in front of my eyes. She started to arrange my hair and after that I felt her knotting the rope with my hair. Next, I felt one of her hands on my feet before my head was pulled up so that it was on the back of my neck and I didn't have much of a chance to look away anymore.

She grabbed her phone again and held it in front of my head to take more photos. She took the photos from different angles and seemed to be posing herself as well. When she showed me the photos afterwards, I saw how she grimaced behind me, sometimes smiling and sometimes looking angry, while in the meantime drool ran out of my gagged mouth, which made me look very embarrassed into the camera.

She then looked at the pictures themselves again closer and laughed before she asked me why I would look so ashamed. She said that we were here among ourselves and there was no reason to be ashamed.

Let's take some more pictures, Monique said happily and took another rope out of her handbag. She took the rope again double and fastened it behind my neck to the rope already there. Then Monique bent forward slightly and put the rope behind her neck before she looped the rope around the rope of my thighs and led the rope back behind her neck to my neck and knotted it there.

Next she turned me so that I was lying sideways next to her and stood up. With me hanging around her shoulder, she walked effortlessly across the room to my large wall mirror. My 38 kg seemed to be a lightness to her. I hung on her hip as if I were a slightly larger handbag. "I could just take you right now. If only I had a big gym bag" she giggled. No, I'm just kidding, of course, she followed up.

The thought of being overwhelmed with such ease and simply being taken away made a shameful feeling of helplessness rise up inside me. As if Monique could read my mind, she tenderly stroked my head, briefly took my hand and tickled my feet a little. Without Monique what had said my emotional world was back in order and I made friends with the thought of seeing the whole thing as a great adventure.

Monique started posing with me in front of the mirror as if I were her new handbag, taking pictures of us. I tried to smile with my eyes and not look so humiliated. Finally I smiled showing my teeth around the ball gag. Monique didn't miss that and she was happy about my attempts to bear my predicament with attitude.

Suddenly Monique discovered a hook hanging from my ceiling in the middle of the room. A former resident of my apartment must have hung something like a punching bag on it. She walked with me to the hook and checked it with her hands. "It seems perfect to me," she said, and next walked with me to the couch and her purse. She set me down on the couch and rummaged in her purse, from which she then pulled out a snap hook.

"You're a real flyweight, but in the long run you'll be a bit heavy for me too" she laughed and I knew that I would probably be hung from the ceiling now, which Monique then told me with a grin. She loosened the rope that tied me in the hogtie so that I could stretch out again. She also loosened the rope that was entangled in my hair and pulled my head back. Then she grabbed me by the ropes of my back and the ropes around my thighs and carried me into the middle of the room where she stood me upright under the hook in the ceiling.

She hooked her carabiner into the hook and then grabbed the strands of rope that had been used to tie me into the hogtie earlier. She led the rope from my waist up to the ropes of my chest harness where she looped it around and knotted it to better distribute my weight on the ropes. Then she led the rope further up to the rope that ran behind my neck and passed it under that.

Next, I felt Monique push her flat palm and then her forearm between my thighs from behind. In her other hand, Monique still held the two strands of rope that she had just threaded through the rope behind my neck. Next, I felt Monique lift me with her arm between my legs and I lost the ground under my feet. With her other hand, she let the two strands of rope coming from my neck snap into the carabiner and guided the rope strands back to the ropes behind my neck. After adjusting the length of the rope so that our eyes were at the same height, she knotted the rope behind my neck. I was now hanging almost bolt upright in the air, looking into Monique's blue eyes. Under my feet it was almost 40 cm to the ground.

Monique told me that we had earned a little break after all the tying up and winked at me. She went to my fridge, picked out something to drink and took a glass from the cabinet. Then she made herself comfortable on my couch with my drink and watched, visibly amused, as I dangled helplessly from the ceiling. I swayed slightly back and forth, slowly spinning on my axis.

After finishing her glass, she got up from the couch again and approached me, smiling. She stood in front of me, hugged me and whispered a "thank you so much in my ear. Thank you so much for going along with this." I wondered what she meant by that. As helplessly as she had tied me up, I could do nothing at all about it. Perhaps she meant that I had cooperatively held back from protesting.

Next, Monique asked me what I wanted to do next and suggested dancing. To dance I asked myself, sensing at the thought the possibility of being freed by her again. I nodded eagerly, which made Monique laugh out loud. "It's okay. You can't wait, can you?" returned Monique, laughing. She knew very well that I associated with it the hope to be freed again.

Monique began to lead me, swinging me back and forth on the ropes. She made me do pirouettes and danced with joy herself. She let me swing past her in front and behind her back, guiding me on the ropes or even letting me go sometimes as she swung me further away.
At some point she caught me so that my back was in front of her chest. She came back with her chin over my shoulder and gently massaged the sides of my breasts while cuddling me and kissing my neck. After a while, she slowly turned me around so that my chest was against her chest. She rubbed her nose against my nose and asked me if I felt like kissing her. It would be the first time for me to kiss a woman, but I nodded because she would finally have to take off my ball gag again.

