GDC #31 - You Are Safe (M/F)

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GDC #31 - You Are Safe (M/F)

Post by TomYi »

Golden Dawn Case #31:

Sabrina D.


“Is that too tight?”

“It’s fine, and FYI, a burglar doesn’t ask if he’s tying up his victim right.”

“Hey, I’m just making sure I don’t hurt you is all.”

That was just one of many exchanges between me and my boyfriend during our latest roleplay, one of way too many exchanges.

It had started out really good. Ethan had burst into our bedroom wearing a ski mask, a dark sweater, and black jeans that showed off his ass superbly. He even had some decent acting going on at first, but then once he actually got down to business, that tough and assertive character just broke apart. He slowed down his work and started checking with me about whether or not the ropes felt too tight, or if I was feeling okay. By the time I was tied up, I was also dried up.

I get why he acted like that. He’s so sweet, and it’s really endearing how he's so careful not to hurt me, but that was not the time to be sweet. He was supposed to be a burglar! Stopping in the middle of a home invasion to ask how the cinches feel is a really quick way to kill the mood.

I decided to give him another pointer. “Listen, you’re a good rigger. Just trust yourself and do what you think works. You’ll do fine.”

“I’m a good rigger because I always double-check with you,” he said. “That’s what works.”

“Sure,” I sighed. “But your character isn’t like that. You’ve gotta stay in character, babe.”

“I’m trying. It’s not that easy.”

“Sure, it is! You’re a burglar. Take charge, tie me up, threaten me a little bit, and then have your way with me.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You do know that’s rape, right?”

I rolled my eyes and sighed again. “Yes, Ethan, I am familiar with the concept.”

“Okay,” he said defensively. “No need for the attitude.”

I should have apologized right away. My snarkiness wasn’t helping, but I just couldn’t help myself. That was some next-level mansplaining he was doing, and it had me feeling pretty frustrated. Not only was I frustrated, but I was honestly really disappointed. We’d been talking about doing this for nearly a month, and I was so excited going into it. You’d feel pretty let down too if you found out the hard way that the love of your life just wasn’t cut out for your favourite kink. In the end, we just abandoned that whole ‘burglar’ angle. At least the sex and the bondage were good, almost good enough to salvage that lousy evening.

I went to go brush my teeth after we were all done, and I found this letter on the vanity. It didn’t have a return address or anything, just a wax seal with an insignia stamp like they used to do long ago. The insignia looked like the sun, and when I opened the envelope, there was nothing inside but this reflective sheet of gold paper. I had no idea what it meant or how it got there. I just assumed it was some silly gesture from Ethan. I didn’t show him the letter or even bring it up until later though, and when I did, he had no idea what I was talking about. The damn letter disappeared, so I never even got a chance to show it to him. I wish I had, but we weren't talking much for the rest of that night.

I was still bummed about the roleplay, and I didn’t really want to talk about it. He would later tell me that degradation and non-consent roleplays were hard limits for him. They made him “feel like an abuser”. That was fair. He always respects my limits, so it was only right for me to respect his, but I wasn’t ready to concede that as we laid in bed that night. I still needed to sleep on it.




I don’t know how I heard that message because I didn’t really hear it. Still, those words were all so clear to me. It was like they’d been downloaded directly into my brain.

Those words woke me up, and I groggily rolled over on the bed. After a second or two, I noticed that something was different. Ethan was gone!

“Mn...Wha-- MMPH!”

A hand pressed down over my lips, and terror swept over me. I screamed into my attacker’s palm. I swear, my heartbeat tripled in speed instantaneously.

A low, menacing voice snarled at me from above. It sounded like a middle-aged man. “Don’t you fucking dare scream. Do exactly as I say, and no one will get hurt. Understand?”

“Mmn,” I whimpered. That was all I could manage to say. My adrenaline-charged mind was way too flustered to even consider the proper course of action.

“I said, do you understand,” he repeated!

“Mn! Yhhf!” I nodded my head as best I could and raised my hands to show that I had surrendered. I was running on nothing but instinct and emotion, the strongest of which was fear.

“Smart gal,” he snickered. “Now, roll over!”

He took his hand off of my mouth and shoved me sideways. He was so strong and forceful that I involuntarily gasped as I was rolled onto my belly. I still didn’t scream though. It was dark in the room, and I couldn’t see if he was carrying a weapon or not. One way or another, he was a whole lot stronger than me, and all I had on me was my pink nightwear. I was no match for him, and so I pressed myself down into the mattress and just hoped that he wouldn’t hurt me.

And that’s when I heard the duct tape.

