Policewoman and daughter captured by boyfriend m/Ff

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Policewoman and daughter captured by boyfriend m/Ff

Post by arbamanre »

-Cap. 1.- He got me!

My name is Morgan, I am policewoman, divorced; and time ago my daughter Vanessa and I were captured by her boyfriend in my own house!

In that time, I was 40, and I only cared about my job and my daughter (everybody says that I overprotect her). I’m single and since my bitter divorce I never had a date, despite everybody tells me that I’m attractive. And I suppose I still got it! I always was into sports and I training hard to be prepared to face the delinquents, so my legs are big and toned, and my abs and arms are marked. But I don’t want pass for all that ‘dating thing’ again, also I barely had friends due my ‘strong cop’ personality, I don’t have patient for no one, except for my sweet daughter.

Vanessa was 17 years old, she is the beautiful glean of my eyes! A sweet well behaved girl, blue-eyed like me, a nice feminine body but not too trained as mine, brown hair unlike mine that is dark. So I was surprised that she dated with idiots all the time! So I do my best to repel them.

That day my turn was finally over, I was working in a hard case about continuous robs to different trucks, but we couldn’t find where they store the commodities or how they sell it, I was so frustrated about that. And Vanessa call me asking me permission to invite her new boyfriend to eat with us, so I keep me my uniform to put pressure at this new idiot.

In my house I meet this guy, Ralph, 18 years, good looking but thin and smaller than me, I smile mocking of him in my mind. Even I couldn’t believe him when told me that actually he was working charging boxes in a local warehouse company.

I had my ‘hard chat’ with him, but he was secure, smart and charismatic, he never got intimidated by me. And actually after a while we all three had a good talking, even I talked about my divorce! And I never talk about that!

Anyway I felt that I can’t trust in this boy, also I casually remember that the company where he works is a suspect in my case, so I try to make questions but he didn’t want give me clear answers because ’it’s confidential’.

“Mom relax! You can’t do this to me again. You promised me you will trust in me and my elections”

“Of course! This is just curiosity! Let me ask him all the question that I want”

“It’s ok Vanessa, your mom is just worry about you” replies Ralph

“That is not an excuse! Why we don’t talk about something else, or we play a game or something”

“Well, I want to play at the ‘officer interrogation’!” I said sarcastically

And Ralph surprise us with his response:

“Actually Mrs. Morgan that sounds good, we can have a game and answer you, we all handcuff each one of us by turns in a chair, in the living room, while the other two make two questions”

” I would do it if only I can be sure you will answer with the truth” I reply to him

“Well, if the ’accused’ not convince the other will be a prisoner and will fulfil any punishment that the other two want. What do you think?”

I accepted immediately, I trust in my ability to detect lies! Vanessa to calm things ask to be the first ‘accused’, so she sited and I cuffed her hands back. First I asked if they are having sex and ashamed says ’yes’, immediately he ask her if she loves me, and if she is proud of me, attempting in vain to soft me with her answers; and my second question was if she is letting him tie her up, (I noticed before rope marks on her wrists) and she ashamed confirmed, she said that was a fun hobby. I was too furious now!

Later was his turn, he sits and I handcuff him. Vanessa ask if he really loves her and if he wasn’t cheating her, he said ‘yes’ and ‘no’, I asked if his company works often until early morning and if they have unofficial delivery vehicles, he said 'yes', and that the only unofficial vehicle was a special bus they have to transport employees. I trust in my ‘guts’ and I believe him.

It was my turn, so I want finish quickly with this to focus myself in keep pressing this kid, so I sit angry and Vanessa handcuffs me. But I really wasn’t prepared in any way for the Ralph’s ’bomb’:

“Do you still love your ex-husband?”

“Ehh!... Eh!.. NO! Of course not!” I answered flushed and nervous! I can’t hide the shame in my face and I unconsciously bite my lips. I was surprised by him; I really never had think about it until that moment! But looks like unexpectedly I still feel something about him.

“Wow! Mom!”

“Well Mrs. Morgan, looks like you lost”

“Hell no! this is stupid, release me now!”

“Mom! We all accorded the rules to everybody”

“I don’t care! Release me!”

I was talking loud and angry; It was obvious that I was lying but I will not let this boy keep me handcuffed! But he replies:

“It’s fine Vanessa, release her. Your mom is unsecure right now, so you shouldn’t obligate her to fulfil her promises”

“Hey! Don’t be condescending with me boy! I’ll do the punishment! … Ok… I will be your prisoner, but not too long!” I reply angry

“Good! Vanessa, help me to secure her”

They took my zip-ties for arrests, and with a smile they secured each one of my ankles to the chair legs, while I can’t hide my anger

“I can’t believe I let do this to some brats that even can’t buy a burger with their own money”

“Actually mom, Ralph earns enough to rent a beach house! It is near to the dock”

I think about it for a second, and I wide open my eyes. I figure out in that moment how the robbers took off the commodities, and Ralph was an accomplice!

