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Just Like the Medieval Times (M/F)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:28 pm
by Stef
Part One

The story takes place in a small, suburban area during the first weeks of spring. An evening just like any other, Judith was practicing on her bass guitar. She stopped because she got annoyed by those loud banging noises coming from the next house’s basement.
Judith is an eighteen year old, slim, short, has dark hair with dyed blue edges that match her blue eyes, and in general, her punk styled appearance. She has that “I’m different” attitude. She was wearing a punk styled skirt, a black tank top, black ripped pantyhose and black boots. Her parents were divorced and she was living with her mother who was having so little time with, because she was working all day!
-“Oh gosh! Will he ever stop??” She said out loud after she ran out of patience. She dropped angrily her bass on the bed and went outside. She crossed the little yard between the houses and knocked the door.
-“Hey HEY! I’m trying to practice here! Can you stop that freaking noise all the time?” She complained rudely to the neighbor. A strange man, who was living alone and wasn’t very social. He must’ve been around his late forties. He looked at her with a grin.
-“Alright girl, but ask nicely next time” He told her.
-“Pff” She grinned and left. The man stared at her for a couple of seconds before closing the door. As she made her way back to her house, the loud banging noises started again.
-“The a**hole!” She whispered and stopped practicing for the evening.

Later at night, as Judith was returning home, she noticed her neighbor was out because his car was missing…
“I’m wondering what is he doing down on the basement all this time... Maybe I should take a quick look before he comes back!” She thought curious and walked to the back of the house. Luckily for her, the door to his kitchen was unlocked so she sneaked in after taking off her boots...

Part Two

She was walking on her tip toes around the house, and found, after a few seconds, the stairway that led to the basement. She opened the door. It was all dark so she turned on the lights, and to her surprise, it was a big room full of hooks, ropes, shackles and cuffs, and spanking paddles, hanging around, and a big wooden thing in the middle. She grasped and walked there to examine it. It was stocks, medieval wooden stocks!

“Wow they used to restrain people in the medieval times with that! What a creep!” She thought. As it was open, she bent to her front, and placed her head and hands on the holes, just to experience the feeling out of curiosity.
“Cool! Nobody would like to get stuck here… I don’t think it’s working anyway, it seems very old” She thought and accidentally pressed something with her foot. In an instant, the upper half of the stocks fell, and locked her in place!

-“Shit shit SHIIIT!!” She shouted surprised! “OH FUCK!” She added as she tried to get her hands and head out of it! But it was impossible as the holes were small! For the next couple of minutes, she struggled to get out of it but it was hopeless! She kept swearing while trying to reach the lock on the side, or the phone on her pocket, but realized that any effort was meaningless. She was stuck for good; Locked up in stocks, standing on her hosed feet facing the wall helpless…

-“How the fuck I’m gonna get out of this? I don’t want the creep to find me here!” She thought and panicked.”HEEEELP” She shouted afterwards a couple of times. Her cell phone started to buzz in her pocket, but it was unreachable… She struggled and struggled again making a lot of noise, until she was all sweaty. She shouted for help a couple more times until she finally gave up, accepting her fate.

Part Three

Approximately forty minutes later, Judith heard a car engine stop. Her heart pounded. “This can’t be happening” She thought panicked. A few minutes later she heard footsteps at the stairway getting closer. Someone entered the room and stopped, shocked at the view. Judith couldn’t see as she was facing the wall in the opposite way. She felt very embarrassed!

-“Well well well… Look who’s trapped here like a fly” The man said. It was her neighbor!
-“Umm… Hello? Mr. Nelson??” She asked very embarrassed. “Can you get me out of this?” She asked.
-“How did you get here in the first place? Were you snooping around my house?” He asked with an angry tone.
-“Mr. Nelson I can explain, but first help me to get out of this please…” She replied embarrassed and scared.
-“How did you manage to get stuck in there? Are you stupid or something?” He responded walking towards her.
-“I was curious and…” She started explaining.
-“Well haven’t you heard that curiosity killed the cat little lady?” He interrupted her.
-“Just get me out of here now!” She demanded.
-“Not that easily! You broke into my house and made my life harder with all those complaints for the past few months… Did you think I didn’t notice you flipping me off the other day?” He told her. “Well that should be a lesson for you for your behavior…” He added.
-“GET. ME. OUT. NOW!” She shouted at him.
-“Yelling doesn’t help your case dear” He said smiling. “Don’t make your situation worse. I demand an apology!” He added then. Judith didn’t listen and started swearing again loudly.
-“Fine then!” He said and started searching the stuff hanging off the walls. Seconds later he walked casually behind her, and held a big red ballgag with a harness in front of her face.
-“What’s that?!” She asked suspiciously.
-“That’ll shut you up since you’re not listening!” He said and forced the ball gag into her mouth. He strapped it behind her head tightly, under her chin and on the top of her head while she was still confused of what was happening. She couldn’t believe it!
-“Much better!” He added when he finished and glanced at her captive. She tried to say something but instead of words, muffled sounds and saliva came out of her mouth!