Fear gripped me as I heard that telltale ripping sound behind me. My heart jumped into my throat, and goosebumps formed all over my skin. I must have frozen up because I didn’t resist at all when he pulled my hands behind my back.

He actually started at my elbows, which pressed together easily as he tightly wound the tape around them. With each pass, he wound the tape further down my forearms. However, he stopped before getting to my wrists and said, “Don’t fucking move.”

There was a pause. I heard him stepping away and flinched when the lights were turned on without warning. I could hear him rummaging through something, and then he was back. “Put your hands together, now!”

I complied without a word, and I soon felt a soft fabric stretching over my hands, enveloping them. He’d put a sock over my hands! This guy wasn’t messing around. He finished wrapping up my arms, stopping at my wrists. I was well and truly stuck at that point. The sock prevented me from handling anything with my hands, and his tape had partially wrapped over the sock, so there was no way I could get it off my hands!

I’ll admit that I got a bit turned on at that point. It was involuntary. Tied hands mean wet Sabrina. It’s just automatic, even at times like this apparently. I silently cursed myself for being such a hopeless sub and tried to calm myself, but my captor grabbed me and forcefully pulled me up on my knees before I could calm down.

“Sit,” he commanded.

I sat still and allowed him to wrap my arms to my torso. He wound the tape around my waist, below my breasts, and above them too. That just got me more riled up, and I hated that. I heard him say, “Get on the edge of the bed,” and so I did.

For the first time, I was able to get a good look at my captor. The first thing I noticed was his black ski mask. It covered his face entirely, leaving nothing but his tight lips and his brown eyes visible. He wore a grey wool sweater with long sleeves and long black pants. He wasn’t wearing gloves though. In fact, I could this gold ring on his finger that had a sun on it. His outfit covered him up quite well, but it was still kind of revealing. I could see the shape of his big arms and his wide chest through the stretchy fabric. The same went for his perky ass. It was just as I’d feared. I was being robbed!

I took a long, shaky breath and said, “What have you done with Eth--"

“Shut up,” he snapped. “I’m the one asking questions here. You’re gonna tell me where you keep the valuables, or else!”

I shook my head. “Please, we don’t have anything valuable here!”

He reached behind his back and pulled out a giant knife. “Like hell you don’t!”

“THE TV,” I cried. “MMPH!”

He pressed his hand over my lips. He pressed hard enough to send me falling back into the mattress. It was there that I cowered beneath him, staring up at those intense eyes. I hated myself right then because, despite everything, I was wet. I was wet, and I couldn’t help myself.

“You’re gonna answer my questions, and you're going to it quietly,” he growled. “Now, where’s the good stuff?”

He pulled his hand off of my mouth, and I swallowed hard. “Take, the TV,” I said slowly. “The Xbox is worth something too!”

“Bitch, do I look like I want your damn TV,” he asked?

I was confused. Thieves always took the TV, didn’t they? He leaned in and said, “Where’s your jewelry?”

This was bad. Most of my jewelry had come from boutiques at the mall. The most expensive necklace I had was only worth forty-five bucks! I knew that the burglar wouldn’t be satisfied with that answer, so I just motioned to the dresser. “It’s all over there.”

He pulled away and started rummaging through my stuff. I was relieved to not have him all up in my face, but I knew that he’d come back for me when he didn’t find anything good. My mind raced and I thought hard about what I had that could appease this psycho. Unfortunately, he could search faster than I could think.

“This is seriously it?!” He sounded furious. He spun around and threw one of my bracelets against the wall, where it bent from the force. “Are you kidding me?!”

“I’m not,” I whimpered. “Please, just take my purse and let me go. We don’t have anything valuable here!”

I was desperate to get out. I was scared, I was excited, and I wanted out. I would have told him anything. I hoped that he could see that, that he would take pity on me and leave, but that just wasn’t meant to be. Even with his mask on, I could see the predatory glare in his eyes as he loomed over me and brandished his knife. “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong.”

He pointed to my chest using his knife. “You see those?”

I looked down and immediately started to blush at what I saw. My nipples were bulging through my clothes, leaving a clear outline.

“Someone’s enjoying herself…”

“No, I’m not,” I cried. I struggled to escape, but that didn’t help at all. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt more helpless and embarrassed in my whole life. “Just please let me go!”

I flinched and made a little scream as his hand shot at my breasts. He squeezed my boob and held it up while he ran his knife below it. The blade tore through the fabric of my nightwear, carving the chest open and exposing my breasts.

“If there’s nothing worth stealing, then I’m just going to have to make this worth my while some other way…”

I panicked. “HELP! ETHAN!”