When I was about to say something, he anticipated me and gagged me with his hand.

“Mmmmph! Mmmmmph!”

“I think the best punishment for a liar mouth is a gagged mouth”

“It’s not too much Ralph!?” Said Vanessa

“Haha, but you actually know that is not big deal! You are often gagged! Come on, pass me that rag and the duct tape from my backpack”

She did it, and he put the rag in my mouth, and sealed it with a lot of pieces of tape over my mouth


“Wow Mrs. Morgan! You really hate to lose, but you have to maintain your word now”


-Cap. 2.- We are prisoners in our own home

I tried to scream and struggle with fury and all my strength to warn Vanessa, but despite I could see the doubt in her eyes like thinking that something is wrong, he convinces her with his blarney that just I’m too angry because I lost. Then, from his backpack, he took a bandana to blindfolded me.

“Mmmmrrrgh! Mmnnnph!” I shook my head to avoid the blindfold but was useless

Then he whispers to Vanessa:

“Hey babe! Looking this ties, don’t have the mood for our ‘hobby’?”

“No way! My mom is here! And this is so weird!”

“A better reason to do it! I can see deep in your eyes that you would love to experiment something ‘weird’. Don’t you?”

“Hahaha! Nooo!... Come here!” she replies with a nervous laughter while I hear that he goes for his backpack.

He starts to tie her up in the couch in front me! And both sounds so relaxed! Chatting and laughing like if I wasn’t there! I try to yell with fury through my gag but they ignore me. Minutes later he stands in front of me and took off my blindfold. I got shocked at see my daughter too tied! Her arms where tied behind her, in parallel with a lot of rope holding them, the rope was above and under her breasts and also back her neck (later I knew that way of tying her arms to torso is called ‘boxtied’), while her legs where tied together in ankles, knees and thighs, and also she was blindfolded with a bandana; but she was smiling! I can’t believe the problem we were into!

Then he approached me and starts speak low into my ear while I shut up with a nervous breathing to listen him:

“Mrs. Morgan, I know that you just know the truth about me. But you can’t do nothing about it, you and your daughter are in my hands. So don’t try something stupid” Then he softly kisses my lips over my gag.

“Grmmmnph! Mmmrrrph!”

I grunted angry, but he only smiles and goes with Vanessa that was still blindfolded, and he starts to kiss her in front me! Moments later she interrupts him.

“Wait! Sorry, we have to stop. I really feel awkward doing this in front my mom!”

“I will not stop, babe! But I understand”

He took a bandana and said to Vanessa

“Open your mouth”

“Aaaah…” She smiling trustfully let him cleave gag her!

Then he took her on his arms (I saw that I underestimated his strength!) and he carry her to my room, and he stayed with her some minutes, while I just can grunt through my tape gag and futilely struggle against the handcuffs and the zip-ties in my ankles.

Like half hour later, he came back with a grin in his face.


“What’s up Morgan!... You know?... I really enjoyed my time playing with your daughter”


“Hahaha, your suppositions are right! A gang works with some people of the company, and I am the medium to take out the commodities, they hide it in the bus for employees, the last stop is the beach house they rented to me next to the dock, and transport all the stuff by boat to the ships”


“This are dangerous people... so the easiest way to I get out of this is get rid of you and your daughter”

“MMMMMPH! MMMNNRPH! MMMMPH!” I shook desperately with my head

“Trust me, I really love your daughter! So I will try something else. I will call them to advertise them that the police have a good clue, and I suggest they clean all the evidence in the warehouse and in the beach house. I will disappear from this city later”

“Mmph fmmu” I try to say relieved ‘thank you’

“But to that I decree something”


“Until I leave this town, you are my property! Just like your daughter already is”

“Mmmnn! Mmmmnn!” I scary shook ‘no’ with my head

“There are only two options! So you choose… Will you be my property, Yes or No!?” He said threatening me

“Mmm hmm” I nodded ‘yes’ with tears in my eyes. I was scared, my pride was broken now. I feel totally surrendered at this little boy.

“I’m glad Morgan! Ok, I need to tie you up differently, but first help me to get you only in your underwear”

I grunt but I obeyed him in all. First he unties my ankles to remove my shoes, socks and pants, and he re-tied my ankles together but with rope, also he tied my knees, and thighs. Then he helps me to stand up and he unbuttoned my uniform shirt and remove it until it bumps with my handcuffs, so he took a piece of rope and tied my upper arms the most together possible, and with more rope tied my arms to torso passing the rope above and under my breasts, then he releases the cuffs and tied my wrists with rope.