She smiled and turned me again with my back to her chest to loosen my gag. I made slight chewing movements because my jaw felt funny when she suddenly pushed something behind my teeth again. I felt for the object in my mouth with my tongue. I was able to move my tongue out of my mouth, but a ring held my mouth open.

Next, I saw Monique's laughing face as she turned me to face her again. She knew exactly what she was doing and was playing with me as she wanted. Her laughter left her face and was followed by a facial expression that was full of lust and anticipation. She came up to my lower lip with her lips and tasted my lip. Then she ran her tongue around my mouth on my lips.

I turned my face away again, but she responded by holding my cheeks with both hands. I didn't know how to act when she suddenly came into my mouth with her tongue. She touched the roof of my mouth and searched for my tongue. When she felt my insecurity she let go of my mouth again and asked me to join in with a smile. "Okay, I'll help you," she said with a grin. "The first thing you do when you kiss is close your eyes. But we'll have that in a minute," Monique said and went to her bag. She returned with a sleeping mask, which she unceremoniously pulled over my eyes.

She put one hand behind my neck and dug into my crotch with the other. Her hand in my crotch and the involuntary penetration of her tongue into my mouth, as well as this absolute helplessness suddenly caused an indescribable lust in me. When she then again penetrated my mouth with her tongue to kiss me, our tongues met, circled and played with each other.

I had imagined my first soft sex with a woman quite differently, but in any case also not so exciting and unforgettable. I was forced to my first kiss with a ring gag in my mouth and stimulated with a hand in my crotch.

We kissed for quite a while until it became too tiring for Monique with her hand between my tied legs. She took her hand out of my crotch and embraced me with both arms, reaching for my bound hands. I squeezed her hands as well and so we held hands while we continued to kiss passionately. I was still hanging practically motionless on the ceiling, but from that magical moment all my worries were forgotten.
Monique conquered me by wrapping me around her finger, overpowering me, tying me up and forcing me to be happy. I was in love with Monique.

After another while, she stopped kissing me again and to my surprise, freed me from the ring gag and blindfold. She smiled and told me that it was not necessary now. I didn't know what to say, but Monique already asked me if we wanted to make ourselves comfortable on the couch, to which I agreed.

Before Monique took me from the ceiling, she asked me to take a few more pictures of me. I agreed and Monique started taking pictures of me. When she asked me to smile, even that was no longer a problem for me because I was full of happy hormones.

After Monique was satisfied, she approached me again, stood behind me and pushed her forearm between my legs from behind. She lifted me up and with her free hand and a deft grip, got the rope out of the snap hook. She carried me to the couch as if I were a small child, which she carries in her arms with ease.

Monique sat down with me on the couch in such a way that I was twisted ninety degrees to her on her lap. She hugged me with one arm and my feet were on the couch to the other side. I smiled at Monique and she already knew exactly what I wanted. She came to my lips with her lips and we were kissing now without me being gagged.

After another while I let off and made movements in the ropes that bound me. Monique put a hand in front of her mouth, giggled slightly and said, "Sorry, I forgot. Sorry. You've been tied up for quite a while now" and then freed me again.

After she freed me and the weird floppy feeling left my arms, I couldn't help but hug her. She thanked me for my bravery and I then thanked her for this wonderful experience.

We were still cuddling and making out on the couch all evening. It was until then the most erotic evening in my life.

Here are the links to my other stories

Fictional Stories For Everyone

Involuntary pyjama bondage video night (FF/ff)
Be careful how you treat your admirer (m/f)
My daughter Vanessa tricked (FF/ff)
Overnight stay with my girlfriend Jessica (F/F)
A weekend with the clique in the green (??/fff)
Tied up and fixed in the trunk (F/F)
Choice, Truth or Dare (F/F/F/F)
A victim to cuddle (F/F)
3 against 3 bondage fight on the playground (FFF/FFF)
In a roundabout way to happiness (m/f)

Fictional Stories For Adults

Unexpected adventure (M/FF)
The feeling of being captivated can move mountains (M/F)
Seduced, Tied Up, In Love (F/F)
The Living Mannequin (FF/F)
Who does not cooperate, is tied up just for the amusement of the other (F/F)

True Stories for Adults

Bondage Wrestling/Sex (M/F)
Nylon Encasement Sex in Tights (M/F)
Last edited by GirlBondage 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by saarwa »

good job, nice written story!
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Post by GreyLord »

Excellent, detailed bondage description. Good show.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Location: Tied up and spanked over your knee, or in the dungeon tormenting you!

Post by JulieG »

A wonderful sensual tale . thank yoj.
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Post by Trickster »

That was a great read!
Mr Underheel
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Post by Mr Underheel »

I am very happy that you are practicing your English so much! Great story!
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Post by GirlBondage »

thank you very much for the positive feedback : )

I still often use a translator to help me. But some translations I do not really like. I will therefore continue to work on my English and revise some stories again.
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Post by TotoTheHero »

It's great that you continue to evolve as a writer, even if it's in a second language. You still manage to convey the depth of emotions that fill your characters with such desires. As I have noted previously, your readers acquire a better appreciation for your writings the more they read them.
Your characters evoke such wonderful feelings and I encourage you to continue exploring your interests. I'll keep reading.
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