That was Ethan’s voice! I was back in bed. No lights, no cuts in my shirt, no burglar. I was panting, and I heard Ethan starting to get worried.

“What is it,” he asked? “What’s wrong?”


I calmed down the instant I realized that it had all been a dream. That’s actually a bit of an understatement. I was so damn relieved to find out that I was safe. None of it was real! But there was still something that didn’t sit right with me. I remembered that weird message from the start of my dream. It told me that it would end if I spoke the name of my lover, and that’s exactly what happened. I typically have unusual and nonsensical dreams, but that, that was something else. It was so strange that I didn’t even know what to tell my boyfriend, so I just didn’t.

“I had a nightmare.”

He kissed me tenderly and asked if I was okay. Such a sweetie. I told him that I was feeling a lot better, and it wasn’t long before he was sound asleep again. I laid in bed wide awake for the longest time. The dream was like a fantasy of mine, the same one that I had tried to act out with Ethan; and his name… it was kind of like a safeword!

“You are safe.” I quietly repeated the message to myself. “Could it be?”

I had a theory, and it was crazy, but I knew exactly how to test it. I closed my eyes, sank into my pillows, and went back to sleep. 
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Post by NotSeen »

Oh, okay... So it's a series. Not that I mind, though. Not with stories this good. I _am_ mostly into F/F but with writing this good... oh yes, I am going to want to find out how this ends AND the backstory behind those letters...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Fascinating, those Dream Sequences! I like them a lot :)
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Post by Pseudonym »

Oh wow. What a concept! Now excuse me while I find every single entry in this series.
Look, one of us is getting tied up and played with before the end of the night. Is it me, or is it you?
My stories:
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Post by TomYi »


A hand clasped over my mouth. Ethan was gone again.

“Don’t you fucking dare scream. Do exactly as I say, and no one will get hurt. Understand?”

It was him again! The burglar was back, and he was repeating his old lines in word-for-word verbatim.

Fear overcame me again, but it was different this time. It wasn’t scary like a home invasion, so much as an amusement park ride. I surrendered, and he taped me up just like before. As the tape wound around me, my fear dissipated, but the burning heat in my crotch stayed behind. I think it was the familiarity that made me less afraid. I had been here before, and I knew what to do.

It all went down just like it had before. He wasn’t satisfied with anything I had, and I inevitably found myself under the blade of his knife. I did get scared again, but I held my tongue that time. This was where I’d put him to the test and see whether or not I really was safe. Sure enough, he cut a hole in my shirt big enough to fully expose my breasts to the night air, and more importantly, he did it without leaving a single scratch on me.

And just like that, I wasn’t afraid. I actually could have cheered. He really wasn’t going to hurt me! The burglar even threw the knife away after that, as if to confirm that there was no real danger. I may not have been afraid, but I was more excited than ever!

Little did I know, we were just getting to the good part. He took the wide cut-out from my chest and began balling it up in his hands. “Any last words?”

That actually caught me off guard at first. How was I supposed to shout the safeword if I was gagged? But then I realized that that was the point. We were about to plunge into the deep end, and he was giving me one last chance to get out. Hell, he even waited for me to say something!

Most people would call me crazy for doing what I did, but I thought it through. I really did! The dream had told me about the safeword, and it was true. The dream also told me that I was safe, and it looked as though that was true as well. This whole burglary thing was my fantasy. I thought it would always be nothing but a fantasy, but this was my chance to live it out! I remember telling myself, ‘It’s just a dream.’

My last words were, “You’ll never get away with this.”

“Just watch me,” he sneered as he shoved the wad into my mouth.

“Nm-MMPH!” It was a pretty big mass of cloth, and it filled my mouth completely.

He picked up the roll of tape and stretched it open. A long sticky strip was pressed over my lips, and he proceeded to wrap the roll around my head. It ran over my stuffed mouth five times before he ripped off the roll and threw it away. By that point, I was beside myself with lust. I don’t know if was because of my revelation, or because I was gagged, or because I couldn’t escape with the safeword anymore, but I was so, unbelievably thirsty!

“You won’t be needing these,” he cooed as he practically ripped off my shorts.

I stared downward with wide eyes as he placed a hand on my pussy. “Oh, wow! You’re wetter than I thought! Such a little freak, aren’t ya?”

I don’t know what I was expecting, but this was nothing like anything Ethan had ever done with me. I was mortified. I was mortified, but I was wet, just like he said. I still tried to deny it though. I shook my head and moaned, “Nmnmm.”