He removes the tape and the rag in my mouth and I try to talk:

”Mmblah!... please I…Aghmmmph!” immediately he took a red ballgag and putted on my mouth.

So he left me sited in the couch only wearing my white underwear, and he went away to make a long phone call to his gang; while I tested my ties trying to escape, but I realized he was an expert in this, so all my efforts will be in vain.

When he came back said “everything is working as planned” and took me in his arms and carried me to my room.

When we enter, I saw my daughter tied up, she and me got shocked when we saw each other! She was tied into a chair next to my bed, boxtied as before but secured to the chair and only wearing her pink underwear, and now she has a red ballgag like me. She starts to squirm and reclaim through her gag:

“Mmmaaaoorph! Mmmmn!”

“Guess what baby?! Your mom decided to join us!”

“Mmmmph!” she grunts and shakes her head to say ‘no’, but he just laughs.

He lay me on my bed over my stomach, raise my ankles and tie them to my wrist, letting me in hogtied position, while Vanessa struggles and stare him with anger, and I, worried and ashamed, stare her with sadness.

He took a bandana and blindfolded me. Then starts to fondle and kissing me in front of my own daughter! I squirm and moan trying to reject him, and Vanessa cries with anger and struggles frustrated, but Ralph seems like it, he is specially enjoying caressing my legs and breast.

At first the sadness filled me, I only could think in how my poor Vanessa was feeling, but with shame I admit that minutes later I just let me go and start to enjoy a bit his hands! He knew things, and I really miss the touch from a man! Sometime later he just stops and releases my hogtie and my blindfold


“I know you are enjoying it, but don’t be selfish. Share with Vanessa!”

“MMMMPH!” We both moaned.

He released Vanessa from the chair and switched us, he sites me in the chair and secure me tying a rope in the ties back in my torso and passing it back the chair until my ankles, like a kind of hogtied, and raising my feet until they were hanging, with my thumbs at one inch above the floor.

Then he hogtied and blindfolded Vanessa like to me before, and he fondles her just like he did it to me. Vanessa resisted at first, but, listening her moans, I think that she eventually started to enjoy it. I were incredulous, I was screaming through my gag with fury but he doesn’t stop.

Minutes later his cellphone rings, it was his gang.

“… ok, I’m on my way”


“OK ladies, they need me to ‘clean’ something. You catch me, no Morgan?”


“I’ll be right back, so you keep quiet”

“Mmm mmmn!”

He took a rope and he tied the Vanessa’s hogtied ankles to the head of the bed to prevent that she tries to get down, then he took a bandana to blindfold me, and he went in his car while Vanessa and I squirm and grunt frantically, but just the first minutes. Later we surrendered and we just wait, moaning time by time, I felted so powerless as never in my life.

-Cap. 3 The final plan

Hours later he came back, it’s weird to say it but I was relieved with his arrival. He released me from my chair and released Vanessa from his hogtied, he removes our blindfolds too. I can see near to him the duct tape and a pair of bandanas with a knot tied in the middle:

“Everything is working on! but for our safety I need to transport you out the city”

“Mmm mmmn!” My daughter and I shocked the head to say ‘no’

“Hahaha. It’s not a question. First let me change your gags, you must be tired of the ballgag” And he first removes the Vanessa's gag

"Blaah!... What's wrong with you, psychopath! We are not going with you anywhere!"

"It's a long story babe, but you must cooperate by your safety. Or not Morgan?" And I nodded 'yes', staring him with anger

"Really!?...Mom!?... I don't understand it!... but suppose I will be quiet. But consider this our break up!"

He grabs her head and kissed her:

"Unfortunately It couldn't be other way"

Then he cleavegags her with one of that bandanas, and wraps several spins of tape rolling it around her head, over her mouth, taking care of not tape her hair.

"Trust me, I do this because I love you"

"Phmmn mmmmun!"

"Now you, Morgan" And he removes my ballgag

"Mmblah!... Untie us Ralph! We will cooperate now; you don't have to do this!"

"This is for everyone’s safety! I don't want you suddenly choose act like a brave cop and try something stupid. So, open your mouth!"

I resigned obeyed him, so he puts me the cleave gag and the tape around my head just like he did it with Vanessa. Then he searches for two coats in the closet, also two scarves and two blankets, and carry all that stuff to my car. Next he came for us, first took Vanessa in arms to the backseat of the car and later he took me there too. In the car he putted to each of us a coat superimposed, he secured the safety belts, cover our legs with the blankets and our gags with the scarves. He finished blindfolded us with bandanas and he put on us sunglasses. If in my turn I would see something like this in the street, I would immediately stop the car! But it was now early in the morning so maybe we can make it without nobody see us.