-“Peace at last! Don’t say I didn’t warn you” He told her “Are you going to apologize?” He added. Judith went crazy! She was trying to shout at him something angrily while struggling with all her power to get out of there. Then she tried to kick him!
-“You’ll learn respect one way or another young lady!” He answered and went on his “tools”! “First of all, let me take care of those feet” He added and removed the black, ripped pantyhose off her body and legs! She started kicking again but then she felt cold metal on her ankles, and heard a clicking sound a second later… The man cuffed her ankles using leg cuffs. He passed the chain through a small hook in the ground making her impossible to move her feet! She was angry, confused and scared at the same time and struggled like a maniac once more.

-“Now I’ll go upstairs to watch my favorite show on TV and return later to see if you’re ready to cooperate and apologize!” He said and walked away, completely ignoring her gargling sounds. She tried to push out the ball off her mouth but it was impossible as it was tightly strapped! He closed the door and went upstairs leaving poor Judith locked up in the stocks, gagged with a harness ballgag, and with her bare feet cuffed on the floor at his mercy!

Part Four

An hour later, with Judith calm and exhausted, the door opened again and the strange man walked again inside the room to his captive. Her drool was all over the floor as she couldn’t control it with the big ball gag in her mouth!

-“Let’s see now what you have to say brat. You did quite a mess here!” He said and unstrapped the harness off her head.
-“I swear to god if you don’t let me out I’ll kill you!” She said with a death stare at his captor.
-“Are you threatening me??” He replied with an evil laugh.
-“GET ME OUT IN AN INSTANT!” She demanded.
-“Hmm… I see! I need to soften you up a bit more. You have a very big mouth…” He said thinking. He grabbed a wide roll of duct tape from his stuff and then picked up her pantyhose which was lying on the floor. He balled it up and went in front of her face.
-“I think you need a more effective gag” He said. Her eyes widened.
-“Don’t you dare put that on mmmmMMMMMMM” She said but her pantyhose was forced inside her mouth and then duct tape, was placed on her lips and all around her head several times securing her gag! She moaned hard through her gag but you couldn’t hear a thing now except from the metal sounds that came of her cuffed feet! She kept trying to talk and shout but couldn’t make a sound! She was grossed in the thought of having her pantyhose stuffed in her mouth, forced to taste it and unable to spit it out!

She reazlized she didn't have a choice but to obey him.
-“Next time it’ll be your panties!” He said strictly. She nodded submissively.
-“Now we’re getting somewhere” He said happily. She gazed at her captor. “But we’re not done yet! You need a little more discipline” He added and walked away to other side of the room to get something. Judith couldn’t see a thing behind her. He walked back after a minute, went straight behind her and lifted her skirt up a bit.

-"MMMMM?" Judith complained confused. The man touched gently her exposed butt with a small, leather spanking paddle! Her eyes widened in panic as she felt it.

Part Five

-“You’ve been a bad girl” He said and then started spanking her ignoring her muffled protests! She was effectively gagged and she could only make silent moans despite her efforts! She regretted her bitchy behaviour and everything mean she's ever said or done at this point! Any kind of resistance was futile.
She moaned as loud as possible at first, but after about five minutes, she started feeling less pain and more excitement for some reason. Surprisingly enough, she got a little turned on by being spanked and started enjoying it! The feeling of being under someone’s control and spanked, was new to her! She started enjoying her helplessness and the fact that she couldn’t resist or protest! Then her moans came out of joy instead of pain and she started smiling excited! Her captor noticed that and started spanking her harder for a little while until he finally stopped. Her butt cheeks became red.
-“Are you gonna be a good girl now?” He asked. Her face was red. She glanced at him with puppy eyes and nodded. Then he removed all the tape off her face, and finally she spat out a wet ball of pantyhose. She looked at him and whispered “I-- I’m sorry…”
-“Good!” He replied happily. “Now have you learned your lesson?” He asked again.
-“Yes… yes.. master” She whispered looking down. The man un-cuffed her ankles and then unlocked the stocks. Judith was finally free! She sat down for a few minutes speechless. Her neighbor broke the silence and asked.
-“You deserved a little spanking, didn't you?"
-“Yes” She replied with shyness.
-“If I catch you snooping around here again or misbehave… You’ll be punished!” He said jokingly. Judith smiled embarrassed!
-“I’m sorry Mr. Nelson...” Judith told him with her eyes looking down. Then she picked up her pantyhose and boots, and walked home barefoot.

A few weeks later, around midnight, someone was knocking at her neighbor's door. He opened the door and to his surprise it was Judith!
-“Hello” She said.
-“Hey. Everything alright?” He replied.
-"I don't know why i came here.." She whispered. He was thinking for a moment.
-"Have you been naughty?" He asked with an evil grin.
-"Yes..." She said embarassed. "I--I deserve to be punished!" She added.
-"You haven't learned, have you?" He replied. "Come in. You need more discipline young lady" He added then. Judith then walked inside closing the door behind her.

The End...

...Or not?

Re: Just Like the Medieval Times (M/F)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:00 pm
by jocastacicely95
Pretty good.