That wrap gag was one of the most effective gags I’d ever worn. It muffled my voice so much that I couldn’t produce a single intelligible word. All I could manage were these pitiful little moans, and that moan was the first of many.

He smiled like a child with his plaything. I suppose that’s all I was at that point, his toy. He reached over with both hands and cupped my breasts. He squeezed one after the other, kneading them like dough. I protested in my gag and struggled wildly against my bonds. I wasn’t trying to escape or anything though. The struggling is actually my favourite part. I like to put my bonds to the test so I can feel just how effectively I’ve been bound and gagged.

And let me just say, he got me pretty good.

Not only did the tape hold firm, but it made it painful to move. It was the tightest and most effective bondage I’d ever experienced. It certainly wasn’t without its downsides, but I truly had no hope of getting out, just the way I like it.

“Mnm!” I let out a little squeal as he pinched my nipples and pulled his hands away.

That made him chuckle. “That’s the spirit! Might as well have fun since you’re never getting out.”

He cupped my breasts, and then my chin, twisting me around and examining me like a piece of meat. “I think I know just what to do with you…”

He lifted me off the sheets and hoisted me over his shoulder, causing me to let out another mewl. He walked away from the bed with me facing behind him, not able to see where he was taking me. There was a loud clatter, and I turned my head to see some of my jewelry scatter onto the floor. He was clearing off the dresser, but why?

My question was answered right away. He flipped me around and effortlessly bent me over the countertop. My bound body was pressed down onto the cold wood while my nether regions hung fully exposed over the edge.

I heard him say, “Moan for me,” and then I felt something enter me.

I tried not to moan for him. He was a shameless thief and had no business ordering me around, but I moaned anyway. My stupid wet pussy allowed him inside as though he were invited, and when he hit the right spot, I couldn’t help myself.

“That’s a good girl.”

Asshole. I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but all I could do was moan just like he wanted. I hated it, but God did it ever feel good! It was so degrading, but it was everything I’d ever imagined.

His fingers pulled out and were promptly replaced. They were replaced by something much longer. “Now scream for me!”

I screamed for him.

I screamed a lot of times, actually. I screamed, and I moaned, and I wailed, but my gag kept my voice from ever reaching beyond the walls of the room. He went in hard and deep, and he started hitting a spot almost immediately. He hit that spot with every damn thrust, and it drove me crazy. I squirmed and wriggled in my bonds, to what end, I can’t say for sure.

I came three times, but he just kept going. I was his bitch, and he decided when it was time to stop. My legs tingled and tensed with each orgasm, and then they started to feel numb. I started to wonder if he would ever stop. What if this was to be my fate for God knows how long? The very thought of that made me so damn hot. He pushed it in extra deep when he finally came, and that caused me to shriek into my thick gag.

He pulled out, and I whimpered. I could do nothing but whimper. I felt him place a hand on my butt and pat me like a dog. “I was right. You did make this worth my time.”

He pulled his pants up and headed for the door. “Stick around, and maybe I’ll come back for more. Hell, maybe I’ll take you back to my place next time. Someplace where no one will ever find you, and I’ll have you all to myself. ‘Til we meet again, bitch.”

And then he was gone. I was alone.


I know this is going to sound weird, but I’m glad that I let him gag me. I’m glad that I submitted and let him have his way with me. It was my fantasy, and I finally got to live it out. It’s kind of ironic, it was all just a dream, but it felt more real and immersive than any roleplay ever could have.

There was still one thing that real-life roleplay had over the dream though. Luckily, I woke up just in time to get the best of both worlds.

You see, I may be a bit of a freak in bed, but I do still love me some good aftercare. It’s important for me, and it was missing from my dream. It left me feeling abandoned and alone, but then I woke up, and I was with Ethan again. All the pain and soreness I’d felt in the dream was gone, but I still needed to be held and cuddled. Thankfully, that’s something that Ethan has always excelled at!

I snuggled up to him, and he took me in his arms without question, still half asleep. I was so glad to have him at that moment. It didn’t matter if he couldn’t simulate my wild fantasies. After all, I now knew a place where I could go for that.
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Post by NotSeen »

Just as good - if not better - than the first one. I am usually not that into non-consensuality, but this was still good (in part because, well, it was, kinda, consensual, right?).
All in all, I'm really interested to see what kind of other GDC stories we will still get to read... and I'm really interested to see what kind of backstory there is to the 'golden' letters...
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Post by TomYi »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]Pseudonym[/mention]

Thanks for that awesome feedback! This story was the idea that first got the ball rolling, and if you like the concept, then be sure to CLICK HERE and find out more!
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