"You will be calmed all the travel! If someone catch us is our end, Ok?"

"Mmm hmm" We nodded yes

He drives to the road, and the feeling of not knowing where are we going terrifies me, so I started to hard breathing, but Vanessa calmed me caressing my feet with theirs. I feel proud of her, she could maintain the calm despite all, instead me, that I never been tied up before and, never in my whole life, I felt helpless before, I was about to cry in my vulnerability. I never could imagine that was possible that this young man, that I underestimated, now had the total control over us.

Like an hour later he stops the car:

“We already arrived. This is a not concurred motel but still keep quiet! I'll go to rent a room "

"Mmm hmm" We nodded to him

When he came back, he hurries to release our safety belts and carried me in arms to the room letting me in the bed, and he ran to bring Vanessa too. Then he took off our blindfolds, we were in an ugly, cheap, small room. Also I noticed in the corner his backpack and a big baggage

"Well, our moments together are finishing, when the dawn comes I'll go away letting you here tied up"


"Don't worry, I'll make sure you can release yourselves... well, except you Morgan"


He took from his backpack my handcuffs, he untied my wrists and handcuff me


"The keys are in your house, so you can't free yourself until you get back home"

"Grmmmmph!" I grunt and struggled angry

"We need to rest now. So you both be quiet"

He putted us in the bed, and he lay between my daughter and me, embracing us. At this point neither Vanessa or me tried to struggle against knots (also I had no chance with the handcuffs!), so we all drowse a little.

Early in the next morning, when I wake up, I saw him preparing himself to go.

"Mmmmph mmmph"

"Good morning, gorgeous!"

And Vanessa wake up due to my moaning, and when she saw him with his baggage about to go away, she started to squirm and moan bewildered and sad, while Ralph also looks sad when he stared her into the eyes, he keeps quiet for some minutes after that. He untied the Vanessa's boxtie and immediately, but in a delicate way, he grabs her hands back palm to palm and tied her wrists together; she didn't try to struggle at all. Then he took another rope and came back to me, he lay me on my stomach and strictly hogtied me with a rope from my ankles to the ties of my back

"Mmmmmmmrph!" I scream through my gag, It was too tight!

"Sorry Mrs. Morgan, but as you are a cop I need to be more careful with you" And he caressed my legs and kisses my head for last time

I tried to struggle with strength but I could barely move, next he took bandanas and blindfold Vanessa who now has a tear on her check, and later he blindfolded me.

"Mmmnnmph mmmrph!"

"Vanessa. The last time I tied your wrists just like this, you released yourself in 40 minutes; if your mom helps you I bet you can do it in the half of time. I let the keys of your mom's car in the table, the room is already payed so when you get untied immediately take your mom with you, and both drive back home. I made some calls and everything looks like they don’t suspect about you, Mrs. Morgan. So you can be calmed about them“

"Mmmph mmnph"

"It would be absurd say 'I'm sorry'. But trust me when I tell you that I really wish the best for both of you"


"Good bye" ...and he left us...

Vanessa stayed still, until I grunt her "Mmmmrph!". So she reacts and hops to approach her hands to mine to we both work to untie her. When finally she had her hands free, she started to untie us. The problem was that I was handcuffed, so she alone has to do all the untying! Our blindfolds, my hogtie and torso ties, her legs, my legs, our gags! It took more than an hour! And when we at last got free she said depressed:

"I'm sorry for all this mom! I can't understand why happened this! I should have known it " and she hugs me sad

"It’s ok honey. I'll tell you all the details in the way, but let's go home now"

We still only have our underwear, even we were barefoot, the only clothes available were the coats, blankets and scarves, so she putted herself a coat and she putted the other one superimposed over my shoulders. She took the rest of the stuff and, for no one to see us, we ran to the car as fast as we could! (It was weird run handcuffed, I finally understand how does it feels).

So, how I was handcuffed my daughter turn on the car and drove us to home; it was easy find the way, we weren't too far from our city and, despite we never been there before, the signs of the road were too clear.

So I was there, half-naked and handcuffed telling to my daughter in what was her ex-boyfriend involved in, she just listened quiet. I had all the way a strange feeling of guilty, but a stronger feeling of submission and nervousness, a feeling that I hoped that will stop when finally Vanessa will release my handcuffs.
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Post by GreyLord »

I enjoyed your story. Will you continue with it or start a new one? Well done